
"Tell Me!!" I said as I tickled Ava. She giggled and laughed that golden laugh she has always had. She begged me to stop a thousand times but I would not stop till she told me what grade she got on the Science test. "R-Ral-ph S-st-op It!!" She stammered between giggles. "Nu-Uh not until you tell me what grade you got!" I said as I tickled her sides where she was most ticklish. *Smirk Evily* She laughed so hard that her face turned blood red and she had tears coming in her eyes. "A Ha Ha Ha Ha Minus!" She let out. I stopped instantly. "Now was that so hard but I beat ya with an A plus!" I bragged. She lunged at me tackling to fall. I was now beneath her. "It's pay back time buddy!" She said and she tickled behind my ear. My weakness. I Couldn't help but to burst out laughing. "Ava S-Stop!! P-P-Lease!" I begged. "Oh no you're not getting out of this one!!" She said tickling both ears. I tried squirming out of her grip but the struggle left me breathless. I finally had the strength to topple myself over but she just came back on top of me again.

We rolled around on her bedroom floor. I was on top of her then she was then I the she then I then she till her mom knocked on the door. "Avalon you ok in there?" she asked through the shut door. "Yeah M-Mom W-were Fine!" She stammered between her giggles. "Alright just makin sure!" She said and then she left. We finally descided to give up. We laid on her floor staring at the ceiling fan breathless. "You are such a butt-hole!" she said between panths. "Hey whatever floats the gravy boat!" I said refering to our old catch phrase. She chuckled at my old saying. "You do know you're such a bragger right?!" She said. "Yepperoni!" I said. "Why must you know everything if I refuse to tell you something so stupid you do whatever it takes to find out!" She said turning towards me. I nodded. "Because I care bout' me bestest friend!" I said in my baby voice. She rolled her eyes. "You're such a Pita!!" She shouted. Oh no she did not just called a pain in the ass. Oh she is dead now!! Dead. "Oh you should of said that!" I said standing up. She knew I was serious and she ran out of her room. Screaming Oh No Help me! I laughed and ran after her. I was hot on her tail chasing after her down the stairs. She ran through the kitchen, then the living room, then out the front door. Now no one can help her know I thought.

I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back to my chest. "Help me!!" She cried. "Now what did you say I was?" I asked her smirking. "I said that your an awesome best friend and I wouldn't know what to do with out you love you ralphy!" She said very quickly. I chuckled slightly. "Uh Hum that's what I thought!" I said letting her go. She turned towards me and thumped my forehead. "Ha Ha Just Kidding!!" She said running off. I laughed and shook my head. I have one handful of a friend right there. And her name is Ava and she is really getting on my nerves!! After I left Ava's house I went to my bedroom. My walls were full of pictures of us together. From when we were little to where we are now. Ava has always been the hyper type but in a good way. "Ralphiel!!!" My brother banged on the door. "Get your butt out here!!" My Other Brother complained. "Leave me alone guys!!!" I shouted. I already knew what they were gonna say. We had this conversation a million times before. They all knew that I liked Ava more than a friend. Which I regret ever telling them. "Ralphiel open the damn door!!" My Third brother said. Yes I have three Brothers who are just a bunch of jerks. "What point of leave me alone don't you understand!" I said plopping down on my bed. They all groaned.

"Why didn't you make a move!!!" My First brother complained. "Will you guys just shut up already!!!" I shouted back. "Nope!" My second brother said popping the P. I moaned. "Will tell ya what open the door and we won't saying anything more but Avalon!" My third brother said. "Uhhgg I hate you guys!!" I said opening my bedroom door. The stood there in a line. Randal (Randy) My First Brother and the oldest plus Alpha was on the left. Gavin The youngest only 14 was in the middle. Then My Brother Marco stood on the right. I rolled my eyes. All of us looked the same. Dark black hair carmel colored skin. Well fit bodies and Dark brown eyes except me. I had sapphire blue eyes. Which was rare in our family. And by rare I mean I'm the only one in history in my family to have blue eyes. Strange right. "YOu need to do something before you lose her completely!" Randy said. I Groaned. "You guys lied!" I said running and flipping back on my bed burring my head in my pillow. "Dude listen! Just tell her for god sake!" Marco said sitting at the edge of my bed. Gavin peeked through the window the stared right into Ava's window. Gavin chuckled softly when he saw Ava. Her hair pulled up into a messy bun. She dance around singing along to a song pretending that her hairbrush was a micro phone.

"Guys I don't want to talk about this. We've had this conversation a million times before! It'll happen when it happens!" I mumbled in my pillow. Randy shook his head. "Nothings ever going to happen till you do something!" he shouted at me. "I just told you that you've guys already told me this stuff before!" I told them. "We're going to keep tellin you guys till we find your lips locked to hers!!!" Marco laughed. I growled at him and sat up leaving the room.

It was Monday after school. I had a hard day that day so I went upstairs to take a shower. Little did I know that Ava was coming here. I stood ther in the shower listening down stairs. Ava knocked on the door and Gavin answered it. I growled at the tohught. Gavin had a trouble of keeping his mouth shut. "Oh hey Avalon come in come in!" He said motioning her inside. Ava walked in and went into the living room where all the boys were and my dad. Ava shook her head. Do any of you own a shirt she asked all three of my brothers. The shrugged while my dad chuckled exiting the room."Where's Ralph?" Ava asked. "Taking a shower!" Marco replied. Ava nodded. "So Ava how's it going?" Randy asked. "Good you?' She said. I washed my hair and got out. If I didn't get out now something bad was gonna happen. I went to my room to change. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. I walked downstairs and into the living room. Ava sat on the couch next to Gavin. While Randy and Marco sat on the floor next to them. "Oh Hey Ava!" I said. "Aha There you are!" She said standing up walking over to me. "We got home work!" She said running up the stairs. I glared at my brothers and then followed her.

We were sitting on my floor doing Social studies when out of the blue I asked. "How come you don't like anybody?" Her pencil stopped adn she looked at me in my eyes. "What do you mean? I like lots of people I like you..." and then she started rambling on all about her friends that she likes. I sighed. "I mean boys Ava..." I said. She swallowed hard. She then sighed. "I don't know I just... I just...I don't know. Boys are kinda just boring mean jerks who only want to get in your pants!" She said shrugging her shoulders. "Hey I'm not like that!" I said. She laughed her golden laugh and said "Of Course your not Ralph youre the only guy I know who isn't a self-centered reatard!" She said resting her head on my shoulder. I sighed. Now this felt right.I slowly rapped my arm around her waist. She smiled to herself and clossed her eyes. I sighed once more. We fell asleep next to each other on my bed listening to music. We bothed layed on our backs. Ava snuggled up to me closer resting her head on my chest. I rubbed her arm gently fallin asleep a moment later. "Rise 'N' Shine sleeping beauty!" I Said to Ava. It was tuesday and we had to get ready for school. She moaned which caused me to smile. I was on all fours on top of her. "Rise in shine rise an shine Ohhh Rise an shine!!!" I sang to her. She moaned and turned around.

She snuugle her head against the pillow. She was laying on her stomach now. I sighed and rested on top o her back. I burried my head in her neck. "Can we please ditch school today!?!?" She begged. I laughed and said yes.
We fell asleep together again. In each others arms resting peacefully. When I woke up in the next couple of hours Ava's back was pressed against my chest and we were both laying on our sides. I softly got up and walked down the stairs. I was still wearing my jeans from yesterday but I was now shirtless. When I came downstairs all the boys were already home eating at the kitchen table. I looked at the clock. 3:30 already? Damn! I moaned. "Dads not gonna be happy when he finds out that you ditched school today!" Marco said eating his sandwhich. I rolled my eyes opened the fridge. "I'm still just surprised he hasn't sense your reaction when your around her yet, tsk tsk tsk!" Randy said. "Do you guys ever shut up?!?" I snapped Gavin shook his head and walked upstairs. All of a sudden Dad came home. "Great!" I mumbled to myself. Dad walked in with a not so very happy expression on his face. "Boys can I talk to Ralphiel alone?" He said through gritted teeth. I sighed in frusteration. Marco and Randy smirked from getting up from their seats and elft the kitchen. Dad stared at me in my eyes.

It was hard to look away from his gaze but I eventually did. "So you know today, I get a call from your principal saying you weren't at school today. You wanna explain that to me?" He asked. I put both elbows on the counter and rested my head in my hands. I sighed. "I Don't know I just didn't feel like it today!" I said turning my back on him. Something definetly snapped inside him. "Didn't feel like it? Didn't feel like it? Oh well you know son that not every day I feel like going to work but I do it anyways, so you know I don't think that gives you an excuse! So now Why didn't you go to school today?!?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder and turning me around to face him. Out of no where Ava came down the stairs. "Oh Hey Ralph and Jack!" She said walking in the kitchen but she sensed my dads anger and asked "Is this a bad time?" She asked worried. "Did Ava go to school today?" My dad asked with anger. "Oh No! I'm So sorry Jack please don't blame Ralph for this! This is all my fault I made him ditch school with me. I was kinda tired from Babysitting on sunday so All I wanted to do today was sleep! I'm So Sorry!" She said to my dad. Now my angry eyes from this argument I had with my dad suddenly soften. Oh great! Thanks Ava Thank you so much! I groaned inside my head. 'What are you doing to me?!?!' I asked inside my head. My dadly slowly turned his gaze from Ava to me. His eyes were full of amuzment. He was trying to hold back a smile. He looked at Ava agian who was still worried. "You know what Avalon I tihnk you better get home I tihnk your parents are worried about you!" My dad said.

She nodded slowly. "I'll see ya later Ralph!" She said with a sad voice. She walked out of the front door and quietly. After Ava left my dad looked at me with a wide grinn on his face. "Is it true?!?!" He asked with bright eyes. I snapped my head up and looked at the ceiling. "I saw it in your eyes! I saw the way they automatically soften when she came into the room! Your in love with her! My Son is in love with his best friend Ava!!" I groaned. "No I'm not!!" I shouted leaving him standing there. He just followed me in the living room where all the boys were. I sat on the couch and everybody stared ar me. "What?!?" I shouted. "Is it true?!?" My dad asked Randy. Randy smirked. "Yep! It's true! I have to say though, he did an awesome job of hiding it from you and mom...& Ava!" Randy said chuckling slightly. "Your mother is going to freak!!" My dad said. "Uhgg! God you guys are like the worst people in the world!!" I said stomping off to my room. I salmmemd my door to my room and plopped down on the bed. "Jesus Christ why does everybody gotta be so irratating?!?!?" I mumbled in my pillow. I closed my eyes and listened to what was going on down stairs. "Wait dad shouldn't we call Uncle Benny?!?" Marco asked my dad who was still trying process all of this. My dads eyes lit up. "Your right! I should call him, he can see if Ava's his mate!" My dad yelled running to the kitchen to get the phone. Great! Just Great!!, I tohught. You see uncle Benny can tell you if someones your mate by a touch. So with that being said, Oh whatever you get the point! The thought though of Ava being my mate brought a smile to my face. God why'd she gotta be so damn beautiful!

Something thumped against my window. Then another thump. I moaned and got up. Ava was throwing rocks from her bedroom window at mine. I opened my window. Her window was opened and she stood there sitting on her window sill. It made me feel very uneasy sine she was sitting on the edge of a two story house. "Yeah?" I asked. "Are you mad at me?" She asked. I sighed. "Of course not Ava why would I be mad? I haven't ditched school...Well I haven't ditched school" I said laughing at myself for being such a "Good Boy" She then smiled. "Good I can't stand it when your mad!" She said. I laughed. "See ya tommorrow!" She said. "Bye!" I said leaving my window. I looked at my calender and my eyes winded. Ava's birthday this Friday night! "How did I forget!!" I shouted running downstairs to check my dads calender. It was an old calender though and told the date by what kind of moon there was.

@ Ava @

Ok so I'm at Lola's house, my best friends house and she's acting really really weird. And believe me it's really starting to freak me out. It's friday night, which so happeneds to be my birthday but no body seems to rember. Not even my parents. Lola puts this blind fold on me and pushes me into another room. "Change!" She says. I rasie my brows under the blind fold. Then I feel cloth in my hands. I'm guessing it's new clothes. I hear her back out of that room. Where ever I am she shuts the door. I turn around in the room.I know the lights on but I just don't know where the heck I am. I don't know why I didn't just take off the blind fold but I pulled my shirt over my head and slipped on what felt like a dress. I pulled my jeans and I felt the air hit my thighs. Yepp it's definetly a dress, and a short one at that! It was long sleved and it went to my wrist. It was tight and hugged my figure closley. It only went midway to my thigh. I felt very exposed and did not like it. I quickly pulled off my blind fold to find myself in Lola's bathroom. I turned aorund to face the mirror. The dress was a solid dark black. It hugged my curves and showed off my figure that to tell you the truth that I barely noticed my curves at all. I mean I knew I had a nice body but still it was weird seeing myself in this type of clothing. I opened the door and walked into Lolas bedroom. She squeled. "Dayyyummmm! Girl" She said. "Lola what the hec-" I started but she cut me off. "No Time for questions not come on!!" She said as she pulled me to her closet. She pulled out a pink belt and rapped it around my waist. Right now I think I'm either in a dream, or that Lola is extremly drunk! She pulls out these silver high heels and throws at me. She nodds her head frantically making me put them on. Yup shes definetly on something.

She yanks my arm back into the bathroom and sits me on the edge of the bath tub. She pulls out her makeup bag and starts doing whatever she's doing to my face. For a minute I feel like a doll that some daughter gets to play with. So when Lola is done she looks very excited and pleased with her self. I'm very worried. I can tell you that much. Lola claps her hands together and hands me a mirror. My7 lips were glossy I had mascra on and my cheeks were nice and rosy. More of natural look which I like. I really don't like loads of makeup, other wise you look like a slut. So she pulls me out of the bathroom and downstairs to the front door. She grabbs her keys from the hook and then were outside. So she gets me in her car and she's driving and driving till we get to my house. Except she just ends up pulling into Ralph's driveway. But my house and his house are surrounded but nothing but pitch black. SOMETHING STRANGE IS GOING ON AND I DO NOT LIKE IT!! Lola gets out of the car and pulls me to Ralph's backyard to the gate. She opens the fence door and pushes me in and shutting the door behind her. "Lola what are you doing?!?1" I demand. Then all the lights flash on and everyone I know shouts surprise. "Happy Birthday Ava!!" Ralph makes his way to the crowd and up to me. He gives me a hug and picks me off the ground. "Happy Birthday!" He whispers in my ear before twirling me around. He sets me back down on the ground but doesn't detach ourselves."Did you know about this?!?" I asked with tears in my eyes. He laughed "Psh! Girl Please, I planned this!" He says. I laughed with him.

All my friends were here plus my parents, plus Ralph's parents and brothers so there was alot of people here. Just then Mom and Dad came running up. "Happy BirthDay BabyGirl!" My mom yelled giving me a hug. I laughed "Thanks Mom!" Then hugged my Daddy. Sorry I just like my daddy better. My Mom is kinda annoying. "Hey Happy BirthDay Pumpkin!" My dad said while squeezing me. After all of the hugging from my other friends Raplh Led me inside for some snacks. "Wow! Quite a veraiety here My Brother!" I said to Ralph looking over the yummy selections of chips, candy, and soda's. He laughed. "Oh Ava I had to my mother was so uptight bout all of this surprise party for you!' He said. I smiled. Then down came the stairs Jack and Rebecca came down. "Oh Avalon! Happy BirthDay!" Rebecca squealed rushing over to me. She kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. I laughed. "ThankYou!" I said. The party was very long. It turns out Lola was not high or Drunk just very very excited. But still she was scaring the crap out of me for a moment. I asked my parents if I could spend the night at Ralph's house. And like I expected they said yes. Me and Ralph were sitting on the kitchen counter getting ready for bed. "Hey Ralph can you get my Nightie? It's down stairs in the dryer!" I said. He just groaned. "Fine" he said hopping of the counter and stomping downstairs. "Thank oooh!!" I said in my baby voice but he was already half way down the stairs.

Just then Jack and some other older lookin guy came down the stairs. "Oh Avalon, Just the girl I wanted to see!" Jack said. "This is my brother, Ralph's Uncle Benny!" He said motioning to the other guy. I smiled and hopped of the counter to greet Benny. "I'm Avalon!" I said as I held out my hand. He smiled and shook my hand. That's when Ralph came upstairs. "This one?" He asked holding out my black nightie. I unlocked my hand from Benny's and skipped over to Ralph. "Yep!" I said as I grabbed it from him and headed upstairs. Him following behind. Me and Ralph were in his bedroom snuggled up in bed listening to his ipod. My head rested on his shoulder. "Did you have a good birthday?" Raplh asked sleepy. I smiled. "Ralph I had an awesome birthday party, at first I was a little scared cause Lola was freaking me out but onced I realized what was going on it was the best!" I said. He smiled and closed his eyes. I turned my back on him and closed my eyes as well. I drifted off to sleep rembering that tomorrow I would be afficially 17.

Ralph's POV

After Ava's breath evened out I snuggled closer to her wrapping my arm around her waste. That's how we fell alseep. Together. All Cuddled up.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2011

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