
preface/ table of contents


By Melody Dupree



He grabs me and he jumps off a cliff into mid-air,
over the highest height that I have ever been,
over icy cold water and over rocks,
we start falling, and falling, and falling,
until we hit the icy waters that was down below us,
us two now in it's grip of pain,
he said he was just trying to have fun,
but tries to end our lives,
many do not say that is fun,
but as for him it felt like heaven when he was falling,
he said werewolves enjoyed falling off of the highest of cliffs,
but as for vampires, they did not enjoy fun that much,
when we finally swam through the icy waters,
he grabs my hips and pulls me close and presses his lips to mine,
he tells me he loves me as he turns away,
then I grab him and pull him in and kiss him so gently,
and I whisper in his ear, 'I love you too'.

Sarah Bishop

chapter one


“Amber time for school,” my dad called to me from the kitchen. It was November 24th, three weeks before my seventeenth birthday and school was the least of my worries. I grabbed my book bag, purse, and my lunch and walked to the bus stop. When I got there I noticed two things: one there were some kids there I didn’t know and second one of them was totally cute. Just then the bus pulled up. I sped up and got to the bus before it pulled off. I walked to the back of the bus. But just before I got to my seat, someone tripped me and I fell to the floor. Just as I was about to get up I heard a voice I didn’t recognize say, “Guys leave her alone.” I looked up and saw that the boy who spoken up for me was the cute one that I had seen at the bus stop. He held out his hand and helped me up. I sat down and he sat next to me. The moment we got to school I said, “Thanks for defending me on the bus” and went to class. After school I saw the boy arguing with the other new boys from the bus stop. When I got on the bus another person tripped me just as the new boy got on. I got up and went to my seat and sat down. I didn’t speak as he sat down next to me. As soon as the bus stopped I got off before someone else could trip me. I had just started off in the direction of my house when the new kid grabbed me by the arm and pulled me off to the side and said, “Sorry I never had the chance to introduce myself earlier. I’m Jabri and you are?” “I’m Amber,” I replied blushing. “It is very nice to meet you Amber. Um, look me and my brother’s are new around here and I was wondering if you would show us around town. That way you and I could get to know each other better. My brothers don’t think that it’s a good idea so we got into an argument before we got on the bus. Oh and since my parents are divorced and me and my brothers live with our mom I am probably going to be in trouble if I get home late. So if you would like to show us around here is our phone number and you can let me know. I guess we could meet here tomorrow at ten o’clock.” he told me. “I would love to. But let me ask my dad and I’ll call you and let you know,” I replied. As soon as I got home I told my dad that there was a new kid in school and he wanted to know if I would show him and his brothers around town. When he said yes I called Jabri and told him that I would meet him and his brothers at the bus stop at ten and take them to breakfast and then I would show them around town. He said okay and I hung up. I raced upstairs and started on my homework. Just then my phone rang and I answered it. My mom’s voice came over the speaker and asked to speak to my dad. The moment I gave my dad the phone I returned to doing my homework. My dad came back in the room five minutes later and handed me the phone. As soon as I said hello my mom asked me what I was doing on Saturday. I told her I going to show the new boys in my school around town and that I would probably be gone all day long. Then I said, “I should get back to my homework.” And she hung up. As soon as I was done I took a shower, ate dinner, and went to bed. At a quarter to nine the next morning I got up, took a shower, put on a dress I got for my sixteenth birthday and the matching high heels, brushed my teeth, put my checkbook in my purse, wrote a note telling my dad that I had left, grabbed my car keys, got in my car and drove to the bus stop to wait for Jabri and his brothers.

chapter two


About five minutes to ten Jabri and his brothers arrived at the bus stop. When they saw me in the car with the top down their mouths fell open. The first person to speak was Jabri. He said, “Amber if you have a car why do you ride the bus?” “My dad prefers me to ride the bus instead of driving my car so I won’t draw a lot of attention to myself,” I replied. “Now that we got that cleared up, who wants to go to Paris for breakfast?” “Um Amber you can’t drive a car across the ocean,” Jabri replied. “Who said anything about driving,” I asked. “Get in so we can go.” Five minutes later we were at the airport driving towards my private jet. As we got out my pilot came out of the plane and said, “Good day Miss Lane!” “Same to you Javier,” I replied. “Come on boys,” I said. Next moment we were in the air. “Where to Miss Lane,” asked Javier. “My airport in Paris please,” I replied. I asked him if he had restocked the fridge with snacks and drinks. “Yes ma’am I did,” he replied. “Okay thank you Javier,” I replied politely. “Would you guys like anything to drink,” I asked Jabri and his brothers. “No thank you,” they replied. “Okay,” I said. Five minutes later we landed at my airport in Paris and my daddy’s limo was already waiting for me outside. “Bonjour, Mademoiselle Lane,” the limo driver greeted me. “Bonjour Pierre,” I replied with a smile. “Where to today?” “My daddy’s restaurant over on Elizabeth Street, sil’ vous plait.” “Ma’am I understand English so you don’t have to speak French for me.” “Oh, okay thank you Pierre.” Five minutes later we were at “RESTAURATER LANE’S PLACE” sitting in the V.I.P section eating breakfast. “Does your dad really own this place?” Jabri asked me. “Yeah. He is one of the richest men in the world. Did you know that he is the owner of six hundred airports, five hundred restaurants, and three hundred schools? Some of them are in every country of the world.” “Wow,” they said quietly. “And the school that we go to my dad owns it. So any new kids that get accepted there are only accepted because I decided they could go there,” I told them. “But I guess the fact that my dad didn’t let me choose this time was for a very good reason,” I said as we got up to go. “Um, ma’am you need to pay for your breakfast,” the waiter said. I looked at Jabri and his brothers and rolled my eyes before I turned to the waiter and said, “Do you know who I am? My daddy is the owner of this restaurant and when I come here my meals are free and any one who is with me in the V.I.P section gets their meals for free also thank you very much,” I told him. “Ma’am, we get a lot of fakes in here so I’m going to need to see some I.d.” I took out my I.d and showed it to him. “Okay you can go,” he said quickly. “Good choice because the next time you hold me up you’re not going to have a job and I mean that. Good bye,” I said and walked off with Jabri and his brother’s right behind me. “Wow Amber,” Jabri said. “Did you see the look on that guys face when you threatened to fire him? You really don’t play around.” “No I don’t,” I replied. “Feisty, I like it,” Jabri said and I could hear the smile in his voice. “Watch it,” I warned him. Twenty minutes later we were in the sky heading home. “Javier, how long will it be before we land? I want to take the boys down to the swimming pool,” I said. “We will be landing in about two hours so you have enough time,” he replied. “Oh there is enough swim trunks in the boys locker room for all of them and your swimsuits and bikinis are all clean so you don’t need to worry,” he told me. “Okay thank you,” I replied. “Come on boys follow me.” “Where are we going,” Jabri asked. “You’ll see,” I answered him. I led them down a spiraling staircase to the locker rooms. I led the boys to their locker room and showed them the swim trunks. They each grabbed one, and then I went to my locker room and put on my silver bikini that showed my tan skin off to perfection. As soon as I walked out to the pool, I went and entered the boys locker room. I told the boys to follow me and I showed them to the pool area. I told them they could go on in and I would be in there in a second and went back into my locker room. The next moment I entered the room and Jabri looked up and I saw his mouth fall open. I walked down the aisle to the diving board. I got on the diving board, took a running dive, raised my arms above my head and dove off the end of the board.

chapter three


The moment I hit the water there was barely a splash. As I resurfaced there was the sound of another splash and I turned to see Jabri surface next to me with a smile on his face. “My dives aren’t nearly as good as yours are,” he said. I smiled and said, “You know something, you and your brothers are the only people who have ever been on this plane with me before and in this pool.” “Let me guess we are also the only people who have ever paid any attention to you and asked you to show us around town,” he asked me. “Yeah you are as a matter of fact,” I told him. “Then I guess I am also the only person to ever tell you this: you’re cute,” he said to me. Just then he leaned towards me and our lips met. The moment our lips parted, we turned to leave the pool and saw Jabri’s brothers staring at us. The moment I saw them staring at us a dark blush started creeping up my face. During the kiss I had totally forgot that they were even there and I was pretty sure Jabri had, too. But now that I saw them there I quickly got out of the pool and rushed to the locker room. Five minutes later, I heard a knock on the door and I opened it. “Hey there is no need to be embarrassed. My brothers were just kind of shocked to see me kiss a girl for the very first time,” Jabri told me. “I just went upstairs and Javier told me we would be landing in twenty minutes. So you might want to get dressed and go upstairs,” I told him. “Hey Amber,” Jabri said to me when we were upstairs. “When I was talking to you downstairs your hair was wet, but now it isn’t. How did it get dry so fast?” “I don’t know,” I replied, worried that he would see the fangs that I had discovered coming in that morning. Just that moment the plane landed and rolled to a stop. Javier opened the plane door and we got off. I led the way to my car and started towards town, so I could show them around town. As soon as we got into town I drove down to Main Street and started telling them about the town, its buildings, and its history. By the time we were done with the tour it was time for lunch. I took them to Tatiana’s for lunch and then went shopping. When I was done there was one new bag of clothes for each of them and about five new bags of clothes for me. We got back into my car and drove around to the beach. Just then the gates of my house loomed up in front of my car and I made a quick u-turn to avoid any questions about my house. But it was too late. Jabri being the first one to see it asked me, “Amber whose house is this?” Not wanting to lie I told them it was my house. The first person to speak was Thomas, Jabri’s oldest brother. “Wow Amber you weren’t kidding when you said you were rich,” he said. “I have an idea. How about I show you around my house,” I offered. “Okay,” they agreed. I made another u-turn and went back up the driveway. “Hello Miss Lane,” the guard said opening the gate and letting us through. As soon as I stopped the car one of the servants ran over and opened the doors so we could get out. As soon as all of us were out of the car the front door opened and my dad came outside to greet us. “I thought I heard your car pull up,” he told me. “And who are your friends?” “Daddy these are the new boys in my school that I told you about. Their names are Thomas, Jerry, Codey, Nate, Sebastian, and Jabri,” I told him, surprised that I got each of their names right. “I told them I would show them around the house.” “Oh okay sweetie go ahead,” he told me smiling at me and my friends. I quickly lead them inside and started showing them around. I started with the first floor and ended with the last floor which half of it was my whole entire bedroom. They told me they were glad I had an elevator in my house. Then I offered to show them around outside.

chapter four


The moment they said yes, I led them to the wall and typed in a code that no one knew but me. Ten seconds later a hole opened up revealing a flight of stone stairs, which I led them down to the open doorway at the bottom. When everyone was out I turned around and typed in another code and the doors at the top and bottom closed. When they asked me how I knew about the secret exit I simply said that I had found them one day while exploring my house. I showed them everything from the bowling alley to the skating rink. I even showed them my hi-tech tree house. Just as we were returning to the house Thomas said that they should be heading home. Jabri told them to go ahead and to tell their mom that he would be home later after dinner. They left and Jabri turned to me and said, “I know you didn’t show us everything. How come you didn’t show us everything?” “I only want to show you everything else,” I told him. “Come on follow me.” I showed him all of my favorite hiding places and my secret entrance that I use when I’m late getting home. Then we sat in my tree house talking until dinner. Just then my dad came with two trays of food one for me and the other one for Jabri.When we were done I said, “You know everything about me now. How about you tell me a little bit about yourself.” “Okay I guess I will,” he replied with a smile on his lips. "My brothers and I lived with our mom and dad until I was nine years old. The day we recieved the news we had just got home from school, so it was a big shock for all of us. We stayed with our mother and we moved around alot. My mom had promised that this would be the last time we moved, but I seriously doubt it will be. We have lived here for a month and we didn't have a school to go to, until my mom ran into your dad at the store and she asked if there were any schools where she could send six teenage boys. I guess he said yes, because when she got home she said she had gotten a job and found a school for all of us to go to. We were happy that we would be going to school this month, because all of us need to finish school, so we can get jobs to help out our mom with the bills," he said with a smile.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.07.2010

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