
"Dont answer the door for anyone you dont know!" my mom called out once more as she walked out the door. "Yeah, I know" I grumbled back. "Love you" she said quickly. "Yeah, same" I said rolling my eyes. My mom had to make it such a big deal when she left. My mom cosed the door behind her, and soon I herd the car drive away. I sighed in relief. "Come on out Ryan" I called out. Ryan poked his head out from my room. "Shes gone?" he asked. I smiled, "Yup". He smirked back, and sat on the couch, right next to me. "Cher, I thought she was ganna leave earlier. I was in there for what seemed like ages" He said putting his arm around me. "You just cant wait for anything" I said, kissing him lightly. He looked at him smiling. "But you do have some intresting stuff in there".

I pulled back a little "What? Dont be looking through my stuff" I mock slapped him arm. I really hope he didnt go through my stuff.... " Im getting people" I said getting up and grabbing my phone. I called Everyone, Abbie, mary, suzie, mike, angela, liz, jhon, and racheal. They all said they could come. Half an hour later, the music was up, and everyone was there. Racheal came up to me. "Hey, this is sweet! But look what Jhon brought" she said. I looked over at Jhon, he had brought beer. "Damnit" I said, walking over to him.

"Hey, no booze, get out, or get it out" I said gesturing to the can in his hand. I really hated that sruff, and the last thing I needed was him drunk at my house. "Aw come on Cher, its not ganna hurt no one" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "But it will, now get out. I dont want no drunks at my house." I said shrugging his hand off, and pushing him tword the door. "I ain't drunk, now let go of me" he said pushing me. He was so drunk. "Yeah you are, now get out of my frickin house" I said pushing him some more. He swong back and slapped me across the face, I stumbled back and fell. I swore and kicked his legs out form under him. He fell with a loud thud.

He swore, and swong out at me again, but Ryan caught his fist before it got to me. "Jhon, you better get out now before I rip you f***ing head off." he said shoving him out the door. Mary went out the door after him, she probly was making sure he didnt get him by a car or somthing. "You okay?" Ryan said holding his had out to me. I took it and get to my feet. "Ya, im just perfect" I grumbled rubbing my cheek" he kissed my cheek lightly. "Better now?" he whispered. "Much" I smiled.

The party lasted about 7 hours, starting at 5, ending at about 12 am. Everyone left, but Ryan stayed a little behind everyone else. "Take care of yourself" he whispered, pulling me closer. Butterflys fluttered in my stomach at the closeness. I looed up at him and our lips met. it was a soft kiss at firest, but then it turned passionate. I pulled away "Moms ganna be here soon" I whispered, out of breath. He nodded and kissed me once more, lightly. "Bye" he said walking away. "C ya" I said, closing the door. I smiled and fell back on the couch. My dog, Poncho jumped up on me. I hadnt seem him during the party, Im suprised he wasnt sompped on. "whear were you?" I aske petting him.

Suddenly Poncho jumpped off the couch, and started barking at the door. "Shut up Pon, its probly just mom" I said sitting up. He kept barking, and the door flew open. It wasn't my mom.

Two men, both very large, burst in the door. They both looked around, and smirked when they saw me. Poncho growled and bit one of them on the leg. The guy shook Poncho off and picked him up. "You like dogs?" he asked looking at me. I nodded my head franticly, not wanting him to hurt poncho. "Then you'll like where your going" he said, snapping ponchos neck.

I sat there, mouth open. When I found my voice, I screamed as loud as I could. I dashed off the couch and twords the back door, trying not to look at ponchos little lifeless body. Before I could reach the door, an arm wrapped around my waist, and yanked me back. I kicked and hit him with everything I had. He chuckled and wrapped him other arm around my arms. I was lifed off the ground as he stood up stright. The other guy, who had brown curly hair waled up right in front of me, and grabbed my chin. He looked my over for a short second, then nodded, smirking "You'll do Okay" he said, placing a rag over my nose and mouth. Of course, you probly already know what it is. cloraform. My eyes fought to stay open, but failed, and my wiggling stopped.

My eyes fluttered open. When I could see, I still couldn't see anything, it was pitch black. It smelled of dirt, and stone. I stood wobbly, and noticed that my ancle had a chain on it, connected to the wall. I tryed harder to see, but still couldnt see anything. I listened harder. I could quite whispers, but I couldnt tell what they were saying. I slid down the wall and closed my eyes. Trembles rocked through me as I wrapped my arms around my knees. I herd a lourder whisper, it sounded like "shes awake". I shrunk back more agenst the wall, trying to fade into it. Soft footsteps came closer, then stopped in front of me. Rough hands gripped my arms and pulled me up. I kept my eyes closed, and clenched my teeth. I was slammed into the wall behind me. "Open your eyes" someone hissed into my ear.

I slowly opened my eyes, light was dim, but I could slightly see. There was 3 guys, and 1 girl. She looked at me with pitty. Finally I looked at the person in front of me. He had brown curly hair, and his eyes deadly. I shrunk back more. He smirked at my fright and looked at the girl, he said somthing in a diffrent language that I couldnt understand, and pushed me over to her. "Im Ambly, whats your name?" she whisperd, quickly leading me away. I didnt answer her, only trying to keep her pace. She had short brown hair, and was just about as tall as the guys. She shook her head and mumbled somthing.

Then I noticed the chain was gone. "Where did the..." I trained off as she answerd before I was finished. "He unlocked it when you were on the floor" she said. But I didn't feel anythign... "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "To see the others," she said noncholantly. I didn't continue my interrigation. I had three questions that stuck in my head, why was I here, what others, and where the hell am I?

I noticed that we were underground too. There really wasnt any prof to that but, you could tell. It was cold, damp, and I havn't seen any windows. Great. Then I noticed that I wasn't getting out of here any time soon. And what would happen in that time, started to scare me. My imagenation got the best of me. I started thinking, and my thoughts terrified my more. I started shanking uncontrolably, and I tripped over a pipe that was running across the hall. I let out a small scream as I fell forward. But before my face met the floor, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I looked at my savior, he was tall, big build, and dark brown floppy hair. Looked like he was about 18. I shrunk back from him, rembering the others. He looked coursily at Ambly, who nodded, then he looked back to me. I flinched back as his dark green eyes met my dark blue. "Um, Demitri this is...." she trailed off looking at me uncertainly. "My names Charolette" I said quickly.

She nodded, "Demtri, we were going to meet the others....but that could wait" she said looking at him uncertainly. I could see a small simle on his lips. "That would be great" he said, then started walking, pulling me along. My arm was starting to loose circulation from his grip, and I let out a quite whimper. He glanced at me, then at his hand, and loosened his grip. "Forgot..." he mumbled and continued walking. We soon came to stairs that led upwards. His feet worked up the stairs quickly and gracefuly. I couldn't keep up after proubly 15 minuints of climbing up stairs, and tripped. I didnt fall forward as expected, I fell backwards. My heart stopped as I fell, but out of no where, I turnned around, and put my hands in front of me. That didnt help that much, but I didn't break my neck. When my hands connected, the shock was shot up my arms, and I started to tumble downt he stairs.

I didn't get far, Aliki grabbed my arm and stopped my fall. Just as before, he saved my from almost killing myself. Not that I almost killed my self last time I fell. He pulled my up and looked at me. Concern was on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked. I reached my up touched the side of my head, I pulled it back and blood was on my fingers. "Damnit" I whispered. Demitri brushed my hair back and looked at the cut. I flinched back from him. He sighed frustratedly "Stop doing that" he said. I looked down at my feet, and his hand fell away. "Come on, you got to get that fixed" He said grabbing my wrist, and continued up the stairs, slower this time. There was only a little way to go, and soon we were on flat ground. Im my mind I gave a sigh of relief, I hated being in a closed in space, even if it was just stairs. Demitri opened a white door, that aperently led into what looked like a small hospital. "Aliki" he called out, closing the door behind him. I looked around the room quickly, cots were in one cornner, then all the rest of the hospital stuff everywhere else. There was a windown, which showed it was night. I pushed the thought of escape from my mind, it was too dark. A man, looked to be about mid 20's, with dark brown hair.

"What can I do for you Mr. Arlago?" he asked, aperently only seeing Demeri. "Charolette fell downt the stairs" he said, gesturing twords me. Aliki's eyes widened brifly when he saw me. "Where?" he asked walking twords up. Demitri brushed back my hair to show where. Again I flinched back at being touched. Aliki saw and sighed. "Hold on" he said and went into another room. Demetri sighed and leaned back aginst the wall, letting go of my wrist. I took a step away from him, but didn;t go further, not wanting him to think I was trying to do somthing. Aliki came back, and gestured for me to sit. I reluctently sat down. He pulled a chair up in front of me, and sat down.

He moved my hair away from the side of my forehead, and I flinched back. "Its okay" he said quitly, whipping the cut off. I sat still and he finished quickly. He had cleaned it off, and kinda used a sergical glue kinda stuff to keep it closed. He stood up and put everything away. I stood up and went to where I was standing before. Aliki looked back at me with synphthay. "Are you okay?" he asked,and I could tell he didn't mean my head. I didn't answer, just looked down at my feet. I wasn't

okay. I had been draged from my home, and all thats happened only reminded me of my father, which was a nightmare I did not want to relive. Aliki gestured Demitri outside, and they both left the room. I didn't move, and they came back in after 2 mins, I was counting.

"Come on" Demitri said holding the door open. He could see I looked reluctent and took my wrist gently, I still flinched. He led me out the door, and down the twisting halls. We stopped in front of a large white door. He opened it, leading me in. We came into what looked like a living room, we went left, into a kitchen, which was very big. Then throught some halls, and into a bed room. "this is your room, we already got everything you need here. The bathrooms throught that door" he pointed to the one to the left," My room's right there" he said pointing to the one on the right. I grumbled inwardly, oh joy, rooms right next to eachother. "I'll let you do whatever, dinner'll be ready in an hour, I'll get you then" he said letting go of my wrist.

He waited to see if I had anything to say. I didn't say anything, and looked at the floor, that had white carepting. Demetri grumbled somthing and took my chin. "Will you say somthing?" he asked frusterated. I flinched back, but his hand stayed. I was forced to look at him. Damn, he had awsome eyes... He looked angry. I figured out what to say. "Why the hell am I here?" He let go of me and I could tell was trying to hold back a smile. "You'll find that out later" he said, quickly leaving before I could say somthing else.

I sighed and looked at the dresser. I reluctently walked over to it and opened the droor. It was all my clothes. Yeah, some were new ones that ive never seen, but most of them were mine. They went throught my stuff, I thought angerly. I got out my black cammie, and my black silky pajama bottoms. And course the other stuff, and went intothe bathroom. It was mostly white, but had red in it too. Like around the mirror, and border of the wall, were red. I sighed and took a shower.

The warm water was a welcome relief. The cut on my forehead stung slightly, and so did the scrapes I had. I didn't care. I was proubly in there for an hour.I decided not to wear the kammie, and put on a T-shirt. When I got out of the bathroom, I found Demetri sitting on my bed. He nodded twords the hamper in the cornner of the room. I put my dirty clothes in there. I turned back to him. He was fiddiling with my glasses. I quickly tryed to take them from him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and sat me down on the bed next to him. I looked at him wide eyed, how did he move so frickin fast? "You wear glasses?" he asked, I wasn't sure if it was a statement, or question.

I tryed to move away from him, but his arm was still around my waist. "You would know" I mumbled. He smirked. "Yeah, I do know" he said, handing my my glasses. I didn't really need them, my sight had gotten alot better from when I first got them. I tryed to get up again, but he still held me there. "Will you let me go?" I grumbled trying to get his arm from around me. He didn't move it. I glared up at him. He chuckled at me getting angry. "You look like an angry kitten" he smirked and I got madder. I dont like being called cute, let alone a kitten. "What do you want?" I asked hotly. "Nouthing" he said, still had that stupid grin on his face. "Why am I here?" I asked, still angry. "You'll find out later" he said, starting to sound annoyed. "Well, I wanna find out now" I retorted. "Later" he said, more annoyed. "N-" I was going to say now, but he pushed my onto my back, and was looking down at me. It all happened in less then a second. I flinched back and closed my eyes shut tightly.

If it was ryan, I would have been fine, because we've been firends for like forever. We stayed like that for 20 seconds, then I opened my eyes. He looked down at me saddly, then relizing he was still on top of me, got off. I instantly stood up. "Sorry" he said seeing my panic dissepering, and lightly touching my forehead, where the cut was. Then he said "Dinners ready" and left. I put my glasses on the dresser, and fallowed him, staying saftly behind. We went intot the dining room, and there was two plates of food. Both had chicken, mashed potatos and corn. Although, you could obviously tell which one was mine, because his was much bigger. I also noticed mine had strawberries off to the side... How the hell did he know I liked strawberries?

He held the chair out for me, and I looked at him uncertainly. He sighed, "Don't look at me like that, just sit" he said. I sat in the chair, and he sat down in the other chair, next to me. He and I ate in silence, I wasn't that hungry, all that has happened today was enough to fill me. I ate the strawberries last. That reminded me...Before I could even ask, he said "Later". "You don't even know what I was ganna say" I grumbled. I had only eaten the chicken, and half the mashed potatos, after I had mixed them together. I was now simply staring off into space. What was mom thinking? Would Ryan and everyone else know by now? Then My head shot up, "What date is it?" I asked. Demitri looked up suprised, but answered quickly "November 19th". I looked at him confussed. 19th? But... I had been taken on the 16th... Could I have been out that long? Its possible I think... That didn't seem like just cloroform. Demitri stood up, and someone came over and took our dishes. I stood up too. "You should get some sleep" he said gently. I was exausted.

We went to my room, and he went through my room and into his. Befored closing the door, he looked at me. "If you need anything, you can get me" he said. I waved him off and turned on the lamp next to the bed, then shut the over head light off. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

"Dad dont!" I screamed hitting his arm. He held Josophe by the throught aginst the wall in my room. He swong at me with his other hand and sent me flying across the room. "Stop it! Ill call the fucking cops!" I yelled, tears rolling down my face. He ignored my threat and punched Jo until I coudn't reconized him any more. He and I were just hanging around in my this. I did call the cops during all of this. They would be here soon, but not soon enough. My father released Jo and he fell limply to the floor. I crawled over to him. Hot tears rolled down my face, and fell onto him. Then my dad grabbed the back of my shirt and flung me across the room again. "Your next little boy firend will end up a hell of alot worse than him" He said kicking my in the gut. I screamed as more tears fell across my face. He kept kicking me, and adventuly I couldnt feel anyhitng at all. When the cops bust throught the door, he kicked me once more in the head before the dragged him off me, and I could see Jo still lying on the floor, dead.

I woke up screaming and sweating. Demetri was in my room in seconds. I looked around to make sure it wasnt real. I was sitting up and sobs rocked through my body. Demetri came up to me slowly. I couldnt see his face clearly, and I hugged my knees, hiding my face. I felt the bed move, and then Demetri's arm wrapped around me. "Its okay" he whispered over and over again to me. I leaned on him but didnt look up. Finally when I stopped, he asked "What happened?" he asked it so quitly I wasnt sure he said it at all. "He died, and it was all my fault" I whispered. He didnt say anymore, just pulled me into his lap and hugged me close. I finally looked up, and he looked like he couldnt stand seeing me cry. I felt like I had to confert him now. I hugged him back, and burried my face in his shirt. Adventualy I fell asleep like that.

My eyes slowly opened my eyes, blinking at the light to focous. I stiffened when I noticed someones arm around me. "Its just me" Demetri said sitting up and taking his arm off me. I relaxed a bit. He was looking at me cauticualy, as if expecting be to burst out crying again. I quickly forgot about him as my head felt like a thousand knives were drilling into it. I clenched my teeth and my hands held my head. I got headaches before, but never this bad. I felt like I was going to die. Within seconds of waking up, I had a migraine that made me want to rip my own head off. Knives stabbing into me head repedly, pain exploding everywhere in my head. My teeth were probly going to break too from how much I was clenching them. I whimpered and held my head tighter. I hadn't even noticed Demetri until I felt a hand on my back. "Whats wrong?" he asked franticaly. I couldn't even answer, the pain was just getting worse and worse. Everything blurred but the pain. Everytime I tryed to move, it got worse. It seemed that everytime I breathed it got worse. A hand gently shook my shoulder, over and over again, and I figured out what he was saying to me, he kept asking if it was my head. I quickly nodded, and almost screamed as more pain shot through my head. It felt like I was like that for hours, holding my head tightly and wishing to just die. My eyes and teeth hurt from clenching them so tightly. More voices, that I couldn't make out.

What I could make out, I answered quickly, wanting them to make it stop. Aliki asked "Where does it hurt?" I could here worry and confusion in his voice. "everywhere" I said quitly, clenching my teeth. Tears rolling down my face as the migrain raged out throught my head, feeling like it was tearing up everything in there. The two of them argued bakc and forth, Demetri sounded like he was pleading. Hands clasped over my hands, gently, and pulled them away. It was easy to do, since I couldn't do anything to fight it. "Char" Im pretty sure I was Demetri speeking. "Open your eyes" he whispered. I couldn't, I didnt want to. It would hurt to much. "Please, just do it" he pleaded. I slowly opened them, just could only squint, it hurt to much. Demetri was looking pleadingly at me, Aliki standing behind him worry was all over both there faces. "Take these, we're pretty sure it'll make it go away" he said putting 2 small white pills in my hand. I clasped my hand around them and clenched my eyes. I quickly took them with out water and went back to holding my head. Slowly, the pain receded. All that was left was a quite room, and Aliki and Demetri both sighed. All the pain took every ounce of energy out of me, and I praticaly fell back down on the bed and passed out.

I woke up the same place I fell asleep, adn Demetri was on the couch looking at me. "You okay?" he asked warily. I nodded slowly getting up. I was still tired, but couldn't gp back to sleep knowing Demetri was watching me. Then I rembered what happened, the pain shoothing through my head.... I flinched at rembering. Demetri slowly came twords me. "What was that about?" he asked gently. I thought about what I should say, not sure if I could trust him. I came up with somthing. "You should know" I said. Demetri looked at me hard. "I don't know. All Im trying to do is help you. If I was you I wouldnt want that happening again" he sounded angry. I flinched back at the harshness of his words. "I was kicked in the head 3 years ago" I said looking away form him. I heard him sigh and the bed shift. "Im sorry" he said, putting his hand over mine. I tryed to pull it away before he saw, too late. His grip tightened on ym hand and brought it closer so he could see. "Why?" he asked angerly. He traced the scars that were over my wrist with his finger. I didnt answer, he didn't need to know. His grip tightened. "Stop it. Tell me why" he demanded. I shook my head 'no'. I was happy I had changed shirts before dinner, or else he would have seen the rest. Too late for that too, because when I turned away, the sleeve pulled up just enough to see part to it. Demetri took my arm and pulled up my sleeve. I tryed to pull back, but he was gripping it like my arm would break. "Take your shirt off" he demanded. I quickly stared at him wide eyed. "Do it" he said again. I glared at him angerly. "Like hell I will" I hissed. He glared back at me. "Do it or I'll make you do it" he growled. My anger depleated and I resorted to pleading. "Please don't make me" I pleaded. His voice stayed sharp. "Now" he demanded. I slowly and reluctently took my shirt off. I was very happy I was wearing a bra. He stared wide eyed at me. Scars was on my stomach, back and shoulders. He pulled me up to I was standing. I did so as a puppet, with my head hanging, tears forming. He traced over the deepest one, on my side, and I flinched away. He continued tracing the scars lightly. Finall he spoke, "Who?" his voice sounded cracked. I didn't hold back my answer, knowing he would just make me say it. "My father" I whispered.

Demetri didn't ask any more. After I told him, he stormed out of the room, and I could hear yelling outside of my room. I quickly put my shirt back on. I felt violated. I looked for a way to get out of here. No window, as suspected. No way out. I wanted to scream, from all that happened, Demetri, my missing my firends, missing my mother, and Demetri painfully bring back up the memory of my father. Demetri came back in, seeming to have calmed down. "Im sorry. Really. I just got mad at seeing..." he trailed off. He came closer to me. I stepped back. "Im sorry, please just come with me. My father wants to tell you why your here" he said, taking my hand. I flinched back, but fallowed him out. Out of the house thats in a house, down the hall, and to a diffrent house in a house. A young looking man sat at a table. He had blond hair that was smoothed back, and was tall with meadium build. "Charolette" he greeted smiling. He gestured to the other chairs around the table. I reluctently sat next to Demetri.

"Ok heres the long story short, our clan has been fallowing you ever since you were born. At first, we only fallowed you until you were 3, but then you moved and we lost track of you. We recently found where you were 2 years ago. You are the only remaining decendent from the Belka family. The Belka and Arlago family's have been ruling our clan/ colonie from the begining. Now, You are the last of the Belka and your hear to fill your rightfull place as ruler, with Demetri. That meaning you will be married." he stopped and looked at me expectantly. Seeing I didnt have comment, he continued. "Your parents died from a rivail clan only hours after you were born, and you were adopted to who your foster parents are now.By clan, Im meaning we are all shifter, wolf shifters. And so are you. The only thing you are really expected to do is.... carry on the blood line." he said akwardly.

I was staring at him, the bottom jaw hanging open. After a few seconds I recovered. "What? Like hell I will, and I was not adopted" I said angerly, trying to stand up. Someone was pushing my shoulders down so I stayed in the chair. I looked up and saw a man, proubly in his 30's, brown, short cut hair. He was looking down at me warningly. I stayed in my seat. "You must think about this, it is very important to the clan" he said. I looked to Demetri, he was looking down at the table, as if embaressed. I shook my head when I looked back to Demetri's father. "Please do think about it" he sighed, getting up from his seat. He walked over to me, and replaced the guy behind me hands with his own. He looked directly into my eyes. "Think about how important this is" he said. His voice almost sounded enchanted. It did sound important.... I snapped out of the trance and flinced back closing my eyes. "Dont try that on me" I hissed. My mother had taught me about it, its called persuasion. Persding you to do anything. I was pretty good at it myself. I opened my eyes when his hands left my shoulders. He looked a little suprised that I knew what he was doing. He smiled lightly, "just seeing if I could change your mind" he said. He walked out of the room, same with the guy who held me in the chair. Thoughts whirled in my head. Adopted? Shifter? Royal? Marrige? Children?! Demetri sighently stoood up and and touched my arm. I jumpped when he touched me, forgetting where I was. I was standing now. "He just really cares about the clan. Its going throught hard times right now" he said. I shook my head and stubernly looked at a wall. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Why won't you ever listen to reason? He wants to help, even if it means forcing it out of some people." he said frusterdly. I glared at him. "Yeah, poor me I just happen to stand in all yours way" I hissed. Yup, I was pretty sure I would die first before I ever married him, let alone ever have children. "Its not like that....everyone cares about you, its just you can be really annoying" he cracked a grin at the last statement. I however, did not. "I am not annoying" I said tearing my face from his grasp. He chuckled and grabbed my hand, "Lets go for a walk"

He led me through doors,and halls, aginest my prostests. Finally we made it outside, I was most likly around 4:00 pm, since it was just getting dark. Still the sun was up. I said nouthing as he tooks me down a path that started in a lightly wooded area, then the woods became thick. He still held my hand, and I pryed mine away. He looked questionatly at me, raising one eyebrow. Okay, I was only jelous of one thing, and that was it. "I...I dont wanna go any further" I said looking down. He looked like he was about to question me but stopped and he turned around instantly. Kinda a second too slow, becasue a deamon shot at him as quick as lighting, and sent him flying back. The deamon wasn't what like you would espect to see. He looked human, other that the red eyes and pale skin, and being what looked like 7 feet tall. I stared wide eyed at it and back up into a tree. He grinned evily at me, taking his take walking twards me.

Demetri had flown into a tree, and was not tring to get free of the tree. The deamon launched itsself at me, and I however unlike Demetri wasn't a second too slow. I swiftly moved to the right, snapping out of my daze. The deamon hissed angerly and lundged at me again. I twisted out of the way, mostly. One of hims claws caught me and sent me tumbling. I could hear Demetri trying franticaly to get out of the tree. I quicky stood up. I didnt like being on the defenceve, so I decided to go on the ofenceve. The deamon came at me again, pridicting me to move again. I did, but also kicking in his gut. He grunted, but it didnt faze him that much, and he kicked out back at me, nailing me in the head and sending me flying. My vison blurred and I couldn't standy back up. Oh god, he got me good.

I reached up and touched my head, I was guessing I had a concussion, from all the blood that came back on my hand. The deamon was crouching by me. "Your indeed a fighter, and how your body moves...mmmm, makes me wonder how you'll taste" he licked his lips. I glared back at him and feebly tryed to punch his face. He caught my fist and smirked. "You sure you'r seeing all right, you look pretty bad" he grinned. If only he had the pain I had before, then he would understand how this was nouthing to me. I was getting dizzer now, and couldn't even sit up. I really wished he could feel all that pain... watch him suffer, like the rest of them made my sister suffer.... my anger grew with my haze, and somthing in the deamons face shifted, and he started screaming. I mean screaming, and if I could, I would have put my hands over my eyes. He let go of my fist and began squirrming on the ground.

I stared shocked, had I done that? Nope, no possible way. Demetri and finally been able to get out of the tree now, and ran over to the deamon, his eyes were just as wide as mine. His suprise didnt last long, and he took out a black metal stake and shoved it in to the deamons head. He quickly moved twords me. "Char, are you all right?" he asked comming twords me. Worry coated his words, and it showed on his face. Stupid question, seeing as how obiousily I had blood leaking from my head. He geantly touched me head, then began to pick me up. I really couldnt protest, I was being blocked out from the world now, vision blurring, pain numbing. My head fell on Demetri's chest, maby I would stain his white shirt with me blood, that I would be happy of. Right before slipping fully into my haze, I answered his question, kinda. "Stupid question"

I woke up groggy and with a major headache. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Aliki. "Here" he said, handing me the same pills he had the first time my head nearly exploded. I took them quickly, and the head ache faded. I looked at the window, it was light out, and it was day. Problem was, how long was I out? I looked at Aliki, wishing I could do the eyebrow thing. "How long?" I asked. "2 days" he shrugged, like it was nouthing. I looked at my clothes, I was still in my jeans and T-shirt from yeasterday, thank god. Thoughts came to me at once, deamon, it was dead, it was in pain, after I wished it would be. God this was all confussing, I couldn;t make sense of it at all. No, none of this was real, I was back at home with my mom. Only I wasn't, and I knew that. Everyone was proubly freaking out, or where they? Were they just happy not to deal with me anymore? Aliki was looking at me thoughtfully, and I regained my compouser. "You rember everything that happened?" he asked, looking at my face.

I nodded, not trusting my voice. "You know what that thing was?" he asked. I thought a moment, deciding if I did know. No one ever told me about them, other that the usal miths. But I knew what they were some how...I nodded. He gave a slight nodd. "Do you know what happened to it?" he asked, and I had a feeling he thought I did it. I shook my head no. He sighed and pulled up a chair next to my hospital bed. He sat causly, but his eyes said diffrent. "You sure?" he asked again. I loose my temper easily when annoyed, just saying. "Yeah Im damned sure. I have no clue what the hell happened" I said angerly. His eyes widened slightly in shock at my outburst, but recovered quickly. "Demetri carried you in, and when you got here, you had lost a lot of blood, and had a fractured skull" he said.

I was emberessed at my weakness, and that Demetri carried me in. "But we fixed you up pretty good,so you can go back with Demetri. The headache pills should numb the pain aswell as the headache. I gave them to Demetri" he said. Of course, Demetri proubly told Aliki that Im some suicidle teen, and dosnt want to risk me killing myself with an overdose. He stood up and went to the door, whe he opened it, There was Demetri, looking like he was reaching for the handle. Aliki chuckled, "See ya". Demetri came over where Aliki was. He handed me a sandwhitch a pepsi. I almost smiled at the pepsi, because it was what I practically lived on. "Thanks" I mumbled. He deserved a thanks anyway, for kinda saving my life. I ate the sandwich in silence, then downed the pepsi. Demetri looked like he felt akward, so I figured I would start it off. "Thanks, for you know... kinda saving my ass back there" I said.

He grinned, I wasn't sure if it was because It was my first formal thanks to him, or the mention of my ass, maby both. "No problem, you were doing pretty well with out me" he said, holding his hand out for me. I hesitated for a second, and took it. The world swayed slightly, and Demetri help my arm to steady me. Once I was, he took me back to my room. He stopped at my door "I'll... get you later, so you can, do whatever." he said akwardly, and I noticed how drummed his fingers on his leg. "Okay" I said just as akward. He closed the door silently. I waited until I was sure he was gone and went to my glasses case. If the hadn't scearched through all of my stuff, it could be in it... Yup, the little blade I always kept in there. I took it and went into the bathroom. I layed my wrist out flat. I pressed the blade on my skin. I pushed down and it drew blood. Didn't they miss me, or did they? What was my mother doing? I drew the blade across my wrist. The pain drouned out my thoughts, and I relished in it. I did it again, and again. I stopped at three cuts. I was trying to stop doing this, concidering that if anytone here found out, I would be in major trouble. I wrapped tissue over it, because if I used a towal, someone would notice while cleaning. I sighed and put the blade back.

I grabbed clothes, and took a shower. My wrist didn't hurt too bad, and when I was done, I would have on a long sleeve shirt. I really did need a shower, I could pratcially feel the dirt all over me. I slowly go out and got dressed. My shirt was purple Aro shirt, and I had skinny Jeans. I lookedat my reflection in the mirror. I looked the same, but I sure didn't feel the same. My wet hair hung limply, it still only reaching my shoulders. My green eyes were still the same, only somthing seemed diffrent... Someone knocked on the bathroom door. I quickly threw on my hoodie and opened the door. "What?" I asked, seeing Demetri. "I wanted to talk to you about what my father said" he said, stepping slightly out of my way. I brushed past him and threw my clothes in the hamper. "Then start talking, I doubt I'll change my mind though" I kinda felt bad talking to him like that, he did save my life kinda. "You dont even have to do all of that, just live here, and take the classes and...." he trailed off. "And?" I asked, almost werialy. "Marrage" He mumbled. I already knew he was going to say that. "I 14, and i dont even know how old you are, like 18?" I yelled. This is way akward. "19, and its only a 5 year diffrence. Its not my idea, I didn't want this eaither. But I deal with it" he growled.

Oh, so he has to deal with me? "Sure just deal with me, deal with everything while your at it. And just so you know, you don't do a very good job" I said, bringing up my hand. Around my wrist it was black and blue. Oh, shit, my wrist. I pulled my hand down as fast as I could. Damnit, he had good eyes. His hand shot out, and grabbed my hand. When I tried to pull it back, nouthing happened. "again?" he asked in a small voice, looking at the new marks. Now I felt bad for making him sad, go why am I so soft today? "I-I-I just...." I stammered quickly, but unable to explain. "Just stop doing it" he said, voice hardening. I shook my head slowly, tears building up. I can't stop, it the only way to be distracted from, well everything. I looked down at the white pluch rug. Oh god, I really don't wanna cry in front of him. I miss everything, everyone, my room, my house, Poncho, Ryan, my mom, firends... I wonder if my moms alive. What if she came home before they left? They wouldn't kill her would they? No, they wouldn't, couldn't.

But....shes not my real mother. All these thoughts were whirling in my head. A tear slowly fell from my face and onto the carpet. Demetri cupped my chin so I was looking at him. More tears silently falling. I half hoped all these mixed emotions were because of the stupid pills. Demetri's eyes mirrored my saddness, and he didn't say anything, only sat on the bed and pulled me into his lap. Yup, Im thinking the pills, because I kinda liked sitting there. He ran his fingers through my hair slowly as a casade of tears escaped. My head lay on his chest. I could hear his heart beating steadly, mine was proubly jumping everywhere from my sobbs. Slowly the tears stopped falling and his breathing calmed me. "Im sorry" he whispered. I thought of somthing to say back, like 'You should be' but I didn't want to make anyone sadder. He gently pulled my sleeve back to reveal what I was trying to hide. I did a good job at it, all stright and symitrical. But I doubt he would aprove. His thumb traced each line carfully, but when he got to the newer ones, I flinched. You could tell I just did those, just barley scabbing over. He looked at me carfully, his eyes full of...I didn't think it possible, but it was love. "Promise me, you'll never hurt yourself again." he said, seeming to look stright through me. I could stop...mabey, or I could try at least. "I promise" I whispered.

He didnt need any convincing, and he picked up my chin, leaning down until our lips touched. Mind over matter, my mind screaming no, body saying yes. Our lips moved together slowly, then picking up speed. His hand was at the back of my neck, his lips warm, sending an ecited shock through me. He must have felt it to, because he was the one picking up speed. His toungh tryed to get acess into my mouth, proving I had more self control, because there was no way for that happening. His other hand moved twords my side, and I ghasped as he touched one of my old scars. He took the opurtenity and his tounge entered my mouth. I wanted to back up then, but it felt so right. Okay, this is not going to happen. I pushed agensist him, and we broke apart, ghasping. Yeah, your mind and body are two diffrent things, because I did not want to kiss him, or did I? He was looking at me with a gentle smile. "Im ganna have to tell Aliki about your wrist" he said. I looked at him shocked for a moment, didn't he already? Or about me doing it now? I recovered quickly, "No, don't" I pleaded. I could see him hiding a smirk. "You promised" he said. I didn't have a come back to that, but I had a feeling he was using compulsion, but I didn't have proof really. Noticing I was still in his lap, I moved off him and stood up, he stood up too. He really was taller that me, him like 6"4 me being 5"3. He took my hand and squeezed it gently. "Get some sleep Kit" he said, and vanished out the door. Kit? where the-ooh...Kitten, that what he said I looked like before. I didn't need prompting, and I crawled under the covers, not caring aboput what I was wearing. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

My eyes slowly flittered open, and I took in everything that happened, well not last night, because it was morning. I sat up and looked around the room. Okay thats the first time I didn't find him being a creeper and watching me. I stood up and looked at the clock that was on my dresser, 8:03 am. That was early, for me anyway. I changes quickly, blue skinny jeans, and red aro V neck. I trew on my hoodie, feeling councius about my wrist. I had a feeling this was going to be a very weroid day. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair usally dosn't get messed up when im sleeping, and it didn't this time. I quickly ran a brush through it. My hair wasn't that curly, just wavy and it wasn't very thick eaither. I went back into my room, and you might have guessed this already, Demetri was leaning agenist a wall, waiting. I sighed. "What freakish thing is ganna happen to me today?" I asked. He smirked. "Not everything happens to be freakish. Why can't this bea normal day?" Ha, normal. "Because not one day in my life is normal" I said, now I was the one hiding a smirk. He held out his hand to me, showing the 2 white pills. Smile gone now, I grumbled and took them. I felt just fine, I dont need them. I took them anyway. "How come you don't drink anything with it?" he asked.

I looked at him, shocked for a moment. "I always do it like that, not like Im the only one" I said, rembering Ryan, and Lissa. They both didn't need water. The thought of them made me wish I was there, and I was regreting that promise last night. "Don't look like that. What are you thikning?" he asked, walking twords me. Oh god, now I felt like I cheated on Ryan. How could I ever do that? "Nouthing" I replided, looking at my glasses case. I had to get rid of that thing, or I was break my bromise within 2 hours. I think he decided not to push it. "Well, today is proubly going to be freakish, you might think. My father wants you to start classes, and they're just fighting really, so thats what we're doing today. Say hello to your new teacher" he said smirking. My jaw almost dropped to the floor. I wanted to burst out laughing, him teaching me to fight? Wasn't he the one who got thrown into a tree? "Hey, are you laughing at me?" he asked, mock offended. I guess I was laughing. "Well, you kinda got beat by a tree" I said, surpressing my laughter. "That was a very tough tree" he replied. "Now lets go, you hungrey?" he started walking twords the door, I fallowed. "No" I wasn't hungry at all. He looked at me hesitantily, "You sure?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, Im not hungry".

He shrugged and I fallowed him out the door and through the confussing halls. I was about to question him when if seemed like we've been walking for 15 min. But we entered a, what looked like half weight room, the other half was nouthing but the mat on the floor. It was huge. "Okay, Im pretty sure you know the basics of fighting" he said, looking at me. I shrugged, of course I did. He took that as a yes. "Show me" he becond me twords him. I didn't like this, I feel self-concious. I hesitated, and he saw that I didn't want to start it off. "Or I will" he said. I took a step forward, he was on offencive, me on defencive. His leg shot out to knock my feet from under me, I already saw it comming and I jumpped. His fist shot out twords my shoulder as soon as I jumpped, I was kinda expecting that, I twisted away from the blow. When I landed I regained my balance quickly. He tried to hit me again, he was getting quick. He managed to get my shoulder, that made me stumble a little. Round house kick, I just managed to duck it. His fist shot out twords me, but it didn't connect, instead his leg shot out and knocked my feet out from under me. Just as quickly as I landed, he pinned me down. He smirked down at me. "Pretty good, give uup yet?" he asked. "You wish" I said, pushing him off me. He didn't expect me to push him off, so thats proubly the only reason I got up. He was on his feet, beconing me twords him. Oh this was going to be fun. He was fast, I was faster. I kicked out at his side, he was suprised by my quickness and I managed to nick him before I was out of range. He copyed me, and I doged him. Okay, maby he wasn't going to copy me, because now I was on defencive. Fists flying, kicks going. He got me proubly 20 times, we were in there for 3 hours.

In the end, I tried a round house kick, but he caught my foot and flipped me, I ended up on my back. That hurt. Demetri looked down at me. "You okay?" he asked, holding his hand out to me. I took it, "Nope, I feel like I was run over by a car" I grumbled. "Next time you can just run" he chuckled. I really hoped he was joking, I hate running. "Oh, Aliki wants to see you" he said, laughter fading. Damnit, I was hoping he wouldn't tell. I groaned. "Groan all you want, not like your ganna die. Come one" he said leading me through all the halls that I was yet to rember. He opened the door and called to Aliki. We stood akwardly in the room as Aliki came in. He too looked kinda akward. "Can I see your...wrist?" he asked finally. I hesitated, then held out my hand out, wrist up. He gingerly took it, looking at it cauticualy. Oh god, this was embaressing, do I have no personal life? "Do you know why you did it?" he asked. "Yup" I said nonchallantly. There was meanig to my word, meaning, there was no way in hell I was ganna tell him. He took the hint. "Well, they look fine, just...think before you act, okay?" he said. I could see he was concerned, but I didn't want his concern. He let go of my wrist, and I pulled my sleeve back down. He took out a pill bottal from a drawer, handing it to Demetri. Course, dont trust the suicidal teen. "Depressing pills" he explained. Demetri seemed to already know about it. If I hadn't been tired and starving, I sware I would slap them both. Before we left, Aliki asked what I had been hoping no one would. "What did you use?" I flinched. I kinda felt like smirking too, because I was smarter than all the idoits here. No one ever checks the glasses case. "Somthing" I mumbled. Neither one of them liked the answer. "What somthing?" Demetri pressed. I threw my arms up. "Look, Im not ganna do it again, so don't worry about it" They left it at that.

We walked into the kitchen, Im starting to think Demetri can hear my thoughts, or stomachs. "I know your hungry" he said, handing me a sandwich that I think popped out of thin air. "Yup" I said taking a bite. Ham and cheese, my second fave. He is a stalker, I am now deciding. He sat on a stool next to me, eating his sandwhich. When we finished, he went to the fridge. "Pepsi?" he asked, not looking at me. Big time stalked. "Yeah" I said, taking it from him. He had Dr. pepper. " gotta take this" he said, handing me a yellowish pill. Depression. I surpressed the urge to scream and took it. Demetri thought for a moment. "Do you want to look around?" he finally asked. I nodded slowly, he didn't think I would plan on escaping. Honestly, I wasn't going to. What would be the point, because I would either die, of get caught. "Okay, lets go" he said, getting off his chair. I hopped off mine and fallowed him. As we walked, he pointed out things, where they were, how to get outside (now I know he dosn't think I can) and I didn't rember any of it. There was reasturaunts, cafes, and I couldn't belive it eaither, a pet shop. When he pointed it out I stopped and looked at the kittens. He seemed to chuckle at me for being childish about animals, but I loved them. Two orange ones were jumpping on a dark grey one so I shooed them off and picked the grey one up. The kitten purred happily in my hands and licked my thumb. I let out a small laugh and set the kitten down. Demetri was looking at me with that adoring look he seemed to have alot. "Lets keep going" I said before he could ask any questions. We continued through the halls, went outside staying near the, well whatever building this is. When we got back, dinner was on the table, and I was tired. I didn't pay attion to it, and don't rember what it even was, as I ate it. Demetri, however seemed amused at my tiredness. "You seem tired" he said when we finished eating. We began walking twords my room, "No duh" I said, yawning. He opened my door and I went stright to my dresser and took out pjs. "Cant you handle a day without passing out?" he teased. "Go die in a hole" I mumbled and shut the bathroom door behind me. I had grabbed a purple kammie and silky purple bottams with black hearts. I went back into my room and threw my clothes in the hamper. I turned to Demetri, who was looking at my necklaces that hung on a small rack kinda thing on the dresser. "Do you hace to look through my stuff?" I asked. He grinned at me and pulled me twords him. "Yeah, I do" he said, lightly kissing my neck. He let me go, "Night Kit" he whispered, then went into his room. Slightly dazed, I stumbled to bed and fell asleep.

I ghasped and sat up. I don't know what wake me up, and Im not sure if it was a dream. I don't rember having a dream at all. Then I sensed it, someone was in the room, very close. I listened, I could hear Demetri slightly snoring in his room, and slow breathing to my right. I whipped around to see a Demon lunging at me. I screamed, hoping it would wake up Demetri. I flew off the bed and a hand clamped over my mouth. Two more deamons came out of the shadows as Demetri came into my room. I was yanked to my feet and a knife pressed to my throut. It felt like ice agenist my skin, and I instantly became still. Demetri, who had been battling with the two other Deamons stopped. "Come any closer and the girls dead" the deamon behind me hissed. Demetri took a step closer. The knife pressed deeper into my skin, and I whimperd. Hot blood trickled down my neck. Demetri froze. "My name is Sal, were taking dear Charolette here with us. We might bring her back, but that chance will be gone if you take one step forward" sal, the deamon behind me said. Demetri took a step back. He looked torn, pain in his eyes. Sal chuckled, "Thats a good dog" he said, stepping back, pulling me with him. The knife was gone from my neck, but a arm was wrapped firmly around my arms. I made one last feeble attempt to escape by kicking out behing me. Nouthing happened. "I will get you back" Demetri said, looking into my eyes. I nodded, beliving the detiremation in his voice. Sal picked me up, and lept out the window with the others, just as 4 armed people burst into the room.

All of this happened so fast, I was half convinced I was dreaming. One thing I knew for sure right now is that deamons run fast. As I was carried, everything blurred and I felt sick. We were only running for 5 minuits when we came to a sudden stop, and I was thrown into the backseat of a black van. My head was spinning like crazy and I had to catch my breath. The jolt of the car moving didn't help much. The one deamon, Sal was in the front driving, the other two were on both sides of me. I felt to afraid to speak, so I played it cool and leaned back aginst the seat, bringing my knees up with me. My neck was still bleeding, and I gently touched it. The blood flow was stopping. I sighed and put the head between my knees, headaches happen at the worst of times for me. Thoughts swirrled though me. I couldnt escape right now, that would do no good. Maby if we got out and started walking...Thats when the car stopped. Just stopped, like that. Sal angerly beat on the stearing wheel, and flung open the door. "Were going on foot" he growled and slammed the door. The demon on my right grabbed my shoulder and yanked me out after him. The yank hurt and I pulled back. We were outside of the car now, and I got kicked in the stomach. I flew to the ground, caughing and ghasping for air. These three were alot sronger than the last one. "You idoit, you dont want to kill her!" Sal snapped, grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. He turned to me now, "Dont try anything" he hissed. I flinched back reflexivly. He held onto my arm as we walked. We were near a big building, and the three looked around, as if expecting somthing to attack them. I was tired, and kept stumbling. My eyes couldnt stay open much eaither. Sal was growing more and more annoyed. 7 people walked twords us, seeming carefree. Sal quickly grabbed my hand, proubly trying to make it look less like he was kidnapping me. They all slowly walked past up, a girl, about my age, with red layered hair glimpsed at me quickly. I saw somthing else, not a carefree glint in her eyes. Just when I tought they were going to walk past up. The girl with the red hair turned twords us and struck out with a golden steak, aiming for Sal's head. He wasn't expecting that, but he managed just in time to twist away. The other kids fallowed her lead. I was being jerked around constantly, Sal trying to doge the girl with the red hair. "Stay still so you can die already" she hissed. I would have laughed, if I wasn't being held captive by a demon. I needed to help, but how? I planted my feet in the ground and elbowed Sal. His grip loosened and was distracted. The girl lashed out and struck he head. He was down and dead. I stumbled away from him, and the girl caught my arm. "Names Alice, I think I already know who you are. Thanks for the distraction" she said smiling. The other 2 demons were dead, and had the same fate as Sal had. "No problem" I said strightening up. Alice let go of me. "Okay Charolette, lets go back to the school"

Turned out that the school is where royals and protectors train and learn. Protectors, are just what the title is, they protect royals. They are humans, well kinda. They are actualy called Monix. Strong, fast, agil, but look normal. The others who were with Alice asked me questions on the way back. Their faces in awe at my story. I was blushing all the way through it. "So you were basically kidnapped from you house?" Alice asked finally. I looked down, "Yeah" I mumbled. "Thats not right, no one should have ever done that" Alice said angerly. I picked my head up and looked up at Alice. She, like everyone else was taller than me. "It is wrong, and I still don't know what my pourpuse is really". Alice nudged me, "Don't worry" she said smiling. She flipped her hair back, it was a little below her shoulders. I did a quick take on her, she proubly had guys drooling all over her I noticed.

We came through the doors of the school, people were swarming everywhere. The words 'royal' and 'princess' swarming. I groaned inwardly, no doubt the was going to be more commotion in about 5 minuints. Alice hesitated. "Better not let them see you right now, we wern't susposed to be out and I doubt you want people running you down with more questions. Lets go to Ms. Pominac" she said, heading around the crowd and down a mostly empty hall. "Who?" I asked, not getting anything from the name on who she was. "Kinda like our headmaster, she dosn't freak out like most of the nuts in this school" she said, opening a door. I looked back, the others had dropped off when we were navigating our way around the crowd. "Come on" Alice said, holding the door open. I hurried in after her. "Alice, what are you doing here? We had a trecher sent to you room to see where you were and-" the lady, I assume to be Ms. Pominac cut off as she peered around Alice and saw me. Alice had been standing there bord, as if waiting for her to stop and notice me. "But that.." Ms. Pomanic had confussion all over her face, but she replaced it with a blank profesional look and said, "Just sit down and tell me what happened". I sat in the wooden chair next to Alice's.

Alice took a dramitc sigh and launched into the story, and I guessed she was skipping out on the actual sneeking out of the school part. When she finished, the room was filled with an akward silence. Ms.Pomanic picked up the phone and spoke quitly into the phone. "Someone is comming to check on you, and Lord Demetri is on his way" she said quickly. I closed my eyes and leaned back, I didn't want to see Demetri right now, I didn't want to see anyone. I wanted to go back to bed. I opened my eyes to see Alice looking at me with, what looked like she was trying to reassure me and Ms.P with sympathy. "Im fine" I said quickly. I felt the cut on my neck, it must have opened back up when the fight with Sal was going on. It wasn't pooring blood, just well, whatever it is when you bleed, but not alot. A guy walked into the room, carrying a white box, most likly a heavy duty first aid kit. Ms.P stood up, "This is Charolette" she said pointing to me,"she had a run it with deamons, you you already know" she said. Alice stood up, and I did right after her. The guy walked over to me and looked me over, eyes stopping at my neck. "Hold still a sec" he said, lifting my chin slightly and whiping it off with somthing from the first aid kit. "How did this happen" he said, not looking at me, focausing on the cut. "When they took me, they had a kinfe" I said, not moving. He nodded and placed a bandage on it. "It wasn't that deep, it should heal soon" he said, looking at me again. "Anything else?" he asked. I thought for a moment...The deamon kicked me proubly all the way across the street... I put my hand on my stomach, painn shot up through me. I hadn't felt anything before, proubly shock. "Yeah" I said, grinding my teeth and slightly pulled the bottom of my shirt up so I could see my stomach. There was already a ugly black bruse on my stomach. It looked gross, all black and purple all across it. I heard someone ghasp slightly and I looked up. "Damn.." Alice muttered. The guy touched my left hip, where the brusing was the worse. God, did it hurt. I clenched my hand into a tight fist to stop myself from moving. "I have to see if anythings' broken" he said quitely, and pressed down on the bruise. I winced but held my ground. He strightened up slowly, "Its only cracked, we can't do much about that, but you should keep ice on it" he said. I pulled my shirt back down slowly and un clenched my fists. The guy, I still don't know his name, reached into he kit, I knew he was going to give me somthing for pain or somthing like that. "I kinda already have somthing for pain" I said. He stopped and looked at me confussed. I touched the back of my head reflectivly, "Lets just say this isn't my first runin" I said, hiding my smirk.

Demetri came into the room then, and went stright to me. "Everyone was already tracking the deamons, but..." he looked at Alice. "Yes,Yes, I am the hero" she said grinning. Demetri would have glared, but he looked back at me. "Your okay now" he sighed, lightly touching my wrist. "Oh um hey, I have an awesome idea." Alice said, we all turned to her. "I was thinking, maby Char here could go to school. She would be more protected, and I doubt she knows anything about our world" she said, smiling. "Hey, Im even offering up my room, Im like the only one in the whole school without a room mate" she said. "No" Demetri said instantly. "Why?" me and Alice both said at the same time. He didn't seem to have an anwser. "I want to" I said, trying to sound pleading. He stood there thinking for what seemes like endless minuinits. "Fine" he said finally. "But" he said, looking at Alice. "She stays in your room, and you stay with her when your not in classes". Alice and me grinned at eachother. I know I just met her, but she seemed like my best firend already. "And Alice, please don't get her killed" he said turning back to her. Alice grinned and stepped over to me, putting an arm around me. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to her" she said. Demetri shook his head, "Can I talk to you a min Char?" he said pointedly. The others left the room quitly. "Are you okay?" he asked when they left. "Yeah, fine" I said, not mentioning the cracked hip. "Good. And you don't have to stay here, if you do, don't let Alice get you in trouble" he said, placing an arm around my hip. Damnit... I jumpped up as soon as his hand touched me. I stepped back, clearly confussed. "What?" he asked. Well... I might as well say it before someone else tells him. "Okay, maby not all that fine. I kinda got kicked across a street" I mumbled, tugging the bottom of my shirt up, so you could just see the brusing. Demetris hand came twords my hip, slowly. I tugged my shirt back down. "Its fine" I said quickly. His hand dropped. "This will never happen again" he sighed. If he was trying to convince himself, or me I wasn't sure. "I can see your tired, you can stay here. We can bring your things in tomarrow" he said. He took a step twords me, lifted my chin, and kissed me. It was quick and short. "See you tomarrow" he said, and left. This is all just so wrong. Im fricken 14 hes 18. Like, a 4 year diffrence dosn't seem like much. But I would be in 8thgrade, and he would me graduating. But later on, 20 and 24 isnt a big diffrence.

Alice came through the door right after he left. "Okay, so your staying. Ill let you barrow some of my clothes for now, and don't worry as long as your with me, nouthing will be boring" she said, and we walked out into the hall. "Im sure they're setting up you scedual already, our rooms on the third floor, room 24. Tomarrows Sunday, so I can show you around then, and you can meet some people" she said, going up the stairs. I had to take them 2 at a time to keep up. I wasn't all that worried about meeting people, just more about memorizing the whole place. "Where can I get my own cell?" I asked. That was random, I admit it. But if I got lost in the school, or got kidnapped like now, I would need a phone. She looked at me skeptically. "Oh come on. Its not like I could call anyone for that reason. What would I tell them? 'Oh hey, I got kidnapped my werewolves, I have no clue where I am.' Im not that crazy." I rolled my eyes. She shrugged, "Not in the school" I heard the hint in her voice. I can wait till then. She opened the door, I was guessing to her room. It was mostly neat, suprisingly. Then again, she proubly didn't spend much time in her room. The walls were a light blue, 2 beds on eaither side of the room. One was neat, purple blankes and red pillows on it. The other had crumbled sheets, with magizenies thron on it. I looked at the clock that was on the white dresser, it was 2:30 in the morning. God was I tired. Alice threw a holister shirt and shorts at me. I caught them before they hit the floor. "They'll be big on you, but its the smallest I got" she said, geasturing twords a door, I assumed to be a bathroom. I went into it, it was a bathroom. I closed the door behind me and went to the sink and splashed water on my face. Bending down hurt from where I got kicked and I winced. I looked around, the bathroom had white walls, tan tile floor, standing shower, and a mirror above the sink. I changed quickly, carful about my stomach, and went out. "Just throw your clothes by your bed" Alice said, not turning around from her stero. The song was Moves like Jagger, by Maroon 5. I threw my clothes to the side of my bed, I personally thought Adam LaVine was hot. "Cerfew was at 11, but I dont think it counts now, since its morning" she said, pushing the magizenes off her bed. She sat down and pulled her laptop onto her lap. She opened it up and looked at me. "What did you mean when you said 'it wasnt your first runin'? what happened before?" she asked, hesitantaily. "Oh, eh well, Demetri and I were going through the woods, the trees were getting thicker, so I didn't want to go further. Then the deamon jumpped out flung Demetri into a tree..." I continued, laughing slightly at the fact Demetri getting beaten by a tree. "I was wishing for it to fell of of the pain I ever had, and I guess, it did. It fell down, screaming. Until Demetri killed it" I said, noticing how much I said 'it'. I shivered slightly from the memory. Alice thought a moment, "So your saying, you used persuation" she said finally. "But, you cant do that to deamons...." Alice looked truly trubled. She looked back at me, "How did you end up walking, I thought they took you in a car?" she asked. "Same thing there, it was just an idea that popped into my head, that the car would break down, and it did" I said, no I was confussed. You can not use persuation on inatimate objects...could you?

Maby I could test out the thoery.... I focosed on the clock, willing it to jump to 6:00 pm. It jumpped to 6pm. Alice sat, qawking at me. "How the fuck did you do that?" she asked, clearly suprised. I smiled. "I wanted it to jump to the time, I willed it to" I explained. Alice shook her head and grinned, "Your such a freak, change it back, and try somthing else" I changed the time back, and a thought came to mind. If I could make a car stop, wasn't that moving somthing inside the car? I looked at Alice, and pictured her floating. It took only about 30 seconds, then Alice was floating. She let out a suprised ghasp, then started laughing. She rolled through the air, and I started laughing. I was so happy to find out why the strange things hap happened, now I knew how awsome I was. When I started laughing, Alice fell, on me. She rolled off me and me and her were sitting on the bed. "What does it feel like?" Alice asked. "It feels, like nouthing really. Its not hard, I just have to really think about it. But, when I was like, really happy I made you float, I lost it. Maby any big emotion keeps it blocked off" that would explain alot, since I alyways wanted somthing to happen, but usally in to much emotion. Alice thought a min. "Just don't tell anyone yet." she said, looking serouis. I under stood her meaning. People would be asking questions, and other things. I nodded, again tired. "Lets go to sleep" Alice said, going to her bed. I noticed she had changed into shorts and a black tank top. I went to sleep when the light was off.

I woke up to Alice shaking me. "Hey, wake up" she said. I opened my eyes slowly. "What?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "Its 2:00pm, and you got a letter" she said, handing me a folded peice of paper. I opened it.
I didn't want to wake you or Alice up, all of your things have been brought to the school. Alice has your meds, please take them. I'm going to Georgia for a month, all offical bussinss. If I were you, I wouldn't listen to Alice much. She has a record, don't let her get you in trouble. I really do care for you, so please, stay safe.
Sincerly, Demetri (ps. Alice woke up, and talked to me about you dating. I don't like the idea much, but you can, since you'll be there for a while if you decide to stay)

I folded it back up. "Thanks Alice" I said, happy I could actually date people. Demetri was nice, but he wasn't Ryan, he was more like a good firend. "No prob, now get dressed or no tour for you" she said, I noticed she was already dressed. Black skinny jeans, and a black and white off the shoulder. I left the letter on my bed, and got my clothes. I took a quick shower, and dried my hair after I got dressed. I learned I could somehow use air to dry my hair. It only took a second, and a second more to strighten it. I come out, thre my clothes where the ones from the other night where. I wore regular skinny jeans, and a red and black striped shirt. It was long-sleeved, so I didn't need a jacket. Alice was sitting on her bed, looking bord. "Hey, how did your hair..." she trailed off, then figured it out. She smirked at me. "Lets go shorty" she said, and we walked out the door.

We walked around the school, I tried to rember most of it. "You'll proubly have chorous, power control, tech, history, and standered fighting, that is privite though, just you" she said as we walked. She pointed out the tech room, history room, power control, her advanced fighting, math, and science. The last room we came to was the chourous room. Someone was comming out of the room, he had light brown flippy hair, and proubly about 6 "3. His eyes lingered on me for a bit. "Whos this?" he asked Alice. Alice sighed, as if she didn't really have time. "Charolette, Domnink" she said, geasturing to us when she said our names. "Don't get any ideas" she growled. He shrugged of her remark, and spoke to me. "Just call me Nick. Maby I'll see you around" he said, and waved as he left. I watched his back as he walked away. "Come on, let go meet some actual people. Dont go near him" she said, pulling me after her.

We walked throught some more halls, then finally outside. There was a fountain, and about 10 people were around it, talking. "Party has arrived" Alice announced. Some waved, others laughed. We walked up to them, me standing slightly behind Alice. "You all know her, so you just say your name" she said, talking to the group. Then all shouted out there names, I figured out about 5. "Don't worry, you'll figure out their names later" Alice whispered to me. She went to talk to a couple people, leaving me alone. Luckily, instead of standing alone akwardly, someone came up to me. She looked to be about 16, brown stright hair, with a purple streak in it. "Hey, Im Sam" she said, sticking out her hand. I shook it. "I guess you know who I am"

"I do" she said, smiling warmly. "Im a royal, like you. Godzvick family" that explained why she was talking to me... "Yeah, Im still confussed on that part with my self" I said and we let go of eatchothers hand. "Don't worry, you'll figure it out" she said, still smiling. "Lets get some lunch" she said, and called over to Alice. She came over, looking a bit annoyed. "Yeah?" she asked. "Lets get some lunch, I doubt you thought of getting any on your way here. Besides, Lena looks like she hasn't eaten for a while shes so skinny" She saw my confussed look at the name "Lena (LEE-NA) Like, your name is Charolette, turns into Lessa, sounds like Lena, and your Leen" she tried to make it work, I guess it kinda did. "Yeah, yeah Sammie, let just go get lunch" Alice said, and we went to the lunch room.

It was huge, like 2 x the size of a regular one. We went through the line, Sam got chicken nuggets, so did Alice. I got a sub. Alice got about 15 chicken nuggets, I was guessing it was because she would burn it all up from fighting and running, since she was going to be a protector. Sam got 7. "Thats all your ganna get Lena? Your need to eat more" Sam said as we sat down. "Yeah, I don't eat much." I mumbled. She just shook her head and we started eating. I was about half way through when there was a tap at my shoulder. I turned around, it was that guy Dominick. "Hey, Guidance wants you, to set up your scedual" he said, glimpsing at Alice. "I'll take her" She said instantly, and a little hashly at Nick."They asked me to, and Im going to" he said annoyed. "Wll I'm susposed to be with her" she said, standing up. "Too bad, they asked me to" he said angirly. They were both glaring daggers at eatchother. "You stay Al, I'll go with Nick" I said, before they started killing eatchother. Alice stood, still glaring at Nick, then she glanced at me. Seeing I was serious, she sat down defeated, and refused to look at me or Nick."Now that thats settled.." Nick said, running his hand through his hair. He held his hand out to me. I took it, then let go and dumpped my tray.

Neither of us said anything 'till we were out of the lunch room. "So, Alice drive you insane yet?" he joked half heartdly. "She dosn't seem that bad" I said quickly. "You just met her, I can't belive they said she was the one to watch you" he snorted. He was getting me mad, "Well I can, shes the one who got me" I said hotly. He shrugged,dropping the subject. "So all thats true, kidnapped from home, marry a random dude, kidnapped again, now your here" he said, looking stright ahead. I stayed silent. "No way in hell I'll marry him" I sighed. Nick laughed. "Good for you, your like, 14, and I think I herd he was 18. Kinda a big age diffrence there" he said, anger hidden beneith his words. "19" I muttered. "Thats just plain wrong" he growled angerly. I looked him over, what was he? I was guessing 16. "How old are you?" I asked, just wondering outloud. He slowed his pace a bit, and looked at me. "15, and I was right about yours?" I nodded. We finally arrived at the guidance office.

All I needed to do was pick classes, I choose all the ones Alice said I would need to take, and art. When we were done, I had a new sceadual and we left. "Hey, wanna walk around a bit before house arrest?" he asked. "Can't be house arrest unless your in a house" I said, smirking a little. "This is your home now" he said back. That fimalier pang of home sickness swept over me. He saw my change in mood, and changed the subject. "So you wanna?" he asked again. I nodded, anything to forget the unforgettable.

"Okay, I know this one place, it's like a tree house almost. Its near the back of the school, In the woods" he said, already walking. I gurried to keep up. "And just so you know, Im royal too. Askvic family" he said, once I was by his side. I nodded, I still wasn't sure about all of that stuff. Then I rembered the power control class I was going to have to take. Guess now was as good as any time to ask questions. "Whats that one class, power control?" I asked, having to look up to see his face. He looked down at me. "Royal, werewolves, shifters, whatever you wanna call us, we can control a certain elemeant. Like, Fire, Air, Water, or Earth. Sometimes it can get out of control if you wrn't properly trained. How bout' you, anything catching on fire?" he joked. "Nope, no fires" I said. Not yet, anyway. I could proubly do all those things. "Is it possible to have all?" I asked. "Not that anyone knows of, why?" he seemed skeptical. "Just wondering" I said, not giving away anything.

"Well, we can see when we get out of this prison" you could tell that he kinda did think of it as prison. It was closer than I thought, we walked down a short hall, then took a right, and out a door. We walked in silent untill we reached the beginning of the woods. "I found out the tree house is the only one without camras" he said. We walked through what looked like a rarly used path, then came to the tree house. It was slightly warn, the wood looked too be about 2 years old, it still didn't look too bad. There was a rope ladder hanging down from it, slightly swaying in the wind. It was proubly 30 feet high in the tree, and was the size of a small living room proubly. Nick geastured me forward, "You first". I looked up and gave him a hestaint look. "Its fine, I always go up there, and if you fall, I can break your fall" He said grinning. I shook my head and started climbing up. It felt unsteady beneith my feet, and I waited for it to stop before I continued. Then a thought came to mind. Maby I could make it stop moving. Maby I could focous more gravity on it, so the ends would strighten to the earth. I calmed, and imagined it. It worked, kinda. It did stop moving mostly, only swaying once or twice. I knew Nick was right behind me, but I wasn't sure if he noticed. When I finally reached the top, I climbed into the tree house and pulled Nick in after me. "See not that bad" he said, looking out. " Yeah" I sighed, leaning aginest one of the walls.

I hadn't relized how nervous I was. Not about climbing, but just being up here. "What are you?" I asked, the first question that popped into my head. "Hu?" he tilted his head, confussed. "You know, eleament" I explained. "Oh well Im..." he ran his hand through his hair, and a tree branch came in through the door, quickly, and it wrapped around my ancle. "Dont..." I warned him. He cocked a grin and the tree pulled, and i was hanging upside down. I let out a squeek of suprise and fought to get loose, then gave up. "Earth, Im guessing?" I said. "How'd you guess?" he smirked wider. "Put me down" I grumbled, trying to reach my ancle. The tree slowly set me down, and I was sitting on the floor. The tree receded. "You try" he said, sitting across from me. I layed back and closed my eyes. I scearched for a tree. I could feel the trees live, almost like a purple glow. I encourged it to move into the tree house. I opened my eyes, a vine was weaving around Nick's wrists, and I pulled. He swong in the air, looking a bit suprised.

I laughed. He didn't know half of it. "Ok, now put me down" he said, trying to sound annoyed, but he was smiling. I let the vine leave, and Nick dropped to the floor. "Thats basic stuff, watch this" he said. The whole tree house shook, and the tree it was on shot up. I half screamed, half laughed as we went up. It was like a rocket. Then it went back down, just as quickly as it wnet up, and back to the same hight is was. I doubted I could do that, when I was getting the vine to come it, the trees didn't seem like they liked me very much. "Oh yeah?" I asked, and focoused on the air around him. I focoused on the molocules, and made them slow.They stopped, and Nick looked freezing. I let them go, they didn't want me ask much eaither. "Did you just..." he looked to be in utter shock. "Yup" I said smiling. I stood up, and took a leaf from the tree. I figured if I could make somthing cold, I could make somthing really hot. I made the molocules in the leaf quicken.

The leaf burst into a small flame. Nick's mouth was hanging open, unable to speek. I don't know why, but I enjoyed suprising him. He didn't seem like the kind to be suprised very ofter. Heat didn't seem to like me much eaither. It seemed to push me away after a minute. The leaf fall in ashes. I tried water. The water welcomed me, pulling me in. I could feel the water in everything. The tree, the wood, our skin. I pulled the water from the tree house. I made it come to the floor, and onto Nick's boot. Then, I made it shoot up, and twirl in the air. Then. finally I let it go back, it seemed almost sad to leave. That took alot out of me, I noticed when I stopped. I slumpped down to the floor, the head ache comming. "How did you do that?" Nick ghasped. I shrugged. "Just felt it, and willed it. They all pushed me away, not water though" I sighed, tired. "Just don't tell anyone" I added. He was silent a moment. "Don't worry, I wont. But there should be no why your able to do all that" he said. I nodded my thanks, and put my head between my knees. "You okay?" he asked, concerned.

"Headache" I groaned. "Well lets go" he said, holding his hand out to me. I took it and stood up, winching as the head ache intenceafied. Nick looked at me worried. "Can you make it down?" he asked. I nodded, not wanting to sound weak. "I'll go first" he said, and started climbing down. I slowly made it after him. I was about half way down when the head ache got even worse, and I tumbled through the air.

I couldn't even think, it was so bad. Almost as bad as the first time. I heard Nick call out my name, and a vine wrapped around my waist. I was about 10 feet in the air. I clutched my head, not caring where I was. Nick was calling my name, and the vine dropped me, and I landed in his arms. "What happened?" he asked, setting me down. "Damnit" I muttered, not answering. He took out his phone and called someone. "Alice?" he said quickly. Great, now she'll know I didn't listen to her. He talked for a minuit, then hung up. He kneeled next to me. "Alice told me, and shes comming, she is pissed though" he said quickly. I nodded and clenched my eyes shut. My head was pounding, hard. It seemed like forever before Alice arrived. "Im going to fucking kill you Askvic" Alice growled. She took my hand and put the pills in my hand. I swallowed them quickly.

Alice was yelling at Nick now, and he was yelling back. "You didn't tell me you were ganna bring her here! I need to know these things, you don't even know her, damnit!" She yelled. "Sorry for taking her away from house arrest" he said sarcasticly. "I asked her if she wanted to, and she said yes" he continued. Alice whirlled twords me, who was now standing. "I told you! Why didn't you listen? If you end up getting hurt, I'll feel guilty, and Demetri is going to kill me" she yeled, not as loudly as before. Now I felt guilty. "Im sorry...I just..." I didn't know why I did it.

"Thats right, you dont think. Hell, you don't even know him!" She huffed. I cringed back a little from how loud she yelled. "It was my idea, so shut you fucking mouth. She just got here, and she was brought into all of this aginst her will, at least let her have some fun" Nick was angry, I could tell by how harshly he spoke his words. Alice's fist swong around, and I saw it before he did, I jumpped twords them and grabbed Alice's arm. "Dont" I pleaded. She could easily shake me off, but she didn't. Her arm fell to her side as she looked at me. She could proubly see how much I didn't want anything to happen, and that I cared for both of them.

She turned away abrutly and stormed off. "If you get killed, Im blaming Askvic" She called back before being blocked from our view. I sunk to the ground and sighed. So many thoughts. The usual, about family and firends, then who is my firend, what am I, why did I do that? "You okay?" Nick asked, sitting next to me. "No, everything is wrong, Im so confussed" I groaned. He hesitantly put an arm around me. "Don't worry, you'll figure it all out. I'll be there to help" he whispered. Silent tears ran down my cheeks. If only he could help me. "Its okay, don't worry about Alice, she just cares about you. I do too" he said, trying to comfert me. He whiped the tears off my face. His finger was warm on my skin. "Thank you" I croaked out. He pulled me into his lap and I burried my face in his chest. He smelled like the woods, and soap. His hand slid through my hair, soothing me.

We sat like that for a while, until his hand stopped and his breathing slowed, falling asleep. I soon fallowed after him. When I woke up, I felt someones gaze on me. I relized I was laying down with Nick still, my head on his chest. I looked up and saw him looking at me. His eyes were filled sorrow? Synpothy? The first couldn't be ture. I quickly jumpped away, his hand falling from my back. I was blushing now. I think he was too kinda. It almost felt weird that it wasn't Demetri, but somehow it felt more right. I quickly looked around, it was still light out. Nick looked away akwardly and had a hand through his hair. "Eh, we better get going, Alice is proubly cooled down by now" he said standing up, and holding a hand out for me. I took it and he pulled me up. "Thanks" I mumbled, still blushing. I could feel the heat in my face.

He held my hand for a second longer then he had to, then let go. "You'll be okay right?" he asked, uncertainly. "I'll be fine" I said, running my hand through my hair to fix it. We started walking. "Well, if you ever want to break out of house arrest, you can come and find me. If not, then Im still breaking you out" he said with a grin. I smiled back at him. "Will do". We walked, talking lightly about the school, and I had Chours, history, and power control with him. He suggested that I play along as a water user. I agreed with that, I wasn't feeling to good with the others yet.

Finally we came to the hall for the dorms. It was getting dark down, neither of us were hungry. "I'll see you tomarrow" he said finally. "Yeah, see yeah" I said, opening the door. He waved as he walked away. I quickly went into the room, Alice was laying on her bed, looking bord and looking at the cealling.

"'Bout time you come back" Alice grumbles, still looking at the cealing. "Does he know about you doing all that stuff, you know, maving things with your mind?" she askes, seeming still a little angry. ", yes?" I say uncomfterbly. Im not sure how she'll react, and Im not even sure why I did it. Alice sat up, quickly. "Why would you do that? Are you sure you can trust him?" Alice says urgently. She looks mad yes, but she also looks worried. "Yes, I can trust him. He wont tell" I say, avoiding the first question. Alice seems to calm down slightly. "Your sure?" she asks warrily. "Yes" I say, positive he won't. Alice slumps back aginst her head bord on her bed. "You need to stay away from him. I don't like him, and I dont trust him. You might, I dont" she said, narrowing her eyes at me. I didn't know what happened between those two, but right now, it didn't matter what she thought.

"Well, hes not going to tell, and Im not just going to stay away from him. Hes nice, and pratically the only real firend I have right now." I snapped, angry. Alice stood up, fuming. "What about Sam? She already likes you, your her firend. What about me?" she asked, seeming a little hurt at the last question. "I only talked to Sam for 5 mins, and you are my firend, you'll always be my firend" I say, getting quiter. Alice is silent for a moment. "Just please be carful" Alice says at last. I smile a little, "Always am" I say. I smiles, "Not today, aperently" she snorts. Then, suddenly rembering somthing Alice pulls a cell out of her pocket, then tosses it at me. "Its all yours" she says. I catch it and look at it for a second. Its dark purple, a slide phone. "Thanks" I said, smiling full-on now. "No prob, now go change and let go to bed" she sayd, yawning. She must have been doing alot today, for her to be tired. I put my cell on my dresser, and go change. When I come back out, Im wearing my silky black bottoms that have dark purple hearts on them, and a purple top. No sleeves.

Alice already shut the lights off, and is in bed. I go in my bed, and stare at the dark celing. "I don't mean to be rude, but whats up with your wrists?" Alice asks, sounding casual. I sigh and absently trace the marks there. I think about telling her. he dosn't seem like she would flip out like Demetri. "Just happens, too much emotion, and the pain is stronger than that" I say quitly. "Don't the marks bother you?" she asks. I think about it. Do they? The marks of rembering... "Yeah, kinda" I say, stil quite. I hear Alice get up, and the lights come on. "Then make them go away" she says as I sit up. I give her a puzzled look. "You can do almost anything, so why not make them go away?" she says, as if it explaind everything. "Can I?" I ask. She shruggs, "Why not try?".

I look at the marks on my wrist, and foucus on my skin, and make the skin reagange itself, or just go away. It hurts, feeling my skin move away. I keep doing it, thn move on to my other wrist, then the scars from the past, that wern't from me. It works, but I feel drained and sore. Alice stands near the light switch still, but her eyes are slightly widened. "You did it" she says in awe. I look at my arms, no marks, but my skin is all red now, like a sun burn. "Are you okay?" Alice asks, snapping out of her daze and comming over to me. "I just...feel tired, and sore now" I say unevenly. "Well, don't do it again any time soon. Go to bed for now" she said, and flicked off the light. I layed back down, and instantly fell asleep.

I dream Im with Nick. For the first time in a long time, its not a nightmare. Not in the begining, anyway. We're in the treehouse, hes holding my hand. Hes trying to show me new thing I can do with earth. We're all smiling, then the wind picks up, more and more, the sky goes dark. There is no rain, but theres thunder. The tree sways, we both stand up, wide eyed and panicked. It sways more and more, util its picked up in the air, spinning, and Nick is ripped from my hand, and about to fly out the door. "NO!" I scream, reaching for him. I grab his hand, trying to pull him back in. Alice is right behind me, telling me to let go or I'll be pulled in too, Nick is saying the same thing. Then, the wind whispers : "Love one, loose the other, love none, loose both, love both, loose yourself" I don't understand anything, Im not listening to anyone, just pulling in Nick. Then I wake up as my hands start to slip...

I sit up, ghasping. Its 8:03 am. Alice is sitting up in her bed, looking confussed. She quickly looks at me. "Did you..." she asks, uncertainly. I nod. "Do not tell anyone" Alice says, quickly. I nod again. "Don't worry, its just a dream" Alice says, trying to get rid of my uneasiness. Me and her both no it wasn't just a dream. "Love one, loose the other, love none, loose both, love both, loose yourself" I whisper. Alice looks at me conufsed. "Didn't you hear it? In the dream, I herd it" I explain. Alice shakes her head, "I didn't hear anything like that"

Me and her both push it to the side, and get dressed. But both of us will keep rembering, trying to make sense. Im wearing dark blue skinny jeans, and over the shoulder red shirt, with the belt on it. Alice has light blue stright-cut jeans, and a V-neck purple aro shirt. Im almost jelous, thinking she can alwawys look better that me. I have converse shoes, that I had gotten 2 months ago. We head out, going diffrent ways. First I have history, then art, power control, then chours, then basic fighting.

As I walk into the history room, I see there is 10 people in it so far. The teacher, later I learn her name is Mrs. Gonda, tells me where to sit, and gives me a text book and a couple papers. Nick is in the back, and smiles when he sees me, encourgly. Then before I can say anything, everyone has to sit down and shut up. I feel everyones gazes on me, and I look down, letting my hair create a curtin from them as I look at the book. I find more about the royal families, who started them , the first royal families, where they are located, and more about my own royal family. "The Belka family was belived to gone extinted, but we have proof that it is not true. Charolette Salia Belka, the last Belka" Mrs. Gonda says. I stay where I am, not moving under everyones suprised glances."How do they know shes actualy a Belka? Before they said a rivle clan killed the last two" someone piped up. It was a guy with brown spiky hair. "That is a good question Mike, Charolette, why don't you tell everyone?" the teacher asked. Nick answered before I could panick. "Some people have always known, just kept it secret. Char didn't even know until last week" he said, causlly. "Thank you Nick, but I do belive I didn't ask you" Mrs Gonda says, not too hapy about him answering for me.

We moved on to somthing else after that, then we all left to go to the next class. Nick was waiting for me. "Thank you" I said as we started walking. "No thanks needed. She had no right to ask you" he said. "Where you going next?" he asked, changing the subject back to me. "art" I said, and he wrinkled his nose. I don;t know how, but it made him look cuter. "I cant draw to save my life" he said. I smiled at him, "Well I can"

We both split up, and I went into the art room. I knew no one in there. Eveyone was roaming around freely, chatting, guys gitting on girls. "Charolette" the teacher, Mr.Walker called me over. "Right now, were just free styling. Every Monday is, so you can just draw, pain, whatever. I would like to see somthing from you today, to see what levle your at" he said. I nodded my thanks, and went to draw. A couple people looked at me, and my heart was beating wildly, nervous. I sat down, away from everyone else. I drew a swirling flower, drops of dew on it. It was black and dark red. The flower balck, the swirls red. Some guy sat across from me now, looking at my paper as I drew. "Hey, thats good. Maby you can teach me how to draw sometime, I suck" he said, smirking at me. He was all cocky. "Maby, proubly not" I said, looking back down at my paper. "Why not? I wouldn't mind privte lessons" he said, leaning closer. I ignord him, and pressed the pencil harder on the paper. "In fact, I think I could skip the drawing part too" he whispered. "I wouldn't bother trying" I said, not looking at him. The table was suddenly too small, he was only a few inches from me.

"Oh, I don't need to try" he said, grabbing my hand. A hand landed on the guys shoulder, andpulled him back. "Why dont you leave her alone Chico

? She don't want you, and I dont think anyone does, you just a perdedor que nadie quiere

" it was a girl, short brown hair, aurburn highlights. "Just messing around, Suzana. And don't act like you dont want this" he said, geasturing to himself, but left. Suzana sat next to me. "Hola Chica, nice picture. Your already better than evetyone in the class. Just ignore Brent over there, hes just a perdedor que nadie quiere

a looser that nobody wants. As you already herd him say, my name is Suzana, call me Anna" she said. She just spoke freely, as if nouthing has ever happened to her. I already liked her. "Yeah, thanks for getting rid of him" I said, smiling at her. "no hay problema

, Im just a regular hero of the day" she said as the bell rang, and everyone got up and started leaving. "See ya around Chica

" Anna said, and left with everyone else. I quickly got up, and gave the drawing to Mr. Walker and left before he could say anything.

Power control, my main control. As I said to Nick, Im sticking to only water here. Nick was there, leaning aginst a wall causauly. He waved me over when he saw me. "Water only" I said, before he could tell me. "Im not a stupid little kid" I said grumply. "Just making sure you rembered. So how was art?" he asked. "Fine" I said curtly. I didn't want to talk about that right now. He nodded, but I had a feeling he was going to ask me again later. The class was called to attion. Mr. Evens, was the teachers name. "Everyone, that is Charolette Belka. Do not bombraid her with questions" he said, geasturing to me. "Ms. Belka, would you like to tell us what eleament power you have?" he said, making it sound more like a demand. "Water" I said, making my voice stay even. "Ah yes, water. More like liquid though, since you can control more than just water. No a very usful element, but it seems to suit you" he says. Akward... "Can you demenstrate?" he asked, geasturing to the cup of water on his desk. I shrug, and fine the water, again welcoming me. I make the water swirl in the cup, making a water tornado, then stop. "Good, now can anyone show me fire? This time, make sure you don't burn down the school" he said, grumbling the last part. 4 guys and 3 girls offer to demonstarte, he picks a guy, named Marcus.

He set a paper on fire, a paper that is right next to me. And so help me...he burns letters into the paper. It says, Hey babe

. Nick looks at me, he looks mad. A vine comes through the window and wraps around Marcus, and making him fall to the floor. Everyone starts laughing, Nick smiles triumphtly, and the vine reseades. "You shouldn't have done that" I mumble. "Hey, he cant get off with murder. Tecnicly, he just murdered a paper, not paying attion to what is on the paper" he said. Mr. Evens is fuming now. "Everyone shut up. Marcus, get up. And whoever did that, if I find out you will be staying after with me for the next month" he hisses. Everyone shuts up, and Marcus stands up. But then the cup of water explodes, and it wasn't me. Everyone looks at me. "Who just did that?" Mr. Evens yells. No one answers, and his eyes fall on me. "Ms. Belka, nothing like that is toleratable here, and I sugest you do not do that again. "I didn't do it" I snap. "Im pretty sure you did. Every student knows that I do not like anything that is not ordly, and would not take stupid risks like that." he says. "Yeah, well I didn't do it, maby you should be pointing fingers a someone else" I snap back. Nick slowly steps closer to me. "Get out of this room" Mr.Evens growls. "I don't think I have to, since I didn-" Wind shoots at me, and I almost fly backwards, but Nick grabs my arm to stop me. "Hes an air user" Nick whispers, steading me. "Mr evens, it couldn't have been Charolette, because she just found out who and what she was only last week. She dosn't have the capibility to do that" Nick says, voice tight. I would have taken offence to this, but he knew I could do much more than that.
Mr. Evens is still mad, but he turns and takes a phone into the hall. I sigh in relief, and lean aginst the wall. "That wasn't me" I said, glancing at Nick. "I know" he says, taking my hand, to reassure me. Mr. Evens comes back in, just as the bell rings. Everyone pratically runs out of the room, including me and Nick. We hurried away from the room, until we couldn't see it anymore. "Seems alot of people don't see to like me" I gurmbled. "Yeah, but alot of people like you too" Nick said, smiling. The chours room is close, and I can hear a piano inside. Me and Nick go in, where proubly about 30 people are, all talking happily. Sam runs up to me and hugs me. "Hey! You in here, thats good" she says, stepping back. "Yeah" I said, smiling for her sake. Mrs Deete clapped, getting everyones attion. "Grab the packet, and well start singing" she said, pointing at a pile of papers.
The class was the most normal one I had all day. Everyone smiled at me, few gave cirous glances. It lasted for two hours. I found out I was saprano, and that Nick was baratone. I walked out of the room with Nick next to me, Sam yelling out good byes. "I think that was the best class yet" I commented, looking back as everyone left. "It'll be better tomarrow" Nick said reassuring. I shrugged, doubting it. "Im hungry, and I think you are too, when was the last time you ate?" he asked. "Yesterday, when you came and got me" I say. "You need to eat more, your too skinny" he teases, poking me in the stomach.
I laughed and we contiinued walking to the lunch room. When we got there and got our food, Alice and a couple other people joined us. "So how was everything?" Alice said, nudging me, still eyeing Nick at the same time. "Fine" I said, taking a bite of my sandwich. "Good, 'cuz if anyone messes with you, I'll kick their ass" She said, smirking. Nick rolled his eyes, and I shook my head, hiding a smile.
After we ate, I had to go to basic fighting, Nick was allowed to wait for me since he didn't have anywhere to go, Alice had advanced protector fighting classes. I shivered at what she was learning to do, proubly staking Demons in the head. We were in the gym, or what ostly looked like a gym, more like a dojo. Nick was leaning aginst a wall, looking slightly bord. The teacher (if you call her that) name's Jen, nouthing formal. "You know anything about doging, blocking, and stuff like that?" she asked. "Yeah, I guess" I shrugged. I thought back to fighting with Demetri, I was doing good then, but that was just avrage human basicly, I was have to be faster for a demon if I ever had to protect myself. Now I relize how bad Demetri is at fighting.
"Well lets see how much, 'I guess' is" she said, taking a fighting stanced. I copyed her. She made the move, kicking out at my feet. I jumpped backwards, stumbling a little. (I was still tired for healing my scars last night). She kept comming at me, and I made sure not to get into a corner or backed up to a wall. Only about a min. later, she had me tripped, and I fell on my back. "Your about at a 6th grade level, I would say. Still good, concidering this your your first offical class" she said, pulling me up. I was slightly offended at the grade level. I looked over at Nick, rembering he was there, he was smirking. I waved him off.
Jen showed me a few new blocks I didn't know, and told me some tips. "I saw you trying not to get too close to a wall. Thats good, you never want to be cornered" she said, smiling. I smiled back, but where and how I had learned that is nouthing to smile about. "Nick, why don't you show her. Just don't kil eachother" Jen said, smiling and backing up slightly as Nick came off the wall. "Fine by me" Nick said, smiling. "Bring it" I said, smirking. We started off easy, me trying to block him. My hip and stomach didn't hurt today, proubly some fast healing wolf thing.
Nick managed to get me a couple times. It ended when he grabbed my arm and pushed me to the floor. Well, close to push. My blong hair was wavy/curly today, and it was in my eyes. I blew it back. Nick still had my hands pinned. I could tell he was keeping most of his weight off me, again, slightly offended. "I give, not get off" I said, trying to push him off me. "Try to get me off" he said, grinning. I tryed to use some of my power, whatever its called. It didn't work. Maby I was too drained, of because my heart was going crazy from Nick being close to me.
I tried to wiggle out from under him. "Your too fat" I joked, giving up. "Well, I bet a demon would be bigger than me, why would you do then?" he asked, not getting off. I shrugged, the best I could. "Proubly die. Since I have no clue what to do" I said. Jen stepped in now. "Look at how your hands are, soo if you can use it to your advantage" she advised. I looked at my hands, that were now abovve my head. Like we were holding hands almost, but of course, his were pinning mine down. I could push them, or try pulling him so I could kick. I decided to try the kicking part. I pulled my hands up further, and he shifted, freeing my legs. I kneed him in the stomach and pushed him off me. He rolled off and we both jumpped up. "See? You just have to think about all the details" Jen said, clapping her hands together, just like my mother used to do...My smiled dropped slightly as I drifted to thought.
Nick cleared his throut, now seeming slightly uncomfterable. Jen didn't seem affected mby my drop in mood. "Same time tomarrow, and bring a change of clothes that work better to move in" she said. We left, and Nick hesitantly put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. "You okay?" he asked, concerned. "Im fine" I snapped. He didn't need to know my business.
Nick looked confussed by my anger. I was confussed by it too. "Sorry" I mumbled, looking at my hands. I was twisting the charm braclete I had on. "Its fine" he said reasurring. We started walking, but somthing was still nagging at me, and I didn't know what it was. Alice met us, and Nick left. "Everything okay" Alice said, looking at me. "Yeah, fine" I said, fidgiting with the bracelete again. Alice took a second to see if I really was. Eaither she thought I was fine, or she knew even I didn;t know.
"Lets go have some fun" she said, seeming to decide somthing. "What kind of fun?" I asked warrily. If I knew anything about Alice, it was that you could never know what she was doing. "Oh dont get that look, trust me, its gonna be fun" she said, smiling mischiviusly. I could only hope it wasnt somthing that would end up getting us all in trouble. Then again, what doea Alice do that dosn't?

Turns out, it was a party at Sam's room, which is bigger than most. A lot of people were already there, everyone dancing or drinking. "See? Fun. Plus, it'll help you get to know more people" Alice said, leading through a group of people. We stopped when we came up to Sam's group. "Hey, you made it! And you arn't the one crashing it this time Al" Sam said happily. "Whats a party with out me?" Alice said laughing. "And Lean is here too! Now, its a party. Lets dance" Sam said, throwing up her hands and moving her hips. Alice and 3 others did the same. Alice bumpped me with her hip, "Come on, dance" she said.

I hesitated for a moment, then started dancing. Swaying my hips, and holding up my hands. Soon, I was laughing and singing along with Alice and Sam. When the song changed, we were breathless. "Im getting drinks" Sam said, moving twords the drinks. "I told you this was going to be fun, and I know half the guys here are staring at you. The other half at me" Alice said, smiling. I looked around. She was right, I saw alot of guys looking at me, and alot at her.

A tap came at my shoulder, I turned around, so did Alice. It was a guy, reddish brown hair and was slightly shaggy, about regular hight, and a good build. "You dance good. Haven't seen you before. Im John" he said, a smile tugging at his lips. Then seeming to see Alice for the first time, "Hey Alice" he said, smile dissapering for a second. "Yeah hey. Now go away, your killing the mood" Alice growled. "Just asking for a name" he said, inocallently. He looked back at me. "Charolette" I said. He smiled wider, "Its great to meet you Charolette" he said, nodding his head slightly. "Char, Sam's back. Lets leave roadkill here" she said, nodding twords John.

"I am not from a road, and Im not dead" John said, faking hurt. Alice rolled her eyes and we went over to Sam. She gave us the cups, I looked in it warrily. "Just punch" she said, drinking it. I drank mine. "You ever drink before?" Alice asked courisly. "Yeah, once" I said, licking my lips. That didn't seem like regular punch. Somthing else. Alice said it first. "Oh god, someone spiked it. That is strong" she said, shaking her head. Everything became a little fuzzier, and the floor seemed to be tilting.

"You got that right" Sam said, grabbing a random person to steady herself. "Okay, we gotta sit down. Char, you look like your gonna fall any minunte" Alice said, and we headed twords the back of the room. The people were scarcer back here, but I was still stumbiling. I stopped for a minunte and held my head. The I looked back up. Alice and Sam were gone. "Damnit" I muttered, shaking my head. I took a step, and fell forward. A hand cauht my arm. He pulled me back to my feet, steading me. It was John. "Strong punch, eh?" he said, smiling.

"Yeah, and Im guessing you did it" I grumbled. "Yes I did. And you look like you should sit down" he said, tugging my arm a little. "Im fine" I said, pulling my arm back. I stumbled back a little, then about to fall backwards. He caught me again. "Yeah, your just fine" he said, pilling me closer to one of the walls. I sat down, leaning aginst the wall. I looked at him as he sat next to me. He actual looked kinda cute. I almost said that outlound, but I kept trying to remind myself that it was the punch.

"Damnit" I muttered, putting my head between my legs. Another headache was comming on. "You okay there?" he asked, a little warrirly. De javu'. "Im fine" I grumbled, pushing his hand away as he put it on my knee. "Sorry if it was a little too stong" he said. I picked up my head as the ache faded and put it aginst the wall. I turned my head and looked at John, he was looking back at me.

I no longer found him cute, just annoying. "Do you know your eyes change colors?" he asked after a moment. "What?" I asked confussed. "Yeah, they were dark blue, now they're light green" he said, tilting he head a little. "Your crazy" I mumbled, looking around for Alice. I doubted I could get up without falling. Alice was there, looking around franticly. She spotted me, then John, and came over. I held out my hand, and she pulled me up. "Stay away from her" Alice growled, her words slightly slurred.

"Hey, I was just helping her not fall, unlike you" he said, standing up. "I dont have time for this" Alice said, wizzing around. "Lets just hope she dosn't end up like your sister" he said, then seeming to quickly regret it. Alice wizzed around, and punched John in the face, breaking her nose. "Shut your fucking mouth" she growled, her words dripping with venom. John fell to the floor, holing his bleeding nose.

Alice grabbed my arm and we left the party. I had to run to keep up with her. When we stopped, we were in front of someones room. Alice bangged on the door. She had let of of my arm when we left Sam's place. Nick opened the door, seeming suprised we were there. "Watch her. I need to go somewhere" Alice said, pushing me towrds him, then quickly leaving. I was still shocked from it all.

"Well I guess you can come it" Nick said after a while, pushing the door open more. There was one bed, a dresser, and a big Tv. There was papers and books strewn around randomly. I stepped in hesitantly. "Its a mess though" he said, closing the door after he stepped in. I looked back at him. He was wearing red plad pajama pants, and no shirt. "Whats wrong with Alice?" he asked finally. I thought for a moment, seeing if I actualy knew. "She got in a fight with some guy, John, then he said somthing about her sister, and she lost it" I said, everything seemed fuzzy now. He was silent for a second. "Do you know John?" Nick asked, filling in the silence. "No, put he spiked the punch" I said, shaking my head. I slid down the wall, and sat down. there wasn't papers and books there. "What happened to her sister?" I asked, tired. Nick didn't say anything, but walked over to a chair and sat down. "What happened?" I asked again.

"She died. She was only 10. Her and Alice were out of school, and Alice got drunk. She didn't mean to, but Jesica kept giving her it. Her sister, Clare, got caught in someones fight, and one of the guys hit her by mistake, and she flew back, and hit her head on a table. It broke her skull." he said, saddly. "Oh my god" I whispered, covering my mouth. No one said anything for a while. I wasn't even thinking, just staring at the floor. "She had a good reason to beat the crap out of him. She proubly just went to cool off, or to got beat the crap out of him some more" Nick said. "Yeah" I said, tiredly. I took my glasses out of my pocket, hoping for some thing to clear up. I put them on, and looked at my hand. I looked closer at it. There was a cresent moon on it. it looked like sharpie that wouldn't come off. Fading, but visible. it was a small cresent moon, with black swirls around it. Then, it was gone.

"She'll be fine" Nick said reassuringly. I looked around his floor. Therre was a book next to me. I couldn't see the title of the book, but it was white and green. I grabbed it, and started reading it. "Fading echos" Nick said. (A.N-Idk if its a real book) I read it for a while, then slowly fell asleep.

NICK'S Point of View

The weight of telling Alice's story was almost unbearable. No doubt Alice was going to be mad at me when she found out. But Charolette was going to find out sooner or later. Charolette. Fron the moment I saw her, everything seemed more bright. She was the brightest. Her hair, her eyes, everything was perfect. Now she is in my room. I watched her read the book. I knew when she came in my room she was at a party, and that she was drunk. She was so lost, and seemed fradgile. But she wasn't fradgile. She was strong, and had been through so much.

I watched as her eyes slowly closed as she fell asleep. Her head leaned back aginst the wall, but there was still that shadow the lingered around her. As she fell more deeple asleep, the shadow disappered. I never knew she had glasses. They fit her perfectly though. I still thought she looked betted witht them off. Her face less hidden than it normaly is by her hair. Her hair was hanging loosly right now.

When the shadow was gone, and I knew she wouldn't wake up, I got up and walked over to her, quitly.I looked at her more closly when I knelt in front of her. Her face open, peaceful. But there was the slightst frown on her face. Then still, she was beautiful.I brushed her hair back from her face, and slowly took her glasses off. I folded them together, and brushed my hand across her face, letting it linger for a moment. I stepped back, just before Alice came in.

She looked back at Charolette, her face softening a moment. "School will be closed tomarrow, and proubly for 2 more weeks. There was a 'tradgic' fire. And I don't think it;ll be repaired any time soon" She said, smiling at her inside job. Alice annoyed the hell out of me, but she was usefull, and cared for Char. "She okay? I didn't know what to do with her, I was just pissed. She dosn't need a babysitter" Alice said, mixed emotions crossing er face. "Shes fine" I said, glancing down at her. She was still sleeping. "Can you carry her back? I don't feel like waking her up" Alice said.

I shrugged, "Sure". "Oh, and if you hurt her, I will beat the shit out of you" Alice said, sweetly. I rolled my eyes, I couldn't hurt Char. I slipped my arm under her knees, and on her back, and picked her up. Her head rested on my chest, and she seemed happier. Or it was me just wishing she would be.

Back to Charolette

I woke up with a start. I wasn't in Nick's room anymore, or was that a dream? I don't think so, since I rember reading the book. I must have fallen asleep. I think about what happened last night. Alice hit John, and I found out she had a sister. "Good, your up" Alice said, comming in through the bathroom, combing her hair. "Yeah, where did you go?" I ask, sitting up.

"Oh, just walked around. Maby caused some parts of the school to burn down. No biggie" Alice said, trying to hide a smile. "Yes, Im sure you had nouthing to do with that" I said, laughing. Then we're in an akward silence, because neither of us want to talk about Clare. We don't have to though, because some guy openes our door.

"Hey Alice, no school for a while,someone toarched the place" he says, smiling. He seemes firendly, but has that cocky air that most guys have. "I know" Alice says, grinning. The guy steps a little further in. "Wait...oh god, you did it?" he says, full out laughing. When the laughing dies down, he becomes more serious. "You hit John last night? Why?" he asks, a little nervous. "That is for me to know, and for you not to know. Now get out" Alice says, some flash buring in her eyes.

"Ok, I don't need to know that baddly. See ya Al, and Char" he says as he shuts the door. I was suprised he noticed me. "Well, bad luck for you. I couldn't really burn the gym, so you still have to go to basic fighting. And worse, well I think it is, the teacher is helping fix the place, and Nick is taking her spot" Alice says as I stand up. "So get dressed, he'll be here in a couple minuntes" she says, throwing clothes at me.

When Im done, Im wearing dark blue sweats that have aroe on the side, and a grey shirt, that has random words on it. Fine by me. As we're walking down the hall, a thought comes to mind. "Hey Alice,didn't you get in trouble for burning down half the school? No offance, but I doubt you did it without anyone seeing" I say thoughtfully.

"Never doubt me. No one saw me, and I was only there for a short minute, a fire user helpped it spread" Alice said, slightly shaking her head. "So you didn't do it alone" I say, figuring it out. "Nope, but I did however get in trouble for punching John. I have to go help move some things around for some royal, and it happens to be the one I can't stand, but he was the one with the fire" Alice adds as an afterthought.

I nodd my head, slightly understanding. We pass a couple people, some glare at Alice, others say hi. Some smile at me, or give me a warry glance. Well, its an upgrade. We arrive at the gym, and Alice has to go help the guy with the fire. I'll find out more about him later.

"Hey" Nick say, waving me over. As I stand in front of him, I see somthing diffrent. I can't quite place it, but somthing is diffrent. "Okay, so I suck at talking, so lets just get outside to run" he says, leading the way. I surpress a groan.

Its chilly outside, but we warm up as we start to run. "The first thing to do if your ever left by yourself, and in danger, is to run. If there is somewhere to escape, you take it" he says as we run. That seems logical. I feel my musculs streach and warm as I run. It feels good. "Second, is to look for a way to stall. If you do, it would add more time for protectors to find you, or for you to think of a plan" he continues.

"Your not so bad at talking" I comment as were almost done. We were running around the school. He shruggs. Im slowing down now, I haven't run alot lately. "Stop a second" he said, comming to a halt. I gladly stop. "I have to do this again tomarrow, and you won't have to run again if you beat me back" he said, making a deal. I though about the odds, they wern't in my favor, but since when did I back downs from a challange?

"Deal" I say, smirking. He counts down from 3 to 1, then says go. I push myself as fast as I can go, which is matching Nicks, almost. hes beating me by only a foot. "Im small, this isn't fair" I call up to him. "Life isn't fair, and neither are demons" he calls back. Hes right about that. I roll my eyes, and try to legenthen my stride.

Im still behind him, but he slows down, trying to make it unnoticable. I catch up to him now, and pull ahead just before were back. I win. "You let me win" I say, breathlessly. "Of course I did, I said life wasn't fair, and neither were demons, and I am neither" he says, catching his breath.

"I think were done today. Lets go get some food" he declares, already heading twords the door. I jog to catch up. I pull out the cell phone Alice gave to to check the time. 3:42 pm. "You got a phone?" Nick says, taping it. "Yeah, Alice just gave me it" I say. He takes it from me, but waves off my protests, and puts him number in the phone. I glance at it quickly, then put it in my pocket.

As we sit down with our food, the dream pops into my head."Love one, loose the other, love none, loose both, love both, loose yourself". I think about its meaning. Who? Nick and Demetri? Who do I love? After only a seconds thought, I know who I would choose. But what would happen to the other?

We finish eating, and I choose to go back to my room. Nick dosn't argue, and Im still a little spooked by my relization. As we walk back, I drift off, not seeing reality anymore. Im standing in a forest, but I can't see because of the fog. Still, the wind whispers: "Fate has been choosen, fate shall be done. You have choosen the finle one. You will be weak, but he'll keep you strong. Just rember that you could have choosen wrong".

Then Im snapped back to reality, and see Nick looking worridly at me. "You okay Char?" he asks. "Yeah" I say, shaking my head. My voice sounds distant.

After convincing Nick Im fine, I go in the room. I let the worry run through me. Whats going to happen to him now? 'Fate shall be done?' What does that mean? I go into the bathroom, and take the head ache pill. Im not risking having another break down while Im trying to figure it all out.

Could the fate mean death? Did I kill him? No, I can't belive that. I repeat the words over to myself. I drift off adventualy, still saying the words.

When I wake up, its 6:32 pm. Alice had woken me up. Her face strong, but I see sorrow and panic hidden in her eyes. "What?" I ask, fearing what I know shes going to say. I was right, and I figured it out. "Im sorry...but hes dead. Demetri is dead. There was a storm, and it was at night when the winds picked up. He was killed in a hurricane" Alice says saddly. I knew it, I had choosen Nick, and killed Demetri. My fault.

I put my head in my hands as I cry, repeating "My fault" over and over again. Alice is confused, but keeps trying to confert me, and telling me its not my fault. "Fate has been choosen, fate shall be done. You have choosen the finle one. You will be weak, but he'll keep you strong. Just rember that you could have choosen wrong" I ghasp out when I could speak. I felt torn, it was my fault, I killed him.

"What?" Alice asks, seeming truly concerned. "I heard it, and I choose. I didn't know. I didn't choose him" I whisper between sobs. Demetri, he had cared for me, loved me. He saved me from myself. "The dream.." Alice says, putting it together. She hugs me tighter as she finally figures it out. "You didn't know, its not your fault" she keeps repeating. But it was my fault.

The words, My fault, apper all over the room. On the walls. They change and swirl, like my emotions. I can't stop them, even if I tried. Alice is lost, and dosn't know what to do. Im sitting up, my arms wrapped around my knees, and my hair moving widly. Im doing this all, I can't stop it. Im out of control, like my emotions.

She finally resaults to calling Nick, since he was the only one who knew about my 'powers'. Im silent, staring at the wall as the words swirl and move, and my hair whips around in the wind. Papers are moving that are around me. Still, the words are in my head. It is my fault. I killed him, when he loved me.

Nick comes adventualy. And shock registers on his face, and Alice quickly fills him in. Its like Im not even watching them, its like a third eye. Im shaking, I didn't notice before, but I am. The words are still on the walls, moving, swirling. Some are elegant, others look crule. All the same jet black.

Nick comes closer to me, saying somthing I can't make out. I can't hear anything, Im blocking it all out. Can't help it. Its my fault. Always my fault. I start to think about how he died, painfully? Tears are rolling down my cheeks, they have been. The wind picks up, and more papers fly through the air. "Char, its okay, stop, its not your fault" I can here Nick say. But it is my fault. I choose, I killed.

"Its my fault" I cry. It is, it always will be. I killed him, he loved me. Did I love him? I dont know. He cared. He died. Painfully maby, proubly. MY fault. Tears flow more freely now. But Im not making any sounds, shaking and crying and destroying. I can't stop, its my fault.

"Char stop. Its not your fault" Nick says, trying to get closer. I won't let him. The wind picks up, and he can't get closer. I don't want to hurt anyone. I kill, I'll hurt him. "Char stop!" he pratically yells. I wonder if anyone hears. I don't think so, because I dont want them to. They don't need to know anything.

Alice is pacing frantically, trying to think of somthing, I think. Nick keeps trying to come. "Go away!" I yell, and the wind is crazy now. The words are changing now, blood red. Still spinning. Im shaking more now, Im cold. I should be, I deserve to be. I killed him. Nick was thrown back aginst the wall when I yelled. More tears flow out, faster. I hurt him. My fault. Always my fault.

Nick is moving twords me still. I don't know why he would, I'll just hurt him. I can't stop. Shaking, crying. My fault. The words apper on my arms, black ink. The wind is joines by water. Its raining. I did that too. My own hurricane. Just like the one Demetri died in. It was my fault. I killed him. He was so nice, he loved me. Why did I choose? Im evil. Im not right.

My fault. There are more words on the walls. The clock is flipping backwards, backing up its time, the sink in the bathroom is turned on. I can't stop. If I try, it hurts. They feel my emotions, and they want to help me show it. I can't hurt them. I breathing hard, My fault. I think Im saying it outlound. Nick keeps saying its not my fault.

Alice is holding her phone. She won't call anyone. She cant, she cares too. I'll hurt her to. Im a monster. Cant stop, no control. Alice put her phone away, not calling anyone. She and Nick are both yelling over the wind. "Its not your fault" Alice keeps yelling. "Calm down Char! You have to stop, you might think its your fault, but its not. You didn't know. You can't hurt me, the only way you can is by not letting me in" he says serousily. The wind deeters for a moment, and thats all he needs.

A vine is around my shoulders, and it distracts me enough so the wind is gone for a second. He hurries over to me, just as the wind starts back up.

Hes by me in seconds.The vine receeds But I pick the wind bakc up. It dosn't affect him, hes inside now. He holds my shoulders, and looks me in the eyes. "" he says, determined. But it is. "Its my fault, I killed him" I whisper. I dont know if he can hear me at first, the wind is so loud.

"You did not. Now stop, I know you can" he says. "Go away" I cry, Im sobbing now. "Stop" he repeats. I shake my head. He grabs my chin so I look directly in his eyes. The deep brown sends me into a trance. "Im sorry" I hear him say as Im drifting off, lost in sleep.

The dream is so real. Demetri dieing. Hes torn apart by the winds, my wind. Im killing him. I can't stop. Its pooring, and Im killing him.

I wake up panting and shaking. Im in Nick's arms still. Hes holding me tightly. Demetri is dead, and its my fault. Im shaking more. Nick holds me tighter. "Stop thinking about it" he commands. Just his voice, make me stop thinking about him dead. "It is not your fault. You will not hurt anyone." he says sternly. "It is, and I will" I whisper. He pulls me back slightly, and looks me in the eyes. I flinch away. I can't help it. I choose him over Demetri. What did he do to me last night?

His face softens a little. "You wont, and its not" he says, reaching a hand out to brush my hair out of my eyes. I flinch back. Habit. "Im not going to hurt you" he whispers, pulling me close. "Your eyes last night..." I whisper. They scared me. "Im sorry. You wouldn't calm down. I didn't know what to do. All earth users can do it. I dont know why" he whispers.

I look over at Alice, who is asleep on her bed. "She didn't know what to do, she didn't what you to hurt yourself. She couldn't sleep" Nick explains. Alice looks worried, even in her sleep. The bed it a mess from her tossing and turning.

"Im sorry" I whisper as tears stream down my face. I was suprised I still had some left. "Don't cry" he says, whiping the tears off my face. We lay like that for a few peaceful moments, then I can't stand the silence. I stand up abrutly, and go to my dresser. I look in my glasses case. Its gone. They found it, and took it out. I throw it, frustrated. "Whats wrong?" Nick say, standing up. I quickly grab some clothes. "Im taking a shower" I say, and quickly close the bathroom door behind me and lock it.

I don't have the razor. I claw at my wrists. I've done everything wrong, and its my fault. I killed him. Blood gushes from my wrist. Its not neat. It's ragged and too much blood is comming out. No, no, I went to deep. Maby I deserve to die. No, Nick wouldn't forgive it if I died. I hear Alice wake up. She'll know. She'll know what Im doing. I hear her angerly yelling at Nick. Then she pounds on the bathroom door.

"Char, open the door. Stop it, I know what your doing" she says, frantically trying to get the door open. Im panicing. I messed up. Too much, too deep. I hear Alice swear as she leaves and I hear things moving around. Nick is asking whats going on. I frantically try to make the bleeding stop, to heal it. I can't, Im fried. Blood is all over both my hands as I keep trying to find somthing to stop it. My hands are shaking and I cant do anything. The lock clicks and Alice rushes in. She dosn't react to the blood, just gets to work. Nick however, looks shocked. Im covered in blood, and crying. Im so stupid.

She pushes me to sit on the edge of the tub, and takes my wrist. She try to stop the bleeding, it helps a little. "Call someone!" She shouts at Nick. Real panic shoots through me. No one should know. I look at Nick pleadingly. He hesitates as he meets my eyes, but dashes out of the room.

Alice is wraping my wrist, trying frantically to stop the bleeding. I can't stop shaking. I feel sick, and light headed. Nick rushes back in with someone else. She looks to be about in her 40's, and she quickly pushes Alice out of the way and does her thing. Shes quick, and stops it. I feel really sick now.

Its silent for a moment, then I have to rush over to the tolite. I throw up, and feel even more sick. The lady help me stand back up, and she signles for Alice and Nick to leave. They both start to protest, but a sharp look from her sends them away, and they shut the door.

I sit down on the floor, still feeling sick. "What did you do it?" she asks gentaly. "I can't tell you" I whisper, shaking my head. "Why not?" she asks. "I can't even tell you that" I say. She walks over to the cupord above the sink, and takes out the little pill case. She already knew. I bet they all did.

She takes out one, then gets another one from another case she already had. The one she took was the depression one from the cupord. "Take them" she orders, holding them out to me. I shake my head, keeping my mouth clamped shut.

"You know what one is. The other is so you can sleep" she says. I shake my head again. I wont take them. I don't want to feel their pitty, and feel like a pyco who needed pills to control herself. Then again, maby I was.

She sighs, and helps me up. We both walk out of the bathroom. "Get her somthing to eat. Tell Them I requested it" she tells Nick. He nodds and quickly leaves, not looking at me. I feel disgusted with myself. I still feel sick on top of that.

She hands the pills to Alice. "Make sure she takes them after she eats" she says. Alice takes them, and puts them on her dresser. "I will" She says, noding. Then the lady turns to me. "You are not to go anywhere today. Sleep, you need it" she says sternly. I nodd. She gathers her things, and leaves the sleep pills.

Nick comes in with a tray of food. An apple, sandwhich, and a orange juice. I almost throw up again at the sight of food. He sets it on my bed, and then sits on my bed, pulling me into his lap. "Don't you ever, ever do that again" he whispers, voice pained.

"Im sorry" I mumble, looking down, letting my hair fall in my face. "Stop saying that" Nick says, puling my chin up. "Stop being sorry, I know you are, you don't need to say it" he says, letting go.

Alice clears her throut akwardly. I move off Nicks lap, and he stands up. "I have to go, they want me for somthing down in the office" he says, looking at his phone. Before he closes the door, he looks at me. "I will

be back" then hes gone.

I look down at the food, and push it away. "Oh no, you are not

doing that. You are going to eat, weather you like it or not" Alice says, pushing it back twords me. My stomach heaves as I look at it, and I rush into the bathroom. I throw up all thats left in me. I come back out after I rinse my mouth out.

"Drink first, you look like your about to pass out" she said warrily. I sit back on my bed, I felt like I was going to pass out. I take the juice, and dont think as I drink half of it. I set it back down, and wait until Im sure I won't have to rush into the bathroom. I drink he rest, and eat the apple. "I can't eat anymore" I say, pushing it away.

"Eat it later" she says, putting it on my dresser. Before she can tell meto take the pills, I tell her I need to take a shower. "Im not going to do it again, it made me feel sick" I say, looking down shamefully. After a second, Alice speaks. "Go ahead, I just worry about you. What about you eh...wrist? dont you have to keep it dry?" she says akwardly. "I can" I say. I could feel some of the power still in me, I could make an air bubble around it.

She understands, and I go in the bathroom. There is still blood on the tub, and floor. I almost throw up again. I quickly clean it up, not wanting to look at it. I take a shower, and my air bubble theory works.

When Im done, Im wearing dark grey sweats, and one of my random shirts. I walk back into the room. Nick is there with Alice, waiting. They sit as far away from eachother as possible. "Okay, no more stalling, take the pills" Alice says, standing up. She holds them out to me. "No" I say firmly. I sit on my bed and cross my arms over my chest.

"For gods sake, take them Char. Im going to tell Ms.Shannon you didn't, then that will start another issue" Alice groans. Nick is standing off to Alice's side. "No" I repeat. Nick sighs and takes them from Alice, and stands in front of me. "Please just take them, it will help us all relax" he says, holding them out.

"I don't need pills to control myself" I argue. In a flash, Nick pinned me back down on the bed. I struggle a little, but I cant move, and I still feel sick. "I know that. They just help you, not control you. Now, take them" he whispers, pushing them into my hand. "Stop being so difficult" Nick says. I sigh, giving up. "Then get off me" I grumble. He gets off, watching me closly. I take them.

Somthing feels like its lifted from me after a couple seconds. My mind foggs, and I suddenly feel exausded. I lay back down on the bed, and fall asleep.

When I get up, I honestly don't know what day it is. Only Alice is in the room this time, shes on her bed, reading a magizne. I look out the window, its morning. "Okay, what day is it?" I ask, sitting up. Alice looks over at me. "Its Thursday" she says. Thursday? Then I must have slept through Wednesday.

Why did I sleep so long? I think I rember. I don't think about it. "Lets get somthing to eat" Alice decides, getting up. I get up too, but when my feet hit the floor, I feel dizzy. I put my hand aginst the wall to steady myself.

"You okay?" Alice asks, worried. I take my hand off the wall, "Yeah Im fine" I say, and go into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me. I look in the mirror. My hair is a mess, and my eyes look diffrent. I don't know how though, they just do.

I splash water on my face, and fix my hair leaving the bathroom. "Lets go" Alice says, opening the door. We walk down and through the halls silently. I guess no one heard us, or maby it was me keeping the sound in. When we get down to the main part of the school, all the teachers seem to be in chaos.

Kids are whispering about there being a extinct royal family. I already know who they're talking about. We sit down at the table after getting our food. Sam, Nick, and 3 others sit there. "You here the Arlago family is gone? That Demetri guy got killed in some freak storm" one of the guys with blond hair says. I don't say anything but clench my teeth. Alice and Nick both quickly look at me. "Ow!" the blond crys out, looking at Alice. "Shut up" Alice hisses. She proubly kicked him.

He looks over at me. "Oh, sorry" he says, seeming to rember who I was. I shrug. Everyone continues talking. Nick whos sitting on my right side, slides his hand under the table and takes mine. He squeeses it reassuringly. It feels warm, and right in my hand.

When we're done, I still have to go to fighting with Nick. "Are you okay?" he stops walking when were on our way to the gym. "Im fine" I shrug. "You arn't acting 'fine'. Why didn't you say anything back ther?" he asks. "Because I don't have anything to say. Was I susposed to say somthing?" I ask annoyed.

Nick is silent. "You didn't have to. But you would have if you were 'fine'" he says. "Well, I am fine. Can we go now?" I ask angerly. He starts to walk without saying a word.I quickly catch up to him, but don't say anything. "Adgility. Like gymnastics, did you ever do gymnastics?" he says once we're inside the gym.

"Yeah, a little" I answer. "Just do what you did then" he says, nodding twords the gymnastics things. I did it when I was 10, then quit. I should have told him that. "" I say, hesitating. Did I mention I broke my leg in gymnastics? "You'll be fine. I'll help you" he says, his face softening.

We walk over to it. First, we just warm up. Im still angrey at him, but its going away. When he tells me to try the horizantl bar, I stop. I broke my leg on that. I think the pill is wearing off, because it feels like weight is just crashing down on me. "Try it" he coaxes. I sigh, and do it.

Its not as bad as I rember. Im better at it now. My hands curl around it solidly. I flip myself around it a couple times, then jump off. I dont land on my feet, I land on my butt. Nick is trying not to laugh, unsucessfully. "Shut up" I grumble, getting up. "You do it" I say changellingly. He shrugs, and does it easily.

When hes done, and lands perfectly, I say "Gymnastics is a girl sport" and rub my tempals, headache comming on. "It is not" he says, smiling. "Watever" I sigh. "Can we be done now?" I ask. "Why? you okay?" he asks, sounding a little worried. "People really need to stop asking me that. Im fine" I say.

"Okay, lets go. But Im staying with you. Alice still has to help some other royal all day, and she asked me to keep you company. But thats really not the reason why I wanna stay with you" he says like a know-it-all. He is really annoying today. "Fine. You choose where to go" I say, not wanting to go anywhere really.

"The treefort" he suggests. I shrug, and fallow him out.

We walked in silence for the most part, he once in a while asked about my classes. When we got there, me and him easily climbed up, powers assisting us both. When we're both at the top, i sit down and lean aginst one of the walls. I scearch for the little voices of nature, but I cant hear them.

I can fell their presance, but I cant hear them, its like their muffled. I try to focous on them more, but it just gives my a headache. "Can we talk about what happened?" he asks, sliding over next to me. "No" I quickly snap. I am not talking about it at all.

"Please? I just want to see if I can understand" he pleads. "No" I repeat. "Why?" he questions. "I don't want to talk about it. I don't even think you would understand" I mumble. "You dont know that, and you can't just ignore it" he says, adgitated. "I can and I will. Im not talking about it, theres no benifit to it" I say, standing up. At first Im a little dizzy, but I quickly push the feeling away.

"Its not right to. And it would benifit me, I want to know you" he says, copying me and grabing my hand. "No you don't" I say, backing up and shaking of his hand. Images flash through my head. He dosn't want to know me.

"I do want to know you. There is nuthing you could say that would make me care for you any less" he says, akwardly saying 'care for'. "I dont want you to. I can't tell you, just leave it" I snap. "You can tell me, I know you can so stop. I want to help you, but I-"

"Shut up!" I pratically yell at him as my head is throbbing. It felt like I got hit by a baseball bat. I clutch my head and crumple with my back to the wall. Not again.

"Did you take it?" he asks, instantly kneeling next to me. I nod my head. "Then why....?" he trails off, confused. I focous every ounce of power I have into pushing the pounding back. It slowly subsides.

"Im fine" I sigh, once its down to a dull throb. "Are you sure?" he asks, concerned. I nodd, exaushted. Doing that, it took all my energy away. "Lets go back" he says, getting up. "No" I say, not wanting to go back yet. I dont want it to happen like that every time Im here.

"Are you sure? You don't lo-" hes cut off. "Why do you come here?" I ask. He seems taken aback for a moment. "Because its peaceful. Surrounded by nature, I can feel all of it" he says. "I cant hear them, I cant hear the trees, or water, or anything" I whisper. I look up and meet his eyes.

I wonder what he sees in my eyes. Or more like who. Maybe a sad, beaten girl. Or someone whos been throught too much to give up. In him, I see love, I see someone who can take almost anything, and wont let anyone touch somthing he cares about.

He looks worried. "Why not?" he asks, sitting down next to me. "I dont know..." I think of the reasons why. "I used alot of it.....before.... and everytime I take the god damn depression pills, I cant hear them" I whisper, my eyes drooping.

"Than thats it" he says, resting his hand on mine. I let my eyes rest for a moment.

I feel it. Somthing's happened. I have to help her. I jump up, startiling Nick. "What?" he asks, jumpping up. "Somethings happened. Alice is hurt" Im filled with energy as I land on firm ground and run.

I have no clue how I know it, but I can feel it, I heard her cry out. I run as fast as I can, and the most baizar thing happens. I feel my bones shift, and fur grow. I turn into a wolf. I fur is golden wheat color. I run faster, and I can smell the fire now. I hear Nick behind me, I think he changed too. He is catching up to be in a few minuintes. His fur is black, and sleek. "How do you know?" he asks, but its inside my head. "I dont know, I heard her, I felt it. Shes caught in the fire" I think at him frantically.

He dosnt say anything more, and we run back to the school. The fire is near the back, a little ways back where an addition had just been put on. People were running frantic, and I felt myself change back. I was greatful to still have all my clothes on. I looked around, Alice wasn't anywhere in sight. Where is she?

I thought frantically as lound as I can to the powers surrounding me. The power was all built up inside me, and I was going to burst.

In the building, stuck in a room, she was trying to get a little boy out,

they answered. I didn't even look back as I dove into the burning building. Im not stupid eaither, I pushed most of the fire out of my way, I only got burned a little. "Alice!" I called out. I heard her cough, and I went into the room.

"Cher! Be carful" I heard Nick call out behind me. I hadn't even known he fallowed me. Alice had been hit by a board that had fallen, and was eaither dead, or passed out. I didn't look at the little boy too long, he was fine, not including some minor burns. "Alice!" I yelled shaking her. She didn't move, or make a sound. I franticaly felt for a pulse. None. "Damnit Alice!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes.

Then I let it all go. All the power I was holding back, let it go. It flowed from me to Alice. Light burst out from around us. She instantly coughed. "Cher? What..?" she asked, sitting up. "Fire, we need to go!" Nick called out, his voice ragged. I pulled Alice to her feet, and Nick grabbed the boy. The house was falling down, fire everywhere. I coughed from the smoke that I started breathing in. The fire burned my skin.

I couldn't run, I felt like I was going to pass out. I had brought Alice back to life, and I had used every ounce of power I had to do that. We stopped suddenly when the floor in front of us crumbled. Alice swore, and Nick looked at me. "We have to jump" Nick called over to us. I swayed a little, I couldn't even stand. "I can't" I croaked out. Nick looked at me, relization flashed in his face.

I guess her knew that if I used too much, it took alot out of me. I had used it all, and I had taken everything out of me. The cealing crumbled above us, and fell.

But it stopped mid-fall, frozen in the air. I looked around to see who had done it. In front of us, two people, one girl, another boy, stood in front of us. Water and air users. The fire around us was put out mostly now. A gust of wind pushed us off the edge, and we were flung to the other side. I fell to the ground, so did Alice.

The boy rushed over to us and grabed one of our arms both, and with out saying anything, ran us out of there. The girl had Nick and the boy. People rushed around us, some telling me how stupid I had been running in there. I let their voices fade. Me and Alice were forced to sit down, air masks put over our faces. When we could breath normaly again, they took them off.

I leaned aginst Alice. "I thought I was dead" Alice whispered to me. I closed my eyes, confussed by it myself. "I used all my power" I whispered. My eyes stayed closed, as the world around me went dark.

When I wake up, Im in my bed. "Bout time" I hear Alice say. I laugh lightly as I sit up. "Nice to see your alive too" I say. Wrong choice of words I notice as soon as I say them.

"How did you bring me back to life?" she asks quitly. I shake my head, not knowing. "How?" she asks again. "I don't know, okay? I dont know" I snap. I didn't mean to snap, I just don't feel well. "Sorry" I say imidently. She shrugs, as if its nothing. I wonder how Nick is. Thinking of nick reminds me of Demetri. I slump down aginst my head bord.

"Hey, why don't you get ready, and we can go meet Nick and everyone else at lunch?" Alice asks, wanting to cheer me up. It feels backwards, I should be the one cheering her up, shes the one who almost died. I shrug, and stnad up. I feel slightly dizzy, and stumble a little on my way to my dresser. I grab clothes.

"You sure your okay?" Alice asks before I shut the door. "Yes mother, Im fine" I say, smiling slightly. She takes my poor attempt at a joke, and waves me off. I take a shower right away, hoping to clear my head. It works a little. When I get out, I take the pills, not wanting to upset anyone else today.

I try to use some of my power to dry my hair, but its not there. It gives me a migrane instead. I cluch the door handle, and wait to open it until it passes. When it does, Alice is ready and waiting. Before she can ask, I answer. "Yes, I took them. Now lets go, Im starving" I said, and Alice grins, and we leave.

"Are you sycic too?" She jokes as she shuts the door. "Nope, and I don't think I would want to be" I say. I don't even know if I am, and I can't test it out right now anyway. I add silently. When we go past a couple of royals, they wave and smile. One of the air users drys my hair. I smile at her and mouth 'thanks'.

Authors Note: I was thinking about the title, and a song poped into my head, its short, but it makes sense and goes along withthe story kinda, I made it up
"When wolves come knocking, and the world falls down, do you open the door?
They come to take and take to give, and tell you who you are
they say not to fear the life, they have choosen for you
Now you know what they'll do, do you know the truth?
Do you open the door?"
Well, hope you like it, More to be updated soon, if you ever get bord with this book, I have another! Its Expect the Unexpected


Texte: All rights reserved. Cover from google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.11.2011

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