
The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast (13)

The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast (13)




(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on; on scrid; on; on dropbox; on mediafire; on docs.zoho; on, r.n.)


I give to the Romanian people the glory of My word, which I am setting into My book with you as counsel upon man, My people, and I teach him to take and to know, for I give him and I wait for him with great love for his renewal, to his new birth, to be a new creature, a new country, clothed within the saints and angels, for the fleeting glory of the world passes away like the world and as its worldly work, but the eternal glory of the saints remains, and I, the Lord of the resurrection of all things, want you to remain, My today’s country, for the land under you is My choice from the beginning, and you still do not understand what a mystery your land has. Take your time to hear Me! Oh, take your time to talk with God! Lucifer knows you even from the beginning, and now he tries to play his book in you to fill you with his work hostile to Me, but I am coming and telling you to take note of this from Me and to come under My mantle, under My counsel so that I may protect you from the hour of temptation, for the hard temptation has come upon you, about which is written in the Scriptures that is coming, and you do not read the Scriptures and do not know them if you do not read them to understand them. Oh, you have to read in the Scriptures and do nothing else but only that what is written in them to do, for I want to overcome for you, and then for Me with you, My country.


Oh, well Lucifer, oh, oh, My angel disobedient to God, do no longer be enchanted with your enmity against Me and against My work of the renewal of the world, since you know that I am God and not you, for I am he Victor and not you. Oh, put your weapons down and come to rest for you were the most beautiful angel of the angelic armies and behold what the man’s haughtiness did to you when he came to be proud, and you served him to your fall by his fall! Oh, step aside with your work from man and make way for Me to raise the man from the dead, to give him birth again and to see what he did to God’s angels, whom he drew in the depth of his will for the glory against God’s glory, which is eternal forever and ever! Oh, come back into the heavenly glory, from which you fell through man, disobedient angel, and you will have rest from your toils! Oh, behold what it does the hiding from God in those hidden of the hidden man! I command you, in a day of Passover in heaven and on earth on the Lamb of God, take your weapons and cleanse yourself and your work on the hearth of the Romanian people, the land chosen by Me at the beginning for the glory of God in the end! Listen to Me! Behold, you have armed yourself with all your hidden works to defile this land and to seal My people on it with the seal of destruction, (The money, r.n.) with the seal opposing to God’s will. I do not let you do this. You will come to obedience from now on. Either you want it or not, I, the Lord of resurrection, the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the mother Virgin, ask you to come in submission, I subject you under My passing power, for it is written that I would do that. Oh, be good from now on, for you are an angel and you have to know what you were before what you are now, for I remind you this. I will give birth again to man, for I have come on the earth with the new birth of the world, and you will remain without man and you will no longer be the man’s tool, and the man will no longer be your tool, and you will be without a house and will not want to leave the enmity and wickedness; however, I tell you with mercy, submit yourself under My mercy, under My love, because behold, I am the Victor, I and not you. I do not tell you in this way to prevail against you, but to make you see and wake up from your wicked work, which has worn down your sight and you hope for good for you. Behold, look to see your place if you do not want to come under My love to give you the rest without fire. Do not be without faith. I know that you believe Me but you are stubborn. I, the Lord, call you to the rest which you lost after you had no longer listened to Me, after you had hidden in man to fall together with him, serving man’s will full of haughtiness against Me at the beginning of creation. I stay with the work of My word on the hearth of the Romanian people and on which you want now to stretch out you tent and to try to make your kingdom. Oh, I do not let you, Lucifer. I call you with your name from Me given at the beginning, against your dark work that you have now upon the earth. I am with the feast of the resurrection, the feast of My word on the land of the Romanian people, and you saw My table spread on it, spread on it for more than fifty years, and you try to open up your tent over My holy mountain, My mountain from the end, and about which it is clearly written in the Scriptures, and only he who does not read does not understand, and only the one who does not look to see does not believe. Oh, what do you want to do over My country? Oh, I do not let you; I do not let you, Lucifer. I am God – the Word, and I made a house into the midst of this nation and I come to it with the table of My word, and I take heavenly armies with Me riding on white horses, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white horse”, r.n.) as it is written to come and to make a kingdom in man and with people on earth, and My name is called the God’s Word, (Apoc: 19/13.) and I work wonderfully. Here I am; you meet Me on the land of the Romanian land after seven thousand years from your fall of My glory and of My angels. Behold My today’s country, which you want to bring now into slavery under your seal. However, I come and advise Romanian people and give it power to listen to God, the Almighty, and not to you, and I proved this out by My birth of a Virgin mother and then by My resurrection from the dead on the third day, after My death on the cross on which the Jewish people nailed Me, and in which you nested two thousand years ago to stand against My coming on the earth, following My trace to tear Me down. However, I rose from the dead, I overcame the death and broken the hell, and I also smashed the latches you put on it and I took out My righteous ones, the prophets and the saints, (About these see Gospel of Nicodemus: Part II. - The Descent of Christ into Hell, r.n.) and I am holding into My hand the keys of the death and hell and I am the Lord of the resurrection of the dead and I am clothed in resurrection, and this is what I am going to give to the people, and I will give them. Amen. Do not forget, open up your sight from Me, not that which is from man, and do not forget that I and the entire heavenly and angelic armies stay within the work of the new birth of the world on the Romanian land, where you are trying now to fasten the pole and to stretch out your tent, and then to put your black seal over this nation, and you want to do this work more than on any other nation on the earth, for the money was the blackest temptation by which you have worked to buy the land and to bring it under your seal, which the money handles, for the Jewish people sold Me to death on money, the people you enticed under your hostile rule against Me and taught it to sell Me to death two thousand years ago, entering into Judas, who defiled his hand and mind with the seal of the money, and behold, the money has become the curse on this people after that, which has been trying since then to rule over the world with its power coming out of the money. Again and again, I tell you Lucifer, before the whole human nation and before the heaven of saints and angels: do not forget, open up your sight from Me, because it is the time to see so from this time on, and see that on the land of the Romanian people, I, the Lord of resurrection, am with My work of the renewal of the world and of the earth, and I want to establish the new heaven and earth over this land, for I have to establish My fulfilled Scriptures on the earth, and I am the slaughtered Lamb, Who washes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God, given to the faithful man as food, and through Whom the man will prevail against satan as it is written in the Scriptures, and I am the One Who smashed the gates of the hell, in which you have kept My righteous ones. Your seal is money. The man will be able to live without money and without other papers in their place, with which you want to replace the face of the money on the earth and to hide it under the curtain. (Money substitutes - electronic money, bank cards, chips and biochips, r.n.) I am the One Who will feed the man with manna from heaven, I, and not you, for the fire is coming on the earth over all that you have built with the man and for the man. I have nothing to do with your work upon the earth, and the man has nothing to do with it either, because I set My treasure on to the earth, which cannot stay near yours, as fleeting as it is, for its work passes and you will remain face to face with Me to give an account to Me for you. Amen. And now, I am telling you: Withdraw from the land of My country and from the soul of the Romanian people on it and go to places devoid of God until I, the Lord, will comprise the whole world under the glory of My word, which becomes an unquenchable fire over the entire iniquity on the earth, for God’s word is the glory which I, God-the Word, have from the Father before the foundation of the world, and behold, Lucifer, called with the name of satan, this is My work of glory, which you are meeting now on the Romanian land against all iniquity on the earth. Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, Romanian people, I have spoken before My enemy and yours, Lucifer, the great angel at the beginning and the one who served the man’s haughtiness in the time of the falling from God of the first built man. Oh, seek, Romanian people, seek to escape from this angel of haughtiness, seek to escape from haughtiness, for the whole pride in man comes from money. Oh, come to the sweet humility, for humility is sweet and it makes you beautiful, beautiful, and it makes you rich with the wealth I want to give you, and Lucifer will serve you for My glory with you with all his wealth, and you will not serve him, as it is not his glory on the earth that you need to have, but My glory instead. I told the angel of haughtiness to take his tent and to move away from your hearth, and you should receive My saints as your guests and you should welcome Me, for I have a wonderful name and it is called the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13.) Seek after heavenly teachers in their heart for you to teach you and to reveal you My mysteries, and if you want My word to teach you, then I wait for you here, I wait for you to come near to My spring so that I may teach you, Romanian people. Oh, you do not know your destiny, but I know it, I know your destiny and that is why I have come from the Father to you as the word of your birth, a new birth, and then from you the birth of the world, as it is written in the Scriptures that will be. I want to fulfill the Scriptures with you and you should also want this, for My plan with you is wonderful. I remain with the book open between Me and you and I do no longer close it, for I want Lucifer and his angels to read in it, both within their body and without their body, and thus to come to obedience to the One Who made the heaven, the earth and the man, and Who is making them again, and there will be everything new, as it is written, and there will be a new chosen Jerusalem, and the creature will be redeemed. Amen.


Christ has risen, Romanian people! The Lord of resurrection greets you with His resurrection from the dead two thousand years ago. Oh, behold the Lord, your God! Christ has risen, country of My return, country of God’s word in the end of the time, and you will come to life, just as I came to life! Amen. You will be resurrected, you will be resurrected, you will be resurrected! This is My will for you, and on the second day of the world, you will be My kingdom and all the peoples will take from you, My work, My light from you, the light of the man’s resurrection, My country. Amen, amen, amen.

            Excerpt from the Word of God on the second day after Passover, from 20-04-2009. (On Calameo)



Oh, Romanian people, oh, Romanian people, oh, Romanian people! I have been giving you advice for a long, long time, for you to take care of your destiny of tomorrow and you are caught in the chain of those who lie to you for your life. Oh, behold what war, what war of desires and seeking after human glory have been struggling in you on this day of lots for the one who is to stay at the helm for you! (The day of the presidential elections, r.n.). Oh, I, the Lord, have always taken you out of your pains and from under human controls in all the time of your stormy history, Romanian people, and behold, you do not watch well for your destiny as your ancestors did for his land. You have the pencil in your hand to write your destiny. (The vote, r.n). Oh, do not give yourself into the hand of the one who does not take care fatherly of you! Oh, what shall I do with you not to go wrong for your destiny? Open your mind and then your heart and seek to feel with your heart and not think with your mind, for you are in the danger to fall again into your blood and to lie in ignorance and carelessness, for the man’s spirit wants to deceive your mind and write with your hand your turning back again to those from which, nonetheless, I have tried to get you out, and much blood was shed for the release of your bondage coming from Me to you. (At the anticommunist Revolution in 1989, when the communist dictatorship shot the revolutionaries, more than 1,000 people died, more than 3,000 were wounded, r.n.). Oh, do not seek after your well-being now, but rather set down and seek to destroy the spirit of lying first, every man that lies against your good from Me, for no good is built on the man’s lie who puts you off with fine promises so that you may set him as ruler upon you, as though he would give you what he does not have, what only you are able to give him. Oh, keep on going forward and do not turn back now. I look from those on heaven over all of your land and over all who are speaking now into your name using weak power and lie to enchant you to turn back.


Oh, do not turn away! Do not turn back, Romanian people! The one who is the helmsman upon you now wants only what is good for you before the nations on the earth, (President Traian Băsescu, r.n.), and he is clean in his heart for you and is strong in his spirit, even if the rottenness on the earth keeps all the nations on it under the obstacle that the man might no longer work for God and be with Him upon his life.


Oh, Romanian people, do not sell yourself again into the bondage of the red beast! (The communists and their successors, r.n.). Do not give yourself again over to fall into the trap of the man’s lying spirit who tells you the lie that he will be for you with those in him. Oh, there is only haughty spirit in those who are struggling now to make an open war at your gates to lay hold on the helm of the Romanian ship through the waves of this time. Behold, they have been confessing openly their burning desires for their glory, and in any case they do not care for your future but are rather set to make their play of success, not to take you out of your pressure, My country, Romanian people. Oh, your trial is great now, but I have advised you to stay awake in your spirit and to ask from Me to give you the spirit of precaution and not to choose what is evil for you when you have the pencil in your hand to make decisions, and not those who want to rule over you into your name and without mercy on you, My country. The one who is now helmsman upon you, that one is the one who loves you with a great heart, and with a brave spirit he wants to rule upon you before the great trial, which again wants to throw you down from the rock, Romanian people. Oh, he does not lie to you. He tries to help you from your midst and not to sell you without any price. Wake up, oh, wake up, and if you do not want, then I am not guilty for your life, because I have advised you, and I have given a spirit of good advice for you to the one who is ruling upon you now. The war made to overthrow him is great and it is coming from the darkness, and it is made in the light. However, I, the Lord, fight and I will fight for your good among all the evil things, which try to catch you again in bondage and I will watch with the angels and with the saints on your hearth and I will look at your work, at your heart, and I will inspire you mysteriously from Me, for the war against you is fierce and these are not waging war against the one at your helm, but rather they are waging war against your good, oh, My country of today.


There has been a great day of feast on this day. I have gone to the manger of My word with the people from the spring and with the angelic hosts and the feast of taking to heaven of the shepherd Daniel has been made up in the village of Măneşti, My faithful witness, the one who had stayed and responded with power for My name before those who wickedly brought him to judgment for Me, for him and for My work of new Jerusalem on earth, work that I started with My trumpet Verginica in 1955 in the village of Maluri, at Pucioasa, (Which translated means brimstone, r.n.) a town with a name from heaven, by which I avenge the good believers by My word. My word has been fire and brimstone for the unbelievers of yesterday and today, and the name of this town is the fulfillment of My word, and for those who are faithful and holy, it is the root of My spring and it is a great name, the name of New Jerusalem, the holy citadel of New Jerusalem, because of My mound of today, on which I have established a serving people for Me during these days on earth, a good people, which I have chosen for My glory of today and which I will sanctify more and more with every passing day, and I will sanctify it for Me. Amen.


Oh, I cannot, I cannot tell the people, which has drunk of My spring along this heavenly time, I cannot tell it about My mystery from the other end of My word, a savior word over a people. At My beginning of today with a people called and invited to My table, then to the midst of My work, and then nearer and nearer to its end of today, where I have come with My word into the midst of a people always in rebellion, always uncertain because of his discontentment, because those who have listened to My word have become proud to one another, oh, and I have not been able to get perfected, neither in the beginning, nor in the middle and neither in the end, as I have been able now to set My fulfillment so much wanted upon a faithful and holy people within its faith before Me. In order to have been victorious in the end with the work of My word, I need faithful disciples, firm in their self-denial, in sufferance, in hope and in love without equal, now, among the sons of My people in all the time of My trumpet sounding of today, despised as I was despised then, a beautiful and priceless gift given by Me to the people during all the time of My trumpet sounding of today, because those who are despised are like that in order to be useful for many because of the humility in them, by which I, the Lord, can work for many of those who cannot work with the gift of holy humility in them for their salvation, for their forgiveness from so many troubles and disobediences brought to Me in the course of this time for more than fifty years. However, I, the Lord, have overcome and came out with My victorious work and I started My victory and I am working in a great mystery, for the antichrist and the satan’s spirit, which prompts the man to do their will, these rebellious heads work on sight to overthrow My kingdom from the earth, but it is written in the Scripture that I will be victorious, I, the Lamb of God, and it will be so, as it is written. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2009. (On Calameo)


To be continued.

(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on; on scrid; on; on dropbox; on mediafire; on docs.zoho; on, r.n.)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.04.2020

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