

Last May, I graduated high school. I am going to Florida State University. You could call me a school nerd. Well, I do sports, but I’m not like some dumb jock. I play softball, track, and volleyball. Track is my favorite sport. Every day I at least run six to ten miles. I live in Sebastian, Florida. I’m on honors list. It’s a pretty big deal to my parents since my brother totally flunked out of high school.

Most of the time, I would be at the beach, but my schedule is so booked with things that have to do with college. Brent and I are supposed to hang out tonight. Brent is my boyfriend. I’m getting kind of suspicious though. He doesn’t call as much and is mysteriously always busy. He’s a few years younger, and since I’m going to college, I don’t even know if it would work well.

I’m sitting at my desk, planning on what things I’m going to put in my room when Brent calls.

“Hey Brent! I was about to call you,” I say.

“Uh, yeah hi Aly. I just needed to tell you something. You know how your going to college? I just don’t think that would be good, you know, a long distance relationship, You feel me? I mean, I’m sixteen and your going to be nineteen in two months. A big age difference.”

“Are you breaking up with me?” I question back.

“I guess you could say that.”

“Bye Brent.”

I hang up on him. I am angry and happy. I didn’t want a long distance relationship either. I also didn’t want to be the one to break up with him. I’m not a heart-breaker. We did have a big age jump. I tried to get back to my room plans, but I couldn’t stay on task. At least I could date some college boys!

Dad calls me down for his usual family meetings. I yell back and tell him that now is not a good time. Ever since my brother moved out and became a slum, my parents make sure that school is my main priority. So they made this family meeting so that they know what I’m doing in school and make plans to study better if I do bad on a test.

* * *

At my house, I get ready to go to the beach for the first time. Melissa, Paige, and Alex invited me for an all girls day. I put on my swimsuit on and my jean shorts over them. I bring my lucky towel; it’s blue and neon green. I remember when I used to bring a boogie board and toys to the beach. Now I’m a novice surfer. I’m okay, but I’ll never be a Bethany Hamilton. When I get there, my friends attack me with their signature break up hug. After I pull them off, We grab our surfboards and head out to catch the waves. I hate when you get all the way out there and there are no good waves that come your way.

Paige is like the queen of surfing. She has blonde hair like me. Alex usually stays on the beach and flirts around. She’s the redhead, more like hothead. She always attracts the boys. Melissa either reads or joins in the water. She’s a brunette. I’m a beach girl, but I still have glam and style. I try not to flirt with boys because most of them are trouble. I’m not one of those girls that go around hanging with random boys and have a boyfriend at the same time. That’s more of an Alex thing.

At around 3:30, we pile up in Paige’s crap car. The only reason she has it is so she can haul the boards around. It doesn’t even have a radio! I have to run my last three miles to finish my daily run. Paige drops me off first, knowing what I have to do. Mom stops me when she hears the screen door open.

“Where have you been? No one told me you were leaving! And you and Brent broke up? Why don’t I know anything!” she says

I usually run around my neighborhood and around the school. It’s about two to three miles. Brent’s house is on the route, but I decided to avoid it. It would make him feel awkward. While I’m running, I think about what college will be like. First of all, I have to make my running route. I can’t wait for college.


Wow, I’m going to college, I think. Summer has went by so fast. My friends and I usually go boating and prowling for girls, but school has cramped my schedule that I’ve barely even seen my buddies. It’s July, and I haven’t stepped foot out out of my house. I’m going to Florida State University. I play football, baseball, and basketball. I HATE running. There’s this guy in town that runs like twenty miles a day.

Today is the day when you can go to the college and put some things in your dorm. I made sure I didn’t have a girlfriend a year ago so that I don’t have have to worry about crazy exes. My roommate is supposed to be here too. As the campus nears my vision, most kids are doing the same as me.

I walk up to my room and unlock it. When the doors creeks open, there is a tall, skinny, redheaded kid. He’s wearing glasses and has severe acne. A hint of an over bite pokes out of his mouth.

“Hey roomy! I’m Josh. Just to make it clear, this is my side, this is yours. This is my dresser, that is yours. And so on. If you follow my rules, we’ll get along. Later,” he said while walking out talking about math to himself.

He didn’t care to let me talk. I decide to go down and chill a little by the school’s pool.It’s too bad my friends aren’t here to attract the ladies with me. I’m not really a mean guy. My dad taught me to treat girls right, so I’m taking his word for it. There’s a huge crowd of people there. I play it cool and slowly take my shirt off. Might I say that I have a six pack? Well I do, and that’s my main pick up. I don’t usually know what to say, so I try to use body language.I swim for a while until the girls lose interest and leave. Everyone cleared out pretty fast, around 4:00, so I left to. I put on some dry clothes and get in my car. The drive back home is silent.


Today is my first day of college. When I pull in, I go straight for the office area to get my parking pass and all the good free stuff. It’s so packed tight with other kids that t claustrophobic thoughts come in to mind. I walk up to my dorm and wait for my roommate. Five minutes later, she walks in. She is a light brunette, very tall and muscular. She is already intimidating me. She runs towards me and gives me a hug while I’m still on the bed.

“O-M-G! I finally get to meet you! I’m Ashley. We are going to have so much fun, roomy!” she said quite excitingly.

“I’m Aly,” I reply in a more annoyed tone. “Actually, right now I have to do a couple things. I have to make a running route.”

“Oh! That’s right! Maybe I could go too!”

“I’m more of a single runner than... a mingle runner.”

“Nice play on words girlfriend! Well, if you ever need one, call me up!” She smiled and got out her phone to call someone.

This is a good chance to slip out. It’s going to be a long four years. I take my run and figure out my route. Not many people run here, so I take this chance to finally have quiet time. After this, I go over to the smoothie place and grab a textbook from a shelf. After I finish my smoothie, I walk around until I end up at the fountain in front. Oops, the textbook is still in my hands. Oh well. I throw a penny in the fountain and begin to read.

After about an hour, I go to the pool and chill by the poolside. It isn’t busy at this time, so it’s added to my schedule. So far, my schedule is almost booked. I have class at three until six. I have six to eight open. I’ll leave it blank for now. I go back to my room, watch some T.V. and go to bed early. Thank the lord Ashley isn’t there.

The next day, the library is open and I slip in to catch up on some new books that have come out. Most of the people that like to read are here. Who would expect to see a jock in this “prison”, as some boys at my school called it. They are total Neanderthals. The rest of the day is taken up by reading a book at the fountain and working on a nice tan.


Ah, morning, the best time. I walk straight to the smoothie place and buy a mango banana swirl. I’m sitting there texting and drinking, when a girl that I haven’t seen before walks in and orders the same thing. She looks over at me and I get embarrassed and look back at my phone. She sits down for about a half hour reading a book, then leaves. I throw my smoothie cup away and follow her. It was an instinct to follow girls for some reason.

I’m spying on some girl that I don’t know. Wow, you stalker, I think. She throws a penny in the fountain and sits there for another half hour. Then she gets up and goes to the pool for a swim. I always have my trunks, so I decide to make a scene and take off my shirt off slowly again. She looks over, and I swear she rolls her eyes. Looks like she’s not that easy. I’m embarrassed again, so I just jump in the pool. At three, she leaves, and so do I because I have classes.

It ends up that we have four classes together. Technical Science, Old English Literature, Geography, and Calculus. I’m in there immediately to see if she will be there. Five minutes pass and she still isn’t here. The teacher, Mr. Gilbert, starts to talk about Shakespeare when she comes in, quite late for class.

“Sorry, um, teacher, I didn’t know what class I had first,” she says breathlessly.

“And what is your name?” he sighs.

“Uh, Aly Smith.”

So that’s what her name is...

“Ok, Aly. Your six minutes late for class, so I will put your name down. Next time I won’t be this easy. You disrupted the class young lady.”

“I know Mr., Gilbert. It won’t happen again.”

“I know it won’t happen again. Now go sit down next to Carson.”

She looks around and sees that Carson is me. My face forces a slight nervous smile when she sits down. Mr. Gilbert gives a forty-five minute lecture about Hamlet and what inspired Shakespeare to write it. We didn’t make eye contact the whole time. I felt really stupid. Now we have to work with the people next to us, so that’s her and I. She doesn’t look so enthused.

“I’m Carson,” I finally pipe up.

“Aly,” she says with a sarcastic smile. “You know, I know you followed me today. Did you think I wouldn’t notice? I know boys like you that pretend to like a girl and dump them for someone else. Lay off, will you?”
“Uh, ok, sorry. I didn’t mean to follow you, I don’t know why I did. I won’t do it again. Sorry.” I look down at my paper and start to scribble nonsense answers.

“I should be the one saying sorry. Really, I just got out of a long relationship, so I’m a little off key lately.”

“It’s fine. I, don’t.. really know... how to talk to girls...”

“Really? Well at least your not arrogant. I like shy boys.”

“Cool! I mean, that’s tight.”

Just then, the class is dismissed. As she walks out she says one more thing.

“By the way, nice abs.” She smiled and walked out.


As I walk back to my room, I really try to organize his features. Carson, I like that. He was really nice. Maybe I should’ve slowed down when he started to become nervous. Brown hair, blue eyes, very white teeth. Something about him gave me a weird feeling every time he talked. He really did have wicked abs.

My room is unlocked and no one is in there. Gosh! Can Ashley not go out of her way and unlock one little door? She is really messy. She left all her clothes out and I swear she doesn’t know how to clean up after herself. She keeps taking my pop from my fridge. I throw everything on her bed and lay down. My mind is so clustered with different things. School. Carson. Track. Carson. Shakespeare. Carson. I didn’t even know if falling asleep was an option tonight. Finally, my mind drifts into a very light sleep.

It’s Wednesday morning. Two days and I’ve already met a boy and caught some gazing at me from a distance. Four more years is all I can tell myself. This isn’t vacation people! It’s school, where you go so you don’t have to work at fast food restaurants!

When the alarm clock goes off, Ashley wakes up too. She is about to say something when I fling my pointer finger up to shush her. After about five minutes, my body flies into action, putting on running clothes for the usual morning run. Usually I’m already ready to go when my alarm goes off. Boys make it hard to snooze. I run down to the smoothie shop and slurping down with many brain freezes. I skipped the textbooks today because I am running twenty minutes behind. Okay, boys mess with your schedule all around.

Of course, when my run is over, I head to the pool to work on my tan. And also, Carson has now decided to go wherever I am, lingering in the distance. This has never happened to me. Here is the only place he makes a conversation with me.

“Hey Aly, want to swim?” he asks.

“No offense, but why do you think I’m here? Sure, I’ll swim,” I tease.

We splash right in, just to make a statement that we’re here. when I come up for air, Carson wicks me in the face with a wave of water. He laughs and I splash him right back, in the face. He get out and tromps over to the diving board, screaming cannonball like a little kid, then jumping in. It was rancid. Water went everywhere, hitting everyone.

“Jeez Carson! You are NOT good at making friends,” I laugh and splash him.

“Now it’s so on,” he says slyly.

We were at the pool for two hours, almost missing class, my hair still damp. Laughing, we stumbled in. Mrs. Artsworth gave us a dirty look. I sat down, Carson following, still chuckling with the adorable wheeze he makes with it. The teacher is telling us about how we have to go over simple stuff first, just to refresh our memories because apparently no one knows how to multiply fractions. Most of these teachers need to be in the elementary levels. But they are sometimes too aggressive and impatient for child care. That’s why none of them have kids.

As she rattles on about how much math is important, Carson throws a note at me from across the room. He smiles at me. I open it .

Hey Aly. Do you want to hang out tonight?
Maybe we could go get something to eat, or get some smoothies.
You know we get the same kind? Uh, yeah, well... throw one back. :)

I look over and give him the thumbs up. He smiles and looks away. Under his desk, he makes a victory fist pump. He’s so silly.


Josh helps me pick some clothes to wear tonight on my date. Well, it’s kind of a date. More like a friend supper. Aly and I are going to the Crab Shack. I thought she would go with something less messy, but she insisted. I finally got her number. Sometime yesterday, she slipped it in my shorts pocket. We talked for an hour before we even started planning on where to go.

I get in my clunker of a car and roughly drive to the downtown food center. Aly didn’t want me to pick her up. I didn’t argue. Another thing in Dad’s rulebook. DON’T ARGUE WITH WOMEN. Apparently, guys always lose. I wouldn’t doubt it.

The Beast (my car) drives in and parks, almost hitting a Mercedes Benz that’s probably more than my college is costing. A waiter sees me and sits me down at a table for two. No one is here tonight. After fifteen minutes of fidgeting in my seat, Aly finally walks in. She tells the waiter that she’s with me and takes a seat across from me. I get a little tinge that goes through my whole body.

I look at what she wore. I feel stupid getting so dressed up, when she only wore a nice shirt and jean shorts. I picked out khakis and a sweater vest! We kind of sit there awkwardly, not saying nothing. I finally speak up.

“So how has your day been?” I say.

She replies, “Carson. I was with you.” She looks at me with a smile that surely means she’s messing with me. That’s what is good about her. She knows how to joke and have fun while still maintaining confidence. This is a skill that I will never master.

“I knew that. Um, what’s your favorite sport?” I ask.

“Track comes in an absolute first. This feeling always goes through me, you know, that you have to keep going? And I always get an adrenaline rush! What’s yours?” she says excited. Certainly not running, I think.

“I like baseball. Football comes in a close second. I’m really not much of a runner. I did discus my senior year though. Does that count?” Right then, the waiter came with our food. We didn’t even order, though she knew what we wanted, crab legs. What else are you going to get at a crab shack? We talked nonstop until our plates were spotless, butter and small pieces of crab meat all over our hands. After we said our goodbyes,I gave her my number and we got in our cars. She left immediately, while I stayed parked. for a half and hour I sat in my car listening to the quite loud idle, not caring about how much gas I was wasting.


When I get home, I see that my phone must have been ringing off the hook, all from my mom. Six calls. Five text messages. It had to be important for her to even bother trying to text. Her generation isn’t good at phone usage. I typed in her number, the ringer going only twice.

“Mom?” All I heard when I answered was her sobbing. I could tell it was a hard cry because she started making the hiccuping sounds. Bad sign.

“Aly, honey. Why didn’t you answer? Well that doesn’t matter right now.” She takes a breath, with a couple of sniffles, then begins, “Aly, your dad, he’s gone.”

I hang up, shocked, tears already flowing like the Niagara. I grab my car keys and race out of the dorm faster than Lo Lo Jones. When I get in, I turn the ignition. It doesn’t start. Of course, my luck. I panic, not knowing what to do. Then I remember. I take out the little slip of paper and dial.

“I got hear as fast as I could. What’s the emergency?” Carson asks. He looks at me closer, seeing the tears and my make-up streaked face. “Aly? Are you okay?”

I start crying again, and he pulls me in for a hug. “ If you tell me what’s wrong, I think I could help you. Please?”

I look up at him, staring into his eyes. they’re so forgiving. “ My dad, He died, an accident at work. How could this happen? Please help me Carson.”

“Come with me.” I follow him to his car getting in. We drive quietly for awhile, me having no idea where we are going. After about a half an hour, we pull into a cemetery. We park, and he guides me to a gravestone at the back of the first block of stones. He takes out a flashlight, shining it on the name. “Ray Jones. This is my cousin, or shall I say, my brother. He passed away two years ago.”

I look at him. Her looks down, now a saddened look crossing his face. “I’m sorry, for your loss.” I fold my arms, feeling out of place, him and I having a serious talk with no jokes.

“I didn’t feel like I could make it either, without him. I know how you feel, Aly.” He looks up at me, a straight face. “Listen, I thought this was the end for me, that I would never meet someone like him. But then I met you. You are just like him: a jokester, generous, confident, always looking at the bright side, optimistic in the worst of times. That’s how I knew to take you here. I wanted him to meet you.” He stared into my eyes with that look he gives.

I hug him, not letting go until he told me to get in the car, that we were driving to my house. We didn’t say one word until I got there. The only thing that happened was that he called the University to say we would be gone for a week, family emergency.


We have been in Sebastian for for three days now, the hint of death still lurking in the air. It is the worst feeling, all of it circling around you not going away, even if you try to swat it away. Aly has, of course, not been doing well. Today, her friends are coming over. Aly must have mentioned me before, because she told me they couldn’t wait to meet her “boyfriend”. How much I wish we were.

At three, her friends came crashing in, not even knocking. When they walked up to Aly’s room, me inside, they kind of looked at me, then at Aly, the me again. The redhead whispered something to the brunette, looking at me at the same time. All I saw that she mouthed was “hot” and “muscly”. Both true. They all call Aly over, all of them conversing. Once I saw Aly roll her eyes and slightly laugh. She’s still teary-eyed. It’s only been three days though. The grief will last a lifetime.

After a while, they all turned their attention to me, sitting on Aly’s bed. Aly spoke first.

“Uh, Carson these are my friends this is-”

“Alex,” the redhead said. Then the brunette chimed in.

“Im Melissa,” she said with a smile. I looked over at the blonde. She was smiling at me, though I don’t know why.

“Oh, I’m Paige.” She waved at me with a smile bigger face.

“Nice to meet you all. Well, I’m..a..going to go get a drink, and check out the town. Is that alright everyone?” They all spoke at the same time, Aly watching them with a smirk.

“Of course it’s fine! You can do anything you want, Carson!” They all sighed like they were going to pass out.

“I’ll go with you, if that’s fine. I’m getting kind of tired of staying in my house,” Aly speaks up. She winks at me, like she’s trying to get away from the crazies, her friends. I say yes and we walk out, her friends giving me the desperate eyes, like they didn’t want me to leave. Her friends are pretty crazy.

We walk around, to the beach, around the square, down some backstreets. Then We go by her ex boyfriend’s house, Brent. What an awful name. If he comes out, I’m giving him a piece of my mind. Then I’m going to thank him for giving her to me. Aly told me about how he broke up with her, the chicken way. Thankfully, he doesn’t come out.

* * *

Today is Aly’s dad’s funeral. I had to go out and by a tuxedo because it’s not like I was planning to go to a funeral anytime soon. It’s black with a gray vest. I just wore a black tie for this. A colorful would be a little inappropriate for an vent like this. In two days, Aly and I are going back up to college, since our week of off time will be up, which stinks.

As I Aly and I walk in, everyone turns and stares at her, with sorrowful eyes. She looks away, not wanting people to see her puffy eyes. I whisper that it doesn’t matter if her eyes are pretty, that she’s still beautiful. She looks at me and barely makes a smile, then it fades, and we start walking again.

The ceremony and burial lasted around an hour. I don’t think I could attend another funeral for a long time. Aly held my hand during the whole ceremony. Every time there was a funny story, she loosened her grip. Every time there was a sad part in the speech, she almost cut my circulation off. I didn’t mind. If it helped her, I’m fine with it. The last two days, Aly and I just kind of hung out. She taught me how to surf, so the first day we did that for the whole evening. The last day, we watched some movies in her room and ate ice cream. It was pretty fun.


These last couple of weeks since my dad died, Carson and I have hung out every night. We did things that no one else at the college did. We went to the worst maintenance bowling alley in the world, the air thick with smoke because there was a bar there to. All the crazy drunks went there. We went to the Cab Shack every Tuesday, a ritual. Apparently Carson likes running now, too. The first couple of days he almost blacked out since he doesn’t run. Now he can keep up with me easily. Thursdays we go to the pool or beach because both of us don’t have classes all day. Carson is a considerately good surer too. It’s his new favorite sport and hobby. When I can’t go anywhere because of homework, he goes and practices to be better than me.

Tonight, we’re going to get some slices(pizza). We haven’t hung out all day, and usually he calls and asks. He’s up to something. This time, I agreed to him picking me up, since he all out got on his knees and begged for five minutes straight. I finally said yes. He’s got good drive, and he doesn’t stop until he gets it. Another thing I like about him, and his charm.

He picks me up on the end of the campus lawn. When I get in, he gives me
A look of satisfaction, and also like he’s hiding something. I immediately investigate.

“Carson. What is up with you? You haven’t called all day!” I converse.

“Oh, crap! I was really busy today. Which reminds me, even though I didn’t forget, I was cruising the town today, and I found something that I KNEW you would absolutely love. Then I put my own twist to it. So, here it is.” Carson pulls out a necklace that has two track shoes with wings on them.

“It’s awesome, Carson.”

“Look at the back,” he says. On the back of the track shoes was one sentence: Cute Doesn’t Win Games. I look up at him, confused. “I know. It’s not romantic. But I know you’re not a sentimental person, so I put something catchy on there! I can take it back if you want me to..”

“No! Don’t take it back. It’s great. I love it.” He puts it around my neck. I thought we would leave after it, but he still had something else on his mind.

“Aly,” he says as he takes my hands into his, “I was going to ask you a long time ago, but it didn’t feel right. But now I’m ready to ask. Will you, Aly Smith, care to go out with me, be more the friends?”

“I have been waiting for you to ask! Of course!” I hug him then look into his beautiful green eyes. “How could I say no to someone that has helped me through so much?” I lean up and kiss him.

“I love you Aly,” he whispers into my ear

We drive to Pizza Hut, surprisingly talking the whole time, instead of awkward silence. Carson runs in and grabs a seat. I laugh and sit across from him. He takes his napkin holder and makes a triangle. I have no idea what he’s doing. He tells me to make a field goal, and I give him a confused look.

“Have you not ever played paper football or something?” he asks.

“What’s that?” I ask back. He laughs hysterically and shows me how to make the football and the field goal, and we play that until the pizza arrives. The pizza is mushroom, even though I hate that kind. I’m a very picky eater. He eats the whole thing, me eating only to pieces. It was really fun, us laughing and having a good time. He might not think he has charm, but he does, and class too. Even if a relationship doesn’t work with him, I know we will always be friends.


Today marks a whole week of Aly and I dating. It’s been the best week of college, and maybe even my life! We have hung out and went to the pool so much that I have probably gained weight, and my hair started to turn green from the chlorine. We taught each other a whole bunch of things. Today, though, someone approached me that I hoped wouldn’t. Amber Dykstra, one of the biggest partyers and relationship enders in my dorm building, came up to me. What a nightmare.

“Hey Carson, you sure are looking hot today,” she says with a grin that she has obviously mastered and used on many other people.

“Um, I’m doing good. What, about you?” I reply. She flips her hair like I’m supposed to flutter my eyes at it. I keep my cool.

“Well, the dorm is having a huge party tonight. Do you want to come? I would love it if you did.”

“Sure. I’ll see if Aly and I are hanging out.” Amber stares at me like I just said the Lord’s name in vain. Then she gave me her grin again.

“I guess Aly can come if she wants.” She flips her hair, smiles, then walks away with her keys jingling around her neck. I think she’s up to something. I’ll check out the party anyway. I shrug my shoulders and walk off, going to find Aly. I think we have something planned, but maybe we could do it a different night, like tomorrow. The thing is, Aly hates Amber. That’s her enemy. She would kill me if I went there. Especially with Amber.

On the way to classes, I see Aly across the courtyard. I say her name and she walks over with her usual bubbly attitude. She starts talking about annoying her roommate is when I intervene.

“Aly, um, we can’t hang out tonight. There’s this party that I got invited to..”

“Why can’t I come?” She gives a suspicious look.

“Oh, it’s only for my dorm building. So, I would let you come, but you can’t.”

“Ok, that’s fine. Call me when it’s over so we can hang out after or something.” We walk together to class. When we walk in, Amber gives me a thumbs up to see if I can or not. I hide a thumbs up back. Aly sees her and gives her a dirty look. They will never be friends.

* * *
For the party, I put on some jeans and a Fox t-shirt. They’re the only clothes that are clean. I’ve never had to wash my own clothes. It’s a nightmare. I go out to the beta house for our dorm. The place is overflowed with people. Obviously, there’s a keg. Good thing I don’t drink. Amber had been waiting for me. Now I know something’s up. She runs at me and hugs me, I nervously hug back.

At the party, there is live music, a dance floor, and golf cart races. This is the craziest party I’ve ever been to. As I walk around, Amber is right on my heels, sneaking up on me and dancing with me. I’ve been here for an hour. Three more to go. I wonder what Aly’s doing. She’s probably at her dorm, watching T.V., waiting for me to leave so we can hang out. I wish she could’ve come.


When is this party over? I say to myself. It’s twelve o’clock and Carson still hasn’t called.
I can’t believe I’m sitting here watching T.V. all by myself while Carson is probably having the time of his life. Suddenly, my roommate walks in. I ask her where she’s been, smelling the alcohol on her breathe from where I’m sitting.

“Oh, I just went to the BEST PARTY EVER!” she replies with a slur.

“Where was this party?” I ask.

“You know, the one down the street? I saw Carson there. He was with some girl.” That’s it, I say to myself. I’ve been sitting here by myself for HOURS while he’s been with some other girl? He’s dead when I get there and what Ashley said is true.

When I arrive, The music was unbearable. Everywhere I step there’s spilled beer. Drunk college kids are dancing and drinking. They must not have class tomorrow. Lucky them. I ask some kid if I can go in, and he says yes, and then says other things that I would rather not say. So I slapped him. Then I go inside. I walk past a game of beer pong, a well known game in Sebastian. A girl just owned some guy in it, so he is extremely drunk. When I step into the main room where the live band and dancing is, some guy comes up and asks me to dance. I say sure, but just for a second.

After awhile, I walk away and another girl starts dancing with the guy. I start looking around. Then I finally see Carson. He’s standing by himself. I start toward him, then stop when Amber walks up to him and says something. Amber turns her head and sees me, then says something else to him. Suddenly, she leans up and kisses him for quite awhile. I don’t even say anything, I just stare. When Carson pushes her away, he looks over and sees me. I feel a tears roll down my cheeks. I shake my head and start toward the door. I can here him calling my name, but I don’t turn around. Finally, I feel his hand rest on my shoulder. I still down turn around.

“Aly, I can explain-,” He starts.

“There’s nothing you need to explain. There’s nothing that needs to be said here.” I start towards the door again, hoping I can get out of here. I barely hear his voice calling my name over the loud music. I break into a run and get in my car, starting it up and flying out of there. Why didn’t he just break up with me? I say to my self over and over, tears and mascara staining my face. I’ve never cried over a break-up, but he’s my first boyfriend that has treated me well. Until tonight. I’m going faster than ever, clearly over the speed limit, breaking seventy in a fifty-five.

As I near the exit to town, I see lights coming close, but I can’t see through the curtain of tears covering my eyes. It looks like a street lamp, but surely there wouldn't be out here on a highway. Especially in the middle of the road. Before I can figure it out, the light hits me and I black out.


I’m sitting at my dorm, all out of tears, so it’s just sobbing, when I get the call. I shoot up and run down the stairs, out of the building, to the parking lot to my car. I turn the key and gas it straight to the hospital praying that no police are patrolling this road. Luckily, none weren't. When I pole up, I put my car in park and run in, leaving my car unlocked. It’d be pretty sad if someone stole my car at a hospital, but it’s still possible. It takes me a half an hour to figure out the room and get a visitor’s pass. Now I have to wait for her to wake up, which will probably take a while. Her mom is here with me. I’ve been comforting her since I got here. We’re in Aly’s room when she finally wakes up. I was about to fall asleep.

Aly looks over and sees me and gives her mom the look that women give each other that says for them to leave. After her mom leaves she stares at me for a little bit. Finally, she speaks. “Carson, tell me the whole thing. Honest story only.”

I tell her how Amber asked me to go and set me up so that she could break us up and that it’s all my fault. The tears start to come, but I keep talking. It takes me ten minutes to finish. After it, she looks at me again.

“Carson. I believe you. I shouldn’t have gotten mad. I saw that you pushed her away, but I was mad that you said that I couldn’t go. Then you just said that that’s what Amber told you. That-” She starts.

“I know, she is one, but let’s not worry about her. We need to figure this out. So are any of your injuries bad?”

“Well, I broke my leg and a rib. Oh, and forgot some stuff. By the way, where’s my dad? My mom’s here. Weird.” I hang my mouth open, not knowing what to say. I decide that her mom should tell her instead of me. I call her mom in and she tells Aly. They start to cry just like they did the first time. So Aly forgot quite a bit of things. Apparently, her head went through the windshield
* * *

After Aly could finally leave the hospital, we went right back to what our usual schedule. It took a couple of weeks to get her back in shape to run again. We drank our smoothies and did some aerobics at the indoor pool for therapy for her leg. She hated it, but she had no choice but to follow the doctor’s orders.

We’re at the hospital now, checking out her brain trauma and seeing if they could do anything about it. The doctor gave her medicine and walked out to tend to other patients.

“Thanks for coming today Carson,” she says.

“Don’t mention it.” I kiss her and we head back to the college, geared up for more adventures to come.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2012

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