
Chapter 1

It was probably better this way. My mother didn't want me and my father left the instant he knew I was going to be born. I ran away to a boarding school. This way, I can live here. Thankfully, this school didn't need very much information to get in. They didn't care about your grades or your activities. They cared about your birth certificate and the money you were willing to pay to stay there.
I was sick of people, but everywhere you go, there someone is. So I got a room with no roommate. It had a bed the size for two, a bathroom, a television, a desk that I put my laptop on, and dressers. I unpacked my clothes and placed them into my drawers. I kind of wished I had some pictures to put around my new room. But I never was happy enough to make friends. I'm a miserable child. Always have been, probably always will be.
At that moment, there was a knock on my door. I rose an eye brow. Who could that be? I walked to my door and slowly opened it to...a boy? He had his dark brown hair flipped to the side, kind of like Justin Bieber's hair, but better. He had electric blue eyes and he was very...very hot. He didn't seem very happy. Actually, he seemed bored. He wore dark black jean with rips through out them with black leather boots and a white T-shirt.
With a role of his eyes, he said, "My name is Logan. I'm here to ask if you're comfortable in your new room." He said every word without eye contact. Obviously he was being forced to do this. A bet, maybe?
"It's fine." I said, quickly, trying to end his misery of talking to me.
"You seem in a rush. So you must be busy."
"Not really, but I don't like people. Especially ones with the looks of you." I scowled.
"That's not very nic-"
"I'm not very nice. And it seems to me you don't wanna talk to me, anyway. So I'll end the time of you talking to me. 'Kay?" I went to go close my door, but Logan stuck his foot in the way.
"Don't just assume things that aren't true. I never said any of that."
"You didn't have to. You wont even make eye contact. That shows something." He shook his head and looked into my eyes. I have long black hair with bright baby blue tips. My eyes are a bright green that you could see from across the room. I'm pretty short. I'm only 5'3. That's pretty short for a 16 year old. Although, Logan only seemed about 5'7. I am also skinny. Like, a model skinny with a pound or two extra.
"Girl, put some clothes on." I looked down. I was wearing booty shorts, a tank top, and socks. Other than my bra and underwear, of course.
"Hey, it's hot. And this is what I sleep in." I walked to my bed and grabbed my wrap. I folded it around me and when I turned around. Two other guys were now standing at the door way.
"C'mon, dude. Headmaster only told you to ask her if her room was okay, not to stay with her." I looked at Logan. He wa's standing next to them.
"Oh damn." The other guy looked at me up and down. "You're hot."
"That's nice to know, get out."
"No, I don't wanna." I walked over to them and pushed the two guys out. Then shut the door in their face.
"He-" I jumped a bit, scared.
"S-Sorry. Forgot you were here."
I opened the door for him and gestured him out. All he did was grin.
"C'mon, stud, doors over here. You checked up on me. I'm alive. Get out."
"Heh. You're not at all of what I expected." I rose an eye brow and put my hands on my hips.
"And just what were you expecting of me, mister know-at-all?" I asked.
"Well, according to your student profile, you have good grades, never got a detention, and you're an honor student."
"Ha. So you think that means I'm a looser?"
"Eh. More of a goody-two-shoes."
"I see." I frowned. "Well, nice to meet you, Logan. I think."
"What's your name again?" He asked, stalling to leave. Obviously just to piss me off.
"Riley." I said.
"Nice. I'll see you around." And it wasn't even a question.
"Let's hope not." I murmured.
"What was that?" His voice was like silk.
"Nothing. Leave." With a chuckled, he did so. I shut the door behind him and ran into my bed. I was so tired. I fell into a deep sleep.

Next morning, the beeping of my alarm clock woke me up. I got up, showered, and got dressed. When I was ready, I went to my first class. Instantly, a girl a green shirt and jean overalls on came up to me.
"Hi! I'm Lilly!" She smiled.
"R-Riley." I said.
"Nice to meet you. Wanna be friends?"
"Sure." I don't know why I said it. I was surprised, actually. Not by my answer, but how quickly I responded. Maybe I really wanted to have friends, but I just didn't want to admit it.
"Oh Lilly," a female voice sang. We looked over to a busty blond with two twins behind her.
"What, Mikayla?" Lilly asked her.
" Making friends with the not so ugly new girl, are we?" Mikayla said. "New girl, why make friends with this looser?"
"Why not?" I asked.
"She has no friends. Nobody likes her."
"I do." I growled and pulled Lilly to the back of the classroom with me, where we sat for class.
"So what's her problem?" I finally asked.
"She's a popular. They're all like that."
"Who else is a popular?" I asked.
"Girls are Mikayla and the twins, Trixie and Dixie. And for the boys, Jake, Logan, and-"
"Wait, did you say Logan?"
"Yeah, that's him next to Mikayla." I looked over to where Mikayla stood. There he was. Logan stood with an expressionless face with the two boys that were with him yesterday. "Wait, Why would it matter? Do you know Logan?" She looked at me.
"Um, him and the two guys came to my room last night." I shook my head. Of course they were popular, they're good looking and don't seem to care about grades. By what they said to me they just seem to care about girls.
"Oh yeah. They're in the Welcoming committee. I forgot about that. We hadn't had a new student in awhile." I shrugged, looking at him.
"You know, it seems to me he doesn't look very happy." I looked over to Lilly. She was looking at the teacher. I didn't even know that homeroom started.
"Riley Turner, please come up and introduce yourself to everyone." The teacher smiled. I sighed, not wanting to get up in front of everyone. But I nodded anyway and walked up. I walked past Logan and he grinned, looking at my ass. I rolled my eyes and stopped next to the teacher. " Tell us about why you're here, Riley." She smiled. I gulped. I can't say why I was really here. Because the truth was, I ran away.
"Uh.. Yeah. Okay.. I'm here because my family. Um, family problems. So they sent me here, so I didn't have to be involved. I guess.." She nodded.
"Okay, you can sit down now." She smiled again. Why is she smiling so much, is this girl on happy pills? I shook my head, looked down, and walked back to my seat. I cant wait for homeroom to end. The teacher started talking about how important school was. I just ignored her and waited for the bell to ring. And when it did, I was so happy. I got up and started walking out. I took out my schedule and looked for what class I had first.
It was Science. Ok. Science isn't that bad, I guess. Unfortunately, Lilly and I only had lunch and Math together. So, I'd be alone most of the day. At least, that's what I hoped.
I walked into Mr. Head's Science class. "Ah, Miss Turner." He said, sounding more like a question.
"Yes?" I asked him.
"Please take a seat next to Logan." Is he kidding? I looked and saw Logan smirking. He sat at a long, rectangular table for two people to sit. I guess I sat in the chair next to him.
I walked to him and took my sit, unhappily.
"Hey," he said.
"No." I responded.
"N-no?" He asked, confused.
"Don't talk to me. I don't talk to populars."
"Ah. You're one of thoughs people." He said "thoughs" like it was some type of human race.
"Guess so." I scoffed. I looked away from him.
"Riley." He said.
"No." I growled.
"Nope." I said, popping the "P"
"Riley." He sang. I looked around the classroom. Everyone was here. And staring. At me.
Finally, I whipped my head to look at Logan. "What?!"
Next thing I know, his lips are on mine. To be honest, he was a good kisser. But in this situation, it was one sided on his part. His lips and mine seemed to be like, made for each other. Not to be dramatic, but it did.
Finally, he pulled away and looked into my eyes, keeping a steady gaze. I blushed. Everyone saw that. I looked down, grabbed my back and darted out of the classroom with my face down.
That ignorant asshole stole my first kiss!!! UGGGHHH!! I ran and ran to my room. When I got there, I tried opening my door as fast as I could. But it wasn't fast enough. When I opened my door, Logan walked past me and into my room.
"You know, I'd really like you to uh... GET OUT!" I looked away as I felt my face burning. He sat on my bed like nothing happened.
"Well, I don't really want to, so.. no." He smiled and reached for my hand and pulled me closer to him. I jerked my hand away.
"Don't touch me. You already got up in my lips." I frowned.
" Well," He took my hand again, stood up, and pulled me to him. "Would you like a taste again?" He smirked at me.
I scoffed. Is he desperate? Or maybe he just wants be because I'm beautiful. Although, that's probably not it, I'm gonna go with that one to make me feel better about this horrible situation.
"No, I don't like the taste of asshole with a tint or dicklicker." I growled. He chuckled and played with my hair. I got the weirdest flash of De-Ja-Vu.
"Oh, c'mon Riles," He said. Now I know who he is reminding me of. I can't believe I totally forgot.
It was a long time ago. I was at the park with my mother and her friend, who had a son. I called him "Log." I don't exactly remember why, though. I don't recall him looking or acting like a log. Log always called me Riles instead of my real name. First, he played with my hair under the monkey bars. Then, he kissed me on the double swing. How could I have forgotten it? And what suddenly made me remember?
Trying to remember Log's appearance, I look into Logan's blue eyes. Log had blue eyes just like Logan did. Wait a minute. Log...Logan. Oh god...
"Don't call me Riles anymore, Log." I looked at him and a great smile flashed onto his face.
"I cant believe you remember that name. I haven't heard of it in years." He let go of me. "I missed you, Riley. You don't even begin to understand. I liked you, Riles." I gulped.
"We were like, seven. It's been 10 years, 10 whole, long years.." I sat on my bed and he sat next to me. "I couldn't even remember you 'till you called me 'Riles'. I forgot about you. I'm sorry." I smiled and looked at him. "Sorry, Log." He sighed. I could tell I most likely let him down. I guess he remembered me.
"You know, I never forgot." He looked over at me and put his hand on my cheek. "I remember that kiss. My first kiss. And yours." I blushed a little.
"This is so confusing." I said with a smile. He pulled his hand away and rose an eye brow.
"How is it confusing?" He asked like I offended him or something.
"I was pissed at you for first-kissing me. Then I remembered a little seven year old names Log stole my first kiss. Turns out Log and Logan are the same people." I put my hands out and my elbows close like I was holding two plates and shrugged.
"Is that a bad thing?" He asked. I pursed my lips and shrugged again.
"I guess not. The only bad thing here is that one of the popular kissed me in public!" I yelled. "Why the hell did you do that?!" He laid on his back and put his arms under his head. He closed his eyes and shrugged.
"I recognized you the moment I saw you. I figured you didn't recognize me, so I wanted to refresh your memory as soon as possible." He said. He turned his head and smirked at me. "It worked."
"Well, I don't want rumors going around that we're a thing." I stood up and put my hands in my hips. "I ran away here to lift up my grades, not get involved with the school's manwhore."
"Back up," He said, getting up. "You ran away?"
Oh crap. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with both of my hands. Why does my mouth hate me so much?
I shook my head. "N-No.. Psh. Who said anything about running away?"
He walked closer to me. "You just did." He looked me in the eyes. Those blue eyes were sucking me in.
"Oh, yeah.." He put his hand on my cheeks, holding my face.
"They didn't send you here. There were family problems. But you got rid of the problem itself, didn't you? You ran away. To get away." I gulped and took his hands off my cheeks. "You should go home, Riles."
"I don't want to go home! I'm not. Not going back with those... things. You don't understand. You're family is fine, huh?" He sighed.
"I guess you could say that. My family is rich. They're never home. I got tired of being bored and going to public school, so they sent me here. I barely know my brothers and sisters. Or my parents."
"You're lucky." I said, turning around so my back faced him. "Are you going to tell?"
"Of course not, Riles." He said, softly.
"Good." I turned back towards him. "We probably shouldn't see each other anymore." His eyes widened and flicked to mine.
"What?" He asked, a little anger showing in his tone.
"We're not going to be good friends. We have nothing in common."
"I'm sure that's not true."
"Ok. Tell me, Logan, are you poor?"
"Are you a virgin?"
"Do you have friends?"
"See, complete opposites." I growled.
"They say opposite's attract." He grinned. I frowned and rolled my eyes.
"How about friends with benefits."
"Hell no!" I said, even though he was joking. "We're not anything! I want nothing to do with you." I said in my meanest tone. I'm not very good at being mean. It was just something I couldn't do. I felt guilty.
"Look, I'm not going to give up on you. I dont care what you say." He said as I sighed.
"I just want to get past high school. Without any problems. Then show my parents what I can really do. I want to go to a good collage and have a normal life."
"Well, I want to be in your life. And your life will never be the same with me in it." He kissed my cheek softly and walked out of my room.
He left me thinking. I sat on my bed. What did he mean? Why, because of him, would my life never be the same?

Chapter 2

I decided that I was going to skip the rest of my classes, only to find Lilly knocking on my door at 2:30, when school was over.
"What happened?!" She asked.
"It's exactly as the rumors say." I said, carelessly as I got a bottle of water from the fridge. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
"So, Logan Grey, the hottest boy in the school, kissed you." I nodded, taking a sip of my water. "Then you guys came here and fucked?!" I spit out my water.
"Oh yeah. It's EXACTLY as the rumors say." She said, sarcastically and sat on my bed.
"That's what's going around?!" I screeched.
"Yeah." She said it like she was saying, "Duh."
"FML." I face palmed.
"Look, in this school, rumors only last a few days," She said, trying to cheer me up, "Just keep your distance from Logan and you should be fine." I smiled a little.
"Thanks, Lilly. I will take your advice." I said, even though that was my plan from the start.

Around six o'clock, I heard a knock on my door. "Coming!" I yelled, biting a piece of the pizza I was eating. I ran to the door and opened it to the Headmaster.
"Riley Turner, why is it that you were absent in 3 of your subjects and your special?"
"I-I wasn't feeling that well." I lied.
"Oh really?" He said. "That's not what the other kids are saying." My eyes widened and I blushed. "So what's the truth, Riley Turner?"
"I-I..." She sighed.
"Listen, Riley. You can trust me..." I nodded.
"I was given my seat in Mr. Head's science class next to an old friend of mine named Logan-"
"Logan Grey?"
"Yeah. He suddenly kissed me and everyone was watching."
"So you were embarrassed so you ran back here."
"Logan and you didn't..."
"Wh-No! No,no,no,no."
"Well, ok, but you better be in all your classes tomorrow, young lady." She said.
"I will." I promised.
We said our farewells. I shut my door after she left and flopped on my bed. This has been a very very long day...
I sighed and got up, walking over to my dresser. I pulled open the drawer where my pj's are. I took out some short shorts and a t-shirt. I closed my drawer and walked over to my bed. I slid off my clothes and put my PJ's on. Walking over to my bed, I looked out the window. I saw Logan at the benches. What is he doing? I shrugged and sat down on my bed. Nothing is going to bother me. I wont let stuff get to me. I breathed in and out heavily. Ignore him.. I laid down and pulled the covers over me. I'll get through the day without talking to him. I closed my eyes and suddenly feel asleep.

I was running from something. I was in the woods behind the school. Running. I was terrified, but I felt relaxed at the same time.
"Run, Riley!" A males voice echoed in my head. I listened to his command and ran as fast as I could.
I was worried. I didn't want to leave the male alone... I finally stopped running and turned around. A creature with razor sharp fangs and nails went to attack me. It's eyes dripped of blood. I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Riley! Riley, wake up!" My eyes shot open wide. I was breathing heavily. I looked up to Logan.
"W-Logan?!" I screeched.
"You were having a nightmare." He said while sitting at the end of my bed. I looked over to my clock. 4:57 am.
"How did you get in here?" I asked him.
"Window." He said, pointing to the open window. I just nodded and ran my fingers though my damp hair as I sat up.
"I was screaming?" I assumed.
"Loud." He half-laughed.
"How could you hear me when the boy dorms are on the other side of the building?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"I have good hearing, for one. And two, I was taking a walk 'cause I couldn't sleep. I just happened to hear you screaming when I was passing your dorm." He said, looking into my eyes, deeply.
"Oh, uh," I gulped, "I'm sorry for worrying you..." I sighed. How is this ignoring plan gonna work if he keeps popping up like this?
I thought I heard him growl, but when I looked at him, he didn't seem to be.
"Don't apologize. It's fine. I want to worry, Riles." He smiled sadly.
"Don't call me that," I grumbled stubbornly, looking to the side. At some point he got closer. Close enough that if he just moved in about an inch, we'd be kissing again. His eyes had darkened. They seemed cold, angered, and filled with hatred.
"Don't even try to ignore me, Riley May Turner." He growled. I blushed a little. How did he know that was my plan? Well, I guess it's kind of obvious. "Look, Riley. I'm sorry for kissing you in front of everyone. I just couldn't help it. I needed to k-" I cut him off.
"You actually didn't need to kiss me. You wanted to." I sighed. "Look, just don't worry about it. I'm really starting to not care. So if you really wanna talk to me, text me. I'll meet you somewhere." I stared into his eyes and looked away. And before he said anything I got up, got paper and a pen, and written down my number.
"Okay, but Riley..." He looked at me. "Okay." I handed him the paper.
"But I swear to god, Logan, you can't kiss me in public. Wait, no. You can't kiss me at all unless I say you can. Or if I kiss you. But you know, that won't happen."
I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes trying to act bored. I was scared. Boys and girls were not allowed in the same dorms past 11 o'clock. I don't want him getting in trouble for being worried about me.
It took me a minute to realize I was being pinned against the wall next to my bed by Logan. This was the closest I've ever been to a boy. Or anyone, as matter of fact.
"Starting when?" He purred. The way he said that made me want to melt. Ugh. Logan, why?
"St- what do you mean?" I asked, trying get my face as far away from his as possible. I did just wake up and I hadn't of brushed my teeth yet. Oh jeez, Riley, why are you thinking of such a stupid thing when you're being pinned against a wall?!
I bit the inside of my lip by accident and winces. The metal-taste of blood filled my mouth. It hurt like hell and it was bleeding like hell.
"Starting when can I not kiss you?" He said, seductively. "I just don't think I can control myself." My knees weakened. His lips were temptingly close to mine. I could feel his breath. I met his eyes and seemed more confident.
"Now." He sighed. "I don't think that's fair."
"That sucks.." I looked into his eyes. "Now get off me." He didn't budge. And then ever so lightly, he kissed my lips. I closed my eyes. Then he got off. It was barely a kiss. But just the feel of his lips made me melt. He smiled and walked over to my window.
"Bye, Riles."
And just as quick as he kisses me, he was gone. I slid down on the wall, hugging my knees. He is so.. ugh! I hate this. I want to get him back and kiss him. Really, kiss him. I looked at the clock. 5:28 p.m. Ugh.. I have to get up at 6. I didn't feel like going to bed, so I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a 'Panic at the Disco' t-shirt. I also took out a dark purple bra, matching underwear, and matching socks. I took everything into the bathroom and put it on the counter. I walked to the shower and put the water on warm.
As I waited for the water to warm up I took off all my clothes. When the water was ready, I walked in. I put a little shampoo in my hand and washed my hair. Then I washed it out and put some conditioner in my hand and did the same. I then took a bar of soap and washed my body. When I was done with that I washed everything off and got out. I turned the water off and got out. I dried off and put my clothes on.
It was 6:30 now. I blow-dried my hair straight and styled it the way I liked it. It was almost like a scene style, but just a little different.
I poured myself a bowl of cocoa puffs, my favorite cereal. I couldn't get Logan out of my head. The taste of his lips drove me crazy and desperate for more. Would I admit it? No. Will I ignore it? Yes. I have to try to get it threw his mind that I don't want to be anymore than friends with him. Besides, he could find someone better than me. I'm horrible at dating. I was never a good girlfriend to any of my past boyfriends.
I walked to my homeroom where I was greeted by Lilly. She told off all the people who talked about yesterday for me. I was thankful for that. I wondered why she didn't have many friends. I loved that she was my friend, though. I was all good with that.
Sitting next to Logan in Science made me feel awkward. I kept asking myself if I'd be able to go through with it. Turns out, Logan never showed up.

Chapter 3

I guess that was a good thing. But it just made me think about where he was. Maybe its because he cant control that he wants to kiss me? I don't know, I don't understand why he wanted to. But he said he couldn't control it. So, you never know. Maybe it was a good thing then. He wouldn't kiss me in front of the whole class. The rest of the class I tried to keep my head in science. It didn't work so well being, one, It was boring as hell, and two, Logan was really the only thing on my mind. I jerked my head back to science when the bell rang. I took all my stuff and walked to my next class. I can not believe I was worried about that first-kissing poopoo-shnashna.
After school, I decided to walk to his dorm. I knocked on his dorm. No answer. I decided to check if it was locked. I turned the knob. It wasn't locked. I walked in, closing the door behind me. He had a dorm alone, too. It was neat and cleaned up. I looked around.
"Logan?!" I yelled. Nothing. He was not here. I looked to the open window next to his bed. The curtains sashayed in and out 'cause of the wind. I guess coming here was a waste of time. Should I leave a note? No. It'd be better off if he didn't think I was worried.
I turned around and started to head to the door. I reached for the knob until I heard a 'thump' behind me. I slowly turned to Logan... with wings. I screamed and jolted to the door.
I pulled the door open and ran out, closing it as I got out. I ran and ran out of the boys dorm. You didn't see anything.. Your best friend as a kid didn't have wings. No, It's not possible. As I was running, I bumped into someone. I looked up. Great, a guy. But what did I think it was gonna be a girl? It's the boys dorm.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean too.." He got up and held his hand out to me. He kinda look familiar. I think he was in most of my classes.
q"Don't worry about it. It was half my fault. I wasn't looking. I'm Cody." I took his hand and he pulled me up. "And you're... Riley. Ha, you're in all my classes, but science." I let out a sigh of relief. He most likely didn't know about Logan then.
"Yes, you're correct." I smiled and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Cody."
"Riley!" I heard Logan's voice behind me. My eyes widened.
"Bye Cody!" I said and started running. I ran to my dorm, shutting the door behind me, but Logan stopped me. I backed up as he walked in and shut the door behind me. I noticed he also locked the door.
"Riley, don't you EVER run from me again." He said, coming closer. Every time he took a step closer, I took a step back. That is, until my back was against a wall. His arms caged me in. I gulped.
I tried to duck and run out from between his arms, but he grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. He pressed our bodies together and caged me in again so I wouldn't escape.
"Damn it, Riley!" He hit the wall behind me, making me flinch.
"Get... away from me." I seethed through my teeth.
"What did you see?" He asked, anger showing in his tone.
"I-I hate you!" I started squriming under him and trying to push him away from me. As a result, he grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head. Now I was immobile and regretting being worried about him...EVER!
"Take that back!" He yelled.
"Never! Let-Me-Go!" I said, squirming as much as I can under him.
"Please, Riley, let me explain. Please-"
"No!" I screeched. I was frightened. He held my face in his hands.
"Look at me." He practically begged. I looked at him, though, I didn't want to. "Riley... Do you believe in angels?" He asked, barely above a whisper.
"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just.. get off. I don't wanna hear it." He sighed.
"Look, Riles. I'm sorry. But hear me out."
"Maybe if you get the fuck off me!" He let go of my arms and I pushed him far away. I sat at the head of my bed and hugged my knees. I suck my leg out. "Leg distance." He sat right behind my foot.
"Okay, Riles-"
"Riley.. If you believe in angels, do you believe in fallen angels?" I looked at him. Oh god..
"Get out! Get out get out get out" I got up and pushed him, keeping him as far away as possible. "Get out of here!" I ran to the door and opened it, pushing him out and closing the door behind him. I locked the door and started walking away from it, but he was back in my room in the matter of seconds.
"Don't even try to do that again." He warned, darkly. "Now, we're gonna do this my way and you're going to listen." He pushed me on my bed and pined me to it, making me unable to move.
"N-No, I don't like this!" I said.
"I don't really care right now. Listen, Riles. I'm a fallen angel."
"I-You had wings." I choked out, knowing it sounded crazy.
"You weren't supposed to see that. You can't treat me like this. It was your fault you worried about me." He smirked.
"What's a fallen angel?" I asked, ignoring the part of me worrying.
"An angel that was kicked out of Heaven for doing something against the rules."
"Y-You got kicked out of Heaven?"
"Not exactly. My story is different. Now if you'd stop being a little brat, I'd love to explain." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. Explain."
"When I was 10, I was hit by a car. My parents weren't home, so they didn't see it happen. Turns out, I went to Heaven and was offered a deal. I either die, or stay on Earth, but as a fallen angel. I choice the second one, if you hadn't noticed."
"Stop being such a smart ass." Was the only thing I could say.
"How the fuck am I being a smart ass!?" He screamed a me. He was angry. I jerked one of my hands free and pushed him off me.
"Look, there is no reason to explain this to me, Logan! I DON
T CARE. I don't want you in my life! I told you, I want a normal, good life! I hate this! I get here and because of you kissing me, I might have no good chances here. Yeah, stuff with school, but what if I do want a boyfriend? Hm? I might have no chance now! I don't like you, Logan.. You aren't human. That isn't normal! I LIKE normal! Normal human, normal relationship, normal.. everything! Its easy that way... No drama, and most likely, not as much pain!" He just stared at me. I hurt him. Why am I such a horrible person?
"I'll find away for you to like me, Riles. Don't worry. I said I WASN'T.. gonna give up on you." He smirked. But there was pain in his eyes. He walked out of my room and I locked the door behind him. I ran to my bed and jumped on it. Ugh...
I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. Seeing... picturing Logan as an angel. I saw it with my own two eyes. It makes me think... "What is normal?" I asked myself. What if he is the normal one, and us humans are all different?
I let out a sigh and laid back on my bed. Before I went to sleep, I had to unlock my window. For some reason, I hoped that he came back to me tonight. Knowing that he won't because I'm terrible, I still felt better with it unlocked. The terrible "If" was haunting me. I didn't want "If", I wanted "will". I repeated my fictional sentence in my head as I drifted off into a slumber.
He will come back... He will...

Chapter 4

I didn't feel like going to any of my classes today. My sentence did turn out to be fictional. He never came last night.
I decided to stay and play hookie. I didn't want to see Logan as much as he probably didn't want to see me...
I sent an alert to the school saying I was sick with the phone provided for me. I know this was a very very bad thing. I don't usually lie or play sick, but I just need a day to think at least... I don't think anyone would miss me anyway.
I really didn't know what else to do, so I just laid down and slept. I didn't think there was anything else to do.
When I woke up, it was 2:05. Everyone gets out soon.. I sighed and took a quick shower. I was actually starting to feel sick. When I got out of the shower I walked out of the bathroom quietly with a towel wrapped around me.
I looked through my clothed and picked out Sofie short shorts and a black tank top. I also picked out a bra, underwear and socks. I dressed and looked over at the clock. 2:30. Ah. They get out about now.I wrapped a towel around my head and sat on my bed. Meh..
A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door. Who was that? I walked over and opened it slowly. "Oh.. Cody?"
"Hey, Gabby, are you feeling ok?" He asked, obviously worried about me.
"Y-Yeah, I'm not feeling too good."
"Did Logan do something?" He asked. My eyes widened. Why would he ask that? "'Cause he was chasing you yesterday..." He quickly said as if reading my mind.
"Oh, right. Uhm. No. Me and Logan are pals. He thinks it's funny to chase me... even though I did attempt to put pink hair dye in his shampoo." I lied. He chuckled.
"Well, I hope you feel better." He handed me a piece of paper. "Call me if you need anything or just want to hang." He winked. I just smiled and nodded.
"Thanks for checking up on me."
"Anytime. Later." He walked away and I closed the door behind him. I figured it'd be Lilly banging on my door and wondering where I was.
As if I was some kind of crazy physic, my door busted open. I looked to Lilly and smiled. She closed my door behind her.
"You could've knocked." I teased, reading worry and anger all over her face.
"RILEY MAY TURNER, WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU TODAY!? I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" She ran up to me and hugged me, knocking my towel off my head. I patted her head.
"There there... I'm sick." She jumped off my like I was poisonous. I giggled.
"Oh, that explains a lot." She said, as if she thought I was absent for every other horrible reason, except being sick. That explains why she said she thought I died.
"Sorry." I finally said.
"It's okay, but I missed you!" I smiled.
"I missed you, too." I said.
"Okay, then next time, get over your sickness and come to class." She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Oh! So.. I saw Cody Robin was at your door.. he handed you paper.." She smiled. "Yes, I was watching. But! What did the paper say!? Let you're new best friend see it!" She smiled, poking my stomach.
I walked over to the edge of my bed, picked it up, and handed it to her.
"Here it is." I smiled at her.
"Okay.." She opened it quickly.
"He said to give him a call if I needed anything. Or if I just wanted to hang out." She laughed at me. "What..?" She handed the note me to.
"That's not all he wanted to say. Read the bottom." I looked down at the paper. My face turned bright red. I could feel it.
"You're beautiful. Remember that. Love, Cody .R." As soon as Lilly saw my face she hugged me so tight.
"You know, he's one of the hottest kids in the school. The only reason he isn't popular is because he actually treats girls right. And because he isn't such a man-whore."
"Who is a man-whore?" I asked, trying to get off the 'Cody' topic.
"Well, there's your all-time favorite Logan..."
"Seriously...? Oh god." I rolled my eyes.
"Yup. Also, Jake and Ryan. I think you know who the whores are."
"Don't even remind me." I groaned. So, Logan is a horny man-whore with... 'needs'? That's probably why he's been up my butt! He's a man-whore! A player...
Disappointment coursed through me... but why?
I looked at Cody's note containing his number and love note. Hmm...

That night after Lilly left some make-up work she brought for me. It was all really easy to do, but I couldn't stop wondering what Logan was doing right now. Ugh. Damn it, Riley. Who cares about I Logan! He's not even... normal.
I sighed. I slammed my books shut and put them away. I walked over to my window and saw Logan on the bleachers again. What the heck?
I pursed my lips. Should I go out there?
I sighed. No.. I have to get this kid out of my head. I have to stay away from him! I looked over at my clock. 11:12 p.m. Anyway. I could get caught. I looked over at my phone on my bed. Hm..
I took Cody's note out of my pocket and blushed right away. He thinks I'm beautiful? No one ever say I'm beautiful. Just 'hot' or 'sexy'. I grinned my teeth. I hated when people say that. Pisses me off; so rude. I slid my chair across the floor and to my bed. I picked up my phone and started typing in his numbers. I didn't wanna call him right now, so I saved it in my phone and started a text.
'Hey, uh.. Cody? You up? It's Riley.' A few seconds later I got a reply. It was like he was waiting for me to text him.
'I'm up. Why, need something? I could come right over if you need me.' I smiled. He was sweet. I texted him back.
'Well, you don't have to..' I sent it. I should have told him not to. What if he gets caught? He texted back. I answered it and closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I opened them, wanting to know what he said.
'I'll be there in a few. (:' I blushed. He was also...adorable!
Girl, get a hold of yourself! You came here to learn, not flirt. I looked back at my phone. There really isn't anything I need... Maybe he meant... ugh.
'I don't want you getting in trouble. Forget it. I'll see you in class tomorrow.' I texted him back quickly, but a knock on my door made me jump.
"C-Come in!" I watched Cody open the door and shut it behind him.
"Do you really care if I get caught?"
"YES!!!" I yelled like, "Duh!"
"Well, I don't. It's you. I don't care if I'm caught." He smiled, making me shyly smile.
"No need to argue with that one." I murmured. He chuckled and sat on my bed.
"So, what's up?" He asked. Oh crap.
"Uh..." I looked around the room for a good excuse. I got nothing. "I dunno." I said, looking innocent and dumb-founded.
He looked at me. "Tell me the truth, Riley." He sat down at the edge of my bed and leaned on my chair, bringing our faces really close. I blushed.
"Well... I wanted to ask you something." He nodded implying to go on. "I wanted to know if you believe in uh, this is kinda stupid... fallen angles? And also.. love at first sight." I looked away.
"Yes, I believe in fallen angels. And.." He put his hand on my cheek and I looked towards him. He smiled. "I have a reason to believe in love at first sight... Riley." I blushed harder. This would be like using him to get Logan off my mind... Wait, No! Its not! I can like Cody. Who cares? I dont need Logan in my life. I want him out. And I... I want Cody in.
"U-Uhm, I see. Has it happened to you before?" I asked. He pulled his hand away with a sigh and look down.
"Yeah..." He said, softly.
"Tell me about it." I said. He looked up to my face.
"Listen, Riley... I really don't want to talk about it right now. I'm sorry." I nodded. I understood.
"You're still in love with her?" He just frowned at my question.
"Yeah. I haven't stopped since the day she literally ran into me." I laughed.
"I remember when I ran into you. That was funny... but it hurt my bum." I pouted. He just laughed.
"You landed on me, how did your bum hurt?!"
"I dunno!"
"So, you just wanted to know if I believed in thoughs two things?"
"Mhm!" I smiled. I was a little over tired and when that happens, I'm a nut.
"Okay... why?"
"Why what?" I asked.
"Why did you want to know if I believed in them?"
"Oh. Uh, well. I was reading some book online. It was about fallen angels. And yeah, I didn't know if I believed in them or not." I smiled. It was a pretty good lie. He smiled back. And looked into my eyes and looked away.
"Then what about the love at first sight."
"Oh, yeah. Another book." He turned back and smiled. His eyes didn't seem so happy, though. I looked down. Then back at him. He was leaning on my chair again. "Anything else? I came all the way here for two questions." He smiled. Such a loving smile... I got up and he watched me as I sat next to him on my bed. I sat cris cross facing his way. He smiled again. Making me want to melt into a puddle on my bed. He then turned and sat the same way I did.
I put up my hands. He stared at me like I was crazy.
"I wanted to play patty-cake." I said, innocently.
"I'm not two, and neither are you." He teased.
"Nope." He said, popping the "P".
"GET OUT!" I didn't know if you'd call this flirting.
"I plan to, right after I ask you out on a date." I instantly blushed and Logan popped into my mind once again. UGGGHHHHH. THAT BOY!
"When and where?" I asked.
"Tomorrow night. 6:00. Diner in my dorm." He said.
"Fine, but I'm allergic to nuts." I warned, smiling.
That way pretty much how the rest of the night went...

Chapter 5

Next day, I went to all of my classes. We moved seats in Science for some reason, making me farther away from Logan. I was kind of sad, but I ignore that feeling.
At lunch, I sat with Lilly. As far away from Logan as possible. I was kind of happy 'cause we got ice cream with our lunches. Woohoo!
"What kind of ice cream did you get?" Lilly asked me.
"Oh, I don't know." I took a bit and swallowed. I didn't recognize the flavor, so I took another bite. It was really good, until my breathing started to stop slowly.
"N-Nuts..." I choked out, holding my throat.
"What about them?" She asked.
"I'm allergic to... nuts." When I have nuts, my throat swells and I can easily die.
I fell to the ground and dropped my lunch next to me. Lilly keeled next to me. I could barely breathe. No one was looking at us. No one thought we were cool. Lilly looked scared, so scared.
So she screamed, "SOMEONE HELP! RILEY CAN BREATH!" I held my neck and looked up. Cody? I heard mumbling, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I was guessing it was Lilly and Cody. Soon enough I was in Cody's arms and we were walking down the hall. That's when my mind went blank.

I woke up in the clinic. I guess I was given a shot and my swelling went down. I started coughing as I sat up. Someone was sitting on the side of my bed next to me and rubbing my back. I looked up slowly to Logan.
Instantly, I felt the need to hug him. His eyes... were filled with worried. Obviously, there was no answer if I'd make it.
"L-Logan?" I stuttered.
"Riley..." He sighed out. "You gave us a scare." I looked around the room. Wasn't I in Cody's arms.
"I thought Lilly... and Cody were here."
"They were."
"Why did they leave?" I asked. "And why are you here?" He scratched the back of his head and stood up.
"You kind of... screamed my name when you were passed out." I blushed and looked away.
"I did?"
"Yeah. So Lilly came and got me. I told them to go to class and I'd stay with you. They agreed and left."
"O-Oh... I'm sorry." I said, still blushing like a freaking tomato with sunburn... if that's even possible.
"Well. I"m fine now, so leave." My face slowly went down to my normal skin tone. "I don't think so." He sat down on the side of my bed and put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly pushed it off.
"Stay away from me. I said I didn't want you my life. So get out of it!" I got up and looked at the clock. Oh shit! "Damn it! Its already 5:20!" Logan looked at me.
"So?! I have to be at Cody's at 6! And I need to get ready!" I looked down. My shoes are off. I ran to the side of the bed and grabbed them and started running to my room. I need to get ready! Gah!
I used my key and opened my door. I went in and closed the door behind me. I ran to the bathroom. I already took a shower this morning, so I'm good. I washed my face and ran to my dresser. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a nice plain green shirt. I then brushed my hair. It actually was still looking good. I smiled at myself and looked at the clock. 5:40. Okay. I have ten minutes and then I leave. So I got my flat iron out and just re-did my hair to make sure. By the time my hair was done it was 5:53. TIME TO GO! I grabbed my phone and texted him as I walked out my dorm. 'Coming to your dorm now.'
I almost ran out the door, but Logan grabbed my waist and pulled me back into my dorm. He shut the door behind us.
"Logan! I have to go-" He put a finger on my neck and I winced. It still hurt, but I didn't care. Sparks coarsed through me at his touch. My hair stood on end.
"Your neck is red." He said, pulling his hand away, making me disappointed.
"I don't care. I have a date with Cody." My phone buzzed and I looked at the text from Cody.
'No. You'll be staying in your dorm until you well again. We'll plan it another time, 'kay? Feel better, beautiful. :-)' I read. I sighed and sat on my bed.
"Riles..?" Logan came over to me and sat on my bed next to me... close. I scooted away a little, blushing.
Why did Logan have this affect on me..?
"I don't need a nurse, Logan. I'll be fine on my own. Leave." I frowned.
"Do you like Cody?" He asked me, emotionless.
"Yes." I said. But not as much as you... I thought.
"You know, your bottom lip twitches when you lie." He smirked.
"I wasn't lying. I was thinking about something." I sat at the head of my bed away from Logan. I put my hand out. "Stay away. No wait, no. Just get out. I don't want you near me." I looked at him.
"Get out!" I threw a pillow at him. "I cant take this anymore. Just get out! We're just friends. Okay? But right now, I want to be alone." He sighed and nodded.
"Fine." He got up and walked to my door and walked out. Good. I don't need him near me. I know how to not like him. Start liking Cody. Its better that way. At least Cody is human. I texted him back.
'I'm fine, Cody. I swear.' I got up and picked up the pillow I threw at him and put it back on my bed. I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up.
'How about we do it tomorrow, just to make sure?' I sighed and sat in my desk chair.
'Fine, but I really wanted to come tonight. I even ran out of the nurse's office to get ready.'
'That's makes me happy that you cared that much.' He texted back.
'I care a lot. :I' I texted back.
'Get some rest. See you tomorrow. Sweat dreams, beautiful.'
'Good night, handsome.' I texted back. I sighed.
I decided to get into my PJ's. I wore light green booty shorts with a dark green tank top.
I laid in my bed and fell asleep.

I looked into thoughs eyes. Thoughs eyes that made me say to myself, "I'm in love with the person whom thoughs eyes belong to." Logan. He hugged me suddenly. We were in a forest. I hugged him back.
"I love you, Riles." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you, too, Log." I smiled. He pulled back and crushed his lips to mine. I responded just as hungrily.

I sat up quickly. What was that dream about?!
I combed my hair with my fingers...
Logan... I missed him... I suddenly felt horrible for treating him like dirt. After all, it wasn't his fault he was what he was. He was young... So very young...
I couldn't believe it... I started to cry. I feel horrible... I shall go find him and apologize!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2011

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