
1996.11.17 - The Word of God at the Ascension of the Holy Cross on the Church of New Jerusalem


The Word of God[1] at the Ascension of the Holy Cross on the Church of the New Jerusalem

                                                                          (Translated by I.A.)



I am. I am He Who is, and I come to you, Israel, and if I made a dwelling of My word of you, you also are. I am, and you also are if I come to you. I come for you to be, My people, for you also to be, as I am. I am and you also are, as you are My people. Amen.


Oh, you should not look at the man who gives himself a name. You should not look at the man with a coat and with greatness of man, My loved child. You should not look at the wise man who says that he is, and rather you should look at the One Who is, dear son. I am. I am He, Who is, as the man is how the time requires, not as God requires. Have mercy on Me, son. Have mercy on your neighbor, as on His coming, the Lord will pay you everything you might have been spent for My love. I will pay you, merciful child. You are My house, a house of heavenly guests, and I come to you to warm Me up into your house, as the time is cold, and I have nowhere to bow down My head to get warm. Neither I, nor the saints, have any place to get in and to let down Our burdens.


I am with Verginica[2], Israel, and you should open for the heaven, so that it may come in and do its work upon you, as the Lord and His saints come to interpret the Scriptures for you, My people, and that you may have a real interpreter, as behold, people who misinterpret God get up on the earth, so that they may make a name and have greatness among the people for themselves, and that the people may make garments of people. But you should not look at the man with the garment, at the man with a name, as woe to the garment and to his name, son! You should love the One fallen among the thieves and to take Him into your house, into your heart and to take care of Him with love, and God will pay you with a high reward and will work for you to have eternal life as God has.


Oh, Israel, you should always wait for Me, as Verginica comes with Me to you, as My trumpet has great work, as I work by My tools; I work by those that are alive. I am the God of the living; I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the God of the saints, Israel. I am the Lord of Verginica. I am your God. Amen.


Oh, You should be received and praised by Israel, Lord, as You are He, Who is; and he who is, in You is and not otherwise. I am Your trumpet, Your tool with which You work Your field, Lord. You are the gardener, and I am Your tool, Lord, Lord of the living, Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, My Lord and the Lord of little Israel, as the smallest one is loved by all big ones, by all the living who were before the little ones, and who are alive, as You blessed a word of life.


Oh, my people, here is why I am, why I come to you when I come with the Lord. I come because I am, and because I am, I come. I come to you, son, and rejoice because you give me work to do with the Lord upon you. This is what the word said to you: „Speak Israel, of the Lord on the way, so that you may be heard speaking, and that the Lord may come to have a blessed Supper with you, as happy is the heaven when it comes down to sit at the table of word with you, Israel”.


I meet you with the wisdom from above, my people, for if you do not give an everlasting meaning to it, is of no use to you. You should work your eternal life with it and have eternal life worked by it; you should make a house with it, my people. Open the book of the time of the Lord with me, and see that it is written this into it: „Israel, let your body not go down into the grave, as it is written into the Scriptures to meet the Lord on His coming”. This word is from above, the wisdom, which comes from above to the redemption of the bodies, not only of the souls, as the soul was given to the body by God. The wisdom ends its way and its work by the redemption of the bodies, and the man who does not work to redeem his body, who does not take his body out from the dead bodies, out of the people, son, the man who does not get out with his body from the sea, that one remains a swimmer, not a wise man, as the wisdom which does not have eternal life in it, the wisdom without its flower, without the redemption of the body of his soul, it not the wisdom of life. Be careful Israel, to the wisdom of life, as the wise man on the earth does not have the wisdom of life, and he is a babbler to catch many into the snare of his wisdom. The way of the Scriptures comes to an end with the lesson of the redemption of the bodies, which will bring the Lord on the earth in an image, as the Lord did not make the man to have him on the earth; he did not make him to turn him into garbage and dust. (See selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[3]”, r.n.)


Be very careful Israel, as the man’s wisdom is born of his sins; the man is born of the evil not of the good. The man with a sound mind does not need judgment for his deeds to speak wisdom against them. There is no greater wisdom under the heaven than the holy mind. The man with a holy mind walks among the dead and does not bury them, as he is with the living not with the dead; he is with the Lord in the work of the everlasting life upon the man who has eternal life. He takes his cross and follows the Lord, as it is written: «Let the man sell his wisdom and its fruits, and take his cross and follow God».


Israel, son, I teach you the wisdom from heaven. You need to have eternal life. You should have it, not to receive it, not to get it. She does not teach you. She is lived in itself, when it is. But I taught you about it; I taught you to have it, as, son, you read the man, you read newspapers and human books; you read in the man, in the common man among the sons of the people, and the wisdom from above did not come into you, as it cannot be put among the things of the wise man on the earth. No man among the sons of the people can resemble God, as if it was not so, God would not have people any more, for the people have God, no matter how much they would want not to have God upon them, but only One is God with power upon the people and He submits anything He wants to His word. The day is coming when only God’s wisdom is to remain; and also those that are sound in their mind, those that are pure in their mind. The Lord is coming with richness of wisdom upon you, Israel, and you, sons of the garden of the word, open to the heaven, open to the Lord when he knocks. Come together before the word and open to it. The sinful man needs the man’s wisdom, not the one that is sound in his mind, not the intelligent man, for he who has a clean and sound mind does not need man’s wisdom. Not those that are healthy need wisdom. Only the sick need a doctor; only the sinful, sons, as all the gifts will perish when the healthy man will be on the earth, and God’s love in the man.


Oh, sons from the garden, that is why I said that your life is God, and I said that you should be likewise, as the Lord needs you to enter into Jerusalem. Stand by me; stand around the hen, as this is what I told you. Be the hen with the golden chickens[4], be golden vessels and stay around the hen, stay only with God, with God within you, as the Lord needs you to come into Jerusalem, to be He Who is; to be with Israel. Amen.


You, Lord, are He, Who is, and You are with Israel, as Israel is Your people, and I am the hen which calls her chickens to gather them under Your wing, Lord, and that the sons of Israel may stay gathered like the vultures around the carcass and to stay and eat Your word at a brotherly table. I taught the sons, Lord, to know what is Your wisdom upon them, as You speak to them in the parables of Your wisdom and to make them understand the everlasting life, and to have it; to have You, Lord, You, Who are. You spoke to Israel not to look at the man who gives himself a name, to the man with a coat, and rather to look to the One Who is, to You, Lord, so that Israel may have Your wisdom and not that of the man. Amen.


Oh, Verginica, daughter of the heaven in heaven and on earth! I am the Man Who fell among the thieves, for the wise people of the earth separated the people from God and they made themselves gods for the people, and I remained a mere man, a certain man, a man of old and that is all, just a man and not a special Man. And when I told the one who asked Me about his neighbor, I answered him this way: «A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho», from heaven down to earth, Verginica. A Man from heaven, but no one knew by that time who was That Man I was speaking About. I was the One Who fell among robbers, and neither the Levites, nor the priests helped Me, but only the Samaritans took Me into their home, and My Father will reward them for their faith, as they also were a people thrown away from their land, but when they became a people again, they learned the faith in the true God, while there were only false gods on the earth. I am the Man Who fell among robbers, a certain Man as it is written about Me in the Scriptures, about the Man of suffering, the Man despised by all the people, the last One among the people, a Man full of sufferance, used to suffering, a Man to turn your face away from, considered a nobody by all people, a certain Man, but He took upon Him all the man’s weaknesses and iniquities, in order to save them and to heal the people by His wounds, for the true Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep, so that the sheep may have eternal life, as the true Shepherd has.


Oh, I have mercy on the one with a man’s mind; I have mercy, sons. That one does not know what life is, or what Father is; that one does not know what prayer to the Father is, as I was praying in David saying: «When My strength fails me, Lord, do not forsake me». Oh, I have compassion on the mindless man, of the man wise in his own mind. The wise man in his own mind, quick with his own mind and wise with his heart, such a man shuns evil, because he knows them by way of his mind. But the calm and gentle man, who has a peaceful, good, clean and quiet heart, the evil things avoid him. It is not him that keeps away from the evil, but the evil keeps away from him. Such a man has My peace in him; he has My wisdom upon him, and the evil flees God.


Oh, My people, My loved child, I know that you do not deserve, but I do deserve to have a people given by Father. The archangels will come in the sky to you, as you are the Samaritan who took into your house the Man fallen among robbers, both then and now. When I come to you, let Me find your sons, Israel, to have someone to speak with, who to rejoice with, as I suffer from My longing for you, My people. I come and interpret the Scriptures for you, son Israel, and you should open for Me. Archangels will come in the clouds to you with the feast of today, as today the heaven celebrates above the manger of My word and the choir of the little angels sing the hymn of the sign of the Holy Cross, which appeared on the sky from the midst of this holy establishment on the earth. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) Today it begins the feast of the cross, sons, and the feast of the archangels will complete the feast of today. It is the day when the cross of the Holy of Holies was raised above it, on its height, and at dawn the cross was seen on the sky, and it got out above the spring of My word, which was running into My mystery with you, My little Israel, as I became a river of life which flows from God’s throne. Behold, neither the Levites, nor the priests received Me, but you received Me and took care of Me for My coming, and My Father has His reward for you, the one who took care of the Man fallen among robbers, among the unbelievers, the Man Who took the healing of the people upon Him, the Man Who comes down from Jerusalem to Jericho, from heaven to earth, the new Man on the earth, Israel. You should be My neighbor, loved Israel. Son, you should be for Me the house for the guests that receives Me in it, the house with oil and wine for My healing and for My strengthening in you, Israel, My warm house, the house of My mercy, Israel, son of a Samaritan.


And you, Verginica, you should gather the chickens for Me, so that I may give them new seed; to pour out the seeds into their little fists and to turn them into sowers after My image and My likeness, as I declare the blessing for the multiplying of My word upon the multitudes. Keep your fists, sons, that I may pour Myself into them with the seed of My word as food for the multitudes, as so that bread for the nations hungry of God, so that the man may know what bread is, bread from heaven on the earth as food. Keep your little bags wide open, sons and sowers, to fill them up, and you should take into your little fists and throw on the earth, and he that hears will be sown and will bring forth fruit above his nature, a new man, far above his nature.


The sower sows the word, and I will come to you, sons, with the seed of the wisdom from above to call into being those that are still not, as God created the soul for the body. Come to drink, Israel, and become a spring of living water, so that I may drink of your water and never go thirsty after you, son. Child, Israel, set yourself after My image and My likeness and have a stature, son, as the time comes, so that seven times seven people with superficial wisdom may keep after you, and they will sell their possessions to buy your name and to wear and to have a name, but then you will not be able to testify that someone is Mine, but only the one you know that he does My will; to testify him after his name that it is My will and My name, and My name will be worn only by the one who takes My new image before My coming with the visible glory. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:


The second coming of Jesus Christ:!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA


The word of God in Romania:!0N8RlJrB!yTwbJPdKo1mIC4Ob1L-edg



Prophecies about New Jerusalem:



[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.)

[3] You can also see on:

[4] Reference to the Treasury from Pietroasele „The Hen with the Golden chickens”, a symbol of the Romanians, not understood by now, as how „the hen gathers her chickens” (Matthew: 23/37; Luke: 13/34), the same way the Lord gathers His chickens, as pure as gold in the fire of God’s love. See about the treasury on:, r.n.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.02.2015

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