

My name is Adeline Michael, yeah, I hate my last name, but I deal with it like I do with many other things. I have a brother, Jeremiah Michael, he's twenty six and all girls swoon over him, they say he's the sexiest thing alive- But I just don't see it.
I had parents- my brother told me- until I was four years old and the symptoms finally became clear to them and the doctors, they realized that I would never be the normal, perfect daughter they had hoped for, and I hated them for that.
Jeremiah had told me the story many times, he hated them just as much as I did. We lived at a foster home together, he didn't allow anyone to adopt him even though many wanted the cute teen, but nobody wanted me, a thin little thing I was, no muscle, just skin and bones- a long twig as many put it. I had met Baya at the foster home when police visited the children there, they didn't notice me, at least I don't think so.

I heard their quiet footsteps followed my the clacking of nails and I shot up out of my bed, grabbing the dress Jere had laid out for me. I felt for the tag before taking off my clothes and putting it on, it fit nicely. I was now seven, my brother sixteen, he worked so hard for us and took on two jobs, each hard and demanding of strength which he was losing because of his lack of sleep, yet I made him sleep, knowing how much he needed it, I could just imagine the dark sags under his eyes.
I swung the door open once I had found the knob, and ran down the stairs, my hand skipping over the broken part of the rail from practice before I jumped and landed lightly on my small feet. I heard a light click on and I knew it was the living room one, it had a unique tap-click sound that I had memorized.
"I want your badge!" I heard a little boy squeal as I neared the door.

"Gimme the hat!" Another shrieked and I squeezed my eyebrows together, my ears often hurt because of them, always so loud.
I pushed the door open a crack and slowly crept in, my arms brushing against kids as I worked my way to my corner to listen, but as I was about to reach it- I think- something wet nudge my hand and then fur brushed under it and I smiled, hugging the dog, I absolutely loved animals.

"Hi," I whispered close to it's ear that I had just scratched, I heard it's tail thump against something and then footsteps.

"The sign says don't touch her," A gruff police voice said and I jumped, releasing her and I patted her until I found the piece of paper attached to her collar.

"I-I didn't see it," I whimpered, my head hanging low, I could feel my long curls brushing lightly on my thighs as I waited to be yelled at like usual, nobody liked a girl like me.

"You didn't let me finish," He continued in the same scary, gruff voice, yet it was slightly softer "This is Baya, she's a trained guide dog, two years and she's the best, your brother I assume, bought her," I raised my head and looked at him with large wound brilliant blue eyes, even though I couldn't see his expression, I knew it was one of a smirk or grin by his voice, I had memorized the changes of tones already.

"Thank you," I whispered and took a step forward, hugging him as big as I could and I heard him chuckle and pat my back, he probably felt my shoulder bones poking out of my back, but he didn't comment.

"Well, we had better get going now," He said and feet started moving, towards the door I presume, and suddenly little feet and medium footsteps surrounded me.

"How come she gets a dog?!" I high pitched voice shrieked, obviously the girl that like my brother, she was fourteen but a total meanie, she hit me whenever Jere was gone.

"Because my brother doesn't like you, he likes me," I murmured before grabbing Baya by the collar, amazed at how I felt like I knew exactly where it was, and we ran to my room, myself stumbling slightly on the carpet but I managed to slam and lock the door before anyone broke in, they banged, but I had won. I had gotten what they wanted for once. My Baya.

As you may have guessed already, I'm blind, I have been my entire life, they had no idea why but it may have resulted from my mom never sitting still, the doctors even blamed it on her, but she blamed it on me.
I am fine with being blind, I have Baya, but she's getting old, yet my brother told me she will live for a while longer, I still worry sometimes even though she is still extremely hyper and energetic.
I have never been to school before, Jeremiah hired tutors for me, or just tutored me himself. I was smart, I'm not to shy to say that, I was incredibly brilliant as my brother says, and I always smiled at him when he did.


I stood in front of Jeremiah on my first day of school, he had brushed out my curly hair and parted it to the side for me like usual, he had brought me short jeans shorts that he knew I liked because they were comfy, and a roomy black t-shirt to hid my breasts that I felt guys stare at a lot, I wore only a little lip-gloss because I liked the smooth sticky feeling. I also had my large sunglasses to hide my bright, deep blue eyes that people found weird sometimes.

"Are you sure, hon?" He asked softly and I nodded, he handed me a smooth and rough object and I clutched it, realizing it as Baya's short leash to lead me. I smiled and gave him a one armed hug.

"I'll be fine, Jere, don't worry," I murmured, rubbing his shoulder soothingly and I heard him sigh.

"Okay, I believe you, I love you Addy, be careful," He whispered in my ear and I pulled away from the ticklish feeling his breath felt against my skin and I glared at him playfully, he knew I was extremely ticklish, I was ticklish everywhere.

"Okay, I love you to, see ya later silly boy," I said, smiling and turning, my hand grabbing the doorknob and turning, I walked out with Baya in font of me, leading me down to the sidewalk as we went our way to school.
I heard it before Baya saw it, a motor that sounded like a truck zipped straight for us and I felt Baya jump on me, pushing me away from the oncoming truck and I stood quickly, brushing myself off and I continued as if nothing happened until we reached the school, judging by the giggles and hollers of cheerleaders and jocks.
I put a brilliant smile on my face and Baya led me to the door, I reached out for the handle, grappling for it for a moment before I found the lever and pushed before pulling since pushing didn't work, it opened and I walked in, coldish air engulfed my body as I walked to retrieve my voice schedule from the office that Baya led me to. I opened the door easier this time and immediately crashed into a hard chest as I stepped in and I jumped back, blinking my eyes repeatedly but I still didn't see anything, just nothingness.

"Sorry," I mumbled, knowing whoever he was, he was glaring at me, and hard, yet it felt somewhat soft before becoming completely hard again.

"Watch where you're going, bitch, one more time and I hit you," A deep voice said and it was oddly enticing, I never found a voice like that, they were all plain in my mind.

"Who said there would be a next time, ass?" I retorted harshly, surprising myself slightly, but I didn't care, I just pushed by him, tugging Baya along with me as she growled at him before following.

"I'm sorry about Sebastian, he's been acting up a lot more often," The secretary I assumed said and I nodded, looking towards where her voice was coming from and there was a sharp intake of breath before she began talking again, "You must be Adeline, here is your schedule we have new earbuds just for you," I nodded and held my hand out after walking forward until Baya tugged me to stop, the secretary placed something small like a Ipod shuffle in my hand and I placed a earbud in my ear.

"Thank you, Ms. Beat," I murmured after running my hand over her name sign, happy for Braille for once in my life.

"No problem dear, now you had best be getting to class, be careful," I nodded before exiting the room and pressing the play button.

"Room seventy-four for English," A mechanical voice said and I suddenly heard Baya bark and her leash yanked from my hand.

"Baya! Heel!" I called but she was gone and I glared at the ground, she had been acting weird, now I was lost at a new school, nobody to help me and no stick in case I rammed into a wall. I let out a sigh and slowly walked to the side, feeling a hard wall, I leaned back on it before I heard heavy footsteps and my breathing froze, I was suddenly scared.

"Dude, it's the girl that ran into you," A male voice said and I blinked my eyes, turning in his voice's direction.

"Yeah, it is, you can teach her a lesson," Another commented and horror swept over me, I stood straight before turning and walking in the opposite direction of their voices as they whispered to each other, probably unaware I was blind, and of my increased hearing.

"What are you going to do?" One asked in a quiet whisper, yet I heard it clearly.

"We can get her into a closet," Another put in quietly and my eyes went wide, my feet moving a little faster.

"Yeah... She's bang material, get her, she's probably not a virgin anyway, swaying those hips of hers," I heard Sebastian's voice say and I felt my hips, I never knew they swayed. I heard the footsteps speed up and I began running, screaming loudly until they came close, my head connected with something hard and I fell back, my head hitting the floor and I felt warm, strong arms pick me up, trying to get me to stand but I stayed limp.

"You assholes, you need to get faster, it's your fault if she's dead," Sebastian said, I felt feeling slowly come back to my limbs and I smiled.

"Nah, it's your fault," I murmured, kicking whoever was holding me in the groin and he grunted, dropping me, I felt hands snagging to grab me judging by the air and I rolled away quickly, feeling a wall I jumped to my feet.
"And FYI, I am a virgin smart ass," I said, flipping them off before running away, I felt myself hit a door and I felt it quickly before opening it when I recognized it as the one to the outside.
I slipped my shoes off and smiled, brushing my now bare feet along the ground as I felt it guide me, I loved how I felt the vibrations in the ground, I was extremely happy about it, I felt like I was one with the world.

"Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your eyes
And when they open, the sun will rise

Here it’s safe, and here it’s warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet–
–and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when again it’s morning, they’ll wash away

Here it’s safe, and here it’s warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet–
– and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Here is the place where I love you." I sang softly, my feet brushing lightly at the edge of grass, I suddenly felt vibrations and I sighed, blinking my blind eyes and I turned around.

"Need something, bastards?" I asked in a sickly sweet tone that made me want to puke.

"Yeah, bitch, we need some help, you're coming with us," Sebastian growled and I felt someone loop a arm around me torso and I tried to yank away but he whispered in my ear, it didn't sound like a whisper at all.

"It's okay, I won't let the ass hurt you, he's just a grump at the moment," The deep voice said in my ear and I felt slightly comforted, his arm was welcoming unlike the other, I felt better like that, like I was completely alone.

"Looks like I'm about to die, or get raped," I muttered, "I have nothing to do with my life anyway," I added so nobody else heard but myself.

"What did you say, hon?" The comforting voice said and I covered up it with a lie, yet it was perfect and completely innocent, I was a incredible liar.

"I asked you what your name was," I said in a melodic tone, my voice perfect and my face expressionless.

"I'm Logan, the asshole is Sebastian, we're brothers if you didn't know by the tattoo on our arms," He said and I rolled my eyes, now it was to be revealed.

"Where?" I asked, turning to face him and I reached out a hand a little for him to show me where.

"Right in front of your hand, smart stuff," Logan said and I sighed, reaching my hand forward and I found the edge of a tattoo, just a small bump, to anyone else it would be nothing, but my senses were far more enhanced than a normal human's.

"Shape?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's a circle..." He said slowly and I heard a couple of boys laugh and I moved so my face was facing them... I think.

"Jeez gal, if we didn't know better we'd think ya was blind," One said in a slightly lighter voice.

"Or a blond," One added, I knew by the tone that he was grinning and I frowned at that.

"Nope, natural brunette," I said, ignoring the blind statement, I didn't want anyone to know.

"If you're done with your chat, we gotta get her ready," Sebastian growled and I laughed softly, suddenly Logan's body went rigged.

"I like your laugh," He whispered in my ear and I giggled, smiling, not a lot of people complimented me.

"I hope you aren't expecting a compliment back," I replied, choosing sarcasm as my greatest weapon at the moment.

"You could compliment me on my good looks, ya know, I won't stop you there," Logan said, lightly squeezing my right arm with a warm calloused hand.

"What good looks? I don't see it," I said, looking at him... I hope, judging by the heat radiating off of him, I was sure it was him.

"You'd have ta be blind not ta see these muscles, wanna see my abs?" Logan said and his arm was removed from around me and I heard fabric move, I looked up with him and raised a eyebrow.

"Well, I just don't see it," I said truthfully, these were one of the times I never had to worry about blushing, I had never seen anyone, not even myself, naked.

"Here, let me take those sunglasses off, maybe there blocking my awesomeness," He said and I reached to hold on to my sunglasses but he snatched them off and suddenly there were many sharp intakes of breath. They had seen my brilliant deep blue eyes that had been useless since I was born.

"You're blind!" One blurted out and I turned towards his voice, giving him my worst glare.

"No dip Sherlock, why do you think I had a guide dog? Just for the fun of it?" I snarled, taking a threatening step forward.

"That may be the reason why you aren't fainting from my awesome hotness," Logan muttered and I heard someone give off a loud, completely and utterly annoyed sigh, and Sebastian spoke up.

"I don't care about her damn medical diseases, we have to be there at four and it is now two, and god does she need some cleaning up," He snarled and I felt Logan put a arm around me and pull me to his side.

"You ass, get a life and leave me the fuck alone, I ain't doing nothing for you," I said, shoving Logan's arm away from me in a swift movement and walking threateningly towards him, my hand raising slowly, "And it is damn not a medical disease you asshole, I was born this way, and I'm glad since I'm not a bastard like you," I swung my hand toward his direction but he grabbed me, I knew it was him by the crusty scab on his thumb against my skin and suddenly, there was pain on my cheek and then my world turned upside down as I felt the pavement connect with the side of my head and then my entire body, and suddenly people swarmed around me just as everything went numb.


I felt fabric sliding against my skin, going up and suddenly I was flipped over, my limp body now on my stomach, yet I did not have the strength to move just yet, my body was numb, only just starting to tingle everywhere as feeling came back and I blinked my dry eyes, seeing nothing still, like usual, and I jumped as someone touched my shoulder and I jerked up from the soft thing I was laying on.

"Who are you?! Where am I?!" I shot out the questions, swatting away hands that had been touching my skin as I jerked my head around in the directions of breathing people and I heard a chuckle.

"Forgot me already, Girly?" Logan's voice asked and I glared at where it came from, wishing I could have forgotten them and how their leader had attacked me when I couldn't even had fought back because of my damn blindness.

"You can't forget me!" A voice exclaimed, probably feigning shock if I knew well enough.

"I don't know you, but your voice is sort of annoying," I said and I heard laughing before someone grumbled under their breath, probably hoping nobody would hear but of course I did.

"Your a mean person," Annoying Voice grumbled quietly, the rest of the people seemed unfazed, not hearing him and I jerked my head in his direction, glaring towards him and I stood, realizing I was in a dress, and stomped towards him before stopping a little bit away.

"I am NOT mean, you are the ones who kidnapped me!" I said angrily, glaring up at him as I heard him blow out a breath.

"You weren't supposed to hear that..." He mumbled and I put on a fake smile.

"I'm blind, not deaf sweetheart," I said in a sickly sweet tone before turning around and sitting back on the soft bed.
"Now tell me where I am and why I am here," I demanded in a icy voice, resting my hands delicately on my lap and I realized I was in a sequin dress, quite uncomfortable, and I ended a little lower than my mid thigh and I became more angry.
"And why am I in this slutty dress?!"

"Uh..." One mumbled, probably unsure how to answer a enraged person.

"B-" A voice began but a hard, stiff tone broke it quickly.

"Don't you fucking dare tell her, Dave," Sebastian growled, a fist slamming against the wall... or a foot. Either way, I jumped, resulting in the tight, scratchy dress making a ripping sound, "And bitch, refrain from ruining your new outfit," I flinched back puling my knees up to my chest as my heart pounded in fear.

"Seriously, Bastian? You scared her and now the dress is ripped!" Logan complained with a heavy sigh, "Fine, put her in the blue one, dark, no, not green Tyler, blue, fucking dark blue!" His voice faded away as he swore out the guy call Tyler.

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Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.09.2012

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