
By: Beltar55

A long time ago in a land filled with wonder and magic; where ogre roam aimlessly, the Elf nation is strong, and dragons could still fly, we find our three sisters deep in the Woodland forest. The girls, Gaea, Naida, and Larissa, are discussing the absence of their father. He has been gone for over two weeks and they’re starting to worry.

“It’s been too long,” Naida said. “It only takes three days to make it to the foothills where he likes to hunt. Something’s wrong I can feel it.”
“You maybe right but I still think we should wait another couple days. The way game has been scarce here lately, he may’ve had to go a lot further than normal.” Gaea replied.

Their father, Beltar, has made a habit of taking off for weeks on end since their mother died several years back, leaving Gaea to take care of her two sisters. At only 12 years old, she has had to grow up fast. Of course in the Woodlands everybody grows up fast or else they quit growing at all. Gaea hated to leave Naida and Larissa alone to go and check on their dad but she was worried too. It was too close to winter for him to be gone this long without word.

“Let’s give him a few more days and if we haven’t heard anything by then I’ll go check.” Gaea stated, hoping that Naida didn’t hear the concern in her voice.
“Ok” Naida surrendered, “but I still think something’s wrong.”
“What’s wrong?” Larissa asked. She had just entered the room without the girls knowing it.

Larissa was the youngest and her sisters always tried to keep her from worrying. She was only eight and they hoped that she would let it drop.

“Nothing,” Gaea replied. “Naida just thought that today was Tuesday.”
“It is Tuesday.” Larissa stated proudly.
“See I told you, nothing’s wrong.” Gaea said, while changing the conversation. “We need to stock up on firewood, it looks like it may turn cold pretty soon.”
“Yeah.” Naida replied quickly, as she walked out the door.
“While you do that I’m going to see if I can get something for supper. I’ll be back in a couple of hours, sooner if I get lucky.” Gaea said as she grabbed her bow and arrows.

She decided to head toward the lake and probably get a few squirrels on the way. That way she could check the area without worrying her sisters. Yesterday she saw sign of an ogre down by the lake and wanted to see if there was anything new. Why were they so restless lately? It didn’t make sense for one to travel this far south.
Ogre were mean and ruthless, and loved to eat the flesh of anything, especially humans. They grew to about nine feet and were a three-fold creature, which meant they lived about three lifetimes of man. One good thing about them, they don’t like each other either. They’re tough enough to kill but it would be worse if it was more than one.
There’s just no way she could leave her sisters alone right now. If she had to go she’d have to take them along. That wouldn’t be too bad because Larissa could easily keep up and Naida was about as good with a bow as she was. It’s just that she was worried about leaving the place with the ogre so close by…. Why did he always do this to her? He left and all the decisions and responsibility fell on her shoulders. She decided they would leave first thing in the morning. If nothing was wrong, then good. If something was, then the sooner the better.
She arrived back at the cabin shortly before dark with two squirrel and a rabbit. She let Naida in on her decision while they prepared supper. Now, how to tell Larissa?

“What do you think about a little trip, Larissa? Gaea asked while they were eating.
“Great, I love traveling. Where are we going?” she returned.
“I thought we might go find dad in the foothills and see if he was needing any help. It might be our last chance to get out before winter.” Gaea answered.
“Wonderful, I’ll go pack right now.” Larissa said, barely finishing her food before climbing the ladder to her room.
“That went well,” Naida said. “She doesn’t seem to be worried at all.”

I know what’s going on Larissa thought while she was packing. They must think I’m stupid or something. I can tell they’re worried about dad but I hate the fact that they won’t come out and tell me the truth. She was used to them “trying to protect her” but it was starting to get old.
Early the next morning the girls set out on their journey. It usually took three days but they were going to try and make it in two. They headed west.

Gaea explained to Larissa, “To get to the Shaderack Mountains, you had to put the morning star to your back and head toward the setting sun.”
“But the sun don’t set while the morning star is in the sky.” Larissa stated proudly. She knew that you started with the morning star and ended with the setting sun, but she liked aggravating Gaea. Maybe just a little too much.
“You know what it means,” Gaea replied. “Don’t be so…. obstinate or I’ll quit trying to teach you anything.”
“Don’t call me names,” Larissa countered.

Naida returned from her scouting expedition just in time to see Gaea roll her eyes toward the sky and mutter something under her breath. She was worried about the signs she had seen and needed to talk to Gaea alone.

“There’s a shortcut up ahead that I think we should take.” Naida said, while giving Gaea a secret look.
“There ain’t no shortcut ahead,” Larissa said. She’d had enough of this secrecy. “I know what’s going on. I can see the sign as good as you can, so would you please quit trying to baby me.”
“You may be able to read sign but you need help with your English.” Naida said.
“How long have you known?” Gaea asked, slightly amazed.
“We first crossed the tracks down by the lake. Why, how long have you known?” Larissa asked.
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Naida jumped in. “We have enough trouble without you two starting up. Did you also notice that it was the same one?”
“You mean,” Larissa asked slowly. “It’s the same ogre?….but why?”
“He’s tracking us and we need to get moving,” Naida said hurriedly. “Ogre are made for traveling in the woods with their long legs and he’s been walking circles around us. He may be waiting anywhere up ahead.”
“Then let’s get going.” Gaea agreed.

They followed the path until it came to a clearing, they worried about crossing in the open, but it was too far to try and go around. They separated, that way they wouldn’t all get caught in a possible trap and the other two could come to the rescue. Gaea went first and her sisters followed about 50 yards back, so she was the first to see him. The ogre was looming large on the other side of the clearing just at the tree line.
It was the first time she had ever seen one. She motioned for them to stay low and catch up. They had to decide what to do.

“Wow,” Naida exclaimed. “He’s huge.”
“And ugly,“ Larissa finished.
“Shh,” Gaea whispered. “Do you see those big ears? He could hear you. Do we go around or fight?”
“Well, he’s trailing us so even if we get away now, he’ll keep coming and next time we may not be so lucky. I say we fight.” Naida said.
“I agree.” Larissa chimed.
“Ok,” Gaea said, “from what I understand ogre are slow and…”
“They ain’t slow,” Larissa interrupted. “He was able to keep up with us… wasn’t he?”
“Not that kind of slow,” Gaea continued. “His thinking is slow. His mind is kind of one track, it takes him time to react so we should be able to out maneuver him.”
“But he’s extremely strong,” Naida added. “If he hits you with that club of his, it’ll knock your head off so be careful.”
“I think we should go straight at him,” Gaea suggested. “Since we can’t sneak up on him, we’ll walk slow so we can study his reaction and on my signal we fight.”

The girls were in agreement, which didn’t happen often. As they approached, the ogre just stood there waiting and watching, letting them get within a stones’ throw before walking forward. As the girls closed the distance, they separated and surrounded him. Gaea had an arrow notched, Naida with spear in hand and Larissa was ready with knife in hand when all of a sudden it happened.

“YOU……..HARD…….TO………FIND…” the ogre spoke.

He travailed over each word, like a woman giving birth, before releasing it into the air to linger like the stench of his breath. The sound reverberating in their ears until the next one boomed into existence.

“….GAR….” he labored, while pounding his chest.

The girls were frozen with shock, never in their wildest imagination had they ever thought an ogre could talk. Actually, they had not given it any thought at all. This changed everything because he sought them out. He had purpose. He was able to think and do and live. It went against everything they’d ever heard about ogre. He wasn’t just a mindless creature anymore. He was…. He is…… Gar, but what did he want, why was he looking for them? The girls had more questions than they could express.

“COME…….WITH……..ME….” the ogre continued.

“No” Gaea replied.

Could he really understand or was she just wasting her time trying to explain. She would love to find out what this was all about, to get some answers to the thousand questions she had, but it had to wait.

“We have to check on our father.” she continued. “We have to go to the Shaderack mountains near Chesapeake Falls.”

She stood ready, weapon in hand, waiting to see what his reaction would be. She glanced at her sisters and knew she could count on them if things went wrong. It seemed like an eternity before he shrugged and nodded, then turned and led the way. It was all the girls could do to keep up. It was close to dark when they called to him to stop. Ogre could see very well at night but they couldn’t. Also it was at least another three hours to reach the Fall and they didn’t want to arrive at night.
They set up a cold camp (no fire) but it was still warm at night and they had dried trail meat to eat before turning in. The ogre blended into the woods and returned shortly gnawing on a rabbit. The girls decided the watch and the others fell into a restless sleep. It has been a most unusual day and they had no idea what tomorrow would reveal.
First light found them well on their way and after a few hours they started noticing an unmistakable smell. Dragon-fire. They found the camp, at least what was left of it and the smell of roasted flesh was distinct. Fearing the worst, the girls searched through the destruction, following their nose they finally found the body, it was burnt beyond recognition.
During the search, the girls recognized items they knew belonged to their father, like the old coffee pot, or the pit stake that he had carved out of stone wood and last of all Gaea found his sword. He would never go anywhere without it. The body had to be their father.
As that thought begin to sink in, Naida began to survey the scene trying to determine just what had happened. Evidently, this all took place just after he arrived here two weeks ago. From the smell of dragon-fire it went without saying that a dragon had attacked, but why? Despite all the lore, dragons don’t eat human flesh and the remains seem to prove that. So why did it attack?
The ogre had remained back in the woods and started making his way over to the girls as they discussed what had taken place.

“The dragon landed over here close to where I found the sword and it looks like his tail is what knocked the tent over.” Gaea began.
“Yeah,” Naida continued, “and there is blood here that definitely belongs to the dragon.”
“……..TWO……” the ogre spoke from behind.
“You mean two dragons?” Larissa asked.

That made sense their father would be able to fight off one dragon, or at least escape without much harm, but two? She saw the ogre nod and then sniff the air. Dragon-fire has it’s own unique smell and is as different from one dragon to the next. Just like no two people are the same, the scent of dragon-fire varies from dragon to dragon. The ogre was right, now that she was looking for it, she could tell the difference between the two smells. The girls looked at each other as they let that sink in. The more they discovered the more questions they had.
Their father was dead. It didn’t seem real, Gaea imagined her dad the way he was when he left just a few weeks ago. He was too young….too…… strong…… to be …dead. What was she going to do now? Their grandmother lived in the village of Truitt, on the eastern edge of the Woodlands, maybe they could go there. She had never seen her grandmother but her dad talked about her all the time, had even promised to take them one day. Now he never would. The thought of how angry she had been at him weighed heavy on her mind. Forgetting about the ogre, she turned to her sisters.

“We need to go to the village of Truitt.” Gaea stated flatly.
“……YES……” the ogre startled them with his reply. “……ZONA……”

The girls were stunned; Zona was their grandmother. Did she send the ogre? Did it have anything to do with all this? How could she have known?
They all agreed to go. Now to the business at hand, they took turn digging the grave. They made a marker out of two crossed limbs. Naida carved just one word on it, in big bold letters---BELTAR. The sisters were quite while Gaea said a few words over the grave, then they began gathering what they could from his belongings. The emptiness was over-whelming, now both father and mother were dead. They felt all alone in the world, but maybe the grandmother they didn’t know could at least give them some answers. The sooner the better.
They stayed up that night lost in their own thoughts, and while the girls where reminiscing they heard the most wonderful sounds drifting on the breeze. They followed it to the top of the hill where they found Gar, arms raised, singing to the stars. It was more like humming with clicks and clucks mixed in to make a three part harmony like nothing they’ve ever heard.

“Notice he’s not moving his lips,” Gaea said, “that’s why it flows so free and easy.”
“You’re right,” Naida agreed, “it must be forming the words with his lips that causes him so much trouble with speaking.”
Larissa said what they all felt. “That’s sounds so beautiful.”

They understood. He was singing for their father, after all the things they thought and said, he still paid such a tribute to a man he didn’t know. How could they be so wrong about ogre? Was this what they all were like or was he special? Maybe this too could be answered in Truitt.
The girls stopped by their cabin to gather their things on the way to the village. They were amazed with the things that Gar could do. He furnished most of the meals on their journey. He hunted with a rock, yeah a rock. He could sling that thing so hard and accurate he usually killed what he wanted. It seems that even though ogres couldn’t think fast, single thought with them was so concentrated they rarely missed, even fishing. He could reach into the water and grab a fish almost every time.
By the time they arrived in Truitt, the girls and Gar were the best of friends. They made quite a stir when they walked through the village, but they weren’t sure if it was them or Gar. He led them straight to the house of Zona. The girls were a bit nervous as they knocked on the door.

“Hello” Gaea called, “anybody home?”
“Yes, yes, come in.” Zona replied. “ Come in and have a seat. Are you hungry? Can I get you anything? What can I do for you?
“We’d love some answers please.” Naida replied. “We have so many questions and we hope you can answer them for us.”

The girls sat around Zona’s table and talked for hours. They found out that she had sensed there was some kind of trouble, this happens sometime concerning loved ones. She sent Gar, as soon as it happened to bring the girls here to Truitt. She didn’t know what had happened and was sorry to hear about her son. The girls also learned that ogre were peaceable creatures and had many villages north of the Woodland Forrest. It was only the renegades that were expelled from the villages that caused such destruction and havoc.
The girls were especially interested to learn that Zona was a Ring Master. She possesses the ten Rings of Power: CHOICE, TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE, HONESTY, HOPE, LOVE, RESPONSIBILITY, PATIENCE, FRIENDSHIP, HAPPINESS. These rings help her in every day life, because there are certain lessons you must learn to be able to earn the rings. The rings help to keep these lessons in your mind so hopefully you won’t make the same mistakes again.

“We can’t believe that we were so wrong about ogre,” Gaea said. “We have always heard about how mean and terrible they were and now to find out how good they can be. It takes some getting used to.”
“Yeah,” Naida agreed. “And they have so many surprises too, like being able to sing so beautifully.”
“Don’t forget about being such good hunters too.” Larissa added.
“It seems you’ve learned some valuable lessons then,” Zona pointed out. “Like not to jump to conclusions before you have all the facts.”
“It’s like the old saying,” Larissa continued. “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover.”
“Exactly!” Zona finished.
“Do you think you could teach us how to earn the rings of power?” Gaea asked
“Sure if you study hard and mind what I say,” Zona replied. “I’d love to teach you.”

The girls agreed, and as they were headed up stairs to go to bed, Gaea thought about how good it would be. Now she could be a kid again…they all could. Soon they would be on their way to earning the rings of power……But that’s another story!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.02.2010

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