
Chapter 1
I'm hiding in the closet hoping he won't find me. If he finds me I am dead meat.
* * * *
When I wake up it's morning so I know it's safe to come out, he's at work.
So it's my first day of seventh grade and our first period teacher said we have to stand up and introduce ourselves. It's my turn to introduce myself and I'm really nervous because it's a new school and I don't have any friends yet. So here I go, "Hi, my name is Yvett Martinez."
"Do you have anything to tell the class about yourself?" The teacher asked.
"No,"I quickly said.
After everyone finished introducing themselves we went on with the first day stuff and first period was finally over. While I am at my locker putting my stuff up, Cathy, a girl in my class, comes up to me and says hi.
"Hi," I say glancing at her then going back to what I was doing.
"Are you ok?" Cathy asked.
Shutting my locker I looked at her and said, "What do you mean 'am I ok'?"
"I mean you looked kind of scared when you introduced yourself."
"Oh, I'm fine just a little nerous since a new school with new people."
She looked at me like she didn't believe me but after a while she said, "Come on or we'll be late for class," and that's when I knew Cathy and I were going to be good friends.
I found out that our second period teacher practically let us do whatever we wanted to. Cathy and I wrote notes to eachother and I found out she was new too, she moved from Florida. i told her everything that happened in my life except about him. I don't think I trust anyone to tell them about him, not even god.
When school was over I was scared to death. I was hoping that that he hadn't come home yet. Well let me tell you the story of why I'm scared of this guy:
First I should start of by telling you that the guy I'm scared of is my dad. When I was young, he would bring teenage girls home and rape them. One day mom couldn't take it anymore and tried to call the cops but dad was on the other line and went to cut the phone cord. The next day mom was dead. I think dad killed her but he told me that she had a heart attack. I still think that he killed her because she was as healthy as a horse. As i got in my teens he started trying to have sex with me but I wasn't wiiling. Now he tries to rape me but I hide so he can't find me.
I decided to invite Cathy over to have dinner. She said she'd be over at six, so that gave me three hours. He will be home in thirty minutes so I take the chance and start cooking.
I hear the door open and shut so I know that he has made it home. He comes in the kitchen and seea me at the stove. "Well it's been a while since I've seen a woman in the kitchen. It's a good thing because I am having some buddies come over to watch the game, and they'll be hungry."
I wanted to say, 'Yeah, they're coming to watch the game not eat. If you want them to eat feed them yourself'. Instead I said, "Jacob, my friend is coming over to eat so don't embarrass me." I don't call him dad because it disgusts me to say it.
When six o'clock came around Cathy was knocking at the door. I answered it and told her to come to the kitchen and help me make our plate. Jacob's biddies had showed up and hour ago so they already got their food.
We took our food up to my room and ate. We talked and talked until time passed by. The next thing we knew it was nine o'clock and cathy needed to head home. I took Cathy to the door and we said our good-byes.
I went to turn around and I felt a smack on my butt. I knew who it was and I didn't acknowledge him, I just walked past him and went to my room. "Good night, Jacob." I said when I got to my room.
"Good night," He said dazed.
Chapter 2
The second day of school wasn't as fun as yesterday because today we start our lessons. first period was pretty easy and the time went by quickly. Second period was also easy and all we had to do was read and write notes. Now it's time to go to our exploritory. Today we had science so some of us go to art and some of us go to gym.
"What do you have for exploritory?" questioned Cathy.
"Gym, you?"
"Gym, isn't that cool how we have the same classes?"
"Yeah, just I hate the fact that we're in an all girl class, girls have lots of drama actually too much drama."
"That's true, but just try to get use to it. I don't want to lose another friend." In Cathy's past school she had a friend who wanted to be in an all girl class and because it was a mixed class, she moved.
"Ok, you're not going to lose me. I can't go anywhere even if I wanted to."
"Oh, well lets go see who our gym teacher is." CAthy said grabbing my hand.
Gym was pretty cool because sometimes he let us do whatever we wanted, but others we would have to do what he wanted. Lunch time was kind of like free time but we couldn't talk loud.
Now it's the end of the day and Cathy and I decided to walk through the park since it was nice and sunny outside. IN Oklahome you don't know what the weather will be like. One minute it mat be nice and sunny but then the next you will be running for shelter because its pouring on you.
When I got home I was saoked. I went up to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower. I put some dry pj's on and decided to watch a movie. When I was little Jcob and I always had movie fridays but now I'm afraid if i sit anywhere alone with him, he's just going to try to get me out of my pants.
Nine o'clock came around and when I'm going to go make some popcorn for the scary movie I was going to watch, I heard a knock at the door. I knew it couldn't be Jacob because he got a key and I can't have company after nine, so who could it be?
When I opened the door it's some gu around my age. He was so cute that I couldn't speak.
"Hi," he said, "I'm Andrew and I live across the street from you. Your dad told me on fridays you are always lonely so I was wondering if you wanted some company?"
"Yes, but I don't think my dad would like it if I had a boy here after nine. I'm Yvett by the way." I finally had the guts to say. Then I thought about it and decided to let him in anyways.
After I let him in I asked, "Do you want some popcorn , I'm getting ready to watch a scary movie."
"Sure, what's the name of the movie?" He asked.
"Autopsy, it's about some doctor," I started to say.
"Ok, don't tell me the movie, this one I haven't seen yet," explained Andrew.
"Oh, sorry." I said in a flirty way.
So I made the popcorn and we sat and watched the movie. It's awkward because the only boy I've ever been alone with was my little cousin, and that wasn't a date. I mean this isn't a date but it's a hot guy who seems to be in the mood for a date so lets call it that.
When the movie was over Andrew was sleep and since I didn't want to wake him up I decided to go up to my room and fall asleep.
I was having a bad dream and woke up, it was probably two in the morning. Normally when I have a bad dream I drink a cup of milk but tonight I heard the television on and went to see why. It was Andrew watching Autopsy again.
"What are you doing up?" He asked.
"Bad dream," I explained. "What are you doing up?"
"Watching this movie why, you want me to leave?"
"No, it's just it's two in the morning, I thought you'd be slepp."
"Oh, well you thought wrong. I should be going, bye Yvett." He said walking out the door.
"Bye, Andrew." I sadly said.
Chapter 3
Today is Saturday and it won't stop raining, I mean it's pouring down. I decide to call Jacob and see where he is.
"Hello," Jacob says.
"Jacob while you're out can you buy me some ice?"
"Why, what you need ice for?"
"Because I need it for the soda, Cathy and I are having a slumber party next friday."
"Why didn't you ask me if you could have a slumber party?"
"Because you might try to rape them."
"What, why would I rape your friends," he said acting dumb.
"Because you tried to rape me," I explained. "Why you tell Andrew I'm lonely on fridays?"
"I wanted you to feel safe and it's true ever since you were ten you would be home alone by yourself," explained Jacob.
"Oh well just get the ice please," I said sweetly.
"Oh, alright but only if you watch a movie with me, I miss having our movie days.'
I paused for a minute and thought about what he said. Then I finally said, "Ok, I hope you're telling the truth." I said nervously, I knew I was doing the wrong thing.
"Jacob got homw ith the ice and said, "Movie time, i went and picked up soem movies we use to watch when you were little like, Dinosaurs."
"Cool, I remember that movie, it was my favorite and still is." I cheerfully said.
Jacob made the popcorn and sat really close to me, I loved the smell of his cologne though. It was like I was in heaven The credits came up and everything went black. I fell asleep in dad's arms.
It turned out dad really changed. He's the man my mom married, he's my dad.
Now instead of having movie friday we watch movies on Saturday. Andrew and I watch movies on Friday now.
* * * * *
It's two days before the slumber party and I need a lightbulb so I went to my neighbors house to see if he would let me me have one. He seemed to like teenage girls because he brought a differeent one home every night.
The door creaked open.
"Hello, is anyone home?"
I walked around to the back and that's when I seen it. A young girl about my age was lied out on the bed with blood all over her.
"Aaahhh," I screamed.
I ran out the house and ran straight into dad.
"Daddy, I'm so glad I found you."
"What is it sweeyheart," dad caringly said.
"There's a dead body in his house and she's around my age ."
He went into the house to check it out and looked around more. It turned out that there was a dead body in each of the rooms and he had a lot of rooms. I called the cops and they came as fast as they could. the fire men came and the ambulance too.
When they got there, dad told me to go over to Andrew's house.
"Hi, Yvett," greeted Andrew.
"Hi, I don't feel like talking right now."
"Ok," Andrew quietly said.
Chapter 4
"Class, today is our first quiz,"says Mrs. Wright.
Boo's went around the class and then we took our quiz. We all finished pretty quickly so Mrs. Wright graded them. Everyone in the class passed with a hundred percent.
"Cathy, can you keep a secrete?" I asked.
"Yeah, why what happened?"
"You know my neighbor, the old man?"
"Yeah, he seems nice."
"Well on Thursday I went over there for a lightbulb and he has lots of rooms. In each of those rooms was a dead teenage girl around our age.'
"What!" She yelled.
"Shh, I think those girls were raped then killed."
"That's scary, was the old man there?"
"No, that's the creepy part."
"Oh, well I'll talk to you later my mom's here, need a ride?"
"No, my dad's coming to pick me up." I happily said, it's nice to have a dad again.
"So, how was school after what you've seen in the past few days."
"Good we took a quiz today and the whole class aced it."
"Really, that's great, lets go celebrate."
"No, thank you though. I was wondering if Cathy and Sam could spend the night?"
"Sure as long as they have a ride here."
"Yeah, they do all I have to do is call them. Thanks dad you're the best," I said with a kiss on the cheek.
* * * * *
"I love your room, it's not how I imagined it," Sam said amazed.
"Thanks, I love tigers, sharks, snakes. and lizards. Actually that short story Mrs. Wright asigned, I'm writing it on Sharks. Want to hear what I have so far?"
"Sure," they both said.
"Yvett, your brownies are done," dad said. "Hi, Cathy and Sam, it's nice to see you again."
"Hi, Jacob," both of them said.
"Dad, I was just about to read my short story, want to hear it?"
I read it to them and they all applauded for me.
"That was great, you sure do know a lot about sharks. Now I know not be so scared of them," said Sam.
"I hope you get an A+. I'm going to be at work longer than usual so get a ride home. OK,good night girls. Lights out before twelve." Dad said leaving the room.
"Ok, good night dad. Come on guys, lets go to sleep.
I had the scariest dream last night, let me tell you about it. the old man was trying to get me to come to his house by bribing me saying stuff like 'If you come over here, you'll live better' or 'I will always be able to pick you up from school every day'. I actually thought that last one was a lame one because it didn't matter if he picked me up every day or not. Well my mom told me not to go because he was horrible and then the old man grabbed my mom by the hair and sliced her neck.
I woke up screaming.
"What's wrong," dad yelled running down to my room.
"The old man killed mom," I cried.
"Oh sweetheart, it's just a dream," dad held me closer to his chest.
Then the tears came pouring out, "I miss mom so much."
"It's going to be alright," dad cried along with me.
Chapter 5
"This week went by pretty fast. What you doing this weekend?" Maggie asked.
"Watching movies and sleeping."
"That sounds fun, can I come over this weekend?"
"I'll have to ask my dad, just make sure you have a ride. Tomorrow I'm going to investigate the old mans house."
"Oh, that should be a challenge. Aren't you scared of that house?" She asked.
"Yeah, that's why I'm having Andrew come with me."
"Who's Andrew, your boyfriend?" Teased Maggie.
"No, he's just a friend. I'll tell you more later my dads here, bye."
"Does Maggie need a ride home?"
"No, her mom is the principle. Can she spend the night this weekend?"
"Sure, this Saturday we're watiching The Unborn."
"That's a cool movie, Andrew and I are watching Twilight. I figured since the book was good the movie should be too."
"Do you like Andrew?"
"Yeah, he's really nice but the thing is, does he like me?"
"Yes, he does. He's always talking about you."
"Really, well the proms next friday. Should I ask him?" I questioned him.
"Yes, but you should wait and see if he asks you out.'
"But he doesn't even go to my school, I think."
"Oh, he does, he's ust in a higher grade," explained dad.
"Ok, fine I'll wait. He has until wednesday to ask me though," I said through with the subject.
When we got to the house and barely made it in, there was a knock.
"Yvett, someones here to see you," dad said smiling.
I went to see who it was and I saw Andrew with some blue roses, "What are you doing here, it's only five o'clock," I said with a little cheerfulness in it.
"I came to give these to you, my mom planted yo many so she's giving them away."
"Well thank you, they smell delicos and are my favorite color."
"Umm, Yvett, can I speak to you outside," Andrew said nervously.
"Sure." I said as I stepped out and shut the door.
"Ok, theres this prom at school next friday and I was wondering if you could be my date?"
Just to be a little difficult I said, "Why aren't you asking any of the other girls? I'm pretty sure they're all after you."
"Yes, they are but you're different and I know you more than I know them."
"Ok, well yes I would love to but I don't have a dress."
"Well, instead of going to the old mans house, lets go look for you a dress, my treat," said Andrew hoping I would say yes.
Thinking about it carefully I said, "Alright, but can Maggie come because she's going to spen the weekend over here and I don't want to leave her here."
"Sure and if she doesn't have a dress I'll buy her one too." He said eal happy that we were getting along. "So what are we watching today?"
"Twilight, have you read the book yet?" I asked.
"Yup, I read the whole series, I bet it's a good movie."
"I'm hoping or I just spent my money for no reason," I said joking.
"Haha, I got to go, see you later." Andrew said as he started walking back across the street.
"Bye, don't be late." I yelled telling the truth.
Chapter 6
So Andrew picks us up at around twelve something and Maggie, him, and I head to the mall. It turned out Maggie got her dress a month ago. Maggie and I went to lool for my dress while Andrew went to look for a tuxedo.
"Okay, he asked you to prom, watches movies with you every Friday, and is going to buy you a dress," Maggie said. "Tell me there's something wrong with me, why aren't you guys going out?"
"Because he hasn't asked me, I know he likes me because what kind of guy asks you to prom and doesn't even like you?"
"My cousin, he asked this girl out to dinner at our house just so we could think he had a girlfriend."
"Weird, but doesn't he have a girlfriend. He a hot guy, if I was in his grade I would be all over him."
"Well, yeah but at the time he was butt ugly." She said sarcatically.
"Ok, do you think this dress would work, I mean look at this prize," I paused then said, "I would never be able to afford this.
"I think it's great, especially with your size. You know you're small."
"Ok, let's go find Andrew."
We went to side where the tuxedos are and spotted Andrew right away. That's when Maggie spotted her date and went to see what he was up to.
"I see you founf your dress."
"Yeah, Maggie said I look good in it, you'll just have to tell me if she was right on prom night."
"Ok, go get Maggie and I'll go pay for this stuff."
I went to go get Maggie and that's when I seen him. The old man was here with another teenage girl.
"Maggie we got to get out of here. You know what I told you abotu the old man," i whispered in her ear.
"Yeah, but why we have to go."
"Because he's here.'"
"Oh, well this is David, he's taking me to the movies, want to come?"
"No thank you though, see you later Maggie. Nice to meet you, david."
I told Andrew what I saw and Ineeded to go home and tell my dad. While he drove me home I didn't say one word but to thank him for the dress. I said bye then I ran in the house to tell dad.
"Dad, I saw the old man," taking in breaths as I said it.
"Where, was he with another girl?"
"At the mall, yes, it was a girl in my class. I think her name was Dania Tiznando."
"Did you warn her?"
"No, I just told Andrew we had to go."
"Good, because you don't want the man to be suspicous. Where's Maggie?"
"She went to the movies with her prom date."
"Ok, that gives her tons of time to stay out of this."
My dad was already outside when the old man pulled up. he asked the man some questions then had Dania answer some. He told her it's her choice to go home or stay with the old man, and come up missing. She chose to stay with old man and also said that she had no home because her parents had died that morning and the old man showed up.
I prayed for her every day and always went to see how she was doing. Then one day when I went to see her she was dead. I tried to scream but heard footsteps coming towards the room. So I hid in the closet and I saw Maggie's body hung up and that's when I couldn't take it anymore and screamed.
"Who's there," the old man said,now he was running.
Tears came spilling out of my eyes and I knew he was going to find me and kill me.
"Hello, come out, come out where ever you are, I know you're in here."
I tried real hard to stay quiet but my heart was going a hundred miles per second. He could probably hear me from downtown. I guess he took Dania's body out the room because I didn't hear him anymore.
I really wanted to try to climb out the window but I was afraid he would come while I'm trying to get out. He came back in the room and stepped in front of the closet. Now I'm really scared. he twisted the hand;le and opened the door.
"There you are, now you're going to pay for coming in my house."
"No, please i was just coming to see how Dania was doing. I didn't mean to interrupt you," I cried out.
He pulled me out by the hair, "help me, somebody he's going to kill me," I said even though it was no use, no one could hear me.
"Shut up, you're not going to get any help. You shouldn't have come into my house," He said as he threw me against the wall.
"Ouch," I screamed. Then blood started coming out, I had landed in a puddle of glass.
Then, he picked me up and tied me to the bed as he started to strip me. I tried to kick but it was nouse he had my feet tied already.
"Yvett, are you in here," I heard Andrew say.
"Andrew, help he's trying to kill me," I yelled as loud as I could.
The old man slapped me then started taking his clothees off and that's when Andrew came into the room. "Stay away from her," he yelled and then punched the old man. He started helping me get untied then gave me my clothes.By then the old man had gotten back up and kicked Andrew. Andrew got up and punched him even harder this time, he told me to get out of the hosue and go call 911. That's just what I did when i got away from the house.
"Sweetheart, what has happened to you, there's blood all over you," dad said as he got soem medical stuff to help the blood stop.
"The old man killed Maggie," I cried. "Then he tried to rape me."
"Did you call the cops?'
"Yes, but dad I really need to get to a hospital."
"The ambulance should be on their way."
Chapter 7
Today is prom night and I'm not scared to be out in public. The police took the old man to prison and I have a boyfriend. I didn't want to go to prom because of what happened to Maggie but I'm doing this for her.
* * * * *
'How you feeling," Andrew asked me a couple days after prom.
"Tired and my legs are killing me," on prom w danced until we couldn't dance anymore.
"Good, because tonight we're just watching movies."
"Dad, come on, the movie is about to start."
All of us had fun throwing popcorn and candy at eachother. Cathy, Sam, Andrew, Dad, and I loved eachother to death. We loved each other too much because we were overprotective.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.06.2010

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