
odd beginings

Jessa's P.O.V

She could not believe this were her parents crazy an arranged marriage she was only 17 a few months away from being 18 and they were shipping her off half way acrossed the country to marry some stranger. jessa looked at her parents what are you thinking i can't get married her parents gave her looks of pity then her mom came up to her and grabed her hand its okay honey everything is going to be alright. I looked at them with horror then her mom steped away and whispered something to her dad, her dad gave her a hug and left the room her mom looked at her and said were meeting jace and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson over diner at there hotel so you need to get ready and wear something nice then her mom left her alone in her room. Jessa crossed over to the other side of the room and looked in the mirrior and studied herself , she had big blue eyes surrounded by dark lashes and dark brown hair that was wavy and curly at the same time it also amost reached her waste her face was flawless she din't have zits like most teenagers did, then the was her body she was more boxy like her shoulders were broud for a girl but she was very slender but curvy at the same time and her most memerable trait was she was tall very tall for a girl she was 6" tall. Jessa guessed she was pretty in a model way but not gorgouse by any means she never got why boys looked at her the way they did most of them weren't tall enough to see her clevege any way so why did they stare like she was some goddess 'then jessa wondered if this Jace would think she was pretty then jessa mentaly slapped herself she was not going to see this jace she was running away and for phase one of excape plan to begin.
jessa climbed out he window on the second floor and jump onto the tree holding on for dear life when the thin tree stopped waving around jessa inched her way down the tree when she was on the ground she straigtened out her backpack that had two changes of clothes food and her money and credit card then she started to run. early she had decieded to go through the woods because she knew her parents would not find her in the dark woods after thirty minutes of running she was super tired and her shoes were giving her blisters maybe toms were not such a good idea. Then jessa looked around at her surroundings what the hell she was supposed to be on the other side of town now not still in the woods great jessa thought this is what i need to get lost in the wood maybe next i'll get eaten by a bear. But then jessa relized how cold it was she shivered not from the cold but the icey cill climbing up her back like a finger. Then a piecing howl disurbs the silence of the forest. The howl receeds but then a wolf steps in to the clearing she was in. he is black as night with piecing green eyes that look very dangerous but there is something strange about them they look almost human and then i notice something else he does no look away from my gaze like all animals do. I take a step forward towards the animal but then I am swallowed by blackness.

my mind is foggy but i can tell that I am being carriedby a pair of strong arm I am still cold even with the warmth radiating of this stranger so i snuggle closer in to his chest and fall back asleep but my last sleep driven thoughtis damn this guy smells amazing
Jace's p.o.v
It was the best think i had ever smelled but i only caught a whiff i try to find the smell again but i can't smell it so i howl in anguish then i smell it again i start to run my howl cut of abruptly, then i'm in a small clearing the smell fills this place i look around and find the source of this wonderful smell it is a girl see is very beuatiful from what i can tell in the dark she has big blue eyes and dark curly hair that falls to her waist she looks at me with no fear which i must say make me happy but the look in her eyes thoughs me off there full of interest and curisoity she takes a step towards me then she crumples to the ground. i shift so quickly that even surpises me then i run to her a pangof fear running through me i make sure she is breath then pull her into my arms then i start to run to the hotle me and my parent are staying in i think of how disapionted they are going to be when they find out that the girl i'm arrange to marry is not my mate but this girl is.during the short run i feel her stirr butthen she sniffs me snd snuggles against my chest. i chuckle damn my mate is cute.
When i get to the hotel i nock on my parents door they open the door going on and on how worried theyre then they see the sleeping girl in my arms.
JACE!!!!!!!! my mom yell what in the world, i push in the room and lay my mate on the bed and wave my parent to come with me into my room through the connected doors i shut the door and turn to them bracing myself for yelling but instead they are giving me shocked looks, what i ask getting tired of them starring at me, Honey were did you find her my mom asks, who i ask dumbfounded jessa, so that was her name pretty i liked it alot my mom snapped her fingers in front of my facetell us what happened. i look at my mom confused how do you now her name? jaace my mom says that is the girl you are supposed to marry i look at my parent and my mouth drops open.

just the beginnig

Jessa's P.O.V
I woke up with a start thinking how wierd this dream i had was it really freaked me out but then i laughed i could be real then i open my eyes and blinked hard a couple of time i was in a spacious hotel room in a king size bed i sat up and almost pasted out again. then there was a voice like velvet that was heaven to the ears then i look at the owner of the voice and thought his voice was no where close to the beauty of his face. he had midnight black hair that was gelled into a snowplow his straiat nose and big kissable lips but his most stricking feature was his ears a beautiful moss green that could stop the queen of england in her tracks, then my eyes traveled of his face to his body OMG his body he was buff like he was even more ripped then taylor lautner or what i could dhe though his tee shirt. Then the beautiful man spoke, are you done with you exiamenation said the man teasingly being my stupid self i blushed like i was bella swan or some shy person.Then the thought enteref my mind that i was in a room with a supper hot guy I giggled and he gave me a confused look and i grinned at him. Then i wondered what i was doing here i smiled at the hot guy and said lets play 20 questions he looked confused but agreed quickly.
So i said trying get a conversation going after my mindless starring and babbling and this was the most awkward conversation i ahd ever had then i blurted stupidly, Whats your name? i asked quickly and nervously. he grinned at me and said my names Jace Wilson
Jace's P.O.V
Jessa's face draines of color leaving her looking pale beneath her tan, jace looks at her jessa whats wrong j]Jessa, Jace asks her coming to sit next to her on the bed. it is about twenty minutes till she talks again but insead of nervouse her voice is quiet and disbelieving, then she suprises him and jumps of the bed, i can't marry you i'm only 17 her face was distraught his eyes widened. That why you were in the woods he said with relization she looked at him , and blurted you were the one who save me from the woods, he smiled slightly,yes , she looked at him and asked what did my parents do when they found out i was gone. he was quiet for a minute a deciede to tell the truth, they called us and by that time i had found you so we told them wear you were and that this after noon we would meet over lunch. she frowned and looked up at him then she suprised him by,how tall are you? he gave her an indulgent smile and said 6"6 she laugh and mumbled not htinking he could hear her, i finally find a gut who is hot and taller than me and he is me soon to be husband how ironic.
They sat there for two hours awnsering question and asking them then he looked at the time he smilied at her and said you need to get ready for lunch with mine and your parent my mom had some fun shopping for some dresses for you hope you don't mind there in the bathhoom so are all the tolioties you might need he smiled kissed her on the forehead strode and out of the hotel room. jessa's P.O.V
I stood there frozen for a couple of second then my mind when into over drive had Jace just kissed me OMG the place still burned from his kiss, i ran into the bath room before any body could walk in and see my face, when i walked into the bathroom my mood lightened considerably i stripted and hoped in the shower. The shower cleared my mind so i got ready for lunch.

The supernatural

Jace's P.O.V
Lunch went by fast talk about the and the engagement party next month Jessa was going to live with in my parents house till the wedding, then they were going to move intogether Jace felt awareness beside Jessa when he was touching her he could feel her feelings.
Jessa's P.O.V
Jace touchedy leg and this sent a shiver though me then he sqeezed my leg as if in comfort to what they were talking about. My inter wedding was being planned i didn't have one say in anything just sat there taking in the comfort Jace gave me.
After the lunch we got ready for the plane ride to the Wilson's house my mom had already pack for me so we were ready to go in a matter of minutes i gave my parent a hugs and hopped into the Wilsons limo.
The plane ride was quick becuase i slept most of the time, I was pulled out of a dream of making out with talyor lautner by a big warm hand shaking my shoulder, What,I almost sqeaked. jace's voice came into my dream and completely woke me up. what do you want you douche i asked him aggitated. he gave me a confused look then spoke in the voice of his,we have to get off the plane but you can sleep in the car were three hours away from home, kay i said and fell back asleep, so jace picked me up and brought me to the limo and when he touch me to pick me up my dream changed into me making out with jace.
I woke up again in a huge room with a king size bed that was sollowing me whole. i though the covers of and jumped of thebed and looked around the room even though it was big but it looked old cabinish so i open the door and walked down the hall way following the scent of bacon that had woken me up. in the kitchen was Mrs. Wilson cooking with what looked like the cook then i look around at the high end kitchen when i was sartled by a little person hugging my legs. Jessa said the little girl will you hold me i laughed and picked her up. what iyou name i ask the little girl she smiled shyly and said sophia, how pretty i said mrs. wilson looked over and smiled then said don't bother her soph the girl frowned, then i said its ok i like kids specialy little girl named sophia and i started tickeling the little girl.After the best breakfast I have every had the wilsons and Jace brought me into the living room to talk about some thing when i walk into the room and sat down on the couch and soph jumped into my lap i gave her a smile then look to the rest of her family. Mr. Wilson started me and my wife would like you to call us by are first name since were family he said smilling. then jace spoke i trained my attition on him we are not a normal familt jessa were werewovles my father is the alpha of are pack but once i marry you i'll be alpha and there is a feast tonight for are engagement party for the pack only we were hoping you wouldn't be to freaked out and come with us. I blinked then set sophia down and ran out of the house into the the woods as fast a si could when i got tired i stopped and took a breath then i sat down lean agaist the tree and had a nice cry.
Jace's P.O.V

jace's parents looked at him with shocked expresion, jace just smiled and said shes just shocked she will be fine i can sense her feelings then sophia came up to him crying jace picked her up and said whats wrong soph, sophia cried harder and said jessy doesn't like me any more cause im a wolf she put me down and ran away. jace hugged its of soph she still likes you promise she is just scared and missing her mom and dad, sophia cried a little more and fell asleep in his arm he laid her in bed and went to find Jessa
he found herdeep in the woods asleep her face tear stained he picked her up and brought her to her room and laid her down like she did sophia then left he went to his room and fell asleep aching to have jessa in his arms.
Jessa's P.O.V
i woke up with a little person in my arms i smiled and looked down at sophia she just so cute with her gold blonde hair and beautiful green eyes just like her brother, NO i could notthink of jace, what i did need to think about was where i could find some food and my cloths.
after 1 hour of looking i finaly found my siutcase and some ceral i luged my heavy bag up the stairs and to my room. I found all my cloths and everything i might need as i looked at all the neatly folded things i missed my mom so much and i tried to hold tears back but they fell she new the only thing that would clear her mind was a swim so she put on her bikini found her waterproof ipod and googles and went to the pool.
Jessa a the last minute i had decieded to bring my timer and i was rpacticing i had done 4 400s but i still hadn't beat the state campions. Then i reminded myself i had to relax so I climbed out of the pool laid down on my towle and turned up my lady gaga and started to sing along.
Jace's P.O.V
I watched her swim for two hours she was so focus she didn't even notice me standing watching though the kitchen window. I didn't know what she was doing but she would go 16 laps as fast as she could each time she looked at the timer she frowned then after four times she did a cool down and climbed out of the pool and laid on her towle i studied her she was beautiful lonng legs flat stomache her face was flushed and she was breathing hard, then she started singing even though she was his mate and he almost loved her singing was a god awful sound.
Jace walked out to the pool and sat in a chair beside jessa, WOw what a nice voice you have i said sarcasticly, she looked up and grinned this made his heart skip a beat she really was beautiful. Then my curisoity got the better of me and i ask what were you doing in the pool. Her face fell a little and she said before i new about marrying you i was going to be in the state championship in swimming and diving what i was doing was a 400 meter thats sixteen laps I was trying to beat the state champions time but i couldn't get it so I'm relaxing and getting into my zone she almost purred. Sorry to interrupt my mother said walking along the pool but we must get jessa ready to meet the pack.

meeting the pack

jessa's P.O.V
Mrs.Wilson who i now call Amy told me that even though they lived in this house they had another house that was more like a cabin in the woods by there pack the only reason they lived in this house was to keep up appearences, she told me that they had like a little camp so deep in the woods they never seeny other people so thats how they keep there secert safe. I thought this was nice till they told me that i was riding on Jaces back as awerewolve in a dress and stilletos, this was not so nice i must say.
When we got to the camp about thirty minutes later i suprise how right Amy was it was alittle camp.
when jace got back from shifting he lead me towards a house and when we walk in there was like a lot of people and so much food i could feel these people getting fatting this made me laugh. I heard music and pull Jace towards the sound and we dance after this we had a fewmore drinks than we should and stumble out side laughing we were walking towards his home in the woods but i was over came with a sense of longing that if i did not kiss Jace right now iwas goign to find myself in a straight jacket. so thats what i did me and Jace were making out against a tree when jaces mom called out Jace at least keep your pants on till your married its only three months away. i tried to stop from gigling and blushing but it was dark out so they could not see my blush for that i was glad.
Jessa woke up in another strange bedroom but she figured it was in Jace's parents house so she got up and followed the scent of food. I found the kitchen after much wandering and soph soing me were it was, in the kitchen Jace was making pancakes and eggs, this made me laugh jace looked over his shoulder at me and smiled then i caught sight he was blushing then i laughed so hard i fell of my stoll onto the floor, I heard a voice much like jace from behind me i looked and the strander had his phone out recording the whole thing i looked to jace who was coming around the island to held me up and said Jessa this is Conner you met him last night then he said in a slightly lower tone of voice but you might have been to drunk to remeber him. in a split second i decieded to tackel Conner and delete that vidio cause with my luck it would ent up on Ridiculousness or AFv so that what i did i tackeled him and got his phone deleted the vidio and punched him in the stomache for tripping me when i was drunk, then I walked out of the room and smiled sweetly over my shoulder at Conner
It took me a little while but i found my room again and was amazed to see a note on the door that said
Dear Jessa
i took the liberty of picking out cloths for you here because none of your other cloths would keep you warm. I am very sory there is not a indoor pool at this house so i toold the consturctor buidling you and Jaces house to put an indoor pool in call it an early wedding present.
Love Your soon to be Mother
Amy Wilson
Jessa was so happy to have amy as a friend and a mother like amy she looked in her huge closet and was happy to she amy had very good taste.
After showering and blow drying her hair she went to find Jace because he had tect he and told her to meet him in the garden so thats what she did even though it took her thirty minutes to find the garden, the next time she saw jace's dad dhe had to ask for a blue print to all there houses. She found Jace and he did something she did not expect he gave her a tour of the house.
When we were in the garden again jace looked nervouse than said quickly my parent are sending you to school and they have a swimming team and they said if you you fast enough you might be able to get on the olypmic team or at least to the try outs. Jessa was shocked then i jump into jace's arms and kissed him with a passion that stunded both of them she did not let go but i pulled away from the kiss and hugged him hard and whispered against his chest thank you jace. i let go of Jace apurtly and ran to my room and locked the door then unlocked just in case sophia wanted to sleep with me, then i got into bed and cried myself to sleep. Two days later my school stuff came a uniform that i would rather not talk about and there were text bookes and suppies i was so happy i was jumpimg around the house and singing not my best moment.
Today was the day my first day of school i could not wait i got up at 6 oclock to get ready i got in the shower then got dressed in my uniform that looked cute on me i put on my usaully make which is not much then did my hair i left it down and curled the eedges and put a head band in, i had to say i looked hot then i started gigling and ran down the stairs to the kitchen.
I got inthe car and waited for Jace he came out like right away which made me happy so i grinned at him when he got in the car he grinned back and started his shiny silver sports car and of we went.
We were ten minutes late but that was okay because i was new i walk in the school with my hand in jace's and we went to the front desk we filled out the paper work and i was ready to go the lady handed me a peice of paper with my classes on and my swim practices jace told he would pick me up at 5:00 when swim was over i smiled and kissed him on the cheek and walk to my locker than class.
When i opened the door everybady looked at me and i smiled back then looked at the teacher he looked me over and said you must be Jessa Sean yes i am i said, ell he said in a high nasley voice you are sitting mr.landingcamp i looked to were he was point and my eyes land on a super hot guy who smiled at me seductively but i just smiled and went to sit down when i was seated he leaned in and whispered I'm aaron i smiled at him and shook his hand and im Jessa then turned back to the teacher and ignored aaron completely listening to the teacher. When class was over there was a note on my book that said come sit with me and my friends at lunch, A. i smiled and went on with my day.
At lunch i went into the lunchroom i grab a tray and looked at there food all i can say is ewwwwwww, so i grab an apple and a water and looked for aaron who was sitting in the very middle with 6 other kids i walk up to him and smiled he griined and moved over i was in between him and and a girl aaron looked at me then said this is james pointing at a hot guy at the end of the table beside him is his girlfriend lindsay, then next to them are the twins ethan and liza ethan girlfriend sabi her nick name for sabrina then there me and beside you is isabell everybody calls her izzy when he was finish with introuduction i studyied everybody was nice but james and lindsay were to caught up in each other so were ethan and sabi so they kinda ignored me but that was ok but liza was a bitch i think she would not talk to me she only talk to aaron but izzy was so nice we talk all lunch and in the halls we had all the same classes but two we talk most in most of are classes too. When school was over izzy ask if i want go shopping but i said i had practice so i couldn't but maybe wensdaythat a day i ahd off i smiled and went to the pool.
Practice was hard but i loved it and i liked my coach Mr.emmet lane he was cool but he knew what he was doing after we were done and i was dressed to go find Jace he called me into his office. Coach lane smiled and said Jessa you are a very good swimmer one of the best i have seen i think you have a very chance of getting to the try out now you better go find your ride but remeber one think don't let your swimming get in front of your life let your swimming be part of your life not your life.I walked out of his office and went to find Jace i relized that it was going to be hard work to get everything to work out how i want it to, then a thought crossed my mind if i was marrying a werewolve wounldn't have to be a wolf also.
I decided not to bother Jace with my questions, I found jace in the parking lot I ran to him and jump into his arm and gave a bear hug I smiled up at him, I still could not believe that I had to look up at jace I loved that he like 5" talker than I was he made me feel small and delicate which I liked for some reason I couldn't explain but that was ok. I let go and stepped around him and got into the car.
When we got to the first house, me and Jace went into the woods he shifted I got on his back a thirty minute ride by car but a ten minute ride by werewolf. When we got to the second house there was a really pretty girl sitting out front when we walk up she came up and hugged Jace I felt a surge of jealousy towards this girl I glared a t her and she backed of Jace real quick but smiled she so Jace couldn't tell what had gone down so I smiled back then Jace said this is Emily she will train you how to be an alpha wife and things you need to do in the werewolf community, hey Emily You can take this from here where’s your brother, Emily smiled and said in the den waiting for you, bye.
I looked at Emily and said he's marrying me not you so back off, she looked at me then burst into laughter and gasped out between laughter, I'm Jace's cousin there nothing to worry about there, I register her words and blushed furiously it’s okay she said I guess you would get that kind of vibe from that hug it’s just that I have not seen Jace in a long time I’ve been at another tribe learning how to be your assistant all the alpha females have one so I’m your, nice to meet you Jessa I’m Emily as you now, so it’s my job to so you the jobs you have as alpha female, so come along let’s get started.
We went through all the thing I was supposed to do there weren’t to many things to do it was mostly assisting Jace I help plan parties and so on but I did not know how I was going to keep all these thing straight, but I figured we could do it so after we were married I thought with surprise I could not believe that word did not scare me anymore it felt weird to think that word married with so much calm but I was ready so I smiled at her and went into the house dreaming of my future.

The future

Three Months Later
Jace’s P.O.V
It was the day of the wedding it had come so quick, juggling my duties and Jessa had been a challenge but I had loved it her human friends, me, and basically everybody else had grown really close to her. Everybody loved her including me and I believed that she to loved me but not for long. I had to tell her about the change how she would shift. We would get married, but then would she have to have drink my blood to start the shift I really hated having to tell her but I had to so I went to go find her.
I found her in the den watching reruns of jersey shore I laughed out loud and she looked up and smiled at me, hey babe what’s up, I went over to the couch and sat beside her, I looked at her for a moment and then I pulled her into my lap and put my arms around her and whispered in her ear Jessa on are wedding night I have to um turn you into a werewolf she looked at me then she kissed me I was really surprised at this but I’m not one to argue so I kissed her back and we didn’t stop.
Some people may say that are wedding was only a couple days away and we could have waited but for some reason we both felt something coming it like are bodies took control. It was early in the morning so that meant I had to get up because I had things to do I got up and carried Jessa to her room and laid her down to rest, and I went to go get ready for our wedding.
I went to my father office there were something’s we had to go over like what would happen when I turned Jessa. I found him shuffling through papers he smile and waved me in I went and sat down in one of the chairs facing my father. Then he started to go over the plans for the turning I listened to everything and knew I had to do everything to the T so I took notes and concentrated we were talking till my mother came in frazzled and dragged me to my room to get ready for the wedding.
Jessa’s P.O.V
I had butterflies in my stomach I had been woken up by Amy at 9:00 to get ready for my wedding everything had been none stop since then I had my makeup done my hair everything but now it was hours later and I was 30 minutes away from being married to Jace this thought sent shivered down my spine thinking of what we had done last night. My thoughts came back to my surrounding and I was being dragged in front of a mirror while Emily was saying something about a veil I saw myself in the mirror and gasped I looked like a goddess in the dress that was gorgeous then I looked at my face and sucked in a breath my face was perfectly tan from walking around camp and the light makeup made it shine my dark brown hair was twisted braided and cured on top of my head and my ear the light gray blue shot through with green looked other worldly I looked beautiful. The next thing I know is I’m being hauled into the woods toward lights.
They were hanging everywhere the lights, everything was so beautiful I felt tears prick my ears. Then I saw my father walking towards my with his arm out ready to walk down the aisle I took it and start to walk the carpet my eyes wondered everywhere falling on everyone I knew but then my eyes came to rest on him and I felt a tug of my heart and I knew I loved Jace Wilson with all my heart. Then I was finally at the alter and me and Jace were getting married, then in a flash it was over and me and jace were in a car on the way to our new house.
I didn’t see much of the house but right the I really didn’t care because jace was kissing me and we were making our way up the stairs then he opened a door to the master bedroom I didn’t get a look at that either because I we were busy striping I kissed Jace and we fell back onto the bed.
When I woke up my muscle we slightly soar from yesterday but I didn’t care because jace was nuzzling my neck and I knew this is what woke me up but before I could push him off and yell at him he whispered “ It is time” I nodded and I opened my mouth. I tasted the salty liquid but there was a sweetness that made me want more so I drank. I felt pain in my arm and saw that jace had bitten me and was drinking my then I felt and terrible pain in my head but it traveled through my body but I felt darkness descend like a dark savior from the pain.
I woke again but the pain was gone I sighed my relief and felt someone squeeze my hand I opened my eyed and saw jace I smiled at him and squeezed his hand back, he smiled at me and I saw the worry in that stare but I shrugged it off and I got up a bit unsteady on my feet and got into the shower and got ready for whatever we were going to do today. I went to go find Jace in his office in our new house and I went over to him craving him I kissed him and he kissed me back I smiled into his lips, looks like im not going anywhere today. We stayed home all day that day having fun exploring out new home, walking around our huge house I felt content except for one thing the house was so empty other than me and Jace so I decided I was going to raise the orphan children of the pack. I hadn’t had much of a mothering instinct before I became a werewolf but now the issue was almost killing me so I went to go find Jace and tell him my new idea it turned out he loved it he said I needed to get a little mothering experience I happily agreed so we made a plan to find a couple of children to take in.
We went to three different packs and found 5 orphans they were either toddlers or babies so we got them into are separate car and drove home we had called jace’s mother and she had got the pack to make the rooms for the two sets of twins and a 1 year old. I could not believe there were only found 5 orphans in three packs but jace told me orphans were very rare since there was not much fighting. Now I was content and had everything I could ever want I did not know how my life could go from unhappiness and running away to get away from marriage that I did not want but now I was happy and I let that feeling wash over me then I smiled down at Julie my 1 year old and picked her up and went outside.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.01.2012

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