The Word of God[1] on the fourth Sunday of the Lent, of the saint devout John of the Ladder[2]
In a day of Sunday, I am with you within My Spirit and My word and I am leading you in a fatherly way, oh, My people. If I have you as Mine, born from above by this word, and if I have given you to have and to give God further from your table to those who are not sitting with Me at the table, oh, if I have given you to have and to be capable of working by My power, how shall I not dwell into your midst and have fellowship with you and to be comforted that I have you and that I am able to speak to you? My word has to be with you always and it has to keep you awake; it always has to build in your watch, love and faith on My way with you. Oh, My word does not have to trouble you, neither when it rebukes you, nor when it teaches you and nor when it shows the darkness on the earth, nor when it proclaims those from Me for you, but it rather has to watch over you and make you obedient to God, for how could you show Me the law of the love of God if you did not listen to Me in everything that I may ask from you by your stature within Me?
Oh, no one can show Me otherwise the love, which I have set upon man, so that he may work it, when man might not listen to God as God requires. It is written into the Scriptures that I, the Lord, find pleasure in those who are ready with fear and awe with respect to everything that I speak upon them and this means obedience to God. Who can love the Lord more, and more beautiful and more completely, than the one who listens to Him? Only those who love Him and only those who not do not love themselves, oh, only those come to the love of God by their obedience to Him.
Oh, My people, take care of love, son! When You give Me the whole love that I give you to have, only then you are perfect in love, and if you also give of it to yourself, then neither you are able to have it and nor could I have it completely from you. However, I have given you My whole love, for when you love God with the wholeness of your love for Him, then do you not have Him in His wholeness? How would it be to give you love further than that if you fulfill your love to Me within all its wholeness? We would not have anything to give to each other because we would be totally dedicated to each other, and this perfection does not need more than that, and it would be enough for it to be on the earth with man and the man to comprise his neighbor within it and to make him like him in love and in its perfection in them and then among them, so that he may be in Me, and the one who loves Me to be perfect as well, not retaining anything from these things to himself.
Oh, here it is why I miss man and how much I long after him! However, man does not give Me his love, I am not his love, and he who does not have Me as his love, that one does not have any other love that that for himself and he also asks Me to keep giving him, and no one can gather in such a way that he may have in heaven and to be welcomed up there by his savings earned with God on earth. Oh, he who does not gather with Me, that one scatters, he works his own loss and then he remains with nothing of everything he does and of everything he is, and he who gathers with Me, that one loves God and gives himself to God and he gives himself to his neighbor with his being in him, with God, with the love in him, for God is love, and he who has the Lord in him, that one is also love and he is like God. Amen.
In a day of Sunday, My Spirit and My word are accompanying you with its love and it is bringing you guidance, oh, My people, and it is only love, only fire, as I am. God is a consuming fire, as it is written, and beautiful are those in whom this fire has life! My word upon you is also fire; it is a consuming fire if it comes out of Me. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire”, r.n.) Oh, how are many supposed to come to you when people flee from fire and from water when these try to come to them unexpectedly? People flee from consummation after God and they flee from cleansing and from the cleansing of evil, for the evil and its sin seem sweet to people; these seem to be their life and its power and comfort. People are afraid of God and they flee from Him, and they say that it is hard for them with a life such as His. Those who still come to get help from Me walking through the churches and within a spirit of petition to give to them, they do not come to Me because they love Me, but they rather come to Me only that I may give them, and if they see or know that I cannot give what they want for themselves and for the earth, then they go to the sorcerers and sorceresses to give them, while they ask for their possessions and they do not give them freely what they ask for. Oh, he who does not have God as his life and love, that one is deprived of everything and goes to get help in his needs and desires, he goes to satan’s servants that satan may give him of his treasures, and then satan comes and let Me know how people follow him and how they give their soul to him that he may give them in return to those asked by them to use to their greatest errancy; however, those who go to satan after help in their weaknesses, they are those who confess satan and do not know what much truth they prove that God is, that He is face to face with satan, His adversary, of Whom satan is afraid, and against Whom he struggles with fear, but when satan is helped by a great army of people, he takes courage, but I, the Lord, am telling him now that he loses and those who go to him for help also lose, for their mind is addicted, and are also addicted to themselves those who ask for help from satan for their self love and for their greatness which they want for themselves on earth. Oh, well, well satan, whenever you may think that you have won something against Me, then you are the one who lose, for the man who comes to you to support him in the work of his pride, that one does not last, but his foolishness lasts instead, which draws both him and you into the fire which you alone prepare for yourself, and you keep on stirring it and adding to it, and you do not know what you are doing and what man does to you, who knocks at your door that you may give him. Oh, what do you give him? You give him what you have, and you are the father of lie, and everything you do against Me and against man, in fact you do nothing but increase the flame of your fire in which your torment is going to be and it will show you what you have earned forever, for you earn nothing but your torment by everything that you work with man who asks from you to give him. Oh, only if you did like the sorcerer whom I told by an angel not to do any harm by his word of curse but rather to speak blessing with his mouth, and this servant of yours listened to God, for he submitted before My power by which I cut into his way to bring him into submission.
Well, My people, it is a day of Sunday and I want to rest by working over your life with Me, son, for it is a day of fast, and it still is, and I, the Lord, have to strengthen you to be able to work beautifully with fasting now before Me so that you may give your help My plan with the heaven, with the earth and with man against satan, who does not leave off his evil things but only when the sons of the heaven work with Me, and whom I, the Lord, taught and always teach them to ask with fasting and praying for the casting out of satan, My adversary, from man and from the earth.
We remember in a spirit of Sunday, in a spirit of church, the devout and greatly obedient to the saints, to the fathers and to God, John, who showed to the faithful people the man’s ascension to God, and after that he was called John of the Ladder. Oh, how beautifully he stayed within the spirit of obedience and how greatly he appeared by his submission! God is great among His saints and they are great in Him in word and deed, and I, the Lord, am comforted with them and I get comforted from them on earth and in heaven. Amen.
— On a day of Sunday I am with You, Lord, in word, in heaven and on earth, for the saints and the fathers gave me as an example to the church, me, the one who love submission, the obedience in love and it was my love for You, not for those to whom I submitted within my obedience to them. I had to listen, and that is why I had listened. I needed to be a son and I needed to have fathers from You and to be, and I had a mind for this desire, and You were the spirit of my mind, Who loved me and received me as Your son on the Mount Sinai, there where I served You on earth. I was submitted to those who were my superiors, and this is how I showed respect to those that were under my authority then according to the normal ordinance, for by my obedience, You brought me to the level of spiritual father for the sons who were to believe in You, and I also showed them my self-denial and my humility before them, and this is how I advised them to me with obedience, with love and then to their self denial. My hermit life helped me for the spirit of peace, in which I remained to write for the followers about the man’s life ascent to You, and the saints of the church called me John of the Ladder. I left the followers the ladder, on which I travelled to You, Lord, and I wait for them, I wait for many of them, I wait for them to come and to be able to come. With fast and prayer and with time for these, this is how are supposed to travel to heaven those who use the ladder which I built with my word full of longing after the man’s coming to You from the turmoil of the world, and I thank You for all those who will listen to the whole word that I left written on the earth for those who may travel to You the way I travelled, and I left it in this way written on the earth[3].
Oh, glory to You because you build saints from among people in the way of the people so that they may see the way of the saints and walk in it! Glory to You, Good Shepherd, for the spirit of Your working spirits is spirit of Your Spirit of merciful Shepherd for those who let themselves be shepherded by Him to heaven on earth! Amen.
— My glory with you on the earth, oh, My beloved saints, was nourished by your love which is complete for Me from you, for you have given to Me with obedience, and your submission has taught you obedience. Everyone who wants to learn this ladder, the obedience for his growth, let that one build total submission for himself to those who want to listen, for no one can listen if he does not submit his being to the work of obedience and for obedience with love. If someone does not listen, than he needs someone to show him in order to know and then to listen, for this saint, John of the Ladder, once fell under the calumny of those whose soul he had under his caring hand for them, and then for a long time he had not done anything of what they said that was not good at him, and then he withdrew his strong hand upon them in such a way that he showed them his submission and obedience by doing this, and then they were terrified seeing the great damage that came from the lack of the teaching and watching upon them done by their teacher, and they repented and were corrected and then they left their mind, which led them to murmuring against the master for their souls, for counseling them.
Oh, My people, submission means love, and without love man displays only his stubbornness and the word of his mouth and mind, or his lack of speaking, which is the same, a stubborn spirit. Oh, the gift of the holy teaching is great, and you should love this gift more than any other gift, for man cannot have a greater gift than God’s love, which is worked by the submission with obedience, and you have to be filled with this gift, for I am whole into your midst, whole, but perfected by its wholeness, just as I also like you to be; however, always wholly dedicated to Me on your behalf in such a way I may be full of gifts from you, and that We may take after one another by what We give and receive, for you are full of all My gifts so that you may have and that you may give to those that do not have, and then also, that you may give Me so that I may have from you on My way with you among the people on earth, oh, son, My people, on whom I am relying now with My coming again from the Father on earth after man. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
[2] Translated by I.A.
[3] Our venerable and God-bearing Father John Climacus (ca. 579 - 649), also known as John of the Ladder, John Scholasticus, and John Sinaites, was a seventh century monk at St. Catherine's monastery at the base of Mount Sinai. He wrote a number of instructive books, the most famous of which is The Ladder of Divine Ascent.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2018
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