
    LEO:I paced, thinking to myself about what was happening. A vampire walked behind me staying close. I was a Shifter. I was suppose to be a football star. Now I was off to Noctalli, the palace of life and death. I was to be the new king of Shifters. The only thing was, is that there were bilaines, mortals who knew us, that were out to kill me. It was just to much in one day. I looked around feeling something watching me, but it past. " Are you ready?" the vampire asked. I nodded and dstarted walking to Noctalli. 
    WILLIAM:The boy paced slow, watching the ground intently. He was to be the king of Shifters and he scarred. I knew how he felt. I was William, king of Vampires. The only difference was I already knew I was a vampire. On this journey I had to train and protect him. This was going to be hard to do. I traced the mark on my arm where a bilaine had whipped me. I shuddered the whips were made of silver, gold,bronze, and wood. I shook my head." Are you ready?" he nodded and began to walk to Noctalli. 
     ROSE:I hid behind bushes and watched William and Leo. Leo paced and William watched. Vampire and Shifter, so unknowing. A bilaine could show up and they would never know. Leave it to the werewolf to save them. I moved closer hoping not to make a noise. I knew they wouldn't see me, I'm an expert at hiding. I found it ironic that I was werewolf queen protecting the vampire king who was protecting the shifter king. The shifter king is suppose to bring peace to us. " Are you ready?" William asked. They began to walk. I followed close behind. 

   LEO:The woods were quiet. The vampire and I didn't really talk. He just walked and looked around a lot. I followed reluctantly. I wondered if I ran would I get anywhere. Probably not. I was dealing with a vampire. I felt my skin crawl. That feeling of someone watching me. We had probably walked five miles and the whole time I felt like I was being watched and followed. 
    " Hey, do you think you would know if someone was following us?" I asked. 
    The vampire turned and gave me a stern look. " Yes. I would know. Now. Continue to walk we will find a place to rest soon. " 
     Rest. Oh how I wanted some rest. And some food. Food. " So do we have any food? I'm kind of hungry. " 
    " Well I do if you continue to annoy me. " the vampire snickered. 
    I gulped rubbing my throat. It wasn't the nicest thought. 
    " We are here. " he said. 
    It was a small clearing. Trees made a perfect circle around the area and there was a dried up spot where the fire was to be built. The grass looked soft and plush. I sat down and left my legs stretch out. 
    " I'll get some wood. " the vampire said and walked away. 
      I laid down with my arms behind my head. I still freaked me out knowing I was a mythical creature. Wait. Not just a mythical creature, the king of a mythical creature. I wondered why I was the one to be king. Why couldn't someone else take the job? Someone experienced. I didn't even know what I could do. I was just found and told and then taken. What if I was the wrong guy? 
    I heard wood clatter in font of me and I sprang up. 
    " Don't doubt yourself. Your the king. I know you are." the vampire said. 
    " So you can read minds. Can all vampires do that?" 
   " No. Only me." he said bluntly. 
   " Why?"
    " Because I'm the king of vampires. You get certain gifts when your royal." 
     " Are there other royals?" 
     " Just you, me, and... One other."
     " What powers do I have?"
     " I don't know." he snapped
      I lowered my head and pulled at the grass. He fixed the fire and didn't say anything. 
     " My names William. Just so you know. " he said with a kinder voice. Which wasn't really that kind. 
     " Leo. You probably already knew that though." 
     " I'll be right back don't move" he said. 
     I saw him walk to forest and disappear behind the trees. He came back some time later holding a two really big bags. 
     "Here are some tents. Help me put them up. " he said and set the bags down next to me. 
    " Where did you get these?" I asked
     " They are hidden for travelers who come this way. There will be more the farther we walk." he said and unzipped a bag. We put the tents up. They were pretty big. It was like a family size tent. William pulled some bread and peanut butter out of a bag and handed it to me. 
    " Isn't this really old?" 
    " No. A spell was put on it so it would never run out and never go bad. " 
     I sat down and started to make sandwiches. He sat down too. 
     " So what's it like at Noctalli?"
     " It's busy. Everyone is working and warding off bilaines. Otherwise it's a very nice place to live." 
     " Hmm. Are there girls there?!"
     " Yes. Vampire and werewolf girls. All very beautiful but very dangerous. The one you should really avoid is Rose. She's the queen of werewolves. She looks beautiful. More than the other girls but she I very mean. She's just like her name. Beautiful flower that you see but you go to grab it and the thorns cut you." he seemed to be deep in thought as he spoke of her. 
     " What does she look like?" 
     " She's dark with dark hair that reaches the middle of her back. She's shorter than you and me but only by an inch or two. Her lips are big and red. But it's the eyes that lure people the most. They are like a mix of gray, blue, green, and even purple." again he seemed to be lost in thought. 
    " Do you like her?" wrong question
    He seemed to grow where he sat and his face was covered in fury. " I hate her! She is stuck up and is a complete... Bitch!" he got up and stormed over to his tent. He ripped the cover back and hid inside. 
    I sat still thinking of what just happened. He had to have liked her but she didnt want him. I couldn't wait to meet this girl. I ate my sandwich and threw dirt on the fire. I walked to my tent and fell asleep on the plastic floor

       WILLIAM:I paced back and forth in the tent. I hated her so much. She destroyed my reputation. She deliberately put that witch in my room and had her come at me. What was I going to do. That witch was attractive and willing. Then she had my trusted walk in and catch me kissing the witch. I was looked badly at. I was suppose to be the king not someone who fools with witches. When she saw my embarrassment she smiled. That horrible smile. 
     I shook my head. I had to be focused. I had to find a way to bring forth Leo's powers. There hadn't been a Shifter king since the Molasion wars. I cringed. Those wars haunted us even a thousand years from them. When all powers fought amongst each other. Four vampires, five werewolves, and two shifters survived. The shifters ran away but the vampires and werewolves joined together to create another kingdom. Shifters hadn't been heard of since. No one even knows what they can do anymore. 
    But now with bilaine forces growing and we knew that we needed the help of the shifters. Maybe if Leo became king he could call upon the other shifters and help fight this war. 
   I sat down exhaustion taking over me. I slept. 

      ROSE:I laid against a tree carving a bird out of wood. I thought of how William talked about me. He had called me a bitch.  I don't care about how he described me I cared about how he called me a bitch. Technically it was correct. I was a female dog, but he still called me a bitch. 
   My wolves roamed around me. They were regular wolves nothing special. I had ran into them on the way here. They stuck with me. 
     I heard a twig snap and all their ears perked up. ' did you hear that master. ' said one of the wolves in my head. I smelt the air and stood. Bilaines. Twenty of them. ' go around the camp but make sure not to be seen. Wait for my call' I told them. I looked at the camp ground and saw bilaines across the clearing creeping closer to the camp. They all held their whips and some held jars of magic fire. I took my cloak off and grabbed my bow. I knocked an arrow and blew at it. I saw purple poison stain the arrow head. I pulled back and waited until they got closer. One unraveled their whip and walked to the tent that Leo was in. When he came down to lash it I let go. His yell filled the air and William popped out of the tent. He attacked immediately. I smiled and ran down the  hill. " Time to get my wolf on!" I laughed. 
     LEO:I ran out of my tent to find William fighting what I knew had to be bilaines. William dodged and hit never getting touched cause he was using his speed. A bilaine looked at me and unraveled his whip. I got scared and punched him in the face. I ran away to the other side but turned around when I saw a wolf the size of a minivan charging toward me. When it ran its fur shined under the moon light. It was really white but when it moved it was white, gold, silver, and every other color. It ran past me and I saw its eyes. A mix of blue, green, brown, black, and purple. It was Rose I guessed. ' go into the woods and hide! Hurry' a girls voice said in my head. I obeyed not asking any questions. I crouched behind a bush and watched as the battle went on. William broke the men with his strength but always avoided the whips. Ross tossed men around like they were chew toys. Then Rose howled and wolves ran out and took down concussed men. I wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. ' Stay where you are don't help' said the voice again. Again I obeyed. Soon the men were only down to eight so they fled and disappeared into the woods. Rose changed back cringing at the pain it might have caused her. She wore a long black dress and wore no shoes. Her hair was pulled back in a sloppy bun. I could see the diamonds that lined up and done her ears. She also had a tattoo behind her right ear. It was 'Rose' in cursive with a wolf in the back ground. 
    " What are you doing here?" William asked furiously. 
    " Obviously saving your lazy butt." she snapped
    " I don't need your help. I would have done fine on my own. " 
    " Yes. Cause we all know disintegrated vampires fight so well. "
    " I knew they were outside my tent. I could have killed them all if you hadn't gotten in the way." 
     " Oh so you knew they were outside that's why you were sleeping. I understand now. " she said sarcastically. 
     " Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for saving me." I said. They both looked at me with pure anger and hate. Rose then cooled and stared at me in shock. 
   " He isn't a shifter. I don't smell it. He smells like a human. You got the wrong one!" she hissed at William. 
   " I'm sure it's him. Taiwa told me. He said look for Leo the star of mortals. He is a football star at his school. It's him. Maybe your nose is broke. " 
     " Ha funny. If its him then lets see his power. " she said and looked at me expectantly. 
     " I can't. I don't know how. " I whispered to the floor. 
    " See what did I tell you. Wrong. " she marched over to the trees and grabbed something. I saw her shoulder a bow and cloak. " Well since I have to save you I'll just camp here. " she pushed past William and walked into his tent.
    William sighed" See. See why I hate this woman. This thing!" he yelled. An arrow shot out of tent zooming right past his face. It cut through a tree with a loud crunch. I gulped. 
   " I'll stay out here. " he said. 
   I walked into my tent and laid down. It was a very crazy night and day. I really just needed some sleep. 

    ROSE:I woke up to find William sleeping on the ground. You'd think that because he's a vampire he wouldn't need to sleep. Not William. He slept more than cats. I walked over to my wolves that wagged their tails happily when I walked over. I was happy to know none of them had gotten hurt. ' Thank you but I believe I will be fine from now on' they howled and walked away. I heard a shuffle behind me and Leo walked out. 
    He seemed cute even though he was a moron. He was shorter than William and he was built. His hair was cut short and his eyes were emerald green. He yawned and walked over to me. 
   " Good mourning. " he said sleepily. 
    " Mourning." I said
    " Where you going?"
    " To get food. Like rabbits." 
     " Can I go?"
     I rolled my eyes then thought about it. " Sure I'll teach you how to use a bow. " 
     I walked into the woods holding my bow in hand. I saw a rabbit sitting by a tree. 
    " Now have you ever used a bow before?" 
    " No." 
     " Okay we'll all you do is take an arrow and knock it. Then pull back with your shoulder and arm straight. Keep  them strong and tight. Look down the shaft and release." I said and the arrow went flying and into the rabbit. 
     I ran to it and pulled the arrow out. It had died instantly. Clean kill. 
    " Your really good." he said 
     " I'm the best at the palace.".
     "So why don't you think I'm the right one?"
     I lowered my bow and looked at him. " Because you do not have the air about you. And you smell like a human." I quickly pulled back a arrow and let go. I looked at where I  had directed it and saw another rabbit dead. 
     I picked the rabbits up and walked with Leo back to camp. 
     "Do you think you could help me become one. Cause if I'm the wrong one what am I suppose to do. Everyone at home doesn't remember me." he said glumly. 
    I set the rabbits down. " I'll try. " 
    I kicked Williams foot and he was awake. " What?!" he yelled. 
    " Go get your own blood sucker. And get some wood. "
    He trudged off. I took out a knife and began to cut the fur off. Leo watch disgusted and amazed. " So what was your life like when you were 'human'?"
     " Well I had lots of friends and I was good in class. I played football for my high school and we won every time. I had just broken up with my girlfriend. I was also a orphan. But most importantly I ate chicken. Not rabbits. " he said never taking his eyes off the rabbit. 
    " Well then go get us a chicken. " I said and set the knife down. 
     " Never mind. " he said. For such a big buff guy he really was scared. He was always so timid. 
     He couldn't be a shifter. 

     WILLIAM:" Stupid. Stupid. ' Oh I'll just decide to pop up and go on with you.' No you need to leave. Hate her. Just hate her. Telling me I got the wrong person. Well guess what I got the right person. I know I did. " I mumbled picking up sticks. I walked back and threw them down in the fire pit. 
    " You didn't eat. " Rose said not looking up. 
    " I'm not hungry" I snapped. 
     " But you'll get hungry and eat the human you brought with us. 
       " No I won't. It's against my vows. You know that. " I grumbled. 
      " Well we all know that you don't follow those very well. I think Carena would know what I'm talking about. " she said. 
      She was talking about the witch. I ran at her and tackled her to the ground.  
     See if we were humans I would be arrested but since I'm not it doesn't matter if I hit her. I punched her stomach and her face. Blood trickled out of her mouth. She pulled me to the side and jabbed my chest with her elbow. She then picked me up and threw me at a tree. The tree snapped in half but I bounced back and pushed her to a tree I hit her and kicked. She pushed me off and tackled me. She pulled out her knife and held it to my throat. 
    " Next time don't be stupid." she hissed. She got off and walked back to Leo who sat with his mouth open. She sat down and went back to work. " Now go eat. " she said calmly. 
    I stalked off to the woods mumbling again. 
   LEO:After the show and eating we began to walk again. William walked in the front and me and Rose talked in the back. 
    " So when your a royal you have powers that others do not. William is able to read minds, control emotions, and see far distances. Like five miles from here he can see the smallest ant crawling under a leaf. And we have main weapons. His is an ax. " she explained. 
    " What are your powers?" I asked. 
     " I can breath poison, talk to you in your mind no matter where you are, and smell who you are. Like I can tell race, height, what you are, even eye color. Then my weapons are the knife and bow. " 
    " Why do you get two weapons and William only one?" 
     " Because I'm better." she said looking at William. 
      " Something else. In movies it always says certain things about werewolves and vampires. You two don't seem to fit those descriptions. " I said. 
      " That's because it's not true. Vampires do suck blood and some do kill humans. Of the do bite a human and leave him they will become a vampire and find their way to Noctalli. They do sleep. Obviously you met William. And they do have super strength and fast speeds. They are very cold at touch. Last they do not turn into bats. Werewolves do not change or have special strength during a full moon. We do hate vampires but we live with it. We don't kill humans and we are very intact with nature. When we change back we are not naked. Are clothes stay with us. And we are very warm. 125 all the time ." she said. 
    " What would I be like then?" I asked. 
    She shrugged. " I don't know. No one does. " 
    I looked ahead wondering how I was suppose to own up to a title that no one knew about. William was silent and walked at a steady pace. Rose watched him. Those two really needed to decide if they liked each other or not. 
    " I would never like her, Leo. " William said not looking back. 
    " I know. He loves me. " Rose sneered. 
     " You know you could run up ahead and leave us. We will be fine. " William said turning around. 
     " I would love to but someone has to watch the human. " 
     William picked up a stick and I thought he was going to hit her with it. Instead he threw it the way we were walking. " Go get it girl. Go on go get the stick." he said in a baby voice. 
    " That was low blood sucker!" Rose yelled but I could tell she was holding back a smile. 
    " You two are retards." I said and continued to walk. 
     They looked stunned at what I had said but then caught up with me. 
    " Sorry. " they both said. 
    William began to lead again and we followed. Then he stopped and his skin got paler( if possible). 
     " What?" I said. 
      Rose sniffed the air and smiled. " It's just some wizards and witches." she said hissing witches in his ear. " Come on Leo it's time you met some very interesting people. " she said and walked ahead. 
    I nudged William " Come on. It can't be that bad. " I said. He followed but very reluctantly. 
    A few miles ahead there were tents scattered among the trees. They were bright red, green, blue, yellow, and purple. Men and women who were dressed like gipsies danced around fires and played ukuleles. Pigs roasted above fires and kids chased dogs. To me they didn't look like wizards and witches until one of the kids made a flower into a frog. When Rose walked forward the dogs stopped and heeled. A man came up to Rose and took her hand and kissed it. 
    " Ahh Rose what a pleasure to see you again. " The man was big and buff like all the other guys. His shirt was made of silk and it was v-necked so you could see his chest hair. 
    " Always a pleasure. " Rose replied and smiled at William. 
     A woman came up to William and hugged him. She was short maybe 5'4 and she wore a blue dress. She was pretty but since I had been around Rose nothing compared to her. " Oh William I never thought I would see you again. After the trusted came in and saw I thought it was over. " she said and kissed his cheek. He smiled but it was forced. 
   We sat at a fire with others. A girl sat down next to me and smiled. She wore a yellow dress with bells around her ankle. Her hair was in a braid with sunflowers sitting in it. Her eyes shined blue. 
    " Hi. " she said in a small voice. 
    " Hi. " I said liking this place already. William sat with the one witch and watched as Rose walked off with maybe ten wizards. He so liked her. 
    He glared at me. " What had I just told you. I would never. " he got up and the witch followed chattering away. 

ROSE:I walked with the wizards to a big tent. They waited out side. Miss Daniea sat inside making dresses, shoes, waist bands, anklet bells, and men's clothes. 
    " Oh, Rose! You have come to visit darling. Here I made you a new dress." she pulled out a lace and silk dress. It was red with black roses scattered about it. A shaw with red roses on black silk hung to it. She handed it to me and grabbed a anklet with black bells and shoes that matched. 
     I smiled. " Thank you Miss Daniea."
    " Put it on put it on. You shall dance the summer solstice dance with the other girls. " 
     The summer solstice dance was a woman's way of saying ' I'm single and looking for a husband.' They are to dance that was taught to them since birth and wait for a man to dance with them. If more than one man dances with them they have the chose of which one or none of them. 
    I nodded" Miss Daniea I don't think I will be doing the dance. " I said. 
    " Uhh who is he darling. Tell me about him. " she said pushing me to a dress curtain. 
    " There is no one but I don't feel comfortable doing this. " 
    " Ohh nonsense. Now get dressed and will do your hair." she chimed. 
    I dressed reluctantly as Miss Daniea hummed. I walked out and she gasped. 
    " I wish so dearly you were my daughter. But I have none. So you shall be my daughter tonight. " 
    She started to fix my hair with some of her magic. Miss Daniea was like my mother really. She took care of me when she found me in the woods crying. I was only ten and I had no memory of who I was. Ever since then I have never cried. I didn't want to feel weak like that ever again. She walked in front of me and put make-up on my face. She made me stand and sprayed rose perfume on me. She then rushed to a box and grabbed something. 
     " I made this for you when I found you. Now is the time you had it. " she lifted the necklace and put it on my neck. It was a rose with a sun rising in the background. It glowed as if the sun really were rising. 
    I smiled. " Thank you. " Then I heard the horn that sounded the dance. 
   " Come on let's go." Miss Daniea pushed me out the tent. The wizards were gone. Probably making themselves look better. If possible. 
     I walked to the Bon fire and looked around. Many of the other girls were glaring at me. While many of the wizards got ready to run for me. William and Leo say together while Carena and another witch stood in front of them. William looked at me with a look I had never seen on his face before. It was amazement. Leo looked too and his mouth hung open. I laughed at Leo but stopped when Carena and the other witch glared. I turned back and face Miss Daniea. She put her thumbs up and moved to the back. Only men were suppose to be at the front. Music started and I began to dance. 
   Two step right twirl two step left twirl. Bow straight bow straight. Hold shaw and dip right dip left. Twirl and the horn sounded for when the men were allowed in. It was only one at a time. You would dance the routine and when the horn sounded again another man would come if no man came you would leave with that one man and marry him later. Nice little thing. A tall man with muscles bigger than werewolves stepped forward. We did the routine and I glanced over at William. He danced half-heartedly with Carena while Leo danced with the other girl. William glanced over, sizing up the wizard in front of me. The horn sounded and William moved toward me. Leo moved to another girl too. The girl Leo was with was left alone and ran crying. Carena on the other hand was dancing with someone new but watched William. I danced with another wizard and watched William. The horn sounded and William ran over to me. 
    " What are you doing?" 
    " Making sure you don't get married and stay here. " 
     " Why how nice of you. Are you going to do this when I actually get married?" 
     He paused. " No. Cause you'll be at the palace. " 
    " Well if I can't marry why does Leo get to marry. He is dancing with other witches. " I said. 
      " Well tell him to come to you when the horn sounds." he said. 
      " And what are you going to do?" 
      " I will leave the dance and wait for you to be done." 
      " Fine. Ruin my fun. " I sighed. 
      ' When the horn sounds come to me alright. ' I told Leo. I saw him nod. 
     Leo ran over to me when the horn sounded but when he got to me his wouldn't stop gawking. Wizards stood close by with deathly looks at Leo. Then two horns sounded. It was the last sound. Women came forward to see who their daughters and sons would marry. Everyone kissed the person they were with. Miss Daniea looked at me expectantly. 
    " Kiss me." I hissed
    " What?" he asked astonished. 
    " Kiss me. It's ritual." I snapped. 
    Leo came closer and held my face. His lips pressed against mine and we held. I gripped his neck and he pulled me closer. I then pulled away and he started to look like a cherry. 
    " You look very beautiful. " he said shyly. 
    I smiled." Thank you." 
    Miss Daniea ran up to us and kissed us both. " Oh you two will have beautiful baby's. Beautiful. You my boy is big and strong and Rose. Well we all know Rose is beautiful."  Leo backs redder and I felt my cheeks get red too. I kissed Miss Daniea's cheek and walked with Leo over to William. He was leaning against the tent that was put up for us. He walked inside when we approached. 
    Leo looked down. " Do you think he's mad at me?" 
    " No. Why would he?" 
    " Because I kissed you and well you can tell..." 
    William stormed out. " How many times do I have to tell you I don't!" he yelled at Leo. Carena stepped forward. 
    " Honey are you okay? I think you will be. Guess what I denied all the men but I chose you. I went to kiss you but you were gone." she said and moved toward William. 
    He shook his head. " No I can't be with you. I'm a king your a little witch. I don't want you. " his voice was flat and stern. 
     Carena began to cry. " What! But I loved you! I gave up all of them for you!" I pushed Leo back I time before Carena cast a spell. " I bid you unwanting! No one shall want you until life cease to take your life!" she then ran away crying. 
    " Damn! What I the hell is that suppose to mean!" he yelled. 
    " Why I believe it means no one wants to marry you. Or at least until you die. Sucks. But it doesn't matter you were doomed to that fate anyway."  I sneered. 
    He sighed and walked inside the tent. It was a enchanted tent. Of the outside it seemed regular but on the inside it was divided into three separate parts. I pulled the curtain away from mine and saw my clothes and weapons lying on a bed. I grabbed my knife and hid it in my dress. Now I had to go eat with all those wizards and witches and tell them that me and Leo were getting married. This was going to be interesting. 

   WILLIAM:I stood away looking at Rose and Leo talk to others. Many wizards gave Leo a look that obviously said ' She should be with me and she will be'. Of course many witches gave Rose the same look.  I didn't see Carena anywhere and I thought of the curse she put on me. The damn witch. 
     Someone grabbed my arm and yanked me away. I was about to hit when I realized it was Miss Daniea. 
    "You were suppose to be the one she chose. Why did you anger her? You are meant to be. The curse is real. Just watch and wait." she then scuttled away. 
    I thought of what had just happened. That old lady is crazy. I looked back at Rose. I remember when she had came to the palace. She was only twelve and already had grown men stopping in their tracks. She was so tough even then. I was born into the palace so I was already skilled yet she still attacked me as if nothing bad would happen to her. Nothing bad ever did. She always ended up siting on my stomach with her knife at my throat. I never did win. She was so hardheaded. 
    She looked up and smiled. Even though we hated each other we were still close. I smiled back but walked away. 
    I thought of what Miss Daniea said. How did she even know about the curse? And who is she to tell me I was wrong for getting upset with Rose? We had reasons. 
   Sometimes women were just to complicated. 

    LEO:Rose and I staggered to the tent. " Maybe we shouldn't have drank so much of that stuff. Wait! I'm only nine-teen I can't be drinking. " I laughed. 
    " Shh. I won't tell anyone. " she whispered. We fell into the tent to find William sitting in a chair waiting. 
     " Nice to know you two had fun." he said and helped us up. 
      " Were getting married. " I said. 
      " I know I heard. " he said. 
      " Guess what." Rose said. 
      " What?" William asked putting us in chairs. 
      " I hate you but I love you. " she said and wrapped her arms around him. He pushed her off and helped her to her bed. He then came and got me. 
     " I told you. You are in love with her. And her the same. " I said. 
      " She's drunk and so are you so come on. Of the trusted saw you two you'd both be banned from the palace. " 
        " Huh. I told Rose this was a bad idea. But noo she won't listen to me. " 
         " She doesn't listen to anyone. " he laid me down on my bed and I curled up. 
        " True man. True. " I said and drifted off to sleep. 
     I woke up with a killer migraine. My sight was fuzzy so I laid back down. William walked in with a bottle of something green. 
    " Drink this and your headache will leave. " he said handing me the bottle. 
     I shook it and then lifted it to my lips. I drank a gulp and felt my body get really warm. It flowed in my body and then reached my head. My migraine was instantly gone. 
    William got up and walked out of my area. I put on fresh clean clothes that the witches made and walked out. Ross was back in her black dress and cloak wrapped around her shoulders. Her face was clear of make-up and the curls in her hair were straight. She still wore the rose necklace though. She held a bag that probably held her other dress from yesterday. I found a brown bag for me and put my clothes in it. William held a bag too with his clothes in it. We walked out and witches and wizards wished us well. Some would congratulate me on Rose and others would glare. As we were walking away Miss Daniea came up to us. She hugged me and Rose fiercely. She kissed Roses cheek and then looked at William. 
    " Remember what it told you." she whispered and left. 
    We began to walk while William looked at his feat. 
     " What did she tell you?" Rose asked. 
     " Nothing important." he mumbled. 
      " How many more days do we have to travel?" I asked. 
      " Three." they said in unison. 
      " Haven't you guys ever heard of cars." I groaned. 
       They laughed but I didn't find it very funny. The twigs cracked under our feet as we walked in silence. The air was cold out since it was probably only seven in the mourning. The little light that filtered through the trees didn't do much for warmth. Birds chirped and squirrels chased each other up and down trees. I looked back and I could still see the bright colors from here. I wanted to go back but I knew that wasn't a chose. 
    I scanned the forest and saw a hawk flying over my head. It didnt look down or squawk. It just flew dodging the tall red woods. I looked at Rose expecting her to smell it and look up but she didn't. William didn't seem to see it either. I looked up again and waved thinking it might see me. It looked down and then it squawked. But it wasn't a mean squawk it was more of recognition. Rose and William looked up but the hawk was already gone. They then turned to me to see if I was okay. 
    " I'm fine. I'm fine. It was just a hawk." I said and they turned back around. 
        " When we get to the next campsite I'm going to train you. Find what your weapon. See if you have any special power. And find out what a shifter does." she said. 
      I nodded really excited that I was going to find out what I do. It was thrilling. 



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.11.2012

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