
Mr. Grey Will See You Now











   C o r y  watched Jaide read a book during lunch. He always knew there was something weird about her. Something that made him attracted to her but he just didn't have to guts to say so. He always had butterflies when Jaide would come around him. Her walk, her seductive voice that everytime she spoke it drove him insane. He felt like grabbing her and saying 'I love you'

  H e watched her any way possible to get her attention. Maybe tease her about her looks could work. Well that always works. Cory loves to see her get upset. It's just that angry facial expression with the teeth growling drags Cory to the point were he thinks about pinning her to a bed in a four bed room wall. Weepings and moans, even the gnashing of teeths. Bite marks on her skin. The passion of unforgetable orgams. Cory was a bit obsessed. But since he's a quarter back, Jaide isn't one of those well known kids. He's afraid that if he actually said something to Jaide about how he felt, his whole reputation would be ruined. Jerk! 



 Jaide got ready for AP History. Jaide walked into to the class bright and early. Considering last period she's always the first one to arrive. I know there must be student traffic in the halls. Like any other freshman would say 'Nothing like 8th Grade. No one says excuse me anymore. People walk straight into you. Eye to eye you expect an apology -- nope!. Reminder: freshmans always get shade thrown at them'. Perhaps Jaide agrees. Jaide isn't a freshman, but can senior year get any worse?


As she began to sit down students began bursting through the doors, almost breaking it apart. 


"Like she's a weirdo. Every class I have she's the first one there before anybody" Jaide ignored their comments and reached for a book and a pen in her book bag.

Jaide bowed her head down and just dazed into a blank page in her notebook. Intersecting vertical and horizontal lines. 



  A loud squeak from the door coming from the end of the classroom shook everyoone. Jaide reacted to the sound and jumped in defense. So did everyone else. Since last semester everyone expected a loud irratating voice coming from the halls. Since Mr. Perry likes so sing out loud. It wasn't Mr.Perry. It was a new teacher. He seemed a bit upset and stiff. As if he ran into someone who made his day even more stressful. Cory ignored him as he entered the class. He was throwing a football back and forth to his other team mates across the room. 


"Go long" He said. A heavy pinch stung is shoulder as the teacher pressed his shoulder and told him to sit down


"Do me a favor and throw out the gum" Cory gave a displeased expression. He looked at the rest of the students. He heard catcalls as they chuckled at his facial expression and his team mates giving middle fingers to the teacher.


"Do you know who I am...Professor Snape?" Cory quipped as his team mates gave him a high five. The class shouted out of laughter. Due to the fact that he called him Professor Snape because of the long hair falling down his face. Jaide sat there smirking in her seat while everyone else observed what's going on.

"Aha. Very funny. Now shut-up. Sit tight. And give me the football. Let's see if you can go long with your education and graduating this year eh?" the teacher tapped him on the shoulder while Cory's smirk faded to a straight face. Small voices of catcalls as students pointed to Cory. 


"Man he called you out" said a team mate sitting behind Cory with his balled fist against his mouth



 "Alright everyone" he said as he threw Cory's football into the trash can " my name is Mr.Grey. I am your new AP History teacher for the rest of the school year" He walked around the class and stopped by the window. He leaned on the window payne and stared into the sun's ray. They reflected on his brown eyes which made the girls blush " and I'm looking forward to a great success in this class. I didn't choose to learn history and not teach it for no reason" he began pointing at Cory and the rest of his football mates "No football throwing" he pointed at the group of girls combing and brushing their hair "no grooming, no cursing, no nothing I don't approve of in this class. When you're in here, you will treat this room as a battlefield. You will treat it like a stage. As i'm teaching you and as I write on this board, or handout on paper, you will act as if History is your Television. I know you guys like TV. You can use this class as your personal Tevelvision being displayed in those little teen brains of yours. You have the power to control that and only you can understand it" He rotated his eyes from Cory to a couple rows across from him. Jaide was not paying attention. She was looking out the window with her hand holding her head up.


"I'm over here Ms." He snapped his finger at her and Jaide jumped to the sound of it. She looked around at the other students as they rolled their eyes at her. 

"Sorry" she said sitting up

"What's your name?"

    "Jaide Abrianna Sir?"

He lifted his brows to the sound of the way she said her name. Elegant but yet different from a basic last name.

"Nice name! Could you focus on me for a second. I promise once I introduce can later have the rest of the period all to yourself" Jaide nodded her head and did as he said. His eyes kept watching her back and forth as she returned the same glance. It's been like that the whole period. The vibe in the room suddenly changed. Maybe Cory noticed the sudden change and snapped at Jaide


"Loser!" he put his hand in Jaide face. He almost knocked her out of her seat as she aimed for balance once again.



  After Mr. Grey's long speech for the class, Jaide's confidence went out the window.Just being away from class changed her whole mood.

Cory ran pass Jaide outside the school's track and football yard. He bumped her as she walked slowly to the end of the street to catch the bus.

"Next time, try to get out of my way witch" he said smirking at Jaide as he ran with his other mates across the track field. Jaide saw Mr. Grey's Porsche as she crossed the street as a tall women came out of the drivers seat to greet him. He lightly put his hands on her waist and squeezed her sides as they hugged each other. The women gave Mr. Grey a kiss on the lips and back into the drivers seat she went. They drove off. Jaide stood at the end of the street and watched the car fade off the road. She shrugged her shoulders and catched the bus home.








  Jaide turned to page after page reading a novel written by British author, George Orwell's 1984. She began to wander in her imagination as she sat by the window on a Sunday night in a coffee shop downtown in Brooklyn. She listened to old classic Hollywood tracks play on the stores radio. Children laughing with their families in a group table across from her. She watched as people came in and out the coffee shop. She listened constantly to the sound of the bell when the door would swing open back and forth. 

 Jaide slouched her her chair with her scarf around her neck slowly falling off. Her hair pulled loosely in a messy bun. Her thin Army green jacket long enough to reach her mid-calfs. She hummed to a familiar song as a man sitting behind her looked back to listen to her beautiful voice. 

"Here's your Green Tea Ms. Abrianna" Jaide thanked the waitress. She began to sit up to get comfortable in her chair. She locked her feet. One over the other. She removed her scarf and she placed a napkin under the tea cup. She reached for a jar of spoons, but later changed her mind. Instead she decided to drink straight from the cup. Jaide observed the smoke rise from her tea as she sipped and noticed the door bell ringing and a six foot man coming in a long black jacket and a pair of glasses he took off as soon as he came in contact with Jaide's eyes.


My eyes flickered from the uniform to the stone-like countenance of his face. The only source of emotion were his eyes, which bore into me like twin magma rocks, still simmering with lethal heat. I felt my defiance crumble, fear turning my blood to ice as that never ceasing stare blazed right through my eyes and into my mind, silently searching through my every thought with the cool, calculated manner of someone accustomed to dealing with people like me.



Jaide slowly placed her tea cup down and watched as the man slowly walked over to her table.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" Jaide was speechless. It was her teacher Mr. Grey from AP History. She stuttered on her first sentence. Jaide got up to shake hands with Mr. Grey

"Yea. Wow. I'm in your History class. AP to be exact" she bowed her head down in embarrassment while Mr. Grey giggled at her

  "I know it. Wait. It's Abrianna right?" he said guessing as they both sat down together

"Umm it's my last name. It's Jaide. Just call me Jaide" Mr. Grey nodded his head in approval. He beckond his head at the waitress.

"I'll have what she's having" the waitress nodded her head and went to make his order

"Wow. You come here too. Well one my students that's weird. I don't see kids like you hang around here. Especially when it's almost 12 at midnight" he gave a unsure expression on his face while Jaide sipped some more of her tea.

"Sorry. Maybe I have a chill spot. Am I under arrest?" Mr.Grey's face changed when Jaide's attitude went from shy to. . .fiesty in two minutes.

"No but I can give you detetion" Jaide's mouth opened wide

"I was only kidding geez" she said opening her book to the second to last page

"So was I Ms. Abrianna. I mean Jaide. And you like Orwell's books I see" Jaide smirked at him and continued looking at the words on the page "1984 huh. My parents had my older brother that year. I was born five years after. But who cares" Jaide puts the book down and looked him in his pretty brown eyes

"Cool story bro" she said giving a thumbs up. She cheesed hard as he smirked at her too.

"Wow. Thanks for that one" the waitress came by to give Mr.Grey as he tipped her. 

    "Not really sure what grade are you in exactly?"

"I'm a Senior guy" she said as she raised her brows at him

   "Oh. That explains the uh fiesty attitude I'm getting" Jaide placed her palm on the table. It showed off her bruise on her forearm going up. She noticed Mr. Grey's eyes looking at them and she quickly put them under the table

  "What happened?" he asked curiously as he removed his scarf from his neck.

"Nothing. Don't you have a job in the morning?" Mr.Grey put his hands in the air in defense

    "Ok, ok it's not my business but you should get it checked out. That looks pretty bad"

"Could care less anyway" Jaide gathered her things together and gulped down the rest of her tea. It cooled down as she spoke to Mr.Grey. She headed for the door as Mr.Grey's eyes watched her leave the coffee shop and stood by the bus stop. She looked back and saw him starring back at her. She walked away knowing that her house was a couple blocks sown.


 "The next stop is Hoyt Street" said the bus driver as Jaide stroded to an empty seat on the bus. She dazed into the street lights. Turned the bus glass window into stars and Mr.Grey's face was the moon. She spoke to her teacher out of school for the first time.









Well I wanted to show you guys some pictures of the Characters :)



     Jaide hugged her dad as he opened the door to her new apartment. She grabbed the keys from him.

"I'm only 18. I've been wishing for this since I was like what?" she looked at her fathers facial exppression and hugged him once again " I was like 12?" Jaide and her dad laughed out loud together. Echoing the streets of Flatbush Ave. 

"Yea ok. Enjoy pumkin. Enjoy it. Enjoy the most precious gift you've ever gotten" he began to cry as Jaide rubbed his arms "well from me of course" he smirked

"Happy Birthday Jaide. Your growing up so fast." he ran his fingers through her long thick hair and hugged even tighter.

"I know I've been away for a long time but promise me you'll be ok all by yourself" he gently placed a kiss on her forehead

"I will dad. I will. I'll be fine stop worrying" she cried harder. Memories about her dad came crashing in when Jaide inhaled his scent. She remembered that smell. She could never forget it. She remembered the divorce between her mom and dad. She witnessed her mother inject her self with toxic chemicals. She even asked Jaide to take some with her. She was only 11. Jaide's mother started hitting her and blaming for disfunctional marriage on Jaide. Jaide's father left after that and never came again. Jaide reunited with her dad in a random store. She remembered the whole conversation they had in Macy's

"Jaide. My princess is that you?" Jaide stumbled on her words as she saw her father again

"Yea." Jaide's eyes began to flow with tears as she saw her father come closer to give her a hug. She never quite understood why he did it. Why all of a sudden he thought about her. He never called when he left. He never came to celebrate birthdays. He was M.I.A. Gone like the wind. It affected most of Jaide's daily life because when she needed him the most. . .he wasn't there.

That day changed both of their lives forever. They communicated more when Jaide turned 14. The father and daughter bond came back but Jaide will never forget what he did. Until she asked

"Dad what happened?" 

"What do you mean?" he grabbed a beer out of the fridge 

"Between you and mom" she added biting a carrot

"Well..there was a lot that happened Jay" he walked closer to the counter. He grabbed a beer opener and began explaining

"Your mother and I met when we were in College. We were good friends until we told each other how we felt. We dated for about 4 years. We were on and off but we relized how much love we still had for each other after all those break-ups. Then your mother moved away when she was about 23---22 one of those" he aggresively drunk the beer and began harrumping " we later met 2 years after her fathers death. It reuinted us together. She was hurting. She missed me. She loved me and then we were back on. Yes I missed and loved your mother too the same way" Jaide stopped eating her carrots. She engaged herself in his memory as he spoke "she always had this look that made me so proud. So happy to see her beautiul face and I knew she had to be mine forever. I knew that she was going to be my love. My one and only. We got married blah blah. We had you and then when you turned 5 or 6 around that time I did something very terrible" He looked away and roughly ran his fingers through his hair "I did something very unfair to your mother. I told her because she deserved to know when she was my wife. I was still being an immature jackass. She hated me for what I did and I don't blame her. She wanted a divorce so I agreed with her. She wanted happiness. I couldn't hold that back" Jaide sat up. She was confused


"What did you do?" Jaide crossed her arms and slouched in her chair

"I cheated. Yeah I'm not proud but it was with your mothers close friends. I hated myself and everything. I needed time to clear my head. It was not easy getting over your mom or what I did but I hurted everyone. I felt like I let everyone down. Especially you. I left because I needed my time to live. Sure I hated missing you grow up but whenever I wanted to contact you she always said no. It was up to a point where she changed her locations, phone line and everything. She trapped me out of your life forever Jaide" he took another deep gulp of his beer and slowly put it down " I never thought she would do something like that. Then I found out what she was doing and things. And on your 15th birthday I came to the house. She wasn't there and I found stashes of crack, cocaine and heroine in one drawer. I thought to myself she couldn't be selling these. She was always against drugs and stuff. I didn't hear her come in. You were in school at the time this happened. She stared and watched me me stare at them. She asked me how did I find them and where she lived. I didn't let her know that. . but what really pissed me off were the drugs she's been taking. She told me she took them because she was depressed. She hated you. Then she said she loved you. So I decided to take custody of you, which I won. I never spoke to your mom after that. It's been me and you ever since" He shrugged his shoulders and finished his last sip of bud-light.


End OF Memory


"Dad I love you" he nodded his head in response and walked inside with her.

"I'm not coming all the way in. I've seen it already. Multiple times. I just wanted to make sure I got the right place. You are on your own now Jaide until you graduate high school. But everything after that you can do on your own. I am still your father. You can always call me for help, anything Jaide, anything please." he begged. The cold breeze of NYC crawled through the open door. Jaide shivered as her tears began to dry

"Okay dad." she hugged him 

"We'll get the rest of your stuff tomorrow...but for right now you should learn to break into your new place" he grabbed her by the shoulders and stared into her brown eyes. They reflected him. Jaide was another part of him he could see right through her eyes. 

"I'm just around the corner Jaide" Jaide laughed

"Bye dad. See you tomorrow" she quipped. She softly pushed him out. Jaide ended up staying home alone. She started embracing her new apartment. She kicked off her shoes into the living room. She threw her leather jacket and beanie on the kitchen counter. Way to go Jaide, way to go!





  T h e  next day Jaide was sitting in the lunch room in one corner by herself. One foot on the seat and the other on the floor as she's biting her finger nails. Cory passed her with a crowd of football atheletes. They walked  behind him through the lunch room like a triumph.


He stepped out of the crowd of kids. He interrupted Jaide in her imaginations when he softly slammed his palms on the flat surface of plastic wood.

"Your're always reading a book or writing something everytime I see you" Cory then took a seat. 

"Your're always being one dispruptive individual everytime I'm reading or writing something when you come by" Jaide gave Cory a fake smile as she showed off her pearly whites.

"Cool!" he replied "why though?" 

"Why what?" Jaide shut the book. She watched as Cory picked it up and observed the book from corner to corner.

"Why do you like to do those kinds of things?"

   "It's a hobby. . .well a habit. It's part of my life. Wouldn't read a book if it had no purpose" Jaide snatched the book from him. Cory sat there clueless watching Jaide's movement.

"One more thing" he added

  "What?" Jaide asked. She returned to the same page she left off before Cory distracted her. She whispered the words on the page as she read. She heard silence coming from Cory. She looked up at him back and forth. Page. Cory. Page. Cory.

  "Cory what is it?" Cory snapped out of his memory. He rumbled his fist together into a ball. He locked eyes with Jaide as his thoughts jumped out of his mouth.

   "Your a good spirit you know that" Jaide was creeped out. She looked displeased. She thought about what he just said and chuckled at Cory.

"Cory do you hear yourself?"

"Yes. I know what I said. I'm patiently waiting for you to say thank you" Jaide noticed the serious expression on his face.

  "Thanks" she gumbled. His group of friends wiggling pesos in the air beckond at him to come over. Jaide lifted her head up to see them as they called Cory. He looked back at Jaide and smiled for a second

   "They want you Cory. Go to them Cory" Jaide sounded like a robot. Cory laughed at her. Jaide was speechless when he left. This wasn't like Cory at all.




    Mr.Grey held up a clip board int he air for everyone to see.

"I know it's last period but I was thinking lately about the lesson" He pointed at a picture of a broadway theater which seemed to be located in Manhattan. It reflected so much of Chicago's style.

 "It's Marie Antoinette on Broadway. It has everything to do with what we are learning. It's a class trip. If you want to go please feel free to sign the clip board on your way out. It's this Saturday and I'd love to see you guys on the weeknd" he taped it against the door's antrance.

"You have until Friday to sign guys. Just bring some extra cash of you want to buy something while your there. Tickets are on me!" he pointed the pen to his chest.

The bell rang. Everyone rushed out the classroom. Jaide sat by the end of the window slowly packing her things. She looked around the room for something. She pointed at Mr. Grey's stapler.

"May I please borrow that?" Jaide asked. He handed her the stapler. Jaide stapled her papers together and tossed them inside her binder.

"We got off the wrong foot last night" he said. Jaide looked at him. She inhaled his strong scent.

Jean Paul Gualtier maybe?


"If I annoyed you in any way-" Jaide cut him off. The thought of a trap song Jaide was recently listening to. OG Maco's "Bitch you Guessed it" came to mind. She laughed mentaly.

"No. Just don't worry about it" She tossed her bag over her shoulder with the binder in her hand. She took out a pen and signed the slip. Mr.Grey wasn't paying attention. She watched him curiously then walked out.





   "Baby come lay your head down" Jaide's mother said as she patted her chest. Jaide denied and backed away from her. She was in an office with her mother and a therapist. Jaide's mother opened her arms to Jaide. 

"I missed you so much" said Jaide's mom. The therapist sat next to Jaide's mother. The woman opened a book and a pen. She fixed her glasses and watched Jaide react to her mother.

"Oh" Jaide sighed. Her mother noticed Jaide was not happy to see her. She abused Jaide. What was the point of saying a thing to her?

" Honey?" 

"Ummm" Jaide felt uncomfortable. She gave the therapist the look. 

"Ok Ms. Kym Johaanson" the women pointed her four fingers to Kym " and Ms. Abrianna" Jaide rolled her eyes at the women and took a deep breath.

"Is there anything you want to say to each other?" Jaide automactically looked up.

"No. There is nothing to talk about" Jaide's mom sat there biting her fingers nails.

      "If we don't work things out, how can they be resolved Jaide?" the therapist placed her hand on Kym's shoulder.

"I don't need her. I'm 18. I live on my own now. The only thing I need to worry about is my life after high school" Jaide said with an attitude

"I understand. We are here for the very same reason" said Dr. Smith. Jaide's mother stood up. She took a deep breath as her words danced off her tongue.

   "Jaide, I know you hate me. But I love you" 

"If you loved me you wouldn't have abused me" Kym held back her tears.

"I was hurting Jaide. Your father was a jackass"

     "Wow. That's all you can say. Mom you blocked him out of my life forever" Jaide started crying.

"No I didn't"

     "Yes you did. You kept my father away from me. Everytime I asked about ihim you would claim he's in jail or he's in the military doing military things. You lied. And you know it's the truth. You were ashamed so you blocked me out of his life.

"Jai-" Jaide cut her off

"Don't Jaide me. You offered me drugs mom. Heroine. Stuff that can effect my brain. I was still a child and you handed me the needle mom. You stood there and I watched you cry and you said to me: Honey come hang with me in my happy place"


"No I don't care. You threw me against the walls. When I told you to stop, you kept going. You dragged me by my hair down the stairs. You yelled at me multiple times saying I runied your life. I ruined your marriage and what not. You blamed your issues on me. There was never a day I went to school without someone asking me what happened to my arm. What happened to my face. Why is your lips busted. I lied to all those little kids because I was scared of telling them what I was going through at home mom. I had to lie. I was dying inside and I didn't say nothing. I'm not saying what dad did wasn't wrong, but he raised me into a strong young woman that I am today. He treated me with respect. He gave me things you couldn't. He gave me love. That's all I ever wanted from you. That was all. I'd rather feel loved by my own mother but things didn't happen like that."

The therapist tried to calm Jaide down.

"Don't touch me. I don't need help. She needs help. I don't need this. The only reason why I came was because dad told me so. He told me I need to end things with you. I only did it because of him. If it wasn't for him I would've left you in here alone with her" Jaide tossed her bag over her shoulder

"Don't you ever claim me in your life. I am not your daughter" Jaide walked out the office and slammed the door. She stormed through people walking by. She wiped the tears down her face and screamed. Everyone looked at Jaide in utter shock.

"The heck?" said a man drinking his coffee "that girl is craaaazeeey" he stretched out 'crazy' and stared at everyone else watching Jaide storm out the building.





On the cool mist air of Spring on a quiet Friday, Jaide looked at the birds that flew above her head and nested in a Cherry Blossom tree behind her near a water fountain. The football yard where the jocks would play during recess. Slutty cheerleaders. Nerdy girls that drooled over any hot guy that skipped by in their skin tight leggings and a t-shirt. Jaide rolled her eyes at them and continued to draw. She sketched the yard's protective barrier gate. She saw through them and looked at Mr.Grey's car.  A tap on Jaide's shoulder frightened her. She automatically closed her sketch book and turned around to a face she couldn't reveal. The sun's ray blocked her vision as she squinted her eyes. She bowed her head down and used her hand as a shade. She finally met eye to eye with Cory.

"Having fun?" he asked and took a seat next to her. 

  "Yep! Don't you have practice at this time?" Jaide slid an inch away from Cory. Cory didn't mind. Infact he knew she'd act cowardly regardless.

"Yea. But I need a little break" Jaide's mouth parted apart

   "Oh. That's seems relaxing" She didn't pay attention to how firm and perfect Cory's body frame looked like. So aligned that Jaide's eyes widen. She didn't realize that he a body. Not too muscular, but you saw enough to make you catch goosebumps. It reminded her of an anonymous paintings from History class about the Renaissance. The secular studies of Humanism. Viens and muscles that mattered to the human body. Without them there is no function.  Just like an empty page, there is no words.

Jaide tried her hardest to avoid eye contact with Cory's naked chest. She watched his stomach. A bubble gum that you blew air in to pop, but suddenly you change your mind and suck in back all that air. Then chew again.

"What are you doing anyway?" Cory sounded desperate. Jaide smirked a little and opened her book.

"You" she pointed at the drawing. Cory grabbed the sketch book and laughed hard at the stick figure.

   'Making fun of me eh?" he laughed harder. He stared into Jaide's brown eyes.

"No. But that's what you really look like" Jaide exhanged laughs with Cory "why are you being nice?" Cory's smile faded and he looked away. He was afraid she's ask that question. He might as well tell her

"Coach is calling me. See you around Jay" he patted her shoulders and bounced off the bleachers. He disappeared into a crowd of jocks on the field field. Jaide lost contact and ignored him. She continued to finish drawing the yard gate and Mr.Grey's car that parked behind it.


  Jaide sat in the back of Mr.Grey's class. No noise. No asking for help. She understood the lesson but barely payed attention. Mr.Grey wanted her to raise her hand, but he can't force her to participate.


"Does anyone know any enlightenment thinkers? If so name one and what that person did!" Mr.Grey asked the class in general. Jaide raised her hand. She was the only one. Everyone esle watched her. Silence took control of the room. 

"Ummm John Locke was it?" Mr.Grey nodded his head "He believed in equal rights. And those rights were Life, Liberty, and Property" Mr.Grey nodded his head again.

"Good, and yes your right Jaide" he smiled at her from a distance.

"Mr.Grey?" Jaide shouted his name. He stopped writing on the board and looked back at Jaide. So did everybody else

"These rights were a plan. They plan on destroying those rights soon" Everyone looked shocked. Catcalls from the students didn't bother Jaide. Once again she ignored their comments

"Whose they?" Mr.Grey added

" These enlightened thinkers. Or I should say the others. Were these real enlightenment thinkers the real Illuminst since it means 'Enlightened' in Latin and so does 'Buddha' in the language of the Indian people. I mean think about it. The declaration of Independence was around the same year, 1776 and these illumist created this secret society of enlightened thinkers around May first. It was a plan to create these laws, step two: violate them. What's next? the burning of books and burning the laws?" 

Mr.Grey placed his chalk down and sat at the edge of his desk. He thought to himself for a moment and looked back at Jaide. The bell rang just in time. 

"Wow way to go Jaide" said an emo girl who sat in front Jaide. While everyone dashed to the doors, Mr.Grey walked up to everyone and stopped them.

"Before anybody leaves. The trip is tomorrow. Remember that" He took the clip board that hung on the wall while everyone almost trampled Mr.Grey. Jaide laughed in the inside and packed her things.

She's always the last to leave

  "Wow" he laughed. Jaide wondered what  joke made Mr.grey laugh hysterically. He aggressively pushed back the desks in order and tossed his clip board on the desk.

''What's funny?"

  "You are the only one who signed up" he laughed harder "the only one out of the 5 classes I teach. The only one" his laugh went up and up "This is unbelieveable. Do you teens not like boradway at all. Never have I seen anything like this in my entire life. I'd love to go on a school trip to avoid being at home with my parents, or spending the weekend with nothing to do. Looks like it's just you and me" he tip toed towards his desk and jumped on the hard wooden surface that held his balance. He gained comfort and stretched.

" Oh. Wow. So what time do we leave?"

   "Ok we can take the public bus or my car that can get there much faster. Or train. The train is good too" Jaide thought about the car she drew during recess. The sketch reminded her of how much she wanted to smell real leather. The fresh scent of a brand new car. The wealthy feeling of being in it. 

"I think the train is better we should take the train" said Mr.Grey. Jaide automatically responded and Mr.Grey jumped

"No. Your car" Mr.Grey sqinted his eyes "I mean we should take your car. I'd rather be in a car. I'll be much better" Mr.Grey laughed and so did Jaide.

"You know Manhattan traffic is a pain in the ass. Since were taking my car, we'll have to leave much early"

"What time to be exact?" Jaide put on her black beanie 

   '"7:30" Jaide nodded her head.

"Ok were do you live so I can come pick you up. Oh and let your parents know" Jaide thought about what to wear. She wasn't even paying attention to Mr.Grey's question

"Umm. Your my teacher, don't you guys have the files. So silly" Jaide laughed and walked out of the classroom. Mr.Grey laughed and whispered to himself "Wow I'm a dumbass"




  Mr.Grey waited for Jaide inside his car. He sat in he drivers seat immovable and daydreamed though his rear view window. He paused in time and moved again like a robot in action. He blinked his eyes constantly as they were beginning to dry as he daydreamed. The street lights covered each car in a triangular gyration. Seemed as if each car had it's own spotlight. Mr.Grey watched the cars swim by him in the night. 

"What a Saturday" he said. Once again immovable. He daydreamed about Jaide. He stared at the leather dashboard and Jaide's face appeared like a faded mist of smoke. He thought about her twice, three times when they first met. He only saw her as one of those random students you run into over the weekend. It was coming towards the end of March. Mr.Grey realized he's only been teaching Jaide about a month ago.

Damon looked at his watch. He waited almost an hour for Jaide. He looked out the window of his carand slouched in his drivers seat. He layed his head down on the pillow that supported his head. He felt umcomfortable and bowed his head on the sterring wheel. Inhaled, then slowly exhaled.

  "Shun that house" he whispered with his eyes closed. Jaide opened the car door.

"What?" Damon was shocked and began harrumping.

  "Nothing" he started the engine and drove off.



"What else do you do besides teaching?" asked Jaide. She didn't give eye contact to Damon throughtout the car ride. She avoided his treacherous stare.

"I act!" he said aggressively "what about you?" he quickly looked at Jaide and then back to the road.

"Musician" Mr. Grey smirked.

  "That's great" he said

"Sometimes a designer. I make my own clothes by the way" Jaide pointed at her Army Green Jacket that had silver and gold studs.

 "I see. Your really good at it by the way" Jaide smiled "What kind of musicdo you like" Jaide looked at her fingers and picked at the matte blue nail polish.

"Indie, rock, r&b" she said "I don't really have favorites" Jaide later looked at him from the side of his face this time. 

"How come you get to say my name and I can't say yours?"

   "What? It's Mr.Grey" he said

"I know but we're not in school" She laughed a little harder "what's you real name?" Damon looked at her and softly smiled.

"Don't worry about it" Jaide shrugged her shoulders

   "I'll find out" she looked up at the ceiling of his car and closed her eyes. Damon's face appeared in her thoughts and she quickly opened her eyes.

"How old are you?"

      "What's with all the personal questions?" he said " how old are you?"

"18!" Jaide said in a strong tone. She wanted to make sure he heard her age loud and clear.

   "Wow. You seem so much older" he chuckled "you could pass for a twenty-one year old"

"I will be twenty-one in 3 years"

There conversation ended in an awkward silence. They finally arrived at the theater. A performer whose relitively related to Mr.Grey called out his name as he passed by the entrance and showed the security their tickets.

"DAMONN!" she screamed out loud. Everyone who surrounded Damon and Jaide looked at them with a fierce attitude. Some seemed surprised that they also had the same name. Damon turned around to see his cousin Nora dressed as Marie Antoinette. 

"Oh my God! Damon you came" she ran to him and grabbed him for a hug. Jaide felt irratated and back way from them. She watched everyone else by the entrance show in their proof of tickets.

"Yea it's me in the flesh" he quipped. They exhanged laughs.  

   "It's been so long" Damon smiled at his favorite cousin and hugged her again.

"It's been a week!" Damon added. Nora took a glimpse around the entrance of the theater. She spotted Jaide tapping her feet leaning on a marbled wall with her hands in her pockets. Her head was down. Nora fixed her wig and calmed down. Damon sensed that Jaide wasn't standing next to him and he looked back.

He pulled Jaide from behind him and introduced her to Nora.

  "This is Jaide. One of my students from my History class"

"I forgot you teach" said Nora. She shooked hands with Nora.

  "Jaide this is Nora. Nora this is Jaide" he chuckled " with a J.a.i.d.e" Nora smiled

"Fancy huh?" Nora said. They all exchanged smiles.

      "I thought she was your girlfriend for a minute" Damon laughed harder

"What? She's a child Nora." Jaide gave a displeased facial expression. A man with a clipboard had a bluetooth in his ear  by an exit doorway beckond at Nora.

"On stage now. Your Que is almost up" The man whispired loud enough for Nora to hear. Nora nodded automatically and hugged Damon again.

"Where is the . . uh. .rest?" Nora circled her index finger in the air upside down

    "Home!" shouted Jaide

"She's . .the only who signed up" Damon looked down in embarrassment

"OH! Enjoy the show Damon!" she kissed his cheeks and ran away as her dressed wiggled like a wet dog. She looked back to wave at Jaide, but Jaide bowed her head down

"Well, then, shall we?" he guided Jaide towards the auditorium doors and out came an exhausted sound of screams of a chaotic audience patiently waiting for the play to begin.



   After the play was over Jaide stopped in front of a giftshop while Damon was speaking to other people. She thought about walking in. Damon stood behind her and watched her pick at the golden necklaces with diamonds and all of the above. Jaide noticed a necklace that stood out to her. A necklace she knew if her parents passed on to her it would carry many generations before her. She snapped out of her thoughts and played with it. Damon watched how her frown slowly became a smile. He enjoyed every minute of it. His arms crossed over his chest as Jaide looked back at him.

"This is sooo gorgeous" she said giving Damon the necklace to observe. Damon looked at the price on the necklace as his face slightly turned ugly.

"Ouch. That's one heck of an expensive necklace. Would'nt buy that for Nora if she asked me" Damon quipped and looked to his right. He began looking at the stuff animals and faded into the crowd of customers at the gift shop.

"I bet" Jaide whispered to herself in a sad tone as he walked away. Jaide's cell phone began to ring. She answered in a sad tone. She walked out of the gift shop and covered one ear for a better audible sound

"Yea?" she said

"Hey Jaide. You didn't tell me you were going out tonight?" 

   "Sorry Dad I was just about to call you. I told you I was going on a school trip"

"At night?" he asked

   "Yea. My History teacher is weird" she said laughing 

"Can I speak to him?" Jaide looked into the crowd of customers in the gift shop. Looking above everyone's head. She spotted Damon speaking to another individual he must know.

"You know what Dad um I'm in the auditorium and they don't want us on cell phones and stuff so I'll tell you all about it later. Can I go now?"

"Jaide call me back when it's over! I mean it. Get off every social media you own and save some god damn battery. I know you baby girl" Jaide smiled harder. She face palmed and fixed her beanie halfway sliding off her head.

"I got you. I'm trying to watch the show. See you later dad!" she hung up. Damon appeared by her side like a ghost.

"Crap you scared me"

    "Yea sorry. I was wondering where did you go. Stuff like this can get me in trouble. Later in the future if we do end up going on more school trips let me know" he begged rubbing his hands in his trench coat.

"Yea no problem" Damon beckond at her. He walked in front of her while behind Damon's head she smiled joyfully. Jaide felt so important to a stranger she's only known for a month.

They headed outside the theater as Nora screamed Damon's name from the end of the street. Damon told Jaide to wait in his car. Jaide ran to his car from the other side of the street and jumped in the passenger seat   who sprung like a child who just got out of school.

"I love his car" she whispered to herself. She watched him through the foggy cold glass. She saw how heavy Damon is engaged in the conversation he's having with his cousin.

She searched his car in hoping to find something. She kept a lookout. She noticed she didn't find anything, yet. She slid her hand through the pocket behind the driver's seat and grabbed out a box of condoms.

"Huh who knew?" she placed it back in the same side-way up position it was before her hands touched them. As she tried fixing it back an envelope sealed with a kiss caught her attention. She knew some how Damon would have a girlfriend, but she wasn't one of those crazy girls who had a passion of love for her teacher. Although she thought about loving him. She curiously opened the note and read the words in italic dance across the white page.


Dear Damon,

Perhaps, I should've told you that I'm a wreck. I battled addiction and for reasons you already know about. I'm sorry things had to end like this. I've been an unfaithful lover to you. Your a great guy. All I've ever done was hurt you over and over again. Almost nearly a year we've been together. My acts have caused shame in our relationship and it's only right to give each other a break until things are ok between us. Throughout the process I was hurting myself. I hated seeing you upset. I need time. You need time. We need a break Damon. I will truly miss giving love to you. Rubbing your shoulders when you get tired of work. Feeding you dinner when you're to weak to pick up a spoon. My favorite of all is when I wake you up in the morning and we'd have amazing shower sex. So rough, but so good. I need to find myself Damon. I need help and being away from you right now is the best thing I need in order to fix my problems. I love you Damon. I'm truly sorry                                               

                                                            Love, Audrey 




  Jaide quickly folded back the note in the envelope. She saw Damon running towards the car. Jaide pulled out her cell phone to play it off. Damon jumped into the drivers seat and quickly put his seat belt on. He looked at Jaide and smelled the guilty pleasure right off her skin. He brushed it off and watched Jaide back and forth while she wasn't looking.

"You Okay?" he asked. Jaide looked him in the eyes for a second.

    "Fantastic!"she smirked at him. As they drove off all Jaide could think about is the hot shower sex. The words Audrey used on that note to describe how rough and great he is made her indsides tingle. Jaide closed her eyes once more and saw herself standing completely nude in front of Damon. She wanted him. Every bit of himself in her. It crossed her mind like a prayer. Every moment lined together like a poem. His fingers running through her hair. Rubbing her back and kissing her vicious lips. Staring at her Bardot eyes like rain. Damons voice traveled back into her muted ears distracted by her thoughts like a bass drum.


"I said I'm sorry about Nora" Jaide seemed confused as her mind traveled back in time to the moment when Nora thought Jaide was his lover

"It's fine I'm not bothered" Jaide traveled futher and remembered that Damon called her a child. Even though she's 18, she is legal under law. As for Jaide, she sees her self as a mature adult who has to deal with everyday chaotic animals during school. Her level of maturity would explain why she doesn't have friends.

 "Your quiet? Why?" Damon asked

"Uh it's my mouth. I pretty much have nothing to say to you" she chuckled.

"Did you atleast enjoy the show" Jaide nodded automatically

   "Yea I did"

"So write me an essay about the show"

" I'm sorry what?"

   "Write an essay. That's what I said."

"I'm the only one who came to this lame trip and I get an essay?" Jaide pointed her indes finger to her chest. Damon tried to keep both hands on the steering wheel while communicating with Jaide at the same time.

"Lame!? C'mon" he hissed

"No wonder why I'm the only one who came" Jaide rolled her eyes "Not everyone likes the things you desire TEACHER!" Damon slowly turned his head to give her the look

"Then why did you come? If it's so lame, or like the things I desire?"

   "I know someone who likes the things you desire" Jaide thought about the hot shower sex once more as she thought about the note.

"What?" Damon seemed confused about the whole conversation

   "If you think there's something going on between Nora, trust and believe it's nothing"

"I believe you"

    "She's my cousin for god sakes" Jaide laughed a little and ignored him for a while. He carried on

"Seriously Jaide. This is educational purposes. I didn't make this 'lame' trip for no reason. Apparently you like my desires so you came"

"Ah ah na. I came for educational purposes"

 "Ok so write me an essay. Atleast you don't have to do all the extra work all the other kids will be doing on Monday. I'm not asking for much Jaide. Just write a essay. Turn it in. Get a grade. Pass the course and you'll be fine. Look on the bright side, you're ahead of the class missy"

"Cool. Can we have a party and celebrate my accomplishment?" Damon smirked at her and ignored her

    "By turning it in it'll prove that you were there for the educational purposes and not for the fancy props on stage"

"Yea yea. I get it dang" Jaide ignored him throughout the whole car ride. Damon stopped the car by her house.

"Woah it's over already?"

"Yes. Were not going to Atlanta. It is only a theater in Manhttan" 

    "Funny aren't you?" Jaide quipped.

"Your parents are probably worried about you. You should head inside. Besides it almost ten-thirty" he looked at his WD watch

" Goodnight" Jaide got out of the car slammed the door shut. Damon slid the window down

"I live alone you know" said Jaide on her way to her front porch

   "I bet" she looked back sensing that Damon disbelieved her


    "Great but I'm afraid this trip is going any further" Jaide walked back towards his car and leaned on the car door. Her elbows blocked the windows from sliding up

"How come?"

"You signed up for a trip Jaide"

  "Yea and a trip is traveling. Moving around. Experiencing te rest of the world. I can hear your stomach rumbling from all the way over here" she placed her hand behind her ear lobe

"What's that I hear?" she began immitating the sound of a rummbling hungry stomach

    "How bad can it be? Were just grabbing something to eat" Damon looked away and thought about it for a second

"I don't know Jaide" Jaide opened the car door and sat back down in the passenger seat

   "Chipotle is right around the corner from here" she said putting on her seat belt again "I heard there having low prices on their menus for some appearent reason" Jaide laughed at Damon

"I don't like you" he quipped as they drove off.





      How odd Damon felt standing next to his student on the weekend in a Chipotle restaurant. He thought to himself maybe she might just brag about it to her friends and call him names any girl would do. He thought about Jaide's friends but realized he never saw her around any of them. Perhaps spoken to when needed help in class but never out of school.

"Do you hang with friends?" he said. Jaide turned around to look at him face to face. She fixed her beanie and pushed it back as her baby hairs fell like soap on her head.

   "Not really" she looked down at his shoes for a moment.

"Oh" Damon sensed the sad energy coming from Jaide as she turned back around. He tapped her shoulder when his mouth opended to speak

"Hey um what are you ordering?" 

"A burito why?" Damon reached out for his wallet in his back pocket and folded it open. He searched for a twenty dollar bill in his wallet. 

"Here um I'm just going to sit back there" he handed her the bill and walked off the line. Jaide shrugged her shoulders. She ignored Damon and headed towards the cashier to place her order


Damon sat by the window in a single chair that could spin in circles if he wished to spin in it but he didn't. He pulled out his cell phone and saw nine missed calls from Audrey. Damon automatically rolled his eyes and released a strong sigh. He went through his messages and saw one message waiting to be clicked on.

Damon clicked on the message and listen to a struggling audible sound on the other line. He knew it had to be someone other than his mom, brother or father. He knew from the moment he clicked play that her voice would play through all the copper wirings that makes his touchscreen Apple iPhone 6 work.


           'Dave I was wondering if your ok. I know your upset at me. I figured you would have read the note I sent you by now. Perhaps I'm getting the feeling you did because you didn't naswer your phone'  Audrey laughed softly 'But right now I should head back to what I gotta do. See you around'  Audrey's voiced silenced for a moment. It traveled back like a school bell ' I should go. Bye'  she hung up as the telephone operator stung Damon's ears and he lost focus.

"Shit" he said. Out of nowhere the telephone operator screamed in his ears as he tried to exit the voicemail box. The robotic speaker on the other line scared him.

"You alright?" Jaide asked standing beside him with a tray in her hand " I got you a burito too. Thought it could help that empty stomach of yours" Damon smiled and took the tray and placed on the aluminium surface in front of him. Jaide sat down next to him trying her hardest not to get nervous. She took a bite out of her burito slowly and looked at him. The street light reflected through the thick windows and they painted orange across Damon's tanned skin. They appeared in his eyes like orange fire as he looked out the window. He seemed to have gotten annoyed as he stared at the street lights for so long. He bowed his head down and finally unwrapped his burito. They continued their awkward slience like a pitcher and a batter across a baseball feild. Jaide focused on his appearence while she ate rather than trying to break the awkward silence that jailed them apart.

"Do you happen to find life hard?" she asked randomly hoping she would end up puking by now

    "What?" Damon said trying to understand where Jaide is coming from


"What was that all about yesterday in class?" Jaide's eyebrows touched.

      "What do you mean?" she looked into Damon's brown eyes. She remembered how she felt the first time she saw him. The first time he spoke to her in class. The first time they held a conversation in the coffee shop downtown.

"You know that whole enlightenment thing. That came out of nowhere. Comepletely went out of what I was asking" he laughed

"Oh that" Jaide bit her bottom lip 

"Do you somehow know these illuminst thinkers. Whatever that is these days!?" he shooed his hands at Jaide

"Well uh no. But I do read. Sometimes books from the past make up future predictions. I just gathered the pieces together. I'm afraid somehow that by the year 2020 it's not going to be good"

"What books from the past make up future predictions?" Damon twirled in his chair to face Jaide's side face" What about 2020 are you so sure about Ms. Physic?" he placed his burito down and dusted off the crumbs off his hands.

"Well uh books like The Gadget, Fahrenheit 451, 1984. You know, dystopian novels!" 

"How do you know that?" Jaide turned her chair to face Damon

"Ok well have you ever seen Hunger Games?" Damon shook his head


"Ever wondered why movies like that are put out these days unless the people who control our media is trying to send us a message. Hunger Games is exposing so much about the future society and no one is actually paying attention. Look at the way they live in the movie compared to real life. Which makes sense why they would put it in a movie so you wouldn't believe it"

"But you do?"

"Of course!"

    "Smart girl!" Damon turned back around to finish his burito and laughed at Jaide mentally in his mind. Not that he's judging her but is understanding why she's so isolated from the rest of her peers in her school. He can see that she doesn't think like them.

"An author wouldn't know such things unless she was part of it" Damon turned his face again "well the knowledge in the book of course and how it's put together. I wouldn't even know stuff like that unless I was part of that secret society thingy majingy" Jaide wiggled her fingers "but like always someone thinks I'm crazy and it's just imaginary. Bravo!" Jaide quickly finished her last bite of burito and gulped her lemon and lime soda. She crumbled up the aluminum foil the burito was packed in and tossed it in the bin next to her. She looked at her watch and noticed how late it was

"Crap 11:00"

"We should go now" Damon wrapped up the rest of his burito and tossed it in the paper bag stacked next to the sauces bin.





Damon watched Jaide walk into her house when he dropped her off. As he was prepared to start the engine he slid his hand down the pocket behind the driver's seat. Looking for his keys, he came across an open enevelope. He did not open it when he found it in the mail when Audrey dumped him. Nora did borrow the car but that was before they called it quits.

Damon flipped the enevelope's lips back and forth deciding if he should read it and weep. He came a conclusion and decided to read it for himself. Thoughout the note Damon giggled towards the end.

"Wow" he said closing the note and placing it back behind the driver's seat. He drove off leaving behind dead winter leaves that traveled behind his car like saucers spinning in the sun.







Damon got out of ther shower wrapping his towel around him. He picked up his phone for the latest updates from social media. He went on thinking about Audrey and how things went downhill in their relationship. Damon wished she never left him hanging like that. Funny how someone's love can be so possesive.



His head half way bent rubbing the skin on his neck. Rotating to the right. Rotating to the left. Now a full 360. 



There was a knock on Damon's door. He suspected it would be his older brother who'd come by to talk. Damon began to worry and thought to himself maybe it's not his brother. Then he remembered he'd come by the day after. He stopped rubbing his neck. He quickly wiped himself dry with the towel and put on his long john's instead of wearing boxers. He quickly stroded down the steps almost losing his balance


Audrey was standing right behind his door waiting for his response. Standing there in nothing but bedroom heels and a long black jacket covering her ankles, almost appearing like a dress. The belt wrapped around her waist to hold the jacket close to her body or esle everyone in New York would see her exposed areas. Perhaps it's only night time, maybe not exactly everyone, but those who wished to pay attention to her standing in front of his door. The living room lights flashed on like lightening. Audrey smiled biting her finger nails. Damon opened the door. Surprised that it was his ex-girlfreind Audrey, he quickly closed the door


Her heels stopped him front comepletely shutting the door in front of her face. Audrey pushed it open while Damon stood right behind it poking his head out ot fully see her. He rubbed the back of his neck knowing exactly what Audrey is up to


"Your not going to leave me out here in the cold all by myself are you?" Audrey said seductively walking her way in. Damon stepped back slowly as she walked closer to his face. She inhaled his fresh ocean scent. Their noses touched.


"What do you want?" asked Damon. They were so close Damon cpould feel the fat on her chests. 

"You" she kissed him on the lips. Damon pulled back licking his lips. He looked at her up and down while she started walking away from him unbuckling the belt around her waist


"I thought we broke up?" his eyebrows raised, surprised that the jacket fell slowly off of Audrey's naked body. She bit her bottom lip and walked back closer to him


"Now why would I do that?" she grabbed him closer to her chest. She kissed his neck verbatim. Sucking the skin into her mouth. Damon pulled away smirking. He fogot how much kissing his neck turns him on. The way Audrey would tease him like that


"Fuck!" he frowned

"We can do that" Audrey smiled at him. She grabbed closer to her chest again. She slid her hands down his long john's and touched his manhood


"I haven't even let you inside me yet and your already turning to stone" she laughed

"Audrey stop!" Damon commanded. He put his hand over hers to stop her from rubbing the dual-chambered protuberance of skin and muscle. His scrotum. She continued anyway trailing kisses down his abs


"Audrey can you not"  he said softly almost releasing a hungry moan. Audrey pushed him on to the couch and crawled on top of him


"You missed me so much I can tell" Damon pushed her off

"Come here" he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulders. He closed the living room lights and marched his way upstairs

"You want to play. I'll show you how it's done" he said angressively and smacked Audrey's ass. She hissed and softly punched his tailbone.


He softly dropped her off his shoulders and held on to her tight little waist. Audrey held on to his neck for balance and fell back kissing him passionately.


"Let us move on from this. For life is short and it will pass" Audrey whispered in his ears. Damon's ears wiggled a bit to the sound of her sexy vibrating voice. She sounded scared saying it to him. Their noses were inches apart.  Damon slowly pushed back her hair behind her ears.

"Yes, It can pass" he kissed her again. This time getting deep into the kiss. Love almost forgotten suddenly came back crawling in his aching heart. The damage what was done, undone. Damon felt safe again. The girl he fell in love with is back in his life and the last thing he needs is another ache in his heart. 



D a m o n  slid  himself gently inside Audrey. His eyes squinted closed when he entered Audrey. He was growing bigger, stronger, better. He was much better. The humming sound coming from Audrey's mouth was a little comfortable than others he had heard before. He closed his eyes shut when Audrey began riding him. He thought all about his life at this moment. The times when Audrey washed him. She allowed him to wash himself fairly frequently. The time she bought him food. When he judged the meals in the twenty-four hours: sometimes Damon questioned whether  he was getting them by night or by day. Each day he though about getting her flowers to thank her: sometimes he would wonder dimly if that's what he truly wanted to do: to get. What if she wanted jewlery instead. What if she wanted nothing. What if she didn't care about those things. Damon really didn't understand Audrey and what she meant to him. It was always truly all about the sex. Instead Damon never believed it. He never believed in such thing. He had not stopped loving her, trusting her. And yet, he had not betrayed her. His feelings toward her remained the same.

"What are you thinking about" Audrey softly moaned

"Nothing. Fuck turn around!"  he commanded. he pushed Audrey off  softly and turned her around. Her buttocks facing his front face of his thighs. He buried her face into the pillow. His hands deeply scatterd in her messy hair. Damon watched her ass vibrate each time he pounded inside her verbatim.

"Uh, don't stop" He collasped on top her. He felt the sting coming from her spine when he landed his chest on her back. He reached for Audrey's breasts and grabbed them viciously. Pounding himself much more into Audrey. Damon dug deeper into her neck and bit the skin. Audrey commanded him to go deeper in her and he did as she commanded.

She's moaning, screaming, grippin' & scratchin'

The pressure between Audrey's hips got more intense when he bit the ear lobe of her ears and out came the pleasure of satisfaction

"Drea I'm-" she chocked on his words when his heart pumped rapildy in his chest and ejaculated. He cried out a hungry moan while pulling tightly on Audrey's hair. 

He grabbed her toward his chest in a spooning position. He put her in a head lock and fucked her from behind. Sometimes they used to fuck with their clothes on. Sometimes in his car when he'd pick her up from work. He continued penetrating Audrey with his manhood. Damon wanted to speak to her about the letter and why she wrote it to him instead of saying things directly. He spent the next several hours penetrating Audrey in the bedroom. Releasing all his anger through love & afftection agressively holding on to her neck and wanting to chock her. 

After he ejaculated multiple times Audrey held on to his face and stared straight into his eyes. She inhaled and exhaled his scent deeply. It remained like that for a minute until Audrey opened her mouth to speak

" My neck hurts" Damon laughed softly and grabbed her face to kiss her once again

"Sorry. That's what happens when you piss a man off"

"You never did that to me out of all the times we fucked"

    "Well you learned today" Their lips touched. They fell into a never ending kiss and made out passionately. They devoured and exchanged each other salivas and fell to sleep.







Jaide sat on the couch at her fathers apartment. One feet in the air and her rimmed glasses hanging halfway off her nose.  Her mouth was warm with blood where she'd bitten her own lip. The television was on but she didn't bother to watch any of it. Atleast from the corner of her eyes. She was calm and cozy in her pajamas and her hair all tied up into a messy bun. Jaide picked at her star tattoo on her middle finger and thought about the trip with Mr.Grey. She noticed the heavy footsteps of a man and relized her father was on his way down stairs


"What are you doing here?" He asked walking into the living room and changed the channel. "You could have called me!" he said standing in front of Jaide fixing the robe on him

"Yea sorry"

"Where did you go last night?"

"School trip! duh" Jaide got up and went to the kitchen and opened up an Auqafina filtered spring water from the KIA silver door refrigerator.

"Oh. How was it and what did you see?"

"It was great. We went to see Marie Antoinette on broadway!" Raymond nodded his head

  "Tell your teacher to fucking call me when stuff like this happens"

"He did leave you a message. Clearly you need to check your messages" Raymond turned around to look at his answering machine

"I'll check it later" he shooed at Jaide and walked in right after her into the kitchen. He bent over to reach for the pan in the lower cabinet. Jaide tossed him the bread and egg carton. She reached for the cooking spray on top of the microwave sitting on top of the refrigerator.

"Do you mind?" Raymond pointed at tthe bread bag

"Fine!" Jaide hissed and watched the bread deliver to the toaster. Raymond turned on the stove and began spraying canola oil all over the silver pan

"Tell me how did the session go with Kym?" Jaide pressed down th button on the toaster aggressively and turned herself around to look at her father eye to eye


"You heard me Ms. Deaf"

"It went well dad" she said taking a seat.

    "Grab the beacon. I hide it somewhere in the frige last night" he beckond at Jaide. Jaide tossed him the beacon bag stacked neatly one over the other in a plastic bowl. " According to what the therapist told me, you and Kym got into a little. . " Jaide rolled her eyes

"Why do you care?"

"I care because you guys are my family"


"Yes Jaide!" he cracked an egg with the fork and watched it fall slowly on the heated pan. "Don't act smart with me Jaide"

"I don't want to work things out"

"I understand that Jaide. But I promise you one day you'll need her. No matter what the cause is" Jaide walked over to him

"You don't understand how this makes me feel don't you?" Raymond's head hovered over his daughters head. He looked down, suddenly, saw her, and nodded.

"I --" he stuttered

     "Right you don't" Raymond squinted his eyes at his own daughter and thought why couldn't he have a son.

"Why didn't you tell me how you felt about this then?" he fipped the egg around

"I did. I said I don't want to work things out" Jaide said obidiently. "I can't deal. This is too much for me. I just want to live my life. Is that too much to ask for?" Raymond stopped flipping the egg and reached for the bottle of salt. He dashed just a bit over the egg and went back to flipping it around the oiled pan.

"Hun. . " he was lost for words and couldn't even look back at Jaide. Jaide walked away from him and dashed upstairs. He was left alone in the kitchen while he thoughts bounced around back and forth around an empty place, for a while, until, the toaster scared him. Ding!

    Toast popped out of the silver toaster. The spidery metal hand that carried the cooked egg onto his plate. He set the toaster clicking away another piece of bread.

   He sat down, waiting, hoping if things will ever get better. He chewed his toast. The toaster spidered out a piece of bread for him. Raymond held it in his hand, feeling obligated.



( Damon's older brother Deion x_x )




 Deion paitently waited for Damon at a diner. He sat by the edge of the window and carried on watching everyone walk by him so calm and smooth. He watched the birds chew their bird food by an old marbled stone dragon gargoyle that stood five feet tall in front of the glass window, counter clockwise. He smiled freakishly and sipped some more of his coffee.

An Audi matte black R8 parked across the street. The detail of the car silenced Deion.  He almost couldn't believe a car can look so gorgeous. The man coming out of the car resembled the same appearence as him. Jet black messy hair that reminded him of Damon. Deion noticed the man walking directly toward the diner and quickly stashed away his hundred dollar bills. Twenty of them wrapped up, tied in silk.


 "Took to damn long. About time" he said as the man sat down in the seat in front him.

"I was busy" Damon brushed his hair back

   "I can tell" Deion wiggled his thick eyebrows at him

"Yea fuck up asshole" Damon said opening the case of cigars. He lit one up taking a puff and dazed into his brothers eyes waiting for a response. Deion looked outside for a brief moment


 "New car already? What happened to the Porsche? You downgraded" Deion wipped his mouth with a napkin.

"It was a gift imbecile" said Damon. Deion raised a brow

"From who?"

   "You know" said Damon.

"Oh. Sweet ride. I'm jealous. It's actually fucking gorgeous" said Damon. Damon turned around to look back at his car. He smirked and turned around to look at his brother eye to eye

"Thanks" he faked smiled

"I'm going to need your help with something" he blew into his steamy hot coffee


"Like, you know the wedding?"

"No shit!"

     "I need help with the ah invitations." Deion placed his hand on his chest. Damon stopped smoking his cigar and picked at the label wrapped around it. He looked up at his brother with his big eyes

"Ohwwee" Damon placed the cigar on the ash tray and slid his sweaty hands down his trousers

   "We gotta start sending them in a couple of days" Deion pulled out his cellphone "Hold on I gotta take this" he walked away from Damon and ran into a public bathroom.


 Damon ignored him while he looked out the window and spotted Jaide across the street. She was straddling herself into a car. Damon blocked out all the other noises in the resteraunt out of his ears and focused on Jaide for a brief moment. He began hearing Nora's voice in his head when he introduced Jaide to her.

   I thought she was your girlfriend


 Damon couldn't ignore that fact that he was slowly becoming attracted to her. She's a little younger than his usuall type. She seems so Cmuch older but for some reason his feelings for Audrey was beginning to drain out of him like body sweat. The sexual pleasure hours before be met up with Deion didn't change anything about his love for Audrey really. She was healing him back and putting the peices together but deep inside it was slowly eating him alive. He couldn't stay away from Audrey. He was just another idiot for falling for her and never escaping his desires.


 Deion sat back down at the table and Damon was still day dreaming looking out the window. Jaide had already left prior before Deion came to finish what he started. Damon was staring at his own reflection through the glass window. 


  "The fuck is up with you?" asked Deion intrigued in what Damon was looking at. He even tried to look for whatever his brother was staring at.



    "Nun!" Damon got up and fixed his coat from falling off his toned body. He pinched the collar of his coat and picked up another cigar "I got shit to do anyway. I'll see what I can do for the wedding. It won't take long really"


  "Shit to do like what?"


"Eat pears and shit like that" he joked laughing at a distance from Deion smitten at the table by himself.





   "Ok I'm halfway there smarty" Jaide hung up on her father after leaving the market. She was driving back home to see him again. After she reached her father's house to drop off some groceries she didn't care whether to check on her mother's condition. Kym kept having mental break downs left to right. All Kym needed was Jaide but Jaide didn't want to see her. Hear her. Nothing is all she mattered to Jaide.


 Jaide drove back to the coffee shop around her neighborhood and dazed at the coffee sign from inside the shope. It was her favorite spot to be in. She even imagined sleeping the night over. The smell of coffee always calmed her down. There were times when Jaide just spent hours in the coffee shop to avoid the dangerous society according to her. For an elightened girl, she's taking herself a little too seriously.


She picked up a NUMERO magazine laying down to her right as she looked back down at the table below her elbows. What do do next? Yes look inside duh!


Jaide flipped through pages of male models and clothing brands advertised all over the book. Some half naked women on the back as well. The magazine was big enough to cover her neck up to her head. You couldn't see any expression on her face. Everything was hidden behind the magazine.


A Matte Black Audi R8 parked across the street. The exact same one Damon parked away hours ago while visiting his brother. She couldn't believe her eyes that such thing ever existed. The detail of the car blew everyone away. It was different but an attention grabber. First, a tall woman with black Dolce & Gabbanna shades catwalked across the street. She met her destination, finally stepping, a foot onto the pavement. She was wearing a black pleathered dress and a pair of high heeled boots that reached up to her thighs. She fiercely treated the streets like a runway. Everyone turned to talk to her, look at her, eventried to get her number. She looked so freaking good. So attractive that even woman began beckoning. She stepped into the coffee shop and stroded her way to the register


"Hi!" she said seductively pulling down her shades on the bridge of her nose. The cashier didn't look too surprised at least. Her scent tingled the nostrils of Jaide's nose. The smell reminded her of lavender and lilies "May I have two Latte's please?" she said. The cashier placed her order as she waited on the line twirling her fingers in her hair. She didn't do on purpose. She did it absentmindly.




"Oh yea um Audrey and Damon" she said it without resistance.


"Kill me now!" Jaide said out loud in a whispered tone. Damon walked in five minutes after her grabbing her sides and kissing her delightfully on the cheek.


"You left the wallet in the car" he said biting her ear lobe. She smirked a little bit then looked inside the wallet and pulled out a ten.


"Thanks handsome" she turned around to kiss him. Jaide almost wanted to squirm and run out but she couldn't. It'll look to darn obvious.


Jaide grabbed a newspaper and placed it over the magazine.


"Oh shit!" Jaide said in rebellion hoping Damon wouldn't see her "Lord please don't make him see me" In no time their order was up and they walked out together holding each others sides.


Audrey bent down to sit in the passenger seat. However, the car door was still open while she made sure she didn't mess up her boots. Damon removed the Latte's in a bag off the top of the car and came in contact with Jaide's eyes as she stared at him through the window. Jaide quickly shied away and covered her face. Her eyes squinted themselves when his face appeared like a dream the tighter she squinted her eyes.


"Great just great" she said "He saw me"



     Meanwhile, in the car, Audrey closed the door and watched Damon day dream while holding the Latte's.


"What are you looking at?" she asked him


Her eyes rotated from Damon to the window of the shoppe.


"You know who that is?"


Damon quickly answered and got in the car.

"God, no" he gave the Latte's to Audrey while he straddled himself into a seatbelt. They drove off leaving behind a cloud out somke coming out of the exhaustion of the vehicle.




(Jaide P.O.V)


  It was already ten pm at night. I came to visit my father so he can talk to me about something he said that's worth taking into consideration. He preached something much more depressing. It was like being back in Mr. Grey's classroom, watching him teach his-story. 


Except Mr.Grey is a more attractive being with the most gorgeous eyes and the sexiest lips, rather than my father figure who still produces music and tries to fix the relationship that was broken between my mother and I.


   I looked at the time on my watch, unhurriedly. My father was talking about leaving the United States of America and how we'll plan to leave before time runs out. I looked at him in awe, trying to figure out where all of this information is coming from.


"Dad, chill, what is this all about?" he laughed at me right before he can continue his brief speech. He didn't complain, he didn't say anything afterwards, he just watched me with jaded eyes and sat back down.


"Jaide, get me some milk will ya'" I did as he said and poured him a cup of milk. I wanted to ask him why all of a sudden we need to leave the U.S. He ranted about destruction and suffering after a bunch of chaos has arrived.


  "Dad let's get one thing straight," he picked up his two feet and let them rest on the coffee table. " This is just about the most absurd thing I have ever encountered. Hearing from you, especially, I'll just let you handle the job. If we have to move, fine, but whatever plan you have can we just talk through it first. I'm already living a life of self destruction. I don't need anything more."


His eyes narrowed to the other side of the room. He did this weird movement with his fingers sliding across his face. I could tell he was beginning to get pissed off. I know exactly what he was trying to tell me. My father thinks I don't know anything. I'm not saying that I know the truth, but I want him to think that I'm a teenager still trying to figure out herself. 



"Get you're homework done" he said in an aggressive tone. I smiled a little while he walked out of the living room. I looked back at the class of milk he didn't even digest. The cup was still on the coffee table, still. I picked up the cup of milk, putting it back in the fridge where it belongs.


I stood still in the silver kitchen watching myself from a projected vision out of my mind. I opened my hands and looked at them, considering the person I should have been. I should have loved my mother, I should have forgiven her, but I didn't. I don't.  I don't love her so why am I trying to fix something that was never there.


Its like my father is trying to bring us all back together when he could have easily done that years ago. My question is, why now? Why does he all of sudden wants to work things out. There was a reason why he took custody of me at a young age than have my mother take care of me. He knew the pain she was going through. He could have done that decades ago. I guess when time is running out, he'll use that as an excuse.


The more I thought about it the more I wanted to just fled life itself. I couldn't stand being around people at times. It bothered me when people think I have friends. I had friends. They all do the same thing to everybody. They get jealous, do things to slow you down so you don't move forward in you're life. 


People think we live this magical fairytale when we don't. It's all lies! In the end we don't live happily ever after.


And so my father think if we fled the U.S we'll live happily ever after. I'm not even happy myself. I do things to make me happy, but that changed after a while.


I noticed something in me that changed when Mr.Grey entered my life. Before, I was very distant to everybody, not that it changed, but I can actually sit in a classroom and feel comfortable talking to my peers. I am always looked upon as the crazy girl or strictly anti-social. I don't conversate with anybody because I know better. In my own worldiness, I already knew the cautions. I knew all the b-s right before I can remind myself the era that I live in.


Its like secretly, Mr.Grey is my own personal angel. It feels like whenever I see him, he's just there to save me from whatever it is he came to prevent. Although it's all in my imagination, it feels real at the same time. It broke my heart when I seen him with another female. On the first day, he came, I knew being the most gorgeous young man I've ever seen strode into a car with someone else was no surprise to me. But now that I actually feel something, almost this sexual attraction towards him, it hurts. It hurts me that there is someone a lot older than I am giving him pleasure, giving him love and all of the above. I wanted to feel him and tell him how much he was internally making me fall in love.


I don't know how but his energy, I crave a lot. I've known him for about only a short time and I could already feel the passion of love.


I got out of my thoughts, grabbed my car keys and left my fathers residence.


I drove home instead. I wasn't thinking about school really. It was just him on my mind.






"Ok tell me what's bothering you?" Dr.Smith twirled the blue inc bic pen between her fingers waiting for Jaide to snap out of her day dream and talk. Dr.Smith called her name over and over again trying her hardest to gain Jaide's attention, better yet, get her to say something before she becomes annoyed.

  "I'm not feeling well." Jaide slouched oon the couch rubbing the top of her belly. She looked at Dr.Smith without impluse carrying on with a displeased facial expression.

"Did you eat today if so?-"

"I just don't feel well."

"You only talk to me when your mother is here or your father. I know being in a room with people like me may seem very strange because we are concerned for your health but its always important to talk to your therapist."

"Write a book then. I'm sure you'll make a lot of sales. Then again I'll read it."

"Ok." Dr.Smith got up from her chair, walked tiredlessly to the edge of her desk folding her arms and her head down releasing a painful moan. "Jaide I'm just trying to help you. I need to know what's going on in your life. If you don't tell me whats the problem how you expect me to give you feedback. Yet heal what's been damaged."

"I hate my life. There. Can you give me a pill so I can stop myself from self harming." Jaide said sarcastically eyeing Dr.Smith with a fierce side eye.


"It doesn't work like that. Describe to me whats going on."


Jaide cleared her act up and aggressively pulled off her beanie. She huffed and rolled her eyes trying to think of other ways to avoid this situation.






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.09.2014

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