


'Perfect in his eyes'



“Tiny? Where are you?” I heard Josh say, sounding worried. I looked up at him as he walked into my parents now empty room. I could barley see through my blurry eyes. I was sitting an the floor in the middle of their room staring at the only picture I had of them. I looked back up at Josh who was now towering over me. I started crying. I hugged the picture to my chest putting my face in my hands.
“Tiny please stop crying. I know you miss them. I do to.” He said picking me up bridal-style. I clung to the picture as he carried me out the room and out the house to his car. I was still crying as we got to our new house our parents left us in their will along with all their money. They were both lawyers so we had a lot of money. Before they pasted they bought a mansion that they payed off for us to live.
I didn't understand why me and my older brother need such a big house. It was only us two. I was still sad but I knew josh was going to take care of me like he always had.

My parents were never really there but I still loved them like I spent every minute with them. My dad use to beat me and leave bruises all over my body. I didn't know how he could hate me so much when I loved him to death. Josh saved me one day when my dad was beating me almost unconscious and had broke my wrist.
On the way home from a job party they were hit by a drunk driver. The police said if they wouldn't had drank themselves they would still be alive. Part of me wishes they were still alive but the other part is happy im away from the abuse.
“Tiny are you ready to go inside now?” Josh said bringing me back to reality. He was already out of the car and at my door opening it for me.
“Umm, yeah I guess I am.” I said getting of the car putting my backpack on. We grabbed our suitcases out of the back of the car. As we walked inside the house we stared not knowing what to say. It had 12 rooms and they all had bathrooms in them plus another bathroom down stairs. I ran up the stairs and found my perfect room. Everything is purple and and pink. My favorite colors. It was perfect for a 16 year old.
“JOSH, JOSH, COME LOOK AT MY ROOM!” I screamed. He came walking it. “Wow it's perfect for my little sister!” He said laughing and hugging me. He dragged me to his room. It was a blue and green. His two favorite colors. “I guess they knew we would pick these rooms so they colored them our favorite colors.” I looked up at him and watched him nod. I walked out of his room and down the hall looking at all the other rooms. They were all white with black rugs and dressers. I walked in the backyard and saw a 10 feet deep pool with a slide. “Josh we have a pool.” I yelled. He came outside and looked around. “Yeah it's nice just needs some cleaning.” He said walking inside laughing. I followed him to the living room and sat on the couch next to him. I put my legs on his lap.
“Tiny,” he said while looking at me. “ I was thinking , and I know what your going to say but I just wanted to tell you ima ask all my friends from the football to move in with us. There's enough rooms for all of us and it would be perfect.” He looked at me all happy. “ You really think their parents are going to let them? And I will be the only girl. If they move in that means ALL the rooms are takin and none of my friends can move in.” I said pouting. Don't get me wrong I would love to live with all guys but that means like triple the protection so ill never get a boyfriend.
I already knew the whole football team and they were all like brothers to me. Looking out for me like Josh told them to do. So every time I was hanging out with my crush that I liked since the 6th grade they would come up and ruin it. I knew Shane(my crush) liked me to and in a matter of a couple weeks he would be mine. Now I highly doubt it.
“Destiny I know you will be the only girl but im sorry. All the guys already moved at of there parents houses at 16 cause there parents gave them the permission to. So instead of them having to pay rent they ALL are coming to live here,” He said smile at me. “ Now go unpack your stuff.”
“But wh-”
“No buts Destiny. Im sorry but your going to have to deal.” Josh said cutting me off. I looked at him mad. Then I just decided to give up and go unpack my stuff cause I was definitely not going to win this one.



Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm went off. Wait? What? Why is my alarm going off. I sat up turning it off. Walking out of my room I bumped into Josh.
“Hey look who's awake.” He said grabbing my hand and making me twirl around. I looked at him confused as to why he was so happy.
“ One, why are you so happy? And two why is my alarm going off at 9:30 in the morning?” I said a little angry.
“First off little Missy don't get an attitude with me. And second it's summer so why waste your time sleep plus the guys are moving in today.” Josh said laughing.
I walked in my room and slammed the door in his face. If the guys are coming today I need to look cute. I start running all over my room grabbing my purple skirt that comes up thigh high. Also a black v-neck with a pink, purple zebra necklace, panties and a bra I ran into my bathroom and turned the shower on hot. Stripped off my pj's and jumped in washing my hair and body and shaving my legs. Jumping out of the shower I wrap a towel around my hair and wipe of my body. I put on my clothes and started blow drying my hair. I teased it making it big and put a bow in it. When I was done with my hair I put on a little make-up. I didn't need a lot im naturally pretty. I looked in the mirror and smiled. Oh shot I need to brush my teeth. I ran in the bathroom and grabbed my toothpaste. I brushed my teeth and ran down stairs.

“Josh when are they coming?” I said sitting on the couch. He was in the kitchen making himself a sandwich. “Umm,” He looked at his watch. “ Any minute now. And what are you wearing?” He walked into the living room looking me up and down. He got a mad look in his eyes as he stared at me. “What?” I was confused. The door rang and brought him back to reality. “ Go change.” He said calm but mad at the same time. He got up and walk to the door. No I wasn't going to change. He wasn't my dad. I got shivers down my spine just thinking about my dad. I looked down at my scar on my wrist and felt the pain of him snapping it. I flinched.
“Hey Dest.” I heard. All the guys were walking in throwing there bags all over the room. I looked up and saw them all staring at me eyes drooling over me.
“Oh hey.” I said smiling looking at all of them. They all looked happy except Josh. Of course. I rolled my eyes and watched TV. After a little bit my phone vibrated. I looked at my phone and it was a text from Shane.
Shane: Hey are you home?
I jumped with joy. My heart started beating really fast.
Me: Yeah why?!
I couldn't breath and I sat there a waited for him to text me back. I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I guess I was blushing cause they all laughed. My phone vibrated again and I looked down.
Shane: Come outside? Please!
I jumped up and grabbed my jacket.
Ryan, Anthony, Jake, Damien, John, Keegan, Ty, Nick, Jessie, Bryce and Josh all looked at me.
“Where you going?” Josh said standing up and catching me by the arm. I flinched but realized he wasn't going to hit me. I looked over to see them all looking at me worried and confused. Josh slowly let go of my hand realizing he scared me.
“Umm so anyways where you going?” He sad scratching his head. I looked around knowing they all wanted to know. I thought for a second. “Gabby's outside she wants to show me something. ” I said blurting out. I could so tell I was lying. I just hope they bought it.
“Oh ok just don't be long.” Josh said. I waved bye to everyone and walked outside. I cant believe they bought it. Now to find Shane. I turned the corner after shutting the door and there he was. So sexy. Crystal blue eyes and short black hair.
“Hey beautiful.” Shane said pulling me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.
“Hey Shane.” I said smiling looking up at him. Im 5'4” and he is 6'2” so he is very tall. “So what do you wanna do today?” He said looking down into my eyes. “Um I cant leave cause my brother and all his friends think im out here talking to Gabby.” I said laughing. “Oh Josh is here?” He went to walk up to the door. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back fast. “Um see like I said they think im out with Gabby.” He looked mad but then calmed done once I touched his arm. “Oh so they don't know im here? Or is it cause they don't want you around me?” Great. Now I have to tell him the truth.
“Its actually both. But more of the last one. Look im sorry but there all protective and they know your a man-whore that is the captain off the basketball team.” I felt bad to tell him but he had to know the truth before we both got killed. He smiled at me. “Well they got to know me if ima be your man and your gunnah be my girl.” He winked at me. “Are you asking me out?” I smiled really big. He shook his head yes. I screamed and jumped on him giving him the biggest hug ever.



“Kiss me?” He said looking at me in my eyes. I couldn't say no. His lips looked so good i've wanted to kiss him for as long as I could remember. He pulled me up to him crushing our lips together. Our tongues dance together in our mouths. I pulled away wanting more but I had to go inside. I took off his basketball jacket and went to hand it want to him. “No keep it. It looks sexier on you.” He said peeking me on the lips before walking away. I stood there shocked.
Walking inside I tried to hide my smiles but it wasn't happening. I walked into the living and saw all the guys were still watching TV. There were no stops left so I sat on the floor with my legs crossed.
No one even noticed I was inside till Keegan looked over at me raping me with his eyes.
“KEEGAN STOP STAIRING AT ME.” I yelled looking at him wide eyed. “Oh sorry Dest.” We both laughed but then everyone looked over at me staring. I looked down to see what they were looking at and saw Shane's jacket. I looked back up and saw Josh getting up. I stood up really quick and looked at his face. “What's wrong? Did I do something?” I stood there trying to play it off. Think Destiny. Think. I could feel them all staring at me. “Oh t-t-his is what Gabby wanted to s-show me. Its cool huh? It's mine to k-keep. Her brother made it for me since he is on the b-basketball team.” I said taking it off and then realizing it had Shane's name on the back.I was done for it. “Um then why does it say 'Shane' on it.” Josh said furious. He hated Shane and he knew I was friends with him. He also knew I had a crush on him for like ever. “OK you know what Josh I don't care anymore. I'm dating Shane and there is nothing you can do about it.” I looked around noticing everyone was mad. They all had flame in their eyes. I was done and didn't want to hear what he had to say. “I DON'T WANT Y-” At this point I didn't care. I ran out the house and down the street to Shane's house. When I was around the corner from my house I called him.
Shane: “Hello baby.”
Me: “Hey um so they know. They saw your jacket and now I dont know what there going to do.”
Shane: “Ok hold on. Oh FUCK I did let you have my jacket huh?”
Me: “Yeah. So I don't know what to do.”
Shane: “I guess just go home and wait in your room till things blow over.”
Me: “Hold on someone is calling me.”

I looked down at my phone to see it was Ty calling me.
Me: “Shane let me call you back.”
I hung up the phone and answered when Ty called me again.
Me: “What Ty?”
Ty: “You can come home everyone else left but me and Jessie. I don't know where they went but you free to come.”
Me: “ Ok i'll be home in a sec.”
Shit. What am I going to do. I don't want Josh mad at me or any of the other guys but I love Shane. I walked around the corner and into the house.
“Hey Dest come here.” I heard Jessie say. I walked into the living room and stared at him waiting for him to talk. He could tell I was pissed and started talk. “ Just want you to know were only looking out for you. Shane is bad news.” Why can't everyone see Shane how I see him. I turned around and walk up stairs. Walking into my room I heard the front door open and the rest of them come inside. I slammed my door shut and locked it. Falling on my bed I fell right to sleep.



Me: “No daddy i'm sorry I really didn't mean to break it.”
Dad: “You break my table I break you.” He said snapping my wrist like a twig. I started screaming and crying.



I woke up to Josh holding me like he always did when I had nightmares of my dad. I was crying and holding my wrist. I opened my eyes and hugged Josh.
“I'm so sorry I woke you up.” I said looking at all the other guys that were in my doorway.
“It's OK just go back to sleep. But we have to talk tomorrow.” Josh said putting me back in my bed and covered me up. I didn't want tomorrow to come but I had already fell back asleep before I even realized.
The next morning I woke up at 10:36. I knew I had to face them today and tell them the truth and I was freaked out even thinking about it. When I looked in the mirror my make-up was every where. I wiped off most of it and threw my hair in a ponytail. Right when I was about to go down stairs I heard all the guys go running out of their rooms and down the stairs. I waited for a second an then walked down half way listening to there conversation.
“ Josh was last night all about? With Dest?” Anthony asked. All the other guys all chimed in saying “Yeah what was that?” at the same time.
“My dad use to hit Destiny and one day he even broke her wrist. That's why she has a scar on it. And almost every night she has nightmares about it.” Josh said. I could tell he wanted to say more but just left it alone. “Oh that's why she flinches when you grab her or something.” Ryan said. I knew he would say something. He's like that. “Yeah exactly” Josh said. I sat there for a second and then thought the longer I sit here the longer it's going to take for them to except the fact that me and Shane like each other a lot. I walked down the stairs and into the room. I wasn't going to be the first one to bring it up so I just grabbed a cup and got some apple juice. Walking out of the room into the kitchen I felt all eyes on me. Josh knew I was ignoring what 'we' had to talk about. I sat on the couch and heard them all come shuffling in after me. They all took there seat filling up the whole room.
“So are we going to talk or what?” Josh said looking across the room from where he was sitting.
“What do you wanna talk about?” I said being a smart ass. I smiled at him knowing he was going to blow up on me.
“You know what im talking about Destiny Cheyenne. Don't play dumb.” All the guys I looked at him surprised. I hate when people say my middle name.
“What's to talk about I already know what your going t-” He cut me off “ No you don't know. I was going to say you can date him but don't bring him around me.” All the guys looked at him gasping. “Your seriously going to let her date him Josh?” Damien said. They all joined in say “Yeah's?” and “Seriously?”
I was so shocked that he was going to let me date him that I didn't know what to do.
“Yes I am guys and if he breaks her heart then im done.” He said serous looking at all of them. “I'm with you on that one.” Bryce said. All the guys agreed. I ran and hugged Josh. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I screamed in his ear. “I wasn't done yet Destiny. Your not aloud to do anything but kiss. And not in front of any of us.” He said motioning to all the guys. I just laughed and hugged him. “Im serious Destiny.” He stop laughing and looked at me.
“Ok Josh I get it. But just one thing for me? Can you please just be nice to him? I wanted to have a party and I was hoping he could come?” I said giving them all puppy dog eyes.
“Fine. But not in the bedrooms alone. And we need to talk to him.” I thought for a second. “Yes to the first one and no to the second one.” I got up and ran to my room to grab my phone and text Shane.



Me: “Baby they know were dating! Oh and were having a party tonight and your coming!” I sent it to him.
I threw my phone on the bed and grabbed a towel and some clothes. I got in the shower washing my hair and body and getting all my make-up off. I wiped off my body and threw on my black tight fit skirt that went mid-thigh up. I grabbed my purple v-neck and pulled it on. It showed some of my chest and I knew Josh would be mad but that's how I liked it. I smiled just thinking about all their mad faces. I plugged in my straightener and did my make-up. Just a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. I straightened my hair and teased it. When I was finished I grabbed my purse and threw 200$ in it. Looking at my phone before I put it in my purse. I had a text from Shane.
Shane: “OK babe.”
I decided to call him instead of texting him.
Me: “ Hey baby wanna go shopping with me?”
Shane:”Yeah I’ll be over in a sec.”
Me: “Um no ima just go there.”
Shane: “ OK baby see you soon.”
I hung up the phone and ran down the stairs. “Josh ima go get Gabby then go shopping for a dress for the party tonight. Be home later. Oh and will you guys get drinks and stuff for the party?” I said walking into the living room. All the guys started drooling at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Josh. “Dude guys stop staring at my sister.” They all looked away knowing he was mad. “Well bye guys.” I grabbed Shane's jacket and ran out the door.



I watched as Destiny threw on the jacket Shane gave her and run out the door. I shook my head. I had to change this. Wait? Wasn't Gabby away for the summer?
“Jake did Destiny say she was going shopping with Gabby?” I looked at him.
“Yeah. Why?” Jake looked confused. I looked at all of them.
“Shit. She lied to me.” I was furious. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.
Destiny: “Hey big brotha what's up?”
Me: “Can I talk to Gabby?” I knew i'd catch her.
Destiny: “Um she is actually trying on a dress right now.”
Me: “Then can I speak to Shane?”
She gasped. I knew she was hesitating which made me realize she really did lie to me.



I didn't know what to say. I forgot he knew that Gabby was on vacation. I might just have to tell him the truth and hope he understands.
Me: "Im sorry Josh. Im with Shane. Please understand that I like Shane. If you don't want him to come to the party tonight then I understand. But understand that i wont be there either."
I hung up the phone. Im not going to let him ruin it. Ruin mines and Shane's relationship. My phone vibrated. Josh was calling me back. Shane took it from me and turned it off. He pulled me to him and whispered in my ear. "It's our time together. Do you wanna come over tonight? My parents are on a business trip. We can you know." He looked and me and smiled. I whispered on his lips "Sounds fun. I'll be there." We crushed our lips together. Licking his bottom lip he let my tongue enter his mouth. "I got to go." He said looking at his phone. "I got to do a couple things before you come over." We smiled at each other then went out separate ways.
I watched him walk away and then turned on my phone. I had 12 missed calls. 2 from Josh then one from each of the guys. I decided to call Keegan cause I knew he wouldn't yell at me. The phone rang 2 times then he answered.
Him: "Where are you Dest?"
Me: "Im at the mall. Do you know if were still having the party?"
Him: "Yeah me and the guys are but we all agreed you cant come. You have to stay in your room."
I cant believe this. There gunnah force me to stay in my room while there having the party I planed. Fuck that now im really going to Shane's. They will never now i left till they go to bed.
Me: "Fine whatever." I hung up the phone. Now i really need a sexy dress. I walked into wetseal. Running around and grabbing all the dresses i could find. I managed to grab the perfect one. It was black and hugged my body. Showing all my curves. It went a little higher than most of my skirts did but whatever. It was for my sexy boyfriend. I matched my black dress with purple heels that had ribbion that wrapped around my legs. I also bought a purple purse to go with the whole outfit. When i was finished I walked home not knowing what to expect when I got there.
I walked in the door. Closeing the door only to turn around and find all of them surrounding me.
"Um hi?" I said pushing threw them to go up to my room but only to be caught and thrown back. I flinched as josh held on to my once broken wrist. He saw the pain in my eyes as it filled with tears. I fell to the ground and cryed the hardest I have ever cryed. Anthony picked me up bridal-style and carried me to my room. I held on to my wrist as he put me on the bed. He walked out shutting the door behind him. I got and locked the door. Falling to the ground catching my knees to my chest. I sat there what seemed like hours. Finally looking up I saw the snow globe my dad gave me on my 12th birthday. Why did I even keep it.
I got up and walked over to. Holding it in my hand bouncing it back and fourth palm to palm. With one swift move I threw it. Crashing into the mirror they both broke into millions of pieces. Before i could reacted someone or people were knocking on the door more like banging. I grabbed one of the mirror pieces and held it to my arm. One move and it sliced me open. I did it again and again over and over and over. Everything went blank.

I hate myself. I hate that i let her get like this. I should have protected her. Im her big brother not her enemy. I threatened her boyfriend. I technically threatened her.
I stood up passing around the hospital room. I felt all the guys watching me. I turned around and hit the wall full force. Nick, Bryce and Jessie all grabbed me before I could punch again. They sat me down on the seat right next to Destiny.
"You need to be strong for her Josh." I heard Ty say from across the room. I looked up at all of them but her Destiny mumble something we all got up and circled her bed.
" What is it Dest?" I held her hand hoping she would say something else.
"Where am I?" She managed to say looking all around the room looking at us. Her eyes locked on someone at the door. I followed her gaze but only to find Shane in the doorway. I cant believe he felt like he would be welcome here. I just stared at him wishing looks could kill. He would have been dead along time ago. Without hesitation I walked over to him pushing him out of everyone's sight.
"What are you doing Josh. Im here for her now let me go." Shane yelled trying to remove my hands from his shirt.
"Im sorry dude. She's just my baby sis. You have to understand im just looking out for her. I already told Destiny you guys cold date but you may not kiss her in front of me and you may not even if she says it's ok you may not...have sex with her. You might already know this but im just informing you." I said could barley say the last part but I had to tell him.
"I understand man and OK we wont. Thanks for letting us date. I re-really like her Josh. She means a lot to me."
I didn't know what to say so I just shook his hand and led him back to the room.



I looked around at all the guys. They were all smiling and laughing with each other. Even Shane. They all finally excepted him. I felt a sharp pain on my arm. It felt like it was wet underneath the Ace Bandage. I looked at it and blood started to seep through it. I started unwrapping it but Josh stopped me.
"What are you doing." He said holding my arm in his hand.
"Just unwrapping it Josh. Chill out." I pulled my arm away from him and unwrapped the rest of it. I just stared down at my arm. I didn't know I got it so bad. There was at least 10 open gashes on my forearm. Before I could reacted Shane was wiping them off with a cold paper towel. I flinched cause it stung really bad.
"Im sorry baby." I just smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. He started wrapping my arm up again but with a new Ace Bandage. He sat down next to me and held my hand. I looked around noticing Josh was gone.
"Where did Josh go?" I looked around and they all just looked at me. What? Why wouldn't they answer me.
Finally Ryan broke the silence "He went for a walk." I didn't what to say. Was he mad at me? I guess they saw the worried look in my eyes. "He isn't mad he just wanted to go do something." I looked at Shane. He didn't notice I was staring at him. He just held my hand watching the game. He looked so beautiful. I couldn't help but smile and blush when he looked at me. We just stared at each other. He winked at me and squeezed my hand but went back to watching the game. I started to feel tired again so I rolled over and shut my eyes just to wake up screaming. Josh and Shane both looked at me instantly and were at my side.
"What's wrong baby are you ok?" Shane asked.
I couldn't answer I just held him and cried hysterically.
"Im-Im OK." I managed to say between breaths. He let me go and said something to Josh then walked out the room. I knew he was leaving so I could talk to Josh alone. The only problem? I didn't want to tell him something I kept from everyone. Even my mom.



I stared crying. I knew he would be mad but I didn't want him to be mad at me. Then I thought if he would tell the other guys. If he did I just hope they didn't bring it back up to me.
"What is it Tiny? I know there is something your not telling me." I couldn't say it. I didn't want to. I just stared at him and cried.
"Please tell me. I'll leave you alone when you done telling me." He stared at me starting to get really confused and worried.
"He r-raped me Josh. Dad raped me." I started crying even more I couldn't control it now. I was hyperventilating and and couldn't breath. The machine that was keeping track of my heart beat started beeping. My nurse ran in.
"You need to calm down sweetie. Breath. You have to calm her down." She said pointing to Josh. He shook his head, OK, and crawled into bed with me letting me lean against his chest and cry all over his shirt. He didn't say anything to me just let me lay on him. I eventually drifted to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and saw Keegan was the only one in then room with me. I didn't understand why he would be the one here with me. He wasn't paying attention to me just sitting there texting and would look up at the TV ever so often. I cleared my throat and tried to talk but nothing came out. I tried clearing my throat again but still nothing came out. Picking up my pillow that was under my arm I threw it at him getting his attention.
"Hey Dest your up. You OK? Need some water?" He asked looking happy I was awake. That wasn't like him. He usually wasn't the one to volunteer to do anything with me. He looked down at me and I quickly realized I had been staring for awhile. I shook my head for some water so maybe I could talk.
He walked to the other side of the room and handed me a cup. I took a drink of it.I could feel it go down my throat. Still not able to talk I coughed and finally I was able to talk again.
"Thank you." I said looking at up his big beautiful icy blue eyes. I never really noticed how beautiful he was till now. His short brown hair was in messy spikes. His big pink scrumptious lips that hide his amazing white smile. I couldn't help but smile at him. He returned the smile but quickly moved when we heard someone clear there throat. There stood Shane. He smiled when he noticed I was awake.
He hid something behind he back as he walked up to me. "Hey baby." He said smiling at me. "Hey love." I said returning the smile. "I got you something." He said pulling out a bear. It was white and had a heart saying get well. I took it from him saying "thank you" and pulling him down to kiss me. I guess Keegan didn't like the fact that we were kissing cause he moved his chair and it made a loud squeaking sound. Shane pulled away from me and looked at him. "Hey sorry bout that man. Hows it going?" Shane said walking over to get a chair to sit on the other side of me. "Good. Was great," He finished the rest under his breath so I could only hear "till you came."
I smiled at him and laughed a little till I realized what he meant. I looked over at him confused. 'Tell you later' He mouthed to me. I shook my head OK and looked back at Shane. He was texting. Since when was he into texting? I didn't much thought to it. I had enough to think about.
My nurse came walking in a second later and started pulling out my i.v. I looked at her confused. "Am I going home today?" I asked excited. "Yes you are but I have to talk to you before you get dressed. Want them to stay or leave so we can talk?" She said. I didn't know what she wanted to talk about so I decided it was best for them to leave. When they walked out and shut the door I looked up at her.
"Since you did self harm yourself I think it's best, and I already told your brother this, but I think its best you aren't alone at all for at least a month or longer. Your brother agreed that someone will be home with you or with you at all times. Now get changed and ill tell the guys they can come back in." She walked at and they walked in.
"Now I have to be fuckin babysat all the time." I said to them slamming the bathroom door to get changed. When I walked back out the nurse was back in the room. She had some papers in her hand.
"Here are you discharge papers and you prescription. Just sign these 3 papers and take this to CVS i'll call them so they know your going to get them so they're ready." I signed they papers and looked down at the other.
"Wait why do I need a prescription?" I asked confused. "Oh yeah there anti-depressants and pain medication for your arm if it hurts." I shook my head 'OK.'
I started getting dizzy and tired so I wanted to go home right away and go to sleep.
"Hey baby will you pick up my prescription?" I said looking at him giving him the puppy dog eyes. He looked kinda mad which was weird cause he never acted like that when I ask him to do something for me. "Um, Actually I got shit to do." He said walking out the room. I watched as he walked out the door not even hesitating to look back. Why would he just leave me like that. He's my baby he's supposed to do the little things for me. I felt a tear go down my face but I quickly whipped it away not letting Keegan see it. "Let's go."
I said grabbing the rest of my stuff. When we got down to the car he opened it for me and help me get in. "Thank you." I said as he shut the door. "Of course." He climbed into the driver side and turned the engine on. We started driving. It was silent the whole way to CVS. When we got there I tried to get out of the car but almost feel. Thank god Keegan was there to catch me. "I'll just go get them." He said with a big bright smile.
"Thank you so much." With that he walked away.
I was almost asleep when he came back. He slammed the door really loud but not on purpose. "Oh im sorry. I didn't think you were sleeping." He handed me two pill bottles. They both said take 1 every 8 hours. There was 21 in each bottle so I had to take them for a week straight. I could get to like that. Before I even realized it we were pulling into the drive way. I went to get out but Keegan lead over and shut my door.
"What is it Keegan?" I asked confused. He really looked like something was bothering him. "I don't know Destiny just these days Ive become more and more attracted to you. I know you have a boyfriend but he just doesn't treat you right and I can." I looked at him in shock that he just said that.
"Shane is so nice to me and treats me amazing. I don't know why any of you cant see that. Yes I like you to Keegan but I love Shane and I cant just give up everything me and Shane have." I got out of the car and grabbed all my stuff not even looking back to say anything else.



I walked into the house and into the arms of all the other guys. I wouldn't let any of them hug me cause I wanted to take a shower first. Ty helped me take all my stuff up to my room. I went to shut the door but it wasn't there.
"Guys where's my door?" I already knew the answer but I wanted to hear what the had to say. They all just kinda sat there and acted like they didn't hear me. "The doctor said your not aloud to be alone." Josh finally said. "That's not necessary but whatever." I was kinda happy I didn't have privacy. Then I would be tempted to cut again. I walked over to my bed and saw the bear Shane gave me. And im right back to sad.
Without even really trying I grabbed my sweats and a tank top. I turned the shower to warm and unwrapped my arm. It revealed all 10 deep gashes that weren't full scabbed over. I sat in the shower and just let the water go all over me. I started to feel like I was going to fall asleep so I washed my hair and body and got out. I put on all my clothes and decided I wasn't going to be sad anymore. I walked out of my room and saw all they guys hanging out and laughing. Maybe they will cheer me up. I walked down the stairs and into the living room. There was one more space left in the middle of the couch between Josh and Jake. I laid down putting my head on Josh's lap and my legs on Jake.
Jake started to move them off but I turned and gave him the puppy eyes. "God Destiny you know some day that's not going to work." We both smiled and he let me put my legs back on him. "Sure it won't." I laughed and accidentally hit Anthony with my arm. He grabbed my arm trying to joke but didn't notice it was the one with the cuts on it. I yelp and everyone looked at me. "Shit Im so-" He started. "No it's not your fault." I realized I had to take my medicine so I got up and walked to my purse. I didn't want anyone to notice but I ended up spilling them all over the tile. "Need help?" I looked up and saw Keegan bend down and start picking them up. When we were down picking them up he handed them to me. "Thanks and sorry about earlier. Maybe we can talk later?" He smiled at me and shook his head yes. I walked into the kitchen to grab juice. I pulled out the apple juice and took my pills not even bothering to pour any in a glass. When I was done I went back to lay on the couch and the next thing I knew I was asleep.
I wasn't fully asleep cause I could hear there whole conversations. They obviously thought I was.
"Why didn't Shane come home with her?" Anthony said obviously it was to Keegan.
"She asked him to get her prescriptions for her because she wasn't feeling well. He didn't look up from his phone and all he had to say was 'I got shit to do'." Keegan said mimicking Shane and everything but Shane definitely didn't talk like that.
"Damn I knew he was a bad guy for her. She's already been through so much from her cutting herself, my dad beating and rap-" He stopped and covered his mouth knowing he wasn't supposed to say that. Damn it Josh.
"He raped her to Josh?" Damien said. It wad already to late for him to say no.
"Yeah he did." I could feel him shaking. He ran his fingers threw my hair. It was still kinda damp but soft.
"How could anybody do that to such a sweet beautiful girl." Keegan said. I started blushing not able to control the burning in my cheeks. I just shoved my face into Josh's leg so no one could see.
"I know." Ryan,Jake,John, Ty, Nick all said agreeing with Keegan.
"Well we should take her to bed. Who's sleeping on her floor tonight? I think it was Jessie and Bryce?" Josh said. I could feel someone pick me up but I was to tired to look and see who it was. They walked up stairs and put me on my bed. I grabbed the bear Shane gave me and quickly fell asleep.
I was sound asleep when my phone started vibrating. I looked at it and Shane texted me 3 times. I threw it under the bed and got up to go to the kitchen. I tripped over someone and landed on someone else.
"Shit Destiny what are you doing it's 4:32 in the morning go back to bed." Bryce said. "Sorry Bryce and sorry Jessie." I got up and walked down the stairs to get something to drink. My throat hurt really bad.
The kitchen was pitch dark. I grabbed the carton of grape juice and sucked it down my burning throat. It instantly cooled it down. I couldn't walk all the way up the stairs again so I fell to the couch and passed out.
"Destiny. Hey Destiny wake up." I woke up and saw all the guys smiling at me. Surrounding me. I looked at everyone of them all the expressions were the same. Happy.
"Um can I help you boys?" I said whipping the hair from my eyes.
"Who wants to tell her?" John said.
"Just someone tell me?" I said getting a little annoyed. "Were finally throwing that party you wanted." Ryan said. I was a little confused. Why are they just now wanting to throw a party but I wasn't going to complain. It's a party! "OK! Just one question?" I said giving Josh puppy dog eyes. "Yes Shane can come. We have nothing to worry about anyways you don't have a door." They all laughed and found spots around the room. I got up so I could go call Shane. I couldn't find it but finally realized I threw it under the bed. I reached under and grabbed it. There was no unread texts messages and they were all erased. God damn it someone went through my phone. I dialed Shane's number and waited for him to answer. He didn't. After 5 rings it went to voice-mail. Maybe he really did have shit to do. Oh well he'll call me back. I ran to the hallway and looked down into the living room.
"What time is the party going to start?" I asked looking at my clock. It was already 2:54 in the afternoon. "Um, at 8:00 tonight. Why?" Nick said looking up at me. "OK then that should give you guys enough time to go get a new stereo, i'll pay, and some drinks and food." I ran back in my room and grabbed a hundred dollar bill and let it float down to him. "OK are you going shopping with us?" Ty looked up and me. "Um, no ima go buy a new dress." I knew they would say I already have a new one but I really needed one that covered up my arms or just my one fucked up one. "A new one? Why didn't you-" Jessie started to say but Josh nudged him. I knew he would know why. I didn't bother to hear the rest of the conversation cause I heard my phone start vibrating. I ran to answer it. Yes, it was Shane.
"Hey." I said kinda shyly. I didn't know if we were still dating. I hope we still are.
"Hey baby. Listen im sorry about the other day. My erm, um, my um DAD was on my case about barley ever being home. I hope you forgive me." He said. I couldn't sit there and let him apologize. I of all people should know how that feels. I mean come on I live with 11 guys.
"Yes baby I forgive you." I felt like I could feel him smile through the phone.
"Well im glad you do. So what are you doing beautiful?" Shane said. I didn't know if he would want to come to the party or not cause all the guys hate him.
"I was wondering if you will come to the party were having tonight. Josh said it's cool cause I don't have a bedroom door anymore. But what he really doesn't realize is we have a basement that has a door and a lock." We both laughed.
"Yes of course i'll come boo. Well I go to go. I'll be over there around 7:30. Bye babe."
I couldn't help but smile. I love Shane so much. I just hope im ready for tonight.
I hung up the phone and got ready. I quickly got dressed in my black booty shorts that I cut myself and a pink v-neck shirt. I matched it with my pink high top converse with black laces. Also adding my black heart necklace. I ran the straighter threw my hair. I pushed one side back holding it with bobby-pins. Looking into the mirror I realized I had no make-up on. I quickly threw some eyeliner and mascara on. Finally I wrapped my arm up with a new ace bandage. I looked in the mirror once again. God, i'm hot! I looked at my clock it's 4:00p.m. Yes record timing!
I grabbed my black purse and ran down the stairs and into the living room. "Im leaving. Bye." I tried running out the door before they really realized but I wasn't fast enough. "Ill go with you." I looked back to see Keegan getting up. I guess I really could care less if he came with me. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house leaving the door open for him.
"We can take my car." He said walking to the passenger and open it for me to get in. "Thank you." I said looking into his eyes. There it was that sparkly I could pull away from. He put his hand on the back of my neck pulling me to him. Just when our lips were about to lock I realized this wasn't right. "Stop." I whispered pulling out of his grip. Oh how I wanted to kiss him but I just couldn't.
"Why Destiny? I thought you liked me to." He said letting go a little embarrassed. " I said I liked you to but I love Shane. Doesn't mean that I don't see you in my future but right now it's all about me and Shane and im not ready to give up on him yet." I got in his car wishing I was just aloud to go by myself. Of course Josh wouldn't allow it. He got in to the driver's seat but didn't start the car. I looked at him but I knew instantly he felt bad.
"Keegan, What's wrong? Look im sorry about going off on you but I need to stay committed to Shane. Please forgive me." I didn't know what else to say. Why can't anyone get that I LOVE Shane. "But he isn't committed to you Destiny." He didn't look up at me but just started the car and started driving to the mall. I was to hurt to say anything. Not hurt at what he said but hurt that I kinda felt like I believe him. Everything started adding up. Shane always texting and what he said at the hospital. His hesitating on the phone earlier.
"You have no proof though Keegan." I said tears forming in my eyes. I quickly whipped them away not letting them fall.
Before I knew it we were in the parking lot. "You can go. Just make sure the guys pick up the stuff for the party." I started walking. I heard my name being called but I couldn't look bupack. When I got in the mall I went to Rue21 first.
There was no dress with long sleeves there. I walked out without success. It was already 4:30 and the party starts at eight. Great. Next I went to wet seal. I grabbed 3 dresses. 2 were long sleeve and one had long sleeve on only one arm. The one I needed to cover up.
I tried them all on but my favorite was the one that only covered up one arm. It was black and fit tight with sparkles. One I could dance in and still look pretty. When I was done I decided to get a smoothy and text Shane asking him to pick me up. I texted him and asked him to be here in 20 minutes. That will give me time to find a diamond necklace. I ran to Claire's and picked out a small diamond necklace. My phone started vibrating. Shane texted me back. 'Sorry baby I can't.' Wow he blew me off again. I just kept staring at the text. The next thing i knew I was walking into a big group of guys. I ran right into the tallest one hitting his rock hard chest.
"Oh im sorry." I said backing up. I went to walk away but he grabbed my ass.
"It's alright sexy. Im not sorry." He hand a huge grin on his face and all his friends laughed.
"Whatever creep." I went to walk away again but he grabbed my hair and pulled me back.
"Your not leaving till I sa-" he started but got interrupted by someone. I looked up to see Keegan coming running up. Ive never been so happy to see him.
"Get off my girl." Keegan said pulling me to him. He shoved me behind him protectively.
"Oh yeah punk? What you gunnah do about it?" The big tall dude said walking right up to us so they were face to face.
"This." Keegan said and before I knew it the guy was on the floor gushing blood from his nose. Keegan wrapped his arm around my waist as we were walking out the doors. "Thanks Keegan." I said smiling up at him. "Of course." He said pulling me closer to him.
When we got home no one was there. I was about to go take a shower but decided to go check out the basement to see if my and Shane's plan will work. I walked down the stairs and turned on the light. There was a TV a bed and a pool table. Yes it's going to work. Now just to sneak out of the party so no one see's us. I ran over and grabbed caution tape. This will come in handy.



When I was done showering I had to hurry to get ready. I only had an hour and a half till the party started and a hour till Shane came. I blow dried my hair and curled it. I pulled my bangs back with a swoop and held them back with a purple sparkled bow. Next I did my make-up. I add purple eye shadow and added a thin line of eyeliner over the bottom of it. Adding mascara to make my eyelashes look long. I heard the front door open and someone talk. I think it was Keegan and Shane. That's not good. I ran to the hallway and looked at the front door. Yup Shane and Keegan arguing on why Shane was here.
"Why are you even here? Who invited you?" Keegan said in a deep scary voice.
"Im here for the party and Destiny invited me so get out of my way." Shane said practically pushing him. Wrong freaking move. Keegan pushed him back and they started full on fitting. I ran down the stairs, happy I didn't change into my dress yet, and got in between them. "GUYS STOP FIGHTING. I INVITED HIM KEEGAN. GET OVER IT." I said pushing him back. I grabbed Shane's hand and pulled him up to my room. “Just stay here i'll be right back." I heard the front door open and all the guys were here. I ran down the stairs before Keegan could get to Josh first.
"Josh," I said looking for him. I walked into the kitchen and saw him unloading beer. "Hey Josh um just so you know Shane is here for the party and please don't fight with him." I looked up at him with puppy eyes. "OK me and Shane are cool anyways, unless he breaks your heart which im not saying it's going to happen, I have no reason to judge him." I was shocked at the words he just said. All I could do was hug him. Thank god he finally understands.
I ran back up the stairs when I saw everybody was already arriving. I ran past Shane giving him a thumbs up and a kiss on the cheek. "Go down stairs people are already here. Oh and save a dance or two for me." I said winking at him. He got up and left kissing me on the way out. I grabbed my dress and ran to the bathroom. When I put it on all I could do was stair into the mirror. I always felt sexy but at this moment I felt.... beautiful.
They party already started ten minutes again so I guess I should go down. As I walked down the stairs I felt everyone staring at me. Shane stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting to catch my hand in his. He wrapped his arm around me protectively. We walked into the kitchen to get a drink.
"May I say boo, you look stunning.” He said pulling me to his body and kissing me. He put his hand on my thigh. Slowly he slide his hand up under my dress while kissing me. We both stopped and pulled away when Ryan walked in the room to get a drink.
"We'll finish later and by the way you look pretty stunning yourself." I said looking up and down his body. He was wearing a black button-up shirt that wasn't all the way buttoned up and black skinny jeans. "Thanks babe. Will you dance with me now?" He said whispering back at me. I flashed him a smile and pulled him to the middle of the dace floor aka my living room. The best song to dance to, 'Tonight Is The Night by OutASight', was on. I grinned up against his body and we dance through the whole song like that. I knew everyone was staring at me but tonight was for me and Shane and no one's going to ruin my special night.



I decided it was time. I couldn't wait any longer and I just wanted Shane in every way possible. "Shane baby want to go somewhere alone?" We were still dancing but I turned to face him. He looked confused but then figured it out right away. "Yeah um where at baby?" He smiled his big pearly whites at me. "Down in the basement. Just act like your leaving then go. No one will see you once you turn the corner." He kissed me acting like he was leaving. I decided I was going to play sick and ask to sleep in the basement since I didn't have a door and someone would probably come in the room and mess with me. I walked up to Josh who was talking to some girl. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.
"Josh im not feeling well and Shane just left so I was wondering if I could sleep in the basement since I don't have a door I wouldn't want anyone in the room with me. I just need sleep." I said kind of wobbling to make the story look real.
"Um yeah Tiny that's fine. Lock the door but you have to promise me your not going to hurt yourself." He said trying to help me stand still. "Um yeah I promise. Thank you. Don't send anyone to check I just need to sleep for awhile." I was happy he was already drunk so I knew he and all the other guys would be hung over tomorrow so I could sneak Shane out. I kissed his cheek and walk around the corner. I opened the basement door and ran down the stairs. Shane already had his shirt off and was laying on the bed.
"Hey baby. Let me do something really quick. I'll be back." I grabbed the caution tape and ran back up the stairs. I taped caution tape on the door so no one will try to open the door. Even if it's locked still got to be careful. Shutting the door and locking it behind me I ran back down the stairs. I threw my shoes to the floor and took of my necklace. Leaving my dress on so Shane can take it off himself. I looked at the bed to see what Shane was doing. Of course he was texting. "Shane?" No reply. "Baby?" He looked up and me and motioned for me to come to him. He threw his phone to the floor as he pulled me on his lap so I was straddling him. "Sorry babe I was just texting my dad letting him know im not going to be home tonight." Before I could reply he was kissing me. It wasn't a normal kiss. It was like he was angry at me but it was passionate at the same time. I knotted my hands in his hair not wanting him to stop. He rolled us over so he was on the top. He pulled my dress off and studied my body. He was drooling but then came back to reality. I help him get off his clothes.
From there it was all magical. Shane took my needs in consideration and I did the same. He wasn't mad or anger and didn't force me into doing anything I didn't want to. I knew he wasn't my first cause my dad took my first experience from me but I felt like it was my first. I loved Shane and I just hoped he love me as much or even more.
I woke up the next morning in Shane's button up shirt my underwear and that's it. I was laying against his bare chest and he had his hands around my waist. I didn't know what time it was but I wanted to know how long until I should wake up Shane so he could leave. I rolled out of his arms and got up searching for a clock. There wasn't one but I found Shane's phone. I flipped it up and saw he had 2 missed calls and a voice mail. I felt kinda of nosy but I had a right to be. I just want to see if he really was talking to his dad. I called his voice mail back and it was from a girl. Here's what she said:
'Hey baby it's your girlfriend Allie. Im calling from Emily's phone cause mine is dead but I just wanted to say happy 2 year anniversary baby I love you. Call me when you get this. Bye babes.'
I threw he phone to the floor and just curled up into a ball hitting the floor. He did it. He broke my heart to.



I don't know what to do. I let myself fall for a guy that obviously doesn't love me. What was I going to do. I had no one now. I've spent a month on this fool and now I have to face him and tell him I know.
I walked up the stairs and out the door looking to see if anyone is awake. I didn't see anyone so I ran up to my room to shower and change. When I was done I went to walk down the stairs i noticed Anthony, Bryce, and Keegan were awake. I walked down the stairs slowly not making any sound. When I got to the bottom I ran to the basement door and slid in locking it behind me. Now the hardest part. Confronting him.
I sat on the couch thinking of a plan. I walked back over and grabbed his phone from the floor. When I sat on the bed he rolled over rubbing his eyes and looked at me. He obviously could tell I was crying cause he sat up and put his arm around my waist.
"Who is Allie?" I said placing his phone on the bed. It was open to the missed call his girlfriend called from. I scooted out from his touch and just stared at him. Waiting for his reply.
"She's no one babe." He said grabbing me and pulling me back to him. "No she isn't Shane. She is your girl friend. Just leave. It's over. Im done with people making a fool out of me. I don't need this Shane." I pulled away to once again be pulled back. "Destiny YOU are my girlfriend. Not Allie." I tried to kiss me but I pulled away and stood up.
"SHANE just stop. Just stop lying to me please. Just tell me one thing?" I said he shook his head OK. "Why did you play me? I loved you Shane." I started to cry and couldn't hold it in. I looked up at him waiting for him to say something. He took forever to talk but finally spoke up. "I did love you Dest but I did it to get back at... Josh. Im sorry." I couldn't speak. What did Josh do to him so bad that he took it out on me.
"What did I do to you Shane? Why did you have to play with my heart just to get back at my brother." I said through the cry's. He would never understand the pain he put me through. He walked up and hugged me but I didn't hug back. He put his clothes on and walked up the stairs. I wasn't dont with him I wanted answer. I ran up the stairs after him.
"Shane I wasn't done. I want answers. Why the hell did you use me?" He turned around and grabbed my arm but I pulled away from him. "Like I said Destiny im sorry. Look awhile back Josh stole my girl friend from me. I saw no other way to get back at him so I chose you. It seemed like you were the only one that is close to him. Yes I have a girlfriend but I was going to dump her for you. Im telling you the truth. This month I feel in love with you." He went to walk out the door but I grabbed his arm once again. This time I could tell he was mad. "WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME FROM THE BEGINNING NOT JUST PLAY WITH MY HEART. YOU KNEW I WOULD FALL YOU LOVE WITH YOU." I slapped him across the face but got one straight back from him. I fell to the floor and held my already red cheek. "Destiny im so sorry I didn't mean to hit you back it was just a reaction." He bent down to help me up but I smacked his hand away. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME," I stood up and continued "I have let people like you treat me like shit and im done just fucking leave. GET OUT." I went to walk away but bumped into Keegan.
"What's going on here Destiny?" He said looking down at me. I held my cheek and just cried. I looked over and Bryce was blocking the door and Anthony was up stairs getting the rest of the guys.
"Dude get out of the way. Im done here. I got what I wanted." Shane said looking back at me. How dare he say that about me. He didn't care about me he never did. He got what he wanted and left just like everyone else does.



I wanted to run. Run away from everything. "Just let him leave Bryce. Please I don't want to see him." But of course Bryce didn't move. I started crying and holding my already bruised cheek. Keegan caught my chin and pulled it up so I was looking at him. I held my cheek not wanting anyone to see. He preyed my hand off my cheek showing the bruise and my slightly split lip. I didn't notice he hit me as hard as he did. "DID YOU PUT YOUR FUCKIN HANDS ON HER? HUH PUNK?" Keegan said pushing me behind him protectively. I saw all the other guys running down the stairs. That's just perfect. "What's going on here?" Josh said walking up me and to Shane when he saw my face. "WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU DUDE?" Josh said. He pushed Shane up against the wall. Shane still didn't say anything. He looked scared as all the other guys started walking towards him. I didn't want him in the house anymore. I just wanted him my life FOREVER. I walked over and got in between Josh and Shane. I could feel the heat coming off Josh's body.
I walked over to the door and pushed Bryce to the side. "Get out of my house and out of my life. Forever." I said calmly. He walked out the house and got in his car slowly driving away. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. I fell to the floor bringing my knees up to my chest and put my head down. Completely covering my face from everyone. I heard their foot steps come closer. I put my hand up and said "Don't touch me. Any of you." I heard some of them leave and go to the living room. Only two staying behind. "Tiny at least let me-" Josh started but I cut off. "Just go away. I don't want to talk about it right now OK." I started crying and I knew they could tell. They didn't protest anymore but just moved by my sides. Keegan on the left Josh on the right. I cried and they just rubbed my back. I knew they wanted me to tell them what happened but I wasn't ready. I just needed to cry till I was numb and no more tears would fall from my eyes.
I woke up a few hours later on the couch. I started rubbing my eyes witch were swollen from all the crying I did. All the guys were on the floor and on the other couch's watching football. Keegan was sitting right in front of me so I tapped him on the shoulder. His eyes light up when he saw I was awake. "What time is it?" I said looking out the window at the cool dark sky. "It's 9:43 p.m. Now will you tell us what happened?" All the other guys were looking at me and had already turned down the TV. I shook my head OK wondering if I could get it all out without crying. "Well last night, and I know im sorry I let him sleep over with me he was drinking and couldn't drive, but last night oh geez...err... how do I even say this." I looked up at Josh and I could tell he knew. "Im sorry Josh I know you told me not to but I was ready. He didn't force me to." He rolled his eyes knowing there was nothing he could do now. "Just get to this morning Tiny. I really seriously don't want to hear about that. Im just happy he didn't force you." He shook his head at the thought but I continued about this morning.
"I woke up this morning and wanted to know what time it was. I left my phone upstairs so I looked at Shane's. He had a voice mail from a unknown number. I called his voice mail and listened to it. I wish I never did but im happy I did. It was from his girlfriend of 2 years calling to tell him happy anniversary." Everyone gasped but I couldn't take it anymore. Tears ran down my cheeks but I quickly brushed them off. "What else happened Dest?" Jessie said. I looked at him and sighed. he came the hard part.
"I confronted him and he told me it was... um -" Jake cut me off "Just say it Dest." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly trying to calm down. "He told me it was to get back at Josh for stealing his girlfriend awhile back. He knew I was the closest to you so he chose me to be his victim." I looked up at Josh. Guilt took over him and he just stared blackly at me. Not able to say anything.



I stared at her immediately feeling guilty for what he did to her. He did it to her because of me. How could I do that to her. When I took his girl I didn't think they were even together. Now my baby sis had to be his victim. I couldn't say anything. I felt everyone stair at me.
"Im sorry." I said low but everyone could hear me. I got up and walked out the door. I could hear them calling me but I just had to get anyone and go for a walk maybe ever go pay Shane a visit. I shook my head at the thought. If I hit Shane once I might not be able to stop and end up killing him. That's how I felt. I wanted to kill him and throw him in the river and watch him sink to the bottom. That would be amazing. I got in my car and drove for what seemed like hours. I never wanted to turn and go back home but I had to. I couldn't leave Destiny. I made a U-turn and started my way back home.



He looked at me and I could tell he felt bad. I didn't mean to make him feel that way. Of course I don't blame him. He had nothing to do with it.
"Im sorry." He said low but everyone heard him. He stood up and walked out the door. I called after him and tried to go to him but Keegan said he needed to be alone. I just sat there staring at the front door. All the guys tried to get me to go to bed but I couldn't. I needed to talk to Josh. I sat on the couch what seemed like hours and finally just fell asleep.
I woke up to Keegan carrying me up to my room. When he sat me on my bed I didn't want him to go. I didn't want to be alone. I knew I would have nightmares if someone didn't hold me. He went to walk away but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. "Dest what's wrong." He said looking at me confused. "Don't leave me. I don't think I can sleep alone. Please." He didn't hesitate he just slipped in the bed beside me and I curled up to his chest warm and comfortable.
I woke up the next morning happy no nightmares played in my head as I slept. My bed was empty and I heard everyone was awake. They were talking about me. I walked into the hallway and sat against the wall so they couldn't see me but I could hear them.
"I think we should give her her door back. She earned my trust." Damien said. All the other guys agreed except Josh and Keegan.
"If we do she has to give us everything she can hurt herself with." Josh said. All the other guys shook their head ok but Keegan.
"Fine we can give her her door back but one of us at least still need to sleep in their with her. If none of you want to then I will. At least for a week and a half more considering what just happened." Keegan protested.
Why did he want to sleep in my room? Im not complain though he is a good cuddlier and damn he is fine. I don't know I just said that but it is true. I smiled to myself.
"Fine lets go wake her up and tell her." Josh said. I ran back in my room and covered up acting asleep as they all piled into my room. John started shaking me. "Dest wake up we have something to tell you." He pat my back till I rolled over. My nose was stuffy and I really wasn't feeling well so I just looked at him waiting for him to continue. "We want to give you your door back on one condition. Well actually two." Josh said sitting at the foot of my bed. I sat up looking surprised but I really wasn't. "Really?! What are they?" I said acting happy but I already knew what the wanted. "We need everything you have ever used to harm yourself. Oh and Keegan will be sleeping in here ON THE FLOOR." He made the last part loud. I already knew Keegan would be sleeping in my bed next to me. I feel he is the only one I can trust these days. When he cuddled me I felt safe and no nightmares taunted me in the night. I realized they were waiting for my stuff that saved me to be handed over.
"I don't h-have anything that I can harm myself with." I said not wanting to give it up. Not wanting them to see my stash. But I could tell Josh knew I was lying. Whenever we lied we stuttered not on purpose.
"Bullshit Destiny just give it up." Keegan said. How did he know I was lying. Great. I walked over to my desk that my laptop sat on. I just noticed I have never used it. I opened the drawer and saw the box of razors that sat in the very back hidden in the darkness. I picked them up and walked over to Josh putting them in his hand. I didn't want to see any of there faces so I grabbed some clothes to go take a shower. I need time to think. I hope they still give me my door back but I highly doubt it.



When I got out the shower only Josh was in my room. He was still holding the box of razors. I went and sat down beside him but he didn't look at me. "I hope you forgive me Tiny but I don't think I trust you enough to give you your door back. But you can have a curtain and hang it up to have some privacy." I already knew he was going to say that but in some way im happy. Now I get to cuddle with Keegan. I can't even deny it anymore. I really like him. Only two problems im not ready for another boyfriend just yet and I don't want him to know.
"Tiny you there? Look im sorry." Josh said bringing me back to my reality. "No it's ok Josh. Really. Does Keegan get to um I mean have to sleep in here?" I really wanted him to but I just can't let Josh know. At least not yet.
"Um yeah someone has to but if you don't want Keeg-"
"No he can it's cool." I said cutting him off. I seriously hope that wasn't to obvious.
"Ok well ima go down stairs. Wanna come?" He said getting up. I shook my head OK and followed him down the stairs. Josh ran and took the only open stop so I resorted to sitting on someone's lap. I looked around the room and everyone's, except Keegan and Josh, eyes were filled with lust. I can't sit on Josh's cause he is my brother. So I walked over to Keegan and sat down. Everyone looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders and cuddle to Keegan. I looked down at him and he smiled at me. I returned it. I couldn't pull away from his eyes. Their so amazingly perfect. I finally looked away and started full on blushing and I never blush. Barley.
"What was that?" Josh said pointing at us and standing up. "I-I don't know what your talking about Josh." I said looking at Keegan nerves. "That look. Do you have something to tell me?" He said looking at both of us back and forth. "Josh can I talk to you in the kitchen?" Keegan said standing up and then putting me in his stop. I watched as they walked into the kitchen and disappeared.
"What was that all about?" Jake said. "I have no idea." I said wondering the same thing. I stood up and walked over to the door putting my ear up to it. I told the boys to stay there but of course Ryan was the only one who didn't listen.
"Well let's just see what happens but if you hurt her I swear Keegan." Josh said. Were they talking about me?
"You know I won't Josh. I love her dude. Now I just have to wait for her. I don't know if she will ever feel the same though." Keegan sounded upset.
"I think she already does. She's just has been hurt so much she doesn't realize. I know she does though dude. Just talk to her later but right now im hungry. Let's go see what everyone wants to eat." I heard them do their hand shake then I heard foot steps getting closer. Me and Ryan glanced at each and went running. We jumped over the couch almost falling to the ground.
"Me and Keegan are hungry. Anyone else?" All the guys started hooting and shouting "ME, ME, ME." I just ignored them. Keegan really did like me. I just thought he was saying that to get me away from Shane. I was so rude to him. I had to make it up to him. Show him that I love him to. Dang I really do love him.
"Destiny? Hello Destiny?" Nick screamed. I was hungry but didn't want to eat. They all know I haven't ate in days. Im not just going to force myself. The only problem is they can force me. Trust me they have forced me to before.
"Um no im OK. I mean no im not hungry." They all stared at me and I knew it was coming.
"No your eating. You haven't ate in days. Stop starving yourself. You know we can force you." Keegan said sternly. He's even more attractive when he is controlling. Oh and protective and when he gets jealous. I guess I have to admit it. He is just so attractive.
"Destiny are you OK? You have been zoning out a lot these days." Damien said. He started shaking his hand in front of my face.
"Oh sorry just thinking and fine i'll freakin eat. Where ever you get your food just get me a salad." I said still not looking up at any of them. I just can't get Keegan off my mind. I can't wait till he tells me tonight. I can finally tell him I like him to but im still not ready for a boyfriend.
"Burger and fries it is." I looked up and saw Josh said it. He winked at me then went to go order our food over the phone. Keegan went with him. He was holding a long list with every ones order on it.
"Destiny are you sure your ok?" Ty said looking down at me. He was standing over me. I felt something wet slid down my cheek and hit the floor. I was crying. I didn't know I thought so much about Keegan, Shane and everything. I don't know what to do. Follow my heart or my brain.



It was 4 weeks later and nothing really changed. I rarely left the house unless the guys made me. I didn't want to chance see Shane. I finally got my door back but Keegan still slept with me. We haven't taken our relationship to the next level cause I still don't feel right about it.
Im starting to not feel good these days so most of the time I just stay in my room. Ive gained some weight witch isn't like me I just hope it's the depression and im not pregnant. I had to know though. I don't think any of the guys will be to happy so there is only one person who really needs to know. Shane. I decided to call him and tell him.
Shane: "Why are you calling me?" He sounded angry. Now he is going to be really mad. I walk outside so no one can hear me.
Me: "Shane I think I might be pregnant." I heard him gasp but he did say anything. "Shane. If I am can we put or differences aside so we can be good parents?"
Shane: "Yeah. I want him or her to have great parents."
Me:"Thank you Shane. Im going to the store right now to get a pregnancy test. Ill tell you when I know. I still love you Shane. Even if you don't feel the same just know that I do."
Shane:"I love you to Destiny. I feel terrible about what I did. I broke up with Allie cause she didn't deserve a cheater either. Bye Destiny. I love you."
Me: "Bye Shane I love you to."
I felt good to know I had him on my side. I still do love him. I feel like I could give everything up and go back to him but Josh would hate me. I walked back in the house to tell them im going to the library. I've got pretty good at this lying thing.
"Josh im going to the library to start getting ready school. We only have a month left of summer." I heard some of them laugh because 'im already getting ready for school.' If only I could tell them where im really going.
"Ill go-" Keegan started but I cut him off "No I wanna be alone." I slammed the door and started walking to Walmart. It's not to far from my house so I made it there in 15 minutes. I grabbed a pregnancy test and took it up to the register.
"Is this it?" The short bald guy said to me.
"Yes and these 12 bubble gums." I said handing him the gum and a 20 dollar bill. He punched in the numbers and handed me the change. It was only like 20cents left. I started my long walk back home and all I could think of was Shane. If im really pregnant Josh is really going to kill him. Im never going to see Shane unless I sneak out. On the other hand school starts in a month and I have to go to school not tell anyone. My stomach will grow and then everyone will think im a slut. I just hope Josh and the guys will be by my side.
I hope im seriously not pregnant. If I am pregnant I will love this kid till the day I die. Even when im dead. If im not pregnant i will be so happy. Josh and the guys will not know that I thought I was.
I walked up the steps and into the house. All the guys were in the living so I made a run for it up the stairs.
"Hey Tiny." Josh said turning back to me. "Hey guys. I went to Walmart to. Here." I said throwing down all of the bubble gum. They each got one and so did I. They all said thank you and I went up to my room. When I got in there I went straight to the bathroom to take the test. When I was done I had to wait 3 minutes. If it was - I wasn't pregnant. If it was a + I was. When the three minutes were up I still wasn't ready to look at it. I called Shane and asked him to come over. He said ok that he will climb threw the window. I ran to the door and locked it. When I turned around Shane was climbing in my window. I screamed but covered my mouth instantly.
"Sorry." I said laughing. "It's ok. So did you take it? Are you?" Shane said softly. When he said it all my emotions hit me. I let a few tears fall down. I couldn't help but cry. The guy I feel madly in love with was standing in front of me. I still love him but I will never be able to date him again. I just couldn't trust him.
"I haven't looked it's on the desk." He went look at it but I stopped him before he looked. "Shane can you promise me something?" He looked at me and started walking to me. "Anything Destiny."
"Can we maybe be friends. I mean even if we aren't... pregnant?" I was scared he didn't want to be my friend. "Yes Dest. I would love to be friends with you." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. It felt so good to be in his arms again. It made me want to be with him. To be his girl again. I just don't think I could trust him ever again.
"Destiny maybe we should look. You know so we know and we can go from there." He was right. I couldn't just avoid it anymore. I let him go and he walked over to the desk and picked it up. "What does it mean if there is a minus bar?" My heart stopped. Im not pregnant. I jumped up and down and hugged him. "IM NOT PREGNANT!" I screamed. He covered my mouth instantly. "Destiny Im happy to but your to loud. I think I hear foot steps. Where do I hid?" I pushed him to the ground and he crawled under the bed.
"Destiny who are you talking to? Open the door. You know your not supposed to have it locked." Josh said pounding on the door. I ran over to the desk and threw the box and the pregnancy test in the trash by my bed. I ran over to the door and opened it.
"Sorry I was changing and saw a spider so I screamed." I said. Josh pushed past me and looked around the room. All I could think of was please don't look under the bed, please don't look under the bed.
"Well I came in here to tell you dinner is ready." He said walking out the door. "Ok ill be there in a sec." I shut and locked the door.
"Ok Shane you can come out." I whispered. He crawled out from under the bed. "Wow Dest you got way better at lying." He said hugging me. "Well I got to go. I love you Dest. Can I text you maybe?" He let go and climbed out the window. "I love you to and yes I would like that." With that he smiled and climbed down the tree running and the street and out of sight. Why do I still love him. I couldn't help it. Now I really don't know what to do. Be with Keegan or keep talking to Shane maybe even be with Shane again. I just don't know what to do anymore.



I finally made up my decision. I don't feel like Shane deserves me. AGAIN. Keegan was the one for me. I still wanna be friends with Shane but I can't do it. Keegan would never ever treat me like Shane did. I decided I would text Shane and tell him how I feel.
Me:'Hey I just wanted to say I love you but only as a friend. I don't think we should ever date again.'
Shane:'OK. Yeah I agree.'
I sighed. I really do love Shane but I love him more as a friend. I love Keegan as more than a friend and I hope he actually still loves me to. Me and Keegan need to talk. Why wait till bed tonight. We needed to talk now. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. All the guys of course were grubbing down there food.
"Keegan can I talk to you?" I asked shyly. I don't know why I feel so shy around him.
"Yeah Dest what is it?" He asked. Did he not realize I mean alone. "Um can we talk alone?" All the guys looked at him then at me then back. Josh didn't seem to wonder what was going on. He probably already knew. "Yeah OK." He said walking up to me. I led him out the door and up the stairs to my room. When we got inside my room I sat on the bed and pulled him next to me.
"What do you want to talk about Dest?" He said looking at me worried. I didn't know how to get it out. I didn't know how to tell him I love him.
"I don't know how to say this Keegan but I just wanted to tell you that... that" I couldn't even say it. I just shook my head and covered my face. Why does he make me so nerves.
"Just say it Dest. You don't have to be afraid to tell me anything." Keegan said. He pulled my face up to look at him. My heart started beating really fast from his touch. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.
"I have finally realized how much I really do like you Keegan. Every time im around you I just get really nerves. I understand if you don't feel the same anymore because I have taken so long-" I tried to finish but Keegan pulled me on his lap and kissed me. I didn't reacted at first. "Dest I thought you wanted-" I cut him off by kissing him. It felt so right. He licked my bottom lip and I gladly granted his request. I never wanted to stop kissing him but he finally pulled away.
"So does this mean you will be mine?" My heart stopped and all I could do was shake my head yes and smile really big. He hugged me tight to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Well I guess we have to tell Josh." Keegan said. I didn't want to tell him but if we did he would be mad. I stood up and took Keegan's hand. "Let's go get this over with." I said pulling him down the stairs.



We walked into the living room hand in hand. I was hoping they would notice without me having to say anything. No one even noticed we walked into the room. I looked at Keegan and he cleared his throat and sure enough everyone looked at us.
"Hey what's up? Why you guys just standing there?" Josh said. They all just stared at us not noticing or hands were entwined together. I pushed it a little farther and kissed Keegan. I licked his bottom lip and our tongues dance together. I put my hand on the back of him neck playing with his hair.
"DAMN WHAT THE FUCK DESTINY?" Josh said. I pulled away from Keegan and just looked at him dumbfounded. Seriously he seriously didn't realize. "Were dating." Keegan said putting his arm around my waist. Everyone gasped but didn't say anything. Me and Keegan just looked at each other. Didn't they want us to be with each other.
"Wait why are you guys acting like you didn't know we were going to date?" I was so confused and didn't understand. I thought everyone and I mean everyone knew we liked each other.
"We honestly thought you were going to go back to Shane." Nick said. Damien elbowed him really hard. Nick yelped but realized what he said.
"No I was just playing-" Nick started but I interrupted him "Save it Nick. How could you guys even think I would go back to a fucking cheater. Did you think this to Keegan?" I said looking up at him. Im done if he says yes. "Yeah I did baby but only because I didn't think-" He started to say but I interrupted him "WOW IF YOU GUYS REALLY THINK THAT THEN MAYBE I WILL GO BACK TO HIM. IT'S NOT LIKE WE STOPPED TALKING." I said crying hard by the time I was finished. I pushed Keegan off of me and ran up the stairs into my room. I heard footsteps behind me but I shut the door and locked it before they could get in.
"Destiny let me in. We need to talk. I didn't mean it like that. I just didn't think you liked me and you loved Shane so I thought you were going to give him another chance." Keegan said banging on my door over and over. I heard the other guys come up stairs and joined in on the banging.
"Hold on bro I go a key." Josh yelled running back down the stairs. I didn't want any of them coming in so I pushed a chair under the door handle. I heard the key slide in and it unlocked. They tried to turn the handle but it didn't open. "TINY OPEN THE DOOR. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS. DON'T HURT YOURSELF OR LEAVE." Josh said. He was pushing against the door but it wouldn't budge. I didn't want to hear it so I turned on the radio full blast to drowned out all there voices. I just sat in the corner and cried. I couldn't swoop to the level of hurting myself again. Not after all i've been through to recover.
There bangs never ended and I grew tired from crying so much and I had a headache from the loud music.
It was an hour later. I finally stood up and packed a bag with pajamas and other clothes I might need. When I was finished I looked out my window to the ground below. The sun was setting to the far east and it still brightened up the earth ever so lightly.
I climbed out on to the tree and climbed down it trying to be quiet. I started running towards Shane's house. When I was outside in his drive way I called him.
Shane: "Hey Destiny what's up?"
Me: "Can I come in? I really need to somewhere to stay. I got in a fight with the guys."
Shane: "Yeah but do they know your here? Maybe they should know."
Me: "Shane please. Do this for me please. I really need a friend right now."
Shane: "Yeah come in."
I hung up and ran to his front door. He already had it open for me. "Thanks Shane this really means a lot. Are your parents here?" I said putting my stuff down. "Of course Destiny that's what friends are for and no there on a business trip for a month. They left yesterday. Are you hungry? You look like you haven't ate in days." He said sitting next to me on the couch. "Ok and no im not but thank you. Can we just go to bed?" He shook his head OK and lead me to his room.
"Ill sleep on the floor. You can have my bed for tonight." He said smiling. He grabbed one of his pillows and grabbed another blanket from his closet. "Thanks again Shane. I really needed just friend time and time to think. You know by now there probably just knocked down my door and noticed I was long gone." I said laughing. "Oh no Destiny did you lock them out of your room? There probably tearing your shit up." We both started laughing but then I realized something. "OH NO SHANE. THERE PROBABLY GOING TO SEE THE PREGNANCY TEST BOX. I THREW AWAY THE ACTUAL THING THAT SAYS IM NOT SO THERE GOING TO THINK IM PREGNANT. I'VE ONLY HAD SEX WITH YOU. NO ONE ELSE AND THEY KNOW THAT." His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his eye sockets. “Shit.” is all he could say. He couldn't even say it he just mumbled it under his breath. Im even more dead now. I seriously never want to leave Shane's house. EVER.



I watched as Destiny ran up the stairs and Keegan right behind her. How could Nick tell her that. Even if it was true she was never supposed to know we said that about her. I didn't ever want to hurt her feelings I was just mad and needed to vent. I said things I shouldn't have but the guys agreed with me. The worst thing though was if she really did go back to Shane. I realized I was the only one in the living room so I ran up the stairs to see everyone banging on Destiny's door. I knew she would eventually lock us at out some point so I hand a key made for her door.
"Hold on bro I go a key." I said running back down the stairs. When I grabbed it I went full force up the stairs and went to her door. I push the key in and turned the lock. Thank god I thought as I went to push the door open but I didn't budge.
"DESTINY OPEN THE DOOR. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS. DON'T HURT YOURSELF OR LEAVE." I said banging on the door. I guess she was down hearing it cause she turned the radio on full blast. All I could think of is what if she is cutting or worse.
"GUYS WE HAVE TO GET IN THERE."I screamed over the music. They all went to go find something to help us break in her room. 10 minutes later they came out empty handed. Now we have to resort to our last option. Just keep banging till her door falls down.
After three hours of hitting the door I decided to run full fore and hit the door. It feel to the floor with a hard thud that made it feel like we were having an earthquake.
“Tiny where are you? Please come out. We just need to talk." I said after I turned off her radio. I ran to her closet why the other guys checked her bathroom and under her bed. She was no where she really left.
"OK I guess all we an do is look throw her stuff to see if we can find were she went. But if we don't find anything then we have to go to Shane's house. Just in case."
Everyone started looking through he stuff. Careful not to miss place something. If she found out we went through her room to then she would really leave. But for good.
After an hour of searching and we still didnt't find anything.
"Ryan will you check her trash can there might be something in there." I said from across the room in her bathroom.
"Um Josh you have got to see this." Ryan said. I walked out of her bathroom and looked at what he was holding. It was a pregnancy test box. My little sister better not be pregnant. She has only had sex with Shane. Wait I think.
"KEEGAN DID YOU AND DESTINY EVER HAVE SEX?" I said looking at him. To be honest I wish if she is pregnant it's Keegan's. But I doubt they have ever had sex.
"No bro I swear." He said holding his hands up.
"SHIT THAT MEANS IT'S FUCKIN SHANE'S GOD DAMMIT." I yelled. I couldn't control my anger so I started punching the walls. I made 2 holes before the guys pulled me away and down the stairs.
"We have to go get Destiny. I pretty sure she is at Shane's." Jessie said pushing me out the front door.
"Me and Ty are staying here just in case she comes home." Bryce said shutting the door when we left. It was probably a good idea all the rest of the guys were coming with me.
"Im going to kill Shane." I said getting in the passenger seat next to Keegan.
"Tell me about it. The love of my life might be pregnant by some prick." He said looking down. I had to say I felt bad for the kid. He really did love Destiny. I just wish she could see that.



When we got to Shane's house I walked up to his door first. Keegan and the rest of the guys were right behind me. I banged on his front door repeatedly time he open the door. "Is Destiny here?" I said pushing past him and into his house.
"She's in my room." He said almost immediately. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Is she pregnant?" I said turning back to face him. Keegan walked into his room and grabbed her bag. "No she isn't pregnant." He said almost sounding sad. I was relieved she wasn't and I could tell Keegan was to. He threw her bag at Anthony and picked her up. She was still sleeping to he careful walked out the door. "Thank you." I said walking past him and out his door. I could hear him mumble something under his breath but I didn't care to have him repeat it. When I got to the car Destiny was still asleep in Keegan's arms. I could tell he never wanted to let go of her.



I woke up in my bed with someone's arms around my waist. I already expected them to go get me last night so me being in my bed wasn't a shocker. I rolled over and saw Keegan next to me. His arms tightened on my waist when I tried to get up. "Keegan I need to shower." I tried to pull away from him but he just tightened more. "Keegan let go of me." I said pushing on his chest away. "Destiny please don't be mad at me." He said pulling closer to him. "Just let me fuckin go." He looked at me and just let me go. I grabbed some gray sweats and a plain black shirt. I went to the bathroom and shut and locked the door behind me. I could hear Keegan sigh and leave my room. When I got out the shower I just let my hair dry on it's on and brushed my teeth. I really didn't care what I looked like today. I'm not going anywhere.
When I walked out of my room I could hear all the guys talking in the living room. I was still mad at all of them and could care less if they tried to talk to me. As for mine and Keegan's relationship I don't know. I still love him but if he loved me he should have known that I wouldn't go back to a guy who broke my heart. Same goes for Josh.
I walked past them and heard them say "Hi's and hey's" but I just ignored them. When I got to the kitchen I could hear them come in right after me. I grabbed the apple juice and a cup. When I turned around they were all staring at me. I gave them my 'What' look and walked out the living room and turned on the TV. I made sure to sit on the chair so I didn't have to sit by someone. They all came back in the living room and sat down. Josh got up and turned off the TV. I sighed and just brought my knees up to my chest resting my head on my knees.
"Tiny you can't just ignore us." Josh said. I laughed a little and said "Watch me." under my breath.
"Destiny I need to know if you still want to be with me. I love you and only want you. No one else." Keegan said. I laughed again. "Yeah right you an get any girl you want Keegan and seriously you guys think I can't ignore you? Ha well watch me." I said looking up at them. I walked up the stairs and into my room. They were to stunned by what I said to even reacted. I've never talked to any of them like that. I usually just yelled and cried but this time I was calm and laughed. I turned on my iPod and shoved the ear buds in my ears. They music was on full blast so I couldn't hear anyone. I didn't even notice someone was in my room cause I was laying on my bed texting Shane. I felt someone lay next to me and put there arms around my waist. I looked up and saw Keegan. He had tears going down his face falling silently on to my bed. I felt bad so I turned off my iPod and cuddled up to him. He was warm and soft. It felt right to be in his arms.
"Destiny i'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I don't want any other girl. I want you." I took the moment into my own hands and kissed him. He didn't reacted at first but finally kissing me back. His tongue explored my mouth and as mines explored his. I pulled apart to breath "Im sorry I took it so hard." He looked at me in shocked. "No there is no reason for you to say sorry. You did nothing wrong." He said pulling me closer to him. I cuddle him and put my head on his chest. He looked down at me and just smiled. I could tell by his look I was 'Perfect in his eyes.'


'Forever Perfect'



Tomorrow was mine and all the guys first day of school. Me and Gabby are Junior's and all the guys are Senior's now. Me and Keegan's relationship is still going strong. The last few weeks of our summer we all stayed in a beach house in California. Gabby came and stayed with us when she got back from vacation. Her and Josh got really close and started dating. Which I was happy with because that kept him off me and Keegan. None of the other guys wanted to be tied down so they only had hoes they hooked up with occasionally. Gabby has been living with us now since we got back from California. She stays in Josh's room so Keegan stays in my room. Me and Shane still talk. I feel like he is my best friend these days. He turns to me with his problems and vis versa. Yesterday I dyed my hair jet black with a couple blonde streaks underneath. I lost a little more weight and now I wear a size 0. All the guys tell me I need to eat but i'm never really hungry. I'm not ready for school tomorrow but there isn't much I can do about it.
"Destiny come down stairs and hangout with us on our last night of summer." Keegan said bring me back to reality. I didn't realize I was thinking for so long. I have already been out of the shower for 20 minutes and I was supposed to go down after my shower to hang out with everyone.
"Coming." I yelled back down to him. I brushed my hair again and ran down the stairs. Everyone was scattered around the living room and Gabby was sitting on Josh's lap. I walked over and plopped down on Keegan.
"Wow Destiny when did you sit down. I didn't feel a thing." He said after a few minutes. Everyone started laughing and I felt a sudden hit of revenge.
"You sure about that?" I said standing up. Keegan Jr was popping out of his pants. Everyone started laughing harder when they realized what I meant. His face got red and I just laughed and threw him a pillow. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some apple juice and a cup. I poured some and put it back in the fridge. When I returned to the living room everyone was still laughing and Keegan looked mad. I sat on his lap again and kissed him. I felt him instantly cool down. I let his tongue explore my mouth.
"OK we get it lovebirds." Nick said looking away. I picked up a pillow and threw it at his head. He turned around and flipped me off. I ran and tackled him and started punching him.
"OK DESTINY OK I GET IT." he said but I just kept hitting him. I felt an arm around my waist and was being lifted up off of Nick. Keegan pulled me back on his lap and I just stuck my tongue out at Nick. He just laughed and flipped me off again. I went to pounce but Keegan hand his arm around me.
"You are so lucky Nick." I said. Everyone was laughing at us. I bet it looked funny. Tiny me on big buff Nick. I laughed at the thought. We all laughed until we were crying.
"It's already 8 so we should order dinner. Then go to bed. What does everyone want?" Josh said. Everyone started shouting orders as usually so I just shut up. There was no way he could hear me over all these coyotes.
"How about you Tiny?" Josh said turning to me. I love the nickname he gave me. Everyone looked at me. "Um how about a cheeseburger and fries?" Everyone gasped at me. I gave them a 'What' look.
"Wow I didn't expect you to want anything." Josh said. I just shook my head and went back to watching the TV.
The food came a half an hour later. Everyone ate and watched TV. It was 9:30 when Josh turned off the TV and everyone went to bed. I walked up to my room pulling Keegan with me. We cuddle on my bed and quickly fell asleep.


My alarm started going off the next morning. It was 5 in the morning. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I turned it off. I rolled back over and laid on Keegan for a few minutes before I got up. When I got up I grabbed my black skinny jeans, black tank, and a purple hoodie. I stripped off my pj's and jumped in the warm shower. It woke me fully up. I jumped out after washing my hair and my body. I whipped off my body put on all my clothes. When I finished brushing my teeth and curling my hair I had to wake up Keegan. I walked back in the room and cuddled up next to him.
“Babe get up.” He looked up at me and pulled me into his chest. “Babe I have to do my makeup and you have to go take a shower.” I said pushing away from him.
“You don't need makeup.” He said pulling me closer to him. I pushed away from him and pulled him up with me. I pushed him into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I walked over to my mirror and put on my makeup. I put on purple eyeshadow and eyeliner with mascara. I heard the bathroom door open and looked over.
His body was wet and he only had a towel around his waist. I couldn't stop staring at him. His 6 pack glistening from the water. I just wanted to run my hands all over his body. "Like the view?" He said smiling at me. His teeth white as pearls. "Yes." Was all I could say. He walked over to me and kissed me. Our tongues in each others mouths. I didn't want to let go. Nor go to school.
"Excuse me?" Josh said pushing the door open. We pulled away and acted like nothing happened.
"Were coming." I said. Keegan ran to his room to change. I slipped on my purple converse and grabbed my black jansport backpack. Keegan came back in my room. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, purple huddie and purple converse. Wait what?
"You stole my outfit." I said eying him up and down. Dang he looked cute in my outfit.
"Is it bad I wanted to match my girlfriend?" He said pulling me up to him. He kissed me and then pulled away. "We got to go." He said pulling me down the stairs. Everyone was staring at us.
"What?" I said looking around the room. "Y'all are matching it's so cute." Gabby said jumping up and down. I just smiled. I loved matching him. It just made us an even cuter couple. "Well let's go." I said walking out the door pulling Keegan with me.
"My car." Kegan said pulling me his car. The whole car ride we just laughed. I don't even know why I was laughing. Keegan just makes me happy. We pulled up to the school and I was instantly mad. I had 2 years left at this school. I can't stand this place.
"Babe come on. We have to go to class." He opened the passenger door and helped me out. Or hands entwined together as we walked in the front door. Everyone was staring at us as we walked through the halls. It's probably because were matching.
"You have English first right?" Keegan said looking down at me. "Yeah. We only have English together member?" I said pulling him into our class. We said in the back together side by side. The first 3 classes went by fast. I have first with Keegan. Second with Josh and Nick. Third with Anthony, Bryce and Gabby.
I walked with Anthony, Bryce, and Gabby to lunch. We sat at a table and waited for the rest of guys. When Gabby saw Josh she ran up to him and hugged him. I couldn't wait to see Keegan but he never came.
"Oh Destiny um Keegan got called up to office." Ty said looking at me. It was the first day. Why would be in the office already.
"What did he do?" I said worried. I seriously hope he didn't get in trouble already. Before he could answer I saw Keegan walking up with some girl. They were laughing and I could tell something was going on between them. I could tell Josh could tell what was going on through my mind.
"Who is this Keegan?" Josh said. As Keegan sat beside me. The girl sat beside him. Keegan tried to kiss me but I just moved my lips. He looked confused but knew why I moved.
"Oh um this is Sammy. Well her real name is Samantha. We were friends awhile back but she had to move. She was able to move back with her dad after he got custody so now she lives her again." He said. There was something more than friendship between them before though and I could feel it.
"Do you guys have more then a friendship in the past?" I said without thinking. I heard a couple gasps but I didn't care. I needed to know if this girl was going to try to steal my life from me.
"Yeah we dated for 2 years but I had to move so we broke up." Samantha said. I couldn't breath anymore. She was going to steal him from me.
I just got up and walked away. Keegan tried to follow me but I just walked into the girls bathroom till the bell rang. Thank god I didn't have anymore classes with him.


My last 3 classes went by fast. I had my last class with Josh and Jake. They both tried to talk to me but I just acted like I was paying attention to the teacher. After awhile I couldn't take it anymore more. I asked the teacher if I could go to the restroom when we only had 10 minutes left. She said I could so I grabbed all my stuff and left. We only had 10 minutes left so I didn't really care. I knew Josh would though.
I walked out the building not looking back. I just wanted to go home. After a few minutes of walking I put my ear buds in my ears and put my music on full blast so I couldn't hear anyone. Not even myself think.
When I got home I ran up to my room to shower. I needed to think. The shower was my best thinking time. I grabbed a plain black shirt and Josh's red basketball shorts he gave me awhile back. I plugged my iPod into the speaker and put on Disaster by JoJo. I sang to it as I wash my body and my hair. Washing off my makeup while tears fell. I loved crying in the shower cause no one can hear you and you can never tell. Unless you cry a lot. I sobbed and just laid in the bathtub just letting the water run all around my curled up body. How could I let Keegan get to me so bad. Oh I know. I.LOVE.HIM.
I just don't get it. This girl was going to come and take my only reason to survive(besides Josh). If it wasn't for them. I'd be dead a long time ago. I can't just stand by and let this girl take him from me. He had to tell me he wanted her. To my face.
When I heard everyone walk in the front door I got out. I looked in the mirror and saw my red puffy eyes. Dang I cried to much. I pulled on my clothes and walked out the bathroom only to come face to face with Josh. I grunted and pushed him out the way. I already knew it was coming in the matter of seconds. 5, 4, 3,
“Destiny why did you ditch the rest of last period and why did you walk- Wait are you ok love?” He said looking down at me. I couldn't handle it all the emotions going on my head was to much. I just started sobbing and fell to the floor. Why did I have to break down in front of my brother. Im supposed to be strong. I guess you can only be strong for to long before you break.
“Destiny answer me. Are you ok?” He said sitting next to me. Does it look like im ok? Was all I wanted to say but I couldn't be rude. He was trying to help me.
“No. What if she tries to steal him from me Josh? I love him and he's why im breathing. I can't handle it if he leaves me Josh.” I said after I calmed down from crying so much. I could tell he was mad but I didn't know why. Did I say something wrong? He got up and walked out. Great now the other most important person hates me. I started sobbing again. After a few minutes I heard yelling and banging around down stairs. I couldn't make out the words. I got really tired from crying so I just curled up on my bed not wanting to see the world again.


Sitting there watching my baby sister cry was heart breaking. I warned Keegan not her hurt her. But then again it's not like he was kissing the girl. But I knew why Destiny was crying. The girl, Samantha, said they broke up because she moved. Not because they wanted to be friends or just didn't want to be together.
I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and left the room. I had to talk to Keegan before she tries something. I ran down the stairs and walked in the living room. Everyone was watching TV.
"Keegan let me talk to you in the kitchen." I said sternly. I walked straight into the kitchen so he couldn't protest.
"What's up man?" He said acting clueless. I can't believe that he could just sit here when Destiny was crying up stairs.
"DESTINY IS UP STAIRS CRYING AND ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IT 'What's up man?' DON'T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD BE UP THERE COMFORTING HER." I said. Venom dropped from every word the I said. I can't believe him.
"Why is she crying? I thought she was up there taking a shower." He said still clueless. I wanted to believe him but I didn't know what to do. I grabbed a pan that was on the counter and slammed it down. I could hear it echo threw out the house. "Dude I seriously didn't know. I'm sorry look ill go talk to her. OK?" He said running out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I just shook my head and hoped everything would be alright between them or I didn't know what Destiny would do to herself.


I woke up to someone shaking me. My eyes were blurry so all I could see was a figure. It looked like one of the guys but I couldn't tell which one. Who ever it was put a cold wash cloth on my head. I didn't understand why. Then I realized I was in the center of my bed and I was drenched in sweat. I guess I hand another nightmare that I didn't remember. Thank god.
"Babe are you OK?" Keegan said. I could feel his hands on my waist and I immediately scooted out from his touch until I hit my backboard. "Babe look i'm sorry for whatever I did. Just please don't be mad at me. I love you with all of my heart and I don't want anymore. I only have eye's for you." He said scooting closer to me. I tried to back up but had no where to go.
"Yeah right Keegan. She wants you back. I can tell by the way you look at each other that you love one another. She said you broke up because she had to move. How do I know your not going to leave me for her? You are the only reason why I am breathing Keegan Woods and I can't lose you. I...I just can't." I put my head in my hands and let the tears fall silently. I didn't even notice Keegan moved till he scooped me up in his arms and sat me on his lap.
"Babe YOU are my one and only. I love YOU. Not her.

YOU. I want to be with YOU the rest of my life. I wanna marry YOU. I will never leave you for a girl like her. Hell, I will never leave you for anyone in this world. I wanna see you before I go to sleep and when I wake up. I wanna take you to dinner on your birthday and give you flowers on our anniversary. I wanna be with you till the day I die. I love you so much Destiny. I don't know where I would be right now if I didn't have you and I don't want to find out. Will you just forgive me and we can just forget about Samantha?" My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I never expected a guy to love me like he did. I smiled at him then wrapped my hands around his neck playing with his hair. I could never top what he said to me so I just kissed him.
After a few minutes he pulled away and smiled at me. "I guess you forgive me?" His smiled wider. I nodded and looked away to try to hide me blushing. I obviously failed miserably.
"Don't hid love you look beautiful. Oh wait I heard you left school early AND you walked home. Is it true?" He said raising one of his eyebrows and still smiling. I could tell he was joking but I liked playing around with him.
"No. I don't know what your talking about?" I said acting completely clueless. He went to grab me but I jumped up and ran out the door down the stairs. I looked back. He was right behind me so I sped up and ran into the living room behind the couch. I was laughing really hard to the point I was crying. Everyone was staring at us which made it even more funny. I couldn't take it anymore. I feel to the ground and Keegan came running up to me.
"I...SURRENDER.." I yelled through laughs. Everyone one joined in on the laughs and Keegan pulled me off the ground.
"Well i'm guessing you guys made up?" Ty said after everyone sobered up. I nodded my head and kissed Keegan. I've never been so happy in my life.


Tuesday-Friday went really fast. Keeegan didn't talk to Samantha and we were back to normal. Actually not normal. Were more happy with each other. Josh and Gabby are doing good to. Me and Keegan decided to stay up all night Friday watch movies and cuddle. We went to sleep at 5:30 in the morning so I put a sign on my door telling people not to wake us up till at least 12. But of course someone didn't care.
Someone started banging on my door at 10. I tried to ignore them but the keep getting loud I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and ran to my door. When opened it I looked up and saw Josh.
"Why are you banging on my door? It's 10 in the morning on Saturday." I said looking up at him. He started laughing at my attempted to be mean. I joined in on laughing to. "I just came to see if you guys wanna go with us to Denny's." I laughed again and went up on my tippytoes to hug him. "Y'all we'll be down in a few." I said still reaching up to him. He laughed and pulled me up to hug me then sat me back down. When he sat me back down I didn't realize my tank top was showing my stomach.
"What's that?" He said pointing to the hickey Keegan gave me on my hip. I blushed and pulled down my shirt. "Nothing we will be down in a few." I said shutting the door and locked it. Keegan was still asleep on my bed so I walked over to him and cuddle up next to him. His eyes shot open and he looked at me. "Babe your freezing." He said pulling me closer. He was so warm I almost fell asleep.
"Baby we have to get up. Everyone wants us to go to Denny's with them." I said a few minutes later. I stood up and pulled him up with me. He kissed my head then went to go change in his room. I grabbed my light jean short shorts and a gray undershirt and my black short cut leather jacket and put them on. I also grabbed my black and white converse and threw them on. I put my phone in my back pocket. I brushed my hair and fixed my makeup. "Baby come on." Keegan said. He was reaching out his hand and I happily took it. We ran down the stairs and outside to were everyone else was.
"You two are riding with Bryce and Anthony." Josh said pointing to us. Keggan pulled me over to Anthony's black escalade and pushed me into the backseat next to him. "Turn up the music pleassssssssse Bry." I said bagging. They all started laughing but he turned up the music for me. I started rapping to nicki minaj and they all stared at me. "Damn it's hot when you rap." Anthony said when Bryce turned off the music. "Can you not my girlfriend hot. Thanks." Keegan said slightly irritated. "Keegan chill." I said putting my hand on the back of his neck. "Sorry Dest." Anthony said. "It's cool."
We pulled up to Denny's and everyone else was there. "Damn what took y'all so long." Josh said as we walked up to them. "We were just listening to Dest here rap." Bryce said pushing me. I laughed and pushed him back. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I hit his back and someone smacked my ass. I looked over and saw it was Keegan. "Put me down Bryce." I said hitting him. He flung me back over his shoulder and put me to the floor. I hit him on his arm and ran behind Keegan. We all laughed and walked into Denny's. They put us in a booth and we all talked and hung out.
We all ended up splitting the bill. "Hey Joshy can we have a party tonight pleaseeeeeeeee." I gave him the the puppy eye's. He nodded to me and I jumped up and down. Everyone laughed at me. "Let's go." I said and ran to Anthony's car. Tonight's going to be bomb!


It's an hour till the party and I just got out the shower. They guys went to the store for drinks but they should be back any minute. Me and Gabby decided that we didn't want to wear dress tonight so were matching outfits that are different colors. My is purple, white, and black her's is pink, white, and black. Black short short's, white undershirt's, and purple and white school jackets that say our names. Her's is pink and white though. Then I have purple and black Nike's and white socks and she has pink and black Nike's with white socks.
I heard a knock on my door "Hey Destiny wanna get ready together?" Gabby said as she was walking in my room. She was in only a towel to. "Yeah lock the door then you can change in the bathroom." She nodded and walked to the door and locked it.
"Want me to do your makeup and you do my hair?" I said smiling at her. She does amazing hair and I do good makeup. "OK." She said smiling then walked into my bathroom. When she came out I swear I felt like I was staring at my twin. "You look amazing" I said pulling her in for a hug. "So do you boo." We ran and jumped on my bed and laughed. The front door opened and we hurried all the guys walking in. "We should get ready." Gabby said as she pulled me off the bed.
She started blow drying her hair as I started my makeup. I did purple sparkly eyeshadow and black eyeliner with black mascara. When Gabby was down her hair was pin straight. She pulled me over to a chair and pushed me down. I wasn't aloud to see till she was done. After 20 minutes she turned me around. The top of my hair was pinned back and the bottom was curly. I loved the way it looked with my outfit. I said thank you and pulled her to my makeup chair. I didn't let her see her makeup till I was done. It was pink sparkly eyeshadow, black eyeliner and black mascara. When we were all done the party had already started. We throw on our shoes and looked one last time in the mirror.
"Let's get this party started." We yelled at the same time as we walked down the stairs. The music started blasting and I went to find Keegan. He was in the kitchen drinking a beer. "Hey baby." I shouted over the loud music. He walked up to me and put his hands on my waist. He smelled like pure alcohol. "Hey babe let's go dance." He held on to my waist and walked into the big crowd of people. I knew he was drunk my the way he kissed me. It was like he was angry.
After dancing with him a few times I couldn't take the smell anymore. "Babe come on let's go to my room." He nodded and I helped him walk up the stairs and into my room. I put him on the bed and went to walk away but he grabbed my arm and ripped me back so fast I fell on him. "Your so hot." He said pulling me up to kiss me. It was an angry kiss. I pulled away but got pulled back in. He kissed me again and bit my bottom lip. I pulled away and it was bleeding.
"Stop. Just go to sleep." I said pushing up from him. I went to my bathroom and cleaned up my lip. It was split open like I got punched. When I was done I walked out the bathroom and Keegan was sleeping. I tiptoed out and closed the door. Everyone was still down stairs and partying. I joined in and started dancing with Gabby in the middle of everyone. I ended up dancing with Jake but it was just for fun. After a little bit of dancing the music was still loud but very few people were dancing. I heard someone bang on the door so me and Josh went to go check it out.
When we opened the door there was 2 uniformed officer's standing there. "Hello we have a complaint of the music being to loud." One of the taller ones said. All I could think of was thank god me and Josh aren't drunk. "Were sorry officer's we will turn down the music." Josh said after realizing I couldn't talk. They said thank you and went on there way. Josh pulled me back to the living room when we saw them drive away. "EVERYONE OUT." Josh yelled once he turned down the music. Everyone started leaving and once they were gone it was only the people who lived her. Only me, John and Josh were sober. Us three carried everyone up the stairs and into there rooms.
"I'll do the dishes in the morning let's just clean up the trash tonight." John said. We started cleaning up and after an hour we were finally done. I walked into my room and Keegan was sprawled out taking up all of my bed. I walked over to him and squeezed next to him. He rolled on his side and pulled me into his chest. I fell asleep immediately.


The next morning I woke up I was snuggled into Keegan. I was still mad at him for being so forceful. My lip was a little swollen but not that bad. I guess I didn't realize he bit my lip that hard. I rolled over and looked at the alarm. It was 10:21 in the morning. I knew everyone had to still be sleeping. I got up and took a shower slipping on sweat and a t-shirt. I walked down the stairs and heard someone in the kitchen. I walked in and saw John doing the dishes. I didn't think he noticed me walk in so I crept up behind him.
"BOO." I shouted. He turned around but when he did the knife he was holding cut through my shirt and cut my side. It wasn't deep but it hurt. I wasn't use to the pain since I haven't cut myself in 2 1/2 months.
"Oh my god Destiny im so sorry." He said dropping the knife to the floor. I felt something wet slide down my side and I looked down. There was blood seeping through my shirt. I put my hand on my side and pain shot through my body.
"It's ok. Um just go to the spare bathroom and grab the first aid kit." I tried to sound calm because I didn't want him to feel bad. "Here." He said handing it to me. I took it from him and set it on the counter. I turn and more pain shot through my body. I bite on my lip to keep from screaming. "Let's not tell anyone about this ok?" I said. He nodded. I knew if anyone found out the would try to make me go to the hospital. I lifted up my shirt and put gauze on it. John help me wrap an ace bandage around my waist and then he put the kit back in the bathroom. We sat on the couch and waited for all the guys to wake up. After about another hour some of them woke up and then another hour everyone was in the living room but Keegan.
Everyone was talking about the party last night but neither me or Josh said anything about the cops. It wasn't important but we probably wont have a party for awhile. Finally after 2 more hours waiting Keegan came down the stairs. I could tell he had a major hangover but his face light up when he saw me. He walked over and picked me up. His arm went around my waist and I whimpered. He pulled me down on top of him and kissed my forehead. I looked over at John and I could tell he felt bad. I sent him a reassuring smile and looked back at Keegan.
Josh walked past me and smiled at me. I smiled back but my lip hurt. It was really swollen but no one seemed to notice but that's a good thing. Great I just jinxed myself. "Dest what happened to your lip?" Josh said. I looked away but he pulled on my chin till our eyes met again. "Um nothing." I said trying to pull away.
"Destiny what happened?" He said again. I searched my head for an answer but nothing came to mind. It wasn't a big deal Keegan bite me cause he was a little to drunk. Probably a lot more then little drunk but yeah that didn't matter. What matter was everyone was now staring at me. I closed my eyes. "Keegan bit me last night when he was drunk." I laughed a little. I looked around and no one else was laughing. I looked at Keegan and his mouth was open. "Im so sorry." He said putting his hand on my lip. I flinched. "It's cool im really fine." I said.
"No it's not cool Destiny." Josh said. I looked at him. He looked mad. Why it wasn't the worse thing that has ever happened to me. "Josh seriously. Im fine. Chill the fuck out bro." I put my hand on his arm. He instantly looked at me. His eyes softened and he continued to the kitchen. I looked at back a Keegan and he wouldn't look at me. I moved his face towards me but he didn't look in my eyes. I pecked him on the lips but he still didn't look at me.
Everyone went back to watching tv and Josh was still in the kitchen. I sighed and got up from Keegan's lap and walked up to my room. I heard my phone buzzing and ran over to it. It was a text from Gabby.
Gabby: He there is no school tomorrow or the next day. A pipe busted. So we go back Wednesday unless it doesn't get cleaned up.
Me: Thank god. Thank you for telling me. Love you.
Gabby: I know and your welcome. Love you to.
I threw my phone on my bed and looked around the room. There was a dim light coming through my room. I looked out and it was the moon light. Wait what time is it? I looked at my phone. It was already 6:30. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes.
"Destiny gt up. Were going out." I looked up and saw Keegan and Josh standing there. I rolled over and closed my eyes again. I felt my bed move and then move again. I rolled over and they were siting on each of my sides. They looked at each other and nodded. Great there up to something. Keegan wrapped his arm around my waist. At the same time Josh wrapped his arms around my legs. They lifted me up and I started screaming and laughing.
"Destiny stop kicking. W-we told you to g-get up." Josh said laughing. I didn't know where we were going so I kept squirming. The pool door came into view. Oh great. "Please not the pool. Put my down. Gosh your my brother and your my boyfriend don't be mean." I looked at them and gave them puppy eyes. They both looked away. "Man don't look it's the puppy eyes." Keegan said. They opened the door and started to the deep end. They threw me and midair I screamed shit. My body slammed into the water and I sunk to the bottom. My body struggled for air and I breathed in. Water filled my lungs. I swam up and finally reached the top. I breathed in and started coughing. I grabbed the side of the pool and laid my head on the concrete.
"Destiny you ok? Im sorry baby." Keegan said. He reached down and picked me up. I was still breathing hard and coughing. "Im fine. Y'all go have fun. I need sleep." Keegan and Josh looked at each other. "Are you sure?" Josh said. I went to walk out. "Yeah it's cool. Go have fun." I smiled. They have no idea what's coming for them. Hehehe.

CHAPTER 8 -Keegan P.O.V.-

I felt bad for leaving Destiny but Josh begged me to go out. I knew she would be fine cause Nick and Jessie decided to stay home. I don't know why but all that matters was Destiny wasn't home alone. Me, Josh, Ryan, Anthony, Jake, Damien, John, Ty, and Bryce all got ready and left. We tried to say goodbye to Dest but she was sleeping so I just kissed her on the forehead.
Since none of us we the age to drink we went to a club were we knew the owner. He let us each have 2 drinks but that was it. Me and Josh hung out while the other guys scoped the crowd for girls. It was a good night but I had a bad feeling for some reason.

-Destiny's P.O.V.-

I woke up something hitting my window. I got up and slowly walked to my window. I looked down and didn't see anyone. I stood there for a sec but nothing happened. I turned around to walk away but it happened again. I turned around and as soon as I opened the blinds... the tree hit the window. Wow I didn't notice how windy it was. It was so cold I decided to take a nice warm bubble bath. I felt so tense. Like something wasn't right. I'm home alone. Anything can happen to me. I grabbed a purple matching bra and boy shorts, white undershirt, purple pajama shorts and my black hoodie. I walked into the bathroom and started the bath. After it was about to overflow I turned it off. I locked the door and stripped out of my clothes. I stepped into the bath and instantly was sucked in by the warmth. I laid down and closed my eyes. 'This is amazing. House to myself for once' I thought to myself. I smiled.
After about 20 minutes the water started getting cold so I wash my body and got out. I was about to get dressed when I heard my bedroom down open and close. Someone must be home. I opened the door slightly and peeked out. I saw Nick and Jessie and wait? Shane? standing all around my room.
"Hey. I thought you guys went out? And why are you here Shane?" I said. No one answered me. They just stared. I ignored them and shut the bathroom door. I got changed and walked back out. They were still in there same positions.
I stood there for a sec but they all just stared at me. They were all smiling and it started freaking me out. "Get out." I said opening my door. Jessie was the first to talk, "Now n-now Desssstiny. Is that anyyyyy wayy to talkkk to your friendssss." Oh no there drunk. I glanced at them as the moved towards me. 'Oh hell no. I'm not going down without a fight.' I thought. I sprinted out the door and got half way down the stairs before two muscle arms twisted around my waist and pulled me back in my room. I screamed as much as I could but was thrown on the hard floor. Shane walked over to the door and locked it. I scooted back until I hit my dresser.
They all started walking towards me with smiles on there faces. Tears ran down my face at Nick pulled me to the middle of the floor by my hair. I curled in a ball as they kicked my sides over and over. I wanted to die. I thought I was dead cause I couldn't move anything. Blood from the almost held cut trickled down my back. When they were done the started talking about what they wanted to do with me. They obviously thought I was uncontentious but I heard every word. They crude scary remarks. I never did anything to any of them to make them hate me so much. I even took Shane back as a friend. I've known Nick and Jessie since I was in the 4th grade and they and the rest of the guys were in 5th grade. They always called me there hot little sis. I used every last bit of strength in me to breath but the pressure in my lungs was to much and I gave up. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a never ending sleep. "I love you Keegan." was all I said and the dark consumed me.

CHAPTER 9 -Keegan P.O.V.-


"Bro I have a bad feeling. I think ima go home." I said to Josh. I didn't know what was bothering me but being away from Destiny was killing me. "Ok bro i'll come to. Anthony wanna roll?" Josh said looking at Antony. He sighed but nodded his head. He was the only one he didn't find a girl. I smiled to myself. I have a girl home. I'm a fool to leave her. I need her with me always.
We told the guys we were leaving and they said ok they'll be home later. We said our goodbyes and walked out to the car all climbing in. Me driving Josh in the passenger seat and Anthony in the back. We drove to the house in silence. No one had anything to talk about. I turned the corner of the street and the house came in to view. Both Nick's and Jessie's cars were in the driveway. I sighed in relief. Nothing to worry about now. I drove into the driveway and turned off the car. We all got out the car and walked into the house. I was about walk up the stairs but I heard people talking. Like more then two. Three. I turned towards Josh and pointed up the stairs. "There's someone here." I whispered. I sprinted up the stairs and went to open Destiny's door. It was locked. I heard more talking and didn't hesitate. I busted open door. Destiny was curled up in a ball in the middle of the floor with Nick, Jessie, and Shane surrounding her. Wait back it up Shane? She looked uncontentious and had blood on her.
"Your dead." I growled. I went instantly to Shane and took all my anger out on him. No one was going to recognize him when I was done.

-Destiny's P.O.V.-


I woke up to yelling. I couldn't move but I saw out the corner of my eye Keegan punching someone. I instantly realized it was Shane by what he was wearing. Josh and I think Anthony were pulling on him but Keegan just kept punching him. I knew he wouldn't stop unless I got his attention. I couldn't let him kill Shane. He would go to jail instantly.
"K-Keegan." I said. It was almost to quiet to hear. He heard it cause he instantly turned to me and let go of Shane's shirt. He ran over to me and tried to hug me. I yelled as pain shot threw my side. He let me go and backed away. I looked at him as tears spilled down my face.
"I'm sorry." I said. "Destiny don't be sorry you did nothing wrong but we have to look at how bad you are. You might need to go to the hospital." I instantly shook my head. "No hospitals." I said. Josh shook his head instantly. "You have to go to-" I cut him off. "No Josh. One of you will end up in jail." As much as he hated it he agreed with me. I looked around and noticed Nick and Jessie went there. "Where are Nick and Jessie?" I said a little worried. Please don't tell me they killed them. "They go there shit and left." Keegan said. They all bent down around me. "Destiny I know it's going to hurt you but you have to lay on you back so we can see your stomach. That's where they got you the most right?" Anthony said. I nodded my head and started to move on my back. Pain shot threw me again but this time it didn't go away. I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"We have to move her on the bed." Keegan said. Josh nodded and put his arms under me. I didn't want to scare him so I bite my lip and rolled over into his arms. I squeezed my eyes shut as he stood up. I whimpered as he set me down. "You need to sleep but you have to show us when you wake up." Keegan said. I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I could hear them moving all around the room. Anthony dragged Shane home while Keegan and Josh sat on either of my sides. After about an hour of fighting the pain I feel asleep.



"Tiny." Josh said waking me up from my dream. I was dreaming that my parents were still alive. My dad still beat me and Josh left me with him. I was relived that he woke me up from it but the pain instantly hit me again. I rolled on my back and the pain eased more. I opened my eyes and all the guys were in my room. Some were on the floor others on chairs.
"You ok?" Keegan said. I wondered how long I was sleeping for. The sun was shining through my window and into the room. I took a deep breath and sat up. Pain shot through my side and I let out a whimper. Everyone looked at me. I slowly crawled out of bed so it wouldn't hurt. "Where you going?" Josh said. I pointed to the bathroom and he nodded. I took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom. I didn't have to go I just need to see how much damage they had done.
I walk in the bathroom and shut the door. I pulled up my jacket then my undershirt. I gasped. That's why im in so much pain. My stomach and all the way around my rib cage to my back was full of bruises. The biggest one looked like a shoe print on my ribs to my stomach. I was to busy taking in all the bruises that I didn't know Keegan walked in. I instantly pulled down my jacket.
"Babe let me see." I just sat there. He walked over to me and pulled up my jacket over my head. I whimpered and he instantly apologized. He pulled my undershirt up but only showing my stomach. Tears formed in his eyes and spilled over. I felt bad so I pulled down my shirt.
"Babe it's ok. I'm ok." I walked over to him and whipped away the tears. "No your not I should have protected you." He put his head in his hands. "You can't always protect me. If I would have-"
"No Destiny. I should have stayed home with you." He cut me off. "No Keegan. You can not blame yourself for what happened to me." I pulled his hands off his face. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. Only one thing left to do. I pulled his neck down and kissed him. At first he didn't responded but after a sec his lips moved with mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I whimpered against his lips and he pulled away and let go of me.
"We have to show them." He said and grabbed my hand. He walked out the bathroom and pulled me with him. Making sure he didn't walk to fast. I stood frozen. Everyone was looking at me. "Babe show them." Keegan said sternly. I didn't move so he walked over and pulled up my shirt. All the guys mouths fell open. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled my shirt down and walked to my dresser. I needed a shower. They obviously knew what I was doing cause no one questioned me. Or they were to freaked out over the bruises. I tried to take a quick shower but it was hard to wash my body. When I was done I struggled to put my clothes on. I walked into my room and everyone was still in the same places but acting like nothing was wrong. I stood there but no one said anything.
"You guys wanna go watch a movie down stairs?" I said. I was tired of everyone in my room. I hoped they didn't go through my stuff again.
"You can make it down the stairs?" John said. I nodded and everyone smiled but Josh. I smiled but only I knew it was fake. "Ok let's go." Anthony said. Everyone left the room but Josh. He wouldn't look at me just looked at his shoes. I walked over to him and sat beside him.
"What's wrong Josh?" I said. He looked at "I should be asking you that Tiny."
"Josh i'm fine. Don't worry about me. Please." He hugged me but it didn't hurt. "I have to worry about you. I called the school and told them your not going back till next Monday." I nodded my head. I knew it would be best if I didn't go to school. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. No matter how much pain I was in I didn't show it. Everyone had fun watching the movie and laughing. We stayed up till 4 in the morning hanging out. After a little everyone went to bed. Keegan laid in bed with me and instantly fell asleep. The pain killed me. I finally couldn't take it anymore and took 2 muscle relaxers. After 15 minutes I knocked out cold.



The next day I woke up at 12:30. I was home alone cause I finally convinced the guys I was fine alone while they went to school. I was in a lot of pain but I tried not to let it show around the guys. They usually get home at 1:15 so I decided to take a shower and wait down stairs.
20 minutes I stepped out the shower. It took another 10 minutes to dress in my pajama shorts and one of Keegan's ACDC shirt. I left my hair how it was and slowly walked down the stairs. I couldn't go to the hospital I know but I swear I have a broken rib.
After a little bit the front door open and all the guys walked in. No one noticed me and ran up the stairs. I laughed but decided to play around.
"DESTINY WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard Josh yell. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed some apple juice and cookies and sat on the counter. I heard stomping around. "BABE WHERE ARE YOU. Josh call her." Keegan yelled. My phone was in my room so i laughed. No one even thought to check the kitchen till a few minutes later.
Anthony was the first to walk in to the kitchen. "DESTINY WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM. WE HAVE BEEN CALLING YOUR NAME YOU DIDN'T HEAR US?" He said. He kinda scared me but I didn't show it. "I didn't hear you guys." As soon as I said that all the guys were in the kitchen. "DESTINY WHAT THE HELL?" Josh said. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Keegan said. I was to shaken up to respond. Everyone was staring at me and I could feel the heat. "I didn't... I was just joking." I looked down at my lap. Tears feel silently but no one spoke. I grew tired of the silence. "Im sorry." Was all I said.
I looked up after a second and Josh was walking to me. "It's cool Tiny just please don't do that again." I nodded and hugged him. I hugged everyone and Keegan was last. He just stood there but didn't move. I jumped up on the counter again and just waited. I should have known he would be the maddest. "Keegan i'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" before I could finish he was kissing me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He smiled against my lips and i pulled away. "Does this mean i'm forgiven?" I said smiling. He shook his head. "Not even." He laughed.
I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Why?" He laughed. What's so funny? I left it alone knowing he can't stay mad at me forever. I just shook my head and laughed. I turned way from him and drank the rest of my apple juice. "Hey babe you never told me how you got the cut on your side." I chocked on my juice and started coughing "Oh um it was an accident." I hope he bought it. "So you did it? Not Shane or Nick or Jessie?" He cocked an eyebrow. Shoot I could have said that happened but I had already bandaged it. "Yeah I did it. I um... I forgot how I did it but it was a total accident." I knew he didn't believe me now.
When he was about to resond John walked in. I looked at him and nudge my head toward the door. He obviously didn't get it. "John were talking about something right now will you give us a sec." I smiled and acted like I was itching my side. I quickly understood and turned towards the door. "Wait! What was that all about?" Keegan said. I didn't think he would catch on. I was about to say something but Keegan grabbed my arm and grabbed John and took us to the living room where everyone else was.
"Care to explain?" Keegan said in a serious tone. "What are you t-" I started but John interrupted me "It was an accident. I was doing the dishes she scared me and I had a knife in my hand." he said. Nobody said anything so I spoke up "See it was an accident." I said throwing my arms in the air. I instantly regretted it cause my whole said shot with pain. "FUCK." I bent over so the pain would go away. After a minute it still wasn't gone.
"You ok babe?" Keegan said rubbing my back. "Fine." Was all I could get out of clutched teeth. Keegan picked me up and set me on the couch. "Babe go to my room in my shoe box in top of the closet and get pain killers. Please go get them." He hesitated. I knew why. No one knew I had pills but I needed them.
A minute later he handed me a pill. I shook my head and put up 2 fingers up. After a few discussions I couldn't comprehend I was handed another one. I easily took them and fell asleep.



"Babe the alarms going off." Keegan said. I shrugged and cuddled up to him more. I didn't want to go to school but I had to. After a few more minutes I rolled over. "Kill me please." I sighed. "If I kill you I wont be able to see your pretty face anymore." He laughed. I just rolled my eyes. "Please some people would be happy if I was dead." I went to get up but he pulled me back down. "Name one." He looked at me in the eyes. "Um let's see how bout three. Shane. Nick. Jessie." His eyes closed and he let out a deep breath. "They cant and wont." He said his voice breaking. I closed my eyes and nodded.
He kissed me and then got up to go to his room. I sighed and got up walking over to my dresser. I pulled out some black skinny jeans and a dark gray jacket with a white undershirt. Why look pretty when I feel like complete shit. I got in the shower and wash my hair and body. I got quicker at it so it only took me 15 minutes. I got and put all my clothes on. Only zipping my jacket half way up. Then blow dried my hair and straightened it. I only added a small line of eyeliner. I brushed my teeth then put on my dark gray vans and my black Jansport backpack and walked down stairs. All the guys and Gabby were still getting ready so I sat on the couch and ate on apple.
After 10 minutes of waiting everyone was ready to go. All the guys were looking hot and Gabby of course looked pretty in her skirt and top. Great i'm the only one that looks like shit. As we drove up to the front of the school I dreaded it even more. I looked at Keegan and he gave me his most famous smile that warmed my heart. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the car.
First period went by good. I got all my makeup work and the teacher completely understood the situation. As I walked to second my heart raced. This was the only class I had with Nick. I didn't have any with Shane or Jessie thank god. I walked through the door and walked up to the teacher asking her for my makeup work. She greatly gave it to me and told me to take my new seat. Which happens to be in between Josh and Nick. We took notes the whole class so I just doodled. Nick didn't talk to me or Josh but I caught him looking at me a few times. He smiled at me but gave up when he saw I wasn't going to back. Never will I ever be friends with him, Jessie, or Shane. NEVER.
They rest of the day went by a blur till sixth period. Me and Gabby had sixth together but she got moved out and into a different class. It took forever for the late bell to ring but when it finally did the teacher walked in. She was my favorite teacher and always let us sit where we want.
"Good morning class. We have a new student," She looked to the door before she continued. "Come in Mr.Hudson." As she said that a guy that looked about 6foot walked in. He had black hair and gray eyes. He looked like he would play football. He was adorable. "Everyone this is Zayn Hudson. Zayn is a Senior here and I expect all of you to make him feel welcomed." She smiled at him and gestured for him to take an empty seat. There was one in the front or one by me where Gabby use to sit. He looked around for a second then smiled and walked back to take the seat by me.
"Everyone I wasn't able to use the printer so today you have a free day." The teacher said. Everyone cheered and pulled out there phones or ipods. I, of course pulled out my ipod and listened to music. I looked over at the new kid and he was just sitting there. I decided to be nice and introduce myself.
"Hey im Destiny. Zayn right?" I said. He smiled and nodded. "Well it's nice to meet you. Are you new to the school or new to the city?" I asked. "I'm new to the country actually." He said. His voice had a hint of an Irish accent. HOT! 'To bad im taken or I would be all over him.' I thought to myself. I smiled.
"Let me guess. Your from Ireland?" I guessed. "Wait how you know?" His eyebrow arched. I laughed and smiled. "Your accent." He joined in on laughing.
We talked for the rest of the class and he turned out to be really amazing. I told him I had a boyfriend and he said all he wanted to be was friends. I also told him that I like with 11 guys and 1 girl other then me. He was amazed.
"Hey come on i'll introduce you to everyone and you'll have a lot of friends in no time." I said as the bell rang. I pulled him outside and to everyone else who was waiting for me. "Hey guys this is Zayn. He's new to the Country and is pretty cool." I said as I walked over to Keegan and hugged him. Everyone introduced themselves and as soon as he talked I saw Gabby melt. We both love I mean LOVE Irish accents. Good thing we both have boyfriends or would fight over this guy. Plus I love Keegan. Zayn is just a cool and nice person that will probably be good friends with the guys.
"Well i'll see you guys tomorrow I have to go." Zayn said. He did that weird handshake thing with they guys and thn hugged me and Gabby. I saw Keegan and Josh's eyes go instantly to flames when he touched me and Gabby.
"I don't want you talking to Zayn anymore." Keegan said as we climbed into Josh's backseat. "You either." Josh said to Gabby. Me and Gabby both looked at each other. I was the first to talk "Why? We cant have a guy friends? I think we live with 9 other guys." Gabby nodded he head and said "Exactly."
"So what if we live with other guys. They not your friends there like your brothers. We just don't want you to be friends with him and that's final." Keegan said and Josh nodded in agreement. Me and Gabby looked at each other again and rolled our eyes. "Whatever." We both said at the same time.
Me and Gabby locked ourselves in the room when we got home and ended up falling asleep. So Keegan ended up in sleep on the floor in Josh's room.
I seriously hope my and Gabby's plan works.



In the morning me and Gabby went back on our plan. Gabby decided it wasn't worth it to her to lose Josh. I knew she was right but i'm stubborn. Keegan can tell me what to do but there's a certain extent and me being friends with Zayn is past that extent to where he can control me. I seriously didn't want to fight with him but I can't believe I can't have a guy friend out of the house. He can't stop me but if I have to choose his love is more important than any guy.
"Destiny come on." Gabby said tugging on my hand. We tiptoed down the hall each holding a bucket of cold water. We woke up early before any of the guys were awake to play a prank on Josh and Keegan.
"Is it locked?" I asked in a almost silent whisper. Gabby turned to me and shook her head no. We exchanged smiles. We slowly walked into Josh's room and smiled when we saw they both hand only shorts on. I looked at her and counted to 3. On 3 we both screamed at the top of our lungs and when they both sat up that's when we dumped it on them. They were both instanly to there foot.
"GABBY RUN!" I screamed and we both took off running down the hall. Josh and Keegan almost caught up when we ran into my room and shut and locked the door.
"Babe open the door." I heard Keegan say as they banged. Me and Gabby ran and jump on my bed. It was only 5 in the morning so we didn't have to get ready for 30 minutes. We laughed everytime they banged and pleaded.
"Baby and Tiny were not mad just let us in. We need to talk to you guys." Josh said this time. Me and Gabby exchanged looks. I didn't think we should trust them. "What do you think Gabby?" I said loud enough for them to hear. "Um I dont know Dest? Maybe we should let them in but why trust them?" We laughed again. My side started hurts and I instantly stopped laughing.
"What is all the noise?" I heard someone say. I think it was Ryan. "They poured ice cold water on us." I heard Keegan say.
"Dest you ok?" Gabby said her voice sounded worried. "Yeah. Yeah i'm fine." I said. I felt like I was telling myself that just to hide it. I've been trying to stop taking the pills because i've started taking them way to much. I liked the feeling of knocking out but it wasn't good for me to be addicted to pills. No one liked me taking them and i'm starting to realize why.
I walked over to the door and unlocked it. I ignored Josh, Keegan, and Gabby and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my shoe box and pulled out the pill bottles. "Baby what are you doing? You cant take those." Keegan said. He walked over to me and tryed to pull them away but I pulled them out of his reach and ran to the bathroom. He followed me and right when he was about to protest he immeditely stopped once he say what I was doing. I opened the tops of both the little bottles and poured them down toliet and flushed them.
"Tiny why did you all the sudden just throw them away?" Josh said. I turned to see him Keegan and Gabby all im my bathroom doorway. "I felt like I needed them to much. I'm getting addicted. They were controlling my life and I couldn't take it. Every time I have pain i'll just have to live through it." I said. Josh and Keegan instantly forgot that we just poured buckets of ice cold water on them like it never happened. "Thank you." Keegan said as he pulled me in for a hug. "What?" I whispered in to his shoulder. Why was he saying thank you. "I was going to do it but you beat me to it. I'm just proud of you." He said as he pulled away. He leaned down and kissed me. I smiled against his lips and kissed back.
"Guys can we skip school today?" Gabby asked as we broke apart.
"I'm down." Keegan said. "Me to." I agreed and smiled. We all looked at Josh. The final decision was always his. "Fine but we have to go back tomorrow." He said after a minute of thinking.
We told all the guys that we went going to be at school today and they all said ok.
When they were about to leave I pulled Ty to the side. "Destiny what do you need? I'm going to be late." He said slightly annoyed. I rolled my eyes. "If you see Zayn will you let him sit with you guys? He doesn't have anyone. Please i'll do anything. Well not anything but you know what I mean." I smiled at him and hoped he would say yes. I really felt bad for Zayn but I guess I would understand if Ty said no. He does live in Josh's house. Well it's mines to.
"What if Josh or Keegan finds out. They'll be pissed." He said. I nodded my head and went to walk away but he pulled me back. "Fine he can sit with us. I'll tell the other guys he is going to." I smiled and hugged him. I said a quick thank you and he slipped out the door.
After a little while Josh and Gabby went back to be so me and Keegan decided to too. I was almost asleep when I heard someone knock on the front door. 'Who would be here at 12?' I thought to myself. Whatever who cares. Keegan pulled me against his chest and instanly feel asleep.

CHAPTER 14 (last chapter)



I rolled over and reached over Keegan to turn off the alarm. I ended up having to straddle him to be able to reach it. When I looked down he was smiling but his eyes were still closed. His hands when up to my sides. I decided to mess with him. I lowered my face to him and pressed my lips to his. He immediatley resonded. I tangled my hands in his hair and he moaned against my lips. I felt Keegan jr. on my thigh. I smiled against his lips and pulled away. Before he could protest I got up and ran to the bathroom.
"Babe that's not funny. Come back." He pleaded. "We have to get ready for school. Now go get ready." I said back through the bathroom door. I heard my door open then close. I walked back out and looked through my drawer. After a few minutes I decided to wear my light skirt with black fish net leggings under and my black v-neck shirt that says 'Keep calm & Carry on'. I ran back into the bathroom and turned on the water. After it warmed up I stripped off my clothes and got in.
After washing my hair and body I got out. I blowed dried my hair and curled it. I pulled the side with no bangs back and pined it with a zebra bow. When I was done I did my makeup and brushed my teeth. I was putting on my ugg boots when Keegan walked in.
"Babe we have-" He started but never finished. He looked at me up and down. I walked to my mirror but didn't see anything wrong. "What?!" I said turning back to him. His mouth was open as he stared at me. "Hello?" I said. He shook his head like he was coming back to reality. "Oh sorry. You just look... Hot!" I smiled and he smiled back.
"Keegan, Destiny let's go!" Josh yelled from down stairs. Before I could responed Keegan was kissing me. I kissed him back for a sec but pulled away and grabbed my backpack. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs. Everyone else left but Josh and Gabby waited so they could take us.
"Dang girl you look hot." Gabby said. I smiled. "Thanks you too!" I replied. "Tiny why are you wearing that?" Josh asked. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Cause I wanted to?" I was confused. "You shouldn't go out-" He started but I instantly cut him off "Keegan likes it. Plus were going to be late." I grabbed Keegan's hand before Josh could respond and walked out to his car.
We drove to school in silence all the way to school when we got there Keegan and Josh said they had football practice today so they had to stay after. Me and Gabby told them we will walk home. It took much convincing for them to finally let us walk home but they finally agreed. They whole day went by slow but im finally in 6th period with 10 minutes left.
"Destiny you ok today?" Zayn asked bringing me back to reality. I looked and him smiled and nodded. He smiled back. I didn't feel right today. In 1st period we had to talk about our parents. I could only say good things about my mom. It actually made me realize how muched I missed her. I have only been to her grave once. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I instantly whiped it away.
The bell finally rang and I sighed in relif. I packed up all my stuff and walked out in the hallway. Gabby was already waiting for me. "Hey do you think we can go to my mom's grave before we go home?" I asked getting straight to the point. She looked confused. "You sure you want to Dest?" She asked. "Yeah just my mom though." She smiled and nodded.
We started walking down the now empty hallway. We were almost to the door when I felt a cold hand grab onto my wrist. Before I could reacted I was pulled back and slammed into the wall. I looked up and saw Nick. "Hey beautiful." He said grabbing my waist. "Let go you jackass." I said back. He lifted up his hand and backhanded me. "Don't test me Destiny. You know I have a short patience." He said grabbing my neck but to were I could still breath.
"Let me go!" I heard Gabby yell. I looked over to her. Jessie and Shane were holding her back. I looked back and Nick who was looking at me with lust filled eyes. He moved one of his hands to my thigh and started playing with my leggings. The other stayed around my neck. "You know Destiny. You should really leave Keegan and be mine." He whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but gag. He noticed and his hand shot up again. I waited for him to slap me again but it never happened.
"Let her go and leave before I chew you to piece's." My eyes shot open at the familiar voice. Zayn was standing there holding Nick's hand back. I looked at Nick who looked scared. "You'll get what you deserve." Nick said looking at me before he walked away. Shane and Jessie on his heels.
"Thank you. Gabby you ok?" I said. "I should be asking you that. Your the one that got hit." She looked a little shaken up. "I'm fine. Do you wanna go home or still go," I glanced and Zayn but looked back and Gabby before continuing "to the graveyard?"
"We can still go to the graveyard." She replied smiling. "Can I join? I would like to go see someone to. I can drive there and then give you guys a ride home." I looked up at Zayn. Who could he have lost? "Yeah you can come." I said smiling. We all walked out the school and out to Zayn's car. The whole way we only spoke a few words each. I could tell something was wrong with Zayn but I didn't know what.
When we got there Zayn parked the car and we all got out. "We can go to yours first." Zayn said. "Ok." I said back and led the way. I didn't know how I remembered where they were but we wound up right infront of there graves. I completly ignored my fathers grave and nelt next to my moms.
"Hey mom. I'm sorry I haven't come to see you. I just wanted to say I love and miss you very much." I felt tears fall from my face and on to her grave. "Well I have to go. I'll come see you more often. Love you." I stood up and looked down at her grave. I walked back to Gabby and Zayn. As I passed my dad's grave I didn't say anything.
"You ok Dest?" Gabby said as she pulled me in for a hug. I nodded and hugged her back. "Zayn lead the way." I said as we stopped hugging. He nodded and started walking. He stopped a few graves down. I watched as he sat down by the grave.
"Hey mom." I heard him whisper. My mouth fell open but I closed it right after. He whispered a few more other things and got up. "Ready to go?" He asked when he turned back to us. Gabby nodded but I just stood there. Thy both looked at me. "Im sorry." I said looking at Zayn. He raised an eyebrow at me. "For what?" He asked. "I didn't know you lost your mom to." I said my voice breaking. "No it's ok. She died 8 years ago when I was 10. I'm ok now." He said. He was acting perfectly fine.
"So you live with your dad then?" I replied. I knew I was getting personal but it slipped out. He shook his head no before replying. "My dad left when he found out my mom was knocked up with me. He said he didn't want kids." He said looking down at his shoes. Sadness flooded me and tears threatened to spill over but I held them back. "I'm sorry. Then who do you live with if you don't mind me asking." I said.
"No not at all. I used to live with my aunt but once I turned 18 she kicked me out and now I live in my car." My mouth fell open. I felt so bad. I walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. That's when an idea poped in my head. "Hey you can live with us. We have an extra room!" I said happily. I looked at Gabby who was smiling.
"I don't think your brother and boyfriend would like that." He said. "They'll get over it. We'll talk to them tonight while you stay for dinner." I said smiling. He smiled back. "Ok if you insist." He replied. We did a group hug then walked back to the car.
They whole ride home we laughed and talked about crazy stuff. He asked me how my parents died and why I didn't say anything to my dad. I told him the truth and he apologized for asking. I told him it was cool. When we got to the house we at snacks and watched t.v. till the guys came home.
"Hey were home." Josh yelled as I heard the door open. I looked at Gabby who looked nerves. All the guys came walking into the living but stopped when they saw Zayn. "What are you doing in my house?" Josh asked as he walked over to Gabby and pulled her protectivly beside him. Keegan did the same to me.
"Destiny asked me over for dinner." He said as he stood up. Everyone looked at me. "Can I talk to you and Josh in the kitchen." I said pulling both them into the kitchen. Gabby was pulled into the kitchen to by Josh.
"Destiny why is he in my house?" Josh asked. I could tell he was straight pissed. "Josh you don't understand what he has been through. He has no one. He lives in his car and has to work whenever he doesn't have school. I don't know why you guys are being so rude to him when he didn't do shit to you guys. He isn't trying to get with me or Gabby. He already has his mind set on a different girl." I finished. Josh and Keegan looked at each other.
"And he saved me and Dest from N-" Gabby said but I interrupted her "He saved us from having to walk home." I said smiling. Gabby looked at me and got what I was doing. They didn't need to know what happened at school but with my bad lieing skills I knew they could tell we were hiding something.
"Babe what were you going to say?" Josh said looking down at her. My hand shot up to my cheek that I had hid with foundation when we got home. Gabby looked at me and I just nodded. "Nick hit Destiny while Jessie and Shane held me back." Keegan turned to me and of course saw my hand covering my cheek. He pried my hand away but looked at Gabby when he saw nothing. She nodded like she read his mind.
He grabbed a paper towel and wet it. He walked back over to me and whipped my cheek. There was a small cut from his ring and a brusie around it. Keegan looked mad. "Why did you try to cover it up?" He asked. I shrugged. It wasn't that big of a deal.
"Josh, I was wondering do you think Zayn could live here. His mom died and he never knew his dad. He has been living in his car ever sence his 18th birthday when his aunt kicked him out." He looked at me and his eyes softened. "I don't know Tiny. Are you sure he wants to?" I smiled. "i'm positive. All the other guys like him. It's just you 2 that don't." I said pointing to Josh and Keegan. Gabby laughed a little. I looked and Josh who was looking at Keegan and then at Keegan who was looking back at Josh. It was like they were reading each other's mind. Keegan nodded at Josh and Josh nodded back at Keegan.
I raised an eyebrow at Gabby who shrugged. Keegan was the first to speak "Well I guess we better go apologize to our newest room mate." Me and Gabby squealed and hugged each other then our boyfriends who laughed.
We walked back out to the livingroom where the guys were all playing the x-box and laughing. I walked over to Jake and pulled the control out of his hand and hit pause. "Hey Destiny! What was that for." I looked at him and glared and he put his hands up in surrender. I looked up and Josh and he walked over who Zayn who stood up.
"I'm sorry for being rude. You can't blame me I don't know you and having you around my sister and my girlfriend made me a little protective. But since I don't know you I shouldn't have judged you. Thank you for sticking up from them at school that was really cool of you bro." He said. I smiled.
"No. It's cool I completly understand. Also of course. Destiny was the frist person to be nice to me and I think of her as a sister." Josh smiled and nodded. They did the wierd handshake hug thing and laughed. "Thanks bro." Keegan said smiling. Zayn nodded and smiled back.
"We also wanted to ask you if you wanted to live here? We have a room that's empty." Josh added. Zayn looked taken back but smiled. "I would love to. My stuffs already here." Everyone laughed but stopped when he didn't laugh.
"Is it really here already?" Anthony asked. "Yeah. I live in my car." He replied. "Well guys go help him get his stuff while me and Gabby started dinner." I said. All the guys followd Zayn out to his car and me and Gabby walked to the kitchen to get dinner cooking. We heard them all laughing and talking as they walked up the stairs to Zayn's new room. I smiled again.
'I saved a life and a good friend.'



Life has been great. Zayn is happy living here and happy to be able to quiet his job and focus on school. Josh and Gabby are doing amazing. I never relaized how cute they were together. Me and Keegan haven't fought in a long time and are happy as ever. Me and Gabby just talked not that long ago about how we want to spend the rest of our lives with them.
All the guys tought Zayn there bad ways and now he goes out and hooks up with random girls. I still love him but now he is all jock. He made the football team since Nick and Jessie got kicked out of school. Speaking of Nick and Jessie they, along with Shane, got kicked out of school for spraypainting the back wall of the school. They never fail to be so stupid. I'm happy there gone though and trust me so are the guys.
"Destiny you ok?" Gabby asked bringing me back to reality. Were hanging out in my room cause all the guys left somewhere. They wouldn't tell us where but they said they would be home in a hour which is right now.
"Yeah i'm fine. Just thinking." I said looking back at her. I smiled and she smiled back. This girl was like the sister I never had. She will always be my sister.
"Girls were home." I heard Josh yell. "Did you hear the front door open?" Gabby asked. I shook my head no but shrugged it off. I was probably to deep in thought. "Well let's go downstairs." Gabby said pulling my arm. We intwined our arms together and walked down the stairs. Everyone downstairs was pitch black. I could feel Gabby tense up.
"Where are you guys?" I yelled. "In the kitchen." Keegan replied. We walked into the kitchen. I was about to ask why it was pitch dark but there were candles everywhere. I saw all the guys on one side of the kitchen and Josh and Keegan in the other. They were standing next to each other both in tuxes. In between them was a little table with one single candle light. Around the candle was a heart made of Rose's.
Keegan walked to me and pulled me away from Gabby as Josh came and got Gabby. We looked at each other then back at our boyfriends. "Baby I love you from the bottom of my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I just wanted to ask you one question." My heart started pounding as he pulled out a little box and got on one knee. I looked at Gabby who was starting to cry and Josh who was also on one knee. I looked at Keegan and started crying when he opened the box showing a ring.
"Baby will you marry me?" Keegan said.


'Perfect Family'



This was the day that would change my life forever. Me and Gabby graduating from high school was a big thing but this is even more important. Knowing that me and Keegan are going to be together forever was the best feeling ever. The butterfly's in my stomach were getting worse and worse every passing moment. My heart raced a mile a minute.
I looked at the mirror again to make sure I didn't mess anything up. The top of my hair was pulled back and bobby pinned while the bottom was curled into ringlets that cascaded down my back. My eyeshadow a smokey black and white with a small line of eyeliner and mascara. My dress was white and hugged my body with ruffles on the sweet heart neck line. There was a single black band that tied around my waist. I breathed in and out trying to catch my breath.
The door opened and Josh walked in. He smiled and I could see tears in his eyes. I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug. "Are you ready Tiny?" He said as he pulled away. I nodded and took his arm. Josh led me down the long hallway and stopped in front of the door. "Please don't let me fall." I said trying to catch my breath. "Never." He replied right as the door's opened.
The music started but I didn't pay attention. I looked down the aisle and my eyes landed on him. His hair was flat, for once, and he had a black tux with a white vest on. The guys were in the front row with pure black tuxes on that matched Josh's. The audience was some friends from school and some of the guys and Gabby's parents. Gabby, my made of honor, stood behind where I was going to be with a short black simple dress.
When we finally got to the end Josh handed me off to Keegan and took his place behind him. The preacher started his speech as everyone in the audience took there seats.
The wedding was amazing. My heart stopped when he had said "I do" and put the ring on my finger. It was official finally and I couldn't have been more happy in the guy I chose to marry. At the reception I had an amazing time. Me and Keegan got to dance to a couple songs but when the 3rd song was done Josh came and stole me. We did our 'Brother Sister Dance' instead of 'Father Daughter dance' and I loved everyone minute of it. Then ALL the guys and Gabby each got a turn and by then I was really tired.
We walked out the doors as everyone threw rice all over us. We hugged everyone before climbing into the limo. I looked over at Keegan as he looked out the window. I could see the smile on his face. "Can you at least tell me is were staying in the state or even on this continent?" He sighed and looked at me but still wore a smile. "Were leaving this continent." I raised my eyebrows to egg him on but he just laid back and pulled me against him. I sighed in defeat and relaxed.
20 minutes later we finally pulled up to the airport. Keegan helped me out the car and then took our bags. We were only staying a week so we only need one big suitcase each. Keegan made me stay with the bags while he went and bought our tickets so I wouldn't know where were going. I hated surprises but I let him surprise me cause he was really excited.
After we got out of security we were the first to board the plane. Turns out he got us first class tickets. Once we finally got to our seats and ordered some waters my eyes could barley stay open. I heard soft breathing to my right. I looked over and Keegan was already asleep. I didn't realize how tired he was but looking at him made me more tired. When the airplane was full we started moving and after 10 minutes we were safely in the air.
I sighed and laid my head on Keegan shoulder. He instantly moved his arm around me so I was laying on his chest. The flight attendant came and gave me a blanket which fit both of us. The warmness and the long day finally hit me and I instantly fell asleep.

"Excuse me miss the plane will me landing in 10 minutes." I opened my eyes but instantly shut them again. The sun was poring into the window and blinding me. I moved out of the suns path and opened my eyes. Keegan was still asleep so I let him sleep while I gathered up our stuff and gave the blanket back. "Baby get up." I shook him until his eyes opened. He sat up and stretched. He leaned over and kissed me. I smiled and looked back out the window and in the distance I could see the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower. My mouth literally hit the flower. He did not take me to Paris, France. GOD, I love this man! I looked back at him and smiled. "This is an amazing surprise. Thank you." I hugged and kissed him. "Anytime baby."
The plane landed and let us out. We found our luggage in the baggage claim area before venturing outside and finding a Taxi. It took forever to actually get a Taxi but the long line finally ended with us and we happily climbed into the Taxi. "Were am I taking you young couple." Keegan took a paper out his pocket and looked for the name of the hotel. "Um the Pullman Hotel." He looked up at the driver to see if he heard him. "Oh that's a great choice. Right next the Eiffel Tower. Amazing view." I smiled at the driver then to Keegan. This was going to be and amazing honeymoon.



The first night with Keegan was amazing. Hell every night with him was amazing but last night top them all. It felt so good to be called Mrs. Destiny Cheyenne Woods! The next morning I woke up to Keegan putting a breakfast on my lap while I was still in bed. “Thanks babe.” I smiled at him. “Welcome beautiful.” No matter how many times I have talked to him I still couldn't control the blush that rose to my cheeks.
The food was good and as soon as we were finished eating Keegan told me to get ready. I questioned him but he of course he ignored me. Great husband he is. Anyways I got in the shower and washed my hair. When I got out I dressed in a white strapless dress with a black leather half jacket and black Ugg boots. I dried my hair then pulled the top part back with bobby pins keeping my bangs out and curled the bottom. I put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara and was finally done.
“Babe you ready?” Keegan asked knocking on the bathroom door. “Yeah. Where we going?” I asked. He sighed and shook his head. “When are you going to realize I'm not telling you?” He smiled and picked me up by my waist and spun me around the room. I giggled and put my head on his shoulder. “Fine. I give up.” He smiled and kissed my forehead before planting my feet on the floor.
“Finally,” he sighed in relief “let's go.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the hotel room, down the hall, and into the waiting elevator. When we got to the lobby there was a line waiting for taxi's. To my surprised Keegan pulled me past the waiting line and we started walking down the sidewalk. We were walking towards the Eiffel tower but he all the sudden stopped. “Babe I got you something.” I pulled my eyes away from the tower and looked at him.
He pulled his backpack off his back, which I just noticed he had, and got out a box. On the side it was a picture of a camera and it said Canon T3I. “You got me a camera?” He smiled nodded, handing me the box in the process. I opened the box and pulled out the camera. He must have set it up for me cause the memory card and batteries were already in it and the strap was already attached. He took the box and put it back in his backpack. “Thank you baby!” I hugged and kissed him. “Your welcome. Let's take a picture.” I smiled and nodded.
He stood behind me with his chin and my shoulder and arms around my waist. We laughed as I snapped pictures of us together with the Eiffel Tower behind us. When we finished he pulled me towards the a group of people. We ended up acting like we were apart of there group so we could have a tour. I stiffened a laugh every time we had to duck behind something/someone so we wouldn't get caught.
I took over 150 pictures of me, Keegan and our tour of the Eiffel Tower. We got to the restaurant, Le Jules Verne, and had to wait an hour cause we didn't make reservations. I had to keep telling Keegan it was fine cause he felt bad he didn't make a reservation. The wait was really worth it. There food was really good and the view was amazing. I couldn't stop taking pictures but my memory card was full after awhile so I had to stop.

When we got back to the hotel room Keegan went and showered while I uploaded my pictures to my laptop. After a few minutes they all loaded and saved to my computer. I sent them all to Gabby and turned off my computer before laying back on my bed, after changing into pajama's. My phone vibrated in my boot so I pulled it out and saw I had a text. No thinking about it I opened and as soon as I read the message I wish I hadn't.

Shane: I hope your honeymoon is good in Paris. Just remember though. I'm always watching.

How did he know I was in Paris? Why does he even care? Doesn't he remember, he broke up with me. “Baby you ok? What's wrong?” I didn't realize he was crouched down in front of me which made me jump high. “Baby it's just me.” I looked at him and nodded. My heart felt like it was going to explode. “Yeah. Sorry. You just scared me.” He nodded and then looked down at the phone in my hands. “Who texted you?”
Should I tell him? What am I thinking. Of course I should tell him. He's my husband. “Shane.” It was silent after I said that. I looked up at him. He was just looking out thee window with a blank face. “Who all knows were in Paris?” He looked at me this time and instantly responded. “Josh, Gabby, and all the other guys. I doubt they told anyone.” I nodded and handed him my phone so he could what he said.
He murmured a few cuss words under his breath and sighed. “Well were only here for a few more days. I doubt he will fly all the way out here. Let just enjoy the rest of our honeymoon and worry about it when we get home.” I smiled and nodded. We did need to enjoy the rest of our honeymoon and that's just what we did!



The rest of the honeymoon was amazing. Every day Keegan would surprise with something new. The last day I was sick and couldn't stop puking. I felt bad for making us sit in the hotel room the last of our trip but he insisted we stay inside. We watched movies and ate soup and crackers. The plan ride home was bad. I would feel fine one second then the next feel like puking. Keegan managed to rub my back till I fell asleep. When we got to the house Gabby instantly stole me from Keegan and the guys to him to hangout.
Me and Gabby were sitting on my bed just talking about everything. I told her everything we did in Paris and she told me everything that happened when we were gone. It wasn't much but I was happy to finally hangout with a girl again. I felt my stomach jerk and instantly ran into the bathroom. Gabby was holding my hair while I threw up everything I had ate for breakfast.
“Hun, you need a water?” She asked as she rubbed my back. I nodded as I whipped my face and flushed the toilet. She ran into the room and came back a second later with my water bottle. She looked worried but I knew what she was thinking. “Do you think your pregnant?” I looked at her ans shrugged. “Doesn't it seem to early? We just got home yesterday.” She shook her head like I missed something. It was to early right?
“You guys have had sex before you got married Hun.” She sat next to me and looked at me serious. “Shit. You are right.” I put my head in my hands and sighed. “Want me to go get you a pregnancy test?” She asked as she pulled my hands away from my head. “Yeah. I'll come.” She nodded and helped me off the floor. I didn't feel like changing so I kept my sweats and hoodie on with my high ponytail.
We walked downstairs and all the guys were in the living room eating junk food and playing video games. Back to being pigs. “Were going to the store. Be back later.” We went to walk out the door but of course got stopped. “What store babe?” Josh asked as he rapped his arms around Gabby's waist. “Walmart. Girl stuff. Plus we need to catch up.” He sighed and nodded before kissing her and then kissed my forehead. “Love you babe.” He heard Keegan yell from the living room. “Love you to.” I yelled before closing the door and following Gabby to Josh's car.
The drive to Walmart was short and quiet. I just needed to think. When we got there we literally ran through the whole store before we finally found them. Gabby started grabbing one of every brand while I laughed. She was freaking out more than I was. She grabbed some perfume so it looked like we actually did buy something just in case. When we payed, instead of running outside she ran into the bathroom pulling me along. She shut the door and I was surprised when she looked it. “Here. Go.” She said as she pushed me into the stall and threw the bag at me.
15 minutes later we were staring at 10 positive pregnancy tests. I backed away till by back hit the wall and slid down. “Gabby what am I gunna do?” A few tears fell from my burning eyes. I wasn't ready for a kid and I'm sure Keegan wasn't either. She came and sat next to me and made me look at her. “It's fine. You have all of us. Keegan will be happy trust me.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the floor. Before running out the door I grabbed one of the tests and put it in my pocket.
The whole way back to the house Gabby wouldn't stop talking. She was more happy than me. I was happy but what if Keegan wasn't? That's the only thing that I could think of. Part of me knew he would be happy but the other part thought he wouldn't. “When should I tell them?” I asked breaking her rambling. I felt bad for interrupting her but quickly brushed it off.
“As soon as possible. Probably when we get home. We don't know how far along you are.” She said right when we pulled up the driveway. I sighed and nodded. I knew she was right. We walked up the steps but before I could open the door Gabby pulled me in for a hug. “Everything is going to be fine.” She said as she gave me one last squeeze and pulled away. She opened the door and walked in like everything was fine.
“Keegan can I talk to you?” I asked as I walked up the stairs. “Yeah babe. Everything alright?” He asked and hesitated before getting up. “Just go.” Gabby said as she kicked him in the butt. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips but stopped when Keegan glared at me.
He followed up the stairs and into our bedroom. Once he was in I shut the door and walked over to the bed before sitting down. He followed and sat next to me. The silence was killing me but I didn't know what to say. I sighed and slipped the test out of my pocket. I looked at it once more before handing it to him. He looked at it, then at me, then back at it. “What is it?” He asked as he took it from me. I flipped it over and showed him the small print where it send 'Pregnancy Test'. Once he got what it was he flipped it back over and looked at the pink + sign.
“Does that mean your pregnant?” He asked as he looked at me in the eyes. He looked almost happy. He was smiling a real smile at me. I nodded and the next thing I knew he had thrown me over his shoulder and was shouting things like 'Yes! Finally!' and 'Ima be a dad!' I smiled and laughed as he jumped around the around the room. He realized what he was doing and put me on the floor and sat back down on the bed.
He pulled me in front of him and pulled up my hoodie. He put his ear on my stomach and his arms around my legs behind my knees. I rested my hands on the back of his head and started to play with his hair. He was whispering stuff that I couldn't hear but knew he was trying to talk to the baby. It was the cutest thing. I knew I shouldn't have worried about him not being happy. I should have known he was going to be. “I love you and your mommy very much. Were going to be the perfect family.” I looked down once I noticed he was looking at me when he said it.
I pulled my hoodie down and leaned down to kiss him. He pulled me on his lap and kissed me back. After a second I pulled away and sighed. “Let's go tell everyone.” He smiled and grabbed my hand before dragging me down the stairs. Everyone was still in the living room and once Gabby saw us she stood up and turned off the tv. Everyone started complaining but she pointed to us and interrupted all of them. “They have something to tell you guys.” Keegan looked at me but I shook my head and looked at the floor.
“It looks like I'm going to be a dad, Gabby's going to be an aunt and all of you are going to be uncles.” His smile was wide and there was pure excitement in his voice. Everyone just looked at us mouth's open. Then all at once they came running towards me and Keegan. We were trapped in the middle of a group hug. “Guys... Suffocating here.” I felt like I couldn't breath. “People your suffocating my wife and child back up.” Keegan said and all at once the backed up. “Wow. I'm actually going to be an uncle?” Zayn asked. I laughed and nodded.
“Finally!” Josh shouted and laughed. I raised my eyebrows at him but he just shook it off. It seemed like everyone was excited. Josh was talking to Gabby about how he wanted a kid soon but Gabby was set on waiting until they got married. They weren't getting married until December which was 3 months away. She wanted it to be snowing while they go married which I thought was crazy but she wanted to be in a warm building that had giant windows that you could see the snow out of. Josh always got her what she wanted so of course he got her the exact building and made it the exact way she wanted it.
My stomach growled loud which made everyone look at me and laugh. “Hey it's not my fault. I'm eating for two.” I said and laughed. Ryan, Bryce, and Ty went to get everyone food at Panda Express. It sounded amazing and made my stomach growl even louder. While we waited the guys played video games and me and Gabby talked about names. After a few minutes we came up with a boy name and a girl name. “Baby. How about Leo Declan Woods for a boy and Sunny Ray Woods for a girl.” I smiled over at him. “I love them both Babe.” He smiled a real happy smile and went back to playing video games.
“Guys were back!” Bryce shouted from the door. Everyone piled into the kitchen and started eating there food. When I was in the middle of eating my food my phone vibrated. I opened the text and once I read it my heart rate picked up. I looked around the room and everyone was talking not even paying attention. I looked back down at the text and read it over again.

Shane: Wow. Congrats on the kid but it should have been mine.

Seriously? How does he know these things? Someone had to have told him. He never cared about me ever and now he supposedly does. What the hell? He used me to get back at Josh. Made me fall in love with him and now he wants my kid. This is going to far. I sighed and elbowed Keegan until he looked at me. I handed him the phone and waited to read it. He also looked around the room. There was someone here we couldn't trust. It had to be someone in this room that would tell him.
“Does anyone still talk to Shane?” Everyone instantly went silent and looked around at each other. No one spoke but one person caught my eye. He was looking around worried and fidgeting a lot. “Something wrong Damien?” I cocked an eyebrow at him. He looked around and everyone was looking at him. “I had to.” Was all he said. He looked down at his plate and pushed his food around. “Why though?” I asked. He looked back up at me with apologetic eyes. “He said if I didn't tell him what was happening here. He was going to kill you.” He looked back down at his food. I couldn't be mad at him. He was saving me. I got up and walked around the table. I hugged him and he smiled and hugged me back. “Thank you. But I can take care of myself. Ok?” He nodded and went back to eating his food.
“I'm going to lay down.” I threw away the rest of my food and went up stairs. Keegan tried to come but I told him to hang out with everyone. He said ok and let me go. When I got up stairs I shut my door and locked it. I looked down at my phone and typed in Shane's number. It rang a few times but after the 3rd rang he answered. “Hello beautiful.” I could see his smirk through the phone and it brought shivers down my spine. “Cut the shit Shane. Just meet me at the park in 10.” I hung up the phone and climbed out my window. The only thing I could think about was Keegan and how I hope he isn't mad at me after this.



I made it to the park in 10 minutes on the dot. My heart raced every time a car passed. My eyes kept playing tricks on me but I was determined to stand my ground. I was not going to let Shane mess with my life any longer. Plus if my plan worked they would regret even coming here tonight. I smirked to myself. This was probably the best plan I have ever had.
A black truck pulled into the parking lot and stopped. 3 people got out and started walking towards me. When they got closer I noticed it was Shane, Jessie, and Nick. “Well look who it is. The three douche bags.” I smiled sweetly at them as they sat across from me. “Nice to see you to Destiny.” Shane smiled. I rolled my eyes and laughed. “The last thing I would do was call it 'Nice' . Anyways, why did you have Damien telling you everything that was going on in my life?” I asked Shane. He smirked. “Cause your mine.” I looked at him crazily.
“Do you not see this?” I said pointing to my ring before continuing “If I remember correctly KEEGAN put it on my finger. Not you.” I smiled “Oh and let me refresh your memory. You cheated on me. Broke my heart and then you three ganged up on me like the pussy’s you are. Then you got your asses handed to you.” I finished with a smirk. None of them had anything to say. But I knew it wasn't over.
“Fine. I'll just show you how much you are mine.” Shane smirked as nodded to Jessie and Nick. They both got up and grabbed my arms. I struggled against there hold but they kept pulling me towards the truck. Once at the truck Shane grabbed me and tried to shove me in the back of the truck. Sirens went off right when I was hoping they would. I faked started crying and screamed 'Help' to the police.
“You three young males get against the car with your hands up.” The police officer said. Once Jessie, Nick, and Shane were up against the car with there hands up another police officer came and got me. He pulled me over to his police car and gave me a blanket. “Ma'am are you ok?” He asked as I continued to fake cry. Man I should be a actress.
“I'm fine. Can I go home.” I sniffed and whipped my eyes. “You can after you ask some questions.” I nodded my head and sat in his car. He grabbed a pad of paper and a pen. “Do you know these three males?” He asked. I debated on what to tell him. “I don't know them personally but they went to school with me.” He nodded his head and wrote it down.
“Were you aware that they had guns and drugs in their car?” I looked up at him wide eyed. “No sir. I was just walking home from the store and they tried to get me in there car.” I replied. Real tears fell from my eyes this time. Knowing they had guns sent chills up my spine. They really could have killed me and my baby. “It's ok. I'll take you home. I just need your name.”
“I'm married so now it's Destiny Woods.” I replied. He nodded his head and shut the car door for me. He went and told another police officer he was taking me home before he came back. I was happy my plan worked and now there probably going to jail for having guns and drugs plus attempted kidnapping.
“Thank you for the ride.” I said as I opened the car door. “Your welcome. There might be another police officer coming by to ask more questions tomorrow.” I nodded my head and closed the door. I ran up my porch steps and went to open the door. Before I could even open it, it swung open and Keegan pulled me into a hug. I felt his warm tears land on my head. “Don't ever do that again.” He said. I could barley hear him cause his head was in my hair.
“I wont. I got them arrested though.” I replied. He pulled away from m and looked stunned. “How did you do that?” Josh asked. I didn't noticed he and everyone else was behind Keegan. I walked around them and into the living room. I pulled off my jacket and sat on the couch. “I called the cops using the parks payphone when I got there and said there was a girl getting kidnapped.” I said after everyone was situated in the living room.
“Who was with Shane?” Anthony asked. I looked at him and then around the room at everyone. “Um... Nick and Jessie.” Keegan and Josh's face's instantly went pale. “So what all happened?” I looked over at Gabby. She had a worried look on her face. I smiled at her to show her I was fine. “Basically they got there. Shane started saying I was his and then I went off on him and showed him my ring. I told him that I remembered Keegan put the ring on my finger not him. Th dragged me to there truck and right before I got shoved in the cops showed up. They asked me questions. I lied some and fake cried. There basically going to be charged for Attempt at Kidnapping, Possession of Drugs, and Possession of a Deadly Weapon.”
“Wait they had guns?” Bryce asked. I nodded my head and yawned. “I'm tired guys. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight.” I hugged everyone goodnight and then pulled Keegan up the stairs with me. Once in the safety of my bed I sighed and instantly felt tired. I felt the bed move as Keegan slipped under the covers. He snaked his arm around my waist and rubbed my stomach. After a few minutes I was out like a light.

-2 Months Later-


Today me and Keegan are going to find out the sex of the baby. I've never been so excited in my life. If only my mom was here to see her first granddaughter. I have a small baby bump but it's slowly getting bigger. I don't want to be to big but I want my kid healthy so I'll go as big as needed. My first appointment the doctor told me I needed to at when ever I am hungry. Also to eat healthy and drink water. Everyone in the house stopped buying alcohol and soda and instead bought water and juice. It was sweet that they all decided to stopped drinking even thought I told them they didn't have to everyone insisted.
I ended up having to go to court and testify against Shane, Nick, and Jessie. Come to find out that Shane got caught doing graffiti and got caught selling drugs. He got away both times but they knew it was him. He got 1 and a half years longer( Which equals 4 and a half years) then Nick and Jessie (3 years each). Which I think they should have got way longer. When they get out of jail there not aloud within 100 feet of me or my family. I doubt they will follow the laws but I can only hope.
Pulling out of my thoughts I pulled up my pants that I could barley fit in anymore and slipped on a tank top. I pulled Keegan's hoddie on and my vans. I felt lazy to do my hair so I threw it up in a messy bun. I put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was eating while Gabby was making the food. She handed me a plate with egg whites, a cut up apple and a bottle of water. I smiled and shook my head at her.
“Thanks love.” I said as I grabbed an apple slice and ate it. “Of course boo.” She laughed as she sat at the table next to Josh and started eating. Keegan came down a second later dressed and ready to go. He already ate so as soon as I was done we were off.
Sitting in a office with other pregnant lady's and children running around was a little stressful. There was kids playing and screaming. Some babies crying and others snoring. It was crowded and hard to find a place to walk with all the toys that were everywhere. Keegan gave my hand a squeeze and pulled me up from my chair. I was to lost in thought to realize my name was called. The nurse took us back to a room and asked me a few questions.
I laid on the bed type thing and waited for the doctor to come in. After a few minutes a lady in her mid 30's came in. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She was really pretty for her age. “Good morning. I'm Dr. Johnston. Are we here to find out the gender of your baby?” She asked as she shook both our hands. “I'm Destiny and this is my husband Keegan and yes we are here to find out the gender.” She smiled and nodded.
She had me pull up my shirt and she squeezed the gooey cold stuff on my stomach. She started moving the handle thing all over my stomach. “So are we shooting for a girl or boy?” She asked as she focused on finding the baby. “I don't mind. Just as long my baby is healthy.” Keegan said as he held on to my hand. I smiled over at him before I looked back at the screen. “That's really sweet. Usually the dad's want a boy and the mom's want a girl.” She said as she smiled over at Keegan then at me. I laughed and agreed with her.
“OK. Here is the baby right here and it looks to be a girl. Congratulations. Do you have your name yet?” She asked as she printed out our picture. I was happy to be having a little girl. I could tell Keegan was happy to cause his eyes were tearing up. “Yeah um actually were going to name her Sunny Ray Woods.” I smiled and pulled down my jacket once she cleaned off my stomach. “What a beautiful name.” She handed me the picture and told us to have a good day. I thanked her and followed Keegan out the room.
The whole car ride home Keegan was saying how excited he was. He had a huge smile on his face and his eyes sparkled every time he was would say 'Sunny.' When we got to the house and walked through the door we were surrounded. “Were having a girl.” I yelled. Gabby started squealing and jumping up and down. She pulled me in for a hug and made me jump up and down with her. Everyone hugged each other and then did a group hug where I was in the middle.
I didn't know how much better my life could get but I loved it. I don't have Shane threatening me. I don't have Josh up my ass anymore. I have all my best friends and my husband living in the same house as me. I have Sunny Ray and can't wait to hold her in my arms. My life is just amazing!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.02.2012

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