
2012.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother

         The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother[2]



I am the Alpha and the Omega; I am Who I am. I am the Son of God, the Father Sabaoth and I am His word over the earth, for it is written for Me to come, both for those who are righteous and for those who are not righteous, who go wrong day and night, and I want to speak against their trespasses, and I also have to comfort those who are righteous in their hearts and to save them from oppression, for it is written: «Those who put their hope in the Lord will not go wrong».  


I am bringing word of holy feast on earth on this day. My mother Virgin is standing on My right side and the heavenly powers are bowing before Us as a sign of honor for the Son of God and for My mother Virgin, she who gave birth to Him among the people on earth. Two thousand years ago, the Father Sabaoth prepared a virginal womb for Me, in which I was to be seeded by the work of the Holy Spirit and then I was to be born a Child and to grow up to the age of the grown-up man and then to pay for the man’s life, because man fell from God and since then he has no longer been able to regain his life, and therefore, the Father sent Me after man and told Me to give Myself over to be crucified for the redemption of the man’s life, and I listened to the Father, for the true son listens and submits and overcomes for the one who listens and then he becomes a victor.


The Father had prepared then the birth from the one who was to receive Me from the Holy Spirit in her virginal womb and to give Me birth among people on earth, and the Father worked with miracles and prepared her way to be born among people and then she was to prepare My way to come, for it had been written for Me to come.


Behold a day of holy feast, oh, My Virgin mother; behold your day of birth among people on earth, and it is a day of feast in heaven and on earth for you, mother! Oh, what a sweet and holy mystery was your birth! All the prophets before you had looked at this day, which had been prophesied by them in time that it would come and that you would be and would become the way of My coming on earth, mother. All the righteous people had been waiting in heaven for this feast then, the day of your coming on earth, a birth with a miracle, for your parents were barren and were crying. My grandparents were asking God for an offspring, and the Father wiped their tear at their prayer and He gave you to them as a baby, and then the Father made you to be My mother, He made you to be My Virgin mother, and you brought the Son of the Father Sabaoth on earth among people, mother, and the mystery, hidden in ages and not even by angels understood, at that time was brought into view, for I, the Lord, became your Son, the Son of the Virgin preached by the prophets that he would be and that she would bear God’s son in her womb.


We set the word and a table of feast into the midst of the people of My today’s word, and let the Romanian people bow and take from the table and find the Lord’s speaking, for the Lord is on its hearth as word over the earth now, in the end of the time, (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) and He calls this nation to salvation and to wisdom from above, for the Father Sabaoth chose it two thousand years ago to be My path over the nations and to be a house of My coming; furthermore, it also has to house My coming as word from the Father to man in its homeland, for I have to prepare the day of judgment, and it is much to be done for it, and I have been preparing the Romanian people to work this day from its midst over the earth.  (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.)


Oh, Romanian people, you bear My name, the name of Jesus Christ on your head even from your first beginning, that from the time of My beginning with you two thousand years ago, and you are the first born then from Christ among the nations, oh, My today’s country, for My first disciple, My first apostle, Andrew, put on your body your little shirt of baptism and he called you with My name; he called you a Christian country, for the Christian name comes from the name of Christ. I have worked hard, I and you after that, for this great name to be kept for you, for you were the first one born from the waters of the creation of the world and you have carried on your heart the mystery of the man’s creation, and in this time, when the antichrist and its subjects want to write victory upon the Son of God, the man’s Creator, I have been working even more to keep you within your glory with Me now, in the end of the time, oh, My today’s country. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) The Father has given you to be Mine and that I may have you as Mine to replace the people of Israel, who cut Me from its midst and crucified Me when I came to it; and I wanted to turn its heart to the parents, but it did not want this, and the Father gave you to Me then to be the country of My return after two thousand years, (See the selection topic: Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) for it is written into the Scripture that one thousand years will pass and still one thousand more and then I will come and prevail against the old serpent, satan, who deceived the man in paradise and made him disobey Me, while the man was put by Me in paradise in order to listen to God and to do His will with steadfastness and not to forget this; however, whenever the love of God becomes small in man, satan’s power grows against him, the evil power, and then the Lord has much work for man in order to save him from this death, from his separation from God, for man dies as many times as he gives the Lord away from him so that he may do his own will.


I call you and I wait for you with your love between you and Me, oh Romanian people, but seek after the wisdom from above with your heart now, for it is the book of God’s commandments, and from which the law flows, the law which lasts forever, and without it no one receives life, and those who forsake it receive death in return, as it is written. However, you come back to wisdom, oh, Romanian people, and do not give your glory from God to another people, for the use of wisdom brings God’s revelation and His love for sons then.


I suffer when I see the heart of pagan in many of your sons, Romanian people. This provokes the Lord to let the enemy come and this is what happens when a nation forgets about God and despises the One Who gave it life. The people is forsaken by the Spirit from the Romanian people because of its sins, because it has swerved from the Lord and violated His commandments and it has not walked in the way of the right order. I have allowed, therefore, misfortune to come, but He Who has directed it to you can also save you from the hand of your enemy brothers among you, only for you to dare and call Me in order to save you from this oppression and to have mercy upon you as soon as possible, as look, now you are enduring with patience those that have been arisen[3] among you because of your denial of God, but I, the Lord, want to remember you if you call Me; and because your spirit has inclined to wandering away from God, you should seek after Me ten times more with a mourning heart, for He Who has given you such a great name brings your salvation, and those who are full of unclean spirits among you will grow weak; however, you should take on the garment of righteousness, oh, Romanian sons, so that the Lord may present you within his brightness before the nations under the heaven, for it is written that all the high mountains will bow before the nation led by God with His just mercy.


I give you salvation from those who are not righteous[4] into your midst, oh, Romanian people. Ask Me to remove them and to give way to the helm for those with a humble heart, and let those who believe that only they are and will rule upon you, let them fall down from their strongholds and let the uncleanness of their hearts be shown now. I, the Lord, come with great salvation into your midst, but call Me, Romanian people, for I have My mercy for you into My arms only for you to wait for Me, to open to Me and have Me as your God, for I, the Lord, bring great salvation to those who have Me as their God and their salvation. Amen.


Oh, mother Virgin, My pain and its tear for the Romanian people have become My zeal of today, for the Father has given Me this homeland when We were born on the earth two thousand years ago, mother, and it will be for us to have great victory from the mist of this nation, in which I have set My table of word now. You are mother. Your sigh is like Mine for the sons of this nation, out of which the Father has raised a people for Me now to be able to come, and that he may wait for Me when I come,  to gather My word and share it, mother. Raise your voice to the sons of the Romanian people, for the war of those who have violated the entire justice[5] is great, only that they may be able to rule, oh, mother. From now on, I want that these enemies of the nation let themselves be overcome, mother. I cannot help from suffering when I look at their iniquities, which stand into the way of My glory with this nation, and to which soon, soon, the nations will bow, but the cross of this nation presses very hard upon it. “Oh, when will you comfort us, Lord?” This is the cry of the hearts of many who have been waiting into this nation for the salvation from Me, mother. Let us help them, let us work much for them, oh, mother. Come down with the voice of mother upon this nation now, on a day of holy feast, oh, mother. Amen.


Their help from the Lord, the One Who has made the heaven and the earth, this salvation is coming to them, oh, Emmanuel Son, my Child Jesus Christ. Let their hope be steadfast, for we have the heavenly powers at great work for this salvation. Whenever the rebellious sons of this nation strengthen their oppression upon their brothers, the heavenly powers are divided within their work and bring salvation from all those that lie in ambush to rise in turn and to strengthen the lawlessness against the justice of everything. Oh, there is no longer much time. There will perish the whole enemy power, which all the Romanian sons have left it to come, those who have not watched for Your dwelling into their midst with Your victory from above, oh, merciful Lord for them.


I strengthen your faith in my Son Jesus Christ. Be full of faith, Romanian sons. He has not left to wait those who have waited for His salvation. The fog on the side of those lying into the midst of this nation is thick. The Lord will scatter it; He will make it thin little by little and after its scattering, there will appear all those, who, from its thickness have added fuel to the fire so that the pot of their lawlessness might boil, everything directed against this nation, the nation of my Son Jesus Christ in the end of the time, for the Father Sabaoth has given it to us for the end of the time for the Lord to come and to be glorified in the word on His hearth, and to bring light to the nations, as it is written by the word which will flow out of His mouth to the wisdom of the nations and languages on the earth.


The enmity of the hearts of those who have come now at the helm of the Romanian people is big, and the feud has appeared unexpectedly and caused great pain. These have stood up with war and worked during the night; they have laid hold on the seats of governance and they are very hypocrite by the work of their lie, by which they are nourished, but the heavenly powers follow them and work once with them and ruin their hidden plans, for the Lord is at war with them for the salvation of those who wait for Him with it.


You, those who have risen up to mock of the peace and the light from the middle of the Romanian people, stop sons, from the work of your transgressions and take the side of those who are righteous in their heart, in their judgment and in their wisdom, for it will be too difficult for you to stand face to face with the Lord’s justice, when it will stand face to face with you on its day of glory. Oh, if you are not able to love, at least be good; stop from committing evil more than you have done it by this time! May the work of your anger come to end, for you have worked with anger and lie and you have overthrown the good watchmen from the helm of this people. The Lord has been looking at you; all the saints have been looking at your tongue full of deceit and injustice, and with it you incur on you the big lie, which will come unexpectedly upon you. I am a mother and I have mercy on you. I protect like a mother the Romanian people and its hearth. I exhort you to peace, I urge to the fear of the Lord and to the work of the justice of everything, but especially I exhort you to great repentance, so that it may help you to escape the punishment which you have incurred on you by everything that you have caused: pain, sigh, bewilderment upon the Romanian people and so on. Let it go out the fire of pride in which your minds burn pressing you to the hatred among brothers! You have brought about great division among the Romanian brothers. Oh, why have you done this? Whom do you really serve, by the spirit of lie and hatred among brothers? Oh, it is not beautiful to take the side of lawlessness, which has worn you down very much, for the transgression cannot bring anything good by its work, but rather it brings only snare and stumbling and it catches under it those that work it. I bow before my Son Jesus Christ for you and I am speaking to Him like this:


Wake up, Lord, raise Your hand and do not forget Your loved ones to the end, for they wait for You to save them from the work of those who are rebellious among them! Lord, set a limit to the rebellion and to the steps of those who work it, and make them feel remorse and have a spirit of repentance, and then give them, Lord, the fear of God, for without it they perish little by little and they do not know what they do, poor of them. I gave You birth in my virginal womb and I gave You to be the God of the Romanian people then when You came and when the Israel people denied You, the one to which You came from the Father. I have stayed as a great protector over this nation since then and up to this day, and I have loved it for You, dear Son, I have loved it much and I have closely watched over its borders and Your mystery with it into its midst, for behold, You have the people of Your word into its midst and You keep it with its little hands raised up to the Father, as we also stay near it and always bring this nation to the Father with living prayer for its destiny from God during this time.


Oh, loved people, stay with longing and with your heart filled with the Lord before Him for you and for the Romanian people, and the Lord will give you great love, like His love, for the Romanian people has to come to life in the mystery of the glory which is to be upon it with my Son, Jesus Christ, the victor against satan, the old serpent, which has separated man from God. However, may your watch be for the Lord’s coming on the earth, oh, little and watching people before Him, and the Lord will always come and will shepherd the Romanian people with an iron rod, with the word from above, and His teaching will flow over the people, as it is written about the mount of God’s wisdom on the earth, of which the nations of the earth will take and seek to the Lord to the end of the time. Amen.


Peace to you, oh, Romanian people! Appreciate the Lord’s gift into your midst! Be careful to his word upon you and take it from those who share God from your midst, for He accomplishes His every spoken word, from the beginning and up to this day and then on to all the ages. The Lord is coming to you as word, oh, Romanian people. Stand up to meet Him and come to His love and to His likeness in your love, for God is love, and only He is love. Amen.


I am the Alpha and the Omega, oh, mother Virgin. I am the One Who spoke the word of the Father in the beginning, and I am His word from the end and His Son too; moreover, I am the One born of your virginal womb, mother. You are My mother Virgin. Oh, what a beautiful name of a mother you have, mother Virgin! Only you were and are so, only you, oh, My mother Virgin, and only I am the Son of the Father and your Son! May all the sons of men be born of this love, mother! It is a feast of your birth in heaven and on earth on this day. You came among people two thousand years ago and then you were My mother; you were a virgin mother, and you gave birth to God on earth. Our mystery is praised between earth and heaven, and blessed are those who believe in it, mother, and there is no other happiness beside this one, oh, mother. Let those who want happiness humble and be with Us and like Us, mother. It belongs to all those who believe in it, of those who are with it, mother. Amen.


I am blessing the work of the mystery of the people of My word, sons through whom I, the Lord, can be now on earth with the people. Everything you work, everything you begin to work, I, the Lord, bring and bless. I work mysteriously by many works and We work in a heavenly way, sons. Be from heaven, well sons, for My works with you on earth are from heaven. Listen to My Spirit among you, sons. He watches from the midst and you should listen and receive from Him with faith, for He sees, proclaims and fulfills from God with you.


I will speak with you and I will strengthen My mystery upon you, always to take great care of the uniform that you have to wear before Me, sons. However, first you all have to seek to have the same form, the same steadfastness, for I have beautifully clothed you when you have come to take My image upon you, My sign upon you. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.) Therefore, take after each other before Me, sons, so that you may not lose your uniform that you have to wear before the Lord. It keeps you in the unity of the spirit, in the unity of the body and of the soul among brothers, and it brings you to resemblance with each other, well sons. Be good, be clean, be beautiful, be gentle, be merciful and be very much obedient, and more be all of the same likeness within all these, well sons, and keep the uniform over you without changing it and without an end, like My covenant between Me and you, forever one, and work for Me through it, well, well sons.


Oh, sons, sons, watch upon you before Me; watch to distinguish yourselves from among the sons of men and know that you are Mine and that I may also know you as Mine. May the sons of men distinguish you from them after your appearance inside of you and outside of you, and then I, the Lord, may have you as Mine according to this appearance, for I have cried very much before the Father to let Me have a people so that I may cry into its midst with My tear after man; moreover, let My tear become word over the earth, and let the man’s mercy for Me catch him and come back from him to My love for him, for seven thousand years ago, I lost the man from paradise, and now I have to set the man again back into paradise, and he has to obey Me and by his obedience to be able to live in paradise and thus to heal My wound, which he did to Me at the beginning in paradise, for I have cried after man and I have been crying after him as in the beginning; I have been crying very much after him and My crying is sweet and it hurts Me, and I want that man may wipe out My tear; and then I also want that My love from paradise to remain between Me and man on the earth. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] Translated by I.A.

[3] Reference to the economic crisis to which the severe draught was added that have led to the rise of the cost of life, r.n.

[4] It is about Ponta and Antonescu, the representatives of SLU (Social Liberal Union), who have overthrown two gouvernments so that they may come to power and then they suspended the president of the country too in order to discharge him by referendum, leading to political instability, economical uncertainties, the growth of Euro currency in relation to national currency and therefore to the rise of life, r.n.;

[5] They have abusively modified laws by Governmental Ordinance to their favor and abusively they have changed the presidents of the two chambers of parliament; they dismissed the people’s advocate so that their laws at the Constitutional Court may no longer be attacked, and they did some other actions like these, which have led to the lack of credibility of the constitutional state, r.n.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.11.2018

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