
New Guy

I walked into Newberg High School just like any other boring day. I saw my friends and walked over to them. “Melissa!!!” I screamed. “I haven’t seen you in forever!!” I hugged her close to me. Melissa, my best friend of five years had gone to Florida for a month and a half. I was so glad she was back because it’s hard to be away from your best friend for that long, with no communication whatsoever. She had short layered dirty blonde hair with cute bangs that annoyed me when they would fall out of place. She had beautiful, striking blue-green eyes that could make any guy she looked at melt. My other friends had gathered around us in a tight group hug so Melissa and I could hardly breathe. We broke apart finally and Melissa said, “I missed you guys sooo much too!!!!” We ended up going into that squished group hug again.
Next thing I know we’re sitting together in class laughing about Melissa’s stories from Florida. Then the most amazing guy in the world walked in. He had light brown, choppy hair, dark brown eyes and the cutest smile you’ll ever see. He was my boyfriend, Cameron. He walked up to me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and sat down next to me. To be honest I expected more than just a cheek kiss. But it didn’t phase me because he was the best boyfriend any girl could have. Everyone wanted him even my friends. Of course except for Melissa, she wouldn’t do that to me.
My friends, Cameron and I were talking about random things when I heard the door get pushed open. But I thought everyone was here? I thought to myself. I turned and immediately wished I hadn’t. There, standing in the doorway, was the hottest, handsomest, cutest guy ever. He looked right at me. My heart was pumping a mile a minute. Looking into the deep, mesmerizing blue eyes was breathtaking. He had short dark brown hair, almost a buzz cut but a little longer. I loved guys with hair like that. I also love blue eyes. How come I couldn’t look away from him? I had a boyfriend, I shouldn’t be thinking about the new guy like this. I turned away but kept him in my peripheral vision. He walked up to the teacher and told him he was new, while keeping his eyes on me. “Class, please welcome our new student, Jacob Collins.” The teacher said. “Please just call me Jake.” The boy said walking to his new seat which happened to be right behind me. As he walked past he touched my arm and I felt tingles shoot through it. I looked up at him with a confused look on my face. He just smiled down at me. His smile was so amazing I was speechless.
All throughout the rest of the class I felt Jake’s eyes on me. You would’ve been looking at him too, if u could see him. I thought. Gosh I need to stop thinking like that! I have a boyfriend who I love and loves me back. Finally class was over and I went over to Cameron and grabbed his hand. I heard a low growl build in someone’s throat. So low that only I could hear it. I turned around to see Jake’s brilliant blue eyes, turn black in a flash. They turned back to normal but he still had his hands clenched at his sides and a furious look in his eyes. He pushed past Cameron and I. God that guy is weird. Superhot, but weird.

In Love?

Jake. Jake. Jake. Jake.
That was the only thing going through my mind.
UHH I hate art. What if Jake likes art? Should I become an artist?
Anything and everything that was going through my mind had to somehow always make it back to Jake. How come I couldn’t stop thinking about him? What would Cameron say? Oh God Cameron! What am I going to do about him? Why when Jake touched me did I feel tingles? I need to talk to Melissa about this. She’ll know what to do.
I finally got to Melissa and told her about what was happening.
“You got it bad.” I gave her a confused look. “You’re falling in love with the new kid even though he doesn’t even know your name. Think about it, this morning you were going great with Cameron. Now you’re into the new hot guy. Not that I’m saying Cameron isn’t a good choice but if you really loved him, you wouldn’t be falling for Jake. Besides I’m pretty sure Cameron’s about to dump you anyway, he doesn’t seem that into you anymore. Just go with what your heart is telling you, Audrey.”
Right now it was telling me to find Jake and kiss the hell out of him. But I won’t do that, yet. I have to find Cameron and talk to him. Oh this isn’t going to be easy.

-Jake’s POV-
I walked into my new school this morning expecting it to be like every other day I have to move to a new school. At first, it was. Everyone was staring like normal. Not to brag but I am HOT! With me being a werewolf and all it was pretty much genetic that I was going to be hot. Anyway when I walked into my first class everyone turned to look at me. Right before I walked to the teacher to tell him I was new my eyes grazed the class. They stopped on the most beautiful girl in the room, with brown-green eyes, the most unique I’ve ever seen, and dark brown wavy hair with natural gold highlights. The most precious girl in the world, sitting right in front of me, staring. I didn’t take my eyes off her as I made my way to teacher, told him I was new, then introduced myself. Thankfully my seat was right behind her so I could stare at her amazing hair this whole class. As I was walking to me seat I brushed her arm on purpose to see her reaction. I felt the skin on my hand tingle as we made skin to skin contact. That’s it. She was the one. My mate. My one and only. Looked down at her with love in my eyes and the happiest smile I could make. She looked up at me in confusion but didn’t say anything. I took my seat behind her and stared at her all through class.
When class was over I saw her get up and move over to a guy who was sitting beside her. She grabbed his hand. I growled low and felt my eyes flash black. I have to keep myself under control. I thought. My eyes turned back to normal and I pushed past the couple to the boy’s bathroom. So my mate was dating a human boy. Great. I thought to myself. Now I have to convince her to love me, convince her I’m a werewolf AND convince her to break up with her boyfriend for me. I shuttered at the word boyfriend. And I don’t even know her name. I had to find her and get her alone. This was going to be difficult.
I found the boy she’s going out with. He was talking to his friends about her. “I think I’m going to break up with Audrey..” Audrey. What a beautiful name. The boy went on, “ It’s not that I don’t like her it’s just she won’t give me what I want.” He made a provocative gesture. UHH how could Audrey date that slob?! He doesn’t deserve her and if he tries anything with her. . . I might lose it.

Moving On

-Audrey’s POV-
I made my way over to Cameron in the cafeteria. “Cameron can I talk to you about something?” He nodded and waved goodbye to his friends. I saw Jake staring at us. He looked furious again. I shrugged it off. Cameron and I went outside the cafeteria to talk. He spoke before I could. “I know what you want to talk about,”
“You do?” I asked getting nervous. “Of course. Eventually we would have to talk about it. And I want you to know you don’t have to feel nervous about it, I feel the same way.” He stated. “You do?” I repeated. “Of course! I want to have sex with u too!!” he exclaimed. I stood there, stunned. I didn’t know what to say to that. It really surprised me. “No! That is not at all what I wanted to talk about!” I screamed getting angry. I was wrong about Cameron. He was a pig. A pig that was not at all right for me. “That’s it. We’re over.” I yelled. Now it was him who was shocked. “But why baby?” he asked. “I hate it when you call me that! I’m breaking up with you because you assumed I wanted to have sex with you when I didn’t! I hate that you kiss my cheek instead of my forehead! I hate that you call me ‘baby’ when you know I don’t like it! And I hate that you tell me you love me when you and I both know you don’t. You’re just not right for me.” I started out strong but my voice slowly turned into a whisper. I looked around and saw that half the school was circled around us. I pushed past everyone but someone grabbed my arm. It was Melissa. “I’m really proud of you Aud,” she said using my nickname. “You finally saw him for what he really is.” I shrugged her arm off and ran to the bathroom to cry. How could Cameron assume I wanted to have sex with him? I told him when we started going out that I wasn’t having sex till I get married. I know it isn’t a modern notion but it’s the way I am. Maybe I’ll meet a guy who will change my point of view but until I do, I am staying a virgin. I started to think about Jake. The thought of his smile made me feel better. I thought I saw him in the circle of people that were around me and Cameron. He had conflicting emotions in his eyes while his face was in shock. His eyes looked completely furious with a dose of. . .happy? I have to stop thinking about him. I walked out of the stall and saw a sniffling, puffy eyed girl in front of me. Thank goodness for make-up.
I made my way to my locker to get my books before last hour. As I’m grabbing my books I hear an angel’s husky voice in my ear, its breath tickling my neck. “Are you ok?” the voice asked. I turn to see a worry-sick looking Jake starring back at me. I got lost in those blue eyes for a few seconds. “Why would you care?” I asked sarcastically with poison dripping from every word. Why was I being so mean to him? He was just trying to make me feel better. He looked at me, dumbfounded, like I should have just melted in his arms as I push past him. I would’ve too, if I had looked in his eyes. I walked into the last period of the day, happy that school was almost over.
Finally school was over. I made my way over to my car in the parking lot. So much had happened today. I met the hottest guy I’ve ever seen, I broke up with my boyfriend, that super-hot guy talked to me, and I was mean to him. I couldn’t wait to get home and sleep this day off.
-Jake’s POV-
I watched her walk into her last hour like I didn’t even exist. Everyone, especially women, gave into my charm. But she just walked away like nothing had ever happened. Looks like my mate will be a tough nut to crack, but I like a challenge. She will love me. She has to; she’s my mate. I walked into my last period ready for school to be over. I already knew all this stuff from memorization. After going to high school a couple times, you tend to memorize the subjects.
I walk out of my class just in time to see Audrey walk out into the parking lot. I tried to catch up but couldn’t. She was really quick for a human. She got into her car and drove off. I decided to follow her to her house. I watched walk in and get something to eat. She went into her room to do her homework. What was I going to do about her? How would I tell her I’m a werewolf AND she’s my mate? I decided to try and listen to her thoughts. Since she was my mate we could hear each other’s thoughts if we tried to listen. “I need to focus on this homework...Jake…” she thought. “Why am I always thinking about him? What’s so special about him? Why does he have to be so irresistible?!” she said aloud throwing her homework on the floor. “Because I love him. With all my heart,” she thought with her head in her hands. I couldn’t believe it. She just said that she loved me, well thought. I was ecstatic! I was so happy I didn’t know how to contain it. She loves me, me. Only me. No one else. I needed to leave before I did something stupid like go try and talk to her. I left and drove to my house and started my homework.
By nightfall I couldn’t stand being away from Audrey. I decided to go to her house. Once I got there I waited till everyone was asleep and silently slipped into her bedroom through her window. She starts tossing and turning. I want so bad to hold her and make her feel better. She comes to a standstill and a smile creeps onto her face and she mumbles my name. I decide right then and there that I love her. And she loves me back. I decided it was time to leave because it was close to dawn and she’d be stirring soon. I slip out of her window and run home to get ready for school.
-Audrey’s POV-
Last night I had the most amazing dream that night. I couldn’t really remember it but I know it started off a nightmare. But it got much better after Jake appeared. Why did I have such potent feelings for him? Because I love him. Anyway I got ready for school. I decided to go natural with my wavy hair and just brush it. I put on a bit of cover up, mascara, and light blush. I went to eat my breakfast when I found a note from my parents. It read:
Sorry we can’t be there when you wake up honey, but we had to fly to Brazil at a moment’s notice. Love ya and see you in a week!
Mom and Dad
This shouldn’t surprise me, what with my mom and dad being geologists and all. I’m used to them being away all the time.
I grabbed a pop tart and hopped in my car to drive to school. When I got there I was 20 minutes early. So I sat in my car and read my favorite book The Boy on Cinnamon Street. I heard a tap on my window. I turned to see a grinning Jake standing beside my car. I got out and stared at him. Once he was sure I wasn’t going to say anything he spoke up. “What’s your full name?” he asked. “Audrey Carlynn Darling.” I answered simply. “Beautiful name for a beautiful lady,” he said as I blushed, looking down. “Mine is Jake Adam Collins,” he continued. “I know,” I said to myself more than him. He smiled down at me. Man he was tall. “Yeah I know I’m tall.” He said smugly. I stared at him, shocked that he had known what I was thinking. “Wait, how did you know what I was thinking?!” I asked, surprised. “What? Oh uh, I’ve got to go. See you later.” He said trying to change the subject as he walked away. I stood there, not moving, shocked at what had just happened.


Jake avoided me in the hallways at school. Each time I would try to talk to him he would always have something better to do. I was so freaked out about what had happened with Jake that I googled “mind readers”. Nothing really came up. I decided to go with supernatural things. Jake was fast, could read minds, changing eye color, extremely gorgeous…what was he? He definitely wasn’t human. I decided to do a search on supernatural beings. A whole list came up which included witches, dragons, vampires, fairies, and many others. I read through all the indication that someone was a specific supernatural being. Everything had super speed, super beautiful, super hearing, super strength, and eyes changing color. Any one of these could have been what Jake was till I saw mind reading in the werewolf category. So he was a werewolf. Great.
-Jake’s POV-
I can’t believe I made such a slip up! How could I have been such an idiot? Of course Audrey was going to think that I was some freaky being now. I follow her home again and watch as she goes onto her laptop and types something in. She starts scrolling then curses under her breath. She types something else in and scrolls again. She clicks on something and starts to read. I have to get into her mind. “…Wendigos were once humans, but after being forced to eat human flesh to survive, they become supernatural monsters that retain little human features in common…” she read. So she was looking up supernatural things. Great. “Werewolf.” She mumbles aloud. I freeze instantly knowing she put the pieces together. Just to be sure I listen to her thoughts again. “Jake is a werewolf.” I’m screwed.

I drove home as fast as my wheels could spin. I went into my room and started to freak out. How could I do this?! I thought. Wait, I wanted this. I need this. Audrey needed to know one way or another. I just wanted to tell her myself. At least I could still tell her she’s my mate. What am I going to tell her though? I definitely can’t avoid her now. It was getting dark and I needed to see her again so I ran to her house and slipped into her window like last night. Audrey kept mumbling an unintelligible word. Finally I understood what she was saying. “Werewolf.” Oh gosh.

In the morning I ran back to my house and got ready for school. I needed to get Audrey alone. Get her away from people so if she freaked out she wouldn’t expose me. I drove to school and saw her waiting in her car. She was early as was I. I decided to take her into the woods this morning and tell her. I walked up to her car and tapped the window.
-Audrey’s POV-
Jake came up to my window and tapped it. I got out of the car and stared at him. My instincts told me to be scared but something inside my heart was making me forget them. “I need to talk to you.” He and I said at the same time. I blushed looking down and he smiled, “Can I take you for a walk?” he asked extending his hand. I took it hesitantly and he led me into the woods. I grew cold. He saw this and wrapped his warm arm around my waist. Hear in Belleville, Michigan it got quite cold in the winter. But I was toasty warm with his arm around me. I blushed again forgetting what we were here for. “I know what you are.” I told him. “I know” he said simply. “You do? Do werewolves kill people?” I asked curiously. “No, well some do but I don’t. I try to stick to animals. They’re just as good.” He answered. “Oh,” was my amazing reply. We walked a little further into the woods. So there is something I have to tell you.” He said to me. I nodded. “Werewolves, well we have this…thing. We have what we call a mate. The one person you can’t live without. The only person you will ever love romantically.” He said. I looked at him with a confused look on my face. “And you are my…mate.” I stared at him. I was shocked. Not only was he a werewolf but I was his mate. He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. He leaned down slightly and whispered in my ear, “I am glad I got such a beautiful girl as my mate.” I blushed looking down again. He put his warm hand underneath my chin and tilted it up. He wrapped his free arm around my waist. He looked down at my lips then back at my eyes in the process biting his bottom lip. He was driving me crazy and knew it. He smirked a little before leaning down all the way to touch his lips to mine. This feeling…it’s indescribable. Joy, happiness, love, lust, and need all mixed together and served on a silver platter. The kiss didn’t last long but it still left me dazed. All I wanted to do was grab his face and bring it down to mine so I could kiss the hell out of him. I sighed, “We should probably go back to school. Class has already started.” “Or we could just skip and go to my house. Oh and feel free to ask any question that you want to know about werewolves.” He said. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the woods to his car.

His House

“Your house is beautiful.” I said in awe. His house was far away from the town. It was in the rural no-man’s land that was all natural with trees and meadows everywhere. Snow covered the ground of the meadows making them look mysterious. His house was in the middle of the biggest meadow. It was huge, 3 stories at least. One of the rooms had a terrace with what seemed a spectacular view. Inside was even better. Someone in this house had an eye for interior design. There were Mozart and Monte’s drawings all along the walls and ravishing chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. “Violet, my creator, and adoptive mother, has a keen eye for small details, and that is something she was born with not just because she’s a werewolf. I wonder where she is.” He said. Just then the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen walked into the room. She looked around 30 years old and had shiny, curly, beautiful burgundy hair and the brightest green eyes that makes you wonder is she wears colored contacts. Her complexion was the same light olive skin tone that Jake had. “I heard my name,” she said in a smooth rhythmic voice. “Ah Violet, there you are. I would like to introduce you to Audrey, my mate,” Jake said giving her a look that I couldn’t decipher. “Pleasure to meet you,” I said in a small voice extending my hand. “Pleasure’s all mine,” she replied, ignoring my hand and going straight for a hug. “I’ve heard sooo much about you.” She continued. “Wish I could say the same. I’ve heard nothing about you.” I said, giving Jake an evil looking eye while Violet chuckled. “Come, meet the rest of the family.” She said. She led me into the living room while I had Jake in tow.
There were four people waiting in the living room. Two men and one woman. They were all just as beautiful as Jake and Violet. One man and the woman were sitting close together on the couch the girl almost sitting on his lap, making me think they were together. The other man was standing by the couch and went up to Violet when he saw her. When we walked in everyone turned and looked. The girl had straight full blonde hair that was as golden as the sun. She had beautiful hazel eyes. The man next to her had short curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes to match. The man next to Violet had short jet-black hair with piercing grey eyes. Both men had serious muscles like Jake’s maybe even more. All of them had the same light olive skin tone as Jake and Violet.
“Audrey, meet Marci,” Violet said gesturing to the girl, “William,” she said gesturing to the man next to Marci, “and Isaac.” She said gesturing towards the man beside her. “Guys, meet Audrey, Jake’s mate.” She finished. William was the first one to speak to me. “Call me Will.” He said with a flirty smile. Marci smacked him and smile at me, not saying anything. “Well it’s great to finally meet you. Jake has been going on and on about you non-stop,” Isaac said. I laughed while Jake blushed. “It’s great to meet you all too.” I said continuing to laugh. “Would you like to hear some embarrassing things about Jake?” Violet asked me with the devil’s smile. I laughed again and was about to answer yes when Jake interrupted me, “No, she wouldn’t. Come on I want to show you around the house.” He said trying to hide his embarrassment, failing miserably. I laughed harder as he pulled me out of the living room and up the stairs.
He brought me to a hallway on the third story of the house. “So just so you know Isaac and Violet are mates, and Marci and Will are mates.” Jake said. “You’re the only one without a mate?” I asked. “Not anymore.” He said giving me a hug from behind as we walked down the hall. “Isaac’s and Violet’s room,” he said pointing to the first door in the hall. “Marci’s and Will’s room,” he said pointing to the second door of the hall. There was one last door here. “And my room.” He said opening the door and bringing me inside. His room was the one with the terrace. And I was right, it had a spectacular view. “It’s an amazing view isn’t it,” Jake interrupts my thoughts. “Yes.” I said, star struck as I look outside. Jake comes closer, “It’s almost as beautiful as you.” He said. I turned around to see if he’s lying but only truth lied in his eyes. He comes even closer, “You’re the most beautiful thing in the world. Don’t ever forget that.” He said leaning down to whisper in my ear, “Mi amor, eres hermosa.” My breathing was coming quicker than usual. I know what he said from Spanish class. It translated to, “My love, you’re beautiful,” he brought his head back up so he was facing me. I looked down, blushing from what he had said. He lifted my chin up and brought his lips to mine. This kiss was even better than the first. Desire for more shot through me and I molded my body to his. I brought my hands to his neck and laced my fingers through his hair. He pulled away to allow us to breathe. When we finally caught our breaths Jake turned to me. “Come on, I want to show you something.” He said grabbing my hand and leading me out of his room.
He brought me down the stairs and out of the front door. “So what is it you want to show me?” I asked. “Close your eyes and I’ll show you.” He said smiling. I did as he told me. He pulled me into his arms, bridal style, and I felt a rush of air go past my face. For some reason I felt like I was high up on something. “When can I open my eyes?” I asked. “Now,” he whispered into my ear. I opened my eyes and was shocked at the view in front of me. I was in a tree with Jake standing beside me. I could see all the other meadows and we were high enough to see over his house. The meadows were all white with snow with dark trim where some trees start. This view would be absolutely breathtaking, especially in the spring, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Jake. “You know how you said I could ask questions about werewolves?” I asked. He nodded. “Offer still open?” I asked. He nodded again smiling. “Well I was wondering what the werewolves’ special qualities are?” I said. “We can see, hear, and smell better than humans. We also have quicker reflexes than humans. We are stronger and faster than humans. Also more beautiful. Our eyes change color depending on our emotions. We can listen to our mate’s thoughts, I’ll teach you it later. Some of us have special abilities that no other werewolves have.” He stated. “Do you have a special ability?” I asked. “Yes. I have the ability to heal people. If someone is sick or wounded I can heal them. But only to a certain point. If they are on death’s door step the only thing that can save them is being turned. Violet has the ability to control someone’s body. She can manipulate the person’s movement. She only uses it when she has to though. Isaac can turn completely invisible at a moment’s notice. Marci has this pull towards her, makes you want to love her and stay by her side. She has learned to control it most of the time but may slip. Will can control animals; make them do what he wants. Over all we are a pretty powerful family. Oh and werewolves are immortals, only other werewolves can kill us.” He said. “Oh.” I said a little shocked. “Anything else?” he asked. “Can you guys hold your breath?” I asked. “Only for about a day. No longer than that though.” He said. I nodded, ending the conversation.
Jake helped me down the tree and onto safe ground. He looked at his watch. It read noon. “You must be hungry. I’ll have Violet cook whatever you want.” He said. Now that I thought about it I was. “How about a ham sandwich? Oh and I have another question. Do werewolves eat?” I asked. He nodded, “Yes we do but not human food. We eat raw meat. And a ham sandwich will be fine.” We went inside and I had a sandwich while Jake sat beside me talking to me and his family sat in the living room watching TV, pretending not to eavesdrop. “We know your listening.” Jake said while I giggled. The attention on us shifted to the TV for a while but came back to us again. Jake shook his head while I laughed. I learned some cool stuff about my mate. Like his favorite color what he hates and so on. He learned stuff about me too. “So how come Marci and Will don’t go to school here?” I remember asking. “They will eventually. I was sent as a sort of spy to see if there were any other werewolves that would be a threat. But there isn’t so they’ll be enrolling soon.” He replied. “Oh. Jake, how old are you?” I asked. “Well I look 18 which I was when I was turned. But I was born in 1816 so I’m 196 years old.” He said. “Oh.” I said surprised. I was done with my sandwich by then. He grabbed my hand again and led me to his room.
When we got there he grabbed me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away a bit and leaned down to kiss me. The kiss was amazing. Beyond amazing. My blazing desire left me wanting more. Jake sensed it too and pulled away leaving me pouting. Jake chuckled and leaned down to my ear. “El amor, ¿por qué tan triste?” He whispered in Spanish again. It translated to, “Love, why so sad?” I giggled a bit and went on my tip-toes trying to kiss him. I could only reach his chin so the rest was up to him. He gave in and leaned down to kiss me again but pulled away too soon. I looked at him questionably. “I want to, it’s just I’ll never be able to control myself around you till we…bond…” he said. “Bond?” I asked. “Bonding is…well..having uh……” he said through clenched teeth. “Oh.” I said in a very, very small voice. “Yeah…” he said. That pretty much ended that conversation. “What time is it?” I asked about 5 minutes later. “5. I should get you home.” He replied walking out of his room with me in tow. He brought me to his car and opened my door. The drive to my house was silent. Once we got there I was about to get out of the car when Jake grabbed my arm. I turned to him, “Make yourself dinner, eat it, then go to your room. I’ll be waiting. Till then my love.” He kissed my hand and I got out completely. I walked to my porch and opened the door. I did as Jake said and made myself dinner, leftover lasagna, and ate it. I went to my room and there laying on my bed was the most beautiful man in the world.


“How did you get in here?” I asked. “Your window.” He replied smoothly. “Oh. Have you done that before?” I asked a little shocked. “Yes.” He mumbled so that I could barely hear him. “Oh really? And why may I ask did you do that? Without my knowledge? You know that is considered breaking and entering and also spying. I could have you sent to jail if I really wanted too.” I said mockingly. I felt a very smug smile creep onto my face. Jake got up and came closer to me. I backed away a bit making my smile fade away. Once he had me pinned against my wall he brought his arms up. He put his hands on my wall so my face was in-between his arms. “Now you really wouldn’t want to do that to your mate would you?” he said. Now he was the one who looked smug. His glorious blue eyes glistened with victory as he leaned down to press his lips to mine. I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck and laced my fingers into his hair. He brought his hands from the wall down to my face. He caressed my cheeks as I molded my body to his. He backed up to my bed and sat down. I bent down with him to not break the kiss. He laid down and I got on top of him so I was straddling him all without breaking the kiss. We continued to kiss until he flipped us over so he was on top. I tried to kiss him again but he got off of me and sat beside me. I turned so I was facing him and put a confused look on my face. He sat up and looked over at me. Then he finally spoke. “Audrey, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just I don’t want to hurt you. And if I lose control I’ll hurt you.” I sat up too and stared at him. “If you’re so afraid of hurting me then why don’t we just bond so you can kiss me without worrying about losing control?” I asked. “if we bond I will lose control. I’ll do horrible things Audrey, I’ll hurt you. We can’t bond while you are still human.” He said. “Then change me. Now. Make me immortal. Make me like you. Or bond with me.” I said pleading almost. “No. I won’t do that to you. Besides Violet wouldn’t like me doing that.” He replied. “Well then let’s go ask her.” I said smugly, getting up and grabbing my shoes. As I walked out of my room there was a blur and suddenly I was outside on Jake’s back. “Fine, if you want to talk to her so bad why don’t we take the fast way. Hold on.” He said sadistically with black humor in his voice. Suddenly we were flying through the air. No not flying, running. Jake was running. Fast. So fast that if I kept my eyes open they would dry out. When we finally stopped Jake grabbed my arm and brought me around so I was in front of him and set me down on the ground. “So that’s how you travel?” I asked. “Yup.” He replied, irritated, and started walking towards his house. I followed him.
“Violet.” He said simply and she appeared. “Audrey wants to become one of us.” He continued. She looked at me then back at Jake. “Oh.” She whispered. “I want to because Jake says he won’t bond with me unless I’m a werewolf, and he doesn’t want to change me.” I said to her. She turns to Jake and scolds him. “You have to change her. If you don’t you can never be together.” She says. Jake looks frustrated and especially mad. He growls and stomps out of the room. In the kitchen I hear something shatter. I wince. Then I say thanks to Violet. “No need to thank me. I need him to know that either way he’s going to have to change you.” She replied. I nod. Jake comes back into the room. “Alright since you’re sooo excited to join immortality, I’m going to change you. What I have to do is bite you. Then you’ll feel sick, which is normal. After about an hour of this you will feel normal, and be a werewolf. Some people fall asleep so maybe that’s what’ll happen to you. Are you ready?” he half said half growled. I nod again. Then he leans in and bites me.

I was a werewolf now. An immortal. I felt hungry, not for food but animals. I was about to go on my first hunt with Jake. He didn’t like the idea of me being immortal but he’s happy I’m happy. After my hunt I will go back to my house. I have to say I love the way I look now. My eyes are brighter, hair a bit longer and fuller, a little taller, a little more tan. I’m happy now. (A/N skipping the hunt because I don’t like writing gory details)
Jake and I were back at my house. I have to say, since I was changed, my desire for him had gotten stronger. Each time we touched I felt the same sparks I did as a human only intensified. We got into my room and closed the door. Jake went and sat on my bed. I sat next to him and looked into his eyes. Desire shot through me. He leaned over and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laced my fingers through his hair. He pulled away for a second, “Audrey, I love you. I love you so much.” He said. I smiled the biggest goofiest smile in the world. “I love you too. I love you too.” I repeated until he kissed me again. He pulled his shirt of and pulled me on top of him.

Speak of the Devil

I woke up in the morning with the biggest smile on my face. Jake wasn’t in my bed anymore. I sat up too fast and had to lie down again. When I was finally ok to move I sat up again slowly this time. I looked around my room. All of my pillows were on the floor. My bedside lamp was knocked over on the floor. All the contents of my nightstand were on the floor. I got out of bed and went to look for Jake, who was in the living room. “Good morning, love.” He said in a cheery voice smiling down at me as he kissed my cheek. “Mornin’.” I said groggily. He went to the couch, sat down and turned on the TV, all the while dragging me with him. Once I had sat down I snuggled up to Jake. “What day is it?” I asked him. “Sunday.” He said. “Oh great. We have school tomorrow.” I said sarcastically. “Schools not that bad. Only one more week and you’ll graduate.” He said. I stared at him not sure he actually just said that.
“What?” he asked. “We’re graduating in a week?!” I asked-screamed. “Yes. Don’t worry about exams, I’ll help you.” He said smoothly. I was graduating from high school in a week. How could he be calm? What would I do? Pretend to go to college while I live with Jake? “Yes.” He said. “How do you do that? Read my mind? You said something about mates and mindreading?” I asked. “Yes. What I need you to do is concentrate on me and my mind.” He coached. I did as he said. “Audrey, the most beautiful girl in the world, can you hear my thoughts?” he thought. I laughed. “Yes.” I thought back and he smiled triumphantly. I laughed harder. “You do realize that now everything that you think I will hear. So don’t do anything bad or I’ll have to punish you.” I thought back with a smile but was also serious. He laughed. “I would never ever do anything to hurt you my love; you’re the only reason for my existence.” He thought as he nuzzled up to my neck. “I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.” He thought again. He kissed me and picked me up. “Where are we going?” I said aloud. “Your room.” He whispered in my ear.

Monday’s suck. I walked into school with Jakes arm around me. Not only did everyone stare, but the girls glared at me. They wanted to be in my position. I didn’t blame them. Melissa walked up to me. “Whoa Audrey you look different. You got tanner. And what are you doing with your hair? It looks gorgeous!!” she said. “Thanks. I used spray tan. And I’m using this new product on my hair, it works wonders really fast!!” I lied smoothly. Melissa looked at Jake, and her eyes bulged at the sight of his arm around me. “Well I think I better go now. See you later Aud.” She said and walked away “What did she just call you?” Jake whispered in my ear. “Aud, it’s an old nick name. Melissa’s known me forever and everyone used to call me that.” I explained. He nodded.
Then I heard Jake growl under his breath. “What?” I whispered into his mind. I followed his gaze and saw Cameron, looking shocked at what he saw in front of him. He scurried off when he saw the death glare I gave him. I turned to Jake. His eyes had gone completely black. “Calm down.” I whispered, pleading. I touched his face and he seemed to calm down a little. Then I kissed him. He was like putty in my arms. I pulled away to get air. I smiled feeling victorious. “Come on we have to get to class.” He said pulling me into first hour.

When first hour was over I went to my locker to get my books for second hour. I didn’t have second hour with Jake so it was my least favorite hour. I sighed grabbing my books and heading to class. What also made this hour so bad was that I had it with Cameron, and his assigned seat was next to mine. When I walked into the class I was the first one there. Until Cameron showed up. I sighed again. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

The Kiss

Cameron walked in the room, took one look at me, and then went to his seat. I heard him sigh and he turned to me. I looked the other way. “Audrey…I still love you. You’re my one and only love. Please forgive me. I love you so so so so much. You’re the only thing I have to live for.” He said trying to sound sincere and failing miserably. “Yeah, right. I think the next time you have a girlfriend you should start thinking up here,” I pointed to his head, “Instead of down there.” I pointed to his ‘area’. I smiled a fake smile then turned away. Thankfully he didn’t bug me for the rest of the class.
Class was finally over and I could see Jake again. I was so giddy with anticipation I didn’t even notice that Cameron was standing beside my locker the whole time I was there. Finally I realized it and turned to him. “What the hell do you want?!” I snarled baring my teeth. It didn’t faze him. He smiled big and surprise kissed me. I was shocked and repulsed. How could I ever kiss this guy?! He was never gentle or sweet like Jake. He kissed like a freaking fish too! I pushed him away and heard Jake’s voice in my head. “What the hell was that?! Did he just kiss you?!” “Yes. I didn’t kiss him, he did that all himself.” I whispered through my mind. Suddenly I felt Jake’s presence. I looked at him and saw black eyes. “Calm down.” I thought in a dominant voice. He looked at me questionably, and then turned back to Cameron, who was backing away, the fear clear in his eyes. “Don’t lose control.” I whispered aloud because everyone was out of ear shot. Marci and Will appeared. This was their first day here and they already had to deal with Jake. I went on my tiptoes asking for a kiss, which Jake granted. He pulled away quickly, to my surprise. I looked at him questionably. “You taste like him is all, love.” He said wrapping his arm around me. His eyes were back to their normal beautiful color now, so Marci and Will disappeared.
I wiped my mouth with the fabric of my sweatshirt trying to get that slugs taste off of me. Jake looked down at me and chuckled. “Even though you taste like him, doesn’t mean I don’t love you. You could have one eye, two mouths, and three noses for all I care. I would still love you.” He said with a smile. “I love you too.” I said simply looking up at his gorgeous eyes. “Forever and always?” Jake asked. “Forever and always. I pinky promise.” I said as I held my pinky out to his. He chuckled again and took my pinky into his. He leaned down to whisper in my ear, “I pinky promise.” He said sending chills down my spine as we walked into our third hour class.
-Jake POV-
Audrey and I walked out of class and into the hallway. She went to her locker and I went to mine. Suddenly I hear her voice in my head again. “Jake get over here. Cameron seems to be stalking me.” I walked over to her locker and I could feel my eyes turning black again. What was this kid’s problem? She is my mate. Mine. “I know whose I am.” Audrey whispered into my mind. I sighed trying to calm down a bit as I made my way to her. Once I got there she grabbed my hand, calming me in the process. “Why do you think he’s stalking you?” I whispered into her ear. “Don’t look now but he’s behind the bathroom door looking at us.” She whispered back. When I did I saw him looking at us. My eyes turned black again. “I’ll kill him. I kill him if he ever tries anything with you again.” I promised Audrey. “No you won’t. Because if he ever tries anything with me again I’ll be the one to finish him off.” She said with an evil smile. Oh god I love her. She has the perfect amount of angel and devil in her. “I know. And I love you too.” She said on her tiptoes trying to kiss me. I smiled and leaned down.


Cameron has been following Audrey and me nonstop. I don’t know why he doesn’t just give up. I mean when he sees her I’m always with her, most likely kissing her. Something about him seems familiar…like I know him from before I got turned. But that would be impossible, I would smell it if he were immortal. I told this to Audrey. She was surprised at first but she said, “It makes sense because he was very old school, apart from wanting to have sex.” I growled when she said that. “Don’t worry. You are my one and only. I love you to death.” She said as she hugged me, her touch calming me. “I love you too.” I whispered leaning close to her. Our foreheads touched and I felt tingles flow through my body. She felt them too and sighed, loving it. Our lips touched. No matter how many times I kiss her she still takes my breath away. I pulled away. She was molded to my body; I didn’t want to make a scene. She sighed and grabbed my hand. We walked to class with Cameron as our shadow once again.
Exams were finally over and Audrey and I were free of school. And from her parents. Not that they were around half the time anyway. Cameron still follows us around all the time and I’m going to find out why, one way or another. I told Audrey to wait in the car while I talked to this guy. She didn’t listen and followed me inside. “I thought I told you to wait in the car.” I said to her as she walked by my side. She scoffed. “Honey, you’re gonna have to get used to me not listening to you half the time.” She said rolling her eyes. I shook my head. When we found Cameron she talked first. “Cameron, why are you following Jake and me? And don’t say it’s because you are still in love with me because you and I both know that’s not true.” She said confidently. “So your Jake doesn’t remember does now does he?” Cameron asked menacingly. I stared at him blankly. “And what is this he doesn’t remember?” Audrey asked looking at me then back at him. “Jake here was my best friend when we were human.” Audrey gasped her hand covering her mouth. I started to remember again. That shaggy light brown hair that was always by my side. Those dark brown eyes always searching my face for any sign of a lie. “Ho-how do you know?” Audrey could barely speak. “I’m a werewolf too.” Cameron said sneaking closer to her. She tried to back away but he was quicker than her. I got in between the two, protecting Audrey behind my back. “How come I can’t smell it on you?” I snarled to him. “Ahh the amazing things you’re gifts can do.” He said smiling devilishly. “What do you want?” I snarled louder. “Her.” He said pointing to Audrey who was still behind me. “You can’t have her. She’s my mate.” I said in a superior tone. “I don’t care. She should be mine.” He said. “Why do you want her so bad? I mean she isn’t even your mate. What makes her so special?” I asked. I felt Audrey smack me on the back. “Well I know what I mean to you!” she screamed. Cameron and I ignored her. “Well for one, look at her. She’s the most beautiful thing in the world,” I growled when he said that, “And she has something I want.” He said. “What’s that?” I asked. “Her gift.” He said simply. “Gift? I don’t have a gift. What the hell is he talking about?” I heard Audrey say into my mind. I ignored her again. “I’ll kill you before you lay a finger on her.” I threatened. “We’ll see.” Cameron said and then disappeared.
I looked to Audrey. “Come on let’s get you home.” I said. “What did he mean? I don’t have a gift. What’s going on Jake?” she asked. “I’ll explain later.” I said picking her up bridal style effectively shutting her up.

I put Audrey down when we got to her house. “What did he mean my gift? I don’t have a gift? Jake answer me!” she exclaimed. I look at her, then look away. She came closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. “Please tell me.” She whispered to me. I sigh looking down at her. “You do have a gift, I think. I don’t know what it is but I can tell you have one.” I said. She looked a little shocked. “How do I figure out what it is?” she asked me in a quiet voice. “Concentrate on something, almost like you would to read my mind. Okay?” I said. She does. She stood there for a few minutes. Then I felt nothing. I heard nothing, saw nothing. I don’t know how long that lasted but it felt like a long time. Then someone touched me and I could immediately see, hear, and feel again. It was Audrey who had touched me. “How the hell did I do this?!” she screamed to me. “What did you do?” I asked. “I froze you…I froze time. Then when I touched you, you came back. But everything is still frozen…” she said. “You’re a time stopper. And when you touch someone you bring them back to time, but everything else stays frozen. Here, touch me again.” I said. When she touched me I went back to the nothingness. She touched me again and brought me back. I laughed, amazed at her power. “Now concentrate like you were before.” I told her. She did and everything resumed to normal. “Wow.” She whispered.
We found a human and tried freezing time on them. It didn’t seem to have the same nothingness effect on him. We went to my house and tried it on my family. They dint have the effect either. “I think it’s a mate thing. Like you know when your mate is using their gift.” Audrey said. I have to agree with her there. I smile and pull her into my arms. “I love you, so much.” I said. “I love you too.” She said sighing. I leaned in and our lips touched.


We kiss for a while then Violet gets our attention. I sigh pulling away from Audrey. “What?” I asked irritated. “I was just wondering since you two are out of school if Audrey would be coming and living with us?” she said. “Yes of course.” I said. Violet left. I turn to Audrey. “Now, where were we?” I asked seductively leaning in to kiss her again. Her hand stopped my face and she looked away. I looked at her, confused and a little shocked. She never refused my kisses. This was a first. “What am I going to tell my parents?” she asked, more to herself than me. “Tell them you are going to move away for college. You will be going to college, just with me.” I said simply. “Alright I guess. I’m going to have to learn to lie to them anyway aren’t I?” she said. I nod, leaning in again, trying to kiss her. She moves away. “You hungry? I know I am!” she said obviously trying to change my mind. I nod going along with it.

-Audrey’s POV-
We were back from our hunt and I could tell what Jake wanted. He came over to me. “What’s wrong?” he asked curiously. I sighed. I honestly didn’t know what was wrong. I could tell he was reading my mind by the way he was looking into my eyes. “Yes I am. The only reason I am is because I don’t understand.” He said aloud. I sighed again. “I don’t even understand.” I say looking into his eyes, absolutely changing my mind. I lean in to kiss him. He stopped me. I looked at him questionably. “I don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to.” He whispered looking down.
I lift his chin up with my forefinger. “I want to.” I whispered looking into his eyes. He bit his lip which drives me absolutely crazy. “I know it does, that is why I do it.” He said mockingly, and chuckled. I jumped out of his arms. “Fine, if that’s how you’re going to be, I’m leaving!” I said mimicking his mocking tone. I walked away, purposely shaking my hips a bit. I heard him zoom to my side. His eyes were black, but not with fury, with lust. I rolled my eyes. He picked me up and before I knew it I was back on our bed. He was on top of me. He leaned down and tried to kiss me. I stopped him. “Say you’re sorry.” I said dominantly. He looked confused but then tried to kiss me again. I stopped him and repeated what I said before. “Sorry.” He muttered. “Like you mean it.” I said. “I am sorry.” He apologized somewhat sincerely. I laughed and let him kiss me and kiss me over and over again.

I woke up the next morning with two enormous arms around my body and two huge legs intertwined with mine. I shifted a bit, causing Jake to wake up. “Mornin’” he said to me in a very sexy voice. I sighed. “Morning.” I said. Jake chuckled. “Still not a morning person.” He asked. I stared at him blankly. “What do you think?” I said in the most menacing voice I could conjure up at 8 in the morning. He laughed again as he got dressed. I stared, mesmerized by his perfect body.
“Like what you see?” he asked, snapping me out of my trance. “Yes I do actually.” I replied smoothly. He came closer to me. “Good, because it’s all yours.” he whispered into my ear. He pulled back a bit and kissed me. I was the one to pull away first. “What do you want to do today?” I asked. I wanted to go out and do something but I wanted to keep away from Cameron. He is a creep. “I was thinking the same thing. How about a walk in the park?” Jake said as he read my mind. “Sounds good to me!” I said brightly as I walked out of my room to the front door, with Jake by my side.

Jake and I walk through the park hand in hand. We laughed the whole time and kissed every now and then. I absolutely loved it. That is until Jake spotted Cameron. He was standing behind a tree trying to hide from our view. I hated being near him. “Freeze time so we can get out of here without him knowing where we’re going.” I heard a voice whisper into my mind. I looked up at Jake. He looked like he was about to rip Cameron’s head off. “But I don’t know if I can control from that far away.” I whispered into his mind. He looked down at me, into my eye. “You can do it. I know you can.” He stated into my mind. I sighed and concentrated really hard like before. Time froze of course. I touched Jake’s arm and he unfroze. “Let’s get out of here.” He said aloud, his jaw clenched. I nodded and we ran at super speed out of the park.
When we made it back to my house he turned to me. “Now concentrate really hard on the park and unfreezing it.” I nodded again and concentrated on the park. When I freeze time there’s this feeling I get in the pit of my stomach. I know that it’s unfrozen when the feeling releases. Well that feeling released after a few seconds of concentrating on the park. I was surprised. I didn’t know I had that kind of power. I mean I knew it was powerful but not that powerful. No wonder Cameron wanted it so bad. “Cameron,” I thought. Jake heard me. “Don’t worry; he’ll have no clue where we went. Come on, let’s go inside and get you packed and ready to tell your parents about this.” Jake said. “Ugh! My parents!” I thought. Jake chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me inside my house.

Author's Note

So, if ya'll have not noticed I have not really updated this story.  I decided I really did not like where the story was going so I decided to give it up.  I might leave the story up to remind myself of all that I have and could have accomplished within the writing of it, but I might just take it down.  It was kind ofgoing now where anyway and I'm just not proud of it, though the respones to it was amazing, so thank you for the support.  Anyway, it was good while it lasted and I'll let ya'll know if I plan to write something else or start writing this again.  Later :')  


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.08.2012

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