
So there i was, lying on the beach, looking at the starry sky. When suddenly a shooting star shot straight in front of me, but it wasn't a normal shooting star, this shooting star was looming over head. And then a big bang and flash of light took place at the scene. But the big band and a flash of light was actually the shooting star. My hand just started to rise, I couldn't control hand, it was as if the star was lifting my arm. But soon my finger was pointing to the star, this time it definatly wasn't me. soon after i was sitting there pointing at the star when i saw a sort of electricity coming down my arm. -FLASH-! When i woke up from the flash i was no longer me i picked a peble up from where the flash took place and it was like i had been blown up, but i was still alive, the pebble i picked up i was ready to throw it when i couldn't let go of the pebble, it was stuck on my palm. I walked home slowly to think what that star was, the only thing thought of was if it was a space ship and i was an alien now, but i walked home i realised that would an alien have octupus sucking hands. And there was a cat on the pavement just lying there and i jumped over the cat, but that jump was higher then an olympics jumper, but strangly the cat shouted back at me HEY don't jump over my like that what if you jumped and landed funny and broke your ankle! I just thought that it might have just been when i banged my head when i fell from the stars control. But it wasn't because when i got home my african grey parrott talked tto me.
I went to bed early because i really wanted to dream about it and see what really happened, when i dozed off i didn't dream of what happened i dreamed about waking up and eating breakfast and then my mother telling me was ill. The next morning i woke up and walked down stairs holding my head because i had a banging headache from yesterday, and i sat myself down at the table like normal and later on after i finished my last cheerio my mum came up to me and told me she was really ill, she said that the doctor said it might be deadly. Wait a minuite breakfast, mum ill, i dreamed all of this last night why has it come to life. I usally walk some where when i need to figure things out so i walked to school earlyier then usall so i could stop and eat my tuck. So when i arrived at school i had realised what had happend with everything the star wanted to tell me something like a mission. Later on that day i saw smoke come from a crop field i was a very large uo which is undentified object because it wasn't flying it had landed then the door opened and i heared a weird noise, it was aliens they said 'You have been chosen for a mission' i whispered to myself 'i knew it' i answered back 'What is this mission' they said 'You must stop humans coming to our planet and searching for us, or we will keep coming here and sticking our flags in your planet' I replied 'I will give it a go but what will you do if I don't sucseed?' they said ' We will distroy you're food and crops and keep poping up all the time here and we will come up with inventions to start living in you're planet forever like you are trying to do with our planet.' Then they suddenly left, and i realised what we are doing to them. So i started on my mission, first i sent a letter to the Prime Minister to ask NASA to stop going to planets that don't belong to us, he sent back a letter saying that he's sorry but he can't stop this and all the planets belong to us it's only our kind that live on one planet which is called earth. So i sent a letter to NASA them selves and told them that this is ridiculouse how we are going there too many times and how would we like it if they were sticking flags in our planet. And they sent a letter back saying there no living creatures up there, so they could NEVER do that to our planet, don't you worry kiddo. I think they took it the wrong way. So i went to my very last option a Wizard, i went to him personaly and him if he could erase our memory exept mine to forget about all the other planets and stop people going to other planets, he did so, and it worked perfectly. The next running day the uo came back and said thank you and i was aloud to keep the powers but i said i didn't want the octupus hands because in netball i won't be able to pass the ball to anyone. And that's how my story ended. But that night i had another glimpse of the future i saw that the aliens up there are all safe and now the flags that we put up there they have shreded them and they have them for covers for bed for the little ones. And the next day i had no problem making up a story that was not a lie.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.02.2010

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