

I came out of spanish class, although I speak spanish and I barely could pass for god sake. I was walking down the hallways to my locker and I hate this group in my school called " The Plastics" Just because there parents are rich and all that jibber jabber they think they can control people. The main enemy I hate so much is Alison Hastings. She's such a bitch and is the main leader. I Ahria Robinson who's popular and play volley ball and I'm also popular myself. I'm your average hottie and I get a lot of guys attention but I put them down because I believe all guys are the same but act different. Back to the start, I was walking down the hallways to my locker until Alison came up to me and pressed me, she pushed me against my locker and my textbooks fell out my hand. "You bitch you think I didn't know", she yelled at me as loud as she can making a crowd around us.
Me: "Don't touch me you pathetic bitch, what are you even talking about", does this girl know who I am I'm from Brooklyn, New York. I was born and raised there this bitch wants a ha ass whooped if she don't calm her tone down.
Alison: "You were at that party flirting with my boyfriend.....You slut you know he's mine"
Me: "Listen bitch ain't nobody want to be with your boyfriend and never would I go out with him. He's the last person on earth I'd go out with anyway so.. up out ma face bitch", Ohhh I felt like slapping her. Your seriously fighting me over a boy like are you deadass! (Phrase they use in Brooklyn for being serious Ex. I'm serious; no joke)
She pushed me again then slapped me across my face. I kneed her to the nose 5 times and punched her and kicked her around her until she was bleeding. She was crying to stop but hell no I'm not going to stop I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. I heard a lot of OOOOOOO's and OOOOOOOOO snap's embracing my ears that I didn't even realize that my heel on my thigh length boot cut Alison's face because I was stepping on her like it was no tomorrow. That bitch plays to much and I will fuck her ass up again and again and again until she leaves me the fuck alone. The principal Ms. Duncan pulled me off of her and she was shocked at how there was so much blood on the floor. She took me to the principal's office and as always Alison's going to lie about things.
Ms. Duncan: "I'm shocked at you both and you both will receive 90 days suspension"
Alison: "No I can't I have a volley ball game this Ms. Duncan not like this"
Ms. Duncan: "Ms. Ahria Robinson my choice has been made and for all I know you will no longer be educated at this school once more"
Me: I just sat there in my chair while Alison had a big ass band aid on her forehead laughing at me
Alison: "Now your gone...I wouldn't have to worry about another dog licking my bowl of cereal", she laughed and walked out while I grinned at her scratching my nail on the wooden chair. Ms. Duncan handed me the note and I had to pack my things and go. My oldest sister came up very angry and pissed. She dragged me out and yelled at me the whole time in the car. My parents aren't in town so I'm staying at my sister's house. I've been in so much trouble that my sister Evelyn couldn't take it no more and decided to call my second oldest brother who's 19 going on 20 and I'm only 17 going on 18.


My second oldest brother Drew met up with me and came and pick me up and I said goodbye to my sister. Although I live in California, I was living in the suburbs but moved to the south side and moved into my brothers 8 bedroom dorm since there was a guest room I was allowed to sleep in there.
Drew: "What did you do this time around Ahria?"
Me: " I fucked up a bitch...cause she was pissing me off"
Drew:" Yaasssssssssss...fuck shit up. My sister got hands ohhhh" he said laughing.
Drew: "Na..but seriously You need to know how to control your anger and from now on I already filled out your application your going to James Madison High...and please don't get into fights over there because for all I know you've really got your sister gone mad at you over sillyness at Prep High one of the greatest schools there"
Me: 'I would have stayed if Alison didn't touch me"
Drew: "Does it matter for all I know your to dangerous and please CONTROL YOURSELF IN JAMES MADISON HIGH..PROMISE ME"
Me: I rolled my eyes at him and folded my arms together
Me: "OK FINE DON'T GET MAD AT ME", I rolled my eyes at him again and for a girl like like me who has fat in all the right places and curves in the right places. I figured I should go put on my bathing suit on and head for the pool. I was floating in the water until I heard footsteps coming my way.
Random GUY!:" Hey you must be Ahria?"
Me: I paused and didn't move an inch halfway removing my shades away from my face. DAMNNN!! He is so fine. I saw sexy boys in the upper suburbs but damn he is one of a kind. His eyes were hazel(Very bright) and sexy lips with snakebites and another one by his eyebrow and light brown blondish wavey short and curly hair and so much eye lashes. More than me I think
Random GUY!: "HELLOOO....."
A dog I didn't know we had that my brother didn't tell me about. WHICH I HATE DOGS. It jumped over me and I fell over and I almost drowned. UGHHH!!!!! what the fuck damn. The dog ran out the pool and started jumping on this random boy who sexy as fuck. He picked it up and started kissing and rubbing it and patting it's head as if it were a cat.
Random Guy!: "Hey calm down he's just 8 months old and he's very playful and he's my DOG!"
Me: "Well tell your pet dog to stay away from me"
Random Guy: "Well....that's up to him. I don't make choices for my dogs they do it themselves"
Me: I got up and I put the towel over me and walked and looked at him straight in the eyes. "No importa conseguir gilipollas de vida baja tú y tu maldita perro lejos de mí te patético trozo de carne"
My brother came in since he heard the loud noise in the back yard. He took my arm and pulled me into the room and looked angry
Drew: "Ahria what did I tell you"
Me:" Drew I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude it's just that-", He cuts me off
Drew: "I could careless, Ahria his living with you and you will treat him like brother and sister so please Ahria if that's a problem I will send you to Aunt Shelly and you know how strict she gets with you girl"
Me: " Yea I know I'm sorry Drew but this friend of yours-", He didn't even let me finish my sentence and just yelled at me
Drew: " Eli is not the issue....first of all why are you even in the pool?",
Me: " You know what I'll just go downstairs and get me something to eat", I just walked off like nothing happened and threw on my sports bra and my volley ball shorts. A couple hours later the door bell rang. I wondered who is it and since when my brother has people living with him. I guess he changed after all since college. I looked through the hole to see who it was. Of course my favorite chips is Doritos Spicey Sweet Chili. I opened it and I saw 4 boys standing in front of me looking like they never saw a girl in their entire lives.
Me: "Can I help you guys?"
Boy1:" Actually you can let me in"
Me: "I'm sorry-", My brother rushed downstairs and cut me off and pushed me out of the way
Drew: "Aye guys your back already?"
They all responded "Yea...Of course we live here too". I was confused I was thinking there my roommates to so why shouldn't I introduce myself to them since they never saw me before.
Drew:" Trey meet Ahria, Danny meet Ahria, AJ meet Ahria, and DeVontae meet Ahria", My brother introduced them to me but DeVontae I could tell something might click between us. I felt it the moment he looked into my eyes when he shook my hands.
Drew: "Now you all have met my sister....if any of you lay one hand on her YOUR DEAD!"
Me:"Drew relax it's not that serious"
Drew: "Pshhh whatever okay so let's go hang by the pool"
Me: "Boys", I rolled my eyes then slammed the door shut, I sat back down on the couch flipping channels. They were giving Love&Basketball on Bet, my favorite movie of all times. I grew up watching it during my childhood and I'll never get tired of it. I couldn't here a thing because the boys were to comfortable in the yard that I couldn't here the TV. I walked upstairs and screamed at them
Me: "Hey you turkey's and chickens the farmer would like it if you all shut the hell up because I'm watching a movie for god sake damnit"
They all looked at me smiling and laughing and Eli they boy who got me in trouble by my brother Drew because of his freaking dog was looking at me as If I was a newborn baby couldn't get his eyes of of me
I went back down stairs to watch it. Eli must have been following because I heard footsteps as I was walking away from them.
Eli: "Hey Ahria are you still mad about earlier today?"
Me: "No that was so 5 hours ago why should I even care?"
Eli: I just was asking because I felt guilty and I blame myself because if it wasn't for my dog we'd probably get to know each other more instead of just fighting...and I'm sorry"
Me: " Yea me too...but promise to keep that dog away from me"
Eli: "I promise"
And it was a moment of silence. I really wasn't expecting him to talk to me so why not ask him to watch a movie with me.
Me: "So do you want to watch Love&Basketball with me?"
Eli:"Yea sure"
He sat next to me and didn't make a move.I was looking good in my volleyball practice workout outfit with my ex-team on it he seem to admire it because he was looking at me back and forth every time I ate one piece of chip. He licked his lips and moved closer to me then put his arms around me. I didn't mind because it's just a guy thing they always do. He moved even closer then reached for my bag of chips.
Eli: "Ahria can I have some of that?"
Ahria: "Yea sure take some"
Eli took the remote and put it on ESPN.
Me: "Hey I was watching that"
Eli: "You saw the movie like more than 1 time already"
Me: "So that's my favorite movie now give me the remote"
I snatched it away from him and he sucked his teeth at me then went to the fridge. He opened a can of ginger ale soda and drinked it like he was out of breathe in the dessert.
Eli: "Instead of staying back here, why don't you just come outside and play with us?"
He pulled out his hands. I didn't want to turn him down so I went for it. I took his hands then walked out of the house into the yard. I sat next to him and Trey. They were playing poker and I picked up a couple of cards. They all looked at me confused
Trey: "Are you gonna put the card down or what?"
Me: I really don't play poker but I had four Ace's in my hands so I just went and put it down. They all were gasping at me and most of them put there cards down and looked really pissed
Me: "Did I win?", I was confused and just looked back and forth at everybody
Everyone: "Yesss!"
They all got mad cause I won one game. We continued playing and everybody else left and It was just me and Eli playing.
Eli: "So what made you move here?"
Me: " Well I got into a fight in my old school so my sister was angry with me so she decided to call Drew and let me move in with him"
Eli: " the way what school are you going to now?"
Me: "James Madison High...why?"
Eli: "Oh snap that's my high school"
Me:" You go there"
Eli: "Yes I do....I can show you around and introduce you to my friends. It's going to be so cool"
Me: "Yea I guess", I looked around very awkwardly and continued to play. A couple hours pass by and I started to feel weird. You know that feeling you get when you start to like somebody. I mean I find that really awkward for me because this boy is so freaking sexy. He put his 4 deck of cards down and drunk his bottle of water. I stopped and pictured him slowly and in a sexy commercial drinking like that. The water going down his neck flowing down his abs. Oh god kill me now. I started to feel really wet down there and began biting my lips and reached for my hair. I popped my lips just so he can see me. He's teasing me. Seducing me with water. Just imagine him taking a shower.
Eli: " okay?"
Me: "Yea..hahaha", I started to blush and my stomach caught stings and that tingly feeling. He snapped me out of my thoughts and yawned at me.
Eli: "Oh I'm so tired we should go to bed now cause we have school tomorrow"
Me: "Yea we should", I went upstairs to bed and I had a strange dream


Drew: 'Wake up but-head it's time for school", he shouted in my ears. I turned around and accidently slapped him in the face and fell back down.
Drew: "You b-shit I can't call her that she's my sister...WAKE UP!", He pushed me off the bed and I fell flat on my face.
Me: " What the hell you BOZO!", I got up and headed for the shower. You know that morning crap when you wake up. Do I have to describe everything I do in the morning. That's really nun of your business so why even tell you. I was already dressed so I went down stairs. Everybody was dressed and ready to go. My brother Drew, Trey, AJ and DeVontae were in college. The only #Team High school were Eli and I, but DeVontae just graduated. I sat down at the table with all of them and I think I looked so great all eyes were on me. I was to busy eating my waffles that I think I was seducing them at the table. Most of them rested their arms and licked their lips. My brother wasn't even at the table so they just watched me.
Drew: " Aye slow down you look like a pig when you eat like that", he grinned at me then laughed
Me: "Shutup you stank but...I'M HUNGRY!"
Drew: "You always hungry". My brother can be a bitch sometimes and embarrass me in front of random people or his friends. I was finished with my breakfast than went out.
Eli: "Wait up I'm driving you"
Me: " Oh really I thought Drew was going to do that?"
Eli: "He was but I told him let me drive you instead"
Me: "Okay..I guess"
Eli: "Come on hop in"
I got in his car and we drove to school. We've reached and as soon as he steps out it was a fashion show. Girls turned their heads just to look at him and admire him. I was thinking he must be very popular or something but then again I really don't care. I had on my uniform which every body else was wearing white and blue plaid. You know that freaking white girl thing (Not to be racist).
Eli: "What do you think?"
Me: "It's nice but I miss my old school", I sighed at him he puts his hands on my face and looks me in the eyes.
Eli:" Yea I know but I promise you'll forget about your old school, and move on with the new school. Trust me been there done that"
Me: " Okay I'll try"
Eli: "Come one let me introduce you", He pulled me by my hands and every one watched us. I wasn't expecting all eyes on me and very confused too. I heard lots of mumbles from the girls standing next to their lockers. I turned my face looking forward this time staring at a bunch of boys a girls. This one girl was standing out and she was very blonde and looks kinda tall and walks like a model her blue eyes and good looking body. She made me turn gay for a second. I snapped out of it and they stopped in front of me and Eli. She had a lollipop in her mouth and looked at me in my light brown eyes.
Eli: "Ahria meet Hanna", I shook her hands and her other friends seem to not be interested in shaking my hands either so why even bother.
Hanna: "Your pretty and you seem very interesting", she grinned and I looked back at her
Hanna: "Let's see if she fits perfectly in this group", I looked at her confused and I didn't even realize she turned me around in a 360 and looked at my body from head to toe.
Hanna: "Unbelievable, she's fine, pretty, sexy....she's just right", they all laughed and cheered and I got to know the rest of them. Since was first day started out weird, it just started to become a media. Not only was I new but god damn I was famous almost everybody knew who I was.
Eli:" So how's you first day going?", He looked me straight in my eyes and I just pictured us having se-. You know finish the sentence. I moved my face and he laughed at me
Eli: " Do I smell bad or something?", He giggled. Something inside of me wanted to kiss hi right away but I can't. Not this this time. I'm not ready. There's just a lot of things I wanna do to him right now. His smile makes me catch butterflies even more and I can't escape the feeling and I fiend for more of it. Why does he have to be so cute?.
Me:" Oh no you smell fine"
Eli: "So why are you looking at me like that?"
Me: "Crap I forgot to tell you Hanna wants to speak to you....later bye", I was so nervous. I've never been nervous in front of a boy before. There's just something about Eli that makes me want to fuck him down until he runs out of breathe. I'M NOT AFRAID TO ADMIT IT. I'M A FREAK, IF YOU GOT A PROBLEM THEN STOP READING THIS BOOK!. No you can't do that I know your a very nosy person so continue to mind my business ladies and gents. Or should I say boys and girls. I just feel different when I'm around Eli and my heart pounds even hard and my chest gets hot. I bumped into an old friend of mine who moved couple months before I got kicked out of Prep High. Alessandra changed her school because she was getting bullied by Alison and which made her parents move down town. She changed a lot. She used to be more geeky and more nerdish than ever. But now she goes to James Madison High all of that changed. I walked up to her and sat next to in science class and observed her write down the work on the board.
Alessandra: "Need Help?....wait aren't you Ahria?", she gave a doubted expression which made me sigh.
Me: " look extremely different I see"
Alessandra: "Yea I know isn't it cool!?"
Me: " Yea.... ecstatic you look beautiful...and I like your shoes?"
Alessandra: "Thanks....there Kardashian Kollection and god are they comfortable"
Me: "Mhum...", I smiled back at her. She seems awkward now but I can't believe she took out her braces and her teeth are white and shinny like never before.
Alessandra: "Since when you go here?"
Me: "I got into a....- Changed my school"
Alessandra: "Oh seems legit", she licked her pure white teeth like a finger going across a piano keyboard and sucked on them
Alessandra: "By the way nice to see you again", she smiled and I replied the same to her and we became work partners during science. School for me was boring but then again all today I was thinking about Eli. Finally school was over and and we met after school. He was already chilling in his car so I wanted to sit in the back because if I come near him again I will DIE!!!!!!!!!!. Oh I'm kidding, I'm not that type anyway. I sat next to him in the front seat and Hanna and Ashley were sitting in the back. I pulled out my MAC lip gloss lip shimmer while I looked in the rear view of the car and Hanna's looking at me looking at her. She rolled her eyes and looked out the window.
Eli:" Alright everybody buckle up", everyone put on their seat belts on and we drove off. The silence in the car was awkward and and very disturbing so I turned on my Ipod and started playing some music. Eli dropped of Hanna and Ashley and I already could see drama coming towards us anytime now. I watched her walk into her house with Ashley and and she gave me a stink face. Why are these little girls jealous of me though if that's the case?.


I ran inside the house and dashed up stairs to my room. Trey was sitting there looking through my photo album and my laptop was open.
Me: "Ummm what are you doing MISTER?!"
Trey: " Just looking at your pictures you know...I get very bored sometimes",
Me: "Yea I know...", I had nothing better to say so I went along with the flow.
Trey: "Who's this cute brown haired blue eyed girl?"
Me: " That's my older sister Evelyn why?"
Trey: "She fine", he licked his lips and closed the album
Me: "That's to bad cause she's taken", I folded my arms and put my album back in my suit case still pilled with unpacked things.
Trey: "You know you should be thankful...tell you what your fine yourself and I see where you get it from", he licked his lips at me. When boys lick their lips at me it just turns me on I don't know why. It just been like that since Junior High in the sixth grade. I started to gain feelings for trey and he walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. PLEASE CHILL HE'S ONLY 18. Trey is cute and sexy himself but I'm in love with Eli even more.

AJ and I were sitting at the table eating our sandwiches. I made him one, he made me one.
AJ: "So how's that sandwich going their ma?
Me: "Tastey yours?", I grinned at him then we talked and talked but our conversation lasted long for all I know. We laughed and laughed. My brother didn't come home till 9pm because he had work right after school since he's the only one paying bills.
Drew: " AHRIA I'M HOME!", He shouted. I love hearing my brother shout my name because it shows me a sign that he cares about his sister no matter what. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug like no tomorrow and kissed on the cheek as many times that all my pink lip stick was all over his face
Drew:" Eww...Ahria Love....what are you so happy about?", he giggled
Me: "Happy to see your annoying ass. I love you big bro", and gave him another hug
Drew: " Hahaha I love you too little sis", I moved away from him while AJ and Trey came and greeted him
Drew: " Wassupp guys? Where's Eli?"
Trey:" He's upstairs playing 2K12",my brother didn't seem to care so my brother didn't want to interrupt his game so my brother went straight to the kitchen and made dinner. My brother is like the big king in the house since he control everything that's going on. I had on my night gown and since dinner was ready and served I didn't know that my boobies were so big everybody was staring at them. My brother noticed and yelled at me.
Drew: "Come on put on a shirt you peacock", because my night gown was so colorful. They laughed at me.
Drew: " In the mean time while you change tell Eli to come down because dinner's on the table", he asked still eating his chicken bits. I went upstairs to Eli's room hearing talk on the phone. He seemed shock so he hung up and had the game on pause.
Eli:" Hey whats up?", he smiled
Me: "THE SKY...Anyway that's not the point. Dinners ready and Drew asked if you can come down and have some with us like a family", he sighed and turned off the game system and went down stairs. I went to my room and changed into my Hello Kitty PJ'S and a white T-shirt glasses and a mustache t-shirt. I don't know what they're called but it has a nerd glasses on it with a mustache below it. Anyway moving on. I came downstairs and sat back at my table.
Drew: "I thought you was just playing around Oh well", he grinned
Me:" No wonder why mom said it was hard pushing out a child with a big ass head", I laughed at him staring at my plate
Drew: " I know you not talking Ahria....your adopted", he threw a meatball at me and it landed in my hair.I threw back at him and it landed on Trey by accident. And all of a sudden it became a food fight. A couple minutes after the kitchen was filthy and for my punishment I had to clean it up. So not cool. I spended hours cleaning the kitchen
Drew: "Go to bed I'll clean it up", he nodded
Me:I didn't say anything to him I just got up and went upstairs and straight to bed.


I woke up with my eyes closed but the sun reflecting on my glass mirror made the sunlight reflect on my eyes which made me hesitate. I felt someone behind me and moved the opposite direction. I was looking at him face to face and he opened his eyes and I stared right into them and looked at my own reflection. I hesitated so I fell back word and fell on my head.
Me: "Woah....Owwww", I was rubbing my head with a pain expression on my face
Eli:"oh snap are you okay", he came all the way over just so come and save me.
Me:" I'm not okay I'm in pain a little bit", I lied I just wanted him to touch me all over
Eli: "Why does bad things always happen on a Saturday?", He thought to himself. He reached over and picked me up and made me sit on his laps. He was only wearing his boxers and adidas sweat pants but his was kinda sagging them down a little bit. NO SHIRT WAS ON HIM....MEANING I SAW HIS FREAKING ABS BITCHESSSS! COME AT ME BRO!. Sorry guys something came over me. I was sitting on his laps and rested my head on his shoulders with my arm around his neck and he held me like a baby. It felt weird bu I was comfortable sitting on him. He looked back in my eyes and looked like he was about to kiss me.
Eli:" You got some pretty light brown eyes.....feeling better yet?"
Me: "Not really but thanks", He smiled but I wanted to kiss him so bad and fuck him now because he's obviously on my bed. IT'S TELLING ME A MEANING.Moving on.
Me: " I'm surprised my brother didn't come in"
Eli:" Yea true but he's not here he took his plane flight and went to New Jersey", I gasped and almost cried
Me: "WHAT!? why?"
Eli:" I don't know...try calling him about it I guess"
Eli:"Sorry gotta go", WHAT THE FLYING PIG?!!??! I fell back to the floor and just stayed there
Me:" Our day was going so well", I sighed
AJ:"Hey Ahria Drew is on the phone for you", he came in eating a banana and I was talking to Drew but didn't barely pay attention because of this tragic incident that just happened a sec ago. I hung up and headed for the bathroom. I SAW DEVONTAE'S FRONT AND GASPED BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS TAKING A SHOWER. I STARED AT IT THEN LOOKED AT HIM.
DeVontae:" IMPRESSED?"
Me:"I'll be heading out now let me know when your finished", I can't lie his manhood was so big. It looked like a 9 inch kind. I was thinking how is that big thing going to fit in me. I ran back downstairs and sat in between Trey and Eli and watched the game. I sat in between them watching the game and for my first time watching basketball it really isn't my thing but interesting. It's been a while sitting on this non soft ass couch and I wanna move around. I went up stairs again and I really needed to use the bathroom.
Me:" Can I come in?"
DeVontae:" Sure", he had his towel around his waste and he was brushing his teeth. He rinsed his mouth and licked his lips and came my way. He leaned over me and got even closer. And so close that his chest was on mine and reached for something on the shelf.
DeVontae:" Almost forgot my chain",he doubted. I thought he was going to do me in the bathroom. MOST AWKWARDEST FEELING EVER!!!! WARNING: IF I DIE NOW PLEASE PEOPLE.....I WON'T BE COMING BACK P.S DON'T FORGET TO COME TO MY GRAVE. JUST KIDDING. THESE THOUGHTS KIND OF HAPPEN WHEN SOMETHING AWKWARD GOES ON. BACK TO REALITY. Seriously his chain, what in the flying bird made you think you almost forgot your necklace.( SHAMBALLA NECKLACE DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS GOOGLE THAT SHIT I DON'T HAVE TIME TO EXPLAIN)I mean he was leaning on me like he was going to take me down. I brushed my teeth and headed for the shower. I felt someone come in behind me and BAM! there he was standing right behind me putting his towel over the bar.
Eli:" Mind if I take one with you?", I didn't know what to say I mean he saw every part of me. EVERYTHING PEOPLE EVERYTHINGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I wasn't expecting Eli to come and shower with me. I wanted to look down but I couldn't. LOOK DOWN, LOOK DOWN. I said to myself. I answered him and took in a deep breathe and released it.
Me:" I Ahria doesn't mind", I smiled like a chimpanzee and let the water run over my head. I wanted to drown. I moved my hands down my hair and let the water run over my face. You know on some porn shit.I don't know if I grabbed his attention but he seemed to enjoy it. He came closer to me and just as I thought our lips were almost connected. I pouted and he stopped. He didn't even kiss me.
Eli:" Excuse me Ahria but I need to get the bar of soap", A FREAKING BAR OF SOAP ARE YOU KIDDING ME. I moved and he turned around and looked at my full body from head to toe. He bit his lips while moving the bar of soap around him.
Eli:" I don't mean to be a perv but it's just like right there...Nice Tits", he smirked. I looked down looking at my boobs and looked back at him.
Me:" Thank you", he still was looking at me like there was no tomorrow.
Eli:" Shit ma you got a nice ass too", he grinned this time and smiled at me. My gosh he must want to fuck me that bad. He turned the other direction and and washed his hair. I looked down to see his tiny little butt. It was so cute and adorable so I poked it.
Eli:" Aye woah woah what are you doing?", He had his hands on my shoulders and looked me in my eyes once more.
Me:" Well.....I.I.I.-", I stuttered and looked down. FINALLY!!!!!. Holy Crap his manhood was big too. It looked bigger than DeVontae's. I fainted and fell in between his arms feeling his manhood rubbing against my legs.
Eli:" Ahria are you okay...", he seem shocked so I got up and told him to hold me and grab the bar of soap.
Eli:" I'll wash you", he said looking at my boobs.
Eli:" Can I touch em?", He smiled bitting his lips.
Me:" Sure...", he moved the soap up from my legs to my chest and rubbed them. He looked at them and put his hands on it.
Eli:" Dang fits the size of my must be a C cup or D cup?"
Me:" Well I'm a C cup 38 C",
Eli:" DAMNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!"
Me:" Ha..what?"
Eli:" Nothing just big....TITS!", HE dropped the soap on the floor and seem to have grabbed me. And there his manhood rubs against my vagina. He held me like he was hugging me and I didn't want him to let go. He moved his hands down my ass and sqeezed it and started to kiss me down my neck and was holding me like that under the water pouring over us. It was hot so it got pretty steamy in the bathroom. He touched me in all the right places and boy it felt good. And there it went we kissed and we made out. Which I enjoyed and really got to the point were I just wanted to ask him "DO YOU WANNA FUCK?".But I didn't ask him so we just made out.
Eli:" You've got some soft lips there"
Me:" Thanks so is yours"
Eli:" I know..." he grabbed me again and kissed me again. He walked behind me and felt his manhood rubbing on my butt cheeks. He slapped it and shit I began feeling wet. He held me tight once more and we slowly slid down to the bathroom floor. I bended over and he bended over me. Teasing my body all around. And I was moaning. He was just so good. And the crazy thing is I'M A VIRGIN and he's making me go insane. I started to rub his manhood and moaned.
Eli:"Hahaha....look your my best friends sister but I think we should wait", WAIT!??! WDF! FUCK YOU MEAN. I DIDN'T SAY NOTHING TO YOU THE WAY YOU WERE TEASING ME.
Me:" Yea your right we shouldn't go there but can't my broth-"
Eli:" Hell nah..I'll end up in a grave for all I know and I've seen your brother fight and boy he got hands"
Me:" Hahaha..yea I'm pretty sure he does", he giggled then kissed me again then exited the bathroom.


My old friends from Prep High came and visited me and came back to see and have a sleepover party. My friends are my age so everything was perfect. They came over the house and met me outside. I invited them in. Selena my Mexican sexy best friend I've been with since elementary school came along with Rose and Emily. They've been there for me and they were angry because I as removed from Prep High.
Selena:" Girlllllllllllllllll......I miss you Te amo mi hermana"
Emily:" Y ea what Selena said", they all giggled and so Did I. Trey came through the door to see who it was.
Me:" Hey Trey meet Selena, Emily and Rose", they all shook hands but Trey took a long time to remove his hands from Selena's. We all giggled and boy they look like such a cute couple. Everybody else went upstairs, I pulled back Selena and whispered to her.
Me:" Do you like Trey or something?"
Selena:" I'm mean the question I should be asking you if you like him because he's mine I call dibbs", I shook my head and took her arm and we ran upstairs.
Emily:" Truth or dare?!"
Me:" Hell no because I almost died playing this game"
Selena:" Spin the bottle"
Me:" Well I am in the mood"
Rose:" You guys are we 10 year old's or...what?"
Me:" what should we play?"
Selena:"Let's play a prank", we all went along with it
Emily:"So who's going first?", they all looked at me then I sighed. Why me?. Do these girls have anything better to do. I had no choice but play along since it's girls night and I want my friends to have a night to remember.
Me:"Fine I'll go first", I had to lead them so we filled our water guns with water and through on our bathing suits. All the boys were in the yard doing boy stuff. We came in and drenched them in water. They got pissed so we turned off all the lights and everyone was playing around in the dark. I felt someone tackle me down and hogged me down until the weapon went out of my hand. Whoever it was turned on the light in the living room. ELI! seriously why does everything good always happens to us.
Eli:"Gotcha!", he shouted. He laughed with his hands on his hips and looked at me back and forth.
Eli:" You I should've known"
Me:"Hey what's that suppose to mean?", I gave him an attitude.
Eli:" Nothing by the way you look sexy in that bathing suit.....let's get back to the game", I didn't want to go play again yet so I got up and came closer to him while the gun was behind my hand.
Me:" Oh really?"
Eli:" Hell yea....."
Me:"Hmmmm.... GOTCHAA!!!!!", I sprayed him with water and he looked mad then laughed when he was running after me. We continued playing for a while and didn't stop. We sneaked to the back and we cought Selena and Trey making out. Eli and I whispered in each others ear and 1...2.......3 GOTCHAA!!!!!! we yelled at them then sprinkled them with water. So we stop playing around it wasn't till 3:00 am in the morning. We all headed for the bed. Emily doesn't like to share so I told her to sleep in my bed and Selena and Rose could share the other room together. I could sleep in someone's bed tonight but I decided to head for Eli's bed. He looked like he was already dreaming.
Me:" Hey do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?"
Eli:" No I don't I was hoping you would ask", he smiled. He removed the covers so he can show me my spot to sleep. I was slept next to him and I couldn't sleep. I tapped him and told him to entertain me.
Me:" Sorry to bother you but can you please...Ugh nevermind"
Eli:" What what is it?"
Me:"I can't sleep"
Eli:" Me either...not one dream can fill my eyes", he giggled. I was in my sports bra and my shorts and my hair was in a messy ponytail and I had my arms raised up.
Eli:" So what do you wanna do?"
Me:" Well I was thinking about fighting"
Eli:" You want to wrestle real quick", he sighed. As much as I want to do something else besides fighting. I thought If I just play along I'll get what I want. He wrestled me and had me in a headlock on the bed bending over. I got out and chocked him. SHUTUP I WAS GENTLE!. He seem shocked so he blocked my other hand from coming in.
Eli:" Dang girl you do Karate or something?"
Eli:"You got hands...shit", I laughed at him then he turned me around the opposite direction. But I'm under him and he's on top of me.
Eli:" Looks like I won", I nodded my head. He was breathing heavy then slowly moved himself closer to my body. Our eyes met and we engaged our lips again.
Eli:" I wanna finish what we started in the shower"
Me:" But I...don't want them to hear us"
Eli:" Shhhh...I want them to know how much I like you", He took off my bra and saw a tits and he carried me like a baby to the shower. We got naked and this bathroom is so big. Moving on. He sat on the the bath tub and I was on top of him making out with him. He was touching me in all the right places. He entered his member in me and pumped harder back in forth me. I hurted the first couple of pumps but I started to enjoy it after. We did It back and forth like 4 times.
Eli:" Come....I wanna finish this in bed", He rushed he in then locked the door. In dim dark light and we started doing it even more. This moment with Eli and I is so special right now cause the only words I'm thinking is DO ME HARDER!. He was so good. Now that's what I call entertainment BABY!. I didn't want to stop I told him to keep going cause it was great. He gave me so much pleasure and made me feel like a woman.


I woke up next to Eli naked under his covers but he was behind me and his arms covering my belly button. I slowly turned my head and looked at him. He flinched a bit.
Eli:" Where you watching me like that the whole time?", he said tossing and turning
Me: I didn't respond but that dog I told Eli to stay away from me jumped on the bed and started jumping on me.
Me:"Eli what did I tell you", I sighed. He turned around and whispered in the dogs ear
Eli:" Ugh...Marco who took you out of the cage?", he seemed mad then put him back in his cage.
Me:" Marco is the name?"
Eli:" Yes it's Marco. I was going to name him after me but I want to be the only in this house named Eli", He looked at me then jumped back on the bed and hopped in under the covers and his front was tickling me.
Me:" Eli....your tickling me", I giggled. He laughed to then we were play fighting and we fell off the bed.
Eli:" Ouch my nuts", I laughed at him. Me:"Come on get up I'm hungry"
Eli:" I could feed you"
Me:" Yea you can start by walking downstairs and make me a nice sandwich"
Eli:" Let me feed you with my body...start by opening your mouth", I gasped them punched him on his shoulders and we got dressed and prepared ourselves at the table.
Eli:" No seriously open your mouth", he giggled.
Me:" I'm not playing with you", I played around with him again.
Eli:" Alright...I'm sorry what would you like to eat?"
Me:" No sit tell me what you wanna eat?"
Eli:" You!", he grinned at me then laughed. Everyone else came down and even Selena and Trey looked like they got it in. I made a feats for everyone to eat and them seem to enjoy it. Eli looked at me then looked at Trey then looked around the whole house and started to giggle. I was confused although Trey and Eli looked at me while is was removing the cooked pancakes from the pan. The girls got up and said there going shopping. SERIOUSLY EARLY IN THE MORNING I MEAN IT WAS ONLY 11:00 AM. But who cares I do the exact same cause I don't have time for later.
Selena:" Rose and Emily we'll be back later going out for some new you wanna come?", I want to go but then again I want to have fun with Eli again.
Eli:" Go ahead have your "girl" thing", he laughed. I didn't have time to doll up so I just put on some Hollister sweats with my concords(Jordan sneakers) and headed out with them.

Eli's *P.O.V*

I felt kind of guilty losing it to Ahria. I mean this girl is fine as hell and I can't help myself sometimes and I just want to be near her even more. I mean I did enjoy it last night but this is my best friend's sister and I don't even know what to tell Drew when he comes back. I was hopping if I just kiss her that would be it. But my heart wanted more of her and I like this girl a lot. But I'm afraid what will Drew think of his own best friend he's known for years hooking up with his sister. I sat next to Trey drinking beer along with Trey, AJ, and DeVontae. I was quiet and I didn't know what to say.
Trey:" You alright there?"
Me:" Yea I'm perfectly fine"
AJ:"Why do you look so sad then?"
DeVontae:" Must be about Ahria even though you tell us how much you like her"
Me:" Okay...I do like her deeply but...that's not the problem"
Trey:" Then what is it?"
Me:" Nothing guys...", I just continued drinking my beer and couple of games AJ and Devontae went out so it was just me and Trey. He came and sat next to me while I was watching Video Girl(Movie on BET)he laughed at me then turned off the TV.
Trey:" Look Eli you can lie all you want but still.....I know that look and your upset about something and I feel bad now tell what's going"
Me:" You really wanna know"
Trey:" Yes just tell me"
Me:" Alright well I did the unthinkable with Ahria"
Trey:" You...banged her or something?"
Me:" Yes that's the part I'm mad about!"
Trey:" Why are you mad. According to religious and science text books I'm a man. I don't find anything wrong with fucking a girl. A GIRL ELI. A GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!"
Me:" Yea I know but Ahria is my best friends sister and I'm afraid what Drew will think of me"
Trey:" Man your such a....nevermind. The point is your young, your old enough, your her age infact and your scared?"
Me:" I wouldn't say I'm scared but I feel like I just banged her because he's not here you know"
Trey:" Wow....I know been there done that. I know how you feel. But if you feel that way just tell him so he won't think about you wrong like that"
Me:" Thanks Trey but....I'm thinking about how this relationship might affect us"
Trey:" Stop thinking inside the box start thinking about outside the box....come on just be honest with yourself and you'll find a better solution"
Me:" Yea....I want to move on so....."
Trey:" How about we go to the park and play some ball with the boys?", and we left leaving our conversation behind and played ball in the park. 3 weeks later I've been spending my time with Ahria and we've been closer than ever. We play around more and all that other relationship thing. We sleep together and Trey and Selena are a couple now and Drew came back.


I was walking downstairs and I couldn't believe my eyes. My Brother came back and boy am I happy. Drew was already eating breakfast and I was excited to see him again. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
Me:" Drew I missed yo so much", I hugged him so tight
Drew:" Awwwwww I missed you too", he gave me a kiss on my forehead and hugged me tight too. He seem shy to even hug me.
Me:" Where have you been....all my life?"
Drew:"That doesn't matter...I miss and I love you okay"
Me:" I love you too", I smiled at him and I gave him the longest hug ever. And I just started to tear up. I missed him so much and never have I ever cried about being away from my brother. He looked me in the eyes and smirked.
Drew:" Awww don't cry", he wiped my tears and smiled at me.
Drew:" Is there anything new I should know about?", I gulped my spit and tossed my falling hair into a pony tail behind my ear.
Me:" Nothing new", Eli and Trey came downstairs but AJ and DeVontae already went to a public gym out in the city. Eli was shocked and gave him a hug and a pound and so did Trey.
Trey:" Aye we missed you bro", they laughed and later that day the boys invited my brother to dinner. I was sitting next to Drew and Eli was in front of me giving looks while eating his bowl of salad. While dinner was over we headed back home and Eli and I put my pulled my brother aside so we can talk to him about what happened when he wasn't home.
Eli:" I think I...well we should tell you before it's too late"
Me:" I agree"
Drew:" Let me guess you guys like each other and hooked up", He grinned
Me:I looked back and forth at Eli and Drew and Eli did the same. We looked puzzled and didn't know what too say.
Eli:" How did you-", Drew cut him off
Drew:" Do you guys really think I'm that stupid. I already saw it from the moment ahria complained about Marco( Eli's pet dog)...and I'm not slow I catch on very quick"
Me:" Well some weight has been lifted off my shoulders and now you know I'll go inside and take a big ass nap. It's nice to have you back Drew....very nice", I said with a lot of sarcasm. He laughed and started to walk inside while I ran upstairs. I hid behind the wall and listened to their conversation.
Drew:" Hold you really like my sister?"
Eli:" I don't just like there's just more about her that makes me nervous being around her"
Drew:" I don't blame you...because sometimes I wish Ahria wasn't my sister but in a good way. And a girl like Ahria your lucky too have because out of everyone in this house I knew you would be the one. Not only is she graduating soon.....but I want her to find someone to love and be with in her life and she chose you", He patted him on the back.
Drew:"oh yea and don't get her pregnant......maybe when she's old enough sometime in the future", He smiled at him and headed upstairs so I ran into my room in dim dark light and pretended to go to sleep. He came in my room and turned on the lights.
Drew:" Ahria I know your awake I heard you running into your room"
Me:" Crap can I ever get away with anything?"
Drew:" Hahahaha think again", he came and sat on my bed.
Drew:" Don't be all sweet Ahria go on with your bad self"
Me:" What do you mean"
Drew:" I mean.....don't try and Hide it if you like him that much you would sleep with him". It was an awkward moment.
Me:" Your the best brother mom and dad ever made...and thanks I'm glad you understand", I kissed him on the cheek and smiled at him and gave him another hug.
Me:" And your girlfriend sometime in the future is gonna be lucky to have you", I smiled at him then went straight into Eli's bedroom and went to bed. YES WE DID MAKE OUT BUT WE DIDN'T GET THAT FAR. A couple weeks later Drew started to like the fact that Eli and I are a couple. But my friends Emily, Selena, and Rose came back although there on school break. Introduced my friends to Drew and Drew couldn't keep his eyes off Emily. Emily is a blonde with blue eyes and they always say she kinda looks like the white version of Beyonce. And from the moment they took forever to take each others eyes off I knew It would become from looking at each other to doing it in bed.
Me:" If this gets any further don't get her pregnant...maybe sometime when she's old enough in the future", I winked at Drew and he smiled and laughed at me.


I finally turned 18 and I'm old enough to start a brand new life. (NO I DON'T MEAN GETTING PREGNANT). My parents came to my graduation and so Did my younger siblings and my older sister Evelyn and her boyfriend Shaun. He proposed to her. And I'm happy for them. Drew and Emily are a couple and it's kinda weird because the last time Emily had a boyfriend was in second grade. Funny isn't it. I knew Emily would find a boyfriend but I never thought it would be my brother.
Me:" So you really like my best friend?"
Drew:" Are you trying to follow my footsteps now?", He giggled
Me:" Maybe...."
Drew:" Whatever go home little girl", He laughed. I was upset that Eli didn't come to dinner because he had to take care of his mother. HE DID GRADUATE WITH ME..BUT HE'S HAVING FAMILY ISSUES RIGHT NOW :\.
Mom:" Congratulations sweet heart I'm so proud of you", she pinched my cheeks extra mother fucking hard. Felt like I was in the movie The Patriots. Hundreds of bombs just blowing my head off.
Dad:" I'm proud of you" and daddy kissed me on my cheek. Why couldn't mom just do that.
Drew & Emily:"Congrats Ahria", they kissed and lifted their thumps up at me. WDF! I THOUGHT I WAS GRADUATING HERE O_o -___- -.- >.> ^.^

Too sad to say Eli wasn't with me and I had to celebrate all by myself just when I thought I was having a good / bad life when I got kicked out; the number one person who really made me happy was my boyfriend. Eli Cunningham, the most beautiful boy ever in my life to make me the most happiest girl in the world. My phone began to rang and It was Emily, she texted me but, I was too sad to write her back. Drew noticed how upset I was and sat next to me on my bed.

Drew:" Ahria princess. I know how much you love Eli"

Me:"Know you don't...why does he have to have problems on our special day together?"

Drew:"Okay, I should have said this to you before, but Ahria Eli's parents are......well; they're really not his parents"
Me:" What? How come?" he puts his arms over my shoulder to hold me in comfort

Drew:"Eli's real parents are drug addicts. His parents friends took custody of Eli when he was six and now he's at battle with them because he fellt like his real parentsnever actually cared about he's trying hard to connect with his real parents but his adoptive parents don't want that cause they're afraid what will happen to him"

Me:"But he's 18"

Drew:"I know but, his adoptive parents don't trust his real parents....bascially it's compicated" he shrugged his shoulders

Me:"But why didn't he tell me for himself?" I asked sobbing

Drew:"Maybe he was so focused on making you happy that, He himself wasn't happy without his real parents he never got to bond with...maybe you should give him some time" 

Me:"Yea..maybe I should after all" I so upset I couldn't even think straight. Drew kissed my forehead and walked away leaving the door open

Drew:"Have a goodnight sleep Ahriee babe" I slowly closed my eyes and dreamed the night  away.

I woke up the next morning stratching my head in response to the chirpping birds on my window payne. 

  "Sho! Sho! fly away you annoying part of life" The birds flew away and back on the tree they went into their nest watching me from a far view.

"Yes, keep watching me you stupid-" I was cut off by my brother while he was watching me put up my middle finger.

"El oh el"

"Ahem-so what cha cookin' bro?"

"Ahria? what was that all about?"

"I honestly have no idea" I responded to him running out of my room into the bathroom

He walked near my window and peaked his head outside and shouted with his palms near his mouth

"Well...whoever you are stop stalking my sister?"

He didn't even know what was going on ....but the best part was letting him embarrass himself early in the morning.

 (A/N: Teehee hello. So umm..bookrix deleted half of my book, well because during bookrix's process of upgrading the website they didn't take the rest of my book with them Lol. So new change of plans and I do remember some stuff that I wrote  so I'll be adding that in the book as well. Therefore, thanks for the hearts and views. PEACE| LOVE| & | BLESSINGS <3)

    I went donwstairs towards the kitchen grabbing a bowl and frosted flakes cereal. Trey's perverted ass stops to adore my underwear. I am wearing a see through v-neck shirt from Forever 21 and polka dotted panty's from JCPENNY . Trey, grabbing a burito. Heated it up watching me poor cereal into the bowl.

  Trey: " Damn. I must really be in heaven" he said taking a seat and reading a news paper

Me:" Welcome to hell bitch. And if you keep it up, I'll be your worst nightmare " I gave him an icy  glare to go with it. He seemed frightend but he shrugged his shoulders and walked away to go watch televison.

 Trey:" Well sheesh" he puffed. He walked upstairs.


I heard the doors swing open and in came Eli. He looked like he wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone. I stood there watching him and giving back the same gleam in his eyes in return. I wanted to run to him but something told me to stay back. He looked down at the floor and nodded his head. Ok now it's time to show him some love. I slowly walked towards him and gave him a soft hug. His warm sun tanned fingers rubbed down my neck to my back. This time Eli went lower. Literally, lower. I stopped him just in time before he can even touch my ass. I grabbed his hands and pulled away from him. Trying to play it off


"Are you okay" I said

    "Nope. But touching you made me just now"

"Drew told me about your parents"

   "Oh so he told you eh?" he seemed surprised. As if I wasn't suppose to know in the first place.

 "Yea. But why didn't you tell me?" he sighed and took a deep breathe

"....Look...It was hard growing up and and all. Ever since I met your brother, he changed my life dramatically. I'm not even suppose to be here as a matter of fact. I'm suppose to be with my second parents. See I got into a arguement with them after they told me I was adopted and stuff...and I really wanted to leave my past behind me because ....You came through those doors and I knew I wanted to stay. I mean I never wanted to leave...but you get what I mean" he giggled "..but I'm sorry about everything okay. I've been going through a lot and last thing I want to do is mess things up between you and I" He looked at me through my pale brown eyes. He crashed his lips onto mine. Soft but yet a passionable kiss that I thought would never end. Sadly, we drifted away from the sound of Drew's footsteps witnessing the scene of Eli and I lip locking. God can't we just have a long makeout without Drew's annoying ass interuppting us.


"Drew" Eli smirked giving Drew a hand shake

"Back already huh?" he squinted his eyes at Eli. Such an awkward moment.

"Yea. I'm gunna go now" he pointed upstairs and quickly dashed away from the most awkwardest moments ever.

"Sooooo....." he watched me while I watched Eli run up the stairs

"Byeeeeee" I softly whispered to him. 

"Oh c'mon" he shouted "let's have a brother and sister talk" 

"Shut up Drew" he knew the reason why I was a bit upset. I wish I could smack that smirk off his face. I walked up the stairs too slowly trying to avoid Drew's smar remarks.












  A:N I have updated some pictures and changed characters here and there. But I left some of the old picks because I have no Idea what they look like now. .I dnt know their real names in real life except for india and mackenzie from instagram. But hopefully I'll find some new hotties or keep these hotties and Yes im going to edit and update. I had to push this back because of Serious (a book) that I've been writing for months now and so forth but more updates coming soon :) Thank you



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.05.2012

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