
Chapter 1 - News

It was a Monday when I found out that he was dead. Three people knew before me. My mother, Mary (My older sister) and my father.
“Please, you can’t be serious” I said, tears running from my eyes.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, but he’s gone. He was found dead yesterday morning.” my mother said, holding me in her arms.
“Why didn’t you tell me? He was my best friend.” I sobbed.
She went to carry on, but I ran to my bedroom. I couldn’t deal with this. Dean was dead. My best friend. One of my only two friends. As I fell onto my bed crying, I wondered if Katrina that Dean was dead. His death was abrupt. Nobody knew why he was dead, they’d just found him dead in the morning.
The door knocked and as I looked up, Mary walked in looking melancholic.
“You okay Alexis?” she said, her blue eyes screaming the fact that she didn’t care.
“Go away, Mary” I said, putting my face to my pillow.
I heard the door shut and her walk down the hall. Finally! I was always being harassed by my family. I was just so happy to be alone, allowed to mourn my friend. But I didn’t get to, because Katrina rang my mobile.
“Hello” I said, answering the phone.
“Oh my goodness Alex! Have you heard?” she said, the sorrow sounding in her voice.
“Yeah, I heard just now. I’m really upset” I said as a tear ran down my face.
“The funeral’s on Saturday. Are you going to school today?”
“No. I’m going to stay home. I really don’t want to go to school.”
“Nobody blames you. Do you want me to come over?”
“No” I said quietly “I really want to be alone”
“Okay then. I’ll speak later. Bye” she said as she hung up. I chucked the phone down and cried into my pillow. I just couldn’t believe my best friend was dead. Gone. I looked up.
“Come in, mum” I said and she walked in looking confused.
“How did you know I was there?” she said slowly. As if I wouldn’t have know she was there. I’m a psychic. It’s weird, I’m not a proper one, I sometimes see people in dreams before I meet them in real life, sometimes I predict things, sometimes I can tell where somebody is and I can read thoughts from time to time. Yeah, I’m a freak.
“I just guessed.” I said. Of course I won’t tell my mum. She’d send me to a shrink.
She seemed to dismiss it. “Are you going to school today?” she asked and I shook my head. “Okay” she said “Your dad’s in work today and I am so you’re home alone.”
I nodded and she left. Leaving me alone again.
Ten minutes passed and I was completely alone and happy about it. I really wasn’t bothered by the fact that I was alone. I looked at the clock and it was 4am. My family wakes up early. Really early. Mary had gone to her friends house and my parents gone to work. With nothing to do, I decided to go for a walk.

Chapter 2 - Lost (Moses)

Walking around. Walking around. Nothing to do. I turned around, hearing a noise. They’re after me! They’re going to send me back! Run! Get away!

I run away from the sound of shouting. Away from the insane asylum. Away from them trying to catch me. I turn and he’s there. Tomas. That’s what I call him. The doctors say they can’t see him. They’re lying. They’re wrong. They’re so wrong. He is there. He tells me what to do.
“Moses. Somebody needs help! Help her!” he says, pointing down the road. I run and see a girl. Black hair, blue eyes, tall. Dying.

I know she’s dying. A vampire can tell when somebody’s dying. I know she’s dying. I can sense it. She’s ill, but she doesn’t know it. I run to her and grab her arm.
“Get off!” she shouts and I quiet her with a hand over her mouth. She starts to struggle.
“I’m trying to help you!” I say but she keeps struggling against my grip. A scream escapes my hand and I push my hand harder over her mouth. She starts to scream more, but it’s quiet. I won’t get a chance to change her if she keeps screaming.
Suddenly, she stops moving and goes limp. I shake her, but she stays limp. Her eyes are blank. What have I done? What have I done to her? I’ve killed her! I was trying to help! What do I do?! I see some light left in her. I can save her. I bend over her and drain most of her blood, as much as I can without making the light disappear. It’s the light of life. When it’s gone, that’s it. No coming back. I have to save her. I slice my wrist and hold it to her mouth, letting gravity guide the blood down her throat. Please work. Please work.

She takes in a breath and starts to shake. It worked! I put her down on the floor carefully and leave. The new vampire can’t be with me, I’d get her killed. She’ll stay there until she wakes up.

Chapter 3 - Awakening (Alexis)

Nothingness. Sweet nothingness. What was happening? I’d been attacked, that much I know. He’d suffocated me, but I don’t think he knew that he was. Could I blame him? No. I didn’t blame him. Should I seek revenge? I don’t want to. It wasn’t his fault, and I know to forgive. Death was peaceful. No sound, no sadness, no fear, nothing. It was amazing! Just quiet.

All I heard was a thud. What was going on? This couldn’t be right. Wasn’t I meant to be seeing a bright white light right now? Wasn’t I meant to be waking up as a baby or something? Surely something was wrong. My fingers started to tingle and I started to feel very warm. Okay, something defiantly wasn’t right. I heard a noise that was sort of a mumble… or was it my imagination? It couldn’t be, there it was again! Why couldn’t I hear it properly?! Alexis?

I heard a male voice in my head say, or at least I thought it was in my head.

I thought back.
You want to live, don’t you?
Yes I do. I don’t want to die.
Okay, but you need to do something for me. Can you do what I ask you, Alexis?
Yes. I’ll try.
You have to wake up, Alexis.
Wake up, Alexis. Wake up. Wake… up…

I gasped and sat up in the darkness. I felt the cold floor beneath me, but… this wasn’t concrete. I looked down and noticed I was sat on laminate flooring.
“Okay. So, I’m dead. Brilliant…” I said sarcastically to myself. I looked around the room I was in, expecting to see Jesus or God or a saint but the room was empty. Maybe it’s purgatory? Maybe you have to wait here for a while before you can go to heaven?

No. That couldn’t be it. I’ve never done anything bad in my life. I’ve never even lied! I’m what my mother calls the perfect child. I do as I’m told, I’m very tidy, I never talk back, I’m hardly ever ill, I’m a grade A student and I never ever lie.
I’m the opposite of Mary really. She never does as she’s told, she never puts things away, she’s flunking Maths, Science, Welsh, French and English and she’s always trying to skip school. She spends most of her time faffing around with that stupid long blonde hair of hers and texting her friends. I’m not trying to be mean, but she isn’t even that pretty. She’s short and slightly round which isn’t exactly model quality. I have friends, just not like she does. With that phone of hers, she’s never away from her friends. She’s always using the phone to talk or text them or she’s out in town with them. I’m glad I’m nothing like her.
“Is she awake yet?” a voice said and I jumped a mile. I looked around the dark room for somebody but the place was still empty.
Suddenly I realised something. The room was pitch black. There wasn’t a window or door to be found and there wasn’t a light fitting, but I could see everything like I was outside on a sunny day. Dude! I think… I think I’m tripping…

This wasn’t real, this couldn’t be real. Euch, my head hurt. I stood up slowly and realised I was really

hungry! When was it I’d last eaten? What was the time? Where could I find food? I needed food! As I thought of food, I felt something against my lower lip, so I raised my hand to my mouth and touched my teeth. What the fudge is that?!

Where my normal teeth had been, was now a pair of long, razor sharp, what I could only describe as… fangs.
I laughed nervously and said, “Okay! Ha, I am definitely tripping…”
“I think I just heard her say something, she must be awake.” the voice said and, shockingly, I started to cry. The tears ran slowly down my cheeks at first but then they came faster and I started to sob loudly. Where was I? Who was that voice? Was I going to die? Was I already dead? What was going on? When would I be able to home again? I couldn’t help but cry. I’d found out that my best friend was dead, been attacked and I was now in a room with no visible escape. I started to cry more, and that was when I had a vision.


“How did she get out of the room?” a tall, bald, brown eyed man asked.
“I don’t know. Somehow she found the touch pad. Either way, she’s dead because of it. She took the left door instead of the right door. The sick ones ripped her apart” a short, fat, black haired and blue eyed man said back.
“Silly girl. We could have kept her safe. He wanted her, said he needed her. She would have been fine, she just freaked out.” the bald man said.


Yes! I knew how to get out! Score one for me! Touch pad, touch pad… where was it? Was it hidden? I groaned quietly and started to feel the wall. Come on, come on.

Oh Jesus-Mary-And-Joseph where is it?!

At that moment, my hand hit something. The wall was raised slightly here. I put my hand on the raised part of the wall and a section of wall next to me moved across. Boom!

I smiled to myself and looked through the door.
In front of me was a staircase that went around in a circle, I couldn’t remember the name of those types of staircases but it didn‘t really matter. I smiled again and started to slowly walk up the stairs, pausing every other step to listen for movement. After hearing nothing, I decided it was safe to continue. I started to wonder if I was dead and remembered something my mother had once said to me. ‘Do you believe in god?’ she said and I shook my head ‘Say yes to end it. To pull the trigger. In a game of Russian roulette, you would always say you believed in god before you began.’ To this day, I’m not sure why she had said that to me. At the time, I had been about 12. As if a 12 year old girl would be playing Russian Roulette. Unthinkable. I miss my mother. She’s still alive, but not the same. I originally had a little brother. Toby. I’d loved him to pieces, I’d being the main word there. I blame Mary, my father tells me not to, but I can’t help it.
It had been an average day. Nothing out of the ordinary. My mother had come downstairs to tell us that she and father were going out for the evening and that Mary was in charge. Mary loved being in charge, but I bet she wishes she hadn’t been. When my parents had left, we sat watching TV for a while when there was a knock at the door. My mother had always told us to never answer the door when she wasn’t there, but this time, Mary did. A bang was what I heard, no scream, nothing. I stood and ran to the front door and saw Mary on the floor and a tall man with brown hair stood above her limp body. He looked at me and grinned. I hope never to see a smile such as that again.
He came in, putting things into a bag as he went, walking towards me as I backed away from his terrifying gaze. Fear was the only thing I knew at that point. When we reached the front room, Toby shouted at the man to leave but the man just laughed at him. I turned and gave Toby a ‘be quiet’ look but he mustn’t have seen it as he ran towards the man. The man frowned and hit Toby away, it was like watching a lion swatting away a fly, and Toby’s head connected with the wall with a loud bang. I wanted to help him, but I was too scared of the man to move. I should have moved.
The man came towards me with the grin on his face and shut the door. I was only 13, but I could guess what was coming next. He pushed me to the floor led on top of me, taking away my clothes and then his. I should have run, but I couldn’t move. He was too strong. I begged him and begged him to stop but he wouldn’t. At the time, with tears running down my face, I had wished it had been Mary this was happening to, she was the oldest, she’d been 18 at the time. I had wished I was in a different place, that I could switch bodies with Mary, so she would have to endure this horror and not me. When the man had gotten what he wanted from me, he’d smashed a wooden plank over my head and I’d passed out, grateful for the getaway.
I’d woken up in the hospital and my father was sat in a chair next to my bed. ‘Where’s mother?’ I’d asked him and then he told me the story. When they had gotten home and found Mary knocked out, they were terrified. Then, they found Toby’s body, he’d died of pressure on the brain or something like that. They’d both cried as they waited for an ambulance, then mother had wondered where I was and that’s when they had found me in the living room, unconscious, bleeding, naked and covered in… well… you get the picture. I had wanted to die there and then. In one night, my brother had died, we’d been robbed and I had been raped. Had my pureness stolen from me.
I woke from my trance and realised I was stood at the top of the staircase and was stood in front of two doors. I frowned and then remembered my vision. The left door leads to death, the sick ones, and the right one to safety. Okay, right it is.

I tried the door handle and the door opened outwards. On the other side of the door was a hallway. Just an average hallway with a marble floor and pale walls with doors on both sides, maybe about 15 as far as I could see. Without another thought, I started to walk down the hall.
I’d had 17 stitches because of the plank of wood over the head and I’ve had a scar on my head ever since, on the right hand side of my forehead close to my hair. My parents asked if I wanted some special operation to give me my virginity back, I was ready to jump at the chance before I realised that it wouldn’t erase what happened, and it cost a bomb. Ever since Toby was killed, my mother has been different. She was depressed and self confined for weeks after and his funeral was horrible, we all cried except for my mother. She just couldn’t seem to cry and it was horrible to watch her sit there with no expression on her face. I think she just shut herself out.
After that, she didn’t talk for ages. Before, she always seemed happy and cheerful. Now, she seems to constantly have a melancholic aura about her. We still have fun and she has fun with us too but she still has a distant look in her eyes. I’d always sworn to hunt down and kill the man. Hey! Now I seem to have fangs, I can totally kill him!

I smiled to myself but then remembered that I would be killing a person, and I didn’t really think I could do that.

Damn. I’d run into a wall. I came out of my thought and looked at the wall in front of me. Uh oh

. If this was a wall, it was a very funny looking wall. There was a shirt and tie in front of me and the shirt and tie was on a person. I gulped and slowly looked up into deep brown eyes.
I laughed nervously and said, “Helloo” Didn’t do much though because the man grinned.
“Well well, look what we have here” he said, slowly walking around me. His long brown hair hung on his shoulders and his high cheekbones were covered by his skin being pushed up by his grin. This couldn’t be good. “How’d you get here darlin?” he said as his hand pushed my back and I fell flat on the floor before turning onto my back.
“None of your business, ass-wipe.” I snapped back at him, looking up from the floor.
“Dear, dear. Such language from a sweet little flower.” He bent down and his lips met mine ferociously and I screamed at him through his lips against mine. Oh, come on!

I put my hands against his shoulders and pushed as hard as I could, sending him flying backwards. Woah. I can’t believe I just did that.

I didn’t have time to applaud myself though as the man started coming towards me. Time to go! I rolled over quickly, scrambling to my feet as fast as I could but apparently I wasn’t fast enough.
“Come on baby, let an old vampire have his fun.” he said pushing me to the floor where I froze. Vampire.

You had to be kidding me! Vampire?!
“I’m a vampire?” I said quietly and he nodded “How fucking gay is that?!” I shouted and the man looked down at me with an amused expression on his face.
“I like you already” he said smiling at me and he then looked down at the white blouse I was wearing and smiled again. Wow, I had picked a brilliant day to wear my blouse hadn’t I.
“Listen buddy! You may be a vampire, but you still have man parts and I have a foot, do you really want them to be introduced to each other?” I snapped and he frowned at me. I have no idea where that had come from, I’d just thought of it randomly. I actually laughed mentally when I said it.
His momentary lapse of concentration thanks to my snappy remark gave me enough time to punch him in the face and shove him off me. He rolled across the floor and I was able to turn, stumble to my feet and run.
I found another hallway and started to run down it, with the man close behind. I had to find a way out, a room, anything. I opened the first door I saw… I really should have opened a different door.

Chapter 4 - Unexpected

"Oh Crap!" I said, gasping as I said it.
"Oh shit." He said quietly, blue eyes opening wide with horror.
"Dean?! Wha... what?!' I screamed, tears pouring from my eyes. Looking at his blonde hair shining - in a good way - and his blue eyes wide with horror, I couldn't help but cry. A few hours ago, I'd thought he was dead!

This isn't finished, i'm uploading it a bit at a time :) I'm uploading a bit every day, so keep your eyes peeled.
Follow me on twitter - @Bethaniem247
On Wattpad - DangerZoneBeth


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.02.2012

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Just because i'm writing a book and wanted to start of small.

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