
First Piece Down


You leave the kitchen for five seconds and suddenly, your Aunt decides to blow up the oven!

I thought angrily as I jogged from where I was outside, paying for a paper quickly so I could find out about the burned down building, I tossed a quick thanks to the young boy who had sold me it.

"No prob, Lana, just don't forget me tip!" The little boy called after me as I turned, hurrying inside, dropping the paper on a small table and running into the kitchen.

"Oh my god! Auntie, these were perfect before I left!" I said, frustrated that I had barely been gone, I grabbed a mitt to cover my hand from the hot pan and yanked it out of the fire, placing it above and waving a towel furiously to clear the smoke as my Aunt stood there, a goofy grin on her face.

"Sorry, Lana," Aunt Claire said, yup, my aunt, who couldn't cook to save her life, that's why she had me, her cooking slave.

"Whatever," I muttered, separating the burned ones and the ones that were just more crispy and gave her the crispy one after placing them neatly on beside the tea "This is enough, now go," she grabbed the tea and cookies and walked out to her tea party.
I sighed, swishing my medium length, slightly wavy brown hair, it ended below my shoulders a couple inches and curved everywhere at the bottom. My chocolate brown eyes flashed wearily at the door to the dining room to make sure my aunt was gone and I slipped off the tight shoes she made me wear and rubbed my feet, scowling at the red lines on my slim feet. Everything about me was slim, my arms, legs, my entire body, but not my head, it was a ovalish shape. I had my father's height, if only he could see me now... and my mother, oh she would love to see my silky, shiny hair that I have from her. I am 5'9", seven inches taller than my aunt who took after my grandma.
I tossed my shoes in a corner and wrapped the burnt cookies in a couple of napkins, I wished my sundress had a pocket, but it didn't, even though I thought it was somewhat cute, I hated girly things. The dress had a halter top, and it ended just below her knees. It was a light blue, her favorite color, with a large yellow circle around her small waist.
I opened the back door and turned, closing it quietly. Running down the cobblestone street with my hair billowing like a flag behind me and the sun shining down on everyone, which felt spectacular on my pale skin. My feet flew over the street, I jumped to the side occasionally so I wouldn't hit anyone, and I neared the dock. I dove under the dock, landing on my stomach and looked up at the little boy to the side who was holding a small clock in his small hand.

"One minute early!" Jeremy 'Hypes' Land exclaimed, plucking a stick out of my hair "I finished sellin me papes only five minutes ago, yous are really practicin," I nodded and smiled at him as he smiled back, a goofy smile like always, he was such a sweet little boy.
Jeremy had shaggy dirty blond hair and he wore raggy shorts and the new shirt I had bought him the other day to replace the ripped, dirty shreds that had served as a shirt before. He had the clearest blue eyes that lightened anyone's spirit with just one glance.

"Yuppers," I said, tussling his hair and held out my hand that held the burnt cookies delicately "Aunt Clair still can't cook,"

"Thanks Lana, I should get goin, the guys wonder why I take so long every day," Jeremy said, his grinning getting bigger.

"No prob, now scram, Hypes, I don't want you in trouble with them boys, and be careful, the Crawford brothers and there gang are back in town," I said, pushing him towards the opening from under dock. He rolled his eyes brilliant bluer eyes and hopped out from under, leaving the clock nestled in leaves, I checked it and waited five minutes before hiding it carefully and slipping out from under the dock, just as I heard yelling. I brushed off the dirt, looking towards the yelling and seeing the Crawford brothers and here gand throwing rocks at the high side of the tallest fence and saw Jeremy scaling it.

"Get yo lil ass down here you turd!" One of the guys yelled, chucking a rock at Jeremy and it hit him in the leg making him yelp. Before I could register what was happening, I was across the street and my fist connected with his face, then my foot where the sun doesn't shine and he fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Looks like he's not the one going down," Someone chuckled and I spun around, seeing Brad Crawford, the youngest of the three brothers. My hand swung out in a flash, but he caught my wrist it and said "Feisty," and I grinned.

"You have no idea," I said, flipping him onto his back before adding "Next time, no touchiing me," as I yanked my wrist from his grasp, smirking at him as he pushed himself to his feet.

"You'll pay for that," Brad growled and I sighed, hating his guts and everything about him, crossing my arms as he glared at me, looking me u and down.-

"Ha, yeah right, you wish," I said, rolling my eyes before yelling to Jeremy "RUN NOW!" and I tripped the two people running for Jeremy who was already streaking down the fence and into the streets, towards his gangs warehouse. I kicked Dan Crawford i the jaw, wishing I wasn't wearing a dress and whirled around as someone grabbed at my dress, smashing my fist in the guy's face.

"Fuck!" The guy yelled, falling back and clutching his nose "That bitch broke my nose!" I smirked, seeing the blood trickle past his dirty hands.

"Your welcome, it's a definite improvement," I said before running through the streets, the Brother's running after me since they were the only ones I had not made fall to the ground. My feet flew over the street, nearing my favorite tree when my foot got stuck on a rock and I fell, head over heels on the ground, hitting my head on a rock.

"Crap..." I mumbled, looking through my blurry vision and seeing the brother's run up at me, but I blacked out, hoping they left my body alone.


My eyelids fluttered open and I gained feeling in my body, slowly though, I looked around and my neck ached but it wasn't broken thank god, nothing was apparently but I was sore all over. A pain was worse in my had where I hit the rock, but it would heal soon enough.
I noticed a presence in the room and saw Dan Crawford sitting in the wooden chair beside the table I was on in the room. I slowly stretched my limbs and stood, my dress and undergarments were on so my worries faded, I knew I was in there warehouse though.

I hope I don't end up dead here,

I thought as I stood up. I patted my sundress down and opened the door slowly so it wouldn't creak and braced myself. I flung it open and ran out, running swiftly for the door but someone wrapped there arms around me as I neared the open door. I screamed and struggled to get free but they held tight, putting a hand over my mouth and I bit it.

"Wha the fuck!" Brad Crawford yelled in my ear making me yelp as his grip tightened and it began to hurt a lot.

"Your hurting me," I whimpered in barely a whisper, my voice squeaky and he instantly loosened.

"Sorry Goily, you shouldn't gos bitten mes though," Brad said, his accent thick in my ear as he hugged me from behind.

"Release me now and I won't." I snarled at him, finding my anger and voice as I struggled against his hold. He let go of me and I darted out the door, running hard towards my house and stumbled, when I saw a trail of ashes and smoke. "No..." I mumbled, running faster and I saw a pile of rubble and ashes.
I saw to crates and pushed myself on top of the largest one, tears dribbling out of my eyes as I looked at my burned down house, all of my things were gone, nothing survived it.
I jumped as I felt something touch my shoulder and turned my head to see the third Crawford brother, and the oldest, Todd. If I had to choose a favorite of the brothers he would be it, he wasn't a jerk to me and helped me sometimes when Brad and Dan were picking on me or attacking me.

"Hey, yous okay there goil?" Todd asked, rubbing my back soothingly.

"No..." I mumbled then asked "What happened? How long was I gone?"

"Yous hit yous head pretty bad, three days," Todd said softly "Yous Aunt ran off with tons o money and headed someswhere in Ohio," he shrugged before continuing "Wes saved yous stuff right in here, yous gonna stays with us fors a whiles," he patted the crates, big and small, then sat on the small one, still rubbing my back. "The boys will pick this stuff up, yous got the bestest room wes got, so lets go back now," I nodded and stood, instantly flinching as I realized the ache in my leg. Todd smiled at me and put his arm around me and under my arms, supporting my weight once he had stood up and we made our way back to the warehouse.

Once we neared it we saw Nate Chris and Greg. "Ya sweet cheeks!" Greg yelled out and I scowled at him, making him smirk at me.

"You call me that one more fuckin' time and I'll murder you," I snarled at him, my fist swinging out at his face but Chris caught my hand quickly.

"His slut dumped him for another guy, he has a temper at the moment, be careful," Chris whispered quickly in my ear, making it look like he kissed my cheek, then walked off towards my old home.

I grinned wickedly at Greg and said "I hope you had fun with your slut, because apparently you can't even keep that slut longer than a week, I hope you run into her and her new guy," venom dripping in my voice as I brushed past Brad and walked inside before Greg could react. Todd followed me and pulled me to my room, far away from the boy's rooms.

"Nice statement," Todd said quietly in my ear, bending down slightly since he was taller
than me. "There's a bed, dresser, bathroom, and light, your stuff will be here soon." I nodded and he turned away, leaving and closing the door behind him.

I sat down on the bed and found it was quite soft, despite it's looks. I laid down and drifted off.
2 Hours Later
I woke up when I felt someone touching me and saw Greg brushing his fingers along my thigh, I yelped and shoved him away from me, my back pressed against the wall, still laying down on my bed.

"You seemed so sensitive about sluts, I assume you would love to be mine," Greg murmured, moving closer and I screamed.

"GET AWAY!" I yelled, suddenly the door burst open and I squeezed my eyes shut and the weight from the bed was yanked away and I heard a thump as something or someone hit the floor.

"You stay away from her!" I heard Brad yell, I was shaking like crazy. He walked over to me and gathered me in his arms, rocking me back and forth like a baby. I buried my head in his chest as tears pricked my eyes, dribbling out onto his still bare chest.

"He was going to rape me," I whispered in a small voice and he kissed the top of my head, holding me close to him.

"It's okay, we won't let him hurt you," I heard someone say and looked up, seeing Todd and I saw I was in Brad's arms and pulled away from him, moving onto Todd's lap and he chuckled saying "Someone sure doesn't like you," and rocked me back and forth as Brad had. I heard brad grumble something but I couldn't make the words out.

"Hey, Lana," Todd said softly after I heard Brad leave and close the door "Your stuff is here, and don't worry, we won't sell it without your permission, so go decorate Lana," I nodded and he stood, setting me down on the bed and walking out, dragging a uncontentious Greg with him and closing the door behind him. I stood and locked it, opening the crates and began decorating everywhere, changing the nasty sheets and pillow cases and the disgusting comforter. Then, I began decorating the walls with my paintings.

A New Start

I woke up the next day on my new bed, under my old comforter, on my old sheets and my head rested snugly on my old pillowcases. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, I had tidied it up a lot and now the only difference it had from my old room was the size, wall color, and floor.
Carefully, I stood, I was still in the sundress and I pulled open a drawer from the dresser, grabbing shorts and a t-shirt and stripping then putting them on along with clean undergarments.
I placed my clothes in a hamper and walked out of the room after unlocking it and down the stairs, my long hair cascading down my shoulders, messed up from sleep, the boys looked up, smirking at me and one whistled, earning a glare from me as I sat in a chair next to Todd and he handed me a bowl of oatmeal, extra soupy, I took a spoon that he offered me and ate- no I drank it more. Once I was finished I stood and walked to the sink, scrubbing the bowl in water before putting it away along with the spoon once cleaned.

"Hey Todd," I said quietly to gain his attention from ashing the dishes "What am I supposed to do?"

Todd smiled at me and said "They want yous out there sellin' papes but yous are gonna clean 'round here, wes need a good cleaner 'cause o these slobs," I nodded and turned away, walking back up the stairs and to my room. I locked the door behind me and went to the bathroom, stripping and taking a bath before coming out and putting my clothes back on, my hair dripping on my shirt and making it slightly see through so my bra was slightly visible.

I sighed, pulling my long, wet hair into a high, messy bun and walking back down the stairs and grabbing a dust pan and broom and began sweeping, then finished the dishes.
The boys all left a couple minutes later to sell papers, leaving me alone.
I finished cleaning the main rooms and made my way to the boy's rooms. Occasionally, while I cleaned I came upon a bra or panties and I instantly threw them in the trash, they were disgusting.
I plopped down on the old couch, thoroughly exhausted, then I remembered I had to cook them dinner. Standing up, I shuffled my feet to the fridge, pulling out fish then oil from a cupboard and then a pan from a different cupboard and poured the oil on the pan, placing it on the oven and turning it on, adding the already skinned fish to it and flipping the many pieces with a fork after a little while. As the first guy came back, I already had placed the fish on enough plates for everyone but me, I was unsure what to do. I heard everyone getting back and finished washing the dishes I had used to cook quickly then ran up the stairs, closing my door behind me and forgetting to lock it.
I sat down on the bed, facing the wall and pulled my knees to my chest as hunger stabbed at me, I hadn't ate lunch since I hadn't wanted to eat there food, all I had ate was the watery oatmeal for four days now.

I heard a knock on the door and someone came in, not bothering to ask if I was decent. "You need to eat," They said and I looked up and turned my head seeing Brad behind me, holding a plate of fish with a fork "You haven't eaten in a while, don't bother fighting, you have to eat now," I shook my head and he sighed "If you don't eat, I'll kiss you multiple times," my eyes widened and I grabbed my pillow, hiding my reddish face in it for many reasons.

"NO!" I yelled through the pillow, my voice muffled and he chuckled which aggravated me, making me bury my head deeper in the thick pillow until someone yanked it away from my unsuspecting hands and Brad placed the food on the bed a foot away and he kissed me, holding me tight as his lips moved against my stone still ones, he lip my bottom lip and I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me until he pulled back for air, seeing my trembling form and wide eyes.

"I will do it again," Brad said quietly, but I was still in shock "Speak, Lana!" he demanded, poking my side.

"You took my first kiss," I managed to mumble before yanking myself away and running to my bathroom, locking the door behind me as I dropped to my knees and cried, I had wanted to save it for someone special, certainly not him, I would have preferred it even be the jerk from my first year of high school.

"Open the damn door," Brad said, pounding on the door and making it shake and tremble, but it held strong.

"Go away, please," I mumbled, my voice shaky and my voice cracked at the end, making me cry hard. I heard the other door slam closed after being opened and then it opened again a little while later, but quieter.

"Lana, he told me what happened, he feels terrib-," Todd said but he was cut off by Brad who yelled from outside my room.

"No I don't! I's feel perf'ctly fine!" Brad yelled and I stood, unlocking the door and slinging myself into Todd's waiting arms as I cried, soaking his shirt. He sat both of us down on the bed and turned my head and he carefully fed me the fish, bit by bit until it was all gone and left me lying there, opening, locking, then closing the door after him and I fell asleep.

Stay Away

I screamed, my legs running as fast as they could, but the fire spread quickly, I was shaking, the leaping flames tickled my shoulders and I screamed louder.

"Come on," The flames hissed at me and I backed away, turning around and around, seeing I had no way out of the hell I had fell into.

"No!No!" I repeated loudly, backing up until I was in the middle of the circle of flames, they jumped and twisted, doing there little dance of death as they closed in. "NO!!" I screamed, my vision flashes in and out of blackness as the flames leaped on me, the shaking grew quicker.

"Wake up, Lana, please," I heard someone say and suddenly the heat vanished and I fluttered open my eyes to see Brad above me, gently shaking my shoulder and stroking my hair, "It's just a dream, goily," he gathered me in his arms carefully and used a hand to wipe away my tears that I hadn't know I had had.

"What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night," I managed to mumble and he smiled at me slightly, a genuine one that made my heart flutter and I hated myself for that.

"You woke me up, yous was screaming in yous sleep, those boys woulda had a fit if yous woke em up, lucky it was me," Brad said softly, one hand still stroking my long, silky hair and he added "Go back to sleep, I ain't goin nowhere." and he laid me down, my face against his chest and he laid next to me, wrapping his arms around me.
I burrowed my face in his chest and sleep swept over me, not even realizing I was with my worst enemy as sleep grabbed me back into it's depths.
I fluttered my eyes open when I felt my bed shift in the morning. I saw Brad and he was getting up and my breathing froze, it wasn't a dream, he had been there last night.

"Thank you," I whispered, watching him as he was about to open the door and turned around, smiling at me that looked weird since I had seen his genuine one and I wondered if he had done anything while I was asleep. Brad opened the door, walking out and closing it behind him.
I smiled slightly, getting out of bed and stripping off my pajamas, taking a quick bath, and pulling on a dress my mom and left for me, there had been many but most were burnt. It was dark purple and ended below her knee, it wasn't very fancy which was how I liked it. I walked out of the room, leaving my hair a mess, and down the stairs to the kitchen. In the closet in the kitchen, I grabbed the broom and swept all of the floors, it was easier since I had gotten rid of most of the mess the other day.
When I was done, I made all of the boy's beds and then mine, before heading back to the kitchen and leaning against the counter, it was time to make dinner and my back ached already. I stretched quickly before beginning to cook some sort of meat that looked like hamburger, flipping it every now and then.
When I was finished, I put them each on small plates and put them on the counter, walking up to my room and grabbing my pouch of money that was hidden under all of her clothes, I pulled out a dollar and stuffed it in the pocket of my dress before brushing my hair out and walking back down.
I saw nobody was back yet and slipped out of the door, closing it behind me and walking towards the stores, my feet moving fast, but not running. I bought a nice roll for Jeremy, then as many vegetables as I could. I quickly checked the time at the store, seeing it was perfect time, and ran to the docks, sliding under and seeing Jeremy frowning at me.

"Five minutes late..." He mumbled "And before that 23 hours and 59 minutes,"

"I'm so sorry," I said, explaining everything quickly and he smiled at me, taking the roll I held out for him.

"It's okay, I'm sorry about your home, but we'd better go now," Hypes said and we both got out from under the docks. I forgot to check for anyone and I walked him towards where he lived.

"Be good, this is as far as I go," I said, giving him a hug and ending up bending over to hug him before releasing him and he ran home to show everyone his new food he had acquired.
As I walked home, I heard someone start walking beside me and heard them talk, realizing it was Dan.

"Who was that?" Dan asked and I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Shouldn't you be at your home eating like just about everyone else?" I asked and he shot me a glare.

"I asked, who. was. that?" Dan repeated as we neared the warehouse.

"My boyfriend, happy?" I said and he glared at me again.

"You lying bitch!" He snarled and slapped me, my eyes going wide and I slapped him back.

"You bastard! Your mother obviously didn't tech you manners!" I shouted at him, glaring as he recovered from the shock and punched me, sending me hard to the ground and kicked my side repeatedly. I curled up in a ball as he beat on me until I heard someone scream, but by then, everything was almost gone, until it completely was.


The first thing I felt when I awoke was pain.

Pain; physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.


I couldn't get past all the pain that held me back from seeing, how bruised my eyelids felt, how miserable I was.

Miserable; wretchedly unhappy, uneasy, uncomfortable, in distress.


I could no longer feel the joy of being rid of my aunt, the hidden and barely accounted for happiness that I had a new family.

Family; a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not.


"Oh my poor Lana!" I heard a sob, breaking my miserable revery, I recognized that voice, it clicked in my brain somewhere, but a puzzle piece was missing; their name. I felt my lips twitch as I attempted to ask for their name, but it couldn't be done. I felt a hand caress my own, theirs rough and callassed, mine soft and aching. I went fort he kill this time, tightening my grip on the hand when they went to hold my hand and the person froze, judging by their rapid pulse that were surprised.

"Oh Lana, please speak, please," The voice sobbed out chokingly, I could hear it better now, determining to to be a male's voice.

"Wh- re- oo-" I managed, my lips jerking and twitching as they forced that past, they obviously didn't understand and I felt tears trickle on to my skin and if by magic, I had the will to suddenly shove my eyes open and saw someone only the dumb cheesy stories would have placed their. The most annoying brother of Todd, his name took a minute to get to the top of my head.

"Brad?" I asked the red, tear stained face and his head jerked from where he was sobbing over my hand that had been squeezing his.

"Oh god, Lana," He whimpered and scooted over his chair, releasing my hand so he could hover over my painful face, I noticed there was a slight bruise under his eye, but otherwise he looked perfect as usual.


Texte: Yours Truly
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.08.2012

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