
Jordan Meagher


I'm Jordan.
You can call me anything.
I don't care.
I guess I'm considered the popular one.
But I don't hook up with a lot of guys.
I'm currently single.
And I'm totally enjoying it!
My best friends are Brittany and Danielle.
They are the funniest things ever!
I don't sware.
I was addicted to cussing when I was 13 and I feel bad now.
So yea..
But I am 17.
A junior in high school.
I work at Starbucks.
I get average grades.
Mostly A's and B's.
I go to the rink every Friday.
Everyone and I repeat everyone hangs out there every Friday.
I'm pretty fun.
I guess.
I really don't know about my personality.
I'm weird.
But I hate when people make fun of people.
So I stay out of the gossip circle during homeroom and study hall.
Actually I don't have a study hall.
I'm the only one of my friends in band.
I play trumpet.
It's a fun instrument.
But people who aren't friends with me or my friends are in band.
I get along with them but we only hang out in band.
We call each other band buddies.
Well I guess I told you a lot soo.. BYEE

Nate Johnson

I'm Nate.
I'm 18 and a junior in the hell hole you people call high school.
Why is it hell, you ask.
Well imagine getting called a nerd everyday since sixth grade since you got braces that year.
I lost my contacts in eighth grade and my mom hasn't trusted me ever since.
So I'm stuck with these glasses.
I get good grades.
All A's.
I'm in band.
I play saxophone.
A typical instrument for a guy, am I right?
My best friends are Tyler and Logan.
They're 'nerds' just like me.
We have all of our classes together.
Even band.
Tyler is friends with a few of the populars.
He even dated one back in freshman year.
I believe her name was... Jordan?
Speaking of dating.
I am currently single.
I have been for the past four years now.
It sucks.
I work at Game Stop.
I sware sometimes.
I have a bit of a sick mind.
I watch Adventure Time.
I play Borderlands and Amnesia.
All on xBox.
I have a sister.
She works at a frozen yogurt shop fifteen minutes away from here.
So I get free frozen yogurt.
Be jealous.
Well I'm gonna go now.

Chapter 1

*Jordan's POV*

I slammed my hand down on my annoying

alarm clock making the darn thing SHUT UP.
I rubbed my eyes forgetting I sleep in my contacts.
I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and straiten my hair.
I took a shower the night before so my hair was able to dry while I was sleeping.
After I was done with my hair I went over to my closet to pick out an outfit.
It was November and still no snow in Tennessee.
I decided to wear a plain outfit.
I quickly grabbed my phone, iPod, and headphones.
I ran upstairs from my room to the kitchen.
"Hey sweetie," my mom greeted me with a hug.
"Hi." I hugged her back.
I went over to the fridge and grabbed an orange Capri Sun.
Then I rushed over to the pantry and grabbed a green apple.
I kissed my mom's cheek and ran out the front door.
I was the first at the bus stop, as usual.
Logan arrived shortly after I did.
Logan had curly long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.
We were friends.
"Yea, Tyler still

wants you to get an xBox." he smirked.
"But why would I need an xBox if I already have an PS3," I asked holding in a laugh.
"Because, it's twice da funn! Duuhh!" he rolled his eyes jokingly.
I laughed.
"Haayy gurll haay!" Danielle yelled when she got to the bus stop.
"Haaayyy gurllfriieenndd!" Logan and I said at the same time.
We turned to look at each other like o_O
Danielle laughed, "Weeirrdd."
"Soo I heard we're going to get a huge

project in history today." Logan changed the subject.
The thing is with Logan.
He's only open with me, Tyler, and uhm what's his name... Nate?
Yea Nate.
He's known us since sixth grade.
Danielle was new to school during freshman year.
It took Logan awhile just to get used to me.
He's really funny and outgoing around us but when it comes to new people all he talks about it school.
"Really?" Danielle groaned.
"Mr. Styles does give us a lot of homework." I pointed out.
The bus pulled up to our bus stop and we got on the bus.
Danielle sat up front with Miley while I dragged Logan and Tyler to the back to sit in the back.
Tyler and Lexi were the first stop and Danielle, Logan, and I were the second.
I sat in the one seater while the guys sat in the two seater next to me.
"Soo did you get an xBox yet?" Tyler asked.
"No!" I laughed.
"Dude you ask her the same question every day. ASK HER A NEW QUESTION!" Logan shook him by the shoulders.
Tyler had longish bleach blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes.
We dated back in fresh man year.
"Okay.. so which guy is lucky enough to have caught your eyes?" he asked trying to act cool.
"No one." I answered simply.
"Yup." I popped the 'p'.
"But didn't you like that senior Jack?" Logan butted into the conversation.
"Yea... but he was just using me to get a girl jealous. Besides I don't want to date the older guys." I sighed.
"Oh I see. Well I'm single so if you ever wanna mingle, you have my number." Tyler winked.
I laughed, "What ever you say Ty."

Chapter 2

We arrived at the school after about ten minutes.
I decided to leave Logan and Tyler get to their lockers.
I went to catch up with Danielle and Brittany.
The way we all became best of friends this year is because we're locker buddies.
I walked up to my locker.
"Hey Britt!" I said opening my locker.
"Hey Jordan! Soo guess what." She slammed her locker shut.
"Hmm?" I grabbed my books.
"Well I made the poms team!" she cheered.
"Yaay!" I cheered with her.
Some people stared at us like we belonged in a mental asylum, but we didn't care.
"I think Tyler likes me.." I said after our cheering was over.
She laughed.
"What's so funny?" I whined.
"It's pretty obvious. He's liked you ever since fresh man year." she controlled her laughter.
"Is that why he didn't come to school for two weeks after I broke up with him?" I asked looking at the ground.
"Yea..." she said quietly.
She looked behind me and I saw a 'Go away now

' look.
I turned around and my nose brushed his nose.
"Uhm.. h-hi."
His face looked hurt, "Hey.. well uhm I better get going to Algebra.." he brushed past me and quickly ran off.
"Do you think he heard?" I asked turning back around.
"Yea... I'm sorry babe." Britt patted my head.
I nodded, "It's fine. I better get going to History."
"Yea. I gotta get to Algebra. I'll see you in third period."
I nodded and we both went in opposite directions down the hall.

I was trying not to fall asleep.
I was up all night reblogging on Tumblr.
"Okay class. Now I assume you've heard that you have a big project coming up." Mr. Styles looked around the class room.
A majority of people groaned.
"Well since it's such a large project it will be due in four weeks. It will be a five page essay on how the Vietnamese won the Vietnam war. Then you will make a power point quickly describing how the U.S lost." the teacher explained.
Melisa raised her hand.
"Yes Melisa?"
"Uhm, how do you expect us to do this in four

weeks? I understand that is a long time but it's the Vietnam war. A five page essay and a power point takes at least six. Also the procrastinators hold it off till the last week and even that isn't enough time." she said.
"That is why I am letting you guys have partners."
Everyone turned to look at their friends.
I gave Michelle a rape face and she gave me one in return.
"You will be picking your partners name out of a hat," the class groaned, "I will split the class in half. One half will write their names on a slip of paper and put it in the hat. The other half will pick a name out of the half. It's a good thing we have thirty people today."
I was on the half that had to write their name on a slip of paper.
I ripped a sheet of stationary paper out of my journal.
It was light purple with little hearts on it.
I neatly wrote Jordan Meagher c:

I put the paper in the hat.
After everyone else on my side put their names in the hat, the other side picked one by one.
There were five people left and my name still

wasn't called.
I was starting to worry.
Logan's friend Nate went up to the hat next.
He put his hand in the hat and pulled out the paper I put in.
"Jordan Meagher?" he called out.
I stood up and walked over by him.
"I'm she."
He looked at me studying my face, "Hi. I'm Nate."
After the other four picked Mr. Styles told us to write our partners names down and go back to our seats.
"This is an out of school

project. You will be going to each other's houses."
The bell rang.
"Okay. THE DUE DATE IS IN FOUR WEEKS!" He had to yell over the sound of students chatting.
I caught up to Nate.
"Uhm since we're partners I was thinking maybe you wanted to come over to my place tonight?" I asked him.
"Sure. Just text me your address and I'll be there around five." he handed me a piece of paper with numbers on it.
I started to walk to my second period class.
I turned around, "What?"
"Aren't you in band?"
"Yea! I play trumpet! I'll see you after lunch then!" I smiled then quickly walked to class.

Chapter 3

*Nate's POV*
"NAATHAANN!" Tyler screamed from behind me.
"TYLLER!!" I yelled turning around.
"I see no one screams my name," Logan pouted.
Tyler and I glanced at each other then screamed, "LOGAANN!"
"Yay!" He cheered.
We laughed then made our way to the cafeteria.
I had yogurt and a ham sandwich, as usual.
Tyler went over by Jordan's table to get something.
It looked like she was dealing him drugs the way he was acting.
But from what I've heard about her she wouldn't.
Once when I was hanging out with Tyler and Logan at the park Jordan was walking by and she saw him pull out a cigarette, she got this really angry look on her face then stormed up and slapped him.
"Hey Nate whatcha spacing out about?" Logan snapped his fingers in front of my face.
"What? Oh. How Jordan slapped you guys whenever you smoked by her."
Logan started laughing, "Those were good times."
Tyler arrived at the table, "Hey guys! Guess what Jordy gave to me!!" he sat down excitedly.
"Let me guess, Monster?" Logan said casually.
"Not just any monster! It's my favorite! The orange one!!!" He cheered.
I sighed, "You being hyper is going to kill us all."
Tyler laughed a weird laugh, "N-no it's not!"
"So, who's your partner for the history project?" Logan turned to me.
"Jordan." I answered simply, "What about you guys?"
"L-Lo-Logaann is minnee!" Tyler said after chugging down the Monster.
His eyes were wide.
"Tyler just eat your sandwich and don't talk." Logan instructed him.
Tyler nodded and ate his sandwich like a mad man.
"Wait. You picked Jordan as your partner?" Logan asked.
"No.. we had to pick our partners blindly. Didn't you guys?"
"No we got to pick our partners."
"What?! No fair!" I protested.
Logan just laughed, "Hey maybe it's fate. Maybe you and Jordan are meant to be!" He said in a weird voice.
I rolled my eyes, "What ever you say man."
I looked over to Jordan's table and saw her spit out her drink on Luke at something funny Brittany had said.
I started laughing.
"What's so funny?" Tyler asked after he had calmed down.
"Look at Jordan." I pointed over at her table.
He looked over and started laughing, "She's adorable."
I smiled at how much he loved her.
"I'm going over to her house tonight so let's see how it turns out. I'll ask her about you if want."
"Really? You would? Thanks bro!" Tyler turned to hug me.
I sighed, "Whatever."
"Now don't have to much fun," Logan winked.
I felt myself blush, "We aren't. It's just

for a school project."
Well Jordan is really

pretty and we did text a lot in the seventh grade.
But our friendship sorta just faded.
She was the only girl who understood me.
I guess I have feelings still.

Tyler And Logan

(without the tattoo)
Tyler Kempsell
I'm Tyler.
I'm best friends with Logan and Nate.
Since we're all 18 we rent a house together.
It's a nice house.
It has a master bedroom then three other ones.
But we use one as a video game room.
It's in the basement where we keep video games and school stuff there.
Nate got the master bedroom since he's the oldest.
Well let's get to about me.
I'm 18.
A junior in high school.
I'm labelled as a nerd but I get along with about anyone.
I like Jordan.
I've known her since sixth grade.
I really like her..
We live by each other.
Logan goes to her bus stop while I stay at our original one.
Nate drives to school.
I work at Rue 21.
It's pretty good pay.
I guess I can get pretty hyper.
If Jordan sneaks a Monster to lunch that's when I get wasted.. but off of Monster.. so I'm not really drunk...
I did smoke in fresh man year.
But Jordan slapped me across the face whenever she saw me smoke and she stole every cigarette pack I bought.
So I don't smoke anymore...
Well I think that's all.. Bye.

Logan Little
The names Logan.
I'm best friends with Tyler and Nate.
I'm 18.
A junior in high school.
I'm labelled as a nerd because I talk about school around new people.
It takes me years to get used to people.
Jordan is another good friend of mine.
I can tell her anything.
She's a sweet heart.
But I don't like her.
I work at the smoothie shop down town.
It has great hours and pay.
I'm pretty chill.
Unless I'm playing xBox that's when I get cray cray.
Let me just say I yell.. a lot.
I stopped smoking last year.
I smoked for three years dealing with Jordan's slapping and stealing.
But I stopped since she started crying when I came down with bronchitis.
She thought I had lung cancer.
And I felt terrible seeing her cry.
So she comes with when I go shopping to make sure I don't buy a pack.
Well I think that's all.

Chapter 4

*Jordan's POV*
I sat at home laying upside down on my bed.
My mom was at work and my dad was on a business trip in Africa.
Nate should be over in ten minutes.
I was texting him.
He was texting me whenever he hit a red light.
I tossed my phone onto my bed and went downstairs to wait.
I was sitting on the couch watching Wake Brothers on MTV when the door bell rang.
"Hey! Come in!" I opened the door stepping out the way.
"Hey," he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Let's go up to my room," I said climbing up the stairs.
He followed behind me.
"Soo I have my book and all the information is pulled up on my laptop." I said once we entered my room.
He nodded, "I have the paper for the essay and my laptop for the power point."
"Sweet let's get started!"

~Two Hours Later~

"This is soo hard!" I moaned.
"Hey, at least you have a smart person like me to help you." he smiled.
I looked at him then took his glasses.
"Whoa," I got up and walked into my bed frame.
"Here I'll help you get to the vanity." Nate got up and grabbed my waist leading me to my vanity.
I looked at myself.
I look good!!
"Y-you look cute." he complimented nervously.
I blushed, "You're cute when you're nervous."
He looked at me studying my face.
He started to lean in and so did I.
Our lips collided.
He picked me up and lay me down on the bed.
We separated and realized what we just did.
"U-uhm," he started off.
"Er... soo.." I said nervously.
"Do you like Tyler?" He asked randomly.
"I don't know.. I mean.. I guess I do.." I said slowly.
He nodded, but I could see the hurt in his eyes.
I pushed him down on the bed so that I was on top of him, "But I think I might like you more."
He looked shocked but he smiled.
"You. Me. Tomorrow night. Let's ditch the rink and see a movie." he suggested.
"Let's." I said.
I heard my door open.
"Hey Jordan I have clean bras for yo- OH MY GOD! I DIDN'T MEAN TO INTERRUPT!" I heard my mom say.
"OH MY GOD! MOM!" I yelled rolling off of Nate.
"Tyler?" she asked confused.
He shook his head no.
"Logan?" she asked way more confused.
He shook his head again, "My name's Nate. I live with Tyler and Logan a block away. I'm working on a history project with your daughter. I was think to take her out on a date tomorrow night to the movies to get to know each other better."
My moms face turned from confusion to happiness, "Oh my gosh! You have my blessing to take her out on a date."
"Mom it's not like we're getting married." I said embarrassed.
"I know. I know."
"Well I should get going. Gotta make dinner for the guys." Nate said leaning against my door way.
"Okay. I'll see you in History." I smiled waving.
"Bye Nate." My mom said smiling at him.
Once he was down the stairs my mom mouthed 'I like him'
I laughed.
What did our kiss mean?
Should I tell Tyler?
Oh look he left his sweatshirt.. I'll give it to him tomorrow during History..

Chapter 5

Just another regular morning.
Annoying alarm clock.
Straitening my hair.
Getting dressed.
I walked downstairs to see a note on the counter.
I had to go to work early today, but after school I'll take you shopping for your date tonight ;) I'll be home when you get home. Love you <33

I smiled and put the note in my bag.
I went into the pantry and grabbed a Nutella to Go and my lunch bag.
I walked down to the bus stop and of course I was first.
"Hey JordanBug." Logan said when he reached the bus stop.
"Hey Logie-Bear." I greeted him with a smile.
"Soo how was it with Nate last night?"
I blushed thinking to the night before, "U-uhm it was for a school project. Nothing happened."
"Oh really? 'Cause Nate told me a different story." he said smirking.
So he told Logan.
"Listen. Don't tell anyone. Especially Tyler. He'll be heartbroken. You know how he was after I broke up with him." I sighed.
"You can trust me Bug."
"I know." I smiled at him.
"Are you nervous for getting braces tomorrow?" he asked out of no where.
"Crap! I totally forgot about that! I seriously don't want them." I moaned.
"You're going to look cute!" he said.
I laughed.
Paging Doctor Fa**ot

My phone went off.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey Jordan! Uhm I'm not going to school today. Owen asked me to go to Six Flags with him today so I said yes!" Danielle cheered on the other line.
"Have fun! Be safe

if you know what I mean." I winked even though she couldn't see me.
She laughed, "Yea yea whatever, you perv. See you Sunday!" she hung up.
"Nice ring tone." Logan laughed.
"It's from the Hangover," I said.
The bus squeaked to a stop in front of us.
I got on first and dragged Logan to the back with Tyler following.

I was talking to Allison when Nate came up behind me.
"Can I steal you away for a sec?" he asked.
"I'll see you in health!" I said to Allison.
She looked at Nate weirdly then nodded at me walking away.
"I think I have the same sweatshirt.." he said.
I looked down, "Oh! Actually this is yours." I said taking it off.
He laughed taking it, "So I'll pick you up at seven tonight?"
"Sounds good."
"Oh and I won't have you home to late," he winked at the last part.
I laughed slightly, "I hope you have a big car."
"Oh it's real big."
We busted out laughing hysterically.
"Let's get to History." i suggested.

Chapter 6

I sat on the bus listening to music staring out the window.
It came to my stop, "Bye Logie-Bear! Bye Ty-pie!" I said blowing them air kisses.
Tyler blushed, "Bye Jordy."
Logan pretend he caught it then yelled, "BYE JORDANBUG!"
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the bus driver chuckle.
I got off the bus and ran to my house excitedly, "MOOM!" I screamed opening the door.
"JORDAAAN!" She yelled engulfing me in a hug.
"I missed chu!" I said pulling away.
"I missed you too sweetie." she pushed my hair out of my face.
"I'm gonna go up stairs and set my bag down then we can go. Kay?"
"Okay. I'll be watching Spongebob."
I quickly ran up the steps and to my room.
I looked around remembering to grab my wallet and gift cards.
I ran back down the stairs and to the living room.
"I'm ready!"
~Skipping The Shopping~
"Merp!" I squealed to myself when the clock read 6:55.
Five more minutes.
I was wearing this.
Nothing too fancy since it was the movies.
I was looking through old photos when the door bell rang.
I excitedly got up and ran down the stairs grabbing my phone.
"Hey!" I said opening the door.
"Hey," he smiled looking at my outfit.
"You look smashing," I complimented him in a fake British accent.
He laughed, "You look good yourself."
I smiled, "MOMMY! I'M LEAVING!"
"OKAY BE SAFE IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" she yelled back.
I blushed and walked outside shutting the door behind me.
"You're mom has a sick mind." Nate said opening the car door for me.
"I saw a video of her from middle school. Let me just say she knows what an angry pirate is."
"What's that?"
"I don't want to explain..."
"It's that gross?" he asked wide eyed pulling out of my drive way.
He nodded slowly.
"Hey is it okay if I plug my iPod into your car?" I asked.
"Go ahead. Just no Nicki Minaj."
I pouted, "Awe! Why?"
"Cause.. she scares me.."
I held in a laugh, "Fine."
I turned on Sleeping With Sirens.
The best band ever.
~Skipping Car Ride~
"What movie are we gonna see?" I asked excitedly.
"Well we're both fans of it an-"
He laughed, "No. But it has to do with a super hero. And he wears all black."
"Bruce All Mighty?"
"No. It's Batman!" he said smirking.
I stood there with my mouth hanging open.
I've been dying to see this movie!
"Seriously?! OH MY GOD! I've been dying to see this!" I ran up to him and hugged him.
He hugged back, "Good. I would've thought you went to the premiere since you're a huge fan."
I looked at him, "I almost went but then I was too lazy to walk." I laughed.
"Ms. Lazy Pants." he laughed.
I smiled, "What's wrong with being lazy?"
He took my hand, "Nothing."
We walked into the movie theater ad got out tickets.
We went up to the candy counter.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
It was Jack.
The guy that used me to get in my pants.
The one that took.. you know, then dumped me right after.
"Jordan!" he said.
"Hi." I mumbled.
"Who's this?" Jack asked.
"My friend." I said with attitude.
"Oh I see you replaced me already." He smiled.
"Just give me my god darn Sour Patch Kids and what do you want," I whispered the last part to Nate.
"Skittles and a Root Beer." he whispered back.
"And a Skittles and Root Beer." I finished my sentence angrily.
He got all the stuff I ordered, "What's with the attitude?"
I grabbed everything and Nate's hand and stormed off into the theater.
Once we sat down Nate asked, "Who was that."
"Oh uhm, he's an old friend of mine." I sighed.
"Seems more then that."
"I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone." I said chewing a sour patch kid.
"I swear."
"Okay well last year I was dating him secretly. No one knew. Not even his friends. I thought he was the one. He was perfect to me so I let him take my.. you know. And the day after he dumped me. Over text." I sighed trying to hold in my tears.
Nate studied my face then kissed me.
"I'm sorry if that was to soon but you don't deserve him there's so many better guys out there."
"It wasn't too soon." I smiled.
His eyes lit up.

Chapter 7

"Thanks, again, for this night. It was better than the rink." I smiled.
"No problem. I really enjoyed this night. Maybe we can do something again next time." he said parking his car in my driveway.
"Go to Starbucks tomorrow at ten?"
"Sure, but I start work at twelve." he said.
"Where do you work?"
"Game Stop."
"That's across the street from Starbucks! We work by each other? Since when?" I laughed at the last part.
He laughed, "Well we can carpool now."
I smiled, "Yea."
We looked at each other in silence.
Not an awkward silence, but a good one.
"Well I should get going," I said sadly.
"Awe. Okay, bye love." He said hugging me.
I hugged back.
He smells good.
I kissed his cheek, "Good night Nathan." I got out of the car.
"Night Jordan!" He called waving.
I smiled and went up to my room.
Best Friday night ever.
I got took a shower and got changed into my pajamas.
~The Next Day~
I ran into Starbucks at 9:45.
Five minutes early, I nodded proudly to myself.
I sat in a booth listening to music playing with my outfit.
Five minutes went by fast.
I got up and grabbed a smock.
"Hey," I poked Jake.
He turned around, "Hey!"
"It's my shift now, so like you're shift is over." I said plainly.
He nodded, "Thanks!"
He flung off his smock and ran out of the shop.
Danielle and Brittany walked into the shop.
"Where the hell were you last night?!" Danielle questioned me.
"The rink was so boring!" Brittany said.
"I was out," I still haven't told them about Nate.
"Where?" Brittany asked studying the menu.
"I was just seeing Batman."
"By yourself?" Danielle sat on the counter.
"Get off the counter. It isn't sanitary," I lightly shoved her off the counter, "And actually I wasn't by myself."
They looked at me immediately, "Who were you with?!" They both questioned at once.
"Nate Johnson."
"WHAT?!" They shrieked.
"Keep you're voices down we're at a coffee shop," I sighed.
"But he's a nerd." Danielle whispered.
"So? If you guys were really my friends you wouldn't care who I date, you would be happy for me no matter what kind of person they are." I shot back at her.
Brittany just stood there, "I'm actually really happy for you. I mean, I can see you guys together."
I blushed, "Thanks Britt."
Danielle sighed, "She's right. But still."
I glared at her.
"Excuse but are you guys getting a drink?" I heard familiar voice say.
"U-uhm no. Sorry." They both backed up and sat down at a table talking.
"Nate!" I smiled hugging him over the counter.
"Hey," he hugged back.
"So what would you like?" I questioned fixing my hair.
He looked at the menu, "Can I get a regular white chocolate mocha extra whip cream and hot."
"Coming right up." I went to make it.
"So you're Nate." I heard Danielle say to him.
"You're actually not that bad looking," Brittany giggled.
"Don't we have algebra together?" Danielle asked him.
"Yea." he said.
"Nate!" I called out his name setting his drink down on the other counter.
He walked over and grabbed his drink then pecked my lips. "Thanks."
"You're welcome," I smiled at him.
Man, we smile a lot.
He set his money down, "Bye!" He waved at us then walked out.
"Are you guys together?" Brittany asked once the door shut.
"He hasn't asked me yet, but we've kissed. A few times actually." I said making myself a hot chocolate.
"Oh really? Well you guys should make it official soon, 'cause I heard that Jack wants you back." Brittany said getting serious.
I rolled my eyes, "Yea he was acting all into me at the movies last night."
"He was at the movies with you guys?" Danielle asked.
"No. But apparently he works there." I sighed.
"Oh wow," Danielle looked at her iPhone, "Well we gotta go. I'll text you."
"Bye," I sipped my hot chocolate waving.
They waved and exited the store.
~Skipping her job~
I was walking around the strip mall looking for good places to shop at.
I was walking and reading a text I got when I bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so," I looked at the person, it was Jack, "not sorry."
"Babe, why do you always have an attitude with me?" he smiled at me.
"Because you used me!" I was resisting the urge to cuss.
He grabbed my waist and pulled me close kissing my neck, "I didn't use you babe."
I closed my eyes then realized what I was doing.
I pushed him off of me, "Stop. I don't love you anymore. I can't even stand staring at your face."
He stared at me and without saying another word I walked to my car and drove home.

Chapter 8

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
But but me and logan both have it.

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
But I like ps3 nd y wud I have two things??

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
twoooooooo tiiiiiiimes daaaaaaaa fuuuuuuuuuun duh

From: Me
To: Logan Little c:

*picture message*

I <3 U best frand

From: Logan Little c:
To: Me
Pokemon's stupid.

From: Me
To: Logan Little c:

From: Boo-Bear (Danielle)
To: Me:
So whatcha doin tonight?

From: Me
To: Boo-Bear (Danielle)
I'm gonna see Batman again c:

From: Boo-Bear (Danielle)
To: Me
Cool, don't cry again.

From: Me
To: Boo-Bear (Danielle)
...I'll try not to -_-

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
Heey the movie's over

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
Playing Slender SHUT UP!

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
Well then.

(Tyler is finally taller then Jordan)
From: Me
To: Tyler Kempsell
Stop drinking milk, darn it!

From: Tyler Kempsell
To: Me
Never say that again!!! You cannot say that!!!! I love my milk!!!

From: Me
To: Tyler Kempsell
I will say it again!! No more milk for you!!

From: Tyler Kempsell
To: Logan

From: Me
To: Tyler Kempsell

From: Tyler Kempsell
To: Me
And how exactly are you going to do that?

From: Me
To: Tyler Kempsell
Uhm.. I'll figure something out...

From: Tyler Kempsell
To: Me
Yea. You can't stop me.

From: Me
To: Tyler Kempsell
Are you ticklish?

From: Tyler Kempsell
To: Me

From: Me
To: Tyler Kempsell
I'll take ur xBox and delete everything and I mean EVERYTHING on it c:

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
I just ran into my bed TT_TT

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
Good job. *GLaDos slow clap*

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
....y r u so mean?

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
I'm not

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
U didn't help me when I was in pain...

From: Me
To: Logan Little c:
Why are you getting your hair cute?! Some people (me) like your hair!

From: Logan Little c:
To: Me
oh you like my hair ;)

From: Me
To: Logan Little c:

From: Logan Little c:
To: Me
Aww :( too bad :) hehehe gtg

From: Me
To: Logan Little c:
You're meannnn! bye.

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
Well, I say get an xBox so does Tyler and Logan

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
But Tylers mean to me...

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
we all know for a fact he's not. now get one!

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
Bu but the buttons confuse me!

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
I will teach u. Get it!

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
Ergh fine.
Only u nd Logan teach me.. no Tyler

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
Good. Very goooooood........

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3
You just talked me into getting an xBox ._. I hope ur happy

From: Nate Johnson<3
To: Me
Yay! Get xBox live to

From: Me
To: Nate Johnson<3

Chapter 9

Two weeks from what happened at Starbucks

I sighed walking past the Wii section at Game Stop.
Nate, Logan, and Tyler were forcing me to get an xBox so I could play Mine craft with them.
I grabbed the fist xBox box I saw not even bothering to check the list of the contents.
I walked up to the register where Nate was working.
"So I see you're finally getting an xBox," he smirked at me.
I glared at him, "Yea. Now hurry and ring it up. I want to set this baby up."
He laughed punching some stuff into the register that I could care less about.
"I'll be at your house in about an hour to help you download things," he pecked my lips.
"Mkay. Bye love!" I said exited the store.
~Skipping Car Ride

I got home about fifteen minutes later.
Forty five minutes until Nate comes.
Hmm what should I do?
I'll dress up really prissy!!
I'll dress all scene?
I miss those years.
I walked downstairs to the basement.
I went into my 'closet' to get a shirt and pants.
I put quotations around closet because it's just a storage room I keep old clothes in.
After I grabbed everything I need I ran up to the main floor to grab make-up and accessories I would be needing.
Then I ran up stairs to my bed room.
Thirty minutes.
Challenge accepted.
I quickly got dressed.
I did my hair.
I heavily applied my make-up.
Then I put in my snake bites.
Yea I don't wear my snake bites anymore.
Only every so often I wear them.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
I nodded approvingly at myself.
I heard the front door open then close, followed by some footsteps.
My heart started racing.
Ever since I started playing that stupid game Slender I've been so jumpy.
I quickly grabbed the closest item to me.
I glanced at it.
A freaking bag of Skittles?!
I sighed but made my way over to the railing.
"TAKE THIS SLENDER MAN!" I screamed chucking the bag of Skittles blindly.
I heard the Skittles hit the wall.
"Jordan, it's your mom. You really need to stop playing those horror games." I heard my mom sigh holding in a laugh.
I had an annoyed look on my face.
So it wasn't Slender.. ;_;
"You play them too!" I argued.
"Shush!" she laughed.
I walked downstairs to see my dad.
"FATHER!" I yelled happily hugging him.
He hugged back then looked at me.
"Your mother told me you stopped dressing like this.."
I remembered what I was wearing, "Oh," I laughed nervously, "I'm just messing with a friend. He's coming over soon and I wanted to surprise him."
My dad never really approved of me dressing like this, but since he was always away on business trips I did it anyways.
He nodded, "Well I want to meet this friend of yours. Is it a boy or girl?"
"Is her your boyfriend?"
A knock on the door saved me from answering that question.
"I'll get it!" my dad and I screamed at the same time.
We both dashed towards the front door.
Surprisingly I got there before my dad and opened the door, "Hi Nate!"
He looked at me, "Is Jordan home?"
"It is Jordan." I laughed.
He looked shocked, "I remember when you dressed like this."
I laughed slightly, "Come in."
Right when he walked in my dad shoved me out of the way.
"Hello, I'm Mr. Meagher. What's your name?" My dad held out his hand.
Nate shook his hand, "Nate Johnson."
"Are you and my daughter a thing?"
"Dad!" I yelled shoving him out of the way.
I hid my face so that way Nate doesn't see I'm blushing, "Let's go up stairs."
"No no no. You two are staying down here." my dad said.
"Dad, we're just going to set up an xBox." I sighed.
"Honey trust her. She hasn't done anything bad." My mom took my side.
"What about that one time Monica stole con-"
"OKAY LET'S GO UP STAIRS!" I quickly pushed Nate up the stairs to my room.
I shut the door sighing, "Sorry about that."
"It's fine. You have an interesting family."
I laughed, "I guess you could say that."
"Now let's set up that xBox!" Nate cheered.

Chapter 10

"I'm still really sorry about what happened last night," I walked up to Nate's locker.
"It's fine," he assured me grabbing his stuff for class.
"I know, but my dad is so weird" I said.
He laughed, "I guess that's where you get it from."
"Rude." I playfully slapped his arm.
He rolled his eyes.
"I see you later, I'm not gonna be in history today." I explained.
"Why?" Nate's face fell.
"Gotta help set up the band room for the freshmans," I said.
"Oh. Well I'll see you later then," Nate kissed my cheek then walked to class.
~After School~
I was standing against the brick wall behind the school drinking Monster listening to Wonderwall by Oasis.
I was quietly singing along when Jack came up to me.
"Hey babe," he smiled at me.
"What the hell do you want?" I said annoyed.
"I was think you and me go over to my house since no one's home and catch up with each other." he said stepping closer.
"And why would I do that?"
"Because I love you," he put his forehead on mine.
I pushed him away, "Go away dirt bag."
He pushed me up against the wall,putting his hands on my waist.
"Jack don't you dare." I warned.
"Oh I dare." and with that he kissed me.
His body was against mine.
I tried to fight it, but he's to strong.
"J-Jordan?" I heard a voice say.
Jack backed up satisfied.
The voice was Nate.
"Nate! It isn't what it looks like!" I said quickly and shocked.
We aren't even dating though..
Nate smirked looking at Nate.
Nate whispered something that I couldn't hear then stormed off.
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! YOU FUCKING ASS HOLE!" I screamed at Jack, then immediately covered my mouth after I realized what I said.
"Whatever." Jack walked off without another word.
I fought back tears and noticed a bouquet on the ground.
I picked it up and found a little note in it.
It said;
Jordan Meagher, Ever since I saw you that first day when you slapped Tyler when he was smoking I thought you were beautiful. And when you dated Tyler in freshman year I was really jealous. I thought he was the luckiest man in the world and he still loves you, I understand why. And when I got the honor to be your partner in History I was overwhelmed. Now that we have gotten to know each other, I have fallen for you so hard. You're different from the others. You never made fun of me, and also you play WoW, Mine Craft, and many other games most girls don't play. You're my idea of perfection. Be my girl? ~Nate Johnson<3

I was crying from happiness and anger and sadness.
I have so many emotions right now.
I grabbed the bouquet and note and went to my car.
I put the objects on the passenger seat and drove to my house.

My mom went on a business trip with my dad for three months.
Right when I got out of my car I started crying uncontrollably.
I was curled up in on a ball on the front lawn.
I don't know how long it was until someone came along and poked me.
"Go away," I mumbled.
"It's Logan and Tyler," I heard a very familiar voice that I needed to hear.
I instantly got up and hugged the both of them tightly.
"C-can you guys sleep over?" I asked.
"Sure thing Jordanbug," Logan ruffled my hair.
I stuck my tongue out at him and we all walked inside.
"You guys pick out movies and food while I take a shower." I said to them.
They nodded.

After my shower I walked downstairs to see the boys talking.
"So did you guys pick out the movies?" I asked tying the string on my pajamas.
"Yes!" Logan said excitedly.
"We picked out Paranormal Activity 3, The Haunting in Connecticut, and some disc labelled 7th-Freshman year." Tyler said.
I nodded then sat down in between them on the couch starting the first movie.

Chapter 11

"Tyler?" I asked after the second movie ended.
Logan had fallen asleep in the middle of us during the middle of the first movie.
"What's up Jordan Bug?" he asked.
"Do you think Nate will ever take me back?"
He looked at me sadly, "I honestly don't know. You're the first girl he's trusted ever since seventh grade."
I nodded and surprisingly I didn't feel sad.
"I'm tired so I'm gonna sleep up in my room." I said getting up.
Tyler grabbed my wrist.
I turned around to look at him, "Hmm?"
He studied my face, "N-nothing."
I nodded confused then headed up stairs.
~The Next Morning~
I woke up to my alarm clock.
I smashed my hand down on it making it shut off.
I rolled back over to be greeted by a male's chest.
I was really confused.
All I remember is Logan falling asleep on the couch then I went up stairs and passed out.
"Whoa Tyler, you finally got Jordan back?" Logan asked with a raised eye brow after he saw us.
"Tyler why are you in my bed?" I asked slowly.
"Oh uhm, Logan was snoring really loudly and it was annoying me so I came up here." he explained tiredly.
Asdfghjkl;' his sleepy voice is GORGEOUS.
"Well I made eggs and bacon, they're on the counter, and then I brought Tyler some clothes. Now let's leave Jordan to get dressed." Logan grabbed Tyler out of my bed and pushed him out of my room.
~Skipping to lunch~
I sat down at the usual table with Danielle and Brittany.
"So what happened with you and Nate?" they questioned after a few seconds of silence.
I practically choked on my Phineas&Ferb fruit snacks, "Where did you hear that from?!"
"Miranda who heard it from Victoria who heard it from Ashley who heard it from Todd who heard it from Owen who heard it from Dylan." Brittany explained.
Of course.
Jack's best friend.
I sighed angrily, "So basically the whole school knows?"
"Pretty much," Danielle said, "I'm sorry Boo-Bear."
"It's fine."
We stayed in silence for another minute.
Then Andrew came by, "Heelloo!" he said.
"Hii Andreww!" Brittany smiled at him dreamily.
He blushed and sat down at the table behind us.
"You so like him." I whispered.
"What?! Yes. I MEAN NO! NO! NO WAS THE ANSWER!" she shouted the last part panicking.
Danielle laughed, "Sure sweetheart. Believe what you want."

*Nate's POV*
I've been quiet this whole lunch.
Tyler was explaining to Logan about the good movie he missed last night.
They slept over at Jordan's to help comfort her.
Maybe I need comforting too.
I was the one who caught her kissing that jackass.
I was walking to the back of the school to see Jordan.
I had a bouquet of flowers and inside the flowers was a note.
It took me all night to write it.
She's the first girl that has accepted me for me, and hasn't cheated on me.
My heart started to race as I neared the back of the school.
I turned the corner and couldn't believe what I saw.
My heart had stopped and tears came to my eyes.
"No! Nate it isn't what it looks like!" She said panicking.
"I thought you were different," I mumbled barely audible and ran.
I ran to I don't know where.
But I eventually ended up at McDonald's.
I walked home then realized Tyler and Logan weren't home.
I quickly down the stairs to my room and just started crying.
Why do I care so much if we aren't even dating?
"Yo! Earth to Nate!" Tyler snapped in front of my face.
I snapped out of my thoughts, "What?"
"Are you going to the home wrestling meet tonight?" he asked.
"Nah. I think I'm gonna lock myself in my room and play Mine Craft."
He chuckled, "Okay."

Chapter 12

*Jordan's POV*
It's been two days since what happened between Jack and me.
I was walking to Nate's house.
We've only worked on it about two times.
We only have to write one more paragraph and make one more slide in the power point then we're done.
I seriously don't want to go to his house though.
I walked up to his door.
Oh god.
The reality is hitting me like a brick wall.
Is it going to be awkward?
It's going to be awkward, I answered my own question.
I knocked on the door.
Then some footsteps.
And finally the door opened revealing Nate.
"Hi," he said awkwardly.
"H-hey." I stammered shifting feet.
"Come in." he moved out of the door way.
I walked into his house for the first time in awhile.
"I'm gonna go to my room real quick to get the book and my laptop. You can sit on the couch."
I nodded and walked over to the living room.
I sighed.
This is so awkward.
I regret coming here.
Why couldn't we do this over a Skype call or something?
He came to the living room after about five minutes.
"So uhm let's get started." he said sitting on the other couch.
~Two Months Later~
We turned in the project and got an A+.
It's the best grade I've gotten in awhile.
Buut let's get back to the story, shall we?
The school was on winter break.
It had just started snowing two days ago, and the town looked beautiful.
It was the second day of break and I haven't done anything with friends.
Danielle is up in Wisconsin with Owen and Brittany is on vacation in Florida.
Logan has been trying to get a scholarship for college so he has no time for a social life.
Tyler has been acting stranger then usual lately, and it's scaring me.
I know what you're probably thinking.
What about Nate?
Well Nate is my friend again.
It's not the same as before but it's still a good friendship.
We haven't kissed.
I don't think we will.
My phone buzzed with a text.
From: Nate Johnson
To: Me
Msg: Meet me by the park 2 blocks away, I have some important news to tell u ;)
I laughed and replied a simple Kaay.
I got dressed into a sweater and skinny jeans with UGG boots walking outside.
The fresh winter air hitting my face.
I walked to the park listening to Wonderwall by Oasis.
I arrived at the park to see Nate sitting on a swing.
"Nate!" I smiled sitting on the swing next to him.
"Jordan!" he laughed.
"So what did you need to tell me?" I asked drawing shapes into the snow with my shoe.
"Well you have to promise to act surprised when this happens." he started.
I nodded, signaling for him to continue.
"Well Tyler is going to have a surprise for you on Christmas Eve," he smiled.
My heart fluttered, "Really?"
"Yea! I can't tell you what the surprise is but you're going to like it."
"Wait, how did you know I like Tyler?" I questioned.
Nate laughed, "You don't like him, you love him. I see the way you guys look at each other. Everyone and I repeat everyone knows you too are going to get married and have kids someday. You two are probably the best couple out of the whole school."
I was shocked.
Even I didn't hear these rumors.
"And this time I won't come between you guys like I did last time. I love you Jordan but you love Tyler and I respect that," Nate hugged me getting up.
He started to walk home.
"Wait!" I called.
He turned around.
"I want to say good-bye to my feelings for you too," and before he could reply I kissed him.
I felt something.
No, I didn't feel sparks or fireworks.
I felt all my feelings for Nate disappear.
Like finally my mind was clear from thoughts of Nate.
He pulled away, "Now do you realize your true feelings?"
I nodded smiling, "I'll always love you as a brother Nate."
He hugged me, "And I'll always love you as a sister Jordan."
We walked home together holding hands in a friendly way.
My thoughts were clouded with thoughts of Tyler.
Tomorrow's Christmas Eve.
I wonder what the surprise is.
I'm so excited.
"Well this is my house. I'll see you on Mine Craft tonight and I'll see you tomorrow." Nate hugged me good-bye.
I hugged back, "Bye Nateo."
He waved and walked inside while I continued walking to my house.
I was listening to Sleeping With Sirens when I burst through the door of my house collapsing on the couch.
I want it to be tomorrow already.
I had so many things on my mind.
Nate had finally admitted his love for me.
I kissed Nate.
Just so many things.
I'm happy my feelings for Nate are gone though.
I tried to date Kieran, but it failed terribly.
My thoughts were clouded with thoughts of Nate.
I couldn't get him out of my head.
Every time I was with Kieran I thought I was finally over Nate but then he just popped into my thoughts out of no where.
Now I know that I am officially over him and that tomorrow is going to be perfect.
I'm finally happy.
Truly happy.


Texte: Bayleigh Little
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Bayleigh Little
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.08.2012

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