
Go Catch your Dreams


Go Catch Your


By: Osita E. Julius

First published in April, 2017.

Reprinted in April, 2020.

Published by Casell Investment Limited, for more inquiries and demand contact:

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This book is dedicated to anyone who has a dream in his heart.






Dream but don't make dreaming your aim. Wish but don't make wishing your master. This is the simplest summary of the book you are holding. Most of us dream and wish, but we ought to be pragmatic. Dreams and wishes will never come true unless a certain price is being paid.

Osita E. Julius has piled together the simplest definitions of catching one’s dreams using the successful lives of great heroes, heroines, preachers, and inventors to relate to us as even a layman would understand.

Read, digest and practice—as you are about to overtake the wildest dreamers.

Onuigbo Chekwubechukwu Jeff





At the end, you would ask yourself: did I live? Did I love? Ask now. The clock is ticking, please start living.

I know you have dreams, great dreams. That’s why you picked this book. But would you see that dream become a reality or just an idea that would be covered in the dust of your mental geography?

In this big world, take a look at yourself, you look just like a tiny living thing that was placed out of nowhere to experience what you did not bargained for. Even the experience you are going through as a young man or woman perhaps isn’t your plan. If you are like me who didn’t have my account filled with money by my parents or relatives; you would realize that life is hard. But friend, I’ve come to realize that you just have to be hard and face life, no matter what. And also I want you to realize that you count and matter in this world irrespective of how big it is. For without you life would be Incomplete. With this in mind, I want you to see yourself bigger than the world. But it all starts from your mindset.

How big is your dream?

Size matters, so keep your dreams big.And realize that you have the power to do, be or create anything in your life. Anything.

Friend, do not be conformed to society; rather discover yourself and be different. All dream chasers are different from the crowd.

Have you understand the difference between the following because every dream chasers understands it either consciously or unconsciously.

  • Dreams Vs Background: Where you are coming from should not determine where you are going to.


  • Vision Vs Television: Have a vision for your life and run with it; and leave that television. It is other peoples vision you have exhausted 50 percent of your life watching on screen.


  • Character Vs Talent: Character performs when Talent has left the stage.


  • Truth Vs Fact: Truth is beyond fact. What “is” can change at any moment but the truth never changes. Fact is sometimes what you can see with your eyes and can prove; while truth is what you cannot see with your eyes and what you cannot prove. What’s the truth about your life? The truth is that you are great but


    Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

    Texte: Osita Emmanuel Julius
    Bildmaterialien: Canva
    Cover: Canva
    Lektorat: Professor Solomon Eleojo Omayiwa
    Satz: Osita
    Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.06.2020
    ISBN: 978-3-7487-4589-1

    Alle Rechte vorbehalten

    This book is dedicated to anyone who has a dream in his heart.

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