
You see here's my problem. Every single day I have to get up my best friend James up. Let me tell you though it is not an easy task what so ever. "James Get Up!!!" I shouted for the fifth time. I would smack him flick his ear whack him with a pillow but nothing. He would not budge!! A long time ago I would just pull down the covers and drag him off the bed. Though now he had a habbit of sleeping naked. Ergg... "You're such an Ass!!" I shouted before storming out of the room. Why did I ever agree of taking James into my home? You see his parents both died of an overdose of drugs and achol. James had always been the...Emo type. He wears nothing but black red and white. Mostly only black though. He only laughs and smiles a little bit and it's usaully at home. His only friends are me and the kids in the band he plays with. James plays the bass, Snake they're lead singer also plays guitar, Kara is on keybord, While David plays drums. They have practice at my house every Monday Tuesday and Thursday. They're bands name is Snake Bites. I came back in the room with a bucket of cold water. I dumped it on his head. He shot up like a bullet. "JESUS CHRIST THAT'S FREEZING GOD DAMN IT!!!!!" he shouted. His eyes open to find me there holding the bucket smirking. "You. Are. Done. For!!" he said. Uh Oh! I dropped the bucket and ran. He ran after me chasing me down stairs. I could hear his bare feet slap against the hard wood floors. I ran past him again and into the up stairs bathroom. I locked the door. "Go get dressed naked boy!" I shouted through the door. He grunted in respond and left. After a few minutes. James knocked on the door. "Amanda I'm dress get out I need to flat iron my hair!" I opened the door. I was still in my pajamas. He was wearing A tight black short sleave T-shirt with a white scull on it. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a spiked belt and a sliver metal chain. He was wearing his black converse and black fingerless gloves that showed off his shiny black nail polish. You see what I live with. "Get out I need to plug in my flat Iron!" He said motioning me out. I growled at him and walked out. I got dressed in a piar of hot pink shorts and a Yellow tank top. I went back in the bathroom. James flipped his hair real quick. His bangs covered his right eye. He had his nose peirce in and he was wearing his silver hoop earing in his left ear so that it showed. He was wearing heavy black eyeliner and mascara. This boy wears more make-up than I do and I'm a girl! We skipped breakfast.

"Want a ride?" I said once we were outside. I motion my eyes to my shiny blue convertable. He raised a brow at me. "I'll think I'll pass..." "But you wanna take a ride with me?" he smirked motioning his eyes to his big black stunning shiny motorcycle. I shook my head frantically. "I probably end up dieing!" I said as I hopped in my car. He chuckled slightly and started his motorcycle. It roared loudly. "Race Ya!" I shouted as I started my own car. As I pulled up in the school parking lot leaning on his motorcycle, "It's about time you got here!" he said. I smiled and shook my head. He wanted to have fun well I'll give him fun alright. I parked my car. As I stepped out I stuck my middle finger at him and made my way to my friends. "Hey girls!" I said. They giggled and smiled like idiots. Sadly these are my friends. Since I have to be popular, pretty, good grades and in ballet I'm like the it girl. I'm like the head cheelearder in the new chick-flick movie. Uhgg I don't like being popular. I have to hang out with preps and sluts. Now Jazmine was a friend you could always have. She wasn't a slut, she wasn't a preppy, but she wasn't a nerd or emo. She was just a happy good friend that you could always have with you. Sadly Jazmine died in a plane crash last summer and I was stuck with these poeples. I was a good girl though like I always am and sucked it up. God I hat being a goody-twoshoes. I had never done something bad but yet I had one of Satan's demons living with me. Except I never tell James that to his face. We've been best friends since I was five. Thanks to kindergarden teacher Mrs. Valice we were always partners in everything. Ever since then we had been best friends and in the same classes together. "Did you know that Jason Vilometo is like totally checkin ya out!" Kailiegh said giggling her little girl laugh. I forced a weak smile. I laughed under my breath. "Cool..." "but...He's not really my type!" I added. Fiona gasped. "How could you say that he's captian of the football team and totaly delicious!" She said. Delicious? Really? I forced a slight laugh. "Yeah like I said just not interested!" I said really not wanting to talk about this stupid conversation. "Then what is your type? That druggie buggie emo goth freak!" Falisha the Queen of sluts said. I growled. I slapped her across the face. "You ever say that again bout' James I will end you!" I said through gritted teeth.

She opened her mouth to speak but then clamped it shut. That would be a good idea. I get defensive of my friends. Listen James gets a bad rap. He dresses in black but, somewhere deep down he's a good guy. You just got to get to know him to see it. At lunch me and my friends went outside to eat lunch. They all talked about the mean teachers and all the new hot guys but they refer them to 'Delicious!' which in my opinion is straight AKWARD!! I glanced over my shoulder. In the corner of my eye. James sat down with his band budds. Kara the only girl. With hazel eyes black and purple hair and a few piercings. At home I would kinda hang with Kara. She actually was quite funny and she hated being the only emo girl in there group but she sucked it up since she has 6 brothers and is the only girl in her family. David has dark brown eyes that sometimes were mistaken for black. His black and red hair covered his eyes. He never really talked. I didn't know much about him excpet that he smoked, hated his life and tried to commit suicide 11 times, and that he lived on his own becuase his dad was an abusive drunk. His only friends were Snake Kara and James. Now Snake is an interresting guy. He has black and yellow hair. And when I say yellow I'm not talking about a striking blound I'm talking about Yellow. Like bright neon yellow that makes his hair Pop. He looks like a bumblebee. He has baby blue eyes and thinks it is hilarious that me and James lived together. Once he said that it was the funniest thing on Earth. After a while though he excepted the fact and was always nice when he came over for practice. Oh Shoot it's thursday. They have band practice tonight. If it wasn't bad enough tommorrow was movie night. Then saturday they had a gig at the local bar down the road plus on sunday I had ballet practice. See I'm a buisy buisy bee. Maybe I should die my hair like Snake. I sighed. This weekend was going to be rough! "James are you here yet?!" I asked as I stepped through the front door of the house. "Yeah!!" He shouted upstairs. I put my book bag down next to the coar rack and ran upstairs. I knocked on James bedroom door. "What?!" He asked. "What time is the band coming over?" I Asked. "3" he said in a 'duh' voice. "M-kay just don't go in my CD's you guys sratched up my beetoven 50th aniversary CD and you guys didn't even give me money to replace it!!" I shouted through the door. He grunted. "Just don't touch me classical favorites!" I said walking back downstairs.

A half hour later there was a knock on the door. I left the living room while James raced down the stairs. I opened the door. Snake, David, and Kara stood there with bored blank faces. "Hey guys." I said as I greeted them in. "Hey Manny!" Kara said. "Kara what did I tell you about calling me Manny!" I shouted. She smirked and rolled her eyes. They left to go downstairs and I went back to watching T.v. I moaned. "Uhgg nothing on!" I said as I flipped through the channels. I switched off the T.v. and went in the kitchen. I grabbed a pen and paper and started listing off the new movies. Tommorrow was movie night and me and James usaully invite The band over and watch a movie. I listed 4 new movies that we could rent that were possiable for them to like. I am number four, The adjustment Bureau, Unknown, and Paranormal Activity Two. The only thing is I've already seen all these movies. They were all good but could I take watching them all over again. I descided that whatever they picked would be fine with me. The guys practiced for three hours straight. I was doing homework when they finished. I heard the basement door open and footsteps. Everyone made there way in the kitchen. James walked in first with the band following right behind. "Soda anyone?" James asked opening the fridge. They nodded. Snake sat next to me at the kitchen table which made me uncomfortable. I lifted my head taking a break from history. I sighed. "So what movie ya guys wanna see I picked four out that we could watch" I said Giving them the list. "Ok first of all I already saw The Adjustment Bureau and it sucked!" Kara said. I nodded. "It wasn't my favorite but I wouldn't call it horriable" I said. After discussing about we descided to watch Unknown since they were all tired of horror movies which to me that's kinda funny if you think about it. "Yeah Amanda before we talked about anything else you might wanna go check your CD's" Snake said. Something turned in my stomache and I raced out of the kitchen and down the stairs. I ran to my CD case. Please please be Ok I thought. I checked all my CD's.

They were all there none scratched just how I left them. I sighed in relief. I walked back upstairs to everyone shaking there heads and smirking. "You guys gave me a heart attack!" I said holding my heart. "I though you guys destroyed my babies!" I added. "Why do you even like classical?" David asked. "Why do you like Screamo?!" I snapped. "It relaxes us" He said "Well maybe classical relaxes meh!" I said. "Watch is Robins!" He said refering to my last name. "Watch it Robins!" I mocked. He rolled his eyes. After the band left it was already seven thirty. "God where does time ago?" I muttered to myself walking upstairs. I knocked on James door. "James can I take a shower?" I asked. See you know whats the sad thing about my house. The only bathroom we have is the master bathroom in James room. So you have to go in his room to go to the bathroom or bathe. Since I was nice enough to give James the Master bedroom while I slept in the other room. "yeah!" He said. I opened the door. He was sitting at his desk. "Watcha Doin?" I asked walking over to him. I leaned over his hsoulder. He was drawing which I knew was natural. "Working on My comic!" He said dully. I nodded. I placed my hands on his shoulders. "Cool." I said scanning the room. For a guy like James he was quite clean and oraganize. His room was painted red with the back wall black. His red walls though all had Black lighting bolts on them that he designed. A few posters of bands that to me freaked me out with there weird make-up and Spiky clothing. His bed had black and grey sheets and covering. He had a desk a dresser and a walk in closet that had all of his famous black clothing in it. "Well I'm going to take a shower." I said leaving him and going to the bathroom. It was a big bathroom. It had a hottub bath. A huge shower that had glass doors. It had a double sink and it was all white and gold. I knew for a fact that James hated the bathroom. Another problem we both had was the shower doors were see through. As you can see how that doesn't make life any easier. I stripped off my clothing adn hopped in. The shower was hot and relaxing. The warm water soothed my aching back perfectly. I lost track off time when I heard a banging on the door. "Hey don't use up all the hot water I still need to take a shower and you've been in there for thirty minutes get out!" James shouted. I moaned and turned off the water.

Chapter 2


The next day after school me and Amanda were cleaning up the house a bit before movie night. We had movie night One friday night every month. "Hey James are you coming shopping with me?" Amanda asked while she put her long blound hair in a pony tail. "Why do you need to go shopping?" I asked. "Becuase we need snacks and drinks for tonight!" She said examining herself in the mirror,Uhgg Girls! I thought. "No I don't liked to be stared at by adults and be judged!" I said admitting the truth. "Please I don't wanna go by myself!" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Fine but I get to drive your car!" I said smirking. She folded her arms across her chest. "Fine but I get control over thr radio!" She said as she grabbed her keys. I sighed and followed her outside. Her covertable top was open and her necklaces hung from her rear view mirror. I shook my head and hopped in the front seat of the drivers side. As we drove on the road Amanda wouldn't stop looking at herslef in the mirror. It was straight down annoying. "Please if you wouldn't mind stop doing that it's distracting!" I said at the stop light. She stucked her tonuge out on me and turned up the music. Thanks for the memories played by fall out boy. Once she realized what song was on she turned up the volume even louder and sang along. She started moving her along and sang everysingle word. She had a good voice I could tell you that but I figured she already knew. After the song was over she whinned. "Awe that's a good swong!" She said in her baby voice I smiled and rolled my eyes as we pulled into the walmart parking lot. We hopped out of the car and walked inside. The stares were already happening. Amanda grabbed the collar of my shirt and dragged me along up and down the iles. She picked out candy, chips, soda, popcorn, and and her special drink Propel. That was her drink. If she bought it and it was in the house no one else was aloud to have except her. She was like addicted to it and she drank it constantly. We made our way to the check out. The stares blazed at us. I rolled my eyes knowing this would happen. An old couple stared me with such horror they ran out of line and to another check out lane.

I shook my head and frowned. "How do you do this I don't like being stared at!" Amanda whispered in my ear which made me shiver. The cashier stared at me with even more fear than the old couple. She looked like she was in her midtwenties. She didn't look at us at all as she scanned our items. Once she was done. She looked up at me. She gave us the amount but when she did her voice broke in the middle. Plus if it wasn't worse she was shaking. "Really am I that scary?!" I Asked as we pulled in the driveway. Amanda stepped out of the car and burst into laughter. "Did you see that old couple!!" She shouted laughing so hard she might as well explode. I shook my head and grabbed the grocerie bags and head inside. We set all the stuff on the counter and went upstairs to change. Once she was ready it was already nine o'clock. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a grey spagettie strapped tank top. Her hair was let down. I change into a piar of lose blue jeans and a kiss T-shirt that happened to be my favorite T. It was already the middle of the movie. Me and Amanda got the couch while Kara and Daivd sat in the loveseat and Snake laid on his stomache His elbows holding his gave up like pillars staring at the screen. Kara and David were into the movie cause they kept shoving handfuls of popcorn in there mouth every few seconds. I looked around the living room. Candy scattered the floor. Our coffe table was sticky with soda, the place was destroyed. It always was though on movie night. After the movie was over David got up and turned on the light. I looked down to find Amanda's head resting peacefully on my lap. I didn't even know how she got there. I froze. Kara put two hands over her mouth to stop the laughter. Snake couldn't stop smirking and Daivd shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I"m going to go take a smoke!" Daivd said exiting the room. I was still staring at Amanda in my lap. She moaned and tunred her head the other way. I moaned to becuase she was now facing my crotch. Oh please God make sure she doesn't wake up I thought. "I have to get a picture of this!" Kara said searching her pockets for her cell phone. "No! Don't!' I said. She pouted but excepted that that wasn't a good Idea."Hey dude just saying you might wanna tape her mouth so that she doesn't go and suck your Junior!" Snake said as he burst into laughter. "Shut the Hell up!" I snapped. After I told them to get out I was still stuck on the couch with Amanda.

I couldn't carry her up the stairs so I descide to sleep on the floot next to the couch. I took a couch pillow and replace my lap with it. I pushed the coffe table away and made a pad on the floor. I tuned off the lights and went to sleep. I woke up with something heavy on top of me. It was Amanda. She was sleeping soundly on top of me! Her head snuggle against my chest and her amrs rapped around my neck. I Froze in place.

She moaned then snuggled closer to my chest. Her body felt tiny to mine. I had no idea why something in the back of my head kept saying you like it. Cause I don't it's not right. God Damn It Amanda what are you doing!! No wonder why she has a big bed, because if she had a skinny one she fall of. Then I wouldn't be there to coushion her fall. I turned my body sideways so we were both laying on our sides. Her blound hair covered the side of her face. My mind had no control over my body no longer. My hand gently brushed away her hair away from her cheek. I felt her wamr breath on my neck and it made me shiver from it. I gently unwound her arms from my neck and got up quickly. I had to get up before things got out of hand, or worse. Amanda waking up. God she probably blow. I instanly felt cold without Amanda by my side.

*Later That Day*

We were just driving back from our band gig. It was just me and Daivid. We already dropped of Kara and Snake so the drive home would be slience. I just pulled up at Davids apratment. He opened the car door. He got out but didn't shut the door and stood there staring at me. "You like Amanda!" and with him saying those words he slammed the car door and ran to the front door of his apartment. "What?!?" I shouted to myself. I rolled my eyes and drove away mad at Daivd for saying such a thing. People like me and Amanda don't mix. It's impossiable. She's... Well you know, girly, popular, preppy, the happy go lucky girl. As for me the Dark, carless, loner, emo, depressed boy. Boy am I confused. When I got home, the lights were off and not a sound to be heard. As I walked into the kitchen, I flicked on the lights and set my keys on the counter. There was a note from Amanda. "Gonna be at the studio for a couple more hours, have to help the juniors and little kids" I read. I sighed. Great! Just great.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.08.2011

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