
The misadventures of Mrs. Fortune #1: Mrs. Fortune meets Colonel Kaboom:
I hadn’t been looking for trouble when found the bomb. In fact all I had wanted was to spend a day with my friends playing a normal game of baseball in the park like all the other kids did. I supposed I should have known better, as the daughter of superhero’s you learn quickly that ‘normal’ just isn’t in the superhero vocabulary and that even family functions can sometimes get crazy especially when the individual super villains decide to crash the party. Add in secret identities and some local non powered neighbors and you have a mess that takes months to clean up.

As the third generation Mrs. Fortune I have an even harder time than most. I have the legacy from my mother and grandmother to live up to as well as a busy social life and a secret identity as a “normal’ 10 year old girl at the Elementary school and sometimes I feel it’s a wonder that I haven’t gone completely insane. One of my few breaks from being a super hero is when my friends from school get together for a baseball game at the park. When the heroes and villains agreed to a cease fire, it was the only place we could all agree on that would be free for all sides to go to.

So it was a major surprise when while trotting out to take my place as catcher on second base, I could see a bomb sticking out of the ground. It was like one of those ones you might see on a roadrunner cartoon, thick and long dynamite tubes attached together with a bunch of wick at the top. One of the wicks was fizzing, like as soon as I had picked it up that someone had lit it, but other than my friends in the field I couldn’t see a thing. Sighing in frustration I threw the thing high as I could in the air. It landed with a literal bang and some smoking from the other side of the baseball field’s fence. As I got closer I could hear someone groaning.

“Serves you right for dropping a bomb into the protected area” I said as I picked him off the ground, for I could tell now that the person I had hit was indeed male.

He was dressed in a completely red outfit with a picture of a black round bomb like you see in the “Rocky and Bullwinkle” cartoons.

“Come one buddy, wake up.” I said as I shook him

His eyes snapped open, and he looked at me with confusion “You’re not Captain Hydro!”


“Who are you and where is Captain Hydro?”

“Captain Hydro?”

“My arch nemesis, big fellow, white hair, wears nothing but blue, can control any body of water, you know Captain Hydro.”

He said this as if I was supposed to know this person. “Just a second, I want to check something.” I pulled my hero phone from my pocket and searched the name Captain Hydro, after a few minutes the phone dinged to let me know that it had found the person I had asked it to search for.

“Oh, looks like he’s been reassigned.”

“Reassigned? How? Why?” the man slumped into the fetal position

“Well didn’t you know that heroes get reassigned when it is deemed that they have the ability to take on larger cities?”

He shook his head and I sighed as I sat beside him “So how long have you two been enemies?”

“Since he busted me in an old dynamite factory, it’s when I learned I could control explosive devices. I decided that since he was going to lock me away I’d get revenge by trying to blow him up. But every time I try he just puts it out with his water powers. I know that I’m a one trick villain but after all we’ve been through I can’t believe he left without even saying goodbye.”

“Sounds like you miss him”

“Miss him?! Not likely! No, I’ll just miss trying to blow up his girlfriend and planting bombs in his lair. You know the standard villain thing.”

“You know who his friends are and where his lair is?”

“I’ve known since last year when I managed to plant a tracking device on him.”

“That sounds pretty resourceful. I bet if you wanted to you could find a better hero to be villain to, why I bet you’d even have fun deciding who would be the best to foil your evil plans.”

“Yeah, you’re right! Who needs old water boy! Thanks for the talk”


“Call me Colonel Kaboom!” He said as he threw a smoke bomb onto the ground.

"Shoulda just left him for the cops" I said as I looked in vain for any sign of him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2012

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