
the begining

One day long long ago there were 3 best friends the alway were picking on the youngest one ltelling her she was a scaredy cat, ¨the girls jumped” there was a crinkling in the bushes and they ran and ran until they thought they lost it but it wasn't far behind lurking in the woods.

The girls went to the nearest house in the woods it was a creepy old blue and black house it had cracks and was broke and the porch looked like teeth but anything was better than getting eating by the ma in the woods along legend the parents tell their children so they don't go by themselves into the woods. It turns out that the girls will soon realise the man in the woods was not a legend but a reality and it was about to happen to them, it as in the most worst thing anyone can possibly imagine. So the go walking up the stairs to get to the porch and each step they took was a louder chreeking until they got to the porch and it was silent. The girls were shacking as moving there hands closer to the doorbell, and then….the door opened by itself, and the girls walked in and said hello………...SNACH all the girls got snached exeped the youngest the weakest and the scaredy cat. But little did the 2 girls know that this was the 3 girls plan all along turns out the legend was said wrong and it should of been said the woman in the woods. The girls are now in the basement screaming and crying. The clock hits 6:66 the girl in the woods all of the sudden turned into duse and the 2 other girls had a chance to escape before she turned back so they tried to escape not knowing it only last for a minute as there running up the stairs the dust turns back into the girl and SNACHES them again this time they got put  above a boiling pot of soup and the ar getting closer every second until……..POP the cord snaps and all the sudden there's a light and the girls are back in home dreaming about that girl was so scared that the friends thought that she really did that, well that was it the worst thing possible thing happen that broke up a potentially lifelong friendship and it turns out the 3rd girl really was a women in the woods the crazy phyco killer that hid here true identity as a young girl of portland



Texte: Makayla Cunning
Bildmaterialien: Makayla Cunning
Cover: N/A
Lektorat: N/A
Übersetzung: N/A
Satz: N/A
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2018

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