

Having my head phones on playing and blasting very loudly in study hall."Ms.Montgomery..will you please put that away no electronics in the library ".Still can't hear her,but I can I pretended that I couldn't hear.She pulls the head phones out my ear."Alright,alright fine Ever heard of being patient".She rolles her eyes at me walking away.I grab my text book full of sexual education.

Walking up to my seat.Some pretty lightskined latin girl comes up to me with a bright white smile looking at me.My jaw drops because this girl is hot.Man that's one good looking girl.I lick my lips.Pushing back my hair.Grabbing my lip gloss out of my bag."Hi-Hello I'm Lauren-Lauren London".She's shaking my hand as I'm nodding my head quickly back and forth in response to her as I deeply swallow my spit."Oh-nice name I'm Lynn-Lynn Montgomery".Releasing
her hands off mine very quickly.

"CLASS-CLASS GOOD MORNING EVERYONE I'M MS.DAUGTRY....I WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME OUR NEW STUDENT SHE'S FROM CALIFORNIA..AND HER FAMILY JUST MOVED HERE TO FLORIDA SO PEOPLE PLEASE BE NICE,SHOW HER AROUND,AND MAKE FRIENDS WITH HER....YOU MAY NOW INTRODUCE YOURSELF'S",Says Ms.Daugtry saying a big announcement."YOUNG- LADY WOULD YOU LIKE TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO THE CLASS?".She looks very shy getting up and I see her shiver her knees to get up.Hearing the voices of the class saying very nice things about this girl."Well-well I'm Lauren London I'm new here to this school,I'm 16 and I'm Spanish.I'm from San Francisco,California and my favorite band is Paramore,I love music..etc.This girl was talking for so long that I almost fell asleep and I almost fell off my chair."THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING".Finally this girl shut's up."PLEASE TAKE YOUR SEAT MS.LONDON".She walks back to her seat grabbing her things to run off to the bathroom.As the bell rings I get up and chase after her into the bathroom.She starts to cry In the bathroom stall's.

I put my book back down next too the bathroom sink."Hey London you okay?".She looks up at me giving me a sigh."No I'm not okay...I don't belong here...I just want to be alone....why do you even care no one cares about my feelings "."Wha- what do you mean no one cares I care...I came here running after you didn't I?".Wiping her tears."Come on get up and tell me what's really bugging you?"."Nothing",She said wipping her tears."Are you sure?",I asked unsure."YES! NOW YOUR MY NEW BEST FRIEND...SO LET'S GO",Weird I thought but then again she seems cool.She grabbed my hand rushing me out the bathroom."Hey...wait up",I shouted.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.12.2011

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