

Life has a way of telling me that it cares,it puts me in dangerous situations,so far,ever since I met Felix,I faced death 5 times and barely got away.
This time,though,I don't think I'll escape.
The fire was in my veins,getting more and more painful.I couldn't hear a thing only the voice of my beloved,crying silent tears of grief.
I screamed in pain,the fire wrapped my body,tighter and tighter.I couldn't breath,couldn't see either,it seemed like all my senses were burnt out.
Even through the pain of the flames,I couldn't help think about the time when I told Felix I wanted to be a vampire,he warned me that it was scary and lonely in the world of the supernatural.
Now,that time seemed liked it was long ago.
I screamed harder as the fire raged on through the night.


"Hurry up!"
The loud pop music burst in my ears.I glared at the guy who yelled out.Ewww.Big,fat ugly guy with a scar under his right eye.
I put on my cheesy smile."Right away,sir."
I huffed,it was my second week working taIl Clip".It was a sort of like a club where teens go for an escape from homework and scowling teachers.
I strutted over to the man.He looked up at me and smiled.
I almost gagged.He had rotten teeth and smelled like beer.
"Uh,yes?"I said.This guy was about my age and had to many beers.
"Thank you!" he drawled."My drink is done."
"Right away",I scooped up the empty drink and went into the kitchen.My shift was almost over and I had to get out of here.
"What happened?" Cherie asked."Cherie" meant beautiful in French and boy,was that true.Cherie had dyed her hair red which suited her great,she has bright green eyes,which,when you look in them make you feel optimistic.
I often compared myself to her.My blond,full hair to her red,thick hair;my my serious blue eyes,which made me look like I a secret to her green,bright eyes.
I slammed the cup on the counter."There's a drunk who wants another drink."
Cherie laughed at me."Calm down," she said comfortably,"besides your shift is almost over,I got it."
My heart melt,Cherie was a sweet girl,making everyone laugh with her free-flow attitude and spirit.
I smiled as she picked up the empty drink."So how's Jessi doing?" I teased.
Cherie filled the mug with beer,the smelled wafted around the kitchen,making me wrinkle my nose.
"I don't know how about you ask her?" she said,then she excitedly took my hand and placed it on her gigantic belly.I waited,then I felt a jolt under my hand.
"She's kicking!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah!I felt this this morning." She said excitedly."I can't wait to tell Mark!"
I smiled again.Cherie and Mark had been dating for a year now and were happily expecting.
I sighed.I wished I had that kind of thing.Love.When your cheeks turn hot that they feel like fire,you grinning like a idiot after a goodnight kiss,that feeling like you finally found that person who's the one.
I snapped out of that impossible dream.I knew that that would never happen to me,I was to..I don't
"What are you thinking about?" Cherie said curiously.
"Nothing," I replied."Just thinking about how I'm going to spend my weekend."
Cherie nodded understanding my deli ma."I know.I don't know how I'm going to spend my weekend either.Mark is working on Saturday and

Mark worked here too,as the DJ,making hot tunes that seemed to make the customers swarm in,like moths drawn to a green light.
My watch beeped,signaling that my time was up.I looked up,an idea suddenly occurring.
"Hey,maybe you and me could go to that tour tomorrow."
She looked up,her eyes full of fear."I don't know,"she said."I hear that the people who go dont ever come back.She shivered."That's pretty scary."
I sucked my teeth."That's just a bunch of bull shark.So are you coming or not?"
She hesitated then finally gave in."Fine,plus I here that they got cuter guys then they do at the high school."
"I know!" It was true.Ginny told me yesterday that all the guys are so cute and god-like that people could hardly believe that they were real.
"See you later!" I yelled as I skipped out the kitchen...
And bumped into him.
I feel to the floor my purse(which I got out the locker room) spilled out a million contents.
I fumbled,my cheeks flaming a deep scarlet red.I was a major blusher,and once I get started I can't stop.
"It's okay," said a silky,sexy voice.
I looked up and gasped.
He was gorgeous with dark brown hair and a smug grin.
He picked up my things and put them in the bag.He helped me up with an arctic-like hand.
"What is your name?" I gasped out.
"Felix" he said,frowning,probably wondering who's this blond chick who was hyperventilating.
"How 'bout I walk you outside" He said."You look a little dizzy."
I laughed,it came out all weird and crazy,like a lunatic-way.
We walked out of the club and into the small alley.It was warm with a hot breeze blowing in my face.
I looked over to Felix,who suddenly look excited.He came closer to me.
And closer.
And closer.
I giggle nervously as he came so close that he was in my face,breathing a cool blast in my face.
I don't know what happened after that,if I got caught up in the moment or if his sexiness attracted me,but I reached up and...
Kissed him.

2.Volturi vampires

It was amazing.
His lips were hard,which exciting me more.I loved this stranger,I realized.He was perfect and handsome.
You know the saying "love at first sight?" I had that.I had love,something I wanted for a long time but never had it.
Suddenly,he pulled away and glared at me.
I gasped,his red-ruby eyes were infuriated and almost guilty.

"No!" He shouted.I backed away,scared.
He nodded,"Right,that's how your suppose to feel.Afraid."
"Afraid of what?" I said curiously.
He came closer 'til we both heard our accelerated breath.
"Afraid of me.I'm a vampire."
I laughed."Yeah,and I'm the loch ness monster," I joked."You can't scare me with those stupid stories of Dracula and other mythical creatures."
I was being very stupid and bold.I just kiss an stranger,who just said he was a vampire,can it get anymore crazier?
With amazing,impossible speed he pressed me against the wall.
"Those idiotic stories about vampires aren't true.I don't even know why I'm telling you."
His hands were against the wall,it was the only thing that was supporting him from crashing into my lips.
"Your blood sings for me,it reminds me of a guy I know who feel in love with a human," He leaned in closer."It was so unpredictable," He whispered against my neck. "So unpredictable."
I turned around to look at the wall.I gasped,his fingers were actually sinking through the wall.

I screamed,his cold hands wrapped around my mouth,silencing my screams.This guy was a vampire,

a creature of the night who sucks blood to satisfy his thirst.
Then,he was gone.I looked up,he wasn't there.I looked around,trying to find him.I knew I was being dumb,but I tried to find him,I loved him.
I looked down,there was something gold and red glittering in the pale streetlight.Curious,I picked it up.
"Come tour the amazing sight where Voterra was born," it read.
Wow,I didn't know that Felix worked with the Volturi.
I looked at the wall and saw the imprint of his fingers against the wall.Tomorrow I would go and see him with Cherie,I would go to see my love, instead of going to that stupid, other scary tour.
My Stranger.

* * * Felix

I ran away from her.I just couldn't do it no matter how thirsty I was.
I thought back to her,her beautiful blond hair slicked back,her clear water blue eyes staring at me,with love and devotion.
Demitri came next to me,interuppting my thoughts about Her.
"Did you feed?" asked Dimitri.
"Yeah," I lied.I wasn't that thirsty anyway.
We made our way to the Volturi in silence.
"I can't wait for the tour tomorrow." Dimitri said excitedly."New pretty necks to pounce on."
"Hmmm" I said.
My mind was still on Her.I loved her,the way she looked at me,I loved the way vanilla-strawberry perfume mixed in with her blood.I loved her.
The thought hit me so hard,I stopped in my tracks.I really did love her.

3.New love and New death.


My alarm woke me up at 6:00.But it was 6:30,and I was still jumping around,hurrying up.
I got into the the shower and scrubbed.I quickly got out and put my Tesoro perfume.I breathed it in,the smell of strawberry and vanilla filled the room.God,I love that smell,it always comforted me in the time of need.
I got dress,putting on a off-the-shoulder purple and white top and white pants,and,to top it off,my white pumas with purple laces.
I didn't want to get to dressy or it will show that I'm desperate,and I didn't want to get to formal or it will seem that I don't care.
I sprayed on Fantasia Ciliegia and grabbed my purse.
The car beeped.Cherie.I hopped out the window of my house.As I landed,I grabbed the slishie that was on the ledge.
"Here you go." I handed her it.
"Grazie," she said sipping the cold bluberry-watermelon I made.
Cherie had been having cravings for cold drinks,such as smoothies,slushie and milkshakes,etc.
I hopped in the yellow convertible Camoro.
"Let's go!" I yelled,excited.
"Yeah,umm,I invited Mark," Cherie said nervously.
I gasped and looked at her."WHY?!" I yelled at herm,Cherie jumped at the volume and steel that was placed inside my voice.
Mark popped up in the back of the car.I glared at him, he smiled.
"Nice to see you too, Jean," he said.
Mark was a average young man with brown hair and cheery blue mist eyes that smiled all the time. He was the kind of person who wanted everyone to be happy.
He said nothing, just stared at me, analyzing me. Then he reached over and started tickling me. I tried to keep my hip steel-like until he stopped but soon I gasping and sputtering.
"Stop!" I laughed through tears.
"Better stop, Mark," Cherie warned teasingly. "She'll put a hex on you"
Mark stopped and then leaned back. "Oh,right. We were teasing a witch."
I sat up. "Yeah, I could get the Alligance to seriously kick your butt."
I'm a witch.I am apart of the Alligance, an organization of witches who worships the Volutri,a royal-like group who rules the vampires.
"Be quiet," I warned. Your not even suppose to know what I am."
We got near the Volturi tour.
We got out and quickly morphed into the crowd. Excited gasps and mutters carried through the crowd as we soon aproached the inside.
We all jumped and whirled to face a beautiful woman with red-blue like eyes and an alluring smile.
"Hurry up, your going to miss all the fun." She shoed us into the museum.
"This is so exciting," Cherie whispered as she looked around. We were in a hallway that show pictures of volterra. I skimmed the pictures of gray and black and tried to look at something intresting.
I came closer, it showed a picture of three ancient men with bored, serious looks. I instantly recognized them. When I was younger and in a special school learning spells and my Born Gift. The very reason why I came home with red, sore wrists form the had smack of the ruler, the people my teacher told me to bow down to, to kiss their feet if I see them.
The Volturi.
I felt my hands go numb and my heart going at rock-roll beat.
I couldn't believe how stupid I was. I thought Felix belonged to a wanna be Volturi of vampires that were no threat not the real deal.
I grabbed Cherie and pulled her too me. She looked at me, startled.
C, we have to go,

I thought telepathically to her. It was one of the minor powers I had besides my Gift.
"Why?" she asked. I looked hastily at the door we were about to approach. The dreaded door that decided my friends fate.
I think I got the Volturi with the ones that people don't come back from confused with this one.

"How do you know?" she asked, her expression angry, confused and fearful.
I thought to her about my red sore ankles from the ruler that hated. The reasons why they were there.
Her beautiful green eyes widen like saucers as she grabbed Mark. "Mark," she said hastily, we have to go."
"Not now, C, we about to go through the doors." He stated, pushing her hands off his shoulders in order to clutch them with his own hands.
I look up, my blood draining as we approached the doors.
Two men were holding them open. The one on the right had brown hair and looked about he was 15 years old but I knew better. This was Alec who had the power to block off senses. The Alligance girls were especially fearful of them because we need our senses as witches and Jane wasn't so pleasant either.
The one on the left had black hair and ruby eyes that were excited. This one I knew to be Demetri, he had the power to track people. This one was the in that I had to look out for in order to save my friends.
We went through the door, I heard the tour guides voice boom extra loud in the big, spacey rooms that we used to paint in art class.
Cherie was grabbing my arm, draining the blood even more. I could here her heart beat loudly. Show time.
"Now here is the best part, Ladies and gentlemen" She paused dramatically before letting the venom in her eyes melt the contacts.
She grinned evilly. "Time for Dinner."
Then the lights went dark. All I can see was the outline of Cherie's red hair...and the way her shoulders shook up and down as she started sobbing.
Since I am a damphir( half human half vampire) this means that I see far better than humans.
Oh, don't get me started on how jealous I was of them, they can not see the horror but I can.
I watched as Aro, Cuais and Marcus rose up.I watched how Heidi grabbed the young boy in front the line, he looked about 10 with earphones in his ear and long curly hair that came above his shoulders, I watched as she grinned down at him before lunging like the strike of a cobra at his neck.
This was horrible, I couldn't believe that we worshiped these monsters, how someday we wanted to get chosen.
I lost my train of thought as I heard Cherie's scream and I felt her hand loose my own.

I thought almost animal like as I felt anger soar up into me like I hot air balloon. I dipped for her, grabbing the cold arm that dared to take my best friend, my sister

away from me.
I couldn't control the anger, I felt it swarm into me. With an enraged scream, I felt myself being taken on by the very thing that I loved but feared at the same time.
My Gift.
I ran at my opponent at full speed, I knocked him into the wall checking to see who it was.
I flung him across the room at a safe distance before running to the last spot Cherie was. She was gone.
"Jeana!!!!!!" I heard her scream. Please no, not her, not my kindred spirit who kept me from the brink of insanity ever since we met.
Then I could see even better.
The lights came on, and I looked around me in horror as I saw the bloody bodies that surrounded me, some of them even from school. I let out a cry when I saw Catherine, my bio partner on the floor screaming her lungs out. She was already on the brink of transformation.
I saw Cherie but not Mark. She was kneeling on the floor over a body that was squirming like crazy, Mark.
"Well, well don't we have special beings here today?" I heard Aro's voice say.
I looked up, they were in their thrones looking more royal then ever.
Cherie cried harder. "Please, please, why do this? We celebrate and obey you and you treat us like crap?' She said through her sobs.
Aro just shook his head, sighing. "You are worthless my child, I believe I made a mistake. How silly of me not see you. Oh well, Demetri has been craving something sweet, I believe this is because you are carrying a child, is that right?"
Cherie nodding, she looked so sad and hopeless, like in a horror movie when the heroine realizes that the killer killed all the people she cared about. Tears running down her face, her eyes rimmed with red. Her red, short hair straggled, I could only imagine the thoughts running through her hair.
Cauis rose suddenly. "Kill her, Felix" He said simply.
No, I can't let him kill Cherie, even if he's the love of my life. Sisters before the kissers.
I felt that anger rise in me again. This time, I couldn't control it, I felt myself begin the shake. My undertone skin turning red.
I kept it down though.Instead of bursting in flames, I dove for Felix.
He was heavy even his shoulders were buff.
I bounced back into my original spot. He picked Cherie up from her kneel, I don't think he even noticed my attack. Darn.
Cherie screamed and with that scream, I was frozen, all I could think of was how is this happening. Why can't I stop it?
I screamed. I didn't scream for Cherie, I screamed for Felix.
"Felix, don't be a monster, you know that you would have yet another murder on your name. Don't be a monster.

" I said, feeling the weight of wisdom in my tone.
Felix froze, he swiveled, along with the other vampires in the room and turned their attention to me.
"It's you..." He whispered, he dropped Cherie to the floor.
Cherie, save yourself, leave please, I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE,

I thought to her.
I said to Felix, "Yes, Felix, you saved me, you know that you could not drink me, do it again, Felix. Save a life."
"How do you know this?" He asked, stepping towards me, interest and curiosity written on his face.
Cherie looked at me, and shook her head. God, you're so stubborn
I looked at Felix. I want to tell the truth, the witches always say its good to cleanse your soul before you die for purity.
"I am apart of This Alligance, you have heard of them. They are damphirs that purpose in life is to serve you, but I think if they saw this bloodshed, I would think they would change their minds. " I spat at him, and kicked a dead body by my feet for extra purpose.
"I lied to you, I played stupid just so you wouldn't expect anything. I'm sorry." I said.
Everything was quiet for 5 minutes.
Cauis looked at me and glared. "Then its final," he declared. "Kill the blonde one too."
I felt strangely calm as I approached Felix. I looked up at him, taking in his beautiful hair, his handsome eyes, his strong body, before kneeling to him.
To kill a damphir is the very same way you kill a vampire, crack them and fire them up.
I looked up, watching his painful eyes as he stared at me.
I gotta tell him,

I thought, as I stared in those soothing eyes that I would look at for the last time.
Felix's hand shot forward and I cringed when they grabbed my neck, pure chock position. I rose up from the ground, I felt the air cut from me and I began to panic. No! I don't want to die like this!
I heard a painful crack in the back of my neck. I was hurting like crap. Felix hands began to shake as I grabbed his wrists to try and stop him. More painful cracks began to take on new locations and it began to really hurt.
I heard Cherie's cries as she begged them to stop it.
Love you, Cherie

, I thought to her, looking over at her. Let Jessi live and tell her Aunty Jean says hi.

She sobbed harder and breathed out and 'Okay'.
I looked over to Felix, who looked like a man about to burn in hell, his ruby red eyes were throbbing with such fierce emotions, I felt like crying.
"Love you Felix, even though I just met you, I know we belong together." I choked out the words and suddenly I felt really tired.
The hands that were choking me began to shake then suddenly I was dropped like a sack of potatoes.
My first instinct was to breath in fresh air. My second instinct was to check my neck which was still in pain.
"I can't do it masters, I can't" I heard Felix say. Cherie crawled over to me and hugged me tightly.
"Never would I guess that Felix would betray us, masters, I guess thats why you aren't wearing the more darker cloaks to show your so called loyalty to us." Jane twinkled. She pooped out of nowhere.
It was true, Felix wore a lighter cloak then the ones who were decked out in the darkest black.
"He hasn't betrayed you," I choke out. My voice was raspy and was similar to a chain smoker.
"In fact, I see it as an opposite, you betrayed him. You knew he was in pain when he had to kill me but you all looked on like the sadistic freaks you are." I continued.
Felix was in front of me an instant, and suddenly I felt myself floating only to find out that I was in the arm's of Felix. Cherie was around his arm, wrapped like a monkey. She looked daze and confused.
And we were zooming sown the hallway.
"Mark!" She screamed, snapping out of her daze.
"He's dead, I'm sorry." Felix said bluntly, looking like he wasn't sorry at all.
Cherie looked at me, surprise leaking over her face. I nodding feeling remorse over my best guy friend.
Cherie just kept looking at me, tragic as ever, slow tears ran down her face and I felt really bad.
Mark was dead, the one who always hugged me when he saw me, now I would get bare hugs. The one who always tickled me when I got mad, the tickles would not be right because no one knows my secret tickle spot. The one who sang badly to the corny radio songs and made us all laugh, now wee would no longer hear the off-key tones of his voice.
Mark was dead but in replace of Mark was Felix, who may not be able to do all those things but so much more.
Because I guess, in my life, a new love always come with a new death.

4. A dark road trip

Cherie soft breathing came from the back seat of her car. I turned around and saw her curled up in a ball from the cool air that was coming from outside.
"Hey," I said, softly tapping Felix's shoulders." Can you put the hood up, she's getting cold."
Felix looked straight ahead as her pressed the button that lifted the hood up.
I leaned back and sighed. He was being so emotionless since we left the Volturi. I stared out the window, trying to make out the earthly scenery that was whizzing by us.
"Felix? Why are you so mad at me?" I said, playing with the hem of my top.
There was a deathly silence and a soft sigh before Felix said, "Why didn't you tell me you were a damphir?" He asked, looking at me.
"Felix, you have to understand we just met, I'm not jst going to blurt out that im a witch vampire." I stated, rolling my eyes.
"So.. what your saying is your going to kiss a complete stranger, that you know is a vampire?" He said, looking back at the road."
I giggled and slid closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder, "Yeah, but not just any stranger, my stranger." I said, kissing his cheek.
"Whose your stranger?" He said, teasingly. I almost melted as he grinned at me.
"Hmm..." I pondered teasingly, my pointer finger on my chin. He laughed and nudged my shoulders. It made a slight crash that similar to a kid bumper car crash.
"Oh jeez! I'm sorry are you okay?" He asked.
I shrugged it did not hurt at all. "Yeah, baby," I said, "You can never hurt me, Im half vampire."
There was comforting quietness before I said finally:
"Your my stranger."
He grinned and pulled the car over to a deli near the road.
He pulled me on his lap and I grinned.
"Wanna recap, Mr.?" I asked, laughing.
"Hell Yeah," he claimed. I pulled him towards me in a passionate kiss. His tongue probed at my lips, I opened them invitingly.
His hands trailed down my waist and I grinned against his cold lips.
"What The Hell is going on??!!!" Cherie's voice came piercing through our intense make-out session.
I jumped from his lap and back into my seat.
"I'm- Imma go to the store, anybody coming?" Felix asked, his voice was squeaky.
Cherie looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna watch you guys to make sure you dont have sex in the store." She said, glaring at Felix. I blushed.
That's Cherie for you.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.03.2011

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