
Breaking Apart


And Falling Away



's POV

I was sick of being tossed around like a rag, he thinks he can cheat on me and coming running back! Never again!
I stormed out of the kitchen to where David was, sitting on one of the soft plush couches I had bought with my money, his shoes kicked in a corner, and he was reeking of a nasty smelling perfume for the third time this week, the same perfume.

"Get out of my house!" I shrieked at him and he jumped up, his form lazy and he rolled his eyes, about to sit back down but I pushed his dirty ass away from my couches, "Out!" I grabbed his suitcase from work and shoved him hard towards the door, tossing his suitcase out of the door, "You are never coming back!" he grinned lazily as I headed for his boots, throwing them out too.

"Aww, come on baby, you don't mean it," Kyle mumbled, trying to grab me in a hug, but this time I absolutely meant it.

"I'm sick of you coming here everyday reeking of that slut! I'm over it!" I shrieked, shoving him towards the door.

"Fine, but Juliet is coming with me," Kyle said and I kicked his shin, no way in hell was he getting my daughter, she was my very being, the only thing that kept me willing to breath and push through another terrible day.

"D-Daddy, M-Mommy" I heard a small voice say and Juliet wobbled on her skinny legs over to my side, clutching at one of my long legs with a hand,t he other one occupied by her big stuffed teddy-bear, Teddy. I saw her noise twitch and I knew she could smell the disgusting perfume "Daddy smells weird, he doesn't smell like you," she mumbled, glaring at him with her fierce brown eyes.

"Daddy has been away with someone else, he was just leaving," I said softly, patting her head as Kyle just watched.

"Daddy doesn't have to go, sweetheart, mommy wants him to," Kyle said in his softest voice which wasn't very soft as he looked down at her tiny frame.

"Yes you do, Teddy said you've been hugging other women, he says you are being a meanie, he says you should go and not come back. Ever." Juliet said, her longest sentences always had something to do with the bear, it annoyed me by far.

"Whatever, I wasted six years of my life for nothing, that's soothing," Kyle said, heading for the kitchen but Juliet- well, Teddy- stopped him, she had jutted a arm out and the bear was in front of him.

"Teddy said now, he also said to do this," Juliet said before swinging out her small bony foot at his shin and it hit, she didn't even wince and he did, he turned and walked out while I slammed the door behind him, locking it on the doorknob and chain, and when I turned around, Juliet was gone.


They Pass Quickly When You're Always Alone


's POV
10 years later...

I smiled to myself as my dog Tripp padded by my side, he was my protector, my best friend, my only friend, my savior from my terribly lonely life. I had discovered him as a pup in the woods when I was eleven, wasting no time, I had brought him home and cleaned all of his scratches. From all of the dog books I have read, I discovered he was a Bernese Mountain Dog- a very dirty one at that. I had bathed him for a full hour before drying him off that day, there had been mud everywhere in the large lake that usually had clear water so you could see the trout everywhere, and occasionally bass, nothing else except that and millions of minnows. Then I had dried him and brushed him with a come, thank goodness he had been a puppy otherwise it would have taken ages to untangle the snares in his soft fur, but I had done it, I do it every week since then, yet he still looks young, not grey hairs anywhere.

"I'll race you, Tripp," I said, knowing he would understand, he always did. He tilted his head to the side and my bare feet took off over the grassy ground and into the forest, I could hear his soft footsteps following me, probably gaining, I could never beat him at anything, not even wrestling, he would pin me to the ground and lick my face everywhere.

Tripp's footsteps suddenly seized to make sound and I turned around, a laugh coming out of my mouth, he had tripped again, like his name said, I hurried over and untangled his paws from the tree's vines, running my hands through his soft hair and kissed the top of his head "Be careful, Tripp, you could get hurt one of these times," I said before turning and running towards the lake-well, the creek part of the lake- again. When I saw the tree I always sat on, I rushed over, touching it, but I looked down and saw Tripp's nose on it and I sighed, rolling my eyes as he gave a triumphant bark.

"I'm beginning to think you cheat," I said, smiling at him as I sat on the curved tree, my body fitting on it perfectly and Tripp curled up beside me, resting his head on my leg as I pulled out my book form my undergarment, I wore dresses so they had no pockets, I loved them usually, especially the one I was wearing at the moment, my mom had made it for me two years ago, it had cost a fortune since it was a type of soft material, usually I wore makeshift shorts I had stitched together from my old dresses I had wore when I was a little girl, though my mother said I still was- I disagreed of course, being alone a lot has to count for something, doesn't it?

I flipped open my book and took the vine bookmark out and rested on hand in Tripp's fur and the other on the book as my long wavy brown hair covered the sides of my face, I barely cut it, and that was only when my mom had to trim it because of split ends, I hated them because they looked weird ticking out of my hair. My hair was dark, a couple of shades darker than my brown eyes, it reached my knees but I was planning on cutting off a inch or two.

I looked at the pages, reading it as I became lost in the tragedies of Romeo & Juliet. I loved that she had the same name as myself, yet I had no desire to kill myself or die any time soon, I had Tripp and my mother to take care of, my mother was unstable ever since my father sent a death threat if I didn't visit him, and I did visit him- for five minutes before I left to buy thread for my mother.

My mother made good money, but she said it was for me to get a education and move out, have a fantastic life- but I would never leave her. When she gave me three dollars a week, I would buy a dress for myself and a giant dog bone for Tripp. I had no job, yet I was determined to find one, so far I was making money by selling trout, bass, and minnows to butcheries and fishermen, and the occasional kid who thought they could keep a minnow in a glass jar and feed it worms cut in small pieces- the minnow died from lack of fresh water, or overfeeding, or lack of water, or being squeezed in a child's fist.

I had never met many people, I only occasionally saw people in town when I went there, but it usually was the same people, only a couple travelers, maybe three every year.
I frowned slightly as I read on in my book, i had read it many, many times, but each time I understood it better, yet I had trouble trying to find the good guy and bad guy, and the reasons, but I wasn't one to give up. Ever.
I heard Tripp's tail swish, but it was a sound far away, like it was in another world, because the world I was in now, was Romeo & Juliet's.


In A Way They Are


's POV
(WARNING: POV's may switch in this chapter)

I had returned later than usual that night, Tripp had wanted to play around a little, he ended up getting wet in the lake, making myself burst into fits of laughter until he shook water on me and I chased him back to our home, a cozy cabin in the woods, I had lived here my entire life, though I was born in town sixteen years ago.
I sighed, climbing into my bed with Tripp already laying on top of the blanket like usual. I rested my head on the pillow and held my bear Teddy against my chest, feeling Tripp's warm back against my thighs.
I woke up and saw Tripp still asleep, today we had to go and sell fish for money to get clothing and food. I scratched behind his ears and he slowly woke up, knowing what we had to do since we had been doing it for five years now, he bounced up, running for the storage shed out behind the cabin to retrieve the empty buckets and the couple that had rare fish in them already.
I stood, pulling out my nicest dress that ended above my shins a little, and laid it out before walking to the bathroom and taking a quick bath, shaving my legs and scrubbing my hair hard.
I stepped out and dried myself well before brushing my hair and hurrying into my room, putting on my undergarments then pulling on the dress that had spaghetti straps. It was a pale blue and had soft fabric unlike most of my dresses.
I smiled at Tripp as he came in, having already brought out the buckets to the front of the house, I grabbed the brush I use for him and brushed all of the dirt off of him, grass, and tiny twigs until his coat shined and I smiled, pulling on his collar I had made from a leather belt. In shiny silver paint it read 'Tripp'. I flashed him a big smiled and we ran down stairs, grabbing a bunch of little plastic bags for the minnows, then to the buckets outside, he grabbed the empty ones that had a string on them and we brought them to the lake, quickly catching more fish by scooping them up in the buckets, I had hiked up my dress so it didn't get wet, if it did my mom would be very mad.
Once I had finished, I helped Tripp grab to big buckets in his mouth and I picked up the rest in my hands and we began walking for town.
We finally reached town and I had a smile on my face, though it had not been extremely pleasant walking on sharp things with bare feet, I had grown used to it and my feed were getting tougher over the years.
I saw the kids look up from counting there coins and saw me, running towards me as I set the buckets down next to the Butchers where Danny, the owner, had built a stand for me. He was like a father to me, always helping if my mom got hurt from walking home and he paid good for the fish I brought him.

"Hey Trey," I said as a little boy smiled at me, he had curly brown hair like his mother Alexa, and bright blue eyes like his father Trevar.

"Hi Julie! My Mama said I can get another lil' fishy, the last one died... He lived longer though since Papa changed his water a couple times," Trey blurted out, he was a very hyper kid. I took out my best looking minnow, putting him in one of the small bags and tied it in a knot along with some water so he wouldn't die.

"'Kay, now make sure our Mama takes him out, not you, he's a floppy fella," I said and he nodded, rushing away after handing me fifty cents which I put in a small sack attached to Tripp's collar.
I sold the minnows to the rest of the kids, making money quickly, enough to buy the pie my mother had looked at the other day, and I smiled as I lifted the buckets with the largest fish and headed inside the butcher's shop.

"Hey Danny, I've got the fish," I called and I heard heavy footsteps before Danny appeared, burly as ever as he walked over, looking at the fish and he grinned widely.

"You never cease to amaze me, Juliet, these are at least worth fifteen dollars all together," He said in his rough voice and my smile got bigger, fifteen dollars meant I could buy my mom more things that would make her happier.

"Thanks, I was hoping they would be better, this one here is new, never seen it before in my life," I said, pointing at a bucket with a single large fish in it.

"That's a carp, bottom feeders, they have lots O' nutrition," I heard his voice say as I watched the fish swim in circles and I nodded as he handed me the money and I held it tight in my hand "Bye, Juliet," he said and I turned and waved at him before walking out, he knew I was a person of few words, only talking more to people I knew, usually people thought I was giving them the silent treatment.
When I was out, I saw Tripp waiting patiently at the stall, guarding the left over fish, I had empty buckets so I placed them behind the stall, I didn't want to bring them home at the moment, I had selling and buying to do.

"Today was a good day, Tripp, your new bone will be double tasty, and Mother will get the pie she wanted, and a dress," I spoke softly to him as he curled up beside me, his head by my foot as I sat on a stool behind the stand.
The stand was wood, a table like thing with two shelves below that held my buckets and bags, and some worms I had found in dirt inside a cup with a lid that had holes in it. The sign on top read 'Fish & Bait' in a pink-purple color. I smiled as I waited for people to come, a breeze blew by and I shivered, grabbing a old blanket from a shelf and bundled myself in it while Tripp's body heat kept my feet warm.
I began reading my book that I had brought in my undergarments and I was flipping a page when someone walked up, judging my the heavy footsteps, it had to be male. I put the vine bookmark in and looked up, my eyes widening as I saw the gold crown on top of his blond haired head. He had brilliant green eyes and wore a suit fit for a prince... oh no...

"Two bass, and a couple minnows," He said in a deep voice that I found enticing, but I shrugged it away and poured four minnows in a bag, knotting it and handing it to him, avoiding skin contact and eye contact as I bagged the two bass in larger bags, knotting them also.

"Be careful, the minnows flop quickly," I said quietly and he slapped down a ten dollar bill on the table loudly making Tripp jump up and growl at him, standing in front of me as I stroked his fur, barely trying to calm him down since the prince had been rude, I hated rude people no matter how handsome or wealthy they were.

"Calm the mutt down," The prince muttered and I glared at him as did Tripp as he snarled again.

"Whatever," I muttered then spoke softly in Tripp's ear "We're done, we can go home," I put the money in his collar sack and smiled when I saw the prince was gone, happy I wasn't going to get in trouble. I emptied the buckets with only water, which was all of them, and put them on the shelves before standing from the chair and taking the blanket of from around myself, folding it, and putting it away. My brown eyes twinkled as I walked towards the bakery, buying my moms pie and then Tripp's bone which he held triumphantly in his mouth, his head high. I held the pie tight in two arms, wrapped around it. My mom had said it was a mango pie, but I didn't know what mango was, but it had to be good for her to drool over it.
"Home, Tripp," I said softly and we both ran for the forest, my long hair whipping in the wind behind me, unaware that someone was watching us.


's POV
I smirked as I turned away from the women that looked like a hag under the blanket, I had probably under paid her, but she seemed happy to have ten dollars, I had way more than that.
I sauntered over to the carriage and stepped in, holding the fish out "Someone has to cook dinner," I called and someone stepped forward, my brother, even though he was older, I was the next one in line for the throne.

"Go get some beef, I heard there's a butcher here," My brother, Niall, said. I sighed and nodded my head, I felt like a servant when he told me to do things. I handed him the fish then turned around, walking back out and to the butcher's shop. As I was about to walk in, I spotted a girl running towards the forest, she had the longest and prettiest hair I had ever seen, I watched for a couple of seconds before walking inside, not seeing the dog that was ahead of her and just entering the forest. I walked up to the bulky man and ordered two pounds of beef.

"Who's that girl?" I asked, pointing out the window as the girl was about at the trees.

"That's me daughter, well, sort of," The burly man said, chopping up meat in perfect slices.

"Your daughter?" I asked, she had dark brown hair, while he had dark red.

"No, not really, but she might as well be, her mama is away a lot for work, I practically raised her since she was seven," He said and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"Oh, well what's her story?" I asked curiously, I thought I shouldn't have when he stiffened as he finished cutting and started packaging.

"Oi, we don't talk about that around here, but I'll tell ya anyway since ya the prince," He said, his face grim as he started, "Her pa, he was a bad man, gettin' home late smelling like other women, Maria, her ma, finally gathered the courage to kick him out, even though they weren't married, she helped kick him out, hitting him with her Teddy, threatened to kill em to after a year unless she visited 'im, she visited for a few minutes and a week later he tried again, we chased him outta town after that," he said, finishing packaging the meat and handing it over "He hasn't come back since, it's been nine years, she gets along fine, sells fish to everyone and worms, makes a living off of that, she has a dog, I believe called Tripp from tripping a lot, had him for five years, since he was a pup, they live in a cabin in the forest, she's very territorial, nobody goes out there to talk, they wait for her to come to them, and believe me, she's no lady, but that's pretty much it," he finished, leaving me shocked as I absorbed every drop of information he had provided, hating the part that I had been incredibly rude to her and I had no excuse.

"What's her name?" I asked and he grinned, taking the money I handed him.

"Juliet Capulet, but she's nothing like the one in the book, and be careful, she doesn't like it when men take a fancy to her, one ended up with a broken jaw and nose, another came home soaked to the bone, and another with the dog's bite marks, some of the people who fancy her call it a demon dog, but believe me, it helps her stay alive," He said and turned and left, leaving me gaping that he had guessed.

I turned, holding the meat in one hand and I jogged back to the carriage and climbed inside, tossing the meat to Niall's waiting hands.
"There," I said breathlessly as I went over the information in my head, not hearing it when Niall tried to talk to me and ended up poking me and I jumped.

"I said, did you see that beautiful girl with the dog heading into the woods?" Niall asked and I glared at him, nodding stiffly and he grinned, slouching back in a seat as a servant took the meat to cook it.


They Play On And On In Your Head


's POV

After eating, I wandered out of the carriage, going for a walk wherever my feet would lead me. The sun was close to setting, but there was another hour before it got dark. I let out a breathy sigh and reveled in the sun's light as I walked, closing my eyes lightly.
I opened my eyes and saw I was going into the forest, smiling, I began walking inside, there were no paths or roads, not even a trail, it was as if nobody had ever gone inside. I took careful steps, tripping over branches many times before I heard a sweet, beautiful melody drifting out of the trees, the voice was magnificent, drawing me in and I walked towards it, stopping behind a tree as I watched Juliet dance around in a clearing, her eyes closed shut and her feet bare, as she twirled her dress blew out around her, taking nimble jumps and stretching her legs high as she danced like a ballerina, the dog was watching farther away, towards my left and forwards. I strained my ears slightly when I saw her lips moving and I heard the song:

'Sing me a song,
A song you and I know,
A song that will put me to sleep,
This song that I always listen to makes me cry,
Missing you with every inch on my heart,
Knowing that you will not return,
Sing me a song,
A song that will help me forget about you,
A song that will heal my heart,
A song of forgiveness,
Just sing a song,
A song that can not be forgotten,
A song so memorable,
Only a memory,
Sing me song,
A song that we will love,
A song we can not live with out,
Just sing me a song,
A song that only you and I know


I stood there mesmerized until it stopped, my eyes closed still as I reveled in the beauty of her voice, only when my world came crashing down did I open them.

"Who are you?! This is private property!" Juliet screeched at me, darkness had invaded so she could not see my face or clothes, she pinned me down hard on my back, glaring at me with her dark eyes, though I didn't know what color.

"I am a admirer," I murmured and she stood up, grabbing my arm and pulling me somewhere, not caring where I was going, I followed. She led me to a lake, the moonlight soaked into it and she placed her hands delicately on my back, leading me towards the water after releasing my arm. I realized to late what she was doing when she gave my back a strong shove and I fell into the surprisingly deep water. My mind went crazy as it screamed something "Can't swim," I choked out truthfully as I struggled to stay above water in the deep part, it didn't help that my clothes were heavy from the water.

"What kind of person can't swim?!" I heard her yell at me before a splash sounded and something sharp grabbed my arm, pulling me somewhere towards shore. I looked up and saw the dog, relief and disappointment flooded me at once as I scrambled onto shore, flopping down on the dry, warm ground on my back, looking up at her as she stood over me, her hair dangling at my face. "Answer me," she demanded and I gave a weak grin.

"A prince," I said and her eyes went wide, she turned around quickly and I saw her hair move, I heard her whistle and the wet dog was suddenly following her as they ran into the forest, leaving me alone, freezing, and bone wet like some other guy who could swim had been.
I pushed myself to my feet, walking out of the forest as quick as my soggy feet could, I reached the carriage and opened the door, I could hear laughing right when I stepped inside and I growled.

"What did you do now, I'm beginning to wonder if you were the right choice for king," Niall said and I glared at him, taking off my sopping wet coat and pants, then shirt, leaving my short only, I handed the wet clothes to a servant.

"That girl is a devil," I groaned, falling onto a soft seat across from him.

"Hah, just the opposite, she's a angel, truly a powerful, magnificent one," Niall said and my head jolted up, looking at him with wide eyes, "Have you heard her sing?" I nodded "Did you feel attracted to it, as if your world was supported by the Melody?" I nodded again "Congratulations, you may have just annoyed a Angel, and a very powerful one at that,"

"What's this about Angels?" My mom, the queen, asked and I looked at her, sighing and I pointed at Niall as I started to fall asleep.

"Liam may have just annoyed and provoked a Angel, Maria's daughter to be specific, the girl is perhaps the most powerful angel in existence," Niall said as I fell asleep.

Away From This Town

You Have To Leave Home Some Time


's POV

I woke up later then usual, my head was spinning, I had been thoroughly scared last night, finding out that I had thrown the prince in my lake, it saddened me to know that may have been my last full day. I didn't even remember anything he said before that, my song was to embedded in my head, it pushed away the memory of him talking and saying something I probably needed to know.
I pushed myself to my feet, yanking off my sleeping gown, and pulled on long sleeved pink dress and I twirled, it fluttered around me just below my knees, the skirt billowing out. I smiled and washed my hair quickly in the sink, drying it and then using a blow dryer that I had bought from traders a year ago, I had to squeeze something and put hot water in it and it would use the heat to squeeze hot air at my hair, the faster I squeezed the thing repeatedly, the harder it blew. Once all of my hair was dry, I brushed it neatly and pulled it to the side, draping it over my shoulder just as I heard someone knocking.
I ran own the stairs, hoping it was my mom but it wasn't, it was Tripp hitting the door with his head, he must have locked himself out of his dog door next to it, which happened a lot.

"Silly," I said and scratched behind his ear before I walked outside "Mother wasn't home, she must be at town," I said and began jogging off barefoot into town, Tripp trailing after me like a lazy old dog, though he was probably full of energy.
I hummed to myself as I ran faster, sprinting and using my long legs to my advantage as Tripp sped up to run beside me, his fur flapping in the wind as my hair blew over my shoulder and behind myself as well. When we reached town, I slowed into a swift walk and I went straight to the butcher's shop where Dan was already serving customers, he woke up at six and went to bed around ten, it was sad because he got eight hours of sleep, but he was strong and hardly ever sleepy.

"Hey, Danny, has my mom been by? She wasn't home this morning," I said and he closed his eyes tight before opening them again and he pointed with a bloody knife towards a piece of paper nailed to a small hole in the door and I walked over to it, ripping it off, it read:

To my dearest Juliet,
I know Dan will have given this letter to you, for her is like the father you never had.
I have made a terrible decision, I must leave you.
I know this may scare you a little, but your world is about to change, whether you like it or not, and I think you may.
I know it may be a lot to take in, but nothing is impossible.
Please give my love to Dan for showing you this, and I will see you soon.
Please go with the Royals, they came here for you and you alone, not me, though they may end up searching for me.
Please keep a welcome mind, for anything impossible.
Please remember me, and your bedtime stories.

Love With All My Heart,
Your mother,
Maria Capulet.
P.S: A Mango is a red or green fruit with juicy, sweet, orange-yellow pulp and a large pit that you should never eat, try the pie some time, you'll love it, when you were in my tummy, that was the only thing you ever wanted 'Mango this' 'Mango that' it drove me insane! And I loved it.

I cracked a small smiled, even though it confused the hell out of me, if it was what she wanted, I would do it for her and her alone, nobody else.

"Thank you," I mumbled to Dan and he nodded before continuing working, I stepped out of the shop after pushing the note into my bra after folding it neatly and I saw Tripp pacing, he instantly stopped when he saw me and came bounding over at my watery eyes, we were standing in front of our stand now, I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around his furry neck as hot, salty tears dribbled out of my eyes and into his fur.
"Momma's never coming back, Tripp," I mumbled, my voice cracking and I jumped when someone touched my shoulder. I composed myself quickly, wiping my eyes and standing up to face a servant of the Royals.

"By order of Queen Lyssa herself, you are hereby requested to join The Royals on their trip back to the Royal Kingdom," The servant said in a strong voice, reading from a scroll. I nodded and tapped my thigh, instantly Tripp was standing by my side.

"Okay, tell them I'll be back in a hour," I mumbled to his shocked looking face and he took off back to the carriage as Tripp and I ran into the forest, heading for home.
When we got there I grabbed a large bag of mine and stuffed my mom's most precious things inside, then my bear Teddy, and lastly my favorite clothes and most prized possessions. I swung the strap over my shoulder and gathered a few of Tripp's things in a small bag before I ran out of the house with him at my heels and back towards the Royals.
I slowed at the edge of the woods as did Tripp as he took one last long look at our home as did I before making my way towards the Carriage. When I was about to knock on the door, it burst open and hit me on the head, instantly Tripp snarled and jumped at the person, pinning him down under his massive paws as I struggled to my feet, rubbing the long red mark on my face as Tripp held him down.

"What the hell is wrong with you people, you ask us to go with you and you attack us, that's a new low, even for you Royals," I mumbled, walking over to stand beside Prince Niall as he looked up at Tripp who had started to drool on his face and I laughed. "Release, boy," I murmured and Tripp reluctantly stepped off of him, allowing him to his feet and he disappeared inside the Carriage wile Queen Lyssa stood in the doorway, her short hair as grey as ever.

"Come in, dear, it must be cold out there," She said and I raised a eyebrow, slowly walking in with Tripp right behind me, his nosing touching my hip so I knew he was with me. "Have a seat," she said and I sat with Tripp sitting by my side, he only laid down where he thought we were safe, obviously he didn't think we were.

"Why am I here?" I asked instantly, my eyebrows narrowed as her sons came in and one sat beside her, one beside me and I inched away from him.

"Getting straight to the point, I like that," Niall said, grinning at Liam and I glared at him before turning my attention back to the queen.

"Well, straight to the point is good," Lyssa said in her high, steely voice and suddenly, I was scared of what was coming next "You are to marry one of my boys,"

No! Comprendre?


They Just Don't Give Up



's POV

"Jamais!" I spat at her in french, not even knowing I knew french and jumped to my feet, flinging open the door before anyone could stop me, Tripp hot on my heels as I dashed towards the forest, my feet flying towards my only home. I clutched the straps to my baggage tight as I ran, the trees getting closer until I disappeared into the trees, not leaving a single trace behind.
Tripp was growling as we ran, sometimes I think he can actually understand words, but usually I push it away. I ran towards my tallest tree by the lake, seeing it, I head footsteps and I ran faster, Tripp dove under the roots, hiding below where nobody could see him while I climbed high into the thick foliage of the tree, stopping at my favorite limb to sit on and I held my baggage tight to myself, willing no leaves to fall and none did as the footsteps came closer, obviously not female from the pounding, and more than three.

"Find her. NOW!" A gruff voice said and everyone split apart.
Oh my trees, please bear with me, we will get by this treacherous day, hold on, keep still, avoid the wind my darlings,

I thought as I heard a branch being snapped and I hugged the trunk of my giant tree tight in case I fell from the fierce wind, butt the tree didn't sway a inch.
Send them away, my waters, send them back to where they came from,

I thought when I heard splashing, then yelling and nothing else. Do not kill, we are not monsters,

and suddenly there was splashing again and a couple people came out of the water.
Animals of the fair forest, drive them away from here, we do not approve of their kind here, drive them away back to there master,

I thought softly and I heard a raccoon's call, more than one, as all sorts of creatures of the forest ran after them and once they were gone, I jumped down from the tree, swinging from a low branch to the ground.

"Tripp," I whispered and he pulled himself out from under the roots, "I don't know what's happening to me," he gave me a doggy grin and I couldn't help but smile as he licked my hand and we began walking towards home. When we reached the house, we found that all of the windows had been broken and the door left ajar. I gasped and rushed over, seeing a mess and tears dribbled out of my eyes, forcing there way out as I tried to hold them back. I carefully retrieved the broom from the closet and began sweeping my forever home.
When I had completed sweeping the entire house, I piled all of the glass and shreds outside and I went back in, putting the broom away neatly and I found the sewing kit and I began neatly sewing the ripped couches back together, putting the stuffing back in and I smiled as I finished the first and went on to the second. As I was finishing the first gash, a figure appeared in the still broken door and I didn't even look up.

"You're coming with us. Now." the same gruff voice said and I smiled, holding a needle without string in my hand and I shook my head, turning around.

"You destroyed my home. Now you must pay," I murmured, throwing the needle at him and it hit him in the stomach, stick halfway out, "Leave," I commanded and he fled, his hand clutching his stomach where droplets of blood had begun to seep out.
"I'm a monster, Tripp," I mumbled and he looked up from where he was, pulling rugs into place with his jaws and he shook his head, making me crack a small, yet genuine, smile, "Thank you," I mumbled before starting to sew again. I sighed once I had finished and stood, putting away the sewing kit and moved on to the kitchen, picking up the tipped over fridge and forcing it into place, breathing heavily when I was finished and I slowly began washing the dirty, stepped on silverware. I finished it fairly quickly and placed them back in there spots before walking over to the couch and sitting on the edge.

"Tripp, I don't know what to do anymore, Momma's gone and that witch of a queen thinks I'll just go with her, I don't like this one bit, I hate those people," I whispered and he padded up behind me, jumping up on the couch after wiping his paws on a mat and rested his head on my thighs. I brushed my hands through his fur before I realized a noise and suddenly, my stomach hurt and I gave a small laugh as my stomach growled.
"Pie time, buddy," I said and stood, walking to where I had placed the mango pie in the fridge, it was a little shaken up but it looked yummy.
I pulled it out and cut some out into Tripp's dog bowl and brought it out to him, cutting some for myself. We ate in silence before I cleaned the dishes and put them away. I walked back out to the living room and sat down again, hearing a clang I looked up, seeing someone holding a gun. I was about to duck but the gun clicked to soon, sending something speeding my way into my arm and I was out cold, Tripp laying beside me in the same situation.


I Have No Idea What's Happening


's POV

I opened my eyes as I felt my body rocking. They had kidnapped me. I thought that was illegal.
Looking around, I saw I was in a small room of the carriage, and in a giant basket, Tripp was laying there. I sat up, rubbing my arm where a bandage was wrapped around and I frowned, they had used a tranquilizer dart on us, and now it had gave me a headache. I swung my legs off a small bed and stood straight, stretching my arms and I saw I was still in my pink dress and I sighed, happy they had left my clothes alone, and my baggage was on the floor.
I walked over to Tripp, wobbling slightly as I reached down and pet him, shaking him gently and he slowly woke up, growling until he opened his eyes and saw me, he jumped up and tackled me to the carpeted ground, he began to lick my face and I pushed him away, laughing and I hugged him tight.

"I'm so happy your awake, buddy," I said, squeezing him tight until I heard the door open and Tripp yanked away, snarling at the person as I pushed myself into a corner, searching for something to throw at them.

"Nice to see you're awake, sorry bout the whole kidnap the girl thing, my mom's idea," Prince Niall said as I gripped a dog bone from Tripp's bag while the prince sat in a chair in the small room.

"You're not sorry," I snarled at him, chucking the bone at his head but he grabbed it from the air, tossing it to the ground as Tripp backed away, blocking a path towards me as he snarled at him.

"I am, just not so much my mother or brother," Niall said sounding truthful and I sighed, there was no way I was going to get out of this.

"Okay, but that doesn't mean I completely believe you," I said, glaring at him still "When do we get off this thing?"

"A couple of days, don't worry, we have enough food for everyone," Niall said and I nodded "I'm going to go tell them you're awake," and he stood and left.
I sighed, standing and climbing onto the bed, sitting in the corner with a large comforter and bunches of pillows around me. Tripp climbed up after me, laying curled up against me as he started to fall back asleep, obviously still tired from the effects of the tranquilizer. As Tripp began to snore, the door flew open, banging loudly against the door as Prince Liam walked in, standing tall in front of me.

"Need anything?" I asked softly, running my fingers through Tripp's fur as he slowly woke up, his snores seizing as he lifted his head, snarling at Liam.

"My mother wishes to inform you of some things," He muttered before leaving and I stood, my hair was in a tangled mess, but I grabbed a stretchy band from my bag and pulled it into a messy braid, draping it over my shoulder as I walked out of the room, Trip following behind as he looked everywhere. We reached the entrance where there was seats along the walls and the Queen sitting on one. I sat across from her, my arms crossed and Tripp sitting right by my feet, still not thinking it was safe here.

"Welcome, Juliet, I have something to tell you," Queen Lyssa said and I glared at her.

"Don't we all," I muttered, I knew she had heard because she flinched slightly but she quickly appeared as if she hadn't.

"From the beginning of time, we have ruled the Earth, each women giving children to their soul-mates, always a wolf at the top of the chain, and a heaven and a hell, a devil leads hell, a angel leads heaven, and now the heaven leader returned, your mother, and your father, the devil, returned nine years ago when your mother kicked him out," I nodded as she spoke, only believing because my mother had told me to in the note that was still in my bra, "And now we must use you to create the most powerful wolf-angels in existence to save Earth from the Demons and Devils from Hell, you father has declared war on your mother and in the Between, there is a war going on between them, we are trying to join but we can't get in the Between without the most powerful angel in existence, you,"

"Okay, is that all? Because I'm not going to help create any type of creatures, so sorry, but it's not my fault my mom left me, and I would be perfectly fine if you had left me at my home and NOT destroyed it, I spent half of my last night cleaning up what your slaves destroyed you bitch," I said, jumping to my feet and walking back to the small room with Tripp, closing and locking the door as I flopped down onto the bed on my stomach, silent tears soaking my face as I cried quietly into the covers.
After a few estimated minutes, I heard banging on the door while tears still leaked through and somebody busted open the door and hugged me to them.

"You're right, she is a bitch, finally someone had the guts to tell her that," Niall said and I tried to stop the tears as he turned me around, holding me against his chest and rocking me back and forth as my tears soaked his shirt until I finally made them stop and looked up.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked quietly, looking up at him with round brown eyes, I could hear Tripp snoring in the back ground as Niall smiled down at me.

"Because you had no idea my mom wanted to kidnap you from the beginning, she just had the decency to not take you until your mom let you go," Niall said and I just nodded before dropping my head, resting it against his warm chest, "You hungry?" I nodded again and began to stand up but he wouldn't let me go and lifted me up in his arms bridal-style. "I'll carry you," I laughed softly and he chuckled before walking out of the room an down a small hall and into a dining room, he set me down in a chair and I had a big smile on my face but it disappeared when I saw Liam and the queen at the table while Niall sat down next to me.
They passed the food around and I took a little of a couple of them, not wanting to get sick from suddenly eating a lot, I ate slowly in small bites until we all finished and I excused myself, standing quickly and hurrying out of the room and back to a pacing Tripp, he instantly came over and I pet him, running my hands through his long, soft fur before grabbing a bone and handing it to Tripp who gnawed on it happily.
I closed the door, grabbing a large shirt from my mother when she had been pregnant with me and some shorts I had sewed neatly. I slipped off the dress and I took out the note, stuffing it in the pouch on Tripp's collar along with the money and put on the shorts. I was grabbing the shirt when the door flew open and I shrieked, seeing Liam standing there and I held the shirt in front of myself, kicking the door closed in his shocked face and wide eyes and judging by the yelp, it had hit something.
I felt anger pulsing in myself as I pulled the shirt on, folding it over so it was like only half a shirt and I flung the door open to Liam who was holding his nose and I kicked his shins, making him fall to the floor.

"Ever heard of knocking?!" I yelled at him as he was getting up and glaring at me, raising a hand to hit me but my thoughts were quicker.
Leather, tighten, squeeze, regroup my darling,

I thought and he gasped, his leather shirt tightening around him and he struggled to rip it over his head, leaving him bare chested but I didn't care.
"Wanna try and hit me again?" I shrieked at him, slapping him and he charged at me.

"You crazy bitch!" He said, punching my jaw while I wrestled him to the ground, punching his face and probably giving him a black eye as I held him down with my knees and hands.

"Crazy bastard," I spat at him and he flipped me around, a crazy glint in his eye, mixed with desire as his breath brushed against my face. He smelled like wine. And beer, and some other alcohol. My eyes went wide as his gaze slipped down to my flat stomach that was viewable and I began to scream, struggling hard against his tight grip as I tried to form thoughts.
I screamed louder, squeezing my eyes tight and suddenly, the weight above me was gone and I opened my eye, seeing Liam fly down the hallway and Niall standing above me.

"I told my mom not to let him drink, apparently I'm the immature one," He muttered, picking me up and I stiffened, my body aching but I ignored it as he lifted me up and walked back into the room, laying me on the bed and looking at all of the forming bruises "Any broken bones?" I shook my head and he gave a halfhearted smile.

"I'm fine, thank you," I mumbled, smiling at him slightly then frowned "How'd you do that?"

"Werewolf," He said with a shrug and I grinned.

"Are you a furry man or a wolf wolf and when? Full moon?" I asked, grinning bigger as he smiled.

"The wolf, and yes the full moon but also any other time, the only difference is that on the full moon we lose full control of ourselves, like being drunk, and most of us have sexual desires," Niall said.

"Do you howl at the full moon?"

"No, we're mythical beasts, not mythical assholes who like shiny circles," He said, fake-glaring at me and I laughed and a question came to mind, making my smile slowly diminish.

"Am I really a Angel?" I asked in a whisper, watching my hands on my stomach as I laid there, him sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes, your momma is like God, but God isn't real, your momma is the ruler of the heavens, she is almost as powerful as you," Niall said, poking my nose softly when he said 'you' and I smiled.

"Do I get wings?" I asked and he nodded "And powers?" another nod "And a halo?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Don't push you're luck, Juliet," Niall said and I frowned.

"Does my Mom have a halo?" He nodded and I smiled again "With wings?"

"She has everything, powers, halo, wings, her hair is gold in Heaven, a dark brown on Earth, and all of her clothes are white and her wings, she has tan skin from being in sunny weather all of the time, and her eyes are just as brown as yours," He informed me and my smile grew bigger.

"I wonder what she would look like in person..." I said thoughtfully and he grinned.

"You may see soon, if not sooner,"


"When do you turn seventeen?" He asked and I raised a eyebrow, answering him slowly.

"Two days..." I murmured, watching his expression closely as he grinned.

"Well, you should be happy, because you won't have to stay with us that long, your momma can bring you into Heaven at that age, that's when you get your wings, but first, tell me, have you been able to do anything unusual in the past week?" I grinned at his question, thinking back to when I controlled things.

"Yup, first, I sent raccoons after the people who were trying to catch me-" I began and he muttered something.

"That would explain the mauling," He muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Second, I made the trees stay still when it was windy on the same day-" I added.

"That would explain why they didn't find any fallen leaves you might have shook down," He muttered.

"Third, I made Liam's shirt squeeze him until he tore it off-" He started to grin with me and he laughed.

"And that, would explain the small leather shirt in the hallway," He concluded and I smiled.

"That was my favorite thing to do," I murmured, watching my hands on my stomach again.


A Trip In The Clouds Of Light


's POV

The next few days passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was my birthday. We had just arrived at there grand castle, I had never seen anything like it except in drawings, but they didn't capture the least bit of the interior decor, or any details in the great palace.
The inside was gigantic, with numerous hallways leading into one great big entrance room where two staircases led to the same floor, just opposite sides even though they join together, it amazed me.
I was shown to my room, up and to the left, far from the prince's rooms of course, and near the servant's quarters, yet it was by far larger than the one in the Carriage and my old room, it had a king sized bed with many fluffy pillows and to my annoyance, they had gone through my luggage and placed everything neatly in place, my Teddy in a burrow of pillows with the comforter tucked around his fluffy body, and my clothes placed in a empty dresser, in the closet I found gowns of all shapes and a variety of colors, vibrant and dull, short and long, ones that clung to my body, and ones that looked like ball gowns.
I as amazed at the variety of shoes, heels and flats, I loved heels, when I was a little girl, around eight years old,I would grab my mom's high heels and put them on as best I could and walk around in them, never once falling over, except my mother would say my posture had to be more ladylike.

I was cruelly snapped out of my thoughts and explorations at the sound of someone knocking on the door. I quickly lunged to the bed, covering Teddy before I made my way to the door and opened it, seeing a girl about ten standing there smiling. She had long blond hair and big blue eyes, and was about as short as a seven year old.

"Momma sent me to get you dressed, Juliet," she said softly, stepping in and walking towards the closet, opening it and walking in, I could hear her shuffling through the dresses.

"Who are you?" I asked and there was a smile in her tone when she answered.

"Princessa Isabella, but you can call me Izzy, my dad won't let anyone call me Princess Isabella, it has to be Princessa," Izzy said and I smiled, watching as she walked out with a large ball gown in her small hands, lifting it high above her head, "This will compliment your appearance," she said, laying it on the bed so I could see it.

While I looked at the silky ball gown, Izzy grabbed high heels and told me to sit. She grabbed a brushed and began brushing through my hair thoroughly before braiding a piece and wrapping it around my hair and twisting it into a braided bun with a lock of hair hanging loose in the front. She didn't stop to admire her work, she quickly dabbed eyeliner on and lipstick, then eyeshadow before stopping and allowing me to stand.

"Strip and put the shoes on," Lizzy ordered and I did as told, strapping on the high heels that were aqua like the dress.

I stepped into the dress while she pulled it up, hooking it around me tightly and she didn't show me my appearance, just grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the door, leaving me in a state of shock as I followed, the high heels making clacking sounds on the floor.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked as she turned down a hall way.

"Didn't they tell you? Your mom came, it's you're birthday party," Isabella said and I sighed, knowing there would be tons of people I didn't know probably.

"I'm not going to know anyone, am I?" I asked and she nodded, giving me a sad smile before she pushed me through double doors and I was suddenly standing in a giant ball room, people spinning around as they danced and other sitting or standing and drinking punch. I sighed again, resisting the urge to rub my eyes, and made my way around the room once, saying hi to anyone who said hi to me first, I absolutely hated parties.
I sat down on a chair, flattening my dress as I watched everyone spin around, I wish I hadn't listened to Lizzy now, I was a terrible party guest.

"Would you care to dance, Madam?" Someone asked and I was jolted out of my revelry to see Niall holding out a hand in a black suit, smiling.

"Sure," I said softly, taking his hand and he led me to the dance floor just as a slow song flipped on and I rolled my eyes as be began to dance around, his hand on my lower back making me feel tingly as one of my hands was on his shoulder, the other on his hand as we mirrored the other dance partners around the dance floor.

"May I say, you look quite beautiful tonight," Niall whispered in my ear and I suppressed a shiver, a blush rising to my cheeks.

"You look quite dashing yourself," I whispered back, my heels allowing me to be at least close to his head so he heard.

"Who, may I ask, even though I probably already know, did your hair?" He asked quietly, grinning.

"Isabella, although I had no idea what she was doing the entire thirty minutes," I whispered, smiling up at him as the song came to a end.

"Until next time, Madam," Niall murmured, taking my hand and kissing it lightly before he disappeared into the crowded ballroom. I made my way back to the seats, but I turned around when I heard someone tapping a microphone way at the front and I saw my mom, my eyes went wide and I made my way closer, stopping behind a large crowd that wouldn't let me through, they just kept pushing me back.

"Thank you for coming to my daughters birthday, and may I say, this is quite a turnout!" My mother said "Who knew so many people knew of my daughter? She is, of course, turning seventeen today, and we shall all witness the second her wings sprout," Everyone clapped loudly as I tried to make my way to the side to see better.

"Now, Juliet, please come up here," My mother said and I walked past a group of people looking wildly around, probably for me, as I began to ascend the steps to my mother's side and she smiled at me.

"Thank you, Mama," I said quietly so nobody else could here and she smiled, taking my hand as people gasped, not realizing I had been the person all along, I just smiled bigger, showing off my shiny white, straight teeth. My mother handed me the microphone she had been using, I was in shock because nobody had tld me I would be giving a speech, but I took it anyway.

"Hello, I am Juliet, it is very nice of you all to come to my birthday, though I had no thought it was happening," I flashed a glance at my mother who smiled widely when everyone laughed, "And the getting here may have been tough, but I am glad to be here with you all," I quickly handed the microphone back to my mother who set it on a stand and in a loud, booming voice, she announced.

"It is midnight!" And suddenly a spiral of light swirled around me, and only then did I realized the slits in the back of the dress as I felt something protruded from my skin on my back, sending a vibrating feeling down my back as I felt something light and feathery graze my arm, I felt myself be lifted into the air and suddenly, everything went white, as if I was swallowed by a enormous white cloud.

"I am Forsooth, Angel of Newborns, Juliet Capulet, I have been waiting for you," A old man said, he had gigantic grey wings that were spread out to the sides of him and he wore a tailored suit, "Happy birthday,"

"Thank you, sir, may I ask why I am here?" I said, sensing he was someone to be looked up to.

"You are here to complete a oath, two, one that every Angel does, the other that no Angel has ever had to complete before, but many have faith in you, Juliet, are you ready to begin?" He said and I nodded, suddenly there was a lock on my brain, I could think no thoughts.
"Do you, Juliet Capulet, swear to obey rules of the Angels," I instantly nodded and he continued "And swear to control your powers equally?" I nodded again, barely a second after he stopped talking, "Do you also swear to never use your powers for the worst of Angelkind?" I nodded again and he smiled, suddenly I could think again.

"What did you do to me?" I asked, feeling aggravated.

"You must have a clear head to answer those questions, if you thought it over, you may think up a lie," Forsooth said evenly, ignoring my discomfort "Are you ready for the next? You may think," I nodded and he began.
"Do you swear to be loyal to Angels only?" I thought it over slowly before nodding, "Do you swear to murder your father, given the chance?" I nodded again, not waiting to think, he had hurt my mother. "That is all, you will return now,"

"Wait, how long have I been gone?" I asked, looking straight at his dull blue eyes, his hair was grey and combed to the side.

"No time at all," Forsooth murmured and suddenly, there was color and my feet were on the ground, I wasn't the least disoriented when I landed, my feathery wings stretched out as my mother spoke, though I heard none of it except the 'thank you for coming,' before I descended the stairs absentmindedly and walked to my room, showering and falling down exhausted on the bed in a robe, naked.


I Call Help, He calls No, I Call Rape, He Calls So


's POV

I woke up early that day, instantly standing and I pulled the robe off, someone had tucked me in bed, but nobody was there. I walked to the closet and instantly saw the dark dress, my eyes going straight to it. I grabbed it off the hanger and slipped it on after underwear and a bra, it fit perfectly, going tight until my waist where it fell loose to the ground. I smiled, looking in the mirror to see the sleeved dress and I tied the corset tight before brushing out my hair, I was really thinking of cutting it to a more suitable length. I pushed the thought away and left my feet bare before opening the door and walking out, my hair cascading down my back and over my shoulders, split down the side like usual. I suddenly remembered my wings and sprouted them out, they pushed through the fabric, creating holes to break through, and oddly enough, they were a light grey instead of the pure white they had been the night before.
I walked towards the lounge room and saw I was the only one awake and smiled, slipping out the giant front doors and pulling my wings close to my back as I walked quickly to the forest, my feet bare.
I trailed my fingers over the large trunks of the trees as I walked, it felt nothing like home though, and I missed home so much, my heart ached. I stretched out my wings in a small clearing and beat them hard against the air and they lifted me a couple of feet at once, every flap of my wings sent me higher until I grabbed a branch and sat down on it, pulling my wings in and they disappeared. I heard sharp bark and looked down, seeing a wolf and sighed, they must have been running a patrol or something.

"Shoo you mangy mutt," I called down, breaking off a small stick and chucking it at him, making him growl and he charged at the tree, his large head beating against it and it made the entire tree shake and I gasped, clinging on.
Shen adoublu annoy aculate,

the thought popped into my mind and I smiled, the wolf snarled and it jumped at the tree again, making the entire thing shake harder than it already was.
"Shen adoublu annoy aculate!" I called and a blue sparkly light spiraled down at the wolf and suddenly it was no longer wolf, but a naked human, to be specific, Prince Liam. I screamed and covered my eyes, but the memory was already burned into my mind and he began climbing the tree judging by the shaking and I moved my hands, stretching my wings out again and I saw him coming closer.
Jumping off the tree, I heard him yell my name and I flew high, soaring into the sky with a graceful swirl until I flew, skimming over the tall trees and doing flips as I heard footsteps pounding on the ground below me and slightly behind.

"You'll never catch me!" I called and heard a snarl, but it was obvious it was human.

"You'll pay for that!" Liam yelled and suddenly his pace picked up and I flew faster, swooping below the trees so I could see him as I came to a silent halt in one of the trees, my wings disappearing into my back as I stood on a branch, he had gained shorts at least when I had left him. "I know you stopped!" he yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"You know your a asshole," I said, knowing fully well he had heard me when he turned around and I looked up, seeing a giant circle in the sky... it almost looked like... a full moon! Crap, Niall had told me that wolves had sexual attractions during the full moon. I tried to open my wings, but they wouldn't move, I jumped down to the ground as he was halfway up the tree and he dropped also, running at me and I ran, my legs moving in almost a blur but he was gaining on me, suddenly I was rolling to the ground and he was on top of me, smirking as he looked at the dress that had a dip in the front and licked his lips, his eyes were a black instead of the usual color and it scared me.
"W-What are you doing?" I asked quietly as he stared at me, my eyes were wide and I shrieked as he pulled the dress off of me, kicking and screaming and clawing at him as he slapped his hand over my mouth.

"You'll stop if you know what's best for you," He snarled as he ripped off my bra but I only screamed louder, my thoughts were scattered as I tried to get away, he removed the hand from my mouth to hold me down as I tried to flip him onto his back with my legs or knee him in the crouch, but I couldn't.

"NO NO NO!" I screamed as I struggled harder and her ripped my underwear off and looked me up and down hungrily, he sucked on my nipple and I screamed 'No' louder as his lips moved down to a more private place and I screamed as he put a finger in my core, then another.

"You know you want this, Julie," he growled as he removed a hand from my arms to pull off his shorts, leaving himself naked and I took the chance to punch him in the face and he fell back. I jumped to my feet, running for the tree, as I started to climb, he grabbed my arms and yanked me down, pinning me to the ground as I kicked and screamed, he smashed his lips to mine and I tried to yank my head away as I screamed against his lips.

"STOP!" I yelled when he moved his lips, but he did just the opposite, it hurt like hell as he went in me, pounding against me hard as I screamed louder, calling for help but none came as I felt his seed flood into me as he took away my virginity and I began to sob and he grinned, pulling away and standing as he watched me cry, my tears soaking my hair as he shifted into a wolf, grabbed his shorts, and disappeared as I cried until I passed out.


I Swear, Something Just Moved Inside Of Me


's POV

Niall had found me a couple of hours later, he was able to control his wolf when he saw my naked body and he had brought me back to the castle and put me to bed, he had also found Tripp and left the dog in there with me apparently, I didn't remember any of it, but I believed him.
Multiple times Liam tried to come to me, but each time I either screamed 'Help!' or 'Rape!' or Tripp would attack him, Tripp usually sulked by me, only moving when I called him or when someone came in, I think he thought it was his fault I was raped. But Liam now had four scars from him, so I think Tripp was slowly starting to forgive himself.
It had been two weeks since then, and the wore had started to happen. I had puked last night, my stomach had begun to hurt like Hell, there was no stopping it, and I hated Liam more than ever.

"Oh honey," My mom said one day, it had been the first time she had come to me since my birthday, "I'm so sorry, baby girl, nobody told me it happened, but I'm taking you away, these are terrible people, that retched Queen was bragging about it, she's actually happy!' i saw the fury in my mothers eyes and she hugged me, helping me pack, I didn't say a word, I hadn't in three weeks, it had been the last time I had had to scream for help when Liam came, since then it had been Tripp who howled for help or tried to rip Liam to shreds, I never cared or stopped him.
"Go say goodbye to Niall, I'm sure he'll miss you," my mom told me and I nodded, rushing out of my room with Tripp trailing after me, he never strayed far from me either. I was turning a corner when someone caught my arm and I saw Liam, my eyes went wide, but he was knocked away by Tripp who had ran and lunged at him, clawing his sides and biting his arm before jumping away.

"I just want to talk!" Liam yelled to me and I felt my voice come back, it only did when I wanted to say something badly.

"No! You raped me!" I shrieked before feeling my voice thin and go weak, I turned and ran towards Niall's room, reaching it quickly, I knocked and he opened it, wearing pajamas and I hugged him tight.
"I'm leaving," I whispered quietly and he pulled back to look at me, I had gotten dressed for the first time in two weeks, I wore a green sleeved dress without a dip and it was floor length.

"Don't let what he did ruin your life," He murmured when he saw the dress barely showed any skin besides half of my arms and my neck and had, it had small beads on the torso part that made it prettier, otherwise it was close to plain, it hugged my body until my waist where it flared out a tiny bit and fell to the ground.

"I won't ever, that bastard will never rule my life," I said in the strongest voice I could muster and he grinned, hugging me again before releasing me.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I cracked a small smile.

"Heaven," I said quietly, "My mom came, I'm going away for a while,"

"Good, we need to keep you away from him," Niall said and hugged me once more, "Goodbye Julie," he murmured.

"Bye, Nia, I'll miss you," I whispered and walked out of the room and saw my mom waiting for me.
"Do you have scissors by any chance? I wanted to cut my hair," I said quietly and she smiled sympathetically.

"No, but are you sure you want it cut?" She asked carefully and I nodded.

"Just so it is a about five inches past shoulder length," I said and she snapped her fingers and my hair was gone, except for as I had ordered it, I ran a hand through my hair and felt it end short, not making me reach low to brush the entire way through.
"Thank you, I'm ready to go now,"

"Okay, get the pup, then we'll leave," My mom said softly and I whistled, suddenly Tripp burst into the hallway, skidding slightly as he ran over to me, his tail wagging slightly and I touched him with my hand, holding on to his collar as a white light surrounded us, the next ting I knew, we were in a brightly lit city where the ground was clouds instead of the sky.

"You get used to the light quickly," My mom- or at least I thought the blond lady was my mom- said.

"Okay," I murmured and looked down at Tripp who's fur was now a dark cream color with light brown splotches instead of dark brown and instead of black was the dark cream, but he still had the brown eyes.

"You get used to the hair too, yours is only a lighter brown because of your father, in Hell it would be black as night," I nodded silently and she gave me another smile, waving her hand for me to follow and we walked towards a beautiful light butter colored castle, just looking at it made me smile as the sun warmed my skin. We were walking past a mirror shop when I noticed my wings were out.
"Oh, and your wings come out up here to, only I can stop mine, since I am Queen, and you and your sister are Princess's," suddenly she clamped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide.

"S-Sister?" I asked quietly and she nodded, moving her hand.

"I left for two weeks seven years ago and then nine months later I left for a week, I had her then," My mom said quietly.

"And you didn't tell me?" I asked quietly.

"I couldn't, your father would have taken her and you away, I couldn't risk it,"

"But you had a child with someone else..."

"Yes, my husband," My mom whispered and I glared at her.

"And I guess that wasn't important enough to tell me either!" I said angrily, flapping my wings hard and I flew off, only realizing Tripp had wings when he followed me, he had cream ones that look more furry than feathery like mine. I swooped in past the castle walls and landed lightly on my feet with Tripp beside me as my mom hurried to catch up to me, but I just walked in the castle, pushing the giant doors open and I looked around, walking into what looked like a living room where I saw a tiny, delicate looking girl sitting and I felt a smile rise to my face as she looked up, watching me with the purest silver eyes as a giant smile spread across her face, lightning up her features as she stood, her long waist length bouncy red curls bobbing up and down as she walked towards me. She had on a yellow sundress with no shoes and thick straps with a bow by her waist.

"Are you my sissy?" She asked quietly and I nodded, she flung herself into my arms and only then did I realize the small childish wings sprouting out of her back as I held her up, hugging her before I sat her on my hip.

"What's your name, sweetie?" I asked and she gave me a giant smile.

"Suzanna Capulet, but you can call me Suzie, Davy does," Suzanna said and I smiled, but it faded when there was a sudden nasty taste in the back of my throat.

"I gotta go," I said, quickly placing her down and making a run down the hall, but I slammed into a hard, bare chest, I slipped by whoever it was and ran to the bathroom, not even knowing I knew where it was, and I stumbled in, crouching over the toilet as I emptied the rest of my stomach's contents into the porcelain toilet, once I had finished, I wipe my mouth on toilet paper before flushing it all and standing slowly, clutching my stomach and I let out a long sigh, I had no idea how to raise a child.

"You okay?" A deep, and I'm not ashamed to say sexy, voice said and I turned, my eyes looking up into the most brilliant blue I had ever seen, they were a deep ocean blue, sucking me in until the point where I thought I was lost forever, but I wasn't, the pain in my stomach that was settling down finally was keeping me in reality.

"Yeah, fine," I mumbled, glancing over him and I saw he was bare chested and had a eight pack, completely hot by my standards, and had shaggy, sort of curly blond hair on his head that was about two or three inches long. The cargo shorts he was wearing only made him look more hot.
At least I don't fantasize over sexy guys,

I thought.

"Okay, well, do you know what my most powerful power is?" He asked and I shrugged, noticing his giant smirk, "It's mind reading," he finished and I blushed a hot red, brushing by him and walking straight for where I thought the kitchen was.
I found it fairly easy and walked right in, going straight to the freezer where I pulled out a tub of strawberry ice cream, I scooped a couple giant ones into a bowl before grabbing peanut butter and plopping globs down on it, smiling at my new creation, I grabbed a giant spoon and began wandering in the halls, clinging to my food tightly before I found a small theater and I smiled, finding a DVD and popping it in the the DVD Player by the side, I had never seen one before, but it seemed quite obvious how it would work. I pressed play and it began, I sat down on a plush, soft couch and pulled my legs up beside me and I began eating the ice cream that wasn't that bad with peanut butter.


Why Is He So Hot?!


's POV

I smiled at the end of the romantic movie, not hearing it when the door opened and someone walked in just as the end credits came on. I sighed, placing the empty bowl to the side as I stretched out my long legs and wiping my mouth on my arm before running a hand through my hair.

"Who're you?" Someone asked and I jumped, whipping my head around and I saw a group of about four boys and I turned my head back, ignoring them as I stood and walked to the DVD Player and took out the DVD, putting it away before bending over to look at the stacks of DVDs and I looked for another.

"Dude, who is she, she's obviously a angel?" Someone else asked a person and I turned around, glaring at them.

"Can I have a little peace and quiet?" I asked, my voice way quieter than I would have liked and it had lost it's commanding tone.

"Well sorry," The person said sarcastically and I glared at him "I didn't know such ugly people could like peace," he couldn't know I was ugly since the lights were off, but I was mad anyway. I took a couple of steps toward him, glaring at him and I swung my fist out, connecting it with his jaw and it made a popping sound and he cried out in pain. I heard a howl and suddenly Tripp came barreling into the ro0om, tackling the guy to the ground as he growled at him.

"Charley has come back!" Someone said and then another sighed before speaking up.

"We met him three minutes ago, of course your dog would come back," The other guy muttered and I scoffed, hitting the lights on and there eyes went wide when they saw me.

"His name is Tripp you assholes, and he's my dog, has been since he was a pup, now get out before I make you get out," I said, tapping my thigh and Tripp reluctantly stepped off the guy and returned to my side.

"Nah, we wanna see this new movie, you can go do girly stuff like paint your nails," Another said who I had begun to think as 'Idiot'.

"One, I don't do anything like that, two, I was here first, three, I can beat your ass whenever I feel like it," I snarled and he glared hard at me, stalking closer before jumping at me and I screamed, dodging away and clutching my stomach.
"God asshole, give me some months, not immediately, you could kill her," I snarled at him and stormed out of the room, clutching my stomach as I felt warm tears trickle down my cheeks, I found another living room and sat down, resting my head back as I turned on the TV and hugged my stomach.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Devin, he loses his temper a lot," A familiar voice said and I looked up, instantly blushing when I remembered the very first conversation we had had.

"It's fine," I whispered, moving my hands away from my stomach, noticing I had a small baby bump showing and I closed my eyes, pulling my legs up beside me and I felt another weight on the couch and I opened my eyes.

"So you are pregnant, then?" He asked slowly, and I nodded a little, "So where's you're boyfriend?" he asked in a tone that made it sound like he attempted to be casual, but it sounded a little venomous.

"Never had one, never will," I mumbled, knowing the question that was coming next, and yet again, I had been right.

"Then how are you pregnant?" He asked the dreadful question and I felt tears spring to my eyes and I stood up abruptly.

"Rape," I mumbled before hurrying for the door but warm, strong arms wrapped around me and he hugged me tight against him.

"I'm sorry for asking, Hun, don't worry, it won't ever happen again," He whispered in my ear, picking me up like a baby and rocking me back and forth as tears streamed down my face and I glared at my hands on my stomach.

"Damn hormones," I muttered and he chuckled, suddenly he started walking and when he stopped, I felt light cushion under my butt and I realized he had sat me down on a bed. I smiled slightly at him and whispered "Thank you," as he was leaving and I jumped up, hurrying over to where he was just outside the door and reached up as high as I could on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek lightly before closing the door in his face.
Smiling to myself, I pulled out a roomy nightgown from the closet and slipped it on before laying down on the bed, under the covers and I rubbed my stomach lightly through the fabric of the light blue nightgown.

"Oh my baby girl, what are we going to do? I have no idea what to do, but I'll keep you no matter what," I murmured, smiling lightly before closing my eyes and falling asleep, not even noticing from the window it had gone completely dark outside already.

How Long


What Do You Mean? Only That Long?!


's POV

I woke up when someone was rubbing my arms and I groaned, flipping over to my other side so my back was to whoever was touching me.

"Juliet, your mom made breakfast," A male voice whispered in my ear softly and I sighed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Give me ten minutes," I mumbled and he nodded, and then suddenly, I remembered I didn't know his name, but he knew almost everything about myself, I didn't even know who he was.
"What's your name?" I asked suddenly and he gave me a funny look.

"David," He said slowly before walking out and I smiled, suddenly remembering the nickname my little half-sister had told me, and I took a super quick shower before pulling on a dark red dress, it was velvet and loose just below the breast and hid most of my baby bump that looked like it had grown a inch or two.
Walking out, I quickly walked back in and ran a brush through my hair, it was a lot quicker than usual so I took a couple locks from each front side and brought them together behind my head, tying them together with a small hairband before walking out, my hair flowing behind me and my wings tucked close to my body. I felt atleast two pounds heavier than the night before. It felt weird, carrying something in my stomach, not awkward- but different. I walked towards the kitchen, looking along the walls I noticed paintings of myself as a child- various and high quality, they couldn't help but bring a smile to my face. I had never sat down for a painting before, my mother must have done this, or hidden someone to watch me and paint these.

"Juley!" Suzie cried out, waving for me to sit next to her at the long table and I gave her a small smile, seating myself in the seat next to her as the enticing scent of bacon, eggs, and pancakes all shoved their way into my nose.

"Hey Suzie!" I greeted her, smiling wider as she began plucking out food from bowls on the table, I soon followed as people began getting seated, my mother beside myself and David across from me by Suzanna's request.

The breakfast went well for a little while, each food was delicious as sausage was added a little later on, but then my mother's husband, Joseph, spoke up.

"So... Juliet, how far along are you?" His words made me freeze, the food close to my mouth that I had carefully balanced slipped of the fork and back to the plate as I laid down my fork, my appetite disappearing quickly, but I still answered.

 "Three weeks, one day," I whispered, knowing everyone heard me though, how gifted they were...

"So you only have three months, congratulations!" Joseph said, looking happy for me, but even Suzie looked as horror struck as everyone else a the table. I felt tears produce at the corners of my eyes before they exploded and I slipped up from my seat, blurring from the room at unnatural speed, also hearing my mother cussing out her husband in the presence of Suzie.


I sat on my bed, sobbing, for what I deemed at the least two hours before someone came in my room, not bothering to knock and sat down on my bed beside me, yet I sat with my head burried in my hands and blankets and pillows forming a nest around me, before it was slowly cracked open and arms envoloped me. I felt cold, breath stealing chills and opened my eyes, looking up at David.

"What are you doing?" I choked out, my throat sore from my sobs, he just shrugged in response and pulled my against his chest, laying us both down as he bundled us up together, his chin resting on top of my head as I burried my face in his shirt, effectively soaking it.

"Hush, sweetheart," I felt his husky voice whisper acrossing my hair, more cooling chills came after I stopped the reckless sobs that had been erupting more, no matter how hard I tried to control them.

"T-Th-Thank you," I managed to mumble before curling tighter into him and squeezing my eyes shut, his sweet scent cloaking around myself as he hummed gently,and then I slept.


Texte: Yours Truly
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.08.2012

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