
It all started when I was playing with my dad when I was 5. We were play fighting though and I bit him. So much blood was gushing out of my dad and I wanted to save him. But I couldn't and I kind of like the taste. So that's how I became a vampire .
My mom asked what happened and I said I bit my dad. She ran and yalled away from the house and rented a apartment as fast as she can.
I was all alone and that was it I thought. I went outside, ny eyes are purple and then, a werewolf came in the middle of the street and was attacking me. I ran as fast as I can away from him and I was so fast, but it was as fast as me and then I looked at it's face.

He was weird in school and now I know why. I bit him. He was still alive and he lashed my heart and I wasn't alive.

The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2010

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