
The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead (2)

The Word of God about the resurrection of the dead (2)


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on authorstream; on scribd; on mediafire, r.n.)





Oh son, what is the sign that My messenger is to be known of? What is the sign the one who speaks from Me and into My name may be known of? Ask the Law, Christian, and with those in it look over the one who speaks about God, for it is written, “Do not take to eat or to chew without knowing the food, and seek to know the false teaching,” for there is nothing but the dead to be risen and the last wonders to be done, those written to be done. Do not look after signs, and do not believe in other gods beside Me. For a great sifting and a laboriously worked temptation will come; it shall come and say that they are sent to take and protect you, and you will know the one who comes ahead of Me if you are found in the spirit of holiness, in the holiness shirt.

Excerpt from the Word of God, at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1993. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



Do you see My people, how hard it is for Me to come down to you? Do you see how much humiliation you bring over My eye, over My light and over My way towards you? But it is the time of the day of grace, and I still wait a little time for you to come to your senses and gain divine nature, the way man was at the beginning, the way I was when I took a body. If I did not come to take a human body, My Father would have not given Me the power to judge the man. But here, I am the Son of Man, the sinless man, and in the place of the man out of sin, I crucified Myself in My body, to mend the man and to condemn death. And here, the time is coming, and it has already come, when the dead are raised for life and for judgment; some for life and some for judgment. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment[1]”, r.n.) The Scriptures who speaks about the new birth of the world is coming, for I will raise the man out of the earth, all humans who have had a body, all creature, sons. This is what I told My first disciples, who crucified all they had and took My life, My truth and My words, of My kingdom, to let them be known and to make themselves sons for Me; I told them that at the new birth of the world they will sit and judge Israel. And here, the heaven from above unites the right with those of the body, and it is being worked all that remains to be worked until the ending of the mystery of salvation, the one from Jesus Christ, Who names Himself The Word of God for the second coming of the Son of God.


… Man is born out of sins, and I have spoken no blessing for sin, for it could not be such a thing, but I have blessed the born again man, who have sought the Lord, following Him. And now through you, people of My grace, I want to finish what I still have to work and to repair over man.  Do not let Me without hands and without legs over your land and across your field, for I want to give life without death to your field, and then to bless this work for its ending. You are the people for the end of My working. Do not follow the man who lengthens the illness, for the Lord is coming, son, he comes and heals what is left not raised, and the prophecy about life without death will become visible, the prophecy for the redemption of the bodies, of the children, for at the new birth of the world, when the first belly is working again, many of the creature will rise to bodily torment, for much creature, of the one which was taken, went away; it went away lifeless, without heaven, without God, and that will take a body for tormenting, and the tormenting will not come to an end until the last penny, until the last debt is paid. But I work, sons, I work and I work again to ease My creature, and My people do not know what God does. And here, those from above will be shown, that is the Jerusalem from above, those who have gone alive, and are alive for their return to the Lord. The Jerusalem from above will be shown, which is the mother of the believers, of those called, chosen and faithful, and this mother will confess her sons; well sons of the New Jerusalem, the one made by the Word from above.

Excerpt from the Word of God, at the feast of the first martyr and archdeacon Ştefan, (Stephen) from 09-01-1994.



I have come Israel, dear and beloved Israel, I have come with those who are beloved, to make an agreement of steadfast reconciliation between you and Me. And as for you, son, you should be careful, careful as you have never been, for I have cried and longed much that I did not have in you a special cook for you. The cooks of the world have dirty hands, son, they have dirty bodies and they do not deserve to lay hold on those from heaven. They like to be with the earth and with their dirt. Behold, I have come before you and I have come at the lap of the mountain. I have bowed the top of the mountain and I have come down at its foot to give you My pasture and to take you only with My pasture. I take yours and I give you Mine. Israel, give Me your pasture to throw it into the fire; to burn it and punish it, and that I may be able to take you only to My pasture. I have come to take the grass from your mouth, for your grass is not good, and you should take, son, the grass from heaven and you should stay within it. And what else do I want to tell you, son? Oh, I have not come to rebuke you, I have not come to the foot of the mountain to condemn you, no, son. However, I have come to forgive you from everything you have gone wrong by this time and to tell you this way: may your wrongdoings be forgiven and do no longer sin from now on, and be absolved from the bond of your sins, to write you as a man born from above and to be able to enter at the table from above and that I may set it before you. However, I have to remind you of those that you have done and I have worked gently, to condemn the sin, well sons. Oh, I have not come to condemn you. I have come to condemn the sin, which has taken you away from before Me for such a long time, sons. However, now you are an obedient people, and this is how I want you to be, and you shall not be afraid of fasting and rather you should be afraid of food, son of Israel. The man does not want to believe that the food has taken him out of paradise, that the food has made him without the heavenly sense, that the food has made his body and his soul sick with so many kinds of sicknesses, that the food has taught the man to lust and led him to blood and that the food has undress him from the mystery of the Holy Spirit. All the hospitals are full of bodies, which have got sick from food, from lusts and from sins. Only My Christian loves health; health, sons, one of the greatest gifts upon man. He who tramples this gift under foot, that one is forsaken by this gift and he turns back to God. That is why I have come and told you to eat wheat. I have given you this medicine because I have given you medical advice as I found you lacking of health. In the corn of wheat, the medicine of the health for soul and body lies hidden. It has the gift and the grace which My new man needs to have and I will make you into a barn for Me and for My Holy Spirit and for resurrection and for light, a store room of bread and wine for a renewed and for a refreshed kingdom.


Oh, beloved Jerusalem, I have come recently and told you not to kill, and now I am coming and telling you not to kill the wheat corn. Eat it alive, son. Wash it and keep it in the water and prepare it with life in it and eat life, son. Eat life every day, for I want to give you after that bread and new wine every day, for I will gather you in a cluster and I will keep you at My table and I will give you bread and wine as your reward, and there will no longer be death, sorrow, worries and tiredness. Come to be healthy. You shall not kill in order to eat. I have always come with all that are to give you, for I want, son, to prepare you with a heavenly garment and I want to stick little wings to you and I want to make you pass through stone, through water and through iron, and I want you to pass through the earth, to be able to take out My dead who lie there waiting. I want you to put your hand into the graves and to take the dead out, that I may make the new earth and on it to stay living bodies, which have come to life through you.


The one who eats would keep on eating. The one who does not eat, he would no longer eat, but that one eats to take care of My mystery in man.


My people, I want to have power in you, son, My people. I want to have a place and a dwelling in you. I want to make your body into a temple for you and I want to make a church, in which, the Son of God may come in by bread and wine. I have prepared bread and new wine for you. I have prepared Myself for you to give Myself to you for your power. I have put this fruit into the soil of My new garden, and I leave it, son, to grow well. How comes that? Here it is how. Be careful to what I tell you today. I come as a sacrifice for you every day, until you get better, until you are well prepared for My new apple. I sacrifice Myself for you every day in My little garden, in My manger of today, until I make you into a new and holy creature and without sin, as I am, and I will give you to eat of the tree of life, and from paradise, My child. I will not break any of the fruits until you come to life, My people, and then we will celebrate a feast of new Passover before you. This is what I told My disciples at My last supper: «Take and eat My Body and My Blood, for I will not drink with you until I drink it anew in the new kingdom of My Father». (See also Matt: 26/26-29) I want to celebrate this Passover on the earth, and that is why I have been persuading you for forty years, Israel. I want to save you from labor and worries, and I want to bring you to the time of the songs and of the angels who will sing together with My people.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 10-03-1995.



Oh, sons and daughters, oh My disciples! I came then through the Virgin and I became Man, and I let My exhortation about which was written into the Scripture, and I said what the man should do to have Me and to have eternal life, such as I have eternal life and I am called the One without death. The man who has Christ has all he needs if he has Christ, but here it means nothing at all and that is everything, as My people by now understood. My people did not look into the Scriptures to know how it comes to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, as they, who became My disciple then, would sell everything they had so that they might not be mixed up with them, and they would give themselves and their belongings to Christ’s disciples, and would enter My family whose had I was; I, the Lord, I, the Son of the Lord, and they would go from place to place with Me, and they and I, were seedsmen. What do we seed? We seed the kingdom of the heavens in the man and upon the man. Those who did so with their life, were wise and gained the kingdom of the heavens. You should not believe son of today, that if the Lord’s disciples died in their bodies seven thousands years ago, they are dead. This does not mean that they died. The bodies have passed away seven thousand years ago, because Adam and Eve put the death into the bodies, but only the bodies have passed away for a while, and you will see that these holy bodies have passed away only for a while, and they will get up soon, soon, that they will appear soon, soon. Sons, do you believe that the myrrh-bearing women and they who are now with Me at you have come with their bodies at you? The saints have heavenly powers, and they have power to take their body back, and if they have, they have taken their body and are within the body, but their body is like Mine after the resurrection. I passed with My body through the wall and through a closed door. I did no longer use My pace on the road after the resurrection, and I moved from city to city and I went among those to whom I appeared. I carried My body from place to place by the power of the Spirit. The spiritual body is not seen by the fleshly bodies, but it is seen by those that are spiritual.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Passover, of myrrh-bearing women, from 07-05-1995. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



Come into a holy living, a Christian country and weed yourself out of thorns and thistles and let your field be of pure wheat, green and beautiful, which is to grow ripe in the light of My word, for I want to make you into a new bread, and let anyone who eats of it become a son of resurrection. Get up and come for I want to give you a garment of resurrection and life without death, according to your word, for you have spoken about a country of youth without old age and of life without death, and behold, I come to you to give you a resurrected life, for everything passes away but My words will never pass away and they come true instead. Bow Romanian son and wash into this river, in the river of life. And if you do not do this, I will rebuke you to come to repentance for I love you. I love those whom the Father gave Me, but come into My love, Romanian Israel, because I do not want to cry at the sight of My glory. I want to teach you with My glory and to stay within My waiting for I come soon, soon. Amen.


Peace to you, Romania! Behold the book of My word. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is the seal of the living and true God, which stays on your head, My Romania. He who is from God listens to God’s words, and he who is not from God, does not listen to God’s words. The one who is with Me is not against Me.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, from 14-05-1995



I promised you, My child Israel that I would come to you to write into this book about the lying of the wisdom which comes from the man; to write into the book that the man without God is a spiritless man and is given as a loan to the evil spirit willingly, as it happened with the man from the beginning, who passed over the Spirit of God in order to be greater, and then all shook from their places; all that God created shook. But it is written into the Scriptures My word which says: «I will shake the heavens and the earth once more», as I, Israel, have to put back to their places those that were shaken, and the putting back of those shaken will be felt. I spoke by the mouth of My apostle in My garden which declares upon you the word coming down from heaven, I spoke by his little mouth before you, and I spoke by the Holy Spirit, by a speech of the Holy Spirit; I spoke that the greatest miracle that I did by this work coming down from heaven is the miracle of the new man, who lives according to God’s word, who moves within the word declared by God, who receives God’s image and likeness by the word and by living according to the word, the same way I made the man from the beginning. The same way you too, My child that are born by My word, which came down from heaven to you. Here is a birth from above, a birth by the word. Oh, what a miracle I worked out in you, Israel! That is why I kneaded this wok and this people, so that I may give birth in him sons from above, as I was. I was born by the word from the heaven. How sons, how by the word?


My people, do not murmur, you who have got used to pierce and tease Me, and do not stumble, you, who wonder about those that surround you and which are born out of the man’s science, the stolen science by disobedience, by theft, Israel. I made you a network to catch fish, but the network is cast into the sea; it is cast into the sea. My people, I took you out of the middle of the man’s age; I took you out from the people to be a field and a people for Me, as I took Abraham out of those with confusion of the languages, and I gave you birth by the word, as I was born by the word. I was born from heaven and earth by the word. How, son? But you know how. The word came from heaven by the prophets, and then by the angel of the good news, and the word was fulfilled; it became flesh in My Mother, the Virgin, who believed into God’s word, into the prophets and into the messengers of the heaven, and I became flesh and I was born in an age. And I gave you birth Israel the same way. I had the word come down from heaven, and My word took you up into heaven, and you believed, and then you were born from heaven by the word, and you became a man of God; further, you pulled yourself out from numbness and you let yourself worked for resurrection; however, blessed will be those who had and will have part of the first resurrection, as the second death will have no more power upon them. I gave you birth from the middle of the death of the age, in the middle of the death of the man’s age, and I called you My people, Israel, and I called you My son born of heaven; and little by little, I destroy the age surrounding you, which held you in death, as I took you out of the first death and I made you a son born from above, out of that death that the man calls life. I stayed with you in the midst of the death of the man’s age, and little by little, I destroy from your surrounding the science that comes from man; and further, I make the heaven again, the way I made it from the beginning, but I work through you in the midst of the hell on the earth, in the midst of the beasts on the earth, as I also came on the earth and I had stayed for thirty three years in the midst of the man’s science and of its thing. But you should have great patience, as My patience was not over when I passed into those that are not seen, but rather I went forward patiently among those that were born of heaven, among those that are born of heaven.


I do no longer speak with those who went after death, with those who seek after death and after the abomination of sin, as I made a new step; a passing over Jordan I made, and he, who did not pass, did not pass. I go before and bless Israel that passed and teach him the resurrection and the work of the resurrection. But look, I still have something to say: Israel, do not be afraid of the wolves, which still surround you. Do your work that you have got from Me, as the wolf has in its back the trap that will be caught in, and it will die of hunger on the way. The wolf does not like Me, and it eats nothing from Me, as it does not know to eat like Me. It knows from it, and the wolf that remained hungry will die of hunger. My food fits only for the sons and not for the wolves, and the wolf will howl of hunger and the trap will catch it by hunger, and Israel will be saved from the work of the wolf. The wolf goes up to where it can be gone, and then it no longer goes forward.


Israel, I blessed you and do not be afraid of nothing, but fear God instead, as blessed is he who fears God, as he receives teaching from God and works salvation for himself. I spoke a word and I promised that a great people would rise from the dead and will sit at your table with Me with joy and will see God. You have to learn all the words of this book and to see their fulfillment, as all come into fulfillment. He, who stands behind the curtain to see if the word of this work is fulfilled and only afterwards to come, that one will never rejoice, as he tested God; he touched God to see if He is or not. He, who fulfilled My word only half way and not wholly, will sigh deeply and will stay sobbingly and not joyfully before Me.


My people, you should know that today it is required to work well and not otherwise. You should know, son, that you need great love today, to have God in you and to be clothed in God, as the time is coming to spread the table for you by word, as there shall no longer be food on the man’s earth. The time is coming to do what Elijah did with the widow’s wheat meal and oil, and you will be rich in oil and bread, as the world will come to the reward of the emptiness, (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation[2], r.n.) and then the wheat will grow into a heavenly and holy earth, holy wheat on a holy earth. Come in crowds Israel; force your way into the holy land, which will remain before Me with the new heaven above and with My glory within the light, seven times brighter then now. Son, I do not tell you fairy tales, and do not believe that I spin a fairy tales, son. We have to redeem the land and the dead from it, and all these will be worked out by word, as in the beginning. In the beginning I made everything by the word, and in the end it will be the same, but in the end every man will see all God’s glory, and the man born of Me will be above any love into My hand and will play into My hand, as My hand will be a cradle of eternal love for the man in the end, who listened to My word, and became a new man, in the image and likeness of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All My glory will rest in the man from the end, and this glory will be seen by the man without God’s love.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saints Kings Constantine and Hellene, from 03-06-1995. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)


To be continued.(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on; on jumphare; on archive; on authorstream; on scribd; on mediafire, r.n.)


[1] You can also see on:!NUlVDCjL!cdtoDY1DoBSHO6ZRdl4u6ssvvxUq03rw26GLS3SD9e8

[2] You can also see on:!ZdNAWCrJ!tZRZEVt9j8bYfhGVV8XjwxlR8iARJkqtNjHVEka7guk


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.08.2019

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