

"Hey Marrissa!" Someone called cheerily and I saw one of my friends, her name was Lora and she was rather snotty, but so were everyone else I associated with.

"Good afternoon, Lora," I said, smiling at her new blue dress that ended just a couple of centimeters below her knees that clashed with her skin color drastically, yet nobody had the nerve to tell her that, but I wouldn't have anyway, she was pulling it off pretty good with her curves.

"Ready to go on a spree? I saw this awesome shirt yesterday that I had put on hold just for you to heck out," Lora said, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the mall, if there was one thing she loved, it was shopping, her father owned the mall, yet Lora didn't get any discounts.

"Thank you so much, I can not wait to see it!" I said, following her as we reached the store, I had no idea what it was called since it was some french name and I had taken Spanish instead of French since I had never met someone who spoke French.

"Here, Marry, here it is," Lora said, grabbing a shirt from a on-hold rack and I gasped, my eyes wide. It was the newest shirt from the new hot designer Albarto Felign(Fell-line), his family was odd, all of the people associated with him had the oddest of names.

"Wow!" I managed to squeak out, reaching out and trailing my fingers lightly over the silk-like fabric, but it was stretchy to cling to my curves and move with them "I love you, Lora!" I hugged her, careful not to squish the shirt, and took it lightly from her hand when she held it out to me. "I'm going to pay," I took out my credit card I had received on my birthday two years ago and walked over to the cashier, paying for the shirt quickly before walking back to Lora.

"We're going to get ice cream, can you buy? My mom said I can't have it but I miss it sooo much!" Lora said in her light voice, she never whined even when the words were close to a whine, her voice was never like that.

"Of course! Let's go get ice cream," I said and she smiled and thanked me before dragging me off to the food court and towards the best ice cream place around.
Once I had bought our ice-cream; cookie dough in a cone for me and mint chocolate chip in a bowl for her. She had to have a bowl because whenever she had a cone, she dripped it on her clothes.
We ate our ice-cream in silence, but I froze once I was finished and I saw a girl with a horse on her shirt and gasped, looking at Lora.

"I have to go see Sugarcoat today, at four," I exclaimed to Lora.

"Oh god, Marrissa, get out of here now, it's 3:30 and God knows you like to be early," Lora said, her bowl empty and she grabbed my napkins and said "Bye, now don't keep that sweetheart waiting," and I smiled and whirled around, running out of the mall and suddenly glad I had wore flats today.
I heard 'All American Girl' start playing from my phone in my small purse, announcing the call from my mom and pulled it out, listening to the first few verses.

'Since the day they got married
He'd been praying for a little baby boy
Someone he could take fishing
Throw the football, be his pride and joy'

Then flipped it open, holding it to my ear as I ran.

"Marrissa, how many times were you going to let it ring? And you can't go see Sugar right now, family meeting immediately!" My mom said and I sighed exasperatedly.

"First, mom, her name isn't sugar, it's Sugarcoat, and second, okay, but it had better be worth it, if it isn't it is all your fault that she is lonely for nothing," I said, my chocolate brown eyes flashing everywhere, in search of a taxi as I stood by the road, cars flying by in my home-city of Brooklyn. NY.
My dark brown hair whipped around my waist as I watched, suddenly in my revery my mom's voice broke through again.

"Okay, darling, get home soon please," My mother said and hung up, not waiting for a 'I love you' or a 'I'll be there soon' and I rolled my eyes, sparkling with amusement.
I saw a taxi coming by and signaled to them with a wave of my hand and they pulled over.
I got in and told them my apartment name, pulling out the amount of money to pay them. Once we were there, I handed it to the scraggy looking taxi driver that used to scare me when I was little, but not so much anymore since I turned seventeen and my mom had a tracker placed in my bra.
I stepped out, closing the door behind me and barely had enough time to jump away from the wheels as the wheels spun, rocketing the car away, wheels turning over where my feet had been seconds before and I sighed, some things never changed.
I walked up to the door and opened it, and to the elevator, smiling at our doorman, he was a kind guy, always helping if I got myself into trouble with some people from my school, he would stop them while I ran into the elevator to get away.
I hit the number 7 that lit up a green light as the doors closed in front of me as I felt the elevator shift as it began heading up to the seventh floor.
When there was a chime of sorts, the elevator doors opened and I stepped out into my home, there was a small room around the elevator door, with seats and a door at the other side, I opened it and found it unlocked, which was unusual. I stepped inside my home and locked it behind me, walking to the living room to where my mother and father were seated on one couch, holding hands like usual, and her brother four year old brother holding a giant teddy bear in the other.
I plopped down beside him and smiled at my mom and dad, my shirt bag I had dropped behind a plant in the small elevator room to retrieve later.

"Hey, you called a meeting mom?" I said, puling my legs onto the couch beside me and suddenly glad I had wore shorts, it was pretty warm in here, I had thought we had air conditioning.

"Well, we need to tell you something... I don't know how to say this.. but dad isn't going to work anymore..." Her mom said hesitantly and my eyes went wide, my mouth hanging open.

"You got laid off?!" I gasped at my dad, my breathing becoming faster when he nodded slowly.

"Darling, you're moving," My Father said as my mom hesitated on what to say.

"What do you mean, only me?" I asked, my eyes getting wider, I hated being alone, and they knew it.

"No, you and Tristan, your mom and I have to stay here and sort things out, plus I may get another job," Dad replied and I sighed, but it ended up getting caught in my throat as I remembered, I had no idea where we were moving.

"Where to?" I asked quietly, dreading the answer by the look in my mother's eyes.

"Your mom's parents, Montgomery, Texas," My dad replied and my mind exploded.

was the only thought that managed to boil to the top of my mind.


"Momma, when are me and Missy going?" Tristan spoke up after a long moment of silence and all of our three pairs of eyes, brown and blue, turned on him.

"You're leaving tomorrow, we're going to pack you're stuff for you Trist, while you put your stuffed animals in a box, and please do not argue Marrissa, this is a hard time for all of us," My mom murmured to him then spoke louder to me, my entire system was shocked and could barely sort out the words.

"What about my boarding school? I thought I was leaving in a week, and what about Sugarcoat?" I asked, looking at my dad since my mom had stood, she picked up Trist and carried him to his room, probably to pack.

"I'm sorry, you'll be attending Montgomery High there, it's right across from the preschool where Tristan will be," He said calmly, as if he didn't care in the least what was happening with us, "And Sugarcoat is being transported to Texas right now by train, they can't have horses on planes, and she will be there before you so no worries, and your Mother's parents own a barn and horse supplies, so your perfect to go after you have packed."

I 'Humphed' and stood up, walking swiftly to my room, I pulled out my phone, starting to text Lora.

Me: U will NOT beliv wat my parents just told me

I only had to wait for a few minutes before Lora text me back, she was usually always texting people when she was alone, it made her feel popular even though she already was, and she loved to chat.

Lora: Wat did tey say? Is it good or bad?!

Me: Ther makin Trist and I move!! :( :(

Her: Wher? Why?

Me: Montgomery Texas with my grandparents, uncool!!

Her: I'm so sry! U must be realy sad :( I'm gona miss U so much!! D:

Me: My pa got laid off, it suks to high heavens, im sooo sad :( but at least Sugarcoat is comin wit me, she on her way already

Her: That's good, I hop U com bak soon, but I gota go, shoppin spree with Melly!

I rolled my eyes, I knew she would say something like that to get out of texting me, even though I knew she would miss me truly because I was the only person who would buy her ice cream and not get her in trouble for it, I thought of her as a step-sister, we knew each other since kindergarten but we were never close, but I had been the one to comfort her when she and her boyfriend Chris had broken up during one of there many fights, they fought a lot, but they were good together and loved each other.
I slipped my phone back in my pocket, dropping my purse on the ground and grabbed a couple of suitcases, filling one with shirts, another with pants and shorts, and another with work clothes that I have never used but my mom insisted I keep in case I visited my grandparents. the work clothes included a large shirt, old jeans, and work boots, everything came from Texas in the work clothes for some reason.
I finished and packed my shoes in a smaller suitcase before stacking them up and laying out a green sundress for tomorrow, I stripped off my clothes and put on pajamas- consisting of a cute, tight tank-top and comfy, fuzzy short shorts- throwing the ones I had taken off in a hamper that my mom collected at night, and pulled out my phone from the shorts I had taken of, and placed it in the pocket hidden in the sundresses ruffles before walking over to my bed and laying down on top of the covers, looking at my giant fuzzy dog stuffed animal that was the only one I had ever had, I wrapped my arms around it and soon fell asleep, dreaming of my horse and seeing her the next day, I only hoped my grandparents didn't have any horses left, but they probably did.


I woke to someone sitting on my stomach and little fingers poking my cheek and I forced my self not to smile at Tristan.
As he continued poking, suddenly I flashed open my eyes and yelled "Boo!" making him jump, his fingers dropping from my face as his blue eyes went wide and he started laughing, I absolutely loved that nothing could scare him, scary things just made him laugh.

"Morning Tristy," I said, lifting him off my stomach and saw he was dressed as I placed him lightly on the ground.

"Morning Missy," Tristan said in a sing-song voice "Momma said we're leaving soon," I shot up standing and grabbing my clothes, leaving Tristan there with a grinning face.
I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower with all of my strawberry scented soaps.
When I was done, I stepped out and dried off with one of the soft blue towels that matched the blue under-the-sea themed bathroom.
I put on the sundress and tightened the spaghetti straps so it didn't hang low and walked out, I had underwear under it with a bra without straps, everything clung to my body like i preferred it, not drooping at all.
I grabbed my suitcases and handed them to my dad who was waiting for me and he left, heading downstairs to get a taxi probably, and grabbed my stuffed dog, it was a Mastiff and had no long fur, just soft fuzz on it. I added it to my brother's stuffed animals and brought them to the elevator, stepping out I placed them with everything else before my brother ran over to me, jumping in my arms and I looked at my mom who was coming from behind with my dad.

"Here are the plane tickets," My dad handed them to me and I slipped it in with my phone in the hidden pocket, "Be careful, hold hands, don't forget anything, love you," he added 'love you' as a after thought and I rolled my eyes.
My father had never wanted kids, heck, he never planned on having any with my mom, but sometimes people just aren't careful, my birth was a mistake, but not Tristan's, I had begged my mother for a full two years before she sighed and caved in.
We exchanged hugs and then stepped back, me taking all of the suitcases in my hands and Tristan holding onto my arm and his stuffed animal box under one of my arms.

"I love you two, be careful," My mother said, sounding more truthful than my father by a lot.

"We love you to, Mom," I said, smiling at her.

"Bye momma," Tristan said, giving a little wave at my mom, that made my heart sad a little, he and my dad had never gotten along, my dad didn't even want him, he didn't want me either, he probably was glad we were leaving now.
I helped Tristan into the Taxi, putting our things in the trunk, and getting in myself. I had to buckle Tristan, then myself, and paid the taxi driver to take us to the airport.
I had two hours to relax my muscles before carrying the things again.
**Two Hours Later**

I pulled Tristan out of the taxi, grabbing our things and telling him to hold on to my arm tight and he did, probably leaving little red marks, but I didn't care as long as I knew he was there.
I deposited our things in a weird escalator for luggage that was supposedly new or something and picked Tristan up, checking the time on my phone, seeing we had half a hour.

"Hey Trist, do you need anything?" I asked softly, and he nodded his head, his soft blonde curls bouncing a little from the movement.

"Yeah, I'm hungry sissy, can I have a pretzel?" He asked and I smiled, he absolutely loved pretzels since he was two.

I walked to the food court and bought him a soft pretzel quickly before turning and heading out. He ate his pretzel in silence, being carried like a toddler by me as I walked quickly- to quick for him- to the plane, boarding just in time, I strapped him in his seat-not near the window since he didn't like heights- and pulled out my phone, grabbing earbuds from my carry-on bag and strapping myself in after that, we weren't in first class like I had been when I was little and had flown to visit with my mom, we were just like everyone else now, average... as close to normal as someone can get.

"Tristy, we're going to have a long plane ride, poke me as many times as you need to if you need something," I told him, and he nodded.

"Okay sissy, but I wanna take a nap, Momma woke me up way to early than usual," He said quietly and he leaned his head on my arm and was out like a light, making me smile at him, his cute little curly blonde hair brushing on my arm. I put my earbuds in, turning on my playlist and cranking up the volume, I closed my eyes, my head resting against the small window as the plane took off into the air, heading for the last place I'd thought I would ever be, Montgomery, Texas.


Tristan woke me up a little while later and I laughed slightly when he missed poking my arm that was near his and poked himself, my face soon grew serious when I had pulled my earplugs out and heard the women's voice telling everyone to get off. I stuffed my phone in a pocket in my carry-on and slung it over my shoulder, grabbing Tristan into my arms after unbuckling both of us.

As I was trying to force my way through the people someone tapped me on my shoulder and I turned my head and saw a women wearing a sort of western outfit, probably from Texas and coming back.

"Hey honey, do you need any help?" She asked in a sweet voice and I raised a eyebrow, confused at why I would need help.

"Why would I need help?" I asked curiously, my brown eyes full of wonder as I took in her fake looking blonde hair that looked like it was burned to a crisp to make it curly.

"With your little boy of course! You look so tired and so young," She said and shock registered, my mouth hanging open as I saw a couple of figures moving out of the seats near her and walking next to her, but I didn't look up to know they were male, I didn't want to see anyone else from Texas as I felt anger overwhelm me. As I shut my mouth, remembering how my mom said how unladylike that was.

"He is not my son! He's my little brother and we are doing just find without 'helpful' people like you," I said angrily, whirling around and I knew my long hair must have hit her as I stormed out of the plane, before I left, I saw Tristan stick his tongue out at someone and I could have sworn it was that women and the thought made me smile.
"I see Grandpa," I said as I spotted someone waving a hand at us and I hurried over as Trist jumped out of my arms and ran to him, our grandpa swung him around once before setting him down, smiling at us.

"Hey Grandpa," Tristan and I said at the same time and he grinned bigger and I rolled my eyes, he always tried to say stuff when I did, he thought it was funny though I found it a little annoying.

"Hey kiddos, we should go get your luggage," He said and I nodded, holding Tristan's hand as we walked to the escalator type thing and we saw our bags almost immediately, I split them between my grandpa and I and Tristan held tight to my arm as we walked out to his truck.
We put the luggage in the bed of the truck and my grandpa strapped it in while I buckled Tristan in the back seat before I got in the passenger side myself. Once my grandpa was inside, he started driving to the countryside.

"Have you got your driver's license yet?" My grandpa asked me as he drove and suddenly I felt bad, I hadn't talk to them for a while and they didn't know yet,"

"Yup, right when I turned Seventeen I got it, though there isn't much to use it for in Brooklyn, not many have one though," I said, feeling proud that I was one of the only people who did.

"Cool, oh, that reminds me, I have a present for you when we get there," He said and I smiled, suddenly hearing a light snoring that announced Tristan was asleep.

"You didn't have to, grandpa," I said, smiling at him "But thank you so so much," I smiled bigger and he smiled too.

"It's fine, and your welcome," He said as we neared a large building and I looked at it, it was brick and had a large garage door to the side and a badge looking thing on another and in the middle was a flag, as if it was separated in three pieces.

"What is that building?" I asked my grandpa and he glanced at it.

"That's the city hall, police station, and fire department in one, that's why it's larger than every other building, it saves money too, the other building next to it is the vet, but we'll show you everything later." he said.

"Your horse has really been anxious, she won't eat and she has been pacing around her stall for a while," he said and I sighed.

"She won't eat unless I'm there, I hope it ends soon," I said, watching the road.

"Don't worry, you'll be with her a lot so she'll be fine," he reassured me and I smiled.
We turned a road that read Prairie Street, then later one that said Clepper Drive and I smiled, we were there.
Once he parked, I jumped out and woke Tristan up lightly and he went inside, searching for grandma.
I helped grandpa bring in our luggage and put my things in my room. I noticed there was a lock on my door and I smiled, a couple of years ago I had been in my room changing when my dad opened the door and I totally screamed my head off at him for it, then the year after someone walked in when I was getting out of the shower and I did the same, but i9t was worse because it was my dad's friend and he didn't exit immediately, he waited a couple of seconds before going out.
I looked around the room that had used to be my mother's who had been absolutely obsessed with pink. The closet doors where hot pink, the dresser a pale pink, the walls a bubble gum pink and the bedding a plain pink, and the carpet had striped pinks which made me smile.
I unpacked my suitcases, my shoes in the closet along with my dresser I hung up on hangers in there, the most expensive in the back in case anyone looked in there. I put my underwear in another drawer in the dresser, then my short and pants in a different one. I put my folded shirts just below my bottoms and closed them, leaning m\back and sitting on the clean, soft carpet.
I stood and took off my dress, putting on jeans and a shirt then my riding boots and walked out, looking for my grandma in the aroma-filled kitchen and saw her baking tons of pies and breads and I smiled, she absolutely adored cooking. I saw Tristan eating some bread that looked like banana bread and smiled, I called him a Monkey sometimes because he absolutely loves bananas.

"Hey grandma, I'm going out to see Sugarcoat," I told her and she nodded at me, smiling before turning back to her cooking.

"You have to get this before you go," I heard my grandpa say behind me and I turned around, he placed a cowboy hat on my head and I smiled up at him.

"Thank you so much," I said but he shushed me and pushed me outside of the kitchen.

"Go get that horse, she must be worried sick," He commanded and I laughed, walking towards the door.


My hand was on the doorknob when I heard someone knock and I jumped back, moving my hand away. I peeked through a small window on the door and saw a man that must have been the vet.

"The vet's here I think!" I called to me grandpa and he jogged over to me, opening the door and he nodded. I stood back and carefully tucked all of my hair under my new hat, it bothered me a lot when I was riding.

"Hey Steve, glad you could make it, but it seems you're missing your partner," My grandpa said with me standing behind him, then he turned to me "Steve is here to check on a Stallion I found a little while ago, we don't know his exact age yet," he told me and I nodded.

"I'm going out there," I said quietly, walking past Steve with a quick "Excuse me,"

"That must be Marrissa, am I right?" I heard Steve say.

"Yup, the girl has a horse that was sent here, the horse won't stay still, they're really close," My grandpa replied "So where's the boy?"

"Oh, he'll be here soon, hung out with his friends late at night, damn boy puked on Marie's clean floor, I made him run here while i drove, get him some fresh air," Steve said "We should check the horse out," and I heard their heavy footsteps follow my delicate ones to the barn.
When I spotted Sugarcoat I ran over to her and her head that had been hung instantly shot up and she nickered, brushing her head against me when I reached her and I ran a hand through her long mane, I never liked to cut it. She had a long golden tail and mane.
I opened the stall and saw a saddle on a bar. I picked it up and gently put it on her back, putting it on just right before I looked around and sighed, seeing nothing but the saddle and rolled my eyes, they rode different than I did probably, but I didn't care.
I heard Steve and my Grandpa come in, but I didn't look away from my horse.
I put one fut in a stirrup then swung my leg around, seating myself in the saddle, putting my other foot in a other stirrup and smiled, it felt good to be back in the saddle even if it had been just a day.
I tangle my hands in her hair and nudged her slightly with my foot and she trotted out of her stable, I nudged her a tiny bit more and she moved a little quicker and we passed Steve and my Grandpa.
When we were outside, I nudged her again with my foot and she started cantering across the field.

"Let's go, Sugarcoat," I said near her ear and nudged her harder and she broke into her fast gallop around the field. We were going farther in the field when her ears perked up and I turned towards the road that was far away that had caught her attention, I couldn't see anything so I decided to ride that way.
I arched my back slightly so we could gang more speed as I leaned forward, nudging her with my foot and she galloped that way.
As I came near, I saw a figure in the distance near my driveway

Austin's POV

My breathing was heavy when I reach Nathan Carper's. I had heard he had grandchildren coming over, a older boy and a little girl.
At the moment, my stomach was doing flips and I still didn't feel well after a cold shower and coffee, well, and puking on my mom's floor which I ended up cleaning. Getting drunk so wasn't worth it though.
As I reached his house I saw a horse in the distance, I thought it had gotten out before I saw a thin figure leaning over for speed, must be the grandson.
He reached the fence and asked in a awfully girly voice "You're the puking boy, right?" he asked, his horse had come to a stop a couple of feet away, yet my eyes hurt from the light and I couldn't see him clearly.

"He told everyone about that?" I asked, sighing and smacking myself on the head, now the entire town would know.

"Yup, pretty much, their in the barn checking out the Stallion, I was heading back there myself," He said and added "See ya," and I couldn't help but notice his skinny legs and arms, probably weak and very light weight. I jogged towards the barn, watching as he pet the horse lightly and whispered something in it's ear and it slowed down as they entered the barn. I reached it soon after them and saw him swinging his legs off of the horse at the same time, landing lightly on his feet with grace which made thoughts come to my head, maybe he was gay or something.
I saw my dad with Mr. Carper and walked over, holding out my hand and shook his.

"Good afternoon Mr. Carper," I said and saw him roll his eyes.

"I have told you a million times, and I will tell you once more, call me Nathan," Mr. Carper said and chuckled.
I saw his grandson walk over and glanced at the unsaddled horse, definitely female.

"I've never seen my grandpa let someone call him Nathan, not even my dad, though he may have good reason," He said, taking off his hat with one hand and running his hand through his hair... that reached his waist.

"You're a girl?!?!" I gasped and her eyes went wide in confusion.


Marrissa's POV

"Of course! What did you think I was?" I said, still in shock, how could I not be and look like a girl?

"A guy, or a gay guy," He said, and I remembered I didn't know his name but I pushed the thought to the side.

"Well I am most certainly not a guy," I said, venom dripping in my voice as I glared at him, I could hear Steve and my grandpa laughing in the background but I ignored them.

"Well, I can see that now," He said, "I'm Austin," he held out his hand which I ignored.

"And I don't care," I said walking past him and out of the barn, not even stopping when I heard him following me.

"Well, you were a very pretty guy at the time," Austin said and I rolled my eyes, oh great, another big flirt come to annoy me, just like in Brooklyn.

"Well, Mr. Flirt, you must be the gay one to think a guy was pretty," I retorted and he grabbed my arm, I severely hated it when people did that from when I broke my left arm falling off my first horse, and he grabbed my left arm, "Remove. Your. Hand. Now!" I snarled through clenched teeth.

"Listen, I'm sorry about that, I'm not gay, and I won't let you go," He said and I glared at him as a jolt of pain hit my system when one of his fingers pressed against a sore spot and I yanked away, running for the house as quick as I could, but he was way slower than me so I didn't have to.

Once I was inside, I closed the door and went to the kitchen, sitting on a chair beside Tristan.
"Hey Trist," I said, smiling at him and I ruffled his curs. He swatted my hands away and patted his hair down, smiling up at me.

"Hi Missy," Tristan said to me and I looked up and my grandma who was mixing ingredients.

"Do you have pain reliever, Grandma?" I asked her, hoping she said yes because my arm had stared to ache.

"Yup, second drawer on the right side," My grandma said and I grabbed a cup, filling it with water then took a pill from a little bottle in the cupboard, I swallowed it down and put the cup in the sink. Just as I was putting the bottle back, Steve my Grandpa and Austin came in the kitchen and saw me putting it away. A guilty look crossed Austin's face but I paid no notice.

"What's with the pain reliever?" Grandpa asked, smiling at me as I took my seat back beside Tristan

"Broke my arm when I was seven, still hurts sometimes," I said mostly truthfully, I was glad when he nodded absentmindedly and changed the subject.

"That Stallion is about seven years old, about a adult in human years," He added the last bit for Tristan who knew almost nothing about horses, he looked at Tristan and added "We still need someone to name him," and my brother's head shot straight up.

"Phantom," Tristan said instantly, grinning cheekily at Grandpa and I let out a giggle, my hair falling over my face and hid my wide smile.

"Okay, I guess we have that covered, someone needs to break him in though," Steve said, looking at his son expectantly but I spoke up first.

"I can, I've done it with two horses before, Sugarcoat and a stallion," I said quickly, finishing before Austin could offer and smiled, happy he didn't have time.

"Well... Austin could do it," Steve offered for him, giving his son a hard look, probably mad he didn't offer before.

"Nope, it's fine, I've got it, I don't need any help either, it'll give me something to do and Sugarcoat will help me," I said, smiling my most dazzling smile at him and he nodded.

"Okay," My grandpa said "You'd better get on your way now," he told them sternly, probably realizing that Steve wanted his son to be with the horse or something.

"Okay, see ya, and Austin you had better get running," Steve said and I grinned evilly.
I stood and walked towards my room but turned to say something.

"Have fun with your run Mr. Pukes," I called to Austin and hurried and closed my bedroom door, locking it just as the footsteps got closer.

I heard someone try and open the door and they couldn't, I waited a little while before peeking out and I saw Austin waiting by the door. I tried to close it again, using all of my muscle as he pushed against it but eventually he pushed it open and I fell back onto my butt, slightly cushioned by the carpet and I looked up at his grinning face.

"You need something besides getting me hurt?" I asked and he clearly didn't know what to say and I laughed.

"I didn't mean to get you hurt, I just wanted to offer help with the horse, and make sure you stop calling me Mr. Pukes," Austin said hesitantly, holding out a hand to help me up but I ignored it, rolling my eyes. I pushed myself up and sat down on the pink bed.

"I am not helpless, I do not need a 'man's' help, I don't know how things work here, but that's not how I work, and you just wanted to get back at me, that's why my butt hurts," I said, my smile was long gone.

"I really am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Austin said, sitting beside me and I moved away from him when our knees touched.

"I don't care how sorry you are, just go," I said, pushing him off of my bed with a foot "And keep your dirty ass off my bed," He landed on the floor on his butt and I laughed.

"Oh ha ha, very funny, but you'll pay for that because I'm the one that is going to be checking up on the expensive Stallion," He growled at me, standing up and striding out of the bedroom. What's wrong with him? I hope he won't be on my mind because so far, the next ten minutes he was.
I sighed, standing up and walking out of my room, closing the door quietly behind me and I walked to the living room where I saw grandpa sitting on the couch reading, I sat beside him on the next cushion square.

"Hey grandpa, that was kinda odd, Austin just said something about the Stallion being expensive," I said and he looked up from his book and let out a heavy sigh.

"I knew it would happen, they were right, Steve wants Phantom and he told me a while ago since he's a purebred Thoroughbred, worth very much for breeding lines and just to sell, even though I told him no, he still wants him," Grandpa said, throwing his head back and sighing again.

"I'm going out to the barn, see you tomorrow, sleep well," I said, standing and walking to the closet to grab things. I grabbed a pillow and blanket before changing quickly into pajama shorts and a tank top and I walked outside after grabbing a flash light.
I reached the barn and saw the horses falling asleep, but Sugarcoat raised her head when I walked in, seeing a pile of hay bales in a corner, I formed it into a bed and made sure the barn door was closed when I put the pillow down, pulling the blanket around me and jumped down into a laying position on the hay, my head rested against the pillow and my hair splayed out all over the pillow and stuffed the flashlight into the hay next o my pillow.
If they want that Stallion, they're going to have to go through me to get it,

I thought as I fell asleep watching my horse fall asleep.


I woke up to scratching, sounding as if the door was opening. I saw it was still dark out and rubbed my eyes, when a faint light came into the barn, I jumped up, hiding behind the hay and hid the blanket and pillow.
I crept along the wall, my black pajamas and dark hair kept me pretty well camouflaged as I looked for the person who was there. I saw the light and knew it wasn't my grandfather or grandmother and ran at it, tackling the person and the flashlight flew out of there hands, I pinned them on there stomach and pulled their arms behind them, sitting on there back as I heard the flashlight shatter and he jerked, trying to get away.
He managed to free a arm and threw me off, my butt skidding on the ground and I jumped up, punching him in the face as he hit above my head and I grinned in the darkness, I was shorter than he thought I would be.
I slapped him before swiping his legs out from under him and he fell onto the hay I had slept on, I hadn't known we had fought that far. I jumped onto him, holding him down and punched him in the face and I knew I had given him a black eye.

"Lemme go!" The person cried and my fist froze above a body part of his as I was about to hit him again and I grinned. I pulled out my flash light from the hay and shined it at Austin's face.

"Look who the cat dragged in," I said, still grinning as I saw his red face as his eyes adjusted to the light and he saw me sitting on top of him.

"What the fuck?! That hurt you maniac!" Austin said angrily, "Get the light out of my face," he added as a after thought and I rolled my eyes, sticking the handle into the hay so it shined light everywhere.

"I'm not the one who broke in to steal Phantom, so shut up you thief, kidnapper, asshole, Mr. pukes, give me a couple of minutes and I'll come up with many more names," I said and he flinched slightly.

"Will you get off of me now?" He asked, wiggling from under me and I shook my head.

"I like to be in the superior position, so nope, plus you probably like this position," I said and a small grin cracked out on his lips, "But fine, I'll give you back a little pride," I pushed myself off of him, rolling over to lay on my back next to him.

"I'm sorry about this, and are you alright? I hit you hard a couple of times," He said and I laughed hard, clutching my stomach when I finally stopped.

"You think you actually hurt me, don't you?" I asked, turning my head to looked at him as he nodded "Well, you didn't, I lived in New York, I'm a tough girl, I took karate when I was little and horse riding gives you some pretty good muscles," he chuckled and I sighed, looking back at the ceiling.

"Why'd you sleep out here?" Austin asked and I felt something touch my leg, he must have moved.

"Because I knew one of you would be coming, I'm just surprised Steve didn't, can you grab the pillow and blanket behind the hay please?" I said, smiling when I felt him lean over to grab it the he raised my head and placed the pillow under it and laid the blanket on me before laying back again. "Thank you," I mumbled, feeling I was still tired, I rested my head against his bicep instead of the pillow.

"No problem, I should go now though, I won't be back, I promise," Austin said and started to get up, gently moving his arm away but my hand shot out and I grabbed it, pulling him back down.

"Please don't, I'll get lonely and who knows how many rats and mice are out here, they'll want you first," I said, clutching tightly to his arm.

"Okay, but you own me something," He said, laying back down next to me and I rested my head against him again.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, I'll have a answer soon, just not at the moment, now sleep, no more questions," He said, putting a finger from his left hand that I wasn't resting against against my lips and I smiled against them.

"Goodnight, Mr. Thief," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his arm next to me and hugged it to me so he couldn't get away when I was asleep and I slowly fell asleep, comforted by his warmth.


I woke up slowly, my eyelids fluttering open when I felt a warmth beside me. I opened my eyes the entire way and saw Austin, jumped up and let out a scream.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked, I thought I had chased him off last night, he must have come back and did something. He lazily turned over, opening his eyes and smiled at me, making my frown deepen.

"Sleeping, you were so kind to offer me a place to stay last night, actually, you almost begged me to stay," He said and a shock ran through my body and I shook my head rapidly.

"No, I would never do that, now get out!" I said and he yawned, taking his time as he stood up and stretched before walking towards the door.

"Nice pajamas by the way," He tossed over his shoulder before he left and I looked down, all I had on was a small tank-top and short shorts, I mentally smacked myself, the medicine for pain reliever must really be strong.
I left the blanket and the pillow and ran out of the barn and to the house, slipping inside quietly and making a dash for my room but someone spoke just as I was about to open the door.

"Where have you been? It's about four in the morning and you weren't here at bedtime," Grandma said and I turned around, my eyes wide, my angled hair draped over my shoulders and down my back with pieces of hay in it.

"I slept in the barn, I wanted to make sure the horses were all right," I informed her quickly "I told Grandpa I was going there," I added.

"Okay," She said sarcastically, as if she didn't believe why I was in there and I rolled my eyes when she turned away and I opened my door, grabbing skinny jeans from my dresser and pulling out a very short sundress-like shirt and a set of underwear.
I walked to the bathroom and put the clothes on the ground, turning on the water and stripping off my clothes, I got in and washed out the hay before using my strawberry scented soaps.
When I was out I pulled my hair into a low, sleek ponytail and slid on my clothes before walking out, I felt fully awake even though school wasn't for a while and it was just starting to get bright out.

I pulled on cowboy boots I found in a closet that were about my size and smiled as I tucked my jeans into the boots,I looked pretty good today.
I pulled on my hat and walked out the door and into the morning light, it was a little cool out but heat was returning to Texas quickly. I smiled brightly and jogged back t the barn and to Sugarcoat who nickered when I pet her side.
I grabbed a brush from a set of supplies in the corner and carefully brushed her off, jumping back from a cloud of dust when I accidentally kicked some hay.
I finished with her coat and brushed her tail and mane until they shined and I smiled, she was so beautiful in my eyes. Carefully, I saddled her and put one foot in a stirrup before swinging my other leg around and slipping the other foot into the other stirrup. I led her out of the barn and into the field, taking off and galloping around until it was time for school.
"Here is you schedule, drive careful, and drop your brother off first, don't hit anyone too," My grandpa said, grinning as he handed me the keys to his older truck that he usually never used since he got a newer one.

"I know, I know," I said as I took them along with my schedule, slipping my schedule into a pocket of my jeans.
We were standing beside the truck, Tristan waiting on the inside in the passenger seat as I was lectured for about the twentieth time on how to and not to drive by grandpa, he loved his trucks very much.

"Okay, now you'd better skedaddle, don't wanna be late on your first day," Grandpa said and I nodded, hugging him before climbing into the driver's seat and closed the door, putting the keys in the ignition. It took me a couple of times to get going, but we weren't late.

"Please don't kill me," I heard Tristan beg as I was driving down Clepper Drive, heading for Caroline St.

"I'm not, just don't distract me," I ordered and I could literally hear his mouth snapping shut as I kept my eyes on the road.
I took a left onto Maiden Lane, turning quickly and making Tristan giggle like it was a roller-coaster, he loved them. At The end of the street, I turned right onto Caroline Street and I saw the high-school, it was on one end of the street with the elementary on the other and the elementary school was next to the preschool.

"We're here," I said as I parked at the high-school, as far away from anyone else as I could, I took out the keys and put them in my pocket as I got out, walking around and getting Tristan out, "We're walking across the street to the preschool, hold my hand," and he took it in his small finger as I led him across and into the building.

"This must be the new student Tristan," The principal said as I walked into the office, Tristan beside me.

"Yup, I have to go now, high school," I told him then stooped down to Tristan's level "Have fun, I'll be here after school to take you home," I said softly and he nodded, smiling and I smiled back and kissed his forehead, "Bye Trist," I said, standing and walking for the door.

"Bye Missy," I heard him say before the door shut behind me.
As I walked into the hallways of my new school, I felt eyes burning holes in my back as I looked for the office. "Hi, you must be the new girl," A overly preppy blonde said, grabbing my arm with little strength as she led me somewhere but I stopped walking.

"Yeah, but where are you taking me?" I asked, my arm slipping away from her when I stopped.

"To the initiation of course, to see if you are good enough to be a popular," She said in a 'duh' tone and I laughed, shaking my head.

"So not going to happen, miss fake-blonde," I said, she was just like the people at my old school who wanted to be popular, but she looked even more shocked to be turned down.

"I am not a fake blond! I am a natural blond!" She said and I looked at her hair, at the roots to be more precise.

"You should die it again, I can see grey and some red roots showing," I said simply and turned around, walking down the hall with my hat tipped slightly forward to cover my eyes. I was smiling, I had made sure to get the message across to the blonde, or red head I should say.

"That was awesome!" I heard a voice squeak beside me and I jumped, seeing a short spiky red haired girl walking up to me, "Sarah hasn't been put in her place like that since- actually she never has!"

"That's wonderful!" I said, smiling, I had always had a gift for putting people in there place, "What's your name?"

"I'm Natalie, but everyone calls me Nat," She said "I know you're new here because I don't know your name, all I know is that your Mr. Carper's granddaughter," I smiled as did she.

"I'm Marrissa, but you can call me Missy or Marry,"

"Do you need to find the office?" Nat asked and I nodded, she grabbed my arm in a strong bony hand and pulled me towards a room, opening the door and I saw it was the office, and it was air-conditioned. "Here you go,"

"I'm the new girl," I told the Secretary who didn't look interested at all, she handed me a couple of pieces of paper before shooing Nat and I out of the room and I laughed slightly. "She's a happy person," and Natalie laughed along with me.


As I exited third period, someone grabbed my arm and shoved me into a deserted classroom next door, I looked up to see Austin towering over me, his eyes trained on mine.

"Last night never happened, got it?" He snarled and I gulped, nodding immediately at his glare, he hated me now probably, I had made the cool guy feel weak, "And stay out of my way," I smiled slightly, I could play this game well.

"Okay, see ya later sweetheart," I said, kissing his cheek and flinging the door open, running towards my next class before he could get me


Texte: Yours Truly
Bildmaterialien: (Cover Page found on Google Images)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.08.2012

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