
The Word of God about His coming, as the lightning that comes out from the east (1)

The Word of God about His coming, as the lightning that comes out from the east (1)


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; authorstream; on, r.n.)


As lightning that comes out from the east, so is the Lord’s coming


                        Text selection from the Word of God[1] on this topic[2]



I likened My kingdom to natural parables, but natural parables are not eternal, sons; they are only an image of those that are eternal. You saw what the prince of the world did, that he pasted the man to his visible things, of the prince of the world, children. And now, at his end, the prince of the world made a machinery and opened a window to those that are seen, and seduced with it the whole creature, (The television and the internet, r.n.); and the man is looking into this window and forgets about the heaven; and the man is looking at the confusion of the languages on earth, which are seen by this window. But I will fool him and I will turn this weapon against him, as I will make use of his weapon and his window and get in it the work of the Holy Spirit and the view of the heavenly life that I work and make out upon you, Israel, My people of today. Behold, I came to show you through this window, (The screen, the monitor, r.n.), the testimony of your celebration with Me at the feast of the Ascension, at Verginica’s feast and of Verginica’s village. (Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet; see selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) I have to turn everything back to those that will never be destroyed, but stay into at the school of the Holy Spirit, My people, and learn well, to take the little crown, the gift and the prize of salvation, Israel.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Pentecost, from 19-06-1994. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



Oh, My people, My people, you do not know My struggle, you do not know My fight for you so that I may prepare you to be like Me and for Me to gather Myself with you and to gather you with Me, for like loves like. The world says that I will no longer come, but you, Israel, should watch like the wise virgins and not listen to the world, for the world does not know what the fulfillment of the Scriptures means. The words of the world are not fulfilled, but the Scripture is being fulfilled. Oh, sons, I have always told you: get out of the world! Why did I say to you this? The one who is in the world hears from the world and is no longer careful to hear from God. The one who is in the world believes what he hears and what he sees. Blessed are you, Jerusalem that have listened to Me to get out of the world and to stay with Me and with My whisper over you, for behold, the whisper has become a word spoken on the roofs, as the Holy Spirit writes in the Scriptures. I could not keep My mystery and the people of My mystery hidden, with which I have come down on earth to prepare My second coming. My second coming will make every man believe; the one who has sought to believe and say that there is no God, and every Jew who has followed the lie paid with much money to be spread all over the people who crucified Me, for the rulers of the Jewish people crucified Me. Why did they crucify Me? They crucified Me because they were great and that they might reign over the little ones and suck from the wool of the sheep and the blood of their lambs. They crucified Me to cover their own trespasses and so that there might be no one to heal the wounds of their iniquities.


Oh, My second coming will be the greatest day of all the Lord’s days, for then there will be nothing but the overcoming Lord, and all who have not believed will remain overcome and will believe in God, Who is coming, Who has a deathless body and Who overcame death with the life of His godhead. My second coming will work like the lightning, crossing the sky from one end to the other. My coming will be with all the heavenly brightness discovered in the light of the lightning, sons, for the cover will be put aside and the man will fall off his legs, as it happened with the watchmen who were put at the grave of My resurrection. Israel, Israel, I said that he who does not believe will not come to see, as the watchmen from the grave of My resurrection saw nothing of the Lord’s Day, for the day of the Lord makes the man fall off his legs. Israel, you should be the Lord’s son, the son of faith, to be kept for light, for the sons of the light, the sons of the Lord’s Day will stay in the light and will receive it and they will no longer melt away from the brightness of the Lord’s light.


My coming from the end of the ages of man rings at the doors. It rings and man does not hear, but you are My witness who will testify for Me that I have rung at all the doors, at all the gates, both in the hills and in the mountains, both in the sun and in the moon and at all the spirits on this earth which are not used to the voice of the Maker. However, you, My people, call out for the Lord to come. Call out, son, so that I may come to answer to your calling and to come; to come and to find you with Me and with those on My right side. I dwell with the spirit of My peace in your spirit, people of the Lord. I work hard to protect you but help Me to protect you.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s resurrection, from 14-04-1996.



Oh, Israel, you are happy, faithful servant, you who stand watching before your Lord! Watch, Israel son, and stay like that for My coming, for I come. Be always careful, for there have always risen false and deceitful prophets and they will make great signs and they will perform great miracles for the deceiving of those who are deceived and for the testing of your faith, My people, but you should not come out, you should not believe anyone but only in Me Who come as the lighting that goes from east to west. However, you shall run when you hear about signs and miracles, for it is written in the Scriptures that they will be for the deceiving of many. However, you have to be humble and low, son, because the false people will come and will be praised by the people and many will follow them, but you should not seek after the glory from men, as I said: «The one who seeks after his own glory, that one speaks from himself and not from God, and he who seeks after God’s glory, that one is from God». Those who love glory are false prophets, for they do not know My humility and My work. Oh, Israel, I do not seek after My glory but after the glory of the One Who has sent Me, and this is how you are to work as well and keep away from the people of the empty glory, who have nothing from Me. You shall watch and watch again before Me, preaching Me to the people, for I am your glory, Israel. Amen.


It is celebration in heaven; it is a celebration of a new age, of new heaven and new earth and new man, born of the word from above. It is a celebration with the Romanians, the country of My returning to the people and of which I took out a people to have it cleaned and placed before the voice of My word, which comes with the clouds. I am coming to you, little Israel, taken out of the Romanians to be My people. I come and become news over the earth, and I become news and story with you, My people. I become a new message and I have the saints and glory of the angels with Me, and My mysteries are great, and My word crosses the air like the lightning, which comes out in the east and goes down into the west. Peace to you, My people, for you have My word and you know My voice. Peace to you, and stay with Me watching, for many will come and they will come into My name and deceive many, and many will stumble and sell each other because the iniquity is great and because of this, God’s light is being put out, but those who are patient will overcome, for the Gospel of My new word and the message of My kingdom will be spread out and told all over the world as a testimony, and then I will come visibly and everything will be brought to an end, and then I will be, (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way[3]”, r.n.) and many will flee to the mountains, for it is written: «My angels will gather those who are elected from one margin of the sky to another, in a sound of a trumpet, at the voice of My word», and there will be as in the time of Noah, for no one will know of that day. And it will be as then, for the people were eating and drinking and going to weddings and they had not known anything until the day of destruction.


… It is a celebration of saints in Israel on the earth. No one on the earth knows any longer to make a feast for the saints. The people speak about the days of the saints and they worship the idols on the days of the saints. (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial of faith[4]”, r.n.) The people celebrate each other on the days of the saints, and they eat and drink and go to weddings as in the time of Noah, but My word comes over the earth and becomes message and it comes. As the lighting comes out in the east and goes to the west, the same way the Word of God announces itself.


And you, sons of My word, you should always be blessed by Me to be able to stand before Me and to take and give My word to the people for the resurrection of the faithful on the earth. My word is coming to produce faith on the earth and to find it at My coming, as I have found it in you, Israel, My faithful people, for it is written: «My Father loves the one who believes in Me and We will come to him and make a house with him and have supper with him and We will appear to him», for the Father is in Me and in My coming, and we will make the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, a blessed kingdom from age to age.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the saint martyr, Varvara, (Barbara), from 17-12-1996



The saints find comfort in you, Israel, for they miss them, dear son. The saints come with Me to you. Be careful to what I say, for I tell you those that are prophesied in the Scriptures. I come with My saints to you. Your Lord comes with thousands of saints to you, and all this glory will soon be seen. His glory will be seen soon, soon, as the lightning which rises from the east and shines up to the sunset; soon, soon it will show, it will show soon, soon. Amen.


The kingdom of heaven is like you, dear Israel, faithful servant, for the Master will come and find you watching and will tell you: «Come into the joy of your Lord!». Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Hierarch Nicholas, from 19-12-1996 (06-12-1996 Old style / after the Julian calendar[5]) (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



I am with the day of birth; I come with the feast of birth into your book, Verginica, virgin daughter, in which My word was born in the end time of My mystery among the people. I was born in the flesh of My mother Virgin, and as word of you, and I remained as work in the midst of your people which you gave birth of My word in you; for if I was born as word, behold, the One, Who is being born, is, and the One Who gives birth is being born; He is being born and gives birth; He is being born, so that He Word may give birth to sons, and My tribe will be like the stars forever, Verginica, daughter who gives birth to sons.


Oh, You Who were born of the Virgin in a body of a child and of me, spirit of word, You are the seed, Lord, You are the seed of the body and of Your word, for You have sown Yourself, so that You may be born in the flesh and so that You may be born as word, and so that You may be the Son of Man, flesh and word, the Son of the Father and of the mother Virgin and mine, Oh, my Lord, Who was born word of me; You Who sown Yourself in my bosom as spirit and word, Son of man! Oh, who among the people would have been able to humble as You did? Oh, You humbled so much, that You came from heaven and entered my bosom and my mouth was giving birth to You as word, as You were the One Who was being born, the One Who was becoming word before Your people, oh, mysterious God, mysterious Shepherd! The days of Your birth are with You as word into the midst of Israel of today, born of You, mysterious Shepherd. Oh, who else can take the life of this little child, Who is being born as word into His manger, into the people born of His word in me? Oh, how mysterious You are, Who are always being born! Your mystery is mysterious, Lord Word. Like the lightning, which comes from the East and appears in the west, is Your mystery, and no one can crush it, as this is Your coming, and who can prevail against Your coming, Lord Word, Who comes like the lightning? The lightning appears and hides, and its rumble comes after it and it is heard, but the lightning, which gives birth to its rumble, is not seen anymore; it hides and its voice remains and is heard. The lightning and its voice. The Lord and His word. The light and its whisper and then its voice, as the Lord is the light which appears for a little while and His voice is being born of it, its voice, for the Lord is the light which is seen and which is not seen.


I, the One born of the Virgin two thousand years ago among the people, am being born today in the manger of My word into your midst, country Romania. I am being born as word, as a mysterious Shepherd, Who shepherds the nations of the earth with an iron staff, with a mysterious word, which is not seen, but its voice is heard, as the lightning is heard after its light.


Oh, how mysterious is the mystery of My word, which today is being born in you, Romania country! Like the lighting, which comes from the East and appears in the West, (Published also on the Internet, r.n.) is My mystery, and no one can crush it, as this is My coming, and who can prevail against My coming? I am being born and come like the lightning. The lightning appears and hides, and its rumble comes after it and then its voice is heard, but the lightning, which gives birth to its rumble, is no longer seen; it hides and it remains its voice which is heard; the lightning and its voice; the Lord and His word; and then the light and its voice. Amen.


I am the Light of the world, Which appeared two thousand years ago, and its word is being born out of its voice. I am the light before the light; I am the light from the time of the light and I am the light after the light. I am the mystery of the Father on the earth with the people, as when the fullness of time came, My Father sent Me as Light into the world, born of the Virgin to redeem the people from under the law and so that the people may receive the adoption, and to those who become sons, the Father sends them the Spirit of His Son, Who cries: «Father!». The Son of the Father cries to the Father from the sons. The Spirit of the Son of God cries from the sons: «Father!». The Spirit intercedes for the sons with groanings, which cannot be uttered.


Oh, it is a heavenly celebration of the new birth! The little angels of the heaven sing glory to the One born two thousand years ago among the people, and they sing a new carol of new age, of new birth, for they see that the days of the new birth of the world have come; a birth of the Word, the Child born two thousand years ago among the people. The One Who appeared as light two thousand years ago is being born today as word, the voice of the light which appeared then, like the lightning which appears and hides and its voice, which is heard, remains; mysterious Shepherd, mysterious word, which is not seen but its voice is heard, as the voice of the lightning is heard after the lightning is heard.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Nativity (the Lord’s Birth), from 07-01-1997 (25.12.1996 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)


To be continued.

(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; authorstream; on, r.n.)


[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] Translated by I.A.

[3] You can also see on:!IINnwQaa!vwmhpxLtU-XyDsihEu12o1MBgrhWf_POOIYYDuFu3kc

[4] You can also see on:

[5] Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)

The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the times», when the primate metropolitan of that time, Miron Cristea, introduced the Gregorian Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”.  «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.01.2019

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