

I walk hurriedly into the girls bathroom. My soccer game is soon, and I’m late, as usual. My mom said she would come and take me, but she ditched at the last moment. I changed into the familiar clothes. The blue top and shorts fit like they always, as did my sneakers. I looked in the mirror, my long red hair was laying limply on the side of my face and past my shoulders. I pulled it back in a ponytail, and put a headband on that held my long bangs back. I turned away and shoved all my things into my tattered, worn green bag. I shoved it by the rest of the bags and ran to the field.
It was an away game, and I wasn't very familiar with the halls. I was about to give my when Rachael shouted my name and ran over to me. She was wearing the same uniform as me, her short brown hair pulled back into a tiny pony tail. "Hurry up! Where have you been, their all waiting, your lucky I told them I would get you" She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me. We ran through the halls and out of the doors that lead outside. I memorized the halls on the way, so I wouldn't get lost and look like an idiot on the way back in.
My coach, Mrs. Delric stormed over to me, she never did have any patience. "Galaway! Where on earth have you been?" She practically yelled as she was within 2 feet from me. She didn't like me very much, ever since I missed the most important game of the history of our games. Again, that was because of my mother. The thought of that got me wound up, and I was about to say something when Rachael piped up. "Her mom bailed last minuet. She had to run all the way here, then she got lost in the halls"
Delric didn't seem to like that she had a point. She huffed and turned away, stomping back to everyone else. I gave Rachael a grateful look. "Just making sure you don't open your mouth and get kick off the team" she said teasingly. We both ran over to our team, and listened to the usual pep talk. I ignored everyone else through the talk, and thought about my mom. She hadn't been to any of my games since I was in second grade. She worked as a lawyer, and no matter what had more work to do. After dad left, it didn't seem to phase her. Not even the mention of him got a reaction from her. She only said, "He didn't want to be a babysitter, and wanted to see the world over his family". Even though I couldn't remember him very much, I hated him. Who would leave their family to pursue some dream of traveling?
I snapped out of my daze when Rachael nudged me. "Stop dreaming, and start moving" she whispered, smiling at me. I smiled back, she always knew if I was listening or not. "Galaway, Redsfer, get moving!" Coach snapped at both of us. We both hurried off on the field, me muttering "Yeah yeah, bossy". Me and Rachael were up in the front of the field, so we had to cross over when the ball was kicked. That’s exactly what we did as Tiffany kicked the ball. Me and Rachael have a team kind of thing going, we pass to each other, and one of us is always by the goal.
The ball was kicked to the other team, but lucky me, I blocked the ball from getting to her and took off with it. I kicked it to Rachael, and she ran with it, then I was by the goal. Rachael was getting closer, no one was able to get the ball from her. She kicked the ball to me, and I stopped it from going past me. I loved the way the ball felt as I kicked it, confident that it would always make the goals. I shot, and it went into the net. Point for me.
The rest of the game was like that, up until the near end. That was when Someone from the other team plowed into me and sent me to the ground. My arm twisted in an awkward angle, and I heard a pop. I cried out, and the whistle blew. My arm had popped, and it hurt. I could feel the throbbing and the pain. Rachael ran over to me, along with coach and someone else. I tried to sit up, and Rachael helped me. Silent tears ran down my face, damn my weakness. "Its okay, you got the shot" Rachael said, obviously trying to cheer me up. I gave her the best smile I could, and coach and the other person knelt down next to me. "We'll fix ya' up, don’t worry" said the other person, a man with dark brown hair. "Good job Galaway" Coach said, not looking to comfortable saying it. The guy grabbed my other arm and helped me stand. As I stood, some people cheered, most not. I grimaced as more pain shot through my arm. "You can walk fine right?" the guy asked. I nodded, and whipped off my face.


When they took me to the nurse that was present at the school, she fixed my arm and put it in a sling. I’m not going to even talk about how much that hurt. Rachael had abandoned the game and was with me now, going back to the girls bathroom. "It looked like a truck was running you over" She joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, felt like one too" I mumbled. "Oh, don't be like that. I saw Ryan there ya know, he was like, looking at you the entire time." "Oh yeah right, I bet you didn't even see him, since you were looking at the soccer ball the whole time" I snorted.
Ryan was a guy I had a crush on. He was hot, and everyone likes him. "I so did" she said proudly, proudly because she wanted to be good at soccer, and pay attention to the stands. I pushed the door open, and we quickly changed, and pulled out the hair ties and headbands. "Well, I got to go, my moms taking me home. Sorry we can't take you this time" Rachael said, propping the door open. I grabbed my bag after stuffing my things into it. "Its fine, can't take care of me forever" I said poking her arm, which meant move. "Alright, see ya" she said, leaving. "Bye" I called after her. We went down different halls.
As I walked past the trophy case, I caught a glimpse of my reflection; Long red hair laying loosely, dark blue jeans, and a black aro shirt. I kept moving, not liking the way the sling looked. I still had a little time, so I wandered the halls. Eventual I ran into the guy I saw earlier. "Hey, that was a good game, you and that rocket girl got in half the shots" he said, stopping. I think he was talking about Rachael when he said Rocket. "Thanks, so um...who are you?" I asked uncertainly. He winked, as if I was in on a secret. "Just a friend" he said, then walked away. I stood there a moment, confused. Then finally, I left the school and got on the bus.
Everyone was already on, and I sat in the first seat on the right side. I was still confused by when he said, 'just a friend'. Who was he? Now that I thought about it, his eyes seemed familiar...almost like my father's... I shook my head, dismissing the thought. He wouldn't ever come back. I looked out the window as the buss moved. I watched the buildings and trees fly past. I looked at my cell phone, it was 8:01 pm. I could hear everyone talking about the game, some even had walked up to me earlier and talk me that I was good on the field.
When the buss stopped, everyone got out, and I stood off the side, wondering if I should call someone for a ride or just walk. It was dark out, but not too cold, it was July after all. My birthday would be next month, I realized then. August 7th, I would be 14. Most people thought I was 12 at first look, because I was short. Some people called me petite even, thin boned, though I didn't blame them, I only weighed 98 pounds and was 5'3.
I started walking, the school was out of sight as I walked further, and the street lamps cast an eerie light across the road and sidewalk. No one was out, not really. Only a couple guys smoking. They whistled as I walked by, proudly drunks. I didn't look at them and kept walking. They only grunted and went back into the bar. As I walked further, the streets became darker, and an ally was in front of me. I would have to walk past it, but I didn't trust them, you could never tell who or what was in there. I glanced down it hesitantly, heart beating faster.
No one. I sighed and walked on. When I got past it, I looked into my gym bag, making sure I had my book in it. It was. I zipped it back up, and maybe if I had done it a second later, maybe I would have heard whoever was behind me.
A hand clamped over my mouth, and around my waist, lifting me up. I tried to scream and kick, it didn’t even loosen my attacker's grip, which felt like an iron bar wrapped around me. I was pulled back into the ally, that was almost too dark to see anything in. My heart was pounding fiercely, Adeline running through my veins. I kept fighting, nothing seemed to faze the person. A couple tears escaped, it was from the pain of my arm being moved so much, and just from plain fear.
"Scream and you'll wish I killed you faster" I voice hissed in my ear. The hand came off my mouth, and I whimpered. The voice sounded...evil. I was set on my feet, turned around and pushed into a wall. My shoulders were being pinned there, by the person, or thing that had taken me. I could see him now. Looking to be proudly 18, intense, frightening eyes, that had an evil glint in them. I flinched back when I met his eyes. I was scared to death, and my heart felt like I would burst through my chest.
"That’s good, now I'll make it quick" he whispered, brushing my hair back from my neck, then leaned closer to me. When his hand touched my skin, it felt unnaturally cold. I shivered and shrank back as far as I could. More tears rolled down my face. His lips touched my neck. I had no clue what was going on. Then I felt it, sharp teeth went into my neck. I screamed, despite
myself. I could feel the blood leaving me, and he pushed me harder to the wall with one hand, the other holding my neck. It felt like my neck was going to break from his grip. My vision blurred, and I couldn't hold myself up. I felt disoriented and frightened. So confused... I finally lost consciousness, only thinking, Are vampires real, and this is the way I was going to die.


When I woke up, everything seemed so bright. I couldn't remember everything, or maybe it was true and I didn't believe it. I was in the ally, laying like someone had just dropped me. That was proudly the truth, if any of this was real. It couldn't be real, vampires didn't exist. I stood up quickly, and I noticed my arm didn't hurt anymore. What happened? If it was a vampire.... maybe he thought I was dead? But wouldn't I be dead already? Or maybe not, maybe I was a vampire now. But that couldn't be. That’s what I kept telling myself, but I didn't believe it.
Everything was clearer, brighter. I touched my neck, I couldn't feel anything. I started moving out of the ally. I was running, and running fast. Too fast for human. I looked at my reflection in a window. My eyes were the same, but the color intense. My neck had two small pink scars on it. I couldn't be a....vampire, could I? The burning in my throat clarified that. I was hungry, not hungry, but thirsty. Blood. No,no,no. I was panicking, so I ran. I ran as far as I could, which was proudly 30 miles at the rate I was going. What the hell happened to me?
I was breathless and still confused when I collapsed in the woods. Tears rolling down my face. I was on my knees now. I couldn’t go home, I might kill someone. How had this happened to me? Had anyone noticed I was gone? I curled up in a ball and cried while I tried to make sense of things. I had ran all day with out stopping, confused and disoriented and thirsty. I was lost. I did the only thing I could be capable of doing. Sleep.
It felt like seconds before I was awoken by rain and the smell of human blood. I stood up without thinking, my thirst increasing. It was poring rain, and my hair and clothes stuck to me. I wasn't thinking when I took off running, fallowing the smell. I couldn't find the source, so I stopped and focused on it. It was proudly people camping, by the smell of a fire that was burned out from the rain. People that had families, and friends. I couldn't kill them, but the vampire in me could. I couldn't stop myself from running off towards them, my thirst getting unbearable.
Two hands caught each of my arms and threw me back. I hit a tree, but jumped back to my feet quickly. Two other vampires, but not like the one who had tried to kill me, no evil glint. Still, they were a threat, and stronger than me. I ran away from them, and away from the humans, but I could hear them chasing me. They were both guys, one looking to be 16, the other 20. I was flying though the woods, and the other two close behind and catching up. I glanced behind me, and panicked. They were getting closer. I whimpered and ran as fast as I could. I didn't want to die again, and I was just as scared as then.
The trees looked like blurs, and the rain making the ground muddy. I jumped over a fallen tree and kept running. I looked behind me again, they were closer still. When I looked forward again, I didn't see the tree root sticking out of the ground, and I tripped over it, and flying through the air. I landed with a thud, but couldn't feel anything. I could tell that I couldn't keep running, thirst and exhaustion kept me from going further. I was still panicking, and tried to pull myself to my feet, but the other vampires caught up to me, and I shrank back. They both stood in front of me for a moment, studying me.
I had mud on my pants, and on my thin hoodie, the knees of my pants torn, and my hair soaked. They were covered in mud too. My heart was pounding hard, and I knew they could hear it. The older one kneeled down in front of me, and touched my neck. I backed up further, whimpering quietly. Who were they? "Stop" the older one commanded. I froze in my spot, frightened. I had to blink constantly from the rain. He looked at the marks on my neck closer, then back to his companion. "Yesterday" he confirmed. Yesterday? yesterday I was turned...
While he was looking at the other one, I bolted up and tried to run. I was just as quickly thrown back to the ground. The younger one rolled his eyes at the older one and knelt beside me, and grabbed my wrist. I tried to yank it back, but he held it with an iron grip. "Do you know what happened to you?" he asked. I gave a small nod. "Do you know how?" he asked. I shook my head no. I was shaking, frightened. "Do you know what you are?" he asked. I flinched at the question, but nodded slowly. He looked at the older one, they exchanged a knowing glance, then both back to me. "What’s your name?" the older one asked. I opened my mouth, about to speak, but couldn't. I was so scared I couldn’t speak.
I snapped my mouth shut and tried to get out of the hold on my wrist. He let go. "Well, I’m Aaron, and he’s Fredrick" he said, nodding over to the older one. I looked between the two, still frightened. Then I smelt it, human, blood. My attention snapped over to the direction of where the humans were. Just as quickly, a hand hit my shoulder, hard, and brought me back to the two. I felt the sharpness of my teeth now. So thirsty...
"We have to get her out of here" the older one said quickly, looking at my eyes. I stood up, ready to run. Aaron stood up and took a step towards me. "Its okay" he said, soothingly, acting like I was some frightened animal. Then again, maybe I was. I back up. He stepped forward. I quickly glanced over my shoulder. Nothing keeping me from running. He saw my plan before I took a step. He lunged towards me, and I bolted.
I wasn't as fast as last time, but I was getting away. I heard a growl of frustration from behind me, fallowed by the sounds of footsteps. That smell came to me again, and I took an impediment turn towards it. Everything blurred, and I felt less human, more vampire. I kept trying to tell myself to stop, just stop trying to kill innocent people. I stopped, and hid behind a tree, I knew it wouldn't do anything, but it gave me a place to have a break down for a moment.
I felt sick, and exhausted. I threw up, and pulled my knees to my chest, and buried my face in them. I heard the shift in the wind and knew the two had found me. I was still shaking, and still felt sick. But I still knew they were a threat, but couldn't do anything. I looked up to the one in front of me, Aaron. His eyes shone with sympathy. I knew my eyes were wide, and intense green, and streaked with tears. I looked at the other one, who was now kneeled next to me. I jumped when I saw how close he was. But I was cornered, and couldn't run anymore. Fredrick stood up slowly. "You’re going to be okay, everything’s okay" he said gently, then touched my arm lightly. I felt even more exhausted, and I couldn't stand anymore. I stumbled, and Fredrick caught me, just as I fell asleep.


When I woke up again, I was still in the woods, but there was no more rain, and it was dark out. But this wasn't familiar part of the woods. I sat up, alert. Aaron and Fredrick were talking a little ways away, in hushed voices. They must of heard me sit up, and the both instantly looked over at me. I was still confused, but remembered everything. They both walk over to me. I stood up quickly, still frightened of them. "You have to come with us. We can explain what happened" Fredrick said calmly. I shook my head quickly. "Do you want to kill innocent people, possibly your own mother, how about Rachael?" Fredrick questioned. I stood there shocked, how did he know? Then it changed to rage. He didn't know anything about me, I would never hurt them.
My hands clenched into fists as I looked up at Fredrick. Being short wasn't fair. He was probably 6'4. Aaron nudged Fredrick, glancing at my clenched fists. My nails bit into my skin, and blood formed. It wasn't the right kind of blood though, it was cold and too dark red. Fredrick ignored him. "You want to be a murder? You may think you can control it, but you can't. You don't even know what can kill you" he said, eyes narrowing. "Even if you could, Rachael would figure it out, and when she did, she would run away from you, because she would think your a monster" he continues. I wasn't shaking with fear now, I was shaking with rage. "Fred, stop" Aaron warned. Fredrick glanced at Aaron, then at me. Seeing I was tense, and close to trying to kill him, he stopped.
"Your coming with us, you can't run anywhere we cant find you" he said, turning away. After Fred stalked off, Aaron looked at me. I had unclenched my fists, and was looking at my palms. You could see the marks where my nails dug in, and then they were gone, healed. I whipped the blood on my pants. The thought of blood brought the familiar burning to my throat. "What’s your name?" Aaron finally asked. I hesitated before speaking. "Clare" He looked a little surprised, by what? I don’t know. "Well Clare, Fred was just a little frustrated. He can see parts of peoples lives when he looks at them, but sometime it doesn’t work. So it just happened to work while you were asleep. He was just a little mad about, how you were Turned." he said awkwardly.
"There’s this one place, kind of a school where our kind can be taught control, and self defense. You were changed by a Bagrovi. They are the ones who kill for food, and kill for fun. You choose to be a Bagrovi or a Vampire. Vampires have more control, and don't kill freely. And by the way, sun doesn’t affect Bagrovi or Vampires" he explained. I processed this. Yes, I under stood it all. Doesn’t mean I was ready to accept it. The burning in my throat distracted me again, and I felt sick again. Aaron saw my change in expression. "Have you had blood at all?" he asked, sounding slightly worried. I shook my head no.
He quickly walked over to bag I hadn’t noticed earlier, and pulled out a water bottle. Only, water wasn't in it, it was blood. "Drink" he said, handing it to me. I looked at it uncertainly for a second, then drank. I closed my eyes as it soothed the burning in my throat. I only drank until the burn was gone, and I noticed that I didn't drink very much. "Keep it” Aaron said before I said anything. The blood had a good affect on me, I'll tell you that.
I felt more alert and everything looked clearer. "How old are you?" he asked suddenly. "13" I replied, looking at him. He had dark brown hair that was a little shaggy, but straight, an angular face, dark intense brown eyes, and a lean body. He didn't seem very surprised, which surprised me a little. "How old are you?" I asked, seeming it was fair he told me how old he was. "15" he said. Neither of us could say anything else, because Fred was coming, we both heard him. He looked calmer now. "We have to get going" he informed us. They both looked at me, expectantly. I thought a second, he was right before, I doubt I could run away from them, and I still had no clue what to tell Rachael, or my mom, or what I would do to them. "Ill go" I mumbled sadly.


"And so she speaks" Fred said, smiling. I glared back at him, I was starting to hate him. He tossed my gym bag over to me. "Thought you might want that" he said. I looked at it surprised, I didn't even remember where I put it. It was dry, I had probably stuffed it under a bush or something. I looked in it quickly. My soccer clothes, and my book. I put the water bottle in it and zipped it up. "Now we run" Aaron said happily. I was still wary of both of the, and was reluctant to go anywhere. Aaron nudged me forward, I jumped when he touched me. "Lead on" I said grumpily. Aaron shrugged and started running, Fred gesturing for me to go. Probably worried I wouldn't fallow. I put my bag's strap securely over my shoulder and fallowed Aaron. How on earth did all of this happed? I was turned into a vampire, never to see my family or best friend again, and now I was being taken by other vampires to apparently not kill people? I was confused as hell. Aaron was going slower than he wanted, I could tell. I couldn't run as fast as yesterday, I was still tired and confused by how everything looked different. Fred was by my side soon, Aaron a little ways ahead, though I could see him and hear him clearly. "Ya know, you weight like nothing" Fred said teasingly.
I didn't like being teased because of how small or how much I weigh. I ignored him and stared straight ahead. Wait, I was carried? Oh right...he caught me, I guess he carried me too. That was embarrassing. "Cut it out Fred" Aaron called back. "I’m just teasing" Fred said. We ran in silence for probably 2 hours. "Where are we going exactly?" I asked finally. "Well, there’s a portal and it is only accessible fro Vampires, and all the rest of the creatures. Its a world hidden in your world" Aaron explained. That confused me. I pushed it aside. "How much longer?" I asked, sounding annoyed. "We're here" Aaron said, slowing down. We stopped. I could see it, it looked like water, just floating around. It was clear, and if you didn’t have sharp eyes, you would never see it. "It makes you kind of dizzy" Aaron warned. "Lets just go already" Fred grumbled. Before I could protest, Aaron grabbed my wrist and pulled me thought with him. We rolled on the ground, that felt like concrete now. It was.
Fred came through after. I stood up, Aaron let go of me. He was right, I was dizzy. I stumbled a little, Aaron catching me. I shook my head to clear it. Aaron let go. Fred cussed. I looked around, it was dark and smoky. It looked like a war was going on. "War of the bloods" Aaron explained. I looked at him, more confused. "Between Vampires and Bagrovi. We have to go, now" Aaron said quickly, and ran off. Fred pushed me roughly and I stumbled, then took off after Aaron. "The portals are unpredictable, and it happened to land us in the middle of a battle field. Right now, the Bagrovi are after one thing. New vampires, they want to train them to be bagrovi, not vampires" Fred said as he caught up. I was appreciating them keeping me informed. New vampire...I’m new..Oh crap.
Aaron turned into a building that looked like a bomb had hit it, which is probably what happened. He ducked into the building then crouched down, and pulled me down next to him. Fred fallowed. "They're close, so keep quite" Aaron said in a shaky voice. I’m starting to guess Bagrovi are stronger than Vampires. I couldn't hear anything, but I smelt it. It was blood. Strong and over powering and rotten. Fred turned to Aaron. "They know she’s here, and they're coming" he said. The smell was getting stronger. My heart beat faster. "Run?" Aaron asked. Fred shook his head, "Too close". Aaron nodded, seeming to know what to do. The Bagrovi were right in front of us. We all stood up, Fred and Aaron standing protectively in front of me. "Give her up" There were 5 Bagrovi, and one of them said that. "Drop dead" Fred hissed. 3 Bagrovi lunged at them. You could tell they were stronger and faster. Fangs came out and fists went flying. I was backing up. Aaron was fighting a woman, she had striking black long hair. Fred had just killed one. I shivered at the sight of it.
What I didn't notice was the other two coming on either side of me. A woman and a man. I frantically looked for an escape route, which there was none, I was cornered. They both lunged at me, grabbing each of my arms and pinning me to a wall. I fought frantically, kicking and anything else I could do. Another Bagrovi, one I didn't know was there, was suddenly in front of me. "So small...." he said, training a finger down my cheek. He grabbed my chin so he could look in my eyes. He smiled. "But there is fierceness in your eyes" he let go of me. "Take her" he said, and disappeared. I fought harder, I wasn't going anywhere. "Stop moving" The woman growled, kicking me in the stomach.
I would have fallen over if they hadn't been holding me up. They were strong. I coughed up blood, and spit it on them. "You can take care of it" the woman said, turning to the other fight. He had both my arms now, and spun me around, so he was holding them behind my back. He picked me up and ran. Everything was a big blur. I couldn't see anything. I was getting dizzy. I felt lightheaded. I passed out.
When I woke up, I was still being carried, but it was slower now. I struggle, but its a loss. "Put me down" I hiss trying to hit him. The guy lets me go and throws me on the ground. "I can not believe I got stuck as your mentor. Will you shut up for a minute?" he said angry. He muttered something in a different and put a hand on his head, thinking. "Have you ever had human blood?" he asked finally. Did I ever have human blood? The blood in the bottle didn't smell like human, more animal. I shake my head no. "What’s your name?" he asks, calming down just a little. "Clare" I say, standing up. "When were you turned?" he keeps asking me questions... "Two, or three days ago" I say, trying to remember. "What, or who changed you? he asks. "I don’t know...a guy, a Bagrovi.." I stammer. He nods. "By choice?" he asks. "No" I say instantly, if I had a choice, I would stay out of this all. "Do you want to be a Bagrovi?" he asks, almost smiling. "No" I say fiercely. He took a step words me. "You'll learn to love it. More blood, faster, stronger" he says, making it sound like a dream. Not for me, I don't want any of that. "Well, you can start right now" he said, grabbing my arm harshly. He starts running, dragging me behind him. I smell them before I see them. Human, blood. I dig my heals in, not wanting to go any closer. It doesn’t do much, but he stops. "They're food, that’s all" he says. "Not food, people" I say, not moving. "They don't feel it" he says coaxingly. "That’s a lie, I sure as hell felt it" I snorted. "Then that one was inexperienced" he hisses, and pulls me easily, and I start to stumble after him against my will. The smell was getting stronger, and I couldn't take it much longer. So sweet, fresh. I repeat over and over again. I can't do it, I won't. But it smells so good....


The Bagrovi thats holding my arm let go as we see a human. Not food, I repet in my head. He looks at me expectanly. Im tense and purpously not looking anywhere near the human. He sighs, taking my chin and making me look at the human. "They're food" he says, frustrated. "They are not" I hiss, backing up, and away from his grasp.
He growls, and runs over to the human, quickly killig her. The blood hit my nose like a wave. Sweet, salty, and fresh. I clench my hands, making my nails bite into my skin. Digging my heals in, I stay where I am. He grabs the body and puts it over his shoulder, blood slowly dripping from where he bit her neck.
Soon, hes in front of me and drops the body. I back up, and try to block my senses. He hissed, and grabs my arm, pulling my back. "Do it" he hisses in my ear. I shake my head 'no'. "There will be no animal blood for you, its drink from humans or starve" he growls.I hiss and kick out. He wasn't expecting it, and staggred back a couple feet. I turn and ran. I heard the wind shift as he came after me, no sound of his feet. He cursed as I turned around a small building that was old and warn down.
Hes still faster than me, but I'm smaller. I duck into a hole thats in the building. Its usless, he grabs my ancle and throws me. I hit another building with a loud crack. I land on my feet, ready to run again. "I could just kill you. Then again, you proubly want that" he said, thinking a little. I try to dart past him,but his arm comes out and wraps around my wait. "You just don't give up" he sighs. I struggle a little, then give up. "You would be stronger, faster, practicly undefetable, yet you choose not to" he says. He turns me, and pins both arms behind my back.
"Our world is mixed with humans sometimes" he says, proubly to hear his own annoying voice. Hes pushing my twords a dark, small house. He opens the door, then once were inside, kicks it shut. The couch is a dark blue, theres a big tv on the wall, no carpet. He pushes me near a door. "Yell when you change your mind, and I wouldn't recomend trying the window" he says, pushing me in and quickly shutting the door. I hear the bolt lock.
I look around the room, a small bed and another door thats open, leading to the bathroom. The window looks normal. I reach to it carfully. When I touch it, its as if I was burned by fire. I quickly pull it back and loo at it. My skin is red and blistering. I look back at the window, still it look normal. I sigh I fall back on the bed, and stare at the celing. I don't think about what happened, just and what will happen.
A couple hours later, I hear the front door open, and footsteps comming twords my door. I don't get up. I hear the bolt unlock, and the door open. I still look at the celing. The air moves, and I catch whats thrown at me with out looking. Its my book that was in my bag. I sit up, the bagrovi is there, holding clothes. He tosses them at me. I grab them, and set them down, not taking my eyes off him. "You wen't through my bag" I accuse. "I did" he says, noding. I look down at the clothes. Not mine, but new and my sizes. I look back at him, I look him over quickly. Blond hair, green eyes, 6'2. Its almost shocking how I can figure it all out so quickly.
"Give in yet?" he asks, half-heartdly. "You wish" I say, leaning back aginst the headbord. "I do, so I wouldn't have to babysit you" he said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. "So whats your name?" I ask. I was getting tired of calling him the Bagrovi all the time. "Cal" he says, leaning aginst the door. He looks like hes 23, proubly. "They're sending another Bagrovi down, around your age I think...what 15? Anyway, they say Im not doing it right, so they sent him,, Don't know why they sent a little kid though...." he trails off. "Im 13" I say reflectivly. "I know, but I said around your age" he said.
"Whatever" I say, laying back on the bed, looking at the celing again. "What are you thinking?" he asks after a few mins. "Nouthing. Its better not to think" I say. "Thats proubly true" he says, and left the room. When he leaves and the door is locked, I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom.
I take a shower, washing all the dirt off of me. The cut have since healed from eailer, proubly from the fact that Im a vampire. I really cant get used to the idea of being a vampire. After Im done, I look in the mirror. Im paler, and somthing else. I can't place it. I look at my teeth, the two are sharper. But not, like mega big. Just sharper.
I take a deap breath, and leave my scary reflection and go back into my room. I lay on the bed again, back on the bed, looking up. The celing, its almost the only thing that seemse to not change latly. I wonder if anyone is looking for me. Mabey. I lay like that for a while, just thinking about all the possibalites that could have happened.
I miss playing soccer. I miss Racheal, my mom, and even coach a little. But I can't go back, and I might never see them again. I hear arguing. Cal, and someone else, who seems younger. I focous in on the sounds. "I don't know why they would send someone like you, your too young" Cal snorts. "Because Im not weak. I can handle a little girl, and it seems you cant" the younger one says. "I can handle her just fine. Shes frightened, and too small. I don't know why they bothered with her" Cal says, defending himself.
"It dosn't matter if shes frightened, she should be" the younger one hisses. "It does matter. You can't make someone do somthing out of fear, or it won't stay like that. Once they're not scared, they wont do it" Cal says, almost shouting. "I bet I could do that, and I bet I could keep her scared" the younger one growls. My stomach twists at his words. I already am scared of him.
"Do not hurt her" Cal growls angerily. Theres an affeciont hint in his voice. Does he care for me? Dosn't seem likely. "See, too soft. And I can do whatever I want, Im in charge here now. Not you. You have to leave, and I'll take care of the girl" the younger one says, dismissivly. My heart is pounding.
Cal growls, but I hear the door open. "Oh, wait. What the girls name?" the younger one asks. Cal dosn't answer for a moment. "Clare" then I hear the door slam shut. Foot steps come closer to my door. I jump to my feet, ready to run if i can. He comes in, but quickly shuts the door. I can't run now.
"So this is little Clary" he says, comming further closer to me. "Cal had to leave, he was too soft. So its just you and me" he says, and I shiver at his words. He has that evil glint. Cal had it, but it wasn't so much. He looks to be about 15. "Why don't you have a drink?" he says, tossing a water bottal at me.
I reflectivly catch it, but quickly throw it back. Its human blood. "Drink it" he commands, throwing it back. I let it fall to the floor. "If you don't drink it, maby I could get your mother, she might even taste better" he says, shrugging. I tense. I know its a lie, I hear it in his voice.
"Or maby her blood is rotten, and wouldn't taste good at all. Maby I could just kill her and get one of your firends" he continues. I know its a lie, but I lunge at him. I only have one firend, that proves hes lieing. He grabs my throat, and my feet dangle in the air. "You are small. Just like a mouse" he says, smiling. Im the mouse, hes the cat.
I claw at his hand frantically. Hes rambling, but Im not listening. My vision fogs, and I can't see clearly. I slowly stop struggling. Then, before I pass out, he drops me. I ghasp when his foot connects with my stomach I fly back and hit the wall. "Ill be back in a couple days" I hear him say before I pass out.

Can't be

When I wake up, I'm still on the floor. Its morning. I decide to first try to get out. I stand up, and study the window. I would have to break it to get out. I can't touch it, and theres nouthing to break it with. If I wasn't a vampire, I could just open it. But I am. I try again to open it.
I burn myself, repedly. I try using a blanket, and it still finds a way to burn me. I use a pillow even, still it burns. When Im done, my hands are red and blistering. I move on to the door. I try to pick the lock with a hair pin, I can't. I resort to beating on the door. I kick it, punching it, run into it. It wont budge. I cry out in frustration, and kick it one last time.
I fall to the floor in defeat. I do the only thing I can do at this moment, look up. Its the same as always. No changing. I lay like that all day, and the next day. I feel weak, and my throat is burning. Two days after trying to get out, I take a shower. I can barly hold myself up. I learn one thing from all of this, vampires starve quickly.
I look in the mirror when Im done. Im pale, and look sick. I feel sick. I quickly look away. I've thought of killing myself, but I can't bring myself to do it. I step out of the bathroom, and hes there. Leaning causaly aginst the door. I quickly back up. "Come here" he commands. I hesitantly walk twords him. I stop when Im about 2 yards away from him.
He studies me. "Well dont you look pale" he comments. "I bet your thirsty" he continues, and taunts me with the stupid blood filled bottal. I almost take it from him then. The smell is so sweet. I back up, reminding myself its from a human, and innocent person. He watches my movments, and without warning, jumps at me, pinning me back down on the floor.
I kick franticaly as he opens the bottal. Its like kicking a wall, no I bet I could do that better than I could hurt him. He prys my mouth open, and pours the blood in. I swallow it, and its like heaven. No its a person, I mentaly scream at myself. I keep kicking and struggling. When its all down, he gets off me. I ghasp and cough, on my hands ond knees now. The worst part, I want more.
It was a person, innocent. I drank human blood. It could be Racheal's blood. I whipe my mouth off, my hand has blood on it. He grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. "You'll get used to the idea" he says soothingly. "No" I croak out. "You will, sweetie, don't worry" he says quitly. His hand brushes across my cheek, and I jump back.
He called me sweetie. Thats wrong, hes wrong. His eyes flash with anger. I whimper as he steps closer. "Give my you hand" he says demandingly. I let him take it. He quickly clips a band on it. It looks like silver metal, but it feels stronger than metal. "Its a tracker, and somthing else" he says slyly. He takes somthing out, and presses a botton. The band shocks me, and I cry out, suprised.
"Great, it works" he says, smiling. I hiss at him angerily. "You are a fighter. But that wont work right now. Come on, its time to leave" he says, taking my hand and pulling me along. When we're out of the house, the streets are emptly. I mentaly sigh in relief. He lets me go, and my first thought is to run.
"Fallow me. Dont try to run" he says, tapping my band. He takes off, and I have to fallow. Im running faster than I ever have, but hes way faster. He stays far ahead, but never out of sight. Maby I can get out of range, so the band dosn't work. I doubt it, but it still might work. I quickly turn around and run. I get about half a mile when the band shocks me. I cry out, but keep running.
I can hear him behind me, cursing. The shocking intensifies, and Im distracted enough by the pain to trip. I tumble to the ground, the shocking stops. He kicks me, hard. But I stand up, and fight back. I don't last long, I have no expierence with fighting. I finally fall to the ground, and he keeps kicking me. "I told you not to run" he hisses. I whimper, and cough up blood.
When he stops, we're both panting. He kneels in front of me. "Are you going to run again?" he asks. I whimper and shake my head 'no'. "Thats a good girl" he says, placing a hand on my cheek. I shiver. "Im giving you 10 minutes, then we're moving again" he says, standing up. I close my eyes, and take deep breaths.
I rest for a minute then sit up. I whipe the blood off of me, and stand up. I run a hand through my hair, fixing it. I pull my knees up, and wrap my hands around them, closing my eyes. I need a plan. I can't think of one. "Where are we going?" I ask not opening my eyes. "A camp, where other fledglings are, like you" he replies, sounding a little ways to my left.
After a while, I feel him grab my arm, pulling me to my feet. "Are you going to run away?" he asks. Maby I can, runaway. "No" I lie. He brushes my hair out of my eyes, and does the unthinkable. He kisses me. I ghasp out in suprise. He was more than just kissing me. He was gripping the back of my neck, and his toung inside my mouth. He breaks it quickly, "I don't belive you" he whispers in my ear, and he does somthing, I dont know what, and I pass out.


I wake up, and I smell other people. Vampires, of course. I bolt upright. Im on a bed, there are other girls, 27, and 30 beds. Some have that evil glint, others have sad faces, some defeated, others still fighting it.
I girl with a sad look, but fighting eyes, comes over to me.

"Im Sara. I think you already know where you are. Whats your name?" she asks.

"Clare" I say quitly.

"I've been a vampire for 6 months, been here for a month. Im fighting it" she says quickly.

"I've only been a vampire for a...week I think" I say in a small voice. Sara shakes her head in a dissaproving way.

"They're taking us too young. Your the smallest, and youngest here" she says.

"They try to break us, make us drink more..human blood. They'll abuse you, beat you. Are you going to fight?" she explains. I nodd my head 'yes'. I look Sara over quickly. I think shes about 15, and has long brown hair. "Just stay strong, okay Clare?" she asks me. I will stay strong. But before I can say I will, a lady comes in. Shes tall, and her hair is pulled in a tight bun. She has the evil glint.

"Sara, get away from her. You are not turning her into you" she snaps. Sara hesitates, but quickly moves away. Her heals click aginst the floor as she walks over to me.

"Stand up" she says, stopping in front of me. I quickly stumble to my feet.

"Whats your name?" she asks.

"C-Clare" I stammer quickly.

She takes my chin with her cold hand, and turns my head so she can see my neck.

"Only a week? she asks disgusted.

"Rose, you tell Clare here about where she is" she says, looking at a girl that looks to be about 16. She has short dirty blond hair, and a sad defeated look.

"Yes mam" she says, looking down shamfully. The lady leaves, her heals clipping on the floor. Rose and Sara come over to me.

"Hi" Rose says.

"Hi" I mumble.

"Well, I'll tell you the rules: everyone that is a 'teacher' is reffered to as 'sir' or 'mam'. You have to drink human blood, and do what your mentor tells you to" Rose quickly explains.

"You have Alex as your mentor. I rember when he was here, he choose to be what he is" Sara says, shivering.

"He, he isn't right. The way he looks at us" Rose says, flinching.

I nodd and close my eyes, blocking out him from my memories. "Not right" I mumble, he was more than not right. "Well, if all workd out with my plan, you are both comming with me" Sara says detirmed. Me and Rose both look at her, shocked.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Im getting out. I know where the other school is, the one we were on our way to before we were taken. I can get out, and I will take you with me" she explains. I look doubtfully at Rose, slightly afraid she'll tell, or won't come.

"You won't tell will you?" Sam asks quickly, relizing what the risk of it getting out would be. Me and Rose both say no at the same time. "Thank you" Sam sighs.


We got our chance to sleep, but only an hour. I stick close to Sara, I was put in the same group as her and Rose. We have to go train in fighting first.
"Find a partner, and practice. Show no mercy, but there is no killing" the teacher snaps. Hes big, tall, and muscled. He stalks off into a corrner and watches us. Rose instantle goes to Sara, and she gives me an apoligitic look. I look around for someone, but they find me first.
Hes maybe 17, but isn't bagrovie, hes fighting it too, just like Rose.
"Just look at the others, and you'll get the hang of it. Do it quickly so he dosn't notice. Im Marc" he says quickly, and quitly. I do as he says, and understand it slightly. Be fast, predict movments, and get them pinned. I wonder if anyone ever actualy died here. Proubly.
Marc puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me so Im facing him. We start fighing lightly. I get the hang of it easily.
"Whats your name?" he asks as we fight.
"Clare" I said, ducking hid high kick.
"New, right?" he asks.
"You firends with Sara?" he asks, meaning behind it.
"Yes" I answer, he nodds, and starts going a little faster.
"You?" I ask. Meaning, is he firends with her.
"Yes" he says, dodging my fist. His foot kicks out and hits the back of my knees, knocking me backwards. I land on my back with a thud and Marc pins me in an instant. His arm is pressed lightly against my throat and his other holding both my hands above my head. The sudden feel of vulnerability frightens me, no matter who he is. He places his sharp canines against the artery in my neck and backs up.
"that's how you do it. But in a real fight with... Another one of us you rip that artey out and... Theyre dead." he shrugs and pulls me to my feet. I nod and jump back as I feel a cold stare on me.


Texte: Do not copy in any way, all rights reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.12.2011

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To all my readers, and everyone who knows that most things arn't expected.

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