

I sat by the window staring at the sunset.

The beautiful sunset!

It comes once a day just like the dawn.

It sends its golden lights all over the city.

In the distance i can hear the tolling of the clock tower loud and clear.

The city gates close signaling the end of the work day.

The sunset came and went, but still i could see the image of a girl,

Standing on the clifftop watching as the ships sailed away taking her loved one home

And standing arrow straight in the sunset.

I sat by the window staring at the sunset!

The beautiful sunset! It comes once a day just like the dawn.

The clock tower tolls signaling the end of the work day.



I Held Him Tight


I held him tight and he whispered in my ear the words I loved to hear.

He held me closely saying he loved me.

In that instant my world turned black and all I saw was blood.

Dialing 911, I held him tight as his blood soaked my clothes.

I held him tight as I cried for him and begged him to live.

I held him tight as he took his last breath.

The next week I held his father tight as he watched his son being lowered into the ground.

I held him tight and he whispered in my ear the words I loved to hear.

The Date


I laughed as I stared at the poster on the wall.

I pulled out the dress I was going to wear and put it on careful not to ruin my makeup.

The doorbell rang and I heard my date’s voice downstairs.

I slowly descended the stairs and took my date’s hand.

Driving to the school, a deer ran across the road and he swerved, slamming into the guardrail killing us both.

I looked down on my grieving parents and brothers, knowing they would be okay.

Buried in my prom dress next to my date, I was glad that I didn’t have to deal with the pain of being confined to a wheel chair.

All my friends were there and I spread my wings over them to shield them from the pain and heard my favorite song sang by the church choir.

I laughed as I stared at the poster on the wall.

Come, Weep, Leap, Love

Come, for now is the time to weep

in the darkness does seep

as cold as the water is deep.

Come, for now is the time to leap

from this cliff into the water deep.


I swear to you from heaven above

that I will sing to you like a dove.

i want to be there for you I swear on heaven above

that I will sing to you from the rooftops of my love.


Come, sing with me

together we will forever be.

I come now to see

who I will forever be.

With you I want nothing more

than to yours I'll forever be.


Come, for now is the time to weep

in the darkness does seep

as cold as the water is deep.

Come, for now is the time to leap

from this cliff into the water deep.

Dark Dreams

A dream is nothing but a dream.

for who ever said dreams do come true,

I want to know where he heard that

For my dreams are bruised

they are black and blue in my despair.

For where can I soar well,

while in this prison cell.

A dream is nothing but a dream.

For whoever said dreams do come true

have never seen theirs in black and blue.

My dreams are bruised

I have nothing left to lose.

For how can my dreams come true

when they are merely black and blue.

A dream is nothing but a dream.

They never come true

when they are merely black and blue.



Come run into my arms with love.

For you are my dove.

You are my heaven above.

But I come with a burden I cannot bear.

For my life was dealt a hand unfair.

For just my dreams are torn at the seams.

For the lord deemed me worthy,

of a family that I believed I was of forever unworthy.

Come run into my arms with love.

For you are my dove.

You are my heaven above.

For the lord deemed me worthy of you.

Now what was I to do.

For it was out of the blue.

The Lord deemed you worthy to be my family.

Dark Desires

On a day that is 

dark as the night;

try as I might 

to switch to light

my mother has

discovered my might

and my darkest

desires from the night.

I see the shadows 

move far from the light.

My desire is well known,
who could have foretold

the plight my heart 

would be in at night.

For as the darkness

turns into the light,

try as I might my 

desires will never be

met until I dissolve

into the darkest night.


 I feel pain.
A pain they cannot see.
They cannot hear my screams.
They have blocked my voice.
No one cares to hear my hurt.
I am nothing to the ones who should understand.
They cannot see, I hurt the same as them.
Can they not see, I try to change my image.
I try to change to what they want to see.
My everlasting pain never leaves.
They do not see, that what they want I cannot be.
My pain they cannot see.
Because they do not care.
My screams are never heard.
My voice is blocked.
They cannot see my pain, but I can feel.
The cuts they cannot see get deeper.
I am bleeding faster.
My vision is getting darker.
I am about to meet my maker.
But they don't care.
Cause my pain they could not see.
Now they stand over my grave.
A care they wish they gave.
Now they feel my pain.
A part of them torn away.
The girl behind the mask they never saw.
Now it's too late to help her.
She cannot hear their cries beyond the grave.
A care they wish they gave.
For a pain they should have seen.


Voices Heard

 Here is our story, a right to equality.

A woman fights for rights in the city.

Another, fought for the right to vote.

Never giving up hope, they fought to the end.

Before the mother with no other choice now has a voice.

Do you hear my voice?

We were fought for before we were born.

By people not everyone adored.

The fight for women's rights caused many a sleepless night.

The right to equal pay did not come in a day.

The right to choose how we live was not easy to give.

The right to equality in the workplace was taken pace by pace.

The strength to fight for equality is burning.

It is worth discerning.

We have the right to fight.

Our story has come full circle.

Now it is time to close.

We have tasted equality.

It is strong in the city.

Who I am


Everyday I hide behind a smile.
Why can't they see it's fake?
They can't see my denial.
They never see my pain.
It makes me ashamed.


Everyday I hide behind a laugh.
Why can't they see it's fake?
I smile and joke,
but inside I want to choke.
To me life is a joke.


Everyday I hide behind a mask.
Why can't they see it's fake?
I guess they never want to ask?
My heart hurts so much.
It makes me ashamed.


I hide behind smiles, laughs, and masks.
They will never be able to see the extent that my shields go to.
My life will be over before they can even get to read this.
I never wanted to hurt my family or my friends.
But it just isn't my life that I am living.


I feel another inside.
Who it is I don't know.
I am slowly finding myself.
Soon I will have bridged the GREAT DIVIDE.

One Day, One Night

 One day one night I will walk among the stars.

One day one night I will rise above the challenges by far.

One day one night I will drive the priciest cars.

One day one night my most enticing dreams will come true.

One day one night I will be with you.

One day one night I will love you too.

One day one night will be the most exciting night of my life.

One day one night I will be your wife.

One day one night there will be no strife.

One day one night we will share a dream.

One day one night we will work as a team.

One day one night I will be on the verge of tears.

One day one night you will be nothing but a dear.

One day one night I will be missing you.

One day one night to you I will always be true.

One day one night I will walk among the stars.

Concrete Angels

I stand in the place that I never wanted to be in.

It is shaded and I stand over a double grave.

My husband to one side and a family friend to the other.

Our daughter and his son both gone too soon.

Robbed of life.

They stand as Concrete Angels.

A testament to the needless violence that plagues our children’s lives.

Severed brake lines.

An uncontrollable speed.

A guardrail unseen.

An incline lined by trees.

The creator of our Concrete Angels.

A crash hard enough to destroy the car.

A fireball of flames.

Only identifiers are a license plate and dental records.

A group of friends in tears.

Classmates and family members in disbelief.

In shock of the news.

That they are now Concrete Angels.

A week-long memorial.

One at school as friends and classmates mourn.

One with family as we mourn the days they were born.

One at a football game to mourn a player lost.

One at the scene of the accident.

One at a funeral parlor the day before the funeral.

A day to say goodbye as two caskets are lowered.

A day one year later to erect the statue of……

Two Concrete Angels.

Hope Lost


A crowded store.

A lonely girl.

She waits for her love.

The minute’s pass slowly.

As it reaches an hour she begins to give up hope.

Yet still she waits.

Another half an hour passes.

She begins to wonder.

Are his motives true?

Still she stays in her seat.

A silent prayer.

She tires of waiting.

She gets to her feet.

As she leaves the crowded store she sees the true reason.

A few stores down.

He walks out with another.

He sees her.

Eyes widen.

He goes to speak.

She turns and runs.

Tears fall.

She drops to her knees.

Her heart slowly breaks.

Her phone rings.

It’s him.

She sends it to voicemail.

Pictures destroyed.

Many gifts trashed.

Things packed up.

Car loaded down with her things.

In the rear-view mirror, she sees him.

He has tears falling down his face.

But she waited for him too long.

Now he has lost her.

He caused her pain.

Now she doesn’t have to wait.

The Promise


A promise made to come home.

She remembers it clearly.

But she knew there had been no guarantee.

She knew the risks.

Her father had been the same.

A knock on the door.

A solemn look.

A quiet word of regret.

A notification of when the body will arrive.

The beginning of the tears she will cry.

Arrangements being made.

Calls made to family members.

No chance to remember.

No chance to tell him.

A child that will grow up without a father.

Twenty-one-gun salute.

The folding of the flag.

The transfer of the flag and dog tags.

Her hands grip the folded flag tightly.

Her hands have the imprint from the tags.

Her vision blurs.

Her knees give out.

She collapses in tears by the grave.

Her heart wrenching sobs echo through the quiet cemetery.

Despite the promise, he will never come home.

The days of mourning will be ones she won’t forget.

But neither will the days of happiness.

She will never forget him.

She can’t forget him.

Her child, her son is a piece of him.

He will always be in her heart.

That is one promise that he was able to keep

My Heart

A shot to my heart.

It was planned.

Your friends laugh at me.

I feel tears fill my eyes.

The day was five months before.

Now I became something to ignore.

My heart is shot to pieces.

A part of you that you won’t know.

A little boy that won’t have a father.

Your friends don’t know.

But my friends do.

Can’t you see the evil looks?

I spend my free time in the nurse’s office.

The hurt in my eyes.

You can see.

Was it worth it?

The pain in my heart.

A single parent home.

A child with no role model.

A shot to my heart.

That was planned.

But the child was not.

Now you don’t have a chance.

A year later.

A chance meeting.

A baby in my arms.

A look of recognition.

A glance at the baby.

You try to speak to me.

I keep you at bay.

An arm’s length away.

A look of hurt.

Flashes of pain.

Across your face.

But how can I care.

You aren’t worth my heart.

When you were.

I was hurt.

Left to fend for myself.

A little one to care for.

The one that I truly love.

The one that needs me.

A look thrown your way.

I turn away.

The wind blows my hair.

Behind me.

I hear a call.

My name is spoken.

But I don’t hear it.

The shot was taken.

And it cost me.

My heart.




Shots fired.

Tires squeal.

Sirens blare.

Family members scream.

Others stay silent in shock and horror.

Friends, classmates, teachers in mourning.

Here one day.

Gone the next.

Snatched from our lives.

Gone too soon.

Never to see you smile again.

You made us laugh.

You made us smile.

We cheered you on.

We knew you would go far.

"Cut the string,"

The fates say.

"You cut it too soon,"

We all scream.

Our time with you wasn't long enough.

"The grief fades with time,"

People say.

It never fades; it's just pushed to the back of our minds.

You made us laugh.

You made us smile.

We thought we still had a while.

Why was it you?

Was it supposed to end this way?

The smiles, the laughs?

Where are they now?

They are hidden behind tears

And broken hearts.

However we all know that our lives will forever be intertwined.

Keep smiling even as you look down on us!

Poem to an Angel- Elijah

To say I miss you is an understatement.

For my heart knows that "I miss you," cannot describe the pain.

For on the day, you left a piece of my heart went with you.

A goodbye was not given.

Notice was forbidden.

I saw you barely a couple hours before.

Wrapped in my thoughts tears fall.

You made things clear.

With you I could understand life.

With you I could smile and laugh.

It was worth seeing and hearing.

Now life is silent and void of smiles.

I push past the pain but I no longer see colors.

The world is nothing but black and white.

For all traces of color had taken flight the moment you left.

The pain is everlasting and deep.

Hidden behind a steel door in my soul are the days I could smile and laugh.

The key has vanished until the day I require it to return.

I miss you and will cherish the memories from the time I had with you.

We miss you Elijah!

Keep on smiling for us!

Hate Spreads It's Wings

Hate spreads its wings
The one in pain feels its gain
The pure heart fills with darkness
One minute white
Next covered in black
Blood runs from cuts inflicted
By the harsh words of a lover
Bruises cover the skin
Caused by the pain of being thrown away
The girl feels her heart grow cold
It's warmth taken by the demon
That haunts her every move
Death should be a reprieve
But no
She wakes in the hospital
Why did they save her?
She didn't want saving
Hate spreads through her
Once more
She returns home
And as they sleep
A match is lit
They realize too late
Her heart has been filled with hate
Her heart of gold
Has gone cold
No escape for them
The ones who caused her pain
She watches from the outside
Laughter echoing in the night
As the light of the flames
Is reflected in her eyes
One more sound echoes
The sound of a bullet
She drops to the ground
A gun in her right hand
A bullet now lodged in her brain
She hears the sirens
And she smiles
As she fades away
They were too late
No one could save them
No one could save her
They lost her
The day her heart began to fill with hate
Coldness spread through her heart
An alarming amount of coldness
That no one could understand
She was full of life
But her mind was filled with strife
She had no more love
For no one cared
Her cries of pain heard from above
But to help her no one dared
Hate spreads its wings
And as it does
The one in pain feels its gain




You had my heart

You made it bleed

You had me believe it was only me

I see the truth 

I wonder why

You thought you had to lie

Was it something I did

Was it something I said

I feel like I'm losing my head

Now a game you play

Stuff I never say

Is hidden away

A bitch she says

"Honey I'm the best bitch you could ever have"

I treated you right

Never picked a fight

If you weren't happy

Why didn't you say?

Why play with my heart?

I wanted forever

But you wanted never

Hope she makes you happy.

You smile when you are with her.

Hope you still smile when you hear

My pillow is wet with my tears

I wonder what I did

But I can't wonder long.

My new lover treats me like a queen

He fixed the bleeding spot in my heart.

You know the ones left by you?

He has my bleeding heart

And as he holds it the bleeding stops.

No One


A child lost in the sea of nameless people.

No one there to see the pain.

No one there to see the hurt.

No one there to see the tears.

The little one lost and not understanding.

Why was there no one there to see the pain?

Why was there no one there to see the hurt?

Why was there no one there to see the tears?

The lost soul prays, but no one answers.

For the child, there will never be release.

Pain, hurt, and tears will be the only friends.

The adults that should have helped failed.

They took too long to realize their mistake.

The pain in her heart.

The hurt in her soul.

The tears in her eyes.

That was their downfall.

For there was only one truth.

They left her to be lost in the sea of nameless people.

And now they have lost her soul.




Texte: Melody D Dupree
Lektorat: Melody D. Dupree
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.10.2013

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