
Chapter 1

Have you ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time. God knows I always been. Maybe if I was still home in Italy watching Master Chef, I wouldn't have heard the screams and if I hadn't heard the screams I wounldn't have investigated and if I wouln't have investigated, then-
Wait, Im getting WAY ahead of myself here.How aboout I tell you from the begginning? That would make it easier.
"Come on,people, there is so much to see in the history of Volterra." The guide was cranky.I looked up from my ipad, trying to get MJ's Thriller on. I didn't really care about my free ticket for the volutri tour, I mean we celebarte St. Marcus day and all the Bull. So what else do we need to know about- what they eat for breakfast?
I sighed in relief as Thriller came on my ipad. I murmured the song so that the elderly tourist in front of me could hear the tour.
It's close to midnight
And something evil is
Lurking in the dark...

Without even realizing it, I looked at the Guide,she had a impatient yet exciting look on her face.And something evil is lurking in the dark.

The words kept moving through my mind,screaming them. I looked into her eyes,she had navy blue eyes, like someone who is wearing ice blue contacts over black, pitless eyes. Maybe she was... special like me. A hopeful part of wondered what kind of gift she has. Maybe she could control minds like my twin, Lily. Or maybe she can asorb the abilities like me, Devi Rose Marie.
But face it, the rational part of me said, NO ONE can be like you, thier are no more witches left in the world, except for Lily.
I look up when I felt a cold hand

creep up my shoulder.I gasped and turned around.There was the guide,Hiedi was her name.
I instantly felt my high self-esteem drop. I mean, she was beatiful in a plain Jane sort of way, with mahongany hair and navy blue eyes, she wore a a balck coatail dress that showed her pale slender legs.
" Everything alright?" she asked. I saw her nose flare and felt her chest lift, as if she were smelling me. Her body became rigid and she backed away from me without even a answer from me.
Okayyy? That was strange. I shrugged and put my earphones on as Americano came blasting through it.
After that I really had to go to the bathroom. I think I saw a ladies room when we passed that picture of the three old hipppy men. I put my headphones and ipad in my bag and looked for Heidi.She was having a very heated discusssion with an old italian couple. I decided not to interfer, beacause , let's face it the girl looked seriously pissed. I quickly stirred away hoping that there wouldn't be a physical argument.
I ran down the white hallway and turned left into the bathroom, after I did my job. I washed my hands and looked in the mirror that was attached to the wall above the sink. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I have to say, I was no plain Mary or even the guide Heidi. But I was somewhere in between I had silkly black hair that had natral chocalate-colored streaks in it. Me and Lily decided that since people coludn't tell usw apart, we dyed our hair. I had a electric blue that was at the side of my face and Lily had a red curly streak that was at the side of her face. I looked at the girl in the mirrror. Her lavender colored eyes seemed tired but alert. She had red lips from the Lip Vemon she used this morning. She had on a white regular shirt and blue falre pants. I thrown on a black hoodie and my messanger bag. I smiled and decided to check my aura, I had my book of shadows in my bag, I took it out and flipped through the pages.
I read the intructions. I loooked in the mirror and focus on the white wall in back of me through the mirror. A white mist slowly started to evelope around me. Around inside the white mist was a light purple color, I intantly knew what it meant: Realistic,active,strong will, and survival-oriented and, more importantly: spiritual growth. I felt a little smugness. Yes!! I was finally learning! I'm getting to be a full-fledge witch! When Lily and I found out about our gifts, we were a little scared and reluctant to try out our abilities, but, once we did we found it hard to live without magic. We learned a bunch of things such as: how to make potions, how to use spells without using verbal speech, and even how to float. But somewhere in all that fun, Lily got ahead of me in studies. When we were checking each others auras. I felt a tinge of envy sprint in me when I saw gold. Spirituality and wisdom. Which meant she was now a full witch and THAT meant she didn't have no restraint on her magic. When she saw her own aura , she said that was because she experience every emotion there was.
Mine was Black: Hate, Negativity, and Depression.
So what? I thought as I picked up my bag, You experience every emotion there was before mom died. Why can't you repeat them again?
Because it's hard, I thought, answering my own question.
Every since my mom died, I lived like I had another life. Before the "accident" I was living like a urban teen princess. I had a boyfriend, my own room, friends, and popularity. After she died, my boyfriend tried to comfort me but realized it was no use and dumped me for Kim Klark.
Anger raged through me, as I watched my once-lavender turn crimson red. I groaned and did a facepalm. The most annoying thing about being a witch, is that depending on your emotions your eye color changes.
I was about to leave the bathroom and walk back home since the tour was boring. That was when the screaming started.
It was blood-curdling screams like someone was in serious pain. It was one of the screams that kept you up at night.
I burst through the bathroom door and instantly turned my head toward the fancy door that we were about to walk through.
My mind was frantic and out of control, I was going through my options:
*Walk home and pretend that the screams were in your mind but stay up all night wondering what it was
* OR sneak through the hallway and press your ear through the door and listen.
I pondered a bit more before going to the fancy-smancy door.
Which I now believe is the stupidest thing I ever did.

Chapter 2

My feet felt like machines as I went down the white,marble hallway. My mind kept on screaming at me, telling me to turn around, to forget this ever happened. I went to the marble door and hesitated. I shook my blue side bang out of my face before pressing my ear to the cool surface of the door.
I used the growing ears spell in my book to detect their voices better.
"Excellent job, Heidi," A smooth,quiet voice filled my ears, for some reason my heart fluttered at the voice. I quickly scolded myself for thinking about romance and love at this time.
A giggle filled my ears like music, it was beautiful, like a white Christmas or like sugar cookies fresh from the oven when you had a hard day from school.
Heidi's voice then said, "Thank you, Alec, there was a beautiful blood gusher that came on the tour but before I could detect the smell, Felix began feeding, so i couldn't do anything but join him."
Laughter filled the room from Alec and Heidi, then suddenly, it stopped.
"In fact, I think I smell her right now," Heidi said. As if on cue, I could feel my heartbeat speed up. I groaned.
Mistake #1.
"There is someone outside of the door," A male,voice said. It sounded beautiful, something told me that all these people sounded like this.
More silence. I waited for them to say something.
Mistake #2.
"Do you think we should eat her or wait...." Heidi said. I paused and did the most stupidest thing alive.
I screamed.
I screamed and screamed. Then I ran down the hall,leaving my bag and my iPad.I waved my hands like a crazy man. I turned every corner, trying to escape from these cannibals.
I turned into a dead end.
Mistake # freaking 3.

Chapter 3

My heart began doing a funny beat, like a dance pattern.Ba-Bum,Bum-bum,Bum-bum-bum.

My breath was quick and I felt like my lungs was going to come dripping out my mouth if I tried to calm down my breath.
"Aww, did the little pathetic human get all tired?" A child voice came from behind me. I whirled around and pressed my back against the marble surface.
What I saw before was beauty, at least that's the best way I could describe it. The one who said the tired pathetic comment was the most gorgeous child ever, at least I think she was a child.
She had pale brown hair that reach her shoulders, her red eyes seemed to pop out from her pale, chalky complexion. she was about 4'8" which was a foot lower than me. She looked around fifteen but seemed to have a maturity around her aura, I peered at it, trying to take in her mood.
I saw a whole rainbow of colors:
-Dull yellow: Selfishness, Negativity.
I peered in more until I saw her glare at me.
"What do you think you are doing here?" I saw the boy stepped from around the corner that I didn't noticed in my daring escape.
It took me a moment to distinguish his voice before I realized that this boy was Alec.
He had dark brown hair that was combed back, his bangs swept to the side so his burgundy eyes could peer at me. He had a pale complexion that sort of match mine. He was the same height as me.
It took me a moment to find my voice, but when I did, I was happy it wasn't a stupid answer.
"What do you think your doing, eating poor civilians?"

I asked, pointing a finger accusingly at the two cannibals.
He blinked and turned t face the little girl, " She is quite stupid isn't she?" he asked, looking at me sideways before looking at the tiny little thing.
"HEY!" I yelled, I almost smirked, I was glad that some of my sister outspokenness rubbed off on me.
I stepped closer to them, they look startled before getting defensive. " YOU STUPID IDIOTS, I HEARD THAT!!! WHAT I AM HERE FOR IS TO GO ON A TOUR, YOU STUPID CANNIBALS!!!!!" I hollered, glaring at them.
I felt a blush come up to me and I felt Lily's personality leave me, I had to do something quick.
"Enough with the games, Alec, grab her!" The elf said, pointing a pale finger at me.
Suddenly, the boy named Alec was so close to me that I can smell him.
Which, I you wanted to know, smelt like mints and apples.
He grabbed my forearm with brute force, I heard a crack and a stinging, slighty numbing pain shoot up my arm. It hurt.

I screamed slightly. "Please," I gasped out. "Please don't...."
The evil little girl yawned boringly. "Ugh, I can tell this is going to be TOO easy, come on brother."
Alec grabbed my arm and I felt more bones breaking underneath the skin and flesh of my arm.
I sobbed, feeling salty-fresh tears slide down my pale cheeks.
"I'm only fifteen!! Please don't do this!" I cried out as they glided into the hall where I saw the long-hair dudes portrait.
I stumbled, trying to fall out and turn my wrists, and do whatever I could to unloose his tight, cold grip.
These people aren't human, a sudden thought appeared in my mind. They just can't be.
I closed my eyes, trying to go through all the spells I learned in these kind of situations:
>teleportation spells- A spell that will help me teleport from this crap hole and back into my crazy but safe home. But I need to have complete bones with this or I will end up looking like a puzzle.
>Illusion spell-A spell that will help me trick these idiots into anything, but im not good at it, Lily is.
I brightened up, a invisibility spell!! That will work for these...vampires. The thought suddenly occurred to me that they were vampires, but not real vampires, right? Because they don't exist.
I closed my eyes and let my energy flow throughout me, I felt the moon spirit in my heart began to shine in my body.Oh, Luna,

I begged,please work, even when the sun is out, I want your energy to crowd over me, I want your hands in this. You shine once in a while and you aren't here every single day but I know that you will help me.

I felt my life sag out of me as I felt a cool embrace that was so familar. The moon spirit was taking over.
I began murmuring words in such a low, quiet voice that I can tell the vampires couldn't hear.
Dragon fog and chameleon sight I command the shrouded sea I bend the mist,I mix the light Refract around behind me.

I opened my eyes and looked down, I felt disappointed flood over me like a fog. It hadn't work.
Then I heard a gasp from Alec. I felt his grip loosen and I felt my broken arm and wrist breath from the tight grip.
"J-Jane! She disappeared!" Alec exclaimed, looking at me,well, not me, since I was invisible and all.
Jane whirled around to face us. "Impossible!" She shrieked. She sounded like broken bells breaking on the glass floor. It scared me silly, my breath started picking up and I felt my heart do its crazy beat.
Breath and relax, breath and relax,

the cool, crystal-like voice reminded me. It was the moon spirit, I knew she would not let me down. I felt myself relax as I began walking past them and towards the double-door to pick up my stuff.

It was too late, that was when the door burst open and I flew to the ground, everything went black.

Chapter 4

I groaned, I tried to rub my head to sooth the major headache that was coming on but felt cold restriction on my arms and my legs.
I panicked and began twitching around like I was having a seizure.
I paused in my panic attack and found that I was laying spread eagle. Great. I did not see my bag anywhere. Just Terrific.
"Well, the little human is awake." A sugary- sweet voice said. It sounded like a fake I'm-so-nice-so-please-do-what-I-say-but-the-minute-you-turn-your-back-your-dead voice.
I looked up to find one of the hippy-dippy dudes staring straight at me with creepy film-covered red eyes.
He reached out to touch me, I squirmed as his cold skin met my warm skin.
He was staring at me with amusement as I glared back.
He released his touch and with a wave of a hand, I felt those cold restraints release me.
I rubbed my arms and sat up, I turned my head and stared at the twins who I met previously.
The elf looked pissed with her ruby-red eyes glaring at me and Alec showed no emotion at all.
I turned back and looked at the guy who touched me, he grinned and what he said next chilled me to the bone.
"Hello Devimira but as you prefer to be called Devi. I'm Aro and behind you are the twins Jane and Alec. We are so pleased that you decided to learn so much more about Volterra, I'm sorry about the mess, we are waiting for Gianna to come and clean it up." He said as he sat on his knees in front of me.
His skin was powdery and old, it was odd in a way. He had silky black hair that reached towards his shoulders like in the portrait, he was forever unchanged.
Vampires.Vampires.Vampires.Vampires. It went through my mind in super-fast speed.
"Well, Well aren't you the smart cookie, " He said with a smirk.
I realized that he had his hand on my knee. I knocked it off and backed away from him. My mind was my mind.
I stood up and looked around.
The ceiling was so high and was cut in decorative squares. The wall was a creamy ivory and the marble floors was covered with blood.
Blood. I was literally stepping on blood.
I screamed and jumped as I looked at the bodies that was previously walking and talking earlier. They lied all dead on the floor, unmovable. They were dead.
I looked up to see that Aro was sitting next to the other two guys in the painting. The curly brown one that looked so sad and the blonde one that had an evil look to him.
"This is Cauis and Marcus." He said, gesturing to each one. He apparently did not notice the blood on the floor.
"Your vampires." The word spelled out my mouth and onto the floor as I looked into their eyes.
"Yes, You little fool," Cauis said. "And you are a human which should be dead." He said "Human" like it was curse.
I felt my eyes glow a vibrant red and I snapped.
"Well at least I'm not a stupid little vampire dude that sits on his ass all day looking like he slapped his face on with powder. You are so freaking cruel that the devil would be scared of you you little Bastard." I shot back.
Then suddenly I was on the floor, tackled by the broad football player. I think Felix.
I puffed my cheeks and blew, he was sent flying into one of the squares that the was on the ceiling.

Chapter 4

I groaned. My head hurt like hell and my eyes pounded achingly. I tried to get up, but I couldn't, I felt coldness tighten me like a vise.
"I'm afraid you can't get up, dear. Not yet." A smooth, velvet voice carried a tune to my ears. I opened my eyes instantly.
Gray dots danced in front of my eyes, I focused on them so they could go away. I found myself looking at one of the long hair men that I saw in the portrait. He had jet black hair that reached his shoulders, his milky red eyes seem to camouflage with his milky,pale translucent skin. His eyes were the things that scared me the most, he was looking at me with interest.
And hunger.
I focused on his aura, it was colorful, like Jane's. It was green with obsession, orange with ambition and pride, with a lot of colors spinning around.
I gulped. The man laughed, he was standing over me,wearing a dark, black suit, he wasn't the one holding me down.
I looked up into two pairs of red eyes that scared the living hell out of me.
Their were two handsome boys holding down my arms with amazing strength. One of them had black hair that was cut away from his eyes, he looked thick around the shoulders but very lean.
The other was absolutely handsome and seductive with black hair and crimson eyes, he was an strange olive complexion. He was lean and muscular. I looked away and back to the long haired guy.
"Where am I and what do you want with me?" I demanded.
I wasn't in the hallway anymore, I felt a marble floor under my back and when I looked to the sky, it's ceiling was really tall, it looked like a fancy dome.
"What? Why don't we care to introduce ourselves, it's very rude to ask questions, you know," he said. He walked slowly around me,like a predator about to attack. I watched him, glaring every time he smiled.
"I'm impatient, angry and have a very short temper now. I don;t like talking and I hate happy people. Now tell me what you want before I get even more pissed off." I declared.
"Relax,I'm Aro, I am not going to do anything to you, if that is what you are worried about."


Texte: This story line,Lily,Avaline,Derek, and Devi belong to me. All characters that you recongize goes to Stephanie Myer.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.01.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This goes to Remi, who gave me the idea for Alec.Cameron, who was right by my side giving me types and adive and for the all the fans who want Alec to have somebody in his life!! Oh, and to Stephanie Myer, who left Alec single!!

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