
Driving down the street I hear the faint hissing of an vampire. I stop
intsantly. I step out into the moist dead of night. I walk up to an alley. I
stop and wait to hear something. Then, finally I hear a massive scream of
worried. I could tell it was a women. I also hear the victorious laugh of the
vampire. I start down the deep and narrow alley. It is pitch dark and scary.
I can't see so I use the rotten and tart smell of the vampire. When I got
close enough to them I quietly walked behind the trash cans and throw a rock
at the vampire. It stopped drinking and dropped the women. As it walked up
to me I quickly searched for a piece of wood. I found one and walked quietly
around the other side.
"I am over hear." I said and it turned and quickly ran to me. It ran
right into the wood. I took it out just to stab it in the chest. It fall
right down to the ground. Before I finshed the vampire I walked over to the
women. She was still alive and awake.
"Please don't hurt me." She said with a scared raspy voice. I looked
her in the eyes.
"Don't worry you will be fine and will not remeber a thing." I said
and went into my bag and grabbed out a piece of gum. "Chew this it will help."
I said and handed her the gum. She took it and ate it. I turned to the vampire
and took out my phone. I dialed Meg's number. It rang twice.
"Why are you calling so late?" She asked me. I took a deep breath in.
"I got another one for your brother can you have him come to the alley
on sixth street?" I asked her.
"Sure, will I see you in school tomorrow?" She asked me.
"I am not sure because who knows what Carla will do." I said as I
reached into his jacket pocket and grabbed out his I.D. "Actually I will this
is my guy." I said and hung up.
"Well, sorry this happened to you Jake." I said and walked away with
his I.D. in hand.

Driving I diceded to call Carla. She let it ring once before she
"Hello Abby, please tell me this time it is your guy." She said
"This time it is." I said and pulled into the driveway of her house.
"I am here should I come on in?"I asked.
"Of course you can." She said and hung up. I step out of the car.
The sun is coming up. I did not release the time it was. I went into the
"Hello." Rose said. Rose is my aunt. She is an ex-vampire hunter. She
has black short boyish cut hair. She is avout five foot six.
"Hey Rose. How have you been?" I asked her. I try to be friendly with
her but I don't really like her.
"I have been good, how about you?" She asked knowing I really did not
want to talk.
"Good." I said and walked past her into the living room. I see Carla.
Carla is about five foot eight. She has medium black hair with curls. She is
also very pale.
"Abby, my number ine vampire hunter. How have you been?" Carla asked
as she gave me a hug. Carla is also like my second mother.
"I have been great. How about you?" I asked her as Rose comes in. I
can see that she has a pissed look on her face.
"I am good. I have another assignment for you."Carla said as she took
out a folder. She handed it to me. I opened it to find the worst. It was my
boyfriend. I knew he was a vampire but to have me hunt him was bad. I handed
it back to her.
"I can't"I said. Both Carla and Rose gave me a werid look. "I can't."
I repeated.
"Why the hell not?" They asked at the same time. I had no idea how to
answer them.
"I am not allowed to say. But, I have to go." I said and got up and

Standing at my locker I notice Aaron has not been here all day; that
is not uncommon but, for some reason today it felt wrong. I felt something on
the back of my neck moving my hair to the side. And with the training I had I
stiffened up and prepared to attack. I positioned myself so that I could get
to the vampire easier. Then, I felt the cold lace of a necklace touch my neck.
I relaxed a little bit. Then, I felt the sweet touch of Aaron. I knew it was
Aaron because of the chill of his touch. All vampires’ touches are the same
but, I always knew Aarons touch. I turned to face him. His short brown hair
was wet. He was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt.
“What did I miss?” He asked with a deep voice. I had to take a few
minutes to take in his beauty.
“Let’s see you miss almost all day. So why did you come?” I asked him
back ignoring his question. He sighed and put his arms around my waist.
“I wanted to see you plus I really wanted to give you this necklace.”
He told me. I smiled when I held the necklace in my hand. Thinking how I
wish I could tell him everything. But, I can’t because if anyone knew then
“No P.D.A during school.” Mr. Pure interpreted my thoughts. Mr. Pure
was a short angry old dean and he is always getting mad at the littlest things
; mainly to Aaron and I. Aaron and I stepped apart from each other just as
the bell for the end of the day rang. Mr. Pure walked off with a grunt. And
said:”Stupid kids.” Aaron laughed and that made me laugh. We headed outside
to find Meg waiting by my black 2010 Honda.
“Can you give me a ride home? Michael left.” Meg said. Meg is my best

friend/ vamp hunter. That is how we met. We have been best friends since
“Yeah, as long as it is okay that Aaron drives?” I asked her. She
shook her head and we got into my car. Aaron sped off.
Have you told him yet? Meg texted me. No, not yet. I do not want to tell him
before he tells me. I have feeling he is going to tell me soon, so soon. I
sent back to Meg. She didn’t text back right away. Oh, so have you found
Tristen, yet? She asked. No, but I have a feeling he is in England. I sent
her. Why England? She asked. Because that is where they grew up plus that is
where Carla last went to see him. I wonder why she wants us to find him. I
sent her. I do not know. So, what are you planes for this weekend? She asked.
Going to England with Aaron to meet his family. I said as we pulled into Meg’s
drive way.
“See you later.” I said as she got out of the car. Aaron waited till
she was inside to pull out of the drive way.
“That was the quietest I ever heard two been.” He said. “What were you
two texting about?” He asked as he speeds off of Meg’s street heading to the
“Nothing that concerns this weekend.” I told him as I got a text from
Meg. It read: You need to tell him now. I sighed.
“Now what are you texting about?” He asked as I sent her: No not yet.
I want him to tell me first.
“Nothing, she is just telling me something stupid.” I lied to him as
I got another text from Meg. It read: tell him because if you don’t you know
what will happen. She texted then, I texted her: I know but, at least wait
till we get to England so if he dumps me, at least I will be in England to
find Tristen. Bye. I sent her and turned off my phone.
“Abby, there is something I need to tell you about my family.” He
said. I took a deep breath in.
“I am all yours now.” I turned to face him as we pulled into the
airport parking lot.
“I will tell you when we are on my plane.” He said and that confused
me. He must have sense my confusion. “Oh, I have my own plane. It is not much
but, my dad gave me the money and said buy whatever you want and I said
“That’s awesome. So why are we at the airport then?” I asked him. He
parked the car and then faced me.
“Because this is where we first met back in the day.” He said and
that confused me because we met here in 1956. But, not this year. At least I
don’t think so. “At, the beginning of this year when I flew in from England
and you were flying in from England as well.”
“Oh yeah that was the best day of my life.” I paused. “That’s the day
when I met you.” And when I fall for you after saving you from Tristen in
“Same here. We need to get on the plane.” He said as he took my hand
and led me to the plane. It was a jet more than a plane. We took off before
he said a word. I was the first one to talk.
“Aaron I need to tell you something.” I told him. He looked at me.
“Aaron I am a vampire hunter.” I told him. He starred at me for the longest
time. Then, he finally said something.
“You’re a hunter. That is great. So all this time you were just
pretending. This is fucking great. Me being stupid and naïve I was about to
tell that I loved you. But, thank goodness I did not because that would make
me a fool.”
“Aaron, you got it all wrong. I would never do that to you.” I said as
tears started to run down my face. “I do love you that is why I am telling
“Yeah, right so when do you plan on killing me? Huh? When we get to
England I never want to see you again.” He said and walked up to the front of
the plane. Once I could not see him anymore I started to cry. My heart was
broken. If only he did not take it wrong.

Chapter Two:

Once we landed in England, Aaron told me where the closest hotel was. Then,
he walked away from me. When he did that my heart stopped and I started to
cry again. Then, I heard a voice that made me jump.
“Are you Abby?” The voice asked. I looked up to find a five foot four mid-
twenty blonde hair women standing before me.
“Yes, who are you?” I asked as I wiped the tears from my face. She put a
smile on her very pale face.
“I am Kim Baldwin. Aaron’s sister.” She said with a little sweet voice. Then,
I smelt it. The rotten blood of all the people, wait it smelt like animals.
I was confused. Why could I not smell it on Aaron? Just by the thought of him
I broke into tears. Then, I felt the hands of her wrap around me and with that
moved back so fast she almost falls over. “Where did Aaron go?”
I took a deep breath in forgetting the tangy smell on her. I gagged. “He went
somewhere. But, I have no idea where. All I know is he wants nothing to do
with me.”
“Why would you think that? Just yesterday he told me how excited he was for
my mom and me to meet you.”
“Because I told him about what I do and he thought something way different
than what I actually meant.”
“What are you and why would he be-“She stopped herself and just looked at me.
“You can’t be a hunter.”
“But I am. Don’t get me wrong when I first started dating your bother
it was for a assignment but after I got to know him I fall for him and told
Carla that I could not go through with it.” I told Kim. She looked like she
did not believe me at first then she said:
“Abby, do you really mean that you have fallen for my brother?” Kim
asked me and I did not even have to think about it.
“Yes, I have fallen for Aaron Baldwin. He is the greatest thing that
has happened to me. I would do anything to get him back.”
“Do you really mean anything?” Kim asked with a smooth smile
appearing on her face. I thought about for a second. And there was only one
thing I could think that would make Aaron believe that I love him.
“Yes, and I need your help.” I told her as I got a call from Meg.
“Hold on a second please,” I say as I answer my phone. I did not say a word
because as soon as I put the phone up to my ear Meg said:
“Did you tell him yet?” She basically yelled into my ear. I took a
second before I was able to tell her.
“Yes and it was horrible. He thought I was faking the whole time.
Then he told me he never wanted to see me again after we landed in England.
And the only way to get him back is b becoming a vampire to prove to him that
I would do anything for him.”
“Wow, how do you plan on becoming a vampire?” Meg asked in a shocked
voice. I looked at Kim. Kim nodded her head.
“Aaron’s sister is going to turn me.” I said still looking at Kim.
And when I did I got the memory.
“Abby come on. Carla is almost here.” Aaron said. Aaron led me and
Kim down a long hallway that was underground. It was damp and disgusting. I
followed Aaron till we saw light. We walked into a bright street. The light
almost blinded me. Then, I saw her. Carla with Tristen killing vampires and
“Why are they killing them?” I heard my voice saying without me wanting it
to. I caught a look at Carla. She was doing exactly what she wanted us to do
to vampires but she was doing it to humans. Tristen was 20 feet behind her
and he was killing both vampires and humans.
I snapped back into reality when Kim shook me. I was just starring in
surprise at her. Was that real?
“I got to call you back.” I told Meg and hung up before she said
anything else.

Chapter Three:

“What just happened?” Kim asked. And I really did not know if that was
a real memory or not.
“I just had a flash I think. But, I looked different.” I said as Kim
just smile. I am really confused about this. Was it a real memory or not?
“I think you need to go see my mom. She will know what to do.” She
said with a wink at the end. I did not know what it meant. She sighed and the
said: “what I meant was to see Aaron and talk to him.”
“Yeah let’s go talk to Aaron and hopefully he will forgive me for
whatever I did.” I told her. She smiled and led the way to Aaron. The town
they lived in was so beautiful. It had a beautiful lake. It was huge. While
Kim is driving I see a house that is old but, looks moderate.
The grass was very green. There are four brushes all shaped as bug hearts.
We pull into the brick two car driveway and stopped right in front of the
white two door garge. I stepped out of the car when a huge gush of wind blew
and almost took me down.
“Oh great, Tristen must be here,” She said as yet another gush of
wind hit me.
“How would you know?” I asked as another breeze came and almost
knocked me over again.
“Tristen likes to control the weather. Mainly by wind.” She said as
we reached the glass front door. The house itself was made of an old brick
that is too beatuiful to discribe. Kim opened the door to reveal a big hall
way that strecthed untill the kitchen. I could hear the distant screaming
voices. “Looks like
Aaron and Tristen are talking. Aaron get out here.” She said. I just stood
there in silence waiting. Then in walked Aaron first then Tristen. As soon as
Aaron saw me his face darkens.
“What is she doing here?” Aaron snapped. I looked away from him. But
then I heard Kim’s voice in my ear.
“Tell him exactly what you told me in the village by the airport.”
She said and I looked at her and she was nowhere near me. Before I said a
word I could feel the sweat on my hands and my heart pounding in my chest.
“Aaron, may I talk to you alone please?” I asked with a small voice.
I looked at him waiting for him to answer. His purple eyes looked warm.
“Aaron? Aaron can you hear me?” I asked him. He was lying on the ground of
the woods. I looked up to see Tristen standing twenty miles away. I knew he
was fast but, not that fast. If I could just get to him, I could strike and
he would die. He is the one who cause this. I looked back down at Aaron. He
was lying there motionless.
“He won’t speak or move.” Tristen laughed. I grabbed for anything
that could kill him. But, could not find a thing.
“What did you do?” I asked him. Then, I felt something on my hand. I
looked down to find Aaron’s hand touching my hand. Then, I saw a smile on his face.
“Impossible.” Tristen breathe. I looked at him and smiled. Then,
Aaron sat up and said:
“Nothing is impossible.” I smiled at him.Then, I came back into
reality just for a second before I passed out.

Chapter Four:

I am lying on sand. I sit up to only find Aaron sitting a few
feet in front of me looking out into the sea. I walk up to sit by him.
“I was not really mad at you.” He told me still looking out at the
sea. Not looking at me. But, I was looking at him waiting for him to say
something else. We sat there like that for a moment then, he said: “Thank
“For what?” I asked him. Then, he finally looked at me. His purple
eyes were warm and loving. Then, I finally saw his smile. His smile made my
heart melt.
“For saving me in 1956.” He said and his eyes where looking out
to the side of my head. I looked over to see Tristen. He could not see me.
Let alone hear me.
“No problem. I knew Abby was no good. Carla told me.” He said and
then Carla walked up to Aaron. She looked different. She was wearing jeans
and a t-shirt. And Aaron was wearing a leather jacket, jeans, and a black
“Aaron I am sorry we never told you. We thought it would be better
if she told you.” Carla said. Then, she smiled right at me.
“You knew you’re the one who told me not to date him.” I blurted even
though they could not hear me. Then, everything froze.
“Abby?” Someone asked. I turned around to find some women standing
behind me. She was in her mid twenties. She walked up to me. She looked like
a ghost.
“Yes?” I said in a questionable voice. When she got close enough for
me to see her, it was Carla. “What the hell do you want?” I snapped at her.
“I just wanted to see your reaction to the world without you around.
Shall we see what happened to you?” She asked as everything unfroze.
“It is okay, I am just glad that Abby is gone forever.” Aaron said
with a smile hinting at his lips. I don’t like this Aaron.
“Aaron, are you ready to join us?” Tristen asked as he reached his
arm out as if Aaron was ready he would have to shake Tristen’s disgusting
“Yes, I am ready to join.” Aaron said and shook his brother’s hand.
Everything froze again.
“You sick disgusting monsters. How could you just take advantage of
him?” I yelled at her. She laughed.
“How could I not. But, don’t worry about Aaron; Tristen could not
really get him to agree. But, just wait and see what will happen in the real

I woke up screaming and with sweat running down my face. I
took a deep breath in and closed my eyes.
“Are you okay?” A voice asked as it opened the door. The person who
walked in was the last person I expected to see.
“Yeah, I am fine. I just had a bad dream.” I told Aaron as I took
out my phone. I dialed Carla’s number. It rang twice.
“Hello.” Carla answer. And when she talked the dream popped into my
head. I took a deep breath in and said:
“Hello Carla, I just wanted to let you know that I am out of town and
I do not know when I will be back.” I said still thinking about the dream.
“Why is that?”She asked sounding concerned. But, I saw right through
it. I looked at Aaron.
“I have some things take care of.” You being one of them. I thought.
Then, I hung up on her.
“That must have been some dream to make you freak out like that.” He
said. I looked at him noticing how light his colors were. They were not dark
and evil like in my dream. I could not help myself I had to hug him. And when
I did his reaction was not what I expected. Instead of hugging me back, he
lifted my face to look in straight in the eyes. “I am sorry for my reaction
on the plane yesterday.” He said. I tried to look away so he could not see
the tears that were waiting to burst from my eyes. But, his hand would not
let my face move.
Then, I felt them coming. I felt the first tear, then, the second.
By, the third Aaron wiped the tears from my face. Then, his hand was on the
back of my neck inching my face towards his. And when his lips met mine I
was in total shock just yesterday him wanted nothing to do with me. I did
not really care right now. I kissed him back.

Chapter five:

The kiss was over too soon. He backed away a little bit. He
looked me straight in the eyes and said:
“Will you forgive me for the way I reacted?” He asked with a sweet
voice. I nodded knowing my voice would not work because I was still breathless
from the kiss. “You need to go met the family then.” He said as he led me out
to the living room. And then, I saw him. Tristen the only one I really needed
to talk to.
“Aaron, go get Tristen and bring him to the backyard.” I said and
headed to their backyard. Their backyard was huge. There was a little lake.
I walked over to it and put my hand into it to make sure I was not dreaming.
The lake was cold to my touch.
“Hey.” Aaron said. I stood up to see Aaron walking toward me and
Tristen standing by the door.
“Aaron, would it be okay if I talked to Tristen alone?” I asked him.
He did not answer. But, he did not look happy. He walked toward Tristen and
said something I could not understand and went inside. Tristen had a wicked
smile on his face.
“I see Carla got into your dreams and finally told you.” He said.
“Do you want to know the real reason she wanted you to find me?”
“Why? So you could kill me and take advantage of Aaron and have him
join you with whatever you are planning to do?”
“Was all that in your dream? But, yes, and the reason she wants you
dead is because she knows you can kill her.”
“Then, why don’t you kill me?” I asked as the back door opened. Aaron
walked up to Tristen punched him right in the face. Tristen fall right to the
ground. Aaron stood over him and said:
“If you ever talk to Abby like that again I will kill you.” He took
my hand and tried to get me to follow him. But, I stopped by Tristen and
looked down at him.
“Can you tell Carla that I quit and the next time I see either one of
you I will kill you both.” I said and decided just for kicks to kick him
right in the gut. He did not squeal in pain or cry. Instead he stood up.
“Bad move.” He said as he punched me right in the face. He was the
one who made the bad move. When he hit me I stumbled making it look like I
was falling but in fact I was planning. As soon as my left foot left the
ground I made my move. I kicked my left foot right into his chest. Tristen
fall. I looked over him.
“Bad move.” I repeated him. Instead of going inside I looked at Aaron.
“We need to go. I can here Chase coming.” I said as I moved toward their gate.
I opened it to find a black Suv. I looked at Aaron. “Please don’t ask any
questions but, give me the keys, get Kim and met me at this address.” I said
as I gave him a piece of paper and a kiss. He kissed me back. I backed away
but, ran into the truck. Then, Aaron had me pressed against the Suv. He
looked me straight in the eyes and his eyes were different. They weren’t the
sweet and loving purple I am used to they were dark. Like in my dream and that
freaked me out. I pushed him away with all the strength I had. He hit the
wall of the house. Kim came running out.
“What is going on?” She asked me. Then, I saw Tristen. And then it
hit me. Aaron was being controlled by Tristen again.
“Get in the Suv, now!” I told Kim. At first she did not move. Then,
she saw Tristen with that wicked evil grin on his face.
“Aaron, I command you to attack Abby.” Tristen shouted. Then, Kim got
in the car; I got in and sped off.

“Where are we going?” Kim asked me. “And what the hell happened to
my brother?”
“We are going to my friends Jesse’s and he is being controlled by
Tristen. See Tristen can control more than just weather, See when you told me
he could control weather it slipped into my mind but, when he just controlled
Aaron it is true. I have only seen one other vampire with it. You have to be
very careful around. Always have your guard up. Aaron knew that. It was when
I kissed him that he had his guard down and it was long enough for Tristen
to get control of him.”Again I thought. “It is my entire fault.”
“What is?” Kim asked. I pulled up to a stoplight. I looked her
straight in the eyes.
“That Aaron is now captured and that is what Tristen wanted. He
expects us to go rescue him. We need to be one step ahead of him. And I think
I know how.”

Chapter Six:

We pulled into Jesse’s driveway. It did not look like anyone
was home. I turned off the car.
“Here is a warning Jesse is a vampire. And she is dating Chase.” I
said as I got out and walked up to her door. I knocked on it. The door opened
to find an old woman that by the grayness in her hair looked like she was in
her eighties.
“Hold on a second.” She said and walked away. I was about to follow
her until Kim stopped.
“Don’t go in there. It’s a trap.” Kim said as she pulled me toward
the car.
“How do you know it is a trap?” I asked her. She stopped and turned
to face me.
“Didn’t you say she was dating Chase?” She asked. It took me a second
to realize it. I headed to the car. I am about in when I felt something on my
neck. I grabbed it and turned to face it.
“Hey.” Jesse said. I could see the evil in her. Her eyes turned from
the sweet purple to the dark red.
“Hey.” I said as I tried to get in the car. But, Jesse put her hand
on it.
“Where you going in such a hurry?” She asked. I looked at Kim. Kim
gave me the stall her I got a plan look.
“Kim got a call from her mom and we need to go.” I said as I tried
again to get in the car but Jesse would not let me. When, I looked in the car
Kim was not there. I turned around just in time to see Kim knock out Jesse.
“We need to move, now before she wakes up or Chase comes.” Kim said
and I got in the front seat. Kim got in and I sped off.
“Where to?” I asked Kim hoping she would have some clue on where
Tristen may be.
“I have no idea.” Kim said. “Wait take a left.” I followed her
directions until we reached an old abandoned warehouse. It was spooky.
“Why are we here?” I asked Kim. She looked around. It looked like no
one had been there in decades.
“This is where Tristen took Aaron the last time he kidnapped him.”
Kim said as she went in. I followed her.
“So? Why are we here? If this is where he took him the last time, he
would not bring him back.”
“Well, Tristen is not smart, he brought him here.” Kim said as we
rounded a hallway.
“How can you tell that Aaron was here?” I asked looking at a place
that looked abandoned.
“I just can, I really cannot explain but I know when Aaron is around.”
Kim said as she took another turn. I followed her until we reached a door.
“Go in and he will be there.” She said and I opened the door. I walked in
and found out I was right. All that was in there the cloths Aaron was were
but, something smelt wrong. I walked up to the cloths and saw a blood spot
on it. I screamed.
Kim came running in when I screamed. She ran up right by me and
picked up the shirt.
“Oh my God. Tristen is too smart.” Kim said and she sniffed the blood.
Her face turned white.
“What did you do?” Carla asked. She was in her office sitting behind
her desk, She looked mad. Tristen was standing over a person on the couch.
When I got a better view at the person it was Aaron.
“Abby.” Kim yelled pulling me back into reality. She was shaking me.
“What is the matter? All of a sudden your face turned pale and your eyes made
a weird twitch.” I started toward the car. All I can think about is the way
Aaron looked on that couch. He was bleeding and barely looked alive.
“Where are we going to?” Kim asked pulling me away from my thought.
I thought of the bloody clothes.
“We are going to L.A. to get Aaron.” I said as I started walking
again. But, Kim stopped me.
“What happened when your face turned pale?” Kim asked. I had no idea
what to tell her.
“I have been having visions, and the last one I had, Carla and
Tristen talking while Aaron was lying on the couch bleeding to death.” I said
and ran to the car. I was too fast to have Kim catch me, but there was one
thing I forgot. I go to the car to find Kim already there.
“I will drive.” Kim said and I threw the keys to her.

Chapter Seven:

We landed in L.A. at seven o’clock p.m. I called Carla but,
she did not answer. I called my mom.
“Hello.” She said into the phone. I had no idea what to say. She has
no idea that Aaron is a vampire. “Hello.” She repeated.
“Hey mom, do you know where Carla is?”I asked into my phone. It was
quite for a second.
“I’m at your house.” Carla’s wicked voice came into my head. I had to
hold back a yell.
“Why are you there and where is Aaron?” I asked her. She let out
another wicked laugh.
“I am just catching up with an old friend and don’t worry Aaron is
right here, lying on your couch slowly dying. But, if you come here alone
your mom and boyfriend will not get hurt.”
“Fine, but I am bringing one person so when I get there she can take
Aaron and my mom away from there.”
“Okay only if she leaves after she has your mom and Aaron. Be here
by nine.” She said and hung up.
“What is the matter with you? She can kill you.” Kim said. And at
that time I really did not give a shit.
“Actually I can kill her. Tristen was ordered to kill me because
Carla knew I could kill her. So I am going to trick her with your help.” I
paused. “Come back to my house at eleven.”

I walked up to my door with only one thought and that one
thought was not to let Carla harm my mom or Aaron. I opened the door to find
my mom and Aaron sitting on my couch.
“Nice of you to finally join us.” Carla said. I walked up to my mom.
She was shaking.
“What is going on?” My mom asked me. I did not answer her because I
looked at Aaron who was still bleeding. I touch my hand to his gut. When I
put my hand at eye level I saw red on it.
“Go outside and get into the Suv, Kim is there waiting for you two.
Mom help Aaron, please don’t let him die.” I told my mom. She nodded and I
watched as my mom and Aaron left.
“Just do it.” I said and waited for the pain. Nothing happened.
Carla laughed and then, said:
“Not yet, I want some answers from you.” She paused. “In 1956, what
did you do to Aaron? Don’t play dumb either, Tristen almost had Aaron dead
but, then you showed up and Aaron is still alive.”
“I just saved him from Tristen and all I did was touch his hand and
back then I was just a mortal. Just wait to see what I can do when I am a
vampire.” I said and saw her face go from mad to pissed. Then, what happened
next was what I wanted to happen. Carla took her knife out and stabbed me in
the gut.

I am laying on the floor in my living room barely alive
waiting for Aaron and Kim to come back, hopefully without my mom. It felt
like I was laying there for hours. I looked at my phone. It was only ten
o’clock. I dialed Aaron’s number. It only rang twice.
“Abby, are you okay.” Aaron asked. I groaned when another pain hit
my gut.
“Tell Kim to come here now, without my mom.” I told him. I heard a
gasp. It sounded like it came from my mom. The pain that came next was the
worst; it made me scream out in pain. Then, all of a sudden I felt the hands
of a vampire; then I felt the sharp pain of its teeth biting into my skin.
Before I passed out, I said: “I love you, Aaron.”

Chapter Eight:

I woke to find myself laying in a bed; in a room that did not
look familiar. I looked around to find Aaron talking to my mom. She looked
like she was in shock. I was about to sit up when I felt a hand on my
“You need your rest.” Aaron said. I looked at him, wondering what
happened and why we are in a hotel room.
“We will explain later.” Kim said as she walked into the room. “Here,
drink this.” She said as she handed me a coffee cup.
“Coffee?” I asked. When I heard my voice it was weird; it sounded the
same but, yet different.
“Just drink it.” Kim said. I put, the coffee cup up to my mouth; and
that’s when I smelt it. The sweet yet wonderful smell of animal blood. That
confused me.
“I am going to get some air.” My mom said. She headed to the door but,
I jumped up and almost fall.
“Abby, I am serious; you need your rest before you can take off. Let
your mother have some time to herself. She just learned that you are now a
vampire.” Kim said. I nodded my head not wanting to make Kim pissed off. I
laid like that for what felt like hours. Finally when Kim took my mom back to
her house I was able to talk to Aaron.
“Hey, how have you been?” He asked. I looked out the window to find
“I have been good. Did you change me?” I asked him. It took him a
second to answer.
“Yes, I did change you. I almost did not get there on time. When, I
got there you had lost a lot of blood. And after I changed you, you said you
loved me and then we took you here.”
“Thank you.” I said and got up to hug him. But, instead he put his
hand up. I sat back down and he came to give me a hug.
“Remember, Kim does not want you to move.” He whispered in my ear. I
laughed. It felt good to laugh, I had not laughed for a long time.
“When will Kim be back?” I asked him. He thought for a second and
then said:
“I do not know exactly.” He said. Then, all of a sudden his lips were
on mine. It felt like months since we kissed. I kissed him back. Then, the
doors flew open. I pushed Aaron off of me. I looked to see who it was. It
was Kim.
“I told you, you need to rest. Aaron leave.” Kim said. I looked at
her. I thought she was insane at that moment.
“Don’t leave.” I blurted without wanting to. Kim stared at me. Aaron
stood up.
“I have to get some air.” He said and left. I looked at Kim. She
looked pissed.
“Kim, can I ask you something important?” I asked her. She nodded.
“How do you know so much about helping vampires change?” It took her a minute
to answer.
“I learned from Justin.” Was all she said. I stared at her. Then,
something popped into my head. In all my flashed with Kim, there was always
someone right by her. I just did not think he was important.
“Who is Justin?” I asked her. And she did not look like she wanted to
answer that. I pushed it to the side. “Did my mom get home safe?” I asked
changing the subject. Kim nodded.
We sat talking about random things for hours and something inside me
felt gone. I looked around to find there was no sign of Aaron.
“Kim.” I said and she looked at my freaked out face. “Where is
Aaron?” I said with a trembling voice. She looked around real fast.
“Get your keys.” Kim said and jumped up. “Throw me your keys.” I did.
Kim ran outside and I got up to follow her. I stood for the first time for;
what felt like hours. I followed her outside.
I got out there, she already had the car started and I jumped in and
she sped off.

Chapter Nine:

Kim drove two hours then, she had me drive two hours. She
told me where to turn and everything. I stopped at an apartment building.
Kim got out.
“Justin is an old friend he can help us find Aaron and once for all
kill Tristen and Carla.” Kim said. And went up stairs. I decided to let her
go up by herself. I was sitting in the car listening to music when I saw
Carla’s car. I started my car and followed her. She was speeding steering in
and out of tariff; I was amazed that I was able to keep up with her. I
followed her until she turned into a warehouse. I drove by it and made a
quick u-turn and made sure she was staying there. I drove back to get Kim
and Justin. I pulled up to the curb to find Kim and Justin pacing. I got out
and started pacing with them.
“Why are you pacing?” I asked Kim and she nearly screamed. Justin
and I both laughed. Kim hit me.
“Where have you been?” She asked. I had no idea where I went and how
long it took if you were driving at a regular speed.
“I know where they have Aaron know.” I told her and her face lit up.
There was almost a smile.
“Where?” She asked with hope in her voice. I told her all about
seeing Carla and following her. “Let’s get moving.” She said and got t in
the car. Justin got in then me. I drove to the warehouse. Kim and I jumped
out and ran into the warehouse. We split up to find Aaron. I went to the left,
Kim to the right. I went down a long hallway. When I came across a door I
flung it open. I came to the last hall, and the last door. I put my hand on
the knob, I slowly opened it. I looked in to find boxes and more boxes. I
fall to my knees. I put myself back together and walked back to the car to
find Kim and Justin already there. I looked around hoping to see Aaron. But
no such luck.
“He is not here. I knew it was too good to be true. We are never
going to find him.” I said. Kim came up and gave me a hug.
“That is not true. We have found him once, you know.” Kim told me.
I knew that.
“So, they know how we are.” I said and backed out of Kim’s arms and
went to the Suv.
“There is one thing they did not count on.” She paused. “You became a
vampire and they have no idea about that or anything you can now do." What
Kim said gave me hope.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.09.2010

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