
It's Life.

Be inspired by any and everything. Embrace inspiration.


I can say I have been inspired by the weirdest things. Of course you can be inspired by great people who have done great things. You can google inspiration every day and pick and choose your inspiration item of choice. On my daily drive to work I would see the same homeless man selling newspapers. Now this man literally was homeless. After working in social services for a few years there are two types of homeless in my book. The first being homeless sleeping indoors. A rescue mission, a friends couch, or abandoned property. The second type is homeless homeless. Homeless Homeless is sleeping outside year round. I would buy a newspaper from this man five days a week for about 6 months straight. One day I drive up to the light where he stands, he makes his way over to me and gives me a paper. I tell him I have no money and hand it back to him, he says take it pay me tomorrow. The next day I pull up get my paper give the man a five dollar bill and because the light was green drive off and yell keep the change out the window. It felt good to do a good deed. Help a man who had helped me. Ensure when I don’t have change I would read the news, sports, and classifieds of the day. The next day I pull up expecting a newspaper and a quick stop and chat. I roll down my window and I receive a newspaper and three one dollar bills and two quarters. The man also said` I appreciate it but you need this money more then I do”. I can not say how I looked I am sure I looked crazy or confused. The Man then says ` you have bills and I don’t, keep it the gesture was nice enough.” That man with nothing by society standards inspired me. I was inspired on so many levels. Inspiration is everywhere you are. Look for it. Embrace it. Be Inspired.


Being able to push yourself to your limit is an invaluable quality to develop and cultivate.

There are a million and one stories of people doing extraordinary things. In movies you see men hang from ledges and get all the way down to the last finger and some how summon the strength to pull them selves back to safety. There are four movies I immediately think of and say to myself had that hand slipped it would have been a short film rather then a feature length. I know that’s a movie and not true but that human spirit can transcend through the screen and be applied to your life. In life there will be times that you will need everything you have to cross a barrier. It could be a promotion at work, figuring a way to pay your bills and still have money in your pocket, or starting your own business. Whatever your circumstance may be you must be able push yourself through until the task at hand is complete. It can be something as small as getting your resume done, to something as monumental as buying your first home. In any situation the ability to push your self harder then you ever have before is beneficial on two fronts. The first being you will have achieved a goal. The second is you will have broken through a threshold you before thought not possible. Work to make this a part of who you are and make it a good habit. Push harder knowing you are not only reaching a goal you set out for yourself. You are also proving to yourself you are capable of greatness if you get off your ass and push yourself!


Today use others skepticism and negative energy and convert it into a positive.

Put simply this works really well for me. I will give an example. I was an upcoming rapper who had auditioned for a national rap competition. During the auditions it was an American Idol sized line and I was told I made the cut. I waited a year for the call to come on and never received it. I am at work one day my cell phone rings and it is the call. The producers told me to be there by three that same day and it was eleven am and I am an hour and fifteen minutes away. I had on work clothes, not be seen clothes, and not be on National TV clothes. I go home change tell my now wife then girlfriend I got the call. I kiss my newborn son and leave full of promise and excitement. When I got the call that I would get the call I told everyone. Family, friends, enemies, and any other person I came across. I called my three biggest supporters and none could make the journey with me. I had to go alone. Long story short, I lost the battle. A week later it airs. My phone could not stop ringing. I was the butt of jokes. I was asked too many times then I care to remember what happened. It seemed everyone laughed and said you rap better then that, you froze in the bright lights. I knew I was ill prepared and went in to win and not play it safe. That pain of losing and being talked about has to this day driven me to be successful to point most don’t remember that loss. I felt the negative energy from my own family and it forced me to make a choice about my career. I realized your more then just a rapper. If I can take this abuse I am destined for more then just a career in music. I thought of all the aspiring rappers in the United States how many can say the competed in that competition. I still use the negative energy I received as fuel to continue working towards my goals. I got so much from a loss and the aftermath of a loss. Imagine if I won. So take in a negative and spit out a positive.


Dreams are visions of what can be reality with hard work, planning, and sacrifice.

First thing is I am not talking about the dreams you have while sleeping. I am talking about the dream you have for your life. One of my lifelong dreams is to be a published author; if you are reading this my dream is now a reality. I didn’t go research how to write a book. I didn’t have a plan other then I will write a page a day for one year. Now as I write this I am currently on about my fifth day of writing. The routine for me is to write while my kids do homework after I get off work. That is enough about me. Every human being with an adult mind has a dream. EVERYONE! Some dreams may seem impossible. I will tell you this though, the feeling you receive from reaching for your dream is well worth the work. Working hard for something you want and doing things your way is empowering and invigorating. Its exciting and inspiring to plan something you always wanted to do and actually can see it coming to reality. There will be times you have to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.07.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-2272-6

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to my family. My children you can do anything in the world. Live the life you want and do what your passionate about. I love you both. My wife we have been through hell and back and we are still here. I love you. My parents thanks for everything I'm sure you both have reading glasses on reading this. My sister thanks for those trips to the mall when I was young they changed my life. My brother from another luc, man I ain't gotta tell you, you already know!

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