
The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified (1)

The Word of God about the heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified (1)


(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; on pubhtml5; on, r.n.)



«Thus says the Lord, Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool: what kind of a house will you build Me? And of what kind is to be the place of My rest?» (Isaias: 66/1.)


«However, the Most High does not dwell in places made with hands, as the prophet says:

‘Heaven is My throne, and the earth is a footstool for My feet. What kind of house will you build for Me?’ says the Lord; ‘or what is the place of My rest?» (Acts: 7/48-49.)


«Do you not know that your bodies are a sanctuary of God, and that God’s Spirit lives in you?» (1 Cor. 3/16.)


«What agreement can there be between God’s sanctuary and idols? For you are a sanctuary of the living God.»


  The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool, the man deified


                                    Text selection from the Word of God[1] on this topic[2]



Peace to you, child loved by God! Peace from heaven and may the glory of your God work through you! Amen. Peace to you, peace from Us to you and from you to Us! Amen. Glory to those above and peace upon you, loved children by heaven! Peace to you, as in heaven so on earth! The heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool and you, My children, are the temple of the living God. The heart of My children is God’s heaven and their body is God’s earth, and the Lord is the King of the heaven and earth. And behold, I speak to the loved one:

Peace to you, child loved by heaven! I turn to you with My word and with My good strength, for I want to always have upon you the good strength and I want you to work in it always, for your work has to remain. But the thing that you have to work comes from heaven and the whole thing that you have to work comes accompanied by the good strength. Work it with those from above and let yourself be attended by those from above and this is what you have to say at the beginning and at the end of your work: “It is not I, but my Father is working.  Let this faith adopt you in all your things that you have to work, for by this faith nothing is to remain not worked out in the thing that you receive and know how to do it. Do not forget even for a moment that the ages were founded through the faith in My work, and those that are seen were done by those that are not seen. My tools of old were working those that were not yet seen, and all these died in the faith without living in the time of the promises, but only seeing it from far away; and the Lord is called their God. These remained an example to the descendants, but look, My child, that they did not receive the perfection, because it is written that for the little ones something better was promised. These have been waiting for you, little ones from this time, My child, and with you they will take the perfection that they worked for.

Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen Irineu, from 16-01-1991. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



God does not have saints on earth anymore, My loved ones, for all are subjected to the sin, lust and belly and to the spirit of the world, and behold that this is written in the Scriptures as well, that fellowship with the world is separation from God, and it also writes that the Lord is a jealous God, Who wants us only for Himself. And behold, the world is dead, all dead, dead for lack of wisdom and for lack of God’s fear, for God is wisdom, and the beginning of the wisdom is fear of God and this is no longer found in the heart of Israel of today. Israel of today serves the law of belly, the law of sin, and God has no more saints on earth. The earth is full of idols, and the Lord has no more saints to worship him according to the truth. Well, My loved ones, God’s earth is the Christian, and God’s heaven is the heart of the Christian. Behold the house and behold the temple that My Christian has to build, so that I may dwell in this house and find faith, peace, life and love in it; love, but love of God.


Behold the voice of God! Turn your faces to your parents and to the saints who have worked the commandments of holiness and of the eternal life. Flee from slavery, and who is a slave of the sin, let him stand up and do justice towards God. Remember how I was, My loved ones, for that is why I took up a body, so that I might strengthen your faith as you can be gods even in your bodies. The glory which is about to come and reveal even from now could reached to the human mind by now, but it is written about it in all Scripture. The people of the New Jerusalem will be a heavenly people, with heavenly bodies, and that is why it is written in the Scriptures that Israel has been sighing in his spirit to this day for the redemption of the body. Behold, the body and the heart of those from these days have to turn into a new heaven and new earth and living stones at the New Jerusalem foundation which the Lord will come soon with to the surface and which the far away peoples will flow to so that they may see the glory of the New Jerusalem. The time of the second appearance is coming; My time is coming, My loved ones, but no one understands and no one believes anymore. But they who pierced Me will believe because they will see it, My loved ones.

Excerpt from the Word of God upon the apocalyptic trumpets: the priest Ioan and the nun Veronica from Vladimireşti, from 16-01-1991. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



I want to come with the good time, I want to set the Eden on the Romanian land, and from it to extend My tent all over the earth after that, for the earth was created by God. I want, My child, to make a new earth and a new heaven, for the Christian is the earth of My footstool, and the heart of the Christian is the heaven of My throne, and I am the King of this kingdom.


I want to make the beginning of new heaven and new earth from My children. I want to set the Eden from the beginning upon them, before the time when man fell in disobedience. I want to create an angelic state on the earth and behold, I am working and I am making new heavens and new earth. Amen.


Soon, this mountain will be raised over the tops of the mountains and the saved nations will flow to it.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the priest Ieronim (Hieronymus), from 21-01-1991.



Behold, My loved ones, the time has come when those who sit at this table will take on the garment with which they can enter and sit at the table with God, for Jesus Christ is the door, and they will not be able to jump over into the glorified citadel of the heavenly table. God wants to set again the Eden on the earth and behold, the Lord arises to make new heavens and new earth where righteousness, peace and heavenly love will dwell. The Lord wants to make the Christian into His Eden, as it was in the beginning of the ages, for the Christian is God’s earth and the Christian’s heart is God’s heaven. Behold, the time of the cleansing of God’s earth has come for the Lord may make it His footstool, and from the heaven of the heart of His children to make his throne of rest and reign, well children, for the Lord is the Master and the King of the heaven and the earth. Behold, the time comes for you to let yourselves be worked so that it may be fulfilled that Scriptures which says: «God’s kingdom is in your hearts». (Luke: 17/21) Amen.


My beloved ones, I have come to you to tell you the life and the living with which you have to be found on duty during the days that come, for I want to set the Christian into the Eden from the beginning. I want the today’s Christian to be like those in the beginning, before they touched and tasted of the forbidden fruit tree, for I want to be again Eden and life without death, and I want to put the tree of life into the midst of it and to be a heavenly state and eternal joy.

Excerpt from the Lord’s trumpet sounding and of the saint Virginia over the Christians in the town of Viişoara, from 24-01-1991.



Peace and blessing and a spirit of joy with the heaven, for the heaven is a guest here. This is a day of testimony. Glory and joy in those above, and celebration of peace from God upon you, for you are witnesses on this day, in this blessed and clean place. There are angelic choruses here and they sing: «Glory to the Holy and to the One of a single being and life of the creating and inseparable Trinity from now on to eternity!». Amen.

Blessed be the kingdom of the Most Holy Trinity, of My Father and of His Son and of the Holy Spirit, threefold working.

Peace to you! I am here. I am the Word for the Word is God. I am the Alpha and the Omega; I am the beginning and the end. I am the new beginning of those that believe in Me, for I come with a visible glory upon Romania. It is written that I will come again, and here, I work by the word and I announce My kingdom. The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. The heart of My believers is My heaven and the clean and undefiled body is God’s bedding, and behold, I am worn by those that are Mine, and I am with the word through them, for this is God; He is through the prophets; He is through the bearers of God. My word works in this place and all are worked out by the word of God during these days, for there come the days of heavenly glory and the days that the prophets of all times wrote about. Romania is the country of the brightness which will appear from God upon the peoples, for this is its choice and it will wear a name of a New Jerusalem and of an Eden, blessed among the nations. I, the Lord, proclaimed this mystery by the prophets and I fulfill nothing without announcing it beforehand. (See the selection topic: Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[3]”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God on the day of laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem. The Word of God to King Michael, from 22-07-1991. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



Peace and New Jerusalem over My Zion, and over those who went into My name, peace!


Peace and good order, as in heaven so upon the faithful ones! Those who are faithful are God’s settlement. The heart of My believers is My heaven, and the clean and unspoiled body of these is God’s bed, for the Lord rests upon them. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Bishop Basil of Târgovişte, from 04-12-1991.



God answers at the voice of the heart. Peace to the heart whose voice cries and is heard in heaven! Peace to you, little heart! However, I have My dwelling in your little heart and I will make it big by My dwelling in it, and I am making it My throne, and from the tent of your heart I am making My footstool, for My name is your Creator. Amen.


… I started to break at the root of My field and I got up to take care of My vineyard that was brought to the ground. I am sitting with you in counsel for a little while to tell Me that you are with Me and not without Me, and that I may also tell you that I am with you and not without you. However, I want to be with you, and you know how this work comes for Me to be with you. Take the fear out of you and do not seek to fall down from heaven, gentle child. Let the heaven keep you at its bosom, for there is no other haven besides Me, but be wise, for My heaven is in your heart, and My kingship is in it.

Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen one, Irineu, from 17-01-1993.



Peace from the heaven above over the heaven below, for the heaven is My throne, and My footstool is the heavenly earth, the spiritual one, the new one; it is the Christian who lives and sanctifies himself to be God’s house and tent, the One Who works within the Trinity over His creature.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Beheading of Saint John, the Baptist, from 11-09-1993.



The blessing of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is pronounced. The new heaven, the new earth and the New Jerusalem, which were worked out and came down from God for carrying God’s throne and tabernacle into the midst of the people, are blessed by word pronouncing.


Behold, I open My springs so that I may flow to you for you to drink, to drink from the river of life always and to eat from the tree of life, which is watered by the river of life and which grows and yields fruits in the midst of the heavenly Jerusalem. (See the selection topic: This word is the river of life[4]”, r.n.)


Peace to you from the Father! Peace to you, children of My Son in Whom I am well pleased! Peace to you from the Comforter, Whom I sent to the sons of My Son, after My Son accomplished His work upon you, dwelling in you by this Comforter, Which was given to Him by Me, so that He may come with Him to you to give Him to you and to be with you until the end of the ages.


I give My peace to you; I let you My peace, sons! As the Son gives it to you, so the Father, so that you may have a conduct from the Holy Spirit in Us; in Me and in My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. If I am without beginning; if I am before all ages, the same is My Son; the same is My Truth, Who is My Son and My Heir Who comes with Me into the inheritance.

But the angels created for Our glory, for Our work, could not be but glory until God made the heaven and the earth, all the visible and invisible things, and the man that was taken out of the earth. And behold, the creature made by Us from the earth and to whom We breathed a spirit of life, that creature stirred up disorder into the world of the angels which were made by the word, as all were made by the word; all but the man. All the angelic hosts formed God’s glory obeying the work of the glory. But after We made the man, I said to the man to listen to the pronounced work, so that the word may be obeyed, to be fulfilled. But the word that was delivered upon the man was not fulfilled, Christian. Why Christian, was it not fulfilled? Why the word was violated and how could this happen? The man became conceited, sons. The angels were spirits, and the spirits do not do any work without the body, without having bodies as a dwelling. And if I made the man with a body and if I breathed a spirit of life upon him, and if I rested in him, I rested with all the heaven in him, into the earth that I worked, as after I worked and I finished him, I rested in him; I rested from My work; Mine and My Son’s in a godly Spirit.

Be careful, children, take good heed, for today it is a celebration of angels, but I want you to understand well and carefully. Be careful with your spirit and inclined to the perceiving in God, as we have an angelic and heavenly counsel to understand the work of the angels. The chiefs of the hosts of the angels, Michael and Gabriel, bring a feast in the synod over the Jerusalem given to you from heaven that the angels may be working upon you on this day of celebration. Be careful with your spirit and lift it up to Me to understand the Lord’s counsel among you, as after I created the man, I rested in him. And how long had I rested? I was able to rest very little into the work of My hands, as in the time of My rest into the man, the man rejoiced over the entire glory of God, which was moving in Eden, which was hovering in Eden, carried by man, by the man’s body and by the movement of the man’s body that was wearing My glory in it. 

I made the man from the man so that he may not be alone, that My glory might be great in the work of the man. The angels were with Me and with My glory in the man, and the man was then the bearer of God, a dwelling of God’s glory. All the hosts of the angels and archangels found their rest into the man, as they were part of My glory, and the man was served by the angels like God. And I loved the man and I made him king in Eden, as I made for him a Garden of Eden over which the man was to be king. And if I made him king over Eden, he had a hidden thought, which was ministered by angels, and this hidden thought received the angels’ ministry through the chief of the angels.

The man was made king and then he became conceited and said: «I will put my chair and I will set it above the clouds; I will put it above the Most High». And look, this hidden thought of the man, who was to receive the angels’ ministry, shook the Eden and the heaven above, as the man, made out of clay, longed to ascend above his creator. And as the first angel over the hosts of the angels started, when it started to think to serve the man’s hidden thought, it smashed against the mountain of haughtiness which grew into the man, and the Lord did no longer feel the rest into the man, and the angels started to fall down from God’s face, from the honor, which they were in. And while the angels were falling down, the Lord woke up Michael and cried out through him: «Let us stay well and take good heed in fear!» And when he said „in fear”, the falling of the angels stopped, because of the obeying word.

Behold sons, what the man has done! He became an occasion and a dwelling of the angels’ falling down. As quick as the lightning was this falling of the man; as quick as the thought, as when the man though it, the angels fell down and became satans. And what does the word satan mean? Satan means the change of the good into the evil, and when the good turns into the evil, a fight of enmity against the good starts, and a power that is called evil is brought forth; the power of the evil against the power of the good, of God. And look, this is how satan was made then, giving birth to an inimical power, which goes to God and accuses the man before God. This power inimical to the good was brought forth like lightning and this wicked power is called satan, but it fell down from God’s face, as it is written: «I saw satan having fallen like lightning from heaven».

And after this power fell down on the earth, which earth did it fall on? He fell in the man; he fell upon the man and upon the man’s wisdom, as satan took then a serpent’s image and this fallen angel worked; he worked through the serpent speaking a word of temptation enticing the man not to listen to God, so that the man may also fall, if he and his entire host fell down. Lucifer was the first angel over the angels and over the hosts of the angels and had the first host, close to the light and happiness of God; that is he was the first; he and his host near God’s throne, close to the light and happiness, children, and that is why he was called Lucifer, (Adonis, morning star, translator's note.) that is light, as he took his brightness from the light of the godly happiness.


And Lucifer got angry with the man; he blamed the man for his fall. He was the angel of God’s wisdom, and when the Lord rested in the man, he and host also rested together with all heavenly hosts, and his fall happened into the man, as the spirits of the angels do their work through the bodies. And Lucifer struggled to make the man fall down from heaven, and entered into a serpent and enticed the man, and since then the work inimical to the good and to the man’s happiness in heaven was brought forth, and the man was expelled from heaven and was put into the Sheol. But I sent My Son to become flesh and to spoil the work of satan annihilating him from everywhere and to fulfill his defeat and destruction on his coming.


Here is what it means the man to let himself be overcome by satan! And that is why I raised people from among people who banish satan. When the king Saul was tormented by satan’s spirit because of his self-aggrandizement sin, he was freed from satan by David’s song. But it is hard for God’s dwelling into the man where this angel dwells, as Saul was always seen by Lucifer in his work. Here the sin of Lucifer working in the man by self-aggrandizement, by self-opinion! That is why I sent My Son; I sent Him to spoil the satanic work and to show himself to the people to teach them to take God’s image and likeness again. And who lets himself be taught and helped by My Son, that one does what My Son did, and comes down to humility, so that Lucifer may not try his control in the man who receives My Son.


− Oh, My Father, that is why I spoke to the people: «I am the way!». This is what I said when You sent Me to the people, and who believed in Me went on this way and saved himself from this enemy angel. Amen.


Oh, My loved ones, My friends, My brothers in My Father! I said this: «I am the way!». And how comes, I? I was lowered up to you, so that I may take you afterwards with Me to My Father. Behold a descent and ascension. This is the way that I showed it to you. First, I came down and then I ascended. If I do not come down to you, how could you ascend to My Father? The Father does not receive anyone without Me, as He sent Me to come down and to bring with Me those to which I came down, those in whom I come down. I am the Son of the Father, and I came down in you to teach you too to work and to destroy the satan’s work.


When that sick man came to Me asking Me to heal his body of sickness and evil spirit, I healed him and said to him: «Go but from now on sin no more, so that it may not happen something worse to you». And you people, how did I say to you when you came to be with Me? For I receive and I healed you by the word from the reward of your sin that you did until then, that is, I forgave you and I received you and I said no: „Go and sin no more!” And I also told you: „Come, and do not go wrong; come and stay with Me so that it may not be bad to you”.

Oh, children, behold, on this day of celebration I speak to the people of this work. I have spoken for so many years with the people of this work. I called out the godly trumpet, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[5]”, r.n.) and I told him to gather together at the table of My word, and the people of this work came, but hearing he did not hear, and coming he did not come. He did not come, sons; he did not come because if he came, he was come and he remained. He was coming and turning back; he was coming and going, and he was not coming. He did not come if he was doing so. I was always gathering him to heal him always. Whenever he fell, I was getting him up forgiving him, because he was not getting up. I was getting him up because he was not getting up, for to get up it means to hate falling down and not to fall again. But I was getting him up and he was going away from Me and was falling again. He was falling because he was haughty, as it will never be heard that someone falls if he does not become conceited arising himself above God. If I was coming and telling him not to do this, he was always standing against, and this is called that he was falling again becoming conceited above God’s throne. Oh, I was hearing again and again, as I also hear now from this people that he says that „God is good and knows that satan is wrong and sees our struggle!” Oh, Christian, you will never see the one, who fights against satan, and not to overcame satan; never son.  And you will see satan again and again in the way of the man overcoming the one who does not fight against satan. Only the one who does not fight is overcome; only that one. He who receives this angel becomes a satan, who fights against God, against God’s kingdom, and that one overthrows God’s throne, and God’s dwelling in him. That is why I came with this work, to set God’s throne back to its place; to set it and sit and to rule sitting. But from Lucifer’s falling down it has never been heard that the Lord dwells in the man that has this angel in him.


Here, I speak with you about angels, so that you may know this wicked angel and not to give him kingdom, sons; you should not give it to him; do not give him any more. I came to overthrow the Lucifer’s throne, but if My people do not see this angel fallen from heaven, he will always let himself enticed by the serpent that bites after it entices, and then Lucifer, seeing, goes and accuses the man. That is why, Christian, I say to you: listen to God and to His word, for if the man from Eden had listened to the word spoken upon him, he would have never reached to see the fruit of this sin.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1993. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)


  The sequel of document will be published soon.(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on Scribd; on; on pubhtml5; on, r.n.)


[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] Translated by I.A.

[3] You can also see on:!8AcnVSYA!FanFO3k1dUA8k24WYeK0n-x_ruiUTroTGOA6I8cRqLQ

[4] You can also see on:!gA1jiZYA!XzORNxDAx-6_CaMb6RC2E2UaKzUXa0DziTI7Jked1pU  

[5] You can also see on:!wJkWDKaB!WDh3HPbi0TbWQBaudyme40T23PLy4yxzjIETNAynUG8


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2018

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