
2014.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah the Tishbite

The Word of God[1] at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah the Tishbite[2]



My book of today is opening and receiving Me in it with the feast of word, and this is how I write on earth My book in the end of the time, only that I may have faith and love for faith in those who bear Me to be with the people on earth, to speak as I have spoken all the time by the prophets and saints, and everything that has come down on earth to be among people and to proclaim God’s things have remained written.


Two thousand years ago, I spoke for the one who believed in Me that I would come to him and make a house with him, that I would appear to him and dine with him, but man is too far away from God that he may have time to hear what I spoke for the one faithful to Me, for the one full of longing after the Lord on earth.


Oh, great love is needed in man for this stopover of Mine near him to put the word on a table on earth to dine with man and then to show the fulfillment of My word, as I am working at you and with you, well sons. I have managed to have sons with faith and longing in them for Me and for My coming of today as word on earth, and this is an indescribable joy in heaven among those in heaven. Oh, if you saw how those in heaven stay and wait for My word spoken upon you, you would make a longer stopover before Me with your time through all that you have to carry and do. The happiness of those in heaven would be more beautiful and greater if I could stop for a longer time with you in the word, for I would like this, but the man’s power is too weak to be able to work more, to bear more and to have more time with Me.


It is the day of the prophet Elijah, and I, the Lord, bring to the saints a feast of word and I am into your midst with them, My people. From heaven and down to earth I go with My word. From among you, those in heaven, and to those who watch on earth before Me, this is how I go and this is how I establish the feasts of word between heaven and earth, between God’s invisible and visible things. And I tell those who rule on earth: «All those who judge the earth understand and learn lest by your lack of learning you bring about the Lord’s wrath and perish when His wrath is coming down on earth, over your sins on earth», as it is written.


Behold, the prophet Elijah has arrived in his zeal for Me and he will reveal the power which is released from above against the sins of men who forget the Lord completely, for the Romanian people and land were powerfully struck in a few days by the wrath of water, wrath which is born from sins as in all the times under the sky when the earth and the heaven can hardly bear the multitudes of men’s sins, drunkenness and debauchery, the lack of watch for the soul and for the Lord, laziness and carelessness, ignorance and the lack of the fear of God, and the prophet Elijah brought day by day wrath and took away the men’s rest, as people trample without mercy over God’s rest, leaving aside all the order coming from above and given to be kept by the people, for behold, the Lord endures much from man, but if man does not want to listen to the Lord at all, then the zeal of the saints on earth comes and cleanses angrily the possessions of the man without God.


Furious waters have furrowed the Romanian land and the possessions of the people. The waters have overflowed over their beds and pulled apart the men’s rest from their way, their possessions in which their soul have rested, while I, the Lord, was crying and cry being whipped in My face by their sins.


Terrible sins come up from earth before the sight of My saints. Women stay completely naked before the Lord and before people and they undress more and more and bring trouble towards sin in all men. This brings about wrath and the prophet Elijah is full of zeal and is raging with it against the sin of sexual immorality in men, as it was in the time of his body when he rebuked the sinful state of the king of the time and when this one was looking for him to tear down the prophet; however, he was a son of life, a son of the love of God and a great prophet, and he was also full of life, full of zeal from heaven against sin on earth and full of mercy for God. (See the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.)


You, those who stay during these days with My book open that I may come in it as word and you to give Me further to the people with My calling voice, oh, sons be full of zeal for God, well sons! I have given you the gift of the mercy for the Lord, the gift that makes for Me workers from earth towards heaven, ministers of the Lord’s justice, oh, sons.


Oh, how much I have been waiting on earth to be able to work as I can work now! Even starting with the year 1955, when I prepared and started the way of My voice on earth by My trumpet Virginia from the Maluri village, (mal = shore, maluri = shores, r.n.) from the place where I started My sounding from the end of the time, since then I have always waited for sons with mercy on God to stand up among those who were coming and hearing the word of My mouth through My trumpet. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.)


Oh, I have not been able to do it, I have not been able to do it for such a long time and I could not make any use of them, of some of them, as a householder uses his little horse, which carries the load of his master and then he gets under the harness at the voice of his master and submits with love to his will, to the will of his master, and if it happens that its master sells it, or it gets lost from him, the little horse suffers much and cries in a mourning voice after the longing for its master, and if the longing in it grows too much overwhelming it, then it breathes its last because of the pain of longing, of the longing of that one it had served with faithfulness. However, you, people in the time of My today’s word, for sixty years that has elapsed with My word in your midst, not only that you have not carried My heavy burdens, under which I have always fallen without you; but more than that you have punished Me, you have left Me for the way with satan on it and your longing and yearning after Me have died out and you have forgotten Me as though I was one from whom You have suffered, or against one you have stumbled while walking. However, I have always wanted to protect you and not leave you. I have wanted to feed you lest you may die, and I have always brought on your table, at your ear, the word of life, but you have not understood My care for you and My patience full of pain after you, and like Adam in paradise you became proud and have remained greater than God and forsook Him, because you have not sought to understand My protection that was to prepare you for life, for eternity with the Lord. Oh, when man takes his cattle to graze it, then he stays with it, he does not leave it alone, or at least, he gives it to someone to graze and watch it so that nothing bad may happen to it; however, you do not do that for you. Oh, do you stay under someone’s care and eyes so that you may not perish, so that satan may not come and find you without any watching and thus to understand that you want to be his? Oh, you did not want to stay under My care, under My watch, under My advice, under My mercy on you; you did not want it, but I have always worked and kept My word awake and I have given it over the earth now and I have made My way well set and now I have sons with mercy on God before Me, sons who open to Me to come and to help Me carry My burden, to be able to accomplish the work that I had to do for the salvation of those who are attracted to God and I will protect those who love Me.


I am telling the man that not only by sufferance is the Lord able to clean him from his sin and to prepare a way for his salvation and eternal life, but also by repentance man is able to receive the Lord as his love, as his mercy and forgiveness. That is why I am coming and exhort you to repentance, oh, sons of men. I am coming with My saints and I am calling out to you: Repent! Oh, repent, because the prophet Elijah protected from sword and fire those who had approached him with repentance, but he did not spare those who wanted to seek him deceitfully.


Oh, sons of the earth, not only that the atonement of the sins by man’s repentance brings upon man God’s love and the gift of faith and the work of this gift, but man also becomes the Lord’s helper, just as a little horse becomes its master’s help and carries his burdens and submits to him with obedience in order to teach the man how he is supposed to be with his God, too. Oh, the time with much work of My saints is coming on earth and those who sin will fully see the wrath for sin, (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation, r.n.) and if they have time, they will turn with their life to the Lord, and My saints will make disciples of those who come back from the slavery of sin. Amen.


At Your today’s table with the saints, Lord, and with the people of Your word, I am looking with zeal over the earth and understand Your mercy You have on people, but You also understand my mercy on You, oh, Lord. In the time of my body on earth You gave me the gift of prophecy and I worked with it over the great and over the little, and I was working with zeal for You and standing on Your side, Lord. I was rebuking the rulers because of their sin, and those who were small and gentle I was making them prophets for You, as my mercy on You was consuming me intensely and I could not get away from this pain anywhere and in no way, the pain which was urging me to punish those who despised You by their sin, trying to forget about the true God and to make idols for themselves to which they wanted to bring their false worship. I was looking with a heart crushed with sorrow to what the woman can do on earth over the great and over the little, and I was saying: Woe to those who commit sexual immorality with women, woe! A flame of fire to sin is kindled in man at the view of woman. I saw the king of the time how he was trying to forsake the Lord. The king took a woman from other people and he played up to her and to her idols, which the king erected to draw the people to idol worshipping, and I was suffering deeply because of this.


Behold, it is one thing when a man lives with a woman, and it is another thing when he goes into sexual immorality with women, woe to those who live in sexual immorality with women, woe! Oh, I burned against this sin and I brought about the punishment over the land during that time. I commanded the rain no longer to come down, and even dew was no longer to be, but only intense heat was to be over the land for three years and a half. I told this to the king perhaps he would try to repent and stop from his iniquity, which departed the people from God. Then I showed them mercy and I released the rain; moreover, I made a visible miracle on the day of the return of the rain on the land.


Oh, I have upset You somehow. Before the approaching of my day in heaven and on earth I had prepared rebuke with great waters over the Romanian land and people, as people get drunk with strong drinks, Lord, and this means idol worshipping and their ongoing departure from God. The taverns and the sin of drunkenness have multiplied and the people intoxicated with drinks carouse. Woe to those who put drinking on their tongue, woe! Drinking means debauchery, Lord. From what should man drink and get intoxicated? The rejoicing of the man’s heart with wine and other drinks, behold, it brings him his reward for it. Oh, man is no longer able to renounce the wine and woman!


I have mercy on You, Lord. I see how much You endure, how much you suffer, Lord, how much You are forgotten and deserted and not loved by man. People commit too much sin, Lord. Oh, I had mercy on You and stood up to punish those who sinned against You and against their lives making You deeply suffer.


Those in this little village wonder where You have established the mound of Your word, for You have spread out Your hand and protected it; You have had mercy and taken care, and people see this glory of Yours. Oh, only if people came to repentance for their sin, Lord! I would like to urge the sons of Your people from the spring to have time and give their mercy to those who are foreign to You with their life, and the time will come for many to be in need of this comfort that Your bring down here.


Oh, I also want to help to the men’s repentance, Lord. I do not want to make You sad, but I have mercy on You when people sin against You and against their life. Oh, Master of life, let men no longer have anything to eat or drink against Your will and against the holiness that You expect to be in men. Woe to those who drink for pleasure! Woe to those who put their hope in wine! Oh, behold what man has done from the fruit of grapes, Lord! (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.)


Oh, stop from drinking and from its pleasures, you, sons of the earth! Do no longer walk intoxicated with wine before the Lord! The Lord is coming with His saints and He is working over the earth and over you, the Lord’s saints. Follow after sanctification, submit to the Lord for the wrath for the sin is standing at the doors! I am calling out to you to turn your hearts to the Lord. There is no peace without the Lord. Without Him with you the curse is coming on earth! Behold the Lord as word upon you! Oh, where will you hide from the answer that you have known what the Lord wants and speaks and you have resisted? Oh, come to repentance to get away from the wrath for the sin! Give up satan’s will! Do not give the Lord’s will on satan’s, do not be stiff-necked, son of the earth! Oh, humble yourselves because the Lord is near. Amen.


— I, the Lord, spread My word upon the earth, and whoever know it and does not fulfill it will see. Amen. However, you, share Me everywhere, sons of My word, and seek very much to be My little horse, so that I may be able to carry My today’s burden and that everything I have to work on it. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white horse”, r.n.) Learn from the faithfulness, from the submission and from the service of such a little horse, which carries the burdens of his master in submission to its master’s will.


I am deeply sorrow from the man’s departure from God and from his great disobedience and stubbornness, and the saints comfort Me for My sufferance. You too should comfort Me and bear with My pain, so that I may have someone to bear this heavy burden, so that I may not carry it alone, sons!


Oh, those who separate themselves from Me for themselves, they do no longer find any better place on earth, as they are those who make much grief to the Lord and their mind draws them to nowhere.


Oh, strengthen your staying with Me, with the Lord, sons. Stir up your love, your mercy and your sacrifice so that the storms may leave and every evil thing to avoid you, well sons. My grace is with you. Be with it and for it, too. Be My comfort, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:


[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] Translated by I.A.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.06.2019

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