
    I was like his pet. I was hit when bad. I followed him like a lost puppy. I did as he said. I was his pet. 
     Yet I couldn't leave. I was married into it. He was to be the owner of Talli Wines. His grandpas business. I was the daughter of the owner of Compa Wines. When we got married our family's businesses were merged together and now made more money than any other winery. 
      This marriage would be happy if he wasn't a jerk. Everything I did was pathetic in his eyes. I was pathetic in his eyes. 
      John is a very handsome man. He is tall and firm. His eyes are blue and his brown hair is always perfect. He's gorgeous. That's why he sleeps around. 
       I cried silently in my room thinking about all of this. Did I deserve more? Or was this the life I was meant to have? I got up and looked in the mirror. I pulled some ointment out and put it on the scratch that John had put on my face. 
     He had gone into complete rage when I slipped and spilt milk on the floor. Why did it matter? It was a wood floor! It could get cleaned! He beat me though. He threw me and then stuffed my face in the milk after I had gotten up. 
      " Honey, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." he said knocking on my door. Typical. It's what he always did. After a fight he would come to apologize. All he wanted was for me not to tell. The bastard. 
      I opened the door and let him in. " It's okay. I'm fine. " I said, holding back the urge to kill him. 
     He wiped a tear from my cheek and smiled. " Good cause we wouldn't want anything bad to happen, right. Now maybe next time you can be less clumsy. Okay?" he smiled at me as if I was a silly little girl. 
     I nodded. " Of course. I'm so sorry." 
      He leaned down and kissed my forehead. " Okay, well I have to go out. See you later. " he said and left. The only place he was going was to see a hoe. 
     I closed the door and sank, crying. I was hopeless. 

       He returned at midnight, drunk. I helped him up to our room and laid him on the bed. He smelt of alcohol and cheep perfume. There were lip stick stains on his white shirt. 
      " You know what. I really hate you. Your such a loser. Why can't you be like other girls? Why can't you do some of the things they do for me? Get out of here. " he mumbled and pushed me away. I pulled the blanket over him and left. 
       The maid came over knowing what had happened. It was almost routine now. She patted my back and held me close. Our maid, Raquel, had been in the family for years. She was the one who took care of me when I was little. She was like mom. 
       " Miss, you deserve better. You shouldn't have to stay with him. Your beautiful and smart. Your talented. He's a pig. I hate him for making you cry." she said walking with me. 
     I wiped my tears and smiled at her. " Thank you. I'm going to go for a walk in the vineyard." I walked out the door and through the fence. 
     Our vineyard was huge. With all different kinds of grapes it seemed like a rainbow at times. We had over one hundred workers that tended the field. It was beautiful. 
     " Hello, miss." I turned and faced Vincent. He was a tall built man with kind eyes. His hair was cut military style and he wore a green shirt, which could barely contain the muscles that rippled under it. He smiled at me. 
     " Hi, Vincent. How are you?" I asked wiping tears away. 
      He reached down and traced the scratch on my face. His face was full of concern. " Miss, you shouldn't let him do that. It's not right for a man to hurt a woman. Its wrong. " he sighed. 
      I backed away. " Life is life. But thank you, Vincent. " I walked back in the house leaving Vincent standing there. 
      The next mourning I sat the table reading a news paper. I nibbled on toast and sipped orange juice. 
      " Oh miss, did you read the part about the Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast. Very scary." Raquel said. 
       I flipped through and found the section on the Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast. Apparently they were robbing banks and jewelry stores. They had killed many. At least twenty, but never any women. And they still had not been found. They left no trace and police had absolutely no lead. They were master minds. They were called the Dark Beast and Midnight Beast because they came at night. I thought it was really petty how they got their names. 
      I put the paper aside when I heard John walk down the stairs. He was awake and ready to go. His suit was straight and his hair was, yet again, perfect. He came over to me and kissed my forehead. 
      " Good mourning, honey." he said and sat down across from me. Raquel put pancakes, bacon, and eggs in front of him. I had a small feeling that they were poisoned. 
     " Good mourning. " I said cheerfully. 
     " Well tomorrow night the winerys are holding a ball. We will be attending and you will be on your best behavior. Okay, Violet. " when he said my name it felt like a pile of mud had fallen on me. 
      " Of course. What would you like me to wear?" I picked at my toast. 
       " I would like you to wear that red dress of yours. It looks nice on you." he stared at me while I picked at my food. 
       " Of course." I said and picked my toast up and bite it. I put it back down and poked at it. 
        He swat it on the floor and stood. " Don't pick at your food! That's childish and stupid! Do you have mental problems and can't just eat the food given to you!" he slapped me and then pushed me toward the counter. He slapped me again then left out the door. 
       I fell, my back aching with pain. Raquel ran to me and helped me up. I leaned on her as she helped me to my room. " Grab the ointment, please." I said sitting on the bed. Raquel ran to the bathroom and came back with the ointment. I applied it to the place where John had slapped me. 
     The ointment was maybe the one thing that kept my face from being permanently scared. It made bruises disappear after twenty minutes. Scar vanished in one day. It was magic. Just the magic I needed. 
      " Ohh miss, I'm about to kill him. He should not be harming you. Your to precious. Never have kids with him. Never. He will beat them. Ohh miss, I can't take it. " she squeezed me and patted my back. 
      " It's fine. I'll just be a better wife." I said. 
      She sighed and shook her head. " No miss." she got up and left. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My smooth caramel skin had scars and bruises on it. My long black hair was a mess. And my green eyes were tired. I was losing myself. I had to stop being a bad wife. No. What was I talking about. I was a good wife he was just a bad husband. 
     I just didn't know any more. 

      He had already left when I woke up the next mourning. I say down and read the paper. Another story on the Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast. 
      This time they had robbed a bank and took $900,000. They killed three men. It scared me that there were men running around Napa Valley killing and robbing. I set the paper down and walked away. 

       I walked out to the vineyard and walked through the rows. I thought of what it would be like to be loved. I had never really felt it. Except for Raquel but that wasn't the love I wanted. I looked up at the sky. " Dear god, please send me someone that will love me today." I said and continued to walk. 
      " Hello miss, how are you today?" Vincent said. He walked up next to me and I wondered if this was the one god had sent me. 
     " I'm okay. Are doing okay?" I asked. I wouldn't mind if this was the one sent to me. He was better looking than John. But Vincent was more of a natural good looks. John had to work for his looks. And he was sweet to. Always nice and such a gentleman. 
      " I'm fine miss." he said. 
      " You know you don't have to call me miss. You can call me Violet. " 
       " Okay, Violet." he smiled knowing he was on a name basis with me now. 
         " So have you heard about the Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast?"I asked trying to make a subject.
        " Yes." he replied looking into the distance. 
        " It's really scary, you know. He robs and kills. I wonder what he does with all that money." I said looking at Vincent. 
       He looked at the ground. " Yes. I have to go now. Bye, Violet." he walked away. 
       I sighed and looked at the sky. Maybe it was Vincent. He was a good guy. I actually really liked him. 

      I dressed and did my hair around eight. The dress I wore was a long red sweetheart. Along the top were little white jewels. On the right side a cut went up my leg. I had my hair sided to the left with a red flower clip holding it. I pulled white gloves on and grabbed my red hand purse. 
      I walked out and John walked me out to the limo. "You look beautiful." he said to me. I hated it when he did that. He would complement me and assume that we were just a happy little couple. 
      " Thank you." I said. He held my hand all the way. I hated that even more. He hit me with those hands and now I have to hold it. I have to hold a hand as it I love the person attached to it. 
     After thirty minuets we got to the hall room. The hall room was a big building. It had a stage and dinning areas. Most importantly, it was where the wine business met for get-togethers. 
      I walked in with John. People smiled and congratulated us. We stopped many times to talk but I would just nod and smile. I never did listen to these people. We stopped and stopped. It was probably a whole hour before we got to our table. I sat down and noticed John looking off somewhere. I looked around and saw what had caught his eye. A short blond girl was smiling at him. Her blue dress barely kept her breasts in. Which I didn't understand since she didn't have much. 
     I ignored though. Not like it mattered. Most of the men in the room were looking at me. I actually had breasts to contain. He finally say down and we waited. Others began to sit. Waiters came out holding trays of food. A salad was set in front of us. Then wine was poured. 
     I nibbled at the salad while music played. John and I were silent. We both knew that talking would result to a fight. John continued to look over at the table that the blond was sitting at. She was Robert Daningsons daughter. She was only eighteen. I looked away disgusted. 
      The entire and desert came after but we still did not talk. When it was all over the floor was cleared and people went out to dance. John took my hand and led me out. People smiled at us as we slow danced. I already knew how to dance. I could do almost ever type perfectly. John though was not that great. He stepped on my foot constantly but I just gritted my teeth and continued. In the middle he miss stepped and the heel of his shoe scrapped at my foot. 
     " Oww." I snapped and pulled away. People turned and looked. 
       He knelt down and looked at my bleeding foot. " You need to go to the bathroom." he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. " And maybe next time you can watch where you place your feet." he hissed and missed my cheek. 
      I walked to the bathroom limping. I could hear behind me him telling people that I had put my foot in the wrong place. I hated him so much! 
      I took my shoe off and looked at the scar. I wet some hand paper and dabbed at the cut. It burned. The cut was small and deep. I found a bandaid in a cupboard and placed it over the cut. I put my shoe back on and walked out. 
     On my way out I saw John leaning against the girl with his face really close. I walked up quiet tired of him. 
     " Nice to know you found a hoe to a company you." I said looking at him. He grabbed my arm with such force I thought it would break. The girl gasped and ran into the ballroom. He dragged me outside. 
      He slapped me and then kicked my leg." You are such a piece of shit!" he yelled. He punched my stomach and I fell. I screamed hoping someone would hear me. He placed his foot on my mouth. "Shut up, you slut!" he yelled. I saw a shadow move over my head and someone hit him. 
     I looked and a man went and kicked John who was now on the floor. " You don't hit a woman. You respect them." the man spit on John. 
    From behind he looked like Vincent tall and strong with military cut hair. But then I saw the tattoo on his arm. It was a dagger with vines and thorns around it. The man turned and his face had a long scar from his right temple to his chin. Tear drops were tattooed under his left eye and he had a tattoo of a lion on his neck. He was dark like Vincent but his eyes were blue. Ice blue. 
      " Are you okay?" he said gently. He reached out his hand to help me up. I heard people walking toward the door inside. 
      I looked at John. " Yes." I sighed. 
      The man walked to a black motorcycle and got on. He revved the engine. " Do you want to stay?" he asked. 
       I looked at the door and thought about running back inside. I don't know this man. He could be a killer a rapist. I then looked at John. I never thought I would see him on the ground bleeding in my whole life. This man had saved me. 
     I kicked John where it hurts and ran over to the man. I pulled my dress to the side, where the cut left an opening. I grabbed the helmet he handed to me and speed away with him. 
      I looked behind me and could barely see the people coming out of the hall. I had know idea what was coming over me but for the first time I felt free. 
        He stopped in front of a apartment building. It was old and I heard children crying inside. He gave me a shy smile but led me inside. When we walked up the stairs men would stop and smile at me. The man would yell at them and they would back down. 
     He opened a door on the last floor and I walked inside. It was big. I could see three rooms and a bathroom. A kitchen and sitting area were connected. Trash lay on the floor. 
     " It's not really the best but it's home." he said running around and picking up the trash. He cleared a spot on the couch and offered me a seat. 
       I sat and looked around. " I don't believe you've told me your name yet." I said quietly. 
         He threw the trash away and shook my hand. " It's Damon. Uhh, what's your name." he said. 
        " Violet like the flower." I smiled as he continued to run around. He ran into a room and I heard him moving things around. 
     " I like that name. It's pretty. Pretty name for a pretty girl." he said. I heard him pat on something and then he came out. " Uhh, I got a room ready for you. If you want to stay. If there's somewhere else I'll bring you there. But I understand if don't want to stay. Like you barely know me. But I assure you that I would never hurt you." he jumbled on. 
      I stood and put my hand on his arm. " I'll stay. I really have no where else. And you know before you seemed so calm and composed but right now you seem like a big mess." 
      He smiled at the ground. " Its just that your a rich and delicate woman I just feel kind of, well flustered. I guess. Sorry." 
      I walked in the room and looked around. There was a bed and a nightstand. The bed was small and the blankets looked old. " It's okay. I don't mind." I said. 
        " There's a bathroom right next door and if you need me my room is right next to it. And just one thing. Don't go into the room next to you. Please." he said. 
        I nodded. And sat on the bed. 
     " You don't have anything to wear but the dress. If you want I could go to the store and find you something." he said reaching in his pockets for money.  
       I took fifty out of my hand purse and handed it to him. " Anything will do. I wear a medium. I like room in my pajamas." 
        He took the fifty and looked at it. " Okay. I'll go get some then." he said and walked out of the room. " If your hungry there's food in the fridge and pantry. I'll be back soon." he walked out the door and I sat on a couch. 
     I flipped the tv on and watched the news. It was talking about the Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast and how they still had no leads. 
     I continued to look over at the room I wasn't suppose to go in. What was behind those doors? I got up and walked over to them. Right when I was going to put my hand on the doorknob the door opened. I pulled my hand away and placed it on the one leading to my room. 
     " Hey, I hope you don't mind but I got you two pairs. And a toothbrush and toothpaste. Just so you have them." Damon set the bags on the couch and looked at the tv. It showed a reporter talking about the Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast. 
     He paused and watched the tv. He shook his head and turned it off. 
      " You don't want to watch that." he said. He handed me the bags and I pulled out soft pajamas. They were both plain but one was purple and the other red. He handed me the change and walked to the kitchen. 
     I went inside my new room and changed into the purple pajamas. I walked into the kitchen and sat down. Damon stood by the stove. " Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich?" he asked taking out bread and cheese. 
     " Yes. I've never has a grilled cheese sandwich." 
      He stopped and gave me a crazy look. " You've never had a grilled cheese sandwich?" he said. 
      I nodded. " Is that weird or something?" I said. 
       " Umm yeah. You are the only person I have ever met that hasn't had a grilled cheese sandwich." he said laughing. He began to cook the bread and cheese. The smells wafted through the kitchen. 
       He placed the sandwich in front of me." There you go." 
        I picked it up and looked at it. The bread was golden and cheese oozed out of the side. Damon waited until I put it in my mouth. I bit down and chewed. " It's really good." I said with food still in my mouth. 
       He stood and I flinched. I had just talked with my mouth full of food. I expected to get hit. He sat back down and looked at me with concern. 
        " That wasn't the first time he's hit you, is it?" he asked so gently. 
        I shook my head and set the sandwich down. " No. He did it all the time. He would have beat me right now when I talked with my mouth full. I'm sorry." I said putting my hand on the bruises that John had put there. 
      He took my hand. " It's okay. It was wrong what he did. I would never hurt you." he whispered. 
       I took my hand away and looked at the ground. Damon got up. And walked back to the stove. " I think I'll go to bed now. Good night." I said walking away. 
      " Hey I'm sorry. Good night." Damon sighed. 
        I closed the door and laid on the bed. It had been a long day. I was beat. I was saved. Now I was at some guys house sleeping in this bed. I closed my eyes. I fell asleep to the sound of Damon humming. 

        When I woke up Damon was still sleeping. It six in the mourning. I sat on the couch and turned the tv back on. Nothing about me at all. I guess John didn't care if I wasn't there. I looked at the door to the room I wasn't suppose to go in to. 
     I looked at Damon's room. The door was closed. I walked over to his door and put my ear up against it. I heard him snoring. 
       I walked over to the other door and opened it. The room was small and dark. There were cabinets after cabinets. On the walls were clippings from the news paper. I walked closer to them and they were all about the Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast. 
     I opened one of the cabinets and looked inside. Hundred dollar bills were stacked inside. I closed it and walked further in. Behind some cabinets was a bed. No one lay in it but clothes were thrown around it. A gun lay on the top of the bed. 
      " He's the Dark Beast. But who's the Midnight Beast?" I whispered. 
       " I told you not to come in here." Damon grumbled. I stumbled forward and fell on the bed. I held the gun up and pointed it at him. 
       " Don't come near me." I yelled. 
       " I told you I would never hurt you. You have to listen to me. Now give me the gun." he said stepping forward. He wore only jeans. His chest was molded like a sculpture. 
       " No. You killed and robbed. Why should I trust you?" I yelled. 
       " Just please... Don't do this. You don't understand." he sighed. 
        " I understand fine. You are a..." The front door opened and some one walked in. 
        " Damon! Do we still have beer?" Vincent's voice filled the apartment and I felt numb. Vincent walked in and stopped when he saw me on the bed. 
         " Vincent?" I whispered. Vincent looked between me and Damon. Damon looked at me with a confused look. 
         " You know him?" Damon asked. 
        " What are you doing here? John said you left with your friend Anna. What the hell is going on?" he yelled looking at Damon. 
        " Some guy was beating her. Then she wanted to come back with me. How do you know her?" Damon yelled back. 
       " I work at her vineyard. You do understand she is one of the most wealthy women in California. You do understand that right!" Vincent yelled. 
         " Hi. How do you two know each other? And what in the hell does this room mean?" I asked. 
          Damon turned and sat in the bed. Vincent stayed standing. " Were brothers. I'm older. This room. Well this room..." Damon looked at Vincent for help. 
         " I'm the Dark Beast." Vincent sighed rubbing his head.
          " And I'm the Midnight Beast." Damon sighed. 
         I backed away from them both, my eyes wild with terror. 
       " Violet please."  he said reaching toward me. 
      I backed away. Vincent walked toward me and sat down. " Please, Violet. Don't please." he whispered. His eyes were sweet and kind. The way I remembered. And then Damon he had saved me. But now they were both robbers and killers. I began to cry not knowing what to do. 
       Damon reached toward me but Vincent cradled me first. I held on to him sobbing into his shoulder. " I won't. I won't tell. I promise. Please don't hurt me." I cried. 
      " We won't." Damon said. 
    I sat up. " Okay. But you can't tell anyone I'm here. I don't want go back." I said looking between the both of them. 
      They both nodded. " Of course." Vincent said. 
      " I'll go make you something to eat." Damon said standing. 
       " Grilled cheese please." I said after him. 
       He smiled and left the room, giving Vincent an uneasy look. Vincent patted my back. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring you into this." he said. 
       I smiled at him. " I can take anything. I was taught by the best tutors in America. I knew how to ride a horse and do the tango when I was six. I was a music genius. I was beat since I was twenty. That's four years. And the beatings were every day. Why can't I live with brothers who are killers slash robbers?" I said looking him in the eyes. 
     He smiled at me. " Well if you have any problems we'll take care of you." he whispered. 
     I stood and walked to the kitchen. I sat down and Damon put a plate in front of me. Vincent walked in and got a beer out of the fridge. Damon grabbed chips and sat down. Vincent pulled a chair up and sat down too. 
         " So why do you two rob and kill?" I asked. 
         They shifted uneasily. " Because we do." Vincent said. 
         " What do you even do with the money?"
         " We give it to the poor." Damon said. 
         " So you guys are like Robin Hood?" 
          " I guess. We give the money to people on the street and sometimes people at work." Vincent said. 
            " What about the killing?" I asked looking at them sternly. 
        " I don't know." Damon sighed putting a chip down. 
       " It doesn't matter." Vincent said. 
      " It does to me." I said putting the plate in the sink. I walked back and sat down. " I need clothes. Unless you want me walking around in a dress. Do have any clothes I could put on real quick and go to the store in?" I asked. 
     " No." they both said. 
     I got up and walked to my room. I laid the dress on the bed and examined. This dress was about five thousand dollars. The boys stood by the door and watched me. I put my hand on the dress at a certain spot. " Someone get me something to cut this with." Vincent pulled out a switchblade and handed it to me. 
      I put the knife on the dress and began to cut. Every thread that broke I cringed and wanted to stop. I took off half of the dress and raised it. It was now a short red dress. The bottom of the dress was messy but straight. 
       " Do any of you have a leather jacket?" I asked. 
        " Yeah. I'll get it." Damon said. He came back with a jacket and handed it to me. 
        I put it down and started to unbutton my pajama shirt. I stopped on the first button and turned around. The boys still stood there watching. " Umm undressing." I said. 
        " We know." they said not moving. 
        " So leave." They seemed to snap out of it and walked away shutting the door behind them. 
        I undressed and put on my new outfit. I walked out and into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked into the sitting area and the boys looked at me. 
        " Which one of you is taking me?" I said. They both jumped up and ran to the door. 
         " I am." Damon said. Vincent glared as I walked with Damon out the door. 
          We walked down the stairs and I got on his motorcycle. He sat down and started the engine. " Where to?" 
        " Any where with clothes." 
       " Walmart it is." he said. I wrapped my arms around his chest and he paused for the briefest moment. He then speed away. 
         At Walmart he parked in the front and walked me inside. We walked to the clothing section and I looked around. I picked up almost every pair of jean, short, shirt, and tank-top. I then walked over to the men section and looked around. 
         I picked up a pair of boxers with hearts on it and held it up to Damon. " I think this will look nice on you." I said loudly. 
        People looked over and Damon reddened. " I should have let Vincent take you." he mumbled. I put two pairs in the basket and walked to the counter. 
       I put everything up and then grabbed gum and threw it up. I waited by the register while Damon grabbed the bags and put them back in the basket. 
      " That's gonna be $127.35." the casher said. He continued to lower his eyes to where they shouldn't be and Damon noticed. 
        " Hey! Show some respect!" he yelled. 
       The casher looked back up at my face. I swiped my credit card and punched in my code. The casher handed me the receipt but kept his eyes away from me. 
        " Next time don't make it so obvious." I said walking away. 
          When we walked back it took forever to strap down all the bags. I sat down behind Damon and we rode back to his place. 
     Vincent came down and helped us get the bags. I put the clothes in my room and took out the boxers. I handed them to the boys and they rolled their eyes. 
      I pulled on a t-shirt and shorts and say down with them. They were watching Law and Order which I found very ironic. I sat I the middle of them and I could tell they were fighting over who could put their arm behind me. 
      " How about you both hold hands and stop?" I said never taking my eyes from the tv. 
       They stopped and watched the tv too. After time they got up and walked to the kitchen. We had been watching tv for three hours and I was almost five. How time went by. 
          I heard them humming the same song that Damon had hummed yesterday. They took out lasagna noodles and cheese. They worked in harmony and hummed the same. I listened to there humming and recognized the song. 
     The humming started again and I sang along"Tale as old as time.True as it can be.Barely even friends.Then somebody bends.Unexpectedly.Just a little change.Small, to say the least.Both a little scared.Neither one prepared.
Beauty and the Beast.Ever just the same.Ever a surprise.
Ever as before.Ever just as sure.As the sun will rise.Tale as old as time.Tune as old as song.Bittersweet and strange.Finding you can change.Learning you were wrong.Certain as the sun.Rising in the east.Tale as old as time.Song as old as rhyme.Beauty and the beast."
    They smiled at me. I smiled back. 
      We sat at the table all together. A lasagna sitting in front of us. We ate laughing at each other. They told me stories of when they were little and how they were always fighting. The lasagna tasted great and I asked where they had learned to cook. They told me about their mom. How she taught them how to cook and clean. I wondered what it was like to have a mother who did more then look good. That was all my mother had to do. 
      We ate ice cream after that and watched America's funniest home videos. I laid down with my head on Vincent's chest and legs laying across Damon. Damon put his hands on my legs and stroked them with one finger. 
      I thought about what I had asked god the day before. Now the problem was which one. They were brothers. They both robbed and killed. But I knew Vincent more. I didn't know who to chose. 
     I fell asleep. Lying on them. With Damon's hands on my legs and Vincent's arms around me. I fell asleep in the arms of a killer and of a robber. The Dark Beast and the Midnight Beast. 

     I sat anxiously in my room. The boys had gone off on a 'trip'. They had argued over it for a while but finally went. I was scarred. 
         I didn't like the idea that I would hear about them killing people the next day on the news. I heard the door open and I covered myself in the blankets. 
           Vincent walked in and over to me. " I'm sorry. We had to. Please understand." he pleaded and brushed his hand through my hair. 
            I nodded and he kissed my cheek. Damon came in and hugged me. " We really are sorry." he whispered in my ear. 
          I nodded and didn't ask about anything. They left the room and I slumped down again. It had been a week since I had came here. John had never came looking and I guessed it showed what our marriage was like. We had all gotten close and I had felt more protected by Vincent. It must have been because we had known each other from before. 
            I laid down and curled up. I was so scarred about what I would hear on the news tomorrow. Just how many could they have killed?  
          Vincent sat at the edge of my bed when I woke up. He smiled at me as I yawned. 
         " Good mourning." he whispered. He moved closer and put his hand on mine. 
         " Good mourning." I whispered back. 
         " I have to go to work in little and Damon is going to vist his friend. So you'll be home alone. Are you okay with that." he asked. 
       " Yeah. I'll be fine." I said. 
        He kissed my cheek and got up. His muscles moved as he stretched. "Bye. See you later." he smiled and left. 
         I got up and dressed. I walked out of my room and listened to the silence. I grabbed my purse and decided to go for a walk. 
       The town wasn't the best but it was okay. Kids played soccer in the streets and packs of girls walked around giggling. I smelt the air and barbecue and gasoline filled my lungs. 
         A black car moved from the curb and drove away with a screech. Kids jumped out of the way and parents yelled at the car. I waited a bit for everything to calm down. The car turned and came back. I backed away suddenly feeling scarred and helpless. 
         It stopped by me and men jumped out and pulled me in. I yelled and I saw the neighbors look around frantically. One of the men covered my mouth and another closed the door. They began to drive and I thrashed around. 
         " Miss, we are trying to help you. Please stop." a man said coming into the back. He was in a black suit and had a kind voice. 
         I stopped breathing heavily and waited for him to talk again. 
         " I am agent Hardaway. I am investigating the robberies and deaths that are happening through out Napa Valley. I would like to ask you some questions." he said calmly. 
         I pulled away from the hand still on my mouth. " Why are you asking me?" I said quiet scarred now. 
          " Because, miss, we believe that the Mesa brothers are the men we are looking for. Now how long have you known them?" 
             I thought for a minuet. This was very bad. " Umm a one a week the other seven months." I said feebly. 
          " Have you noticed an strange traits about them?" he asked. 
          " Yeah," I said. He sat forward hoping for something good. " Their cooking is great." I said. 
         He sat back, not pleased with the answer I had given. " Do they seem violent to you?" 
          " No. Actually one saved me from my husband." I regretted saying it right away. 
           " Really. And when was this?" 
           " A week ago." I mumbled. 
           " And where at?" 
          " The hall. There was a wine gathering there." 
          " Did you know that the hall was the place that was hit last night?" 
           I looked up horror filling my heart and soul. My parents worked there now that the winery was in Johns name. There was also a vault that held a million dollars there. That's why they never told me the exact place. 
           " Your Violet Talli aren't you?"
           I nodded looking at the ground. 
            " Well I'm very sorry to tell you but your father was killed last night at the robbery." he said flatly. 
            I looked up at him fighting tears. I wanted to tell him that they were the beasts but I couldn't. " It's not them. I know it isn't. Now may I please leave." I said holding my voice from cracking. 
          The car stopped and I got out. I was back in front of the apartment complex. " Thank you for your time." agent Hardaway closed the door and drove away. 
        The neighbors looked at me and one said something. I ignored and ran into the building. I ran up the stairs and to the apartment room. I yanked the door open and grabbed some of the things that I could carry. 
        I walked back down the stairs and hailed a cab. One pulled over and I got in. Stale cigarette smoke filled the air. 
          " Where to?" a over weight man mumbled. 
          " To the Talli Compa field." I said looking out the window. 
            The man looked back at me and shrugged. He drove very fast and got me there in ten minuets. I handed him a twenty and walked away. 
          I walked up the gravel road that led to the gates of my estate. I slipped through and walked a mile until I got to my mansion. I walked up the steps and Raquel opened the door. 
         She wrapped her arms around me with tears in her eyes. " Your father, miss." she cried pulling me inside. John sat a table and came over to me. 
          " Honey, where have you been? I'm sorry about that night but dear your father is dead." he said pulling me close and kissing my forehead. 
           I pulled him close too. I really just needed something to hold onto. " I'm sorry." I whispered. 
         He pulled me back and looked me in the eye. " Don't be sorry. Im sorry." he kissed me and held me close. 
         My head hurt. I didn't understand what was going on. He seemed different. He had never acted this kind after a fight. Maybe it was because I ran away. Or because my father was dead and he felt sympathetic. 
         " Come on. Let's get you to our room." John began to walk me up the stairs. I hadn't been in our room since we had first gotten married. It was the last time we had sex. 
         Raquel took my things, that were now on the floor, to my personal room. 
           I stepped in our room, still clinging to John. 
           " You know I really am sorry for how I treated you. Could you please forgive me." he whispered in my ear as he stroked my face. 
          I looked at him. This was the John that I had known when I was a teenager. Sweet and kind. Then he started to drink and became a complete ass. At the moment there was no smell of alcohol. 
         " I'm sorry too." I whispered back. 
          He held my face and pulled me closer. " No. I love you." he kissed me and it felt different from all the times before. As if he really did love me. 
           I kissed back. My head hurt even more. First the agent then this. Who was I really suppose to trust anymore. The boys or John or the agent. 
          John closed the door and pulled me even closer. Our lips moved in unison and we began to move to the bed. What if Raquel told Vincent I was here? What would he do? 
        We fell on the bed and our lips moved faster. What was I doing? I didn't even like the man I was kissing! I thought of how mad Damon would be if he found out I was kissing the man he saved me from. 
        Johns head inched up my shirt and I pulled him closer. For so long all I had wanted was for John to love me but now it felt wrong. I felt like I was betraying Damon and Vincent. I remembered my request to god that day in the field. He had given me Damon and Vincent and taken me away from John. Was I going against the things that he had done for me?  
          My shirt was off and so was Johns. He kissed my chest and I worked on his pants. I wanted to stop. But couldn't. This was love that I had never felt before. This was something so lost to me. 
           Pleasure washed over me. But it felt wrong. It was wrong. I then realized why he was doing this. My dad was dead. I would inherent a lot of money. John wanted it.
         This wasn't love. This was greed. 

        I kissed John goodbye when he walked to the car. He was off to my mom. I decided to stay. I didnt feel well. I walked back inside and sat on a couch. I thought of Vincent and Damon. I wondered if Vincent would come and find me. 
          Raquel walked over and handed me a glass of milk. " Miss, why did you leave?" she asked. 
          " I had to." I mumbled at the ground. 
           " Miss, I don't think coming back was a good idea. John is still a bad man." 
             " I just needed to come back. If Vincent asks I'm not here." I stood and walked away. I couldn't talk to anyone. I thought of the agent. Something inside of me urged me to go tell. But I couldn't just betray them like that. Then again they had killed my father. 
         My dad was never much to me but he was still my dad. Even though he could technically he didn't know my name and never realized I was there he was my dad. I was such a lost soul. 
         I sat on my bed and looked out the window. Birds chirped and flew about the trees. Then the birds stopped and flew away. I got up and walked to the window. 
          A black figure appeared and jumped onto the veranda from the tree. I screamed slightly. Damon looked up and walked in. 
          I backed away and fell on my bed. " Go away!" I yelled. 
           " Violet, please. Just listen for a moment." he said stepping closer. 
            " No! You killed my dad! And you knew it too!" I yelled. 
            Damon grabbed my wrists and tried to keep me still. " Listen!" he yelled back at me. 
           We struggled until we fell on the floor. He pinned me down. He then kissed me. This was too much. First John now him. At the moment I never wanted to be missed again. 
          I jerked away. " Stop!" I yelled. 
          He looked sad and shook his head. " I didn't kill him. When one of the guards shot at us he missed and hit your dad. When I realized who it was I tried to help. But I couldn't. Please, Violet. I would never hurt you." 
          " Your hurting my wrists right now." I snapped. 
          He let go and sat next to me. " Sorry. You know Vincent is freaking out. He thinks the cops had got you. But I knew you would be here." 
         The cops. I shuddered. " Well you can leave now. I'm not going back." I said getting up. 
         " Oh so your going to stay here so that bastard can hit you some more. Your bruise had just healed. Do you really want another one to replace it?" he stepped closer. 
        I backed away. " Leave." I said flatly. 
        " Please, Violet just..." 
        " Leave!" I yelled. 
        He opened his mouth to say something but stopped. He walked back to the window. He started to hum and I held back tears. He looked at me then climbed down the tree. 
         I closed and locked the window. I pressed my fingers up to my lips and wished for his lips to be there again. 
      My mother and father had written their wills long ago. Probably when I was born. Now I sat in a room with John and my mother listening to my fathers. 
        A man in a suit sat behind a desk reading the will aloud. I held Johns hand and starred blankly at the man. We were getting half of his money, which was $500,000,000,000. I didn't understand why we would even need that money. We also obtained his fields. 
        John stood and I followed his lead. He held me close as we walked away. My mother stayed behind, crying. He lead me to our car and I sat down inside. I leaned on him as we drove back. 
        We had been acting like we loved each other ever since I had come back. I was still waiting for the reason. 
        When we got back Raquel waited. She smiled at me and tapped John two times. She tried to do it do I wouldn't see but I did. 
          " Honey, I'll meet you at the dinner table. I need to freshen up." he said.  
            I walked to the table and sat down. The reason was coming. I could tell. 
             After a few minuets he walked in and sat down. His face was pale. Waiters came and set our food in front of us. Salad and soup for the first course. Then steak with potatoes and steamed vegetables. And for desert cheesecake. 
         " Honey, I would like to tell you something." he said stirring his soup. 
          " Yes." I said. What was the secret. 
           " Umm well, when you were gone I got drunk." he said slowly. 
            Like always I thought. " Yes and?" I said. 
            " Well I took this one girl home." 
             Like always. " And." 
             " She's now pregnant. Sweetie I didn't mean to. It was an accident. Please don't tell." 
              I set my fork down and looked at him. " Pregnant. You got someone pregnant?" 
              He nodded. I got up and walked over to him. I took his soup and slammed it onto his chest. He screamed in pain and tried to grab me. 
         I heard Raquel talking to someone and stop. Vincent ran in and pulled me away. He dragged me outside and to his motorcycle. I wanted to pull away but I was so mad. 
       It wasn't because of my dad it was because he got some whore pregnant. Vincent drove away and I held him tight. 
        When he stopped at the apartment complex he turned to say something but I interrupted him. 
          " Is Damon mad at me?" I asked. 
         " No." 
         " Okay." 
          " I just needed you back. I didn't want you to get hurt over there. And I'm sorry about your dad. Damon tried to help but he just couldn't. Do you forgive us?" he asked. 
          I nodded. " Yeah. It's about time someone killed him." 
           Vincent looked confused but just shrugged. " Let's go. Damon will make you a grilled cheese." 
           We walked up the stairs and into the room. Damon jumped up and came over to me. He gave me a bear hug and kissed my head. " Why is it you came back with Vincent but not me?" he smiled. 
        I squeezed him. " Because I like Vincent more." I laughed. 
         It felt so nice to be back. Damon made me my sandwich and we laughed the night away. Maybe this time I'd be able to forget about John. Maybe I might have a real home. 

         I thought about agent Hardaway. Did he know I knew. I wanted to tell the boys but I couldn't. I slipped out of the apartment and down the stairs. I hailed a cab and got in. 
        I looked out the window as the cab drove to my destination. I wondered if agent Hardaway would investigate more after today. 
         I got out at a big building in the rich side of town and walked up the steps. I walked into a office and sat down. 
         " Hello, Mrs. Talli. You called but I don't understand why you would want to do this." the man said. 
          " I need to. So where do I sign?" 
          The man pulls out some papers and handed me a pen. " Sign there and there. We will give the rest to Mr.Talli." 
           I signed and handed back the papers. 
          " Okay when he signs you are legally divorced." he sighed. 
           " Thank you." I said and got up. 
           " You know this will go to court if you want your half of things." he said getting up also. 
          " I don't want any of those things. I dont need it." I walked out the room without shaking hands. I sat back in the cab and he drove me back. 
        It was a different guy and he had a picture of a girl hanging in a small frame from the rear view mirror. 
       He stopped and asked for the money. 
       I pointed to the girl." Do you love her?" 
      The man looked surprised but nodded. " Yes. I just married her. I'm saving money for a real ring." he said dreamily looking at her. 
        I took my ring off. It had a diamond the size of a pea and rubies around it. The gold glittered around it. I handed him the ring and the money. 
         " The money is for the drive. The ring is for her. Hope you two have a great life together." I walked out and closed the door. 
        He sat still in the cab looking at the ring. He rolled the window down and yelled " Thank you so much!" 

        Damon was gone with a friend and Vincent and I were alone. I remember the first time I met Vincent. He had just been hired and was in awe when he saw me. He had left flowers in my room once but was to embarrassed to tell me that it had been him. Raquel had to tell me. 
        I leaned into him as we watched a movie. Selena. I never did like Jennifer Lopez but I loved her in this movie. Vincent gripped me tight when a kissing seen came. I wrapped my arm around him and he stroked my arm. 
       John and I were already divorced. He had signed the next day. He didn't care. I was so happy that me and him were over. I felt free for once. 
         " You know your probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Vincent whispered, almost unbearable. 
          I looked at him and he smiled at me. " Thank you." I whispered back. 
          He leaned down and missed me. It was soft and delicate. I turned so our necks wouldn't be crooked. He pulled me close and ran his hand through my hair. I felt his muscles shift and his heart pound. Or was that mine?  
         We pulled each other closer and moved our lips faster. He bit my lip and stopped. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. 
           " Your beautiful." he whispered. He kissed me again. He was about to kiss me again when the doorknob started to move. 
         I jumped away and we both looked at the screen. Curse Damon. 
         " Oh Selena. I love this movie." he said walking in. 
        I looked at Vincent. He smiled at the tv an I couldn't help but smile too. What had just happened was about the strangest thing. Me and Vincent had kissed. Raquel would be jumping with joy. 
         Damon sat in the middle of us and I cursed his name again. I wanted to be with Vincent. Just Vincent. 
         Maybe he was the right one. After all he was the first one to show up. I smiled again. I felt like a little teenage girl who had just seen the boy of her dreams smile at her. I loved it. 
         When I was a kid I never got that feeling. I went to a private school for girls. My first kiss was John and I hadn't had sex with anyone else. 
         Damon didn't seem to notice my smiling. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.11.2012

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