
The Word of God about the fearful judgment (9)

The Word of God about the fearful judgment (9)


(You can see full document on: On Calameo; on My.edocr; on Issuu; on Google Drive; on Scribd; on )




Oh, hardly does the man know Me when I knock at his door! Every man got used to say that the Lord is not. Oh, how could the man learn to say such a thing? The one, who has not got any fear of God, blasphemes and then he says: “It is not the Lord.” One hour, and the man will no longer say this. Only one hour and I will stay face to face with them, for no one has believed the mystery of the new age by now, because I, Myself, have to interpret and to reveal Myself with it on the earth, of the Romanian land. And let the man no longer questions you about your knowledge that the Romanian land is chosen for My coming. Let him look at the kind of work I have been doing on it and to understand and to know. Amen.


I go with you for the man to hear how I reveal the mystery of the new age, the age that is to come. Those who have forsaken the faith will believe seeing with their own eyes, and their unbelief will not escape them from guilt, but on the contrary, it will condemn them severely, for I have had you as My messengers on the earth and I have called them to Me and they have got used to saying: “It is not the Lord.” One more hour and I will show Myself near you, for the judgment of those who have known Me by this word. The man’s haughtiness, which does not receive Me, is the reward of his wicked works, for the sinful falls into haughtiness and he falls into blindness and then, by everything he does, he blasphemes God. One more hour and My light with you will be great and I will dazzle the haughty ones and they will remain in the darkness and the blind will not be able to find the way. I, the Lord, the One, Who made the heaven and the earth, will make them new and I will do this work with the man, as I have already done so, as My Father worked with Me, doing everything that is. I am with the mystery of the new age on the Romanian land. Let the man see what kind of work I have been doing with him and let him understand and know. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Nicholas, from 19.12.2000. (On Slideshare; on Calameo; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



I still hear the man saying the he does need another Scripture; that the one from two thousand years ago is enough and that it has everything. It has, man, but you have nothing of it. Do no longer oppose when I come to reveal the one of that time by this one now. Do no longer justify yourselves as you have nothing to justify with, since you do not walk in the footsteps of My Gospel of that time, for look, My book of that time has had no room on the earth; My word, creating the new man, has had no room over your life, as I wanted to make the man by My Gospel of that time. And I come now and remind you that you did not walk in My footsteps. And if this word of today shows you the judgment of your deeds against My teaching, you rise to put My book of today under the lie and say that you do not need it and that you have the one of that time. Oh, where do you have it? Do you have it on paper? If you have it this way, that one is the book of your judgment. You are judged because you did not work according to it. At least humble yourself. But no; you cannot because you are after your own wills and you cannot submit them to you. You submit Mine to you and say: „I do no longer need them”. This is how you say to My word of today and to My word of two thousand years ago. You do not need either one. Oh, if you do not need, why do you still live on its account? Why do you make a profit on account of My Gospel of two thousand years ago? I said that it will win over souls and bodies for the kingdom of heavens, and you make money beside My work of that time and do your own will with it.

I have come now to tell the truth to every man, for it is the time of judgment, the time of the truth. This means judgment: the truth. Amen, amen, amen. My word is the truth. It is its time and that is why it is coming on earth. Let the man meet Me and receive My word and put upon it and see his stature and come to make him again, for the man is not yet made. There is no one to make the man to be. I am the Creator of the man, and I have come to make it. Every man says: “God made me”, but I do not say this. If I made the man, he would be in My image and after My likeness, and he would not be the way he is now, and within his condition now, he alone testifies about his father, for each one takes after his father. Amen.


Let the man meet Me and take My word for the man’s creation on him. And only after he allows himself to be made, only after that let him say “God has made me”.


Oh, My people! Oh, people of My coming! Show to the man your creation from My hand. Let the man see you a man made by God, for I say: blessed is he who comes to know the life and its mystery and the spirit of the everlasting love, to stay in it and to grow to be, for there will be only righteous people in My people, there will be only saints. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s meeting (Candlemas), from 15.02.2001. (On Slideshare; on Calameo; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



The praying and memorial offering of those that are asleep has come through the gate of heaven. Those that are asleep come in groups; they come to you, for you keep a memorial for the whole human kind that was and still is. When those that died sinning, see the place of salvation, the place from here, where I work with you for the man’s salvation, when they see My victory through you, they are filled with pain and remorse and cry to Me mournfully to have mercy on them and to wipe out their sins, for in their days of memorial they have seen the heaven, which is the rest of the saints, and they have seen the hell, which is the place of condemnation, in which the sinners will be tormented after the resurrection of the dead. The entire human kind, which went to sleep, has come to your memorial and now they are listening to the voice of the being of the Holy Spirit, Who is speaking from Me over you, preparing the resurrection of the dead and My coming with the life of the age that is to be. Amen.


Oh, My people, the love, which is not harmful, cries out to the man for him to take it in him that it may give him inner life. Everything the man loves is the love, which harms the man, and the man can no longer remove it from him. The love, which does not harm the man, is My love in him, the love, which gives the man his eternal living, the eternal life, which does not darken the man’s eternity.


Eternal living, this is what I want to give you, man, for this is what I said: «He who believes in Me will never die». Amen. Oh, I did not lie by saying this word, which I spoke in all My love for the man. I did not say too much by this word, but rather I comprised in it the whole truth about the eternal life. But who is the one who believes in Me so that he may never die, as Enoch and Elijah did not die, and also the loved John and many others after them, who are in their bodies, being comprised by those that are not seen among those that are seen? (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah[1]”, r.n.) The love, which is not harmful, brings the man to eternal life and brings Me in man, so that the man may live in Me and for him to be My living, My house and My eternity in man. Who else is on earth the house of the Holy Spirit, in which to be consumed with the heat of the Holy Spirit being? He who has the Holy Spirit in him, that one has both the Son and the Father for the Three of Them, are inseparable everywhere and every time if They are in man, for They are One, and this name is  the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. Oh, if the man drank of this cup, he would get drunk with God. If the people gave to each other this cup of the happiness from above, there would be a drunkenness of the Holy Spirit upon the people and the people would be found in Me and would get together to drink and to look for their happiness in this drunkenness.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 03.06.2001.



Oh, you too, those who come to the wedding, wake up! Wake up and hear the voice of the Bridegroom Who speaks to His bride, sharing the wine of the wedding, of the wedding love. Amen. Oh, let your hearts not be troubled. I give you the solid teaching, solid food, so that you may strengthen your living and to wake Me up within you, and for Me to take root within you, for I am the root of this word which comforts you. Believe it or not, I have to tell who I am. I am the One Who is. I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I am here and I become word and I give Myself out over the earth. Nowhere on earth do I find any man that wants to do like Me for My word of today that I let down here with all its wholeness. If I also spoke here the way as so many people say that I have spoken in so many places on the earth, then I would be loved from here as well; I would be believed here too, and I would be welcomed from here with My way to the people too. But My way is heavenly; it is a right and holy way and the man is afraid of it. And if the man is afraid of the clean way, he would like that My coming in the word to be a lie; the word with which I open up the way of the coming of My body that ascended to the Father two thousand years ago. I did not ascend so that I might not come again. But on the contrary, I said then: «I go so that I may come again; I go to prepare a place», and to come back after I prepare it. Here it is; I have prepare it and the man is too haughty to believe what I say, for I say that every word of Mine, which I come down with into this place prepared by Me painfully, judges the one who does not receive it to put it on him. Behold, the man receives from man but he does not receive from God. I also was a man on the earth and I was wise from the Father and I let the teaching of eternal life upon the man. Why does the man does not receive from Me as well and to be like Me then? Oh, why the man receives only from man. Why, really?


You man that read only what the man says and only what the man writes! Was the man crucified for you that you receive teaching from him and believe so much in him and eat from him so much? How comes that you are not tired of so much learning which takes from your soul, like the big waters, all that is eternal and true in you and from heaven? Oh, man, I meet you in your running and search out your being and I see that you do no longer have a being of noble birth. The gathering in your mind had made Me an orphan to you, you man tired of your labor, of your burden. I told you to take up My burden, for My yoke is good, for My burden is easy. This is what I told you. However, you become a giant and carry the burdens on your way, and My way is destitute of people. Your way is not My way. What is yours is not also Mine and you live without life. Oh, how shall I make you open to My knock at your door? Here is how I open up My spring and call you to come and drink and see its taste and see its truth, for I am this spring. I am this word, and My body is wrapped up into this word and I stand before you wrapped in this word. This word is My coming after two thousand years from the Father, to prepare a bride with it, and to come then down near her in My visible body, with which I ascended from My disciples two thousand years ago, so that I may be able to come back at the time of My coming again from near the Father.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from 08.06.2001. (On Slideshare; on; on Calameo; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



Oh, the people will not be able to bear with My coming, for it will be with a great glory, and the man is not prepared by Me for it. Behold, the man does not let himself be prepared for My coming, and it will be in glory and it will burn like a furnace, for it is written: «Behold, the day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming». Then I will change My face, for the man will see Me in glory and he will be terrified, for it is written: «The nations of the earth will cry and will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the heaven with great power and much glory, to get together His chosen ones from the four corners of the winds of the earth». Amen.


Oh, how shall I do before My coming, which will burn like a furnace in heaven and on earth? What really shall I do to prepare the man for the glory of that day? It is coming soon, soon. How shall I make the man learn to hear from Me as you do, as you listen to those that you hear from Me? Shall I change the man in his face and heart before Me? How shall I do this? Shall I make the man no longer receive from himself or from the man and rather receive from Me? How shall I really do it? The man shall live from Me and from My word and from My work with the man; oh, how could I leave this change over the man so that I may look at his face and he at My face as I and My disciples looked at each other in the day when I revealed My glory in their eyes in the mountain and when they saw those in heaven at My right and left?


Behold, that day, which will burn like a furnace and will consume everything, is coming, and the man does not want to hear from Me so that I may prepare him for that day. The man has to be like Me on that day, so that he may not be melted in it. It is at this work of the new man that I work with you, children of the Lord’s glory. I glorify with you over the earth with days of heavenly glory, sons, with heavenly and sweet feasts on the earth, to make the man used to My glory little by little, and then to ask him more, if he wants to be able to do manage, and little by little to prepare those that are My chosen from the four corners of the winds of the earth, for that day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming. I want to teach those of Mine to be able to bear it, for its glory is burning.


I embrace you with words of comfort as in My arms, children of My today’s people. You, sons from My manger of word, give this comfort to My people that are gathered together for the preparation of the glory of My days with it among the sons of the people, and get used to it day by day too, for without this comfort, which flows from My mouth over this garden, the man, soon, soon, will no longer be able to do it in body either.


Let My elected from the four corners of the winds of the earth come, and let the sons of the people come and take from this mountain of comfort to get used to My glory, for the day, which will burn like a furnace, is coming, and soon, soon, not a body will be able to bear in it. Only those who are comforted by Me will bear with it; only they, for once with that day, their salvation is also coming, as it is written. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19.08.2001. (On Slideshare; on; on Calameo; on My.edocr; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



Oh, sons of the people, I teach you what true love is. In the time of Noah, I looked down on the earth and I saw God’s sons seduced by the sons and daughters of the people, and thus love was spoiled on earth. When I saw this, I was sorry that I made the man and I told Noah to make a saving ark for him and for his sons, for the sons and daughters of the people would bring about flood on earth. And it was flood on earth and the earth was full of waters and I saved God’s sons; I saved them from among the sons of the people out of the flood. And what shall I do now? The human kind became flood for God’s sons, for the sons of the people are in abundance and those who are with Me are few. What shall I really do?


Here is what I do: I come with a table of wedding on earth. This is what I do. I call every man at My table. This is what Noah did. First, he told everybody about Me and about the news for their salvation and he called them all to salvation, but no one wanted to believe and to come. And then, their sins brought about the flood on earth, and the earth was caught under the waters with everything that was on it. However, now it will be an unequalled wonder. I, the Lord, will lift up those of Mine and I will protect and comfort them, and I will take away many, as I took away My people of today, with which I lay down the glory of My word on earth, My coming on the way of the word.


I want to gather many at My bosom and to give them life, for the people do not have life. Oh, who shall give life to the people? There is no man on earth to be able to give life. I come and give it to them. Come, so that I may give it you! Taste and be comforted. Taste of My wine. I am the Word that gives life, and the life is the light of the people. He, who has no light, let him come and receive it. Let him come! Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from 25.08.2001. (On Slideshare; on; on Calameo; on My.edocr; on Flipsnack; on Issuu; on Google Drive)


To be continued.

(You can see full document on: On Calameo; on My.edocr; on Google Drive; on Scribd; on )


[1] You can also see on:


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.08.2019

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