
October 13 1987(58 years young)

I remember like it was just yesterday. Back then in the 1950's when my mother kicked me out the house. I was forced to work but I couldn't because I didn't want to. I was your girl who was lazy. I didn't want to work for anyone. I didn't care how much money I got paid. I was born Rita Lounge July 13 1929 to rich parents and who owned their own farm. I grew up in a very tough neigh boor hood. Most of my friends were black. I finally turned 21 and this time I was allowed to go into bars, clubs, vip's and party with any celebrity you could possibly imagine.

I stood outside by my car and lit a cigarette. So yes I'm a nurse working in the Indian Rez. It's like a place for poor Indians get taken cared of. Nobody liked Indians so the dentist told me Indians have strong gums unlike white people so Indians only get half of anesthesia. That's some racist shit right. "Rita get in here now" my boss yelled my name. I ran inside the Rez building and headed back for work. I walked in and I saw the most beautiful Indian I've ever seen. His beautiful silk hair in braids went down 18 inches and his blue jeans, white shirt when he walked into the room he made my eyes burn."Rita take care of him, he's only gonna be here for 3 days". My boss just walked out the room and shut the door so hard.

"Sorry my boss is very,very rude sometimes" I said to him in my soft tone "Don't worry about it...all white men are racist-well to me" I automatically widen my eyes "No I don't mean you" I laughed. I raised his ripped up jeans and saw his 3rd degree burn on his leg and he reacted to the pain. "Sssss- careful that really hurts" he looked at me and I looked at him back. He observed my face maybe even my makeup and saw how neat my eye-liner wing must have looked. I looked at his finger tattoo that said "fuck" on his left hand and I giggled. " Your an ink person?" I asked putting the gauge on his burn to stop from bleeding. "Umm...yes I am" he looked around awkwardly. I suppose he was being sarcastic. I couldn't stop giggling nor smiling, his personality just made me feel a certain way. He was a different Indian. He had the personality of a white, rich gentlemen and had the hard attitude and style of an Indian. "So you seem interested in them" he raised his left eyebrow to my right arm and boy did it turn me on. "Yes!" I said with joy "In fact I love tattoo's, just this job doesn't allow it" he laughed hard. He giggled so much he even reacted to the pain again. "I'm just gonna clean it then send you to the surgery room and get you stitched up okay" I removed my latex gloves and gave him a lollipop. Yes a lollipop it keeps my patients to know how much better you get being treated. "Do I look like a little Indian kid to you, I may be a 21 year old Indian staying at this Rez for a couple of days but no thanks I don't need to be sent to this Rez to get a dentist check up...but I'll do that on purpose to see you again" he smiled and giggled. I turned around and grabbed the rubbing alcohol and wiped my hands. " Just suck on that lollipop" and he began to bite it instead of licking it like an actual child.

Later that day I headed home to go see my mother who forced me to do this job. "Mom" I yelled from downstairs. "I'm upstairs" she yelled back. I ran up as fast as I can and ran into her room to hug her. "I love you mom" I hugged her tight enough. "What was that for?" I pulled a cigarette from her cigarette jar. Yes cause my mother smokes. I lit up the cigarette and in hale then exhaled then I blew the smoke out and took a deep breathe. "Mom your gonna hate me for this" I said dropping the ash from the cigarette. "What?" she looked hard enough in my eyes she could see her reflection. "I think I've fallen in love with an Indian" I inhaled once more "Indian as in working and taking care of an Indian kid, oh sure you'll make a great mother" she said with sarcasm. "No Mom I mean and actual Indian man, he's fucking gorgeous and he's beautiful if you see him you'll see why...I'm trying to find out why he isn't married I would if I was Indian" I put my thumb on her face and rubbed it gently "Mom he's such a gentleman and he has tattoo's" I sighed. My mother didn't even look like she was paying attention to me. She didn't even seem to care. My father must have heard our conversation since his door was open next to my bedroom. "INDIAN.....DID I JUST HEAR WHAT I THINK YOU JUST SAID?" He yelled and opened the door wider than before. "No child of mine is falling in love with an Indian nor running away with an Indian" he pointed his thumb at me which made my eyes sensitive and a little tear came out my eyes. "Dad he's just human. I don't know why I can't be friends or have babies with an Indian. THERE PEOPLE DAD NOT TOYS. YOU CAN'T JUST USE THEM AND THROW IT AWAY. THEY MAY HAVE A DIFFERENT SKIN TONE THEN US OR WHATEVER THEY LOOK LIKE BUT THEY HAVE FEELINGS TOO JUST LIKE I HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM" I yelled at him and I could sense he was upset. For the first time in my life I've yelled at my father. His hands were balled up into a fist and luckly my mom stood in front of him. "RITA YOU GET BACK HERE!" He yelled I ran downstairs. I opened the door to my front porch and kicked the hot dirt. I slid down the porch gate and relaxed my head between my legs. "Why can't my parents just understand what it's like to live in this generation full of racism?" I asked myself. I didn't want to go back inside so I just went in the stable and talked to my horse named Snickers. "Hey Snicks...How you doing buddy...I missed you so much" I hugged my 8 year old horse and rubbed his horse hair and kissed it on it's nose. He reacted to me as I tickled it's ear. I whispered in Snickers ears and said "Would you like to marry and Indian?" my horse nodded it's head and I giggled. "Oh Snicks your so funny" I continued to laugh. I kissed my horse goodnight and slept in the stable.

The next morning I woke up and found the Snicker's stable was opened. "Oh no" I ran outside and saw Snickers drinking water in the little pond. I ran to Snickers and rubbed it's head. "Snick's you scared me to death" gosh horses are smart. I locked Snickers back to his stable and headed back to the house. I got into the bathroom and took a shower. After I was done I wasn't in the mood to wake up my parents in the crack of dawn so I just left them to go to sleep. I got myself dressed and headed for work. It didn't take long to get there. The Rez building was only 3 blocks away. As I reached by the reservation, kids were playing around in the playground at the front entrance. They waved to me as I walked into the main hallway of the building and entered the main office. I checked in and looked at the list of patients. "Sherman Alexie!" I whispered. "Who's Sherman Alexie.....Indian names these days" the room number I went into 106. A young man was lying on the rest bed and read reading a book. "Ah so we meet again?" he placed the book down on his laps and interlocked his fingers on the book. I took the stool and moved it his way. "Are you feeling better?" I looked up at him into his beautiful hazel eyes and I mean seeing a(n) Indian with greenish-brownish eyes. "Nope" popping the p at the end "Okay well I'll get the doctor to check that for you" I got up and he grabbed my wrist. "I wouldn't do that...see because I was just kidding..and by the way I am feeling better so far there is no pain" he smiled and sighed at the same time. "Well okay can I get you something else?" I sat back down sitting even closer to him. "Maybe a date with and Indian would be nice" he raised his eyebrows at me. There perfectly bushy. "I'm not sure about that" I sighed. I looked at the paper in my hand. "Why?" he got up limping a little bit coming my way. He sat on the edge of the rest bed. He looked at me deep in my eyes that he saw my pupil get small because of the reflection of sunlight. "It's my job to take care of Indians, not date them" I knew I shouldn't have said that. How cruel can I be. I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT HIM....IT'S JUST THAT I'M ONLY ALLOWED TO TAKE CARE OF INDIANS OR IF YOUR CAUGHT WITH AN INDIAN DOING OTHER THINGS YOUR BAND FROM THE RESERVATION FOR GOOD. YOU LOSE EVERYTHING. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING. "Oh I's like saying I like dogs but I'm only allowed to have a cat" he said with sarcasm "See there are all sorts of colored cats, such as black brown,tan, even WHITE!" Poppping the t at the end again he said to me. I giggled enough for my eyes to water. " I see your point" I began to think twice I really didn't care whether I get fired or band from the Rez. "Okay, but you can't tell anybody not even your cat" he looked around awkwardly "Ummm....I don't have a cat" he laughed hard. "I know see adults mess around you know I was just kidding" he automatically gave me a straight face. And he began laughing again. I was scared there for a moment. "Your cute when you get scared like that" I blushed a little but then I knew something would click between us if all we ever do is talked. "So what made you change your mind?" he asked me getting off the edge of the bed. I knew exactly what he wanted to do so I got up too. He didn't limp this time. He walked completely normal. " What?" I act like I didn't understand what he asked me "Oh that pretending game....nice one" he replied back running his hands through his silky hair. I put my hands on the counter leaning on it and he locked me in between his arms and stared at me and didn't even lose eye contact. " I " I stuttered. He lifted my chin and began to move his face closer to mine. I looked down at his tattoo's and his lips met with mine. It was so long, so long, I imagined almost everything he was doing to me, and I mean anything. I didn't want to let go of his soft lips but damn I just wanted to push him on the bed and start teasing him. I pulled away and that's when I thought about this job. He looked sad when I backed away from him. "Umm...I'm sorry I just- right now....." I ran out of words. "I understand....the place doesn't like Indians,they just do what the government tells them to being seen with an Indian people are afraid and you don't want to lose your job because of that" he replied back to me. I suddenly felt bad for him. Everything these Indians went through. "It's not like were trying to kill you" I moved away from he counter and stared hard at the lime floor. "KILL ME?" He shouted. "No, like were trying to kill Indian culture not actually kill Indians" he sat down placing his hands out on his laps. " Why would you want to do that, isn't there enough white culture, such as Europeans, Australians, Italians ,Germans, and all those other placing near about that" he looked at me "Well I'm not the government.....If he really wanted to kill Indian culture this Rez wouldn't be built" he looked down again and laid down this time making it possible for me to see his manhood almost wanting to stand up in his jeans. " Maybe your right, But still the only reason why I kinda like white people now is because of you" I felt a little shock go down my back. "Wha-what? why?" I said "Cause your different" he said "Me different never" I laughed. "I just have different opinions" I said "Exactly, that's why your different. Sure your white but your the opposite of that, you actually care about people not judge them because of the color of their skin, nor culture you just like the person for who they are.....unlike most of these nurses and doctors here you get half of the things here. FOR THE FIRST TIME YOUR ACTUALLY THE FIRST NURSE TO EVER GIVE ME A FULL LOLLIPOP.THAT'S WHY I ATE IT" I felt special but then again hurt because half of these nurses didn't give a damn about these Indians, but I did and the mattered to Sherman. "Yea I guess I am, Sherman" I giggled under my breath. "Sherman, no no that's just my Rez name meaning my real name but let's not use that...they call me Tom" he waved his hands back and forth at me. "TOM?" I laughed "You don't look like a Tom to me" he put his arms behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. "Doesn't matter what I look like...all I know Is a have a nickname. Do you know how annoying it is to have somebody yell out your government name all the time instead of a nickname you prefer them to know you as?" he said kicking his legs against the wooden part to hold up the bed. "Yea your right...." I agreed. "Speaking of names what's yours?" he asked having one leg up and the other on down. "Rita" I replied. "Rita. You don't look like a Rita" I laughed again. I'm somewhat a happy person so I'll laugh at anything. "Atleast I have a name" and we continued to joke around.

The next day, I saw Sherman, Opps I mean Tom began walking with his bag and trying to start his motorcycle. He looked at me and waved. " Are you gonna hop on?" he asked. Well why not. It's just a date right. "Oh yea I forgot today is your last day" I said nodding my head with my hand on my hips. "Yea....that is correct" he smiled. He handed me his helmet and began rubbing his boots against the hot dirt. "Aren't you gonna need this" I said holding the helmet in my hands " your gonna need it the most because a lot of girls have complained about their hair being ruined" I smiled back and placed the helmet on my head. I sat behind him hanging on to his waist. I felt his abs, the way he was breathing and his hair just blowing in the wind thirsty for air. We were driving pretty fast and I yelled so he can here me loud and clear. "HEY WERE ARE WE GOING?!" I yelled "YOU'LL FIND OUT!" We were on a high way and he did seem to live far from the Rez. We've reached this house. And it was nice and big. Like these Florida houses by the shore. He turned off the motorcycle and removed the keys and tossed it into the plant pot full of dirt. "What is this place?" I asked removing the helmet. "My house" he giggled. I didn't know he lived so neat. I thought Indians were suppose to live poor and sleep on the streets just like you'll see in those cowboy movies. " Were you expecting me to live like a bum?" he asked taking of this motor jacket that said "RIDE TILL YOU DIE" In Texas font. " I just thought you were living in a shelter or something" I said looking down kicking my foot against my heels. He walked closer to me and took my hands. "Just come inside so I can show you around" he grabbed me and we jogged. He picked me up bridal style and kicked the door open. He took me upstairs into his bedroom. " we just met" I jumped off his arms and stared at the bed. "You must be confused..." he said laughing and opened a wide door and it was dark downstairs. Luckly he switched the lights on. I began to walk down the stairs and he had on the projector and had it facing the blank wall. There were was a couch, candles, roses and did I mention popcorn. "This is very romantic" I smiled really hard. "Yea...let's just say I'm not that romantic...but I'm just being myself and doing this my way" he grinned. He was playing Sunset Boulevard and as it started I sat on the couch. I had my body laying on the couch and my legs together in the air eating the bowl of popcorn. He sat next to me and put on his Spokane Indian necklace. "What's that for?" I asked shoving more popcorn into my mouth. "Oh well it's something my grandmother gave me when I was a kid" he began to play with the charm. "I'm sorry" I sighed getting up. "It's okay...she died long ago when I was 7" he said taking if off to let he see it. I held it in my hands and read the charmed words on it which said "Tears for Fears" I looked up at him in his eyes once more. Not losing eye contact with him this time. "Yea that is what it says. Alright let's watch the movie" he took it back from me and sat down. We spent almost half an hour pay attention cause I was to busy watching him. He finally look at me and said " You must admire my beauty a lot I see" he winked at me making another twitch to his right eye. " are beautiful...I'm still trying to wonder why you're still not dating women...well besides me" I laughed. "I get that question a lot from you" he replied "See...I'm not like those other guys who use their body for advantages to get what they want....unlike me I have heart and I can't use you people, it's like hurting myself. Why? were you expecting me to just come here and bring you to screw you up and tear you into pieces and make you moan as loud as possible" we laughed together and I almost chocked on a popcorn kernel. I started coughing and he patted my back as I tired up my tear full of laughter. "No...I just thought your like those regular Indians who like to talk dirty till they get a boner" I said flipping my hair. "A-ha then I must not be your type" He giggled. An hour later passed and the movie was over making a ending song. "See...that's what you call romantic" I said being sarcastic. "Now tell me again why do they call you Tom?" I asked drinking a cup of water. "Well it just stuck to me when my dad was yelling at me when I hit him by accident in the balls with a baseball bat. He named me after his bully in high school" he said rubbing his hands back and forth. I wonder why his father named him that. He must have done terrible things. "Why would he do that" I asked "Well because he had a cool name. They were more like best friends until he betrayed my dad so it reminded him of Tom so He named me after him. I'm still trying to wonder why he called me that but Oh is life" he shrugged his shoulders and turned off the projector. "Do you need a ride back home?" he asked putting it away in the closet. "Nope not really..but I can stay here and get to know more about you" I slowly opened my eyes back and forth smiling at him. He blushed a bit and opened another door across the closet. "So many rooms" I puffed "I did build this place myself" he replied back. "It's a room...a guest room" I sighed. "Ahem-yea that is correct...MA'AM" Popping the a at the end. "Wow...dark and the dark by myself, all alone, with nobody else" he looked shocked and began to think "Wait that's a good verse for a song" What an awkward moment. I'm guessing he's a musician. "Verse??!!?!?" I asked rolling my eyes. "Yea that's a good lyric. I've been song writing my whole life. That's how I made my way through life" He said. "Your a musician?" I asked grabbing my hair by pieces playing with it. "Yea....Wanna hear me play?" he took out his in it's case that was against the wall. He began playing cords as I sat back down on the couch and just relaxed and watched him play. His fingers just strumming on the strings playing each cord and began to sing to me "Here's this song I wrote try singing it for me" He asked placing a toothpick in his mouth. He pushed me hair back making himself comfortable while holding the guitar. "Try Reading the notes!" He looked at me witnessing almost every move I could make. Later did he know I understand music and I could read it and I opened my mouth a my voice just danced along with the sound of the guitar.

"You can Be the boss" written by : Sherman "Tom" Alexie
Sung by: Rita "Lana Del Rey" Lounge

I began to sing:

You taste like the fourth of July
Malt liquor on your breath, my, my
I love you but I don't know why...

You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Taste like a keg party, back on the sauce
I like you a lot, I like you a lot
Don't let it stop...
You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Bad to the bone, sick as a dog
You know that I like, like you a lot
Don't let it stop...

He had a cigarette with his number on it
He gave it over to me, "do you want it?"
I knew it was wrong but I palmed it
I saved it, I waited, I called it
The liquor on your lips, the liquor on your lips
The liquor on your lips makes you dangerous
I knew it was wrong, I'm beyond it
I tried to be strong but I lost it.

You taste like the fourth of July
Malt liquor on your breath, my, my...

You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Taste like a keg party, back on the sauce
I like you a lot, I like you a lot
Don't let it stop...
You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Bad to the bone, sick as a dog
You know that I like, like you a lot
Don't let it stop...

He has a white corvette like I want it
A fire in his eyes, no, I saw it
He's bleeding from his brain and his wallet
He's sick and he's taken but honest
The liquor on your lips, the liquor on your lips
The liquor on his lips I just can't resist
As close as I'll get to the darkness
He tells me to "shut up, I got this."

You taste like the fourth of July
Malt liquor on your breath, my, my...

You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Taste like a keg party, back on the sauce
I like you a lot, I like you a lot
Don't let it stop...
You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Bad to the bone, sick as a dog
You know that I like, like you a lot
Don't let it stop...

I need you, I need you baby
Like I never needed anyone
You're wrong but you're so much fun
You say you treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen - you're not that nice
But you taste like the fourth of July
Malt liquor on your breath, my, my...

You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Taste like a keg party, back on the sauce
I like you a lot, I like you a lot
Don't let it stop...
You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Bad to the bone, sick as a dog
You know that I like, like you a lot
Don't let it stop...
(A/N: So ahem- I have a brain and yes imma genius so this was not originally written by my false please all rights go to Lana Del Rey (She is a real artist..and she wrote the song) and what so ever but seriously I only used this song as a theme to this book so don't think I wrote it or made it up. It's actually been recorded so don't take this personal please. It's just an Idea I thought of since Lana's stage presentation is 1950's pin up girl style so whatever...just don't think I stole it Lol) She is playing Rita's character thanks :)

He laughed and then clapped for me. "My gosh your did you learn to sing like that?" he asked placing his guitar back in the case "Well let's just say I've been practicing on my own"

(A/N: Damn I haven't updated this in like so freaking long. Honestly I forgot all about this book. ERRMAAHGAHHH!. Nah but foreall though sorry for the long wait to those who were really interested. When you have so much other books people like, you forget things and stress hits the fan. But so sorry about the long update. When I come across Ride I'll finish it sometime around when I can. #Teehee ONE LOVE- Marley)


Ayeee! Seriously I don't know who he is but he is a handsome looking Indian. He's probably a model in the modern world of today. Wish I knew his name Oh god *Catches my breathe* I kinda have a thing for handsome Indian Americans. They are sooooooo sexxsaayyyy! well some of them. But he's playing Sherman. Enjoy though. His beauty is breathe taking! Bloodclot!



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.10.2012

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