
The second coming of Jesus Christ - The Judgment

The Judgment


«One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here! I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters.

The kings of the earth committed dissolute (unchaste) with her, and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her dissolute (unchaste).”» (Apoc: 17/1-2.)


«I saw thrones on which those who had received authority to pass judgment were seated. I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and who had not expressed adoration to the beast or his image and who has not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand. They lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.» (Apoc: 20/4.)


Anyone who believes in him is not judged, but whoever does not believe has already been judged, because such a person has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten Son of God.

This is the judgment: that the light has come into the world, and people have loved the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil.

For everyone who practices evil hates the light and does not come to the light, for fear that his works would be exposed.

But whoever practices the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be revealed as done in God.” (John: 3/18-21.)



The Judgment


Selection of texts of God’s Word on the subject

(Translated by I.A.)



… Oh, my chicks, I ascended to My Father after My passion, and now I have descended on earth, unseen by anyone, to prepare this vessel (through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) chosen by Me, but helpless, and through him to prepare a holy people which are to prepare My way to come for judgment. My fearful chicks, do not doubt My words through this weak mouth, for I want to give you new birth from the Spirit. Do not be afraid. I will protect you and I will bring you up with milk for you are small. I will take you under My wings, as the hen takes her chicks to protect them against the hawk, for you will have many enemies.


Well My little chicks, My mission from the Father is to bring up a new people, a new Israel in the Romanian people, for the people chosen by Me in the past had totally defiled. For this I came into the world; I came to choose from the world some meek and obedient lambs, so that I may feed them with heavenly food. (See the topic: Romania, - The New Jerusalem, - The New Canaan”, red. note)

Excerpt from the Word of God, from June 14, 1955.



All human being will move here on earth and the judgment for all the world will be made here. Do not look at that liar who says that there is no God and that the man is not made by Me. And when you see him chained tight, you will look at him and tremble with fear for fear that you may not be chained like him. And you will curse him and say, “You cheated us, for you kept saying that you were God!”


… My little children, it is because of this that God sends from His heaven the Holy Spirit in an earthen pot; the same way you have an alphorn, the same way with this body too. Who likes it, good for him! Who does not like it, runs away, for many false prophets have come out. Listen My children, for there are prophets who prophesy by leaf and sing by leaf. There are prophets who prophesy by violin, by guitar. There are prophets who prophesy by dancing. There are prophets who prophesy by kissing. Thousands and millions! There is no leaf and grass as many prophets are to deceive the human being. But God has only a single chord and a single tool. There are many but they have come to an end; and for the end only one is left. And in that day there shall come four brothers from four parts and will have four instruments and they will play by them their song, not against you, and each will play his song; one for the resurrection of the dead; another to call to judgment from all corners of the earth; another for this, another for that.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from March 27, 1977.



… The young people of nowadays fool their parent saying that they do not know how to live. How Lazarus will judge the rich man! For God will give the judgment to the poor to judge the deeds of the rich. The beggar will judge and condemn you on the judgment day.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from May 25, 1978.



… No one has received the crown for the deeds. The saints go and ask, “How long is it Lord?” “Go to your places for we will not share the gifts until those in the great tribulation come.” This is what the Lord will say: you will be the one in the great tribulation, that heaven waits for in state.

Excerpt from God’s Word from September 3, 1980.



… We protect Romania. The old Jerusalem is there where My most fierce passions were, and soon you will see the New Jerusalem if you prepare yourselves. The New Jerusalem is Romania. The last judgment is in Romania.

Excerpt from God’s Word, May 27, 1986.



… My children, when God made the man, He made him out of clay with great care, in the same way you would make a doll from clay, water and wisdom. Then He breathed, “Fuuu!” the breath of life and God put at his neck neither any little bottle nor a cigarette into his mouth, but rather He endowed him with wisdom, beauty and all kinds of gifts. But look, man uses his intelligence and wisdom not the same way God does, but against God. Man is not satisfied the way God made him and smokes himself with the cigarette and drinks until he curses and mocks God with vile words. Why do not turn, you smoker, the cigarette with its fire into your mouth? You do not stand the fire. The same way you will not stand the condemnation judgment. The judgment is here; it will be in Romania. That is why My dear Mother cries for Romania.


… Oh, My work is loved by God, but not such as to call you to work or go to work on the celebration days.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from February 15, 1987.



… I could not prepare you as fear gripped you. They put you a trap. And this is what God has done! Now you see, and see that God is with you. God did not want the enemy to catch the innocent, the one that God loves, and the ungodly were caught instead. (The Red Beast, the apogee of the communist dictatorship of Ceausescu, r.n.)


The drizzle and the waves of enmity have not cleared well yet, but I smash and clear. I let you go to have the right to the word. I told you that I took as a helper the prophet Elijah, who brought Israel to Me in the time of Ahab. I brought him here too for help. The priesthood was led by the executioner of humankind, but now he waits for his judgment and punishment.


The judgment seat will be in Romania, which I am washing now. You will see with your eyes the truth and justice.


… A little time here on earth, and then you will be in the holy heaven, that is on holy ground for it arrived and came out what you were asking and wanting. This prayer was uttered by My dear Mother and through your little mouths, it was fulfilled, that Romania would be taken and shaken the Satan’s dirt off and of the darkness which overtook it.


I have seen the traps set for My lovers to be caught in them, but I, the Lord, have stopped everyone’s step and given you word to stay obedient and intensify your prayer, and behold, I have turned the wheel back so that those who dug the pit may fall into it.


… Romania, Romania, My holy and beloved country! What overwhelmed you! What tricked you!


Be aware, for now there is a year threshold. Romania will become the New Jerusalem and you will see with your own eyes that God was and is with you.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from December 25, 1989 (Three days after the Revolution, r.n.)



Here by you it will be the kingdom of those from heaven, who believed and left for heaven with the hope of those promised through this spring of heavenly word. This is the mission which you work at, and therefore it is called here the church of the wakeful and righteous ones. Those who are now from heaven by you, those are wakeful here, for they watch and work from heaven, and behold their reward for their righteousness! And if they still needed to blot out something from their life, it is because of this that I have placed you to take and investigate each one and to wash well the garment of everyone, for I have told you to bring sacrifice of prayer and incense and to utter the word of absolution for each and every soul who was born, so that the creature may be loose in heaven by God. This is the judgment written about in the Scriptures, and because of this, this church, descended through the word, needed to take a body, so that Lord could make judgment of the sins and God’s creature could be loose through the word. (See topic: “The true Church”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of holy Virginia at the feast of St. Parascheva, (Paraskeve) from October 27, 1991.



Israel, Israel, let your life be in Me, and My life in you, dear son, for with this work of your life in the Lord I wrote the judgment of the world. I have brought you up and perfected you in the Holy Spirit and I put you in front of the people that man could see what God wanted to speak within man and so that man could be judged for the deeds of his life. Amen.

Excerpt from God’s Word at the feast of St. Andrei, the apostle, from December 13, 1995.



I am who I am. Amen. I am always today. Amen. I am coming by Word on earth. My word is coming with clouds. (See topic: “As He ascended, so is He coming, with the clouds He is coming”,r.n.) Here He comes with the clouds and He turns into a river of life in which all who believe in Him may be baptized, into My Word. I am the Word. If someone is thirsty let him come to Me and drink, let him come to drink the water of life, and the rivers of waters will run from his belly, for he will receive Holy Spirit. (See topic: “This word is the river of life”, r.n.) Amen. He who believes let him come to drink, for I did not come to judge the world but to breathe over it the Holy Spirit instead and to give it new birth and to make it anew. The Scriptures of the new birth of the world come to fulfill, and I come to fulfill. Amen. I did not come to judge the world, but to make it new, but he who did not believe in Me, the Word coming with the clouds, that one was already judged. The one who does not believe is judged by unbelief, for My Word, which comes from Me with the clouds, is the Word of truth which is born of Me.


I am the Word of the Father, the Word of Truth, which the world does not know, but you know it, the sons of Israel taken from Romanians. I come to you as the Word and I go from place to place to proclaim that I come, as Gabriel well preached My coming from the Father, born of the Virgin, My Mother.


… I have come to forgive you, man. To make you loose from sin have I come, for the sin is born of your disobedience of Me. Sin was born from the man made by Me, the one with the spirit of life from Me. The sin calls man father and mother, but I have come as Word from the Father, for it was written in the Scriptures, and to make Myself a spring over the earth to give birth to the man from heaven, from My word to give birth to the one who believes in Me, and the one that does not believe is already judged. Amen.

Excerpt from God’s Word at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from January 19, 1997.



The sequel of this document will soon be published, after the translation, as the original one has over 70 pages, r.n.


You can see more documents containing the word of God here:



On the same theme from other sources


(The Lord): “How it will go with the judgement of Jerusalem, it also will happen with a future large world judgement, when I entirely will finish off the great whore of Babel. But this will be a judgement like during the times of Noah and like during the times of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Also then big signs will take place on earth, at sea and in the sky, and I will awaken servants who will foretell the future and who will announce the coming judgement several times. But the haughtiness of man will not hear them, and even if he would listen to them, he still would not believe their words, but laugh them off as fools. But this will be a sure sign, that the great judgement with great certainty will take place, which will consume all culprits of evil.

Also during that time some youths will have visions and some maidens will foretell the things to come. Good for them who will thereby better themselves and truly become converted!

This, however, will be easily recognisable, like one recognizes from a figtree that spring is near, namely when the (bods) become juicy and start to break open.

Their will be large separate wars among the nations and one nation will attack the other; their will also be high inflation and all kinds of pestilence illnesses will arise, as it has not yet occurred among mankind. Also large earthquakes will take place in advance so that the people can admonish themselves to atonement and loving actions. Good for them who will do accordingly!

But many will not take any note of it and will ascribe everything to the blind forces of nature, and the foretellers will be scolded swindlers and many will be thrown into the dungeon for the sake of My name, and under great threats of punishment they will be prohibited to speak in My name and to announce the coming judgement. Who will not do the will of the great whore of Babel, will be in big trouble.

But all this must take place about seven-hundred years before the judgement, so that in the end nobody can say, that he was not warned sufficiently. From now not fully 2000 years will pass; and this will be apparently a youngest but at the same time also last judgement on this earth.

Only from then on Paradise will be placed on earth and a lamb and wolf will peacefully live in one stable and will eat from one bucket.

However, close to the judgement the sign of the Sun of Man will be seen in the sky, which means the heaven in man will recognize Me as the only Lord of heaven and earth, and man’s soul will praise Me a lot.

But this is still not the perfection of man. However, if I will then appear illuminated and bright before all mankind in the clouds of the skies with all heavenly powers under the sound like many war - and judgement trombones, namely the true heaven, which is in the heart of man, then the judgement of the world will be there.

The right person will then enter My magnificence and the culprits of evil will be consumed by the fire of My just rage and enter the kingdom of their evil works, which is prepared for all incorrigible devils. Since who voluntarily choses hell, he then should also be cursed in it, as it is cursed in itself. Just like the good forever stays good, evil will also forever stay evil in itself and will be the everlasting foundation which forever will serve Me as a rest for My feet.

I Myself out of My primordial divine personality will not judge anybody, but all this will be done by My word which I have spoken to you. Since once I have ascended to My kingdom, I will never return to this earth in the flesh, but only in the spirit, in the word, and it will be as it was in the beginning where it says: In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and God was the word. But the word has taken up flesh and lived among the people. He, which means, I came to My own and Mine have notrecognized Me; for the world and its flesh have made them all blind and deaf.

I am now with you a person in the flesh; but therefore I cannot give to you all the power of My spirit. However, if later on I will not be among you in the flesh like now, but be among you only in the spirit, then I also will be able to provide you with all strength and power of My spirit, which of course I am since eternity. In the spirit and the power I will stay with you until the end of time, for which this earth will still exist, and until it has ripened for Me the last judged spirit. However, with this earth the cradle for the children of God will forever extinguish. From then on everything will be judged spiritually.

I have told and showed you several times already, how it will be on this earth. Therefore wait with patience for the certain redemption, which will not stay away, and do not wish for a world judgement before its time! Since when it will come, it will still be too early for you and even more for those who will be judged; since in judgement love and mercy are far away, and each soul will be handed over to its own help, so that she bitterly can experience, how totally useless her futile, temporal help of the world people was. - and now tell Me, if you have understood everything well!”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 6, chapter 174


The judgment on paganism

Now My old disciples said: “Lord and Master, You have promised us that, while we are here, You would tell us more about it. Thus, do it now, since it probably is now the best moment for it.”

I said: “When it is the best moment, I surely will know best. And besides, I already have told you already a lot about it, what will certainly also happen, for I may change nothing to the free will of man – and you cannot change it also.

However, with My birth, the judgment of the heathens has already begun everywhere. It now continues increasingly and will still continue for almost 2.000 years until the full light among the people on this Earth.

As you can see now in the morning sky how all kinds of clouds are forming and are piling up at the horizon as if they want to stop the rising of the sun, so also great numbers of all kinds of obstructing clouds will rise up sky high against the coming great rise of the eternal and spiritual sun of truth, and will do great harm among the people. But they finally will not be able to stop the great rise of the sun of truth.

You just have seen many beautiful stars shining in the sky, and also in the west you have seen stars that were glittering deep into the night. Look, these preceded as good messengers the still visible messengers of the morning and worked during the night. And that is now your task.

However, when brighter morning messengers will come up at the spiritual morning horizon, then this will be a sign that the great and general sun of life and truth will soon follow. Its very bright light will be a relentless judgment for all lies and deceit that together with its followers and worshippers and its great worldly pomp will be slung into the abyss of contempt, righteous wrath and forgetfulness. For then, the enlightened people will not think back anymore about the deceit and the judgment that lasted so long.

But already now you can observe quite well that the mass of clouds that looked so threatening black is having golden edges that are lightening up. So you also will notice during that time that the people who shortly before were still totally dark and true enemies of the light of truth, are from all sides more and more enlightened and are becoming brighter by the light rays of the truth. And further also, radiating themselves, they become enemies of the old lie. And such enlightening by the sun of truth out of the Heavens which is drawing near to its full rise, will be My sign of the Son of Man for all true people on Earth and the beginning of the great judgment on the harlot of the new Babylon.

Then those who love the truth will burst out for joy and will praise Me, for I already have sent them before the sign of My rise at the sky of the inner spiritual day. But the enemies of the truth will start to wail and gnash their teeth, and they will – as far as this will still be somehow possible – try to hide themselves into dark corners, together with their continuously decreasing number of followers, which will however be of no use to them, because when at that time the full sun of truth will have risen, its light will totally enlighten all dark corners and holes, and the enemies of the light will no more find, nowhere on the whole Earth a place of refuge.

I Myself will however be in that sun as the eternal Truth, and by means of its light I will be ruler and leader of the people’s life and of their temporary, spiritual and eternal destiny.

And by this I have shown you now the full and well understandable truth about the great judgment of the new and the old paganism. But for the sake of the people I will give you another image that you also can tell the people, but not without the right explanation. Let us now quietly continue to view this morning scene.”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 8, chapter 46


The coming judgments

Thus, let everyone be full of meekness and humility. By that you will give each other the greatest and most true human honor, and live and have dealings with each other in peace and quietness.

However, thirst for honor and pride will awaken resentment, offence, contempt, grudge, anger and finally vengeance, war and its evil consequences. The one who is proud and is thirsty for honor is also always full of self-interest and greed, and the sad conseqquence for the fact that he only wants to acquire everything for himself to increase his worldly honor, is that hundreds and thousands of people around him have nothing and must live in the greatest poverty and need, as it was the case during the time of Noah, and will be the case even more during the last time of the new paganism.

But this evil and complete hellish condition among the people will be the judgment that they will cause themselves. The enormous number of poor and oppressed people will finally rise against their extremely proud oppressors and will make a short work with them, and this will be a second deluge by the fire of the finally too badly and too heavily oppressed poor people.

But during that time, also a natural fire will destroy many places, for because of a too highly inflated pursuit of earthly gain during that time, the people will penetrate like malicious worms into the depths of the Earth, will search therein all kinds of treasures and will also find them. However, once they will have reached the mighty layers of buried ancient forests of the Earth and will use them for the glowing and melting of metals and still for many other things, then also, the latest judgment which they will prepare for themselves, will be at the door.

Yet, the people who will then live in the great cities of the kings and the mighty of the Earth of that time will have to suffer the most.

Therefore, always stay meek and humble, and by that in true neighborly love, then no judgment will be called over you, because where during that time the people will live according to My order, there will be no last judgment. I have told you this now beforehand with the purpose that you will also tell and proclaim it to the people, so that finally no one can bring forward the excuse that he had not been warned for the danger.”

All of them said: “Lord and Master, with Your help, we truly will not lack the zeal for the good and true cause. But there are many people on the Earth, which is big and vast, and we will not be able to come to every place, and so, the evil will continue to be rampant between that which is good and true, and we probably will not be able to limit it completely.”

I said: “You certainly will not be accountable for that, just like every truly good person in My name. For it is sufficient that the truth is proclaimed to the people. If they will live and act according to it, is completely their concern. Whoever will live and act according to it, will not come into the judgment, but will receive eternal life and be blessed.”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 8, chapter 51


About future events

You know that someone who has become rich in earthly goods has most of the time also become in his heart as a stone of insensitiveness and without love. What does he care about the many thousands of other people who are tormented by hunger, thirst and still other disasters, for he is well provided for, has never felt hunger or thirst and has an abundance of treasures to please him with every other pleasure, so that he does not have to taste any boredom or any other displeasure.

But then, where does such a person stand in his inner spiritual sphere of life? I say to you: on the point of eternal judgment and its death, and his whole circle of acquaintances is not far away from it.

Besides that, remember what I will proclaim to you: when there will be a lot of Epicures on the Earth, a general judgment over all the people on this Earth will also soon be allowed by God. Then we will see if somewhere there will again be men who will stand up with the measuring stick in their hand and dare to say to their fellowmen: ‘Look, I have measured this big piece of land, I have indicated its boundaries and declare this as my complete inviolable property, and he who has the brutality to dispute this or will only say: ‘Friend, everyone of us has the right to snatch this imagined right out of your hands, as long as he has the power and the means to do it’, I will punish with death.’

I say to you: at that time such people will never exist, for when next time I will come again on this Earth to keep judgment over such dead epicures, but also to give the reward of life to those who out of love for God and their fellowman have suffered much misery and distress, then the Earth will no more be measured with any measuring stick for the benefit of one person only, but wherever one will stand, he will also reap and provide for his need. And the people will well support one another, and no one will say: ‘Look, this is my property and I am lord over it.’ Because then men will perceive that I alone am the Lord, and that they all are brothers and sisters.

It is true that this should also be the case among the people now, but in this middle period of development of men who are still not purified by the big fire of life, it will stay allowed, but from now on, it will not be a full 2.000 years anymore. After that, the spirit will predominate strongly with men and on the Earth no more ‘mine’ and ‘his’ will be seen, nor will be talked about it.

You, who are now My friends, possess a big piece of land of the Earth that has been measured to you. Ask yourselves who measured it to you as your legal property, and the answer will be: the laws made by men, and your money and other treasures to which again only men have awarded an idle value to it.

From God’s point of view, the whole Earth belongs to all men in equal measure, as this was the case in the beginning. Wise men should divide it according to the need of the people and should teach them to cultivate it, and then the fruits should be partly distributed by the wise men and the surplus should be kept in warehouses and storehouses that are arranged for that, so that no one in the community should suffer need.

But if the rich and mighty will draw everything unto themselves, a lot of people must by that become very poor and live their lives in great misery and distress, because everything belongs to the few rich and mighty but nothing to the poor, except what the rich and mighty want to give them in a scanty measure for the heavy work that they have done for them.

However, these things cannot change for the moment. Therefore, you, rich and mighty, you should be true friends regarding your poor brothers and sisters, and show them love. Feed the hungry, quench the thirsty, clothe the naked, comfort the sad ones and free the prisoners who by your greediness are unnecessary pining away in the dungeons of their bodies by your power and your laws, but even more so in the dungeons of the night of their soul. Go and free them, then I will free you from the power of death and judgment.

Be in the future only My manager with your earthly goods, then in return I will give you eternal life, for I have the power for it and can give it to whom I want. With the same measure with which you will mete, you also will be meted by Me.

Look, this is also a good and completely true explanation of the little cloud of light, which has summoned you to seek the truth and life.

Now you have found the truth in Me. Therefore, make it also as your own, then you will live, and the death of matter will no more make you think that you are mortal human beings, but from now on immortality will remain to be part of you.’

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 8, chapter 182.


The conditions for the return of the Lord

 The old innkeeper said: “Yes, Lord and Master, we surely have all understood this very well. It is, what concerns the 4 kinds of fires of purification for men and the whole Earth, certainly not rejoicing or pleasant, and one could rightly ask why this is allowed by a supremely wise and supremely good God. But precisely because God is supremely wise and supremely good, He also will know best why He allows all these things. But we still do thank You for this prediction of the future and we are now very glad that we live already now on this Earth during Your 1st coming, for as far I have understood it now, it is in this time still considerably much better among men of the Earth than it will be during Your 2nd coming.

I certainly cannot have any idea where of what kind of great cities men will build in course of time and how they will use the power of the elements and even regulate and control the lightning. However, I and certainly all of us are glad that we do not understand it and that we even can see that the power of the elements are guided by Your wisdom and might, for if we would already understand it, then the terrible time of purification by the 4 kinds of fire would certainly come sooner than You, o Lord and Master, have announced to us now.

But since You were now so merciful to inform us beforehand as a sure fact that You personally and lastingly will come to men for a 2nd time to this Earth, then You still could tell us where on this Earth You will come back to men. What will be the name of that country, the place and that happy people?”

I said: “Friend, on your question I cannot give you an answer that you would understand, for in that time many new places, countries and peoples will arise that still do not have a name now. But the fact that I will come back to Earth to that country and in that place where among the people there will still be the most and greatest living faith and the most and greatest true love for God and fellowman, that you can accept and believe as completely sure and fully true.

However, when I will come, I will not come alone, but all those who belong to Me, who were already for a long time with Me in My Kingdom of Heaven, will come with Me in multitudes and will strengthen their brothers who are still walking in the flesh on the Earth. And so there will be a true communion between the already blissful spirits of Heaven and the people of the Earth, which will really mean a very great comfort to the people of that time.

And now you know everything that was necessary for you to know. Act accordingly, then you will reap eternal life, for I will awaken you on the youngest day.”

Then Kado said: “O Lord and Master, will this then already happen tomorrow? because every new day is for us the youngest day.”

I said: “I do not mean an earthly day, but a spiritual one in the beyond. When you will have left your body and will enter into the Kingdom of the spirits, then this also will be your youngest day, and I will free you from the judgment of matter, and this is the awakening on the youngest day.

Since it is now already around midnight and we have a long trip ahead of us tomorrow, we will for now go to rest.”

When I expressed this wish, they all stood up, thanked Me once more for everything and the innkeeper himself guided us to a big and very tidy bedroom where we took a refreshing rest until the morning. It is obvious that the Greeks were discussing with each other for still a long time about everything they had heard.

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 8, chapter 187.






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2014

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