The Word of God - The dead hear My voice (1)
(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on authorstream; on mediafire; on dropbox, r.n.)
«Amen, amen, I tell you; the one who hears My word and believes in him who sent Me has eternal life and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.
Amen, amen, I tell you; the hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will come to life.
For as the Father has life in himself, so has he given to the Son to have life in himself.
He also gave him authority to execute judgment, because he is Son of Man[1].
Do not be astonished at this, because the hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice
and come out; those who have done good, to the resurrection of life; and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment.» (John: 5/24-29.)
The dead hear My voice
Selection of texts from God’s Word[2] upon this theme[3]
Come to Me, come you from all angles! The earth will change, many will change and will forgive one another, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, because God has baptized the earth every year, but the blasphemers against the Holy Spirit have not gone soften. Do you hear? For the dead hear too. Hear and be frightened and stop sinning! Listen, for happy is the ear which hears; you will be happy. And come to a stop as Zacchaeus did, as the one who pierced My side with a spear and today is My martyr.
… The end has started, but nobody wants to believe.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 13-01-1974
The time is coming, you Christian, when you will search for a pit to hide but the pit will not receive you. Come to Me, for My Father has sent Me to your bed to call you. Come, you Romanian, for the damned in hell want to get out at this word, but they cannot, and you that are free, do not come. Come, for if you listen to Me as your fathers and forefathers have done, you will give freedom to your all relatives that you have in hell.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 14-01-1975
… Be perfect, therefore, for behold I flounder, for I am great with word, and the trumpet is small. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) Liberate your relatives from hell. Give them too the joy and salvation by deeds, for I do not speak only to you, but to all of you, alive and dead.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 19-01-1975
What will you say, Christian, on the Judgment day, when you see the raised one from the grave, surrounded by the devils, and he/she would have been to you: a husband or brother, a grandfather or sister, a father or mother, or a child? What would you say? Would you not cry for them? Oh, Christian, for you have not prayed for them! Oh, sons, Christian, pray for them!
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 24-09-1978
… Many miracles were done when I was in the flesh and many miracles will be performed when I come to an end, for the dead want too to get out and to confess this godlike work. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.) Many were alive on earth and did not believe and now they are sobbing of what they hear from Me. The Lord is not this body that you have in front of you. (Through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) The Spirit who descended is the Lord Jesus. Today I am speaking to the little ones at the breast. Later on I will be speaking from kingdoms.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 29-08-1979
… Enter the little holy gate and come to Me, My people, come, child, for the highest mountain that thought of itself to be the highest, will break down and will be torn to pieces. Only the holy mountain will remain on earth, for is mastered by My hand. Come out of the world, for the world will not remain. All that is called by Me, that one will remain. Change your bodies! Come and be holy at the holy mountain, which is written since ages! Come near! Come and hear the words of the Holy Spirit, for one will sing from all His music. Do not tell Me in the face that you have not heard, for even the dead who are buried for thousands of years, listen and wait to get out of the grave and to confess all that they have heard as long as they have been in the grave, in the ending days.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 11-11-1979
Oh, Orthodoxy, daughter of the first belief, which I gave to My apostle, with whom I wondered the earth of Israel, to bear! To Israel I had came in a body and to you I came in the Spirit, as I promised I would come. Oh, daughter of the faith of that time! You child, you have brought My message until today, and when shall I give you the reward and splendor, and when I shall I give you the holiness, for you have done as the Jews did? You have not received Me, you have not recognized Me, and you have not known My voice and the word which is coming with Me on the clouds. (It refers to the Romanian Orthodox Church, r.n.) You have been conceited and not received Me and you put My hand to the mouth and lurk your people so that you may not let them believe in Me, in My coming through the word, for I am the Word. Here, you throw Me away, you throw Me away from your synagogue and I have come to you to do well to you. I have asked you for nothing but to stop sinning and be clean, you My Church, but you do not want to Me mine. It is because of this that I have leaned towards you, to please you to be Mine, so that I may give you manna from heaven. It is because of this that I came and I came because it was written that I would come. Open My book and see that My coming is written in it, and look well and read well and see that My name is the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13) and here, the Word has come as it was prophesied about it, and you daughter, you sleep. Who does not take to eat My word, this one sleeps. Who does not hear, that one sleeps. But you will not say that you have not heard, for the dead from the grave would confess that they had heard this word and you would not know where to get in because of My anger.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Cross Ascension, from 27-09-1995. (On Calameo)
Blessed be the oil, the one in you My people. Blessed be your word which proceeds from God. Your word will raise the dead, Israel, for the people on earth are dead, son, but through you I breathe over the people on earth so that the man may know who is God and how many years the man has, if the man has years. The man has blotted out from the earth all the truth from God, but here is what I do: I am coming to tell the man that there is God.
Listen, oh earth, My voice! I am God from everlasting to everlasting, and from now on I am. I shall not give My glory to any god, for there is no god but Me, and every man will cry, “It is God! It is God! It is God!” He would cry as the babies were crying in Jerusalem: “Hosanna, hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” The man will cry to confess God, for he will see God on the clouds, to the judgment of peoples’ unbelief. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s mother at the Entrance in the Church, from 04-12-1995. (On Calameo)
Amen, amen I say to you My people: he who believes in Me has eternal life and does not die, and he who dies, does not believe in Me. He who believes in Me arises to life and is alive and believes, and he who does no longer believe is no longer alive. I told the first man, I told Adam: «If you do not listen, if you take what I told you not to take, you shall die on that day», as he who does not believe that I tell him, is no longer alive, and no one understands what the end of the world means, no one, My people. He, who does not believe in Me, is no longer alive. This word that I have been coming on the earth for forty years, even for forty-five years, as it is written in the Scriptures and in the prophets, this word is the judgment of the unbelief, for the people do not know what the end of the world means, and the disbelief spreads upon the people up to all the margins of the earth, but My word also flies like an arrow which stops suddenly on the place it falls, and the end of the world means disbelief in God.
Excerpt from the Word of the God, on the sixth Sunday after the Passover, of the blind, from 01-06-1997
Here I am, Lord, as it was for my resurrection that You came among the people to die like the man and to come after me into the dwelling of the dead, where I entered with tears on my cheeks for everything that I went wrong before You, Lord. I have been waiting for such a long time to come after me. And I am waiting now for You to come for every man who died for my wicked deeds that I made in the Paradise from Eden. Your people from today is a path of Your coming, that you will come soon, soon, and with You will come all the people that did not go to sleep in You, with the hope of Your coming at the end of the ages, Lord and Redeemer and Son of the heavenly Father.
Excerpt from the Word of the God, on the remembrance Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from Paradise, from 01-03-1998. (On Calameo)
The Holy Spirit is speaking from heaven on earth.
Amen, amen I speak to you, people who do not keep My words: I renew My Scripture upon you, which spoke about My time of today, when the dead will hear God’s voice and will come to life, some to eternal life and others to eternal judgment, and as life is eternal the same is judgment. The Holy Spirit is the Lord, Who gives life to the people. He is the spring from which holiness springs up in people, in the man’s spirit, soul and body. Here it is the question that I come to you with: Did you receive the Holy Spirit? Have you heard about Him in order to receive Him and to open for Him and that He may become a spring of holiness in you? Answer Me!
When I built the man, I created him to be holy, but the man’s will was otherwise. When the man does not receive My will and My love in him, he puts on his will and remains without the Lord and thus he violates the things of the Lord in man, and he sets his will in him and is his own master. Behold, the time has come to call out the man and to bring the man into account. I hold the fan into My hand and I cleanse My threshing floor gathering My wheat into the barn and the chaff into the fire. It is written into the Scriptures that after two thousand years since My first coming, I will come again from heaven on earth to give each one according to his deed.
The Holy Spirit speaks from heaven on earth in the middle of the Romanian people, for I, the Lord, chose Jerusalem again. At the beginning I chose one Jerusalem and that one cast Me out of it. Now I have chosen another Jerusalem, but the Holy Spirit cannot be caught for it is written into My Scriptures of that time: «A little while and the world will not see Me. However, you will see Me because I am alive and you will be alive and will understand that I am in the Father and you in Me, and I in you». (John: 16/16, 17)
I have always been into the midst of those that are chosen by God to do My works with them on earth, for I have fulfilled the Scriptures with the people, because they are given from heaven for them, to be fulfilled for the people. At My first coming, I came as a Savior, but those who did not receive Me were already judged, for it was obvious that they did not love God, because they did not keep His commandments. At My second coming, I will come as a Judge for those who are alive and for the dead, but those who do not receive Me now either are judged by this, for they are seen that they do not love God.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 07-06-1998.
I have come to you from heaven with My apostles that I travelled with two thousand years ago. Let us give them comfort into My garden from you. Sons, let us make them room so that they may confess again the mystery hidden from age and not understood by angels and people. Let us give them the seats of judgments for Israel, for this is what I promised them, as it is written into the prophets: «The Lord will judge His people». Amen.
Oh, beloved disciples, faithful Israelites, your heart did not grow callous at My voice, which called you to walk with Me on earth and be fishermen of people for the supper of the kingdom of the heavens. Oh, faithful disciples, I cast the net into the sea and gathered all kinds of fish into it. And then I pulled it to the shore and sat and chose what was good and I threw away what was bad. I chose you and I made you believe with your heart, and I spread My word of eternal life to all the nations through you, My witnesses from then and until today, for My Scriptures and yours testify about this, and the man has nothing to replace them with as truth. Now, after two thousand years, when I come with the saints on earth, as it is prophesied that I come, here I am with you in the today’s pavilion of the heavenly assembly on earth. I come to the heavenly feasts with angels and saints, for I have a resting pavilion in the Romanian country, My New Israel, a people taken out of the Romanians so that I may sow in the heaven with it, an eternal kingdom with the faithful man. I comfort you with My sons in the garden. I opened the gates of the garden, and I came through the gates with you into the garden, for I have also got faithful sons like you today. I comfort you because you suffered for My Gospel. I embrace you at My bosom, because you are as living as I am. I give you the opportunity to confess today, after two thousand years, that I am your dwelling place, Jerusalem coming down with the saints on the earth, and I give you the twelve hidden chairs, so that you may sit on them for the Israel’s judgment. Amen.
― Oh, Lord, bless the council of Your apostles into the garden of Your word of today, into the Romanian country. It is the first and the last, as You ordained it. Amen.
We, the heavenly council of Your apostles, got together into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, together with Your witnesses of today, Lord. We are Israel’s remnant, for it is written into the prophets: «Even if Israel will be as numerous as the sea sand, its remnant will be saved and the word of the truth will be confessed».
… The time will come and it has already come, when the dead hear the voice of the Son of God. Give your ears and anoint your eyes with salve, you, people of Israel, for we are from among you, a remnant chosen by grace to intercede with God for the whole Israel that will come to life at the voice of God’s Son, Who is coming after two thousand years as a Judge from the Father to give each one according to his own deed. Amen, amen, amen.
Lord, seal with fire signet the word of Your apostles gathered together in a council of saints in the garden of Your judgment seat, for the Romanian country is Your new country, the country of Your returning for Israel and for all the peoples of the earth. Lord, fulfill the resurrection of the dead. We have been the witnesses of Your resurrection for two thousand year, and until today, and today we bear witness from Romania. It is the first and the last, as You ordained it. Amen, amen, amen.
― I, the Lord and Your teacher, seal your faith in heaven about My today’s country, the first and the last. When I made the heaven and the earth, it was the first hand of dry land into My hand when the earth came out of the waters, and now it is the last one, and it is, and I make it into a salvation oasis, a saving ark for the saints on earth, in order for Me to come true in it with the Scriptures of the establishment of the kingdom of the heavens on earth for those that are righteous, for those with power from above in them.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles, Peter and Paul, from 12-07-1999. (On Calameo)
Soon, soon, the body of My word will be coming and confirming the word, as the word of John, My baptizer, was proved by My coming to Jordan, to be baptized before those who were coming to be baptized and to be confessed by My Father Sabaoth, as His Son, through the strengthening of the word confirmed by the Holy Spirit, Who came down from the Father in the image of a dove. Amen.
The eternal life of the saints, clothed with their house in heaven, which they had worked at, in the time of their bodies by the works of their holiness, is an unfathomable mystery. They are those who are alive and with whom I come to fulfill the prophecy of My coming with them, with My saints, who have eternal life. Their crowns will shine like of those who will welcome My coming with the saints in their body. Within these days, those from the grave hear My voice from the manger and get ready for their resurrection, the resurrection of those who sleep, who will be crowned by those that are alive in heaven and on earth, for the eternal life of My saints, with whom I work on the earth, is a wonderful mystery.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of St. John, the Baptizer, from 20-01-2000 (07-01-2000 Old style / after the Julian calendar[4]) (On Calameo)
To be continued.
(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on authorstream; on mediafire; on dropbox, r.n.)
[1] The Greek could be translated “a Son of Man” or “the Son of Man.”
[2] God’s Word in Romania
[3] Translated by I.A.
[4] Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, ( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.12.2019
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