
1995.04.23 - The Word of God at the Resurrection

                              The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Resurrection

                                                                          (Translated by I.A.)



The consecration of the triptych located in the village Maluri, on the place of the descent of the Word, marks down forty years of the Lord into the Christian Romanian people: 1955 – 1995. The Lamb opens the seals of the book. Exhortation to Romania for a heavenly heart.


Romanian Jerusalem, New Jerusalem, the Lord meets you; the One Who was raised from the grave on the third day. Jerusalem, My people upon which I write today forty years with the heaven! Dear and loved Jerusalem, people of My word! I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, meet you with the greeting of My resurrection, as in the year 1995: Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!


I am the Word of God. I am the Son of God. I am, Romanian Jerusalem. I come down to you on a heavenly feast and I make you enjoy with the Christian news, the one declared two thousand years ago on the day of My resurrection from the dead: Christ is risen!


The whole heaven is coming with Me singing and celebrating, singing resurrection upon you My little people, taken out of the Romanian people to be the people of My word of this time. I am the King of the glory, the Lord, strong and mighty, and I speak the word upon you, people of the word coming down from heaven upon you. This is the day that I made for My glory with you, Romanian Israel, for your glory with Me that I prophesied long ago, son and My people. I have separated the earthly age from the spiritual age with you, people of My word and I have written with you a new beginning. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)


I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, came down in 1955 with the work of godly word to harvest a people, and I harvested a people and I spoke with it from heaven and I founded in him the book of My word from this time. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, have My word come down on the clouds over the manger of My word and cry out: Lift the gates up so that the King of glory may come in and speak! I have used the man by now. Now I am in glory and speak. I am clothed in word and I do not use a path. I sit by word in the clouds of glory and I let Me voice upon My new earth, upon My little and new people, as I promised God, the Holy Spirit, and I said that I would send Him down after My ascension to My Father, and behold, I fulfill as I promised.


Peace to you, My people! I come to you with My word and speak from the clouds upon you. May this day of Passover be blessed; this great holy day between heaven and earth. May the opening of the seals of the book of My word be blessed, as I spoke My word into Romania, upon My people taken out of this nation! May you be blessed, My people, which I come by My word to! Peace to you and heavenly Passover of My feast with you! I have been hiding for forty years with you in time and speaking upon you, but today I have made room for you, My people, and I call you Jerusalem, and I speak with you in the middle of the crowds and I give them the book of My word. I have spoken with you from heaven on earth and I have written all My speech in a book, all My renewal. I have given you word to eat to grow up, My people. He, who has eaten, has eaten and grown up; he came to life and remained alive, and is called My people that remained alive after his birth from the word.


Come son to talk with you and to celebrate forty years of word! Come! And here, you came if I called you to come. Come son, as I call you My son! Come, My people, as I call you My son! I have been using the man for seven thousand years and I have been speaking My word through the man and I have made a godly work on earth, but now I reign and speak Myself. By now the man was, but now I am Myself and come and call out: „Lift up you gates so that the King of glory may come in!” The watchmen of the garden lift up the gates, and I come in and become word and stay into My garden.


Behold My book, which is worked out of the word! I am the book; I am the Lamb, Who opens the seals of this book and gets out of it the food of word and puts it on the table for the multitudes, as I did once. I become word, and you should know My people, that I am broken into your hand and given to the crowds to taste Me, to carry Me and to take Me in into their bellies and to grow up and be born into the heart of the man that has not heard by now of My word and of My Holy Spirit speaking on the earth. I speak with you, My people, and from now on, many crowds will know what I speak with you and what creation I give to Me by the word into your midst, Jerusalem, My people. Blessed is the one who listens to My word and opens to Me, so that I may come in and rise in the man from the end; to take him and give him birth from above and to give him a new body and a new spirit and birth from above, that is worked out by word. I have been speaking during this time of end into My godly language, and I have used the Romanian people’s language, and I have raised a small people of the Romanian nation and I called it My people, My son, but I have not done this work without being written about it in the prophets. (See: Prophecies about New Jerusalem, r.n.)


I come soon to fulfill into a visible glory, as it is written, but first I proclaimed well the glorified coming of the Resurrected and exalted Son, as I have never worked anything upon man without proclaiming it first through the prophets. I come soon, and I will command your eyes to be opened, My loved people, and then I will reveal Myself visibly near you, and I will work upon you within a revealed glory in the eyes that were prevented from seeing the heavenly things. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) I come soon and I will be with you and I was with Luke and Cleopas in Emmaus, but I will not leave you anymore, and I will remain upon you and near you before the world, and the world will be baptized by the Holy Spirit of the faith and of the resurrection and of the spiritual growth, and it will be baptized by the fire of the world’s lawlessness cleansing.  I will baptize you by fire and by the Holy Spirit and I will take you to work, My people and son of the word. But I tell you that I have already taken you into My work and behold, I work upon you and with you over the lawlessness of the world and over the spirit of the world, to make room for the Holy Spirit and for the glory of the Spirit of the godly Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


I have come with a feast of the new heaven and of the new earth in the citadel of My word, as this citadel is the Bethany of this time, My loved Bethany, where I have come so many times with the heaven; I have come with the heaven and with the word; My Bethany where I wrote down the word of My speaking of this time of heavenly glory. I come with My body raised from the dead and I stay into My glory which not seen by the fleshly man. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.) Rejoice Jerusalem, My people from the earth, as I am with the Jerusalem from above in a celebration with you! In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, come, My blessed people, to be the footstool of My glory!  Come as I gave you birth from heaven by the word, and many nations will know that you are the people of My word, and they will walk to find you, so that their mind, hearing, sight and heavenly love may be opened at the voice of My word. Life without God is not good. The man’s life without God is not good. I miss to give form to the heaven on the earth and upon the man and in the man that is created after God’s image and likeness.


Oh, where are you, where are you, My image? Even Lucifer had not made so many sins as man did; he, who was created after God’s model. The man rose above God and God’s throne in the man created after godly counsel was torn down. The man is no longer man, but he is something else.


Oh, where are you My creature? Where are your image and your likeness from God? I walk and seek the man created by God and find him no more.


My people! Where is the man made by Me? I want to make him out again, but where is the man? The man pulled himself out from the hand of his Creator and received another use and became subjected to death. He pulled himself out from the life and was subjected to death.


Man, where are you? Death is no good. Come back! Come back to your first Creator! I will let Myself be seen by your eyes. Man, come back to Me!


Man worked out by the Father, by the Spirit and by the Holy Spirit! There is little, little time, and I come again, and I will make the man and I will work crying over the man’s pain and compassion, and I will take the man out from death. (See selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[2]”, r.n.)


Oh, you body and soul that I called man after I created you! I want you to know that I will require you back and I will make out the man again. I will make out the man from the man who deformed his image and his likeness from God. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.)


I told Noah to make a house for himself, and Noah made his house at My commandment and floated on waters, and I started from the beginning to make the man and I worked upon Noah’s house. (See selection topic: „As in the days of Noah[3]”, r.n.)


Man, your first Creator seeks you to make you out again. I seek much, I seek sobbingly; I seek and seek again to find the man created by Me and I will carry him into My bosom and I will clean the lawlessness and I will put the man carried into My bosom, I will put him on a new earth, and I will reign with him, and I will make a house by him and I will dine with him and I will reveal Myself to him. 


My people carried by My bosom, you should cry of My pain and stay into My hand and be My tool, as I want to redeem My lost work and to finish with the spirit of the death, as here, I call out My creature that I named it man. I made out of the clay a creature into the image and after the likeness of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and I called this creature man, to be a work useful to his Creator.


Man, I am your first Creator. The one that you serve urged you to change your image and love and estranged you from Me, so that you may no longer drink from the spring that you are taken from.


Man, I miss you! The evil spirit, My enemy and yours, boasts before Me; he boasts about My work. I gave you image from My image and you do not love Me, man, and you do not follow Me to be alive. My enemy is not your father and you love him, and you have borrowed an image foreign to Me.


Man, My work, I want to take away the death from the earth, as in heaven so on earth. I want to give you what you lost. I want to give you the place that you fell down from. I want to redeem you, son. My Father sent Me two thousand years ago to become flesh, and I chose a little handful of people, a little handful of disciples, and I marked down upon the man the lesson of redemption and the opening of the door of the kingdom of the new heaven and the new earth, and I have worked with those that are few at that time, who let themselves be born of Me, the Son of God, the One that became flesh from the Virgin, and I opened wide the way of man coming back to life; however, I promised to the man that I will come with life without death. And behold, man, I had the work of My word come down into Romania in 1955, and since then I have been creating Myself and becoming word, and now I arise to work with all the heaven to fulfill the promises that had been proclaimed for forty years.


My Romanian country is a great mystery. Its body comes from My body; its years are as many as My years; its birth is at the same time with Mine. On the day of My birth, My Father kneaded the sketch of this people and of this land, blessed since My birth and its birth. My Father gave birth to a Bridegroom and a bride and prepared a wedding table and wedding feast, and behold, I take My bride from the Romanian country and I ask her hand, but I say that I have already asked her hand, as you, Jerusalem, are My bride; (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) you are My gift from the hand of My Father; you are My love, you, Romanian country; you and your sons in you, who are given to Me by My Father, as he gave Me from Israel a handful of disciples, who I laid a new wedding table with. (See selection topic: Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[4]”, r.n.)


Behold My wedding with you, Jerusalem, the bride given to Me by My Father, from the Romanian nation; and I will give birth to sons from sons, and they will be born from above, by the word, in the same way I worked in the beginning. You will be to Me a new wedding table, new wine and new bread, renewed by word and by heavenly anointment over time, and no one will prevail against you, My people, blessed for as long as forty years. I have been blessing you for forty years, and I have been hiding with you, little and tiny people sanctified by the Creating Word. Rejoice, son; people blessed and sanctified! I made out a heavenly wedding in this day. It is a day of new Passover, as I took you out of the Pharaoh bondage, the one without God, (From the communist dictatorship red beast, r.n.) and I gave you freedom to show up with Me, the Lord and your Master, Who has been giving you food for forty years within a heavenly mystery. I made a great miracle for you, son, as if I had not done it, Pharaoh rose up to kill you, (At the Revolution in December 1989, r.n.) son and My people. But I need your life, for I have given you as food life from My life, and I have made you grow up, so that you may be useful for the work of the redemption of the man taken from My face. You are a very little people, but My power shadows you and anoints you with power; it encloses you and presents you great, My little and tiny son, Romanian people from the Romanians!


Oh, Romania, My love, here is what I have in you. I have the people of God’s word into your midst. I have been giving it My word coming with Me on the clouds as food for forty years, (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) and I have protected it, as this time is a time for dying; it is not a time for life. Wake up for a heavenly heart, Romania called by Me by a new name; Romania, My New Jerusalem, united with Jerusalem from above, the one from the invisible glory! Wake up My love! I have a tiny kernel in you, a new seed, worked out by heaven, and I want to turn you into My field and into My holy relative. Israel crucified Me and denied Me, and My Father gave Me to you, so that you may be born of Me, from water and Spirit, to be born of the Son of God, My love. I pass with My voice through My people, through My gates and I speak upon you. I give you heavenly knowledge and you should feed on it and believe being born of it, and to pull yourself out of the hand of the enemy of the soul. I leave a book to you. Read it My love, and answer Me! Come to Me as I come to you. And even if you do not come to Me, I will come to you, as this is written. Behold, I call you to My wedding with My bride taken out of Me. Come Romania, to be a wedding guest at My wedding with My people, who endured because of Me, with My bride prepared by Me with heavenly vestment, with heavenly ornaments. I have gone through forty years of wilderness, as in former times with Israel, and now here I am by Jordan with My bride that I remained with from the world. It is a day of new age; it is a day of new Passover. Come, Romania, at My day of Passover, as I leave an eternal Passover in you, and I start My wedding and multiply My new Passover, and I come to kiss you with My word! I pass gently by you and I comfort you with heavenly speeches and I want to wake you up from the death. Do not be afraid, but get up! Do no longer stay without Me as I remind you of your choice at your birth. The dogs and the wolves increased in you, and you were not as you are. Come My love, to a life without death, as I stay before you with My little people, which crucified his body, his will and his worldly lust, so that he may serve the Holy Spirit, and to make out of it redemption from death upon you.


Romania, you have no longer got any Samaritan in you. The priests and Levites pass by you; they pass in front and no one of them does any good to you. Romania, My Orthodoxy, do not distort your first love. (See the selection topic: The true church[5]”, r.n.) Your faith in Me perishes; it perishes from you; and the man relies on the man; the man is struck by the man; the man is deceived by the man, the blind is deceived by the blind, and the Pharisee enlarges his garment and his hidden lawlessness. Behold, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, cut off the living stump from you. It is old and it does not want to give forth fruit for Me. I cut it off and grow new offshoot out of it, with heavenly sap, as on earth is as on earth and not as in heaven. I beat down a stake of spiritual age and I started with you a new vineyard and a new people, as the old ones passed away and had no more fruit; they have no longer heavenly grafts. The old man does no longer wakes up and I make a new man and a new Passover and a new son. It is written into the Scriptures what I do, and who can stop the prophesied fulfillments? 


It is a day of heavenly wedding in the citadel of My word. It is a day of new Passover. I call out the man from death to life; I call out the man to the life with God and not without God. It is My feasting with My people, a feast of passing, a feast of new heaven and new earth. It is a holy feast of New Jerusalem and I come out with My blessed people and I work with it upon Romania.


Oh, beautiful and holy people, you should sing son, from now on and up to the heavenly eternity, as I make out in you a new heaven and a new earth. (See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.) I offer My hand through you to the one that fell down from heaven. Let the man, who became earth, hear; let him hear the whisper of heaven, My whisper, which passes through your midst, people of renewal and of feasting of heaven on earth, heaven and earth, united into a heavenly celebration.


Behold the book of My word. May the opening of the seals of the book be blessed, as by its word I will redeem people of all peoples, tribes, languages and nations! This book is the word of God, and I gave a heavenly commandment to be opened and My word became flesh, and I take the book and open it. May the opening of the book of My Word be blessed! Let the man take and taste of My word and grow as I have grown you up too, My people. Let the lost man find Me and take Me as a guide, and let the man receive God’s image and be after His likeness.


It is My feast with My people; it is the book’s feast. Let the people receive knowledge, as I will give you power sons, to multiply this food of imperishable life in the body. I am the treasurer in heaven and on the earth, but My work has its own brunt, as this is God’s work; it is with sacrifice and pressure on the earth, but I will work within this work and I will overcome by it against the darkness in the man, and I will scatter the light of the Holy Spirit upon those without a heavenly heart.


The heaven waits to come with glory upon the earth. Jerusalem, My people of Romanians, stand son before Me for the man, as I want to give the man his life back; and this is how you should also want, as I work in you the redemption for the man. Let My Romania know that you are not a strayed people, as shame is cast upon you. My church strikes you as My people of my time also struck Me. The people of unbelief have given you a bad name, little people, but you are My people with an Orthodox living, as I want to be the life of My church. Priests and bishops strike you as they also struck Me, but hide your head and keep it on your shoulders and do not let you be struck, as I am your head, My loved people. Let the man look at you and understand what the Orthodoxy for living and heart means. Those that blaspheme you have no heavenly heart. Pray My people, for the man without a path, for the man who serves the body, for the servants of the church who serve their bodies and not God. Pray son, to wake up the workers in the work of My vineyard, so that the seed from the beginning of Romania may not perish. It is not Orthodoxy that one under which those that serve the body stay hidden. Orthodoxy means a right way with heavenly fulfilling on the way, with the accomplishment of godly commandments in body and in a pace of heavenly supper for life without death.


Oh My Father, it is My Passover with My people that You gave Me out of the Romanian body. Bless the gift from You, and let the power of the blessing remain upon the people of the New Jerusalem, which arises and which will grow and be holy. My Father, bless My joy and My Passover with the people that are My bride.


− Dear and loved Son, I gave You all the power in heaven and on earth, and I made You a beginning and I started a planting from You, and behold, the field from the end will be green, dear Son. We will work a new man out of man.


We will increase the light, which is called the book of the Word, and the book will speak, and the man will rise to life after the path that leads into heaven, and We will give the heaven back to the man and will establish the new heaven and the new earth upon the man. Oh, Son, let Our joy seize the small people that We remained at the table of My word with.


People of My Son, may My Son bless you into His Father; I in Him and He in Me before you, people, My light on the earth! And I will give you light as a food and you will give forth light day by day, and the Sun will lose its brightness more and more at the sight of My glory with you, and the man will look for you to put his steps on the path, as there are no other paths. It is only a path and something else is a road to death.


Man, receive your life back! I did not declare death upon you, but I speak now to the death to give you back to God. I am the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and I do the work of incorruptibility in the man. Amen.


− Oh, My Father, I let Your joy and Mine upon the people, blessed by the word. I let an eternal Passover and a new and holy supper by holiness of the body and soul, as this kind of worshippers I need. 


Romanian Israel, you should grow up and clothe with My grace son, New Jerusalem. I offer My abundant grace upon you and I bless you in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, as My word will change the appearance of the body and soul of the Romanian people.


I came with My word in 1955, and I declared the word of the resurrection: Christ is risen!


Peace to you! Rejoice! I am the Resurrected Lord, and I am with you on the way, Romanian Israel. I also want to graft Israel that gave Me over to death on the cross. I want to bind it to the people that believes in God, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I want to wake it up and to receive Me from My Father Who sent Me.


Stay uncovered from now on; stay marked by My glory, Romanian Israel. Stay My people, seized by the glory that come over you and you will be My tool from which I will make out the work of man’s redemption by word, the work of the resurrection of the dead and a beginning of new heaven and new earth, worked out by the word, and you should be light in your way with Me, Romanian Israel.


New Jerusalem, Christ is risen! I resurrected in you, spiritual son, and you should bring this day of resurrection to all the margins. Peace to you with the holy heaven! Peace to the holy heaven with you by word! Peace to you, children of Jerusalem, which starts with heaven on earth! Peace to those that love you, Jerusalem! I, the Lord of the resurrection, bless you in a work of resurrection upon those in whom I arose.


Blessing and resurrection upon you, New Jerusalem, as My glory arose upon you! Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:


The second coming of Jesus Christ:!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA


The word of God in Romania:!0N8RlJrB!yTwbJPdKo1mIC4Ob1L-edg



Prophecies about New Jerusalem:



[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] You can also see on:

[3] You can also see on:

[4] You can also see on:

[5]You can also see on:!4EF1US4R!vhg5QR1Qc82yxTW84Y2Q2EX6IrNeT3FA97Oqvlhpe4A


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2015

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