
Chapter One: Dude, are you assaulting my arm?

I took my last steps off of the plane and looked around for a sign that says Izzy Valentino.

I finally saw the sigh. My eyes narrowed and I stared death daggers at it. The sign had Apple head Valentino on it written in red. Although I couldn't see my brother behind the crowd of people, I walked over to where the sign wobbled back and forth probably because it was like 42 degrees out.

When I reached a point where I could see clearly, I spotted him. His dark brown hair was longer and he was taller than he was a year ago. The only thing that didn't seem to change was his childish ways and that he played football. I walked over to him and he lowered the sign.

"Welcome back." Colt smiled at me.

"Thanks. It's great to be back." I said.

He swung his arm over my shoulder and started walking to his car. The car he had bought during his sophomore year and said,"This is my baby. Don't touch it, lick it, stare at it, breathe by it, lay a hand on it, or don't even think about it." 

My response was,'lick it? I think mom was lying when she said she didn't drop you on your head as a baby. It's just a car.'

It was a stupid argument but I won.

We stopped at his car and he unlocked the doors. He popped the trunk, threw the sign in, and closed it. I opened the passenger door and slid into the seat. I closed the door and put my seat belt on. Colt got in and closed his door.

"Get off me, Colt." I whined as his cold hands touched my warm arm and shot cold chills up it.

"No." He pouted. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me.

He pushed his key into the ignition and turned it. The car's engine rumbled and he started to drive. I turned on the heater and warm air filled the car. I turned my head toward my brother and smiled.

I missed him. I actually missed my annoying, protective older brother.

He came to pick me up from the airport because I went to Florida for the summer. Well, not really. I had to go to Florida because of my parents. They always made the decisions. Where I had to go to school? What career I was going to do after college?




It was always the same things. Them, telling me what to do and me, not listening. The only thing good about them is that they let me choose what sport I want to play. Oh, and that leads me to the you-have-to-play-a-sport-or-I-will-ground-you lecture I got on the first day of high school.

I sigh as Colt pulls up to the house. Correction-More like a mansion than a house. Considering it has seven bedrooms including two guest bedrooms and three bathrooms. All in all, there is 15 rooms in the whole house. Kitchen, living room, and dining room also.

I shift my gaze to Colt's best friends playing a game of football in the front yard. Sweat running down their faces and grass stains covering their pants. I push the car door open and sling my feet out. I stood up and made sure I wouldn't make no eye contact with any of the guys.

See I don't hate them, nor do I like them. They are just okay to me.

I closed the car door and walked up to my porch. I stepped up to my door and smiled. I grabbed the doorknob and shoved the door open. I walked inside the house as I ignored the fact that I felt a lot of eyes burning holes in my back. I shrugged it off and walked upstairs to my room to once greet it again. I open my door to a not touched bed, dresser, and other things in my room. I threw my stuff down and jumped on my bed.

"Home!" I yelled, loud. Well, loud enough for the boys outside to hear because they were laughing.

"Shut up!" I yelled. I counted down the seconds until the asshole himself spoke, which give or take was five seconds.

One. Two. Three. Four. Fiv-"Or what?!" I heard Colt's best friend Tyson yell. I heard the other guys chuckle and I rolled my eyes knowing that they couldn't see me.

"Or I'll come out there and you will wish you never said,'Or what'!" I yelled back and all the boys started laughing.

Basically, I had no clue what I was doing. I just came back and I was about to do something I never would of done a year ago.

Challenge them.

"Fine. If they want to play. I'm going to play." I muttered as I walked downstairs and out the front door. All the boys scattered in the yard tossing the football back to one and another.

"Haha. How about we play soccer? Then see who's the ones doing the laughing." I said. I was totally proud of my confidence because in the inside I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

They stopped and looked around at each other.

"We only play football." Tyson pointed out as he tossed my brother the football.

"All I heard is a bunch of bull crap." I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at Tyson. Man was he good looking. His black hair curled in all the right places and his joyful, bright zircon blue eyes stared at me with a challenging look. I mentally slapped myself from checking him out and shifted my gaze to Colt.

"Fine. We will play soccer." They all agreed. I smiled devilishly at them and nodded. Colt looked at me and said,"But if we win you have to do whatever we say for a week." I shuddered at the thought of doing something for stinky, sweaty guys for a week.

"And if I win?" I asked.

"We will do whatever you ask us to do for a week." He said. I smiled wide at the thought of me torturing them until they collapse from tiredness.

"Fine but I'm going to need a team of my own." I said smiling big. I pull out my phone and text my four best friends. Dex, Rosetta, Lucia, and Garrett.

To: Dex, Rosetta, Lucia, Garrett

Hey. I'm back. Come to my house. I have an awesome bet to win. Hehe >:)

I pressed send and smiled down as the words 'sent message' crossed my screen. After a minute my phone buzzed a couple times. I checked the messages and sighed. Lucia had to babysit her little brother because her mother was on a date with some Italian guy.

"So who's playing?" I asked Tyson.

"Colt, Diego, Holden, and I." Tyson told me as he pointed to each guy and to make this clear even himself.

"Well, Dex, Rosetta, Garrett, and I are going to kick your-" I was cut off when a black ford mustang pulled up behind me and parked. I swirled around and looked closer to find that the person behind the wheel was Dex. I should have known it was him.

He apparently told me he got a brand new car last week for his birthday. Too bad I couldn't celebrate with him.

He got out of the car and stretched. I rolled my eyes as Rosetta got out of his car also. I mean the girl was in love with Dex. One problem was he never really noticed.

Stupid boy.

"I'm hurt. You, Izzy just called your bestie retarded." Dex faked gasped as he placed his hand on his chest.

Darn. Did I really say that out loud?

"I said you were Stupid. Not retarded" I corrected him. He chuckled for a couple seconds and then stopped to shoot a death glare at me. I shrugged and turned my attention to the panting that came from beside me. Garrett placed his hands on his knees and started to breath heavily.

"I-I'm...H-here...." Garrett panted and finally caught his breath.

"Ready?" I asked everyone as we all took our places in the yard. I stood in front of Tyson and smirked.

He mouthed,"Good luck, Sweet Cherry." I gawked at his nickname for me and just as the game began Tyson had the ball.

That asshole. He had distracted me.


It's been about an hour of playing soccer and the scores were outrageous. My team was winning and Tyson's wasn't too far behind. I had to admit I underestimated them.

"I'm going kick your-" I yelled but stopped because some freaking idiot on the other team kick the soccer ball and it hit my face. I fell backwards landing on my back and something started to run from my nose. I slowly sat up and everyone surrounded me. I pulled my hand up and touched the liquid. I looked down at my fingers. It was blood.


I stared at my fingers with rage building up. I wasn't mad because the idiot kicked a soccer ball and it hit my face. I was clearly mad because they were looking at me like I was an injured little girl.

Of course they didn't mean to do it but I was in such a bad mood now.

I stood up and sighed. I waited for a couple seconds to see if they would get back in position but they didn't. They all stood there silent until I cleared my throat.

"Well, are we going to play or what?" I asked them getting frustrated. They all nod and run back to their positions. The whistle blew and I sprint off toward the ball.

Yes, Tyson has the ball!

I run up to him and kick the ball over to Dex, who is pro at running. He kicks the ball in the goal and Colt catches it. Damn it. I sighed as all the boys cheered. I don't know why in the hell they were cheering.

They lost the game.

After my friends had left, I stumbled to the living room couch and flopped face first onto it. Just then every body came in and fell to the floor besides Ty. He decided it was fine to just fall down on me. I groaned as his body contacted mine and I was pressed into the couch.

"God, your so fat." I blurted. His warm breath hit my neck and I shivered. He chuckled and got off of me. "All muscle, Sweet Cherry." He winked at me and sat down right in front of the couch. "Uh-huh." I sat up and curled into a ball.

"We should never get that competitive again." Colt blurted.

"Ha! But we won, my friends." I pointed out. They all groan again. I jumped up off the couch and got into a funny form.

"So that means-" I singed and continued,"You have to do what ever I say for a week." I gave them a smirk. They groaned once again but louder.

"Hey! Colt, Rosetta is staying the night." I told him.

"No." He said.

"Yes!" I shouted. I walked back over to the couch and sat back down.

"No, period." Colt said and I crossed my arms. I turned to the window and sighed. It was raining. I just love rain. The sound of it and how it makes a person-

DARN. I distracted myself.

"Please." I begged.

"No, Izzy."



I smirked and said,"No."

"Fine." Colt smiled at me.

"Really?" I clapped my hands like a madwoman.



"You're impossible." I stated. I huffed and started to play with Tyson's hair. I guess because I was bored and his hair was just sitting their teasing the heck out of me. Ty turned his head toward me and sent me a questioning look. I shrugged and stopped.

I curled back into a ball once again and sighed as the rain fell harder. It started to thunder and I whimpered. I kinda was afraid of thunder storms and the only person that knew was my brother. I attended to keep it that way but I was in a room filled with guys. I slung my feet off of the couch and was about to stand when the power went out.

"What the flip!" I yelled as I stood up completely. I whimpered as another loud thunder echoed outside.

"Izzy, are you okay?!" Colt asked and I could hear the worry in his tone.

I began to walk toward his voice and I ended up tripping off what seemed to be the coffee table. I landed on top of a hard but warm figure. I froze for a couple seconds, which it turned out to be a minute. I was too scared to move a muscle or even think for that matter.

The person whispered in my ear,"What are you doing?" I concentrated on the guy underneath me instead of the thunder that made me whimper every second of my life.

"I'm raping you." I said, sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and mentally slapped my self when I remembered they couldn't see me. The guy gentle picked me up and laid me beside.

"Izzy?" He asked. Another loud thunder boomed making me whimper even louder than I had before and I dug my nails into the arm that sat against mine.

"Izzy?" The voice repeated and I closed my eyes, trying to block out everything.

"Y-yes." It barely came out as a whisper.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I shook my head no. Then I face-palmed my head when I remembered that they couldn't see me. I was about to respond but my brother yelled,"Izzy!"

"What?!' I yelled.

The thing that made me want to strangle myself was that it came out more shaky than I wanted it to. I loosened my grip on the arm I was digging my nails into for the past two minutes and let out the breath I had been holding.

"Where are you?!" Colt yelled from my right and I heard a thump. I chuckled and jumped when something touched my back. "Hey, Watch it?!" I shouted.

"Uh. Sorry." Diego muttered as his foot removed from my back.

"You better be." I spat at him.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and touched the screen. A bright light flashed on and I turned it towards my nail digging victim. "Er-Sorry, Ty." I whispered. His face scrunched and he slightly gave me a smile. The light had turned off and I sighed.

A candle was lit and sat down on the coffee table. I stood up and began to walk again but I fell over another figure. Falling wasn't the best thing in my brother's house. We had way too much crap lying around (you would be amazed what you could find just laying around).

I fell to the floor with a loud thump. I groaned and kicked the figure in the side. Well, hopefully it was their side.

"Ow." Holden pouted.

"Aw, pour baby." I teased him.

I slowly sat up and hugged my knees.

Can this day get any worse?

A thunder boomed once again making me flinch and shove my head into my knees. I let out a low whimper. Low enough for nobody to hear.

I guess it can.

After several movement noises, candles were lighting the entire living room. I let out a sigh and stood up. Colt rushed over to me and hugged me. I groaned knowing his friends were giving him the are-you-crazy look. Thankful I just didn't care at the moment.

"Colt?" I finally said.

"Hmmm." Was his response and I rolled my eyes.

"I can't breathe." I told him and he finally let me go. He stepped back and sighed in relief.

"Holden?" Diego whispered as he placed his hand on Holden's arm. He started to rubbed his arm and smile weirdly at him. Holden turned his head to look at Diego and said,"Dude, are you assaulting my arm?"

I balled my hand into a fist and pressed it to my mouth to keep from laughing. No, Diego wasn't gay. He just was lifting the tension in the room.


I was freaking out from thunder, Colt looked like he just gave birth(No, I'm serious), Ty's arm looked like hell from where I dug my nails into him, I kicked Holden in the stomach when I tripped over him (he clearly deserved it though), and Diego was actually the normal one.

Pretty much the entire cause was because of me. I worried Colt, I hurt Holden and Ty, and for the first time I did nothing to Diego. Surprising, since we prank each other constantly.

"Aw, you know you like it." Diego teased Holden. Holden rolled his eyes and punched Diego in the arm.

"Dude, stop touching me. It's just weird." Holden told Diego.

"But you're my bitch." Diego told Holden as he pushed his finger in his face.

I chuckled and said,"If anything Diego, you're mine." Before he could respond, I ran up the stairs and dashed down the hallway to the very last room on the left. I shut my door and locked it for safe reasons.

Diego has a thing for putting hair dye in my shampoo and conditioner bottles. I once had to deal with going to school with hot pink hair for a week. I got him back by putting dye in his toothpaste. I got to say his teeth are great orange. That leads me to my red hair.

Once upon a time, it was a wavy dark brown and then came along Diego.

I laughed at the memory as I found my way to my bed and slid under the covers. I closed my eyes and smiled.

God, I forgot I have school tomorrow.

A/N: Hey guys!!!! :D I've finally edited this chapter and posted it on
Yupp C: I got it on there. I will update on this book more often on there than on here. I might add a chapter on there and then the next day I'll update it on here. :)


Heart. Comment.
Tell me what's on your MIND?! ._. haha......
Okay. Suggest whatever you want to. I do not mind at all.



Chapter Two: Why are you, um,

    My face felt hot from the sun light coming from my window. My clothes I had been wearing clung to my skin as I slowly sat up and rubbed the drowsiness from my eyes. My eyes fluttered- Yes, I said fluttered- open and I scanned my room. Although, I caught a few things missed place and knowing that I had absolutely locked my door that Diego had, in fact, climbed the tree beside my window and climbed into my room to god knows what.

     It frightens me to know that some weirdo, like Diego, would just climb through a girl's window at night while they are asleep. I could just imagine that stupid devilish grin as he planted his stupid prank in my room and then the next time I see him he would just drop to ground and laugh like a high pitch girl.

 I was still barely awake when I spotted my digital clock blinking three horrible numbers I hated the most.

7:55 a.m.

     I clenched my fist and jumped out of my bed. Unfortunately, my foot got caught in the covers and tripped me. I was sent to the floor with a loud thud and my face being slammed onto the floor. I groaned as I slid my hands under me and pushed myself back up to my feet.  Rubbing my now hurt face and taking a step forward, I happen to be even more clumsy by stepping on a empty plastic bottle and flying backwards towards the floor once again.

     My back hit the floor knocking all the air out of me. I gasped air in a few seconds later and laid there for a minute then finally decided to slowly stand back up. I turned my head back to the clock and in a matter of seconds I had ran into my closet, which caused me to have a mini heart attack when I found out that all my clothes had disappeared and pink girly clothes substituted them.

"Diego." I muttered harshly through my heavy breaths I was taking trying to calm down. 

That stupid ass-wipe had done this. 

Instead of muttering unpleasant words all day, I grabbed a pair of pink shorts and light(ish) pink floral pattern shirt from the hook. I threw them over my arm and rushed into the bathroom to change. *-*-* "Izzy?" A familiar voice said behind me as I struggled to keep my stupid chemistry book in my arms with the rest of my class books. I muttered a few curse words and turned around a bit too fast. My books had dropped from my arms and scattered everywhere in front of me. I groaned and looked up to meet Holden's eyes. "What?" I snapped at him and I bent over to pick up the books.  A few seconds of silence and me picking up my books. Holden bent over beside of me and helped me pick up my books. 

"Why are you, uh," Holden started and I looked up at him. "I mean, uh, not that you don't look good. You look more than good. Not that I find you attractive or anything. Oh, I really didn't mean it like that. Have you seen colt? I haven't really saw-" "Holden!" I cut him off from his blabbering. He gulped and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Yes?" Holden's voice came out as a whisper. I rolled my eyes and shoved my books into my open locker.  "What's up?" I asked him and he sighed.  "IjustbeenwonderingifmaybeyourfriendisfreeonSaturday." Holden quickly said and shoved his hands in his pocket after.  I scrunched my nose and closed my locker. "Huh?" 

Holden sucked in a deep breathe and sighed. He leaned his shoulder on the locker beside mine and opened his mouth to speak. "I was wondering if your friend, Lucia, was free on Saturday." He muttered.

I waited a minute to aggravate Holden, which never really worked because he sat there staring at me. I sighed and glared at him. The boy was insane if he thought I knew what plans Lucia has on Saturday. She might be my friend and all, but she has her space. 

I have mine. "Go ask her," I snapped "Not me." I pointed my finger at me and then pointed at Lucia who stood at the end of the hall. Holden huffed and walked off down the hall towards Lucia. I rolled my eyes at his childishness and found my eyes adverting to Diego.

 If looks could kill, Diego would be laying on the hall way floor dead from all the glares I sent him. I walked towards him and just as I was about to say his name, he turned and spotted me. Diego's eyes stared at my outfit and started laughing. I rolled my eyes and scowled at him. He placed his left hand on his knee and his right on his stomach because if he didn't he would of ended up on the floor.

I opened my mouth to tell him that he can shove his laughter up his-Ringggggggg. Damn it. Instead I said,"Payback is a bitch."       I began walking down the hallway to first period, which I wasn't a big fan of. Mostly because I was stuck with Tyson's preppy, annoying girlfriend. The girl was head slut. Whoops. I mean, head cheerleader. Her name only consisted of six letters and most of them were an 'e'. The funny thing was that her initials were S.T.D. , which was ironic since she probably has it.       I was knocked out of my thoughts when I entered the class room and walked past the S.T.D herself. She snickered at me probably because of my clothes, but I ignored her. I flopped down in a desk near the back beside some dude that had glasses and was staring at Selene (Aka S.T.D.). I rolled my eyes and stared up from when the teacher walked in. "Settle down and take your seats." Ms. Collins said as she laid her clip board down on her desk. *-*-* "A bet is a bet." I sang to colt who was scrolling through his messages and such.  "Come on, Iz. I'm not going to do that," Colt says as he looks up at me and then back to his phone,"Besides I have no money." I rolled my eyes at his lie and glared at him. "You're such a liar. Just give me a twenty and I will leave you alone this whole week and make Tyson do all the bitch work." I muttered. Colt froze for a second and then he shoved his phone into his pocket. He looks up at me and grins childishly. "Heh, alright. I'll give you a twenty," Colt said and I grinned like a little child, "but don't tell Tyson I accepted this deal. He will murder me." I nodded and grabbed the twenty dollars out of his hand when he pulled it from his pocket.


     I skipped off from my brother towards Dex's mustang where Rosetta, Lucia, Dex, and Garrett were talking in a deep conversation. I snickered when I saw Rosetta blushing because of what Dex had said. I stopped skipping and opened the front door and slid in while everyone else went on Dex's side into the back seat. "Why do you got that creepy smile on your face?" Garrett asked me. I scowled at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "I do not got a creepy smile." "Uh, yeah. You do," Garrett muttered, "Just answer the question." "I bribed my brother for a twenty to buy ice cream, which now I can piss off Tyson by making him do everything now." I smiled evilly and faced the front again. Dex started the mustang and began driving towards the ice cream store that is twelve minutes away from our school. "Do they got mint ice cream?"  Lucia asked. "Of course. Its an ice cream store for heaven's sake." I threw my hands into the air.


I finally made the update to chapter two. 

You should be happy. I never do that often. I'm kidding. I haven't been writing for awhile because I've been busy and I'm moving. ;_; 

I'll be making more updates though since I don't got writer's block anymore. C:

Anyway I might make a cast. I don't know yet. I might just let your minds imagine the characters when I actually describe them. 

BTW!!!!!!!! I changed the title because *Serious face* I want to. XD

Heart. Comment. Share. Ride a magical pony. Suggest anything you want.

lay a childish game, run around in circles, or lick a dumpster (But I rather you not. Too many disgusting things.)

Fun fact: My best friend got dared to lick a dumpster and she did. You probably don't care. :p

Thanks for reading. ^-^ Heh heh.

P.s This book is also on Wattpad. 

Chapter Three: Don't make meh shove my perfectly good ice cream on your stupid face.

(Not edited...somewhat. Btw....It is on wattpad)


I said, let's go get some ice cream. It will be fun, I said.

    Instead, my mood dropped five feet under when I saw S.T.D herself behind the register with a big fake smile plastered on her stupid face. Well, until she saw me and then she scowled. I have to give an imaginary award to her though because every time her boss turned towards her that fake smile appeared. I huffed and stopped in front of the counter.


     In front of Serene who smirked at me when her boss walked off towards the back. I rolled my eyes and looked at Lucia. Her eyes were glued to something past Serene. I followed her stare and chuckled when I saw she was staring at Mint ice cream that was in bold letters on the menu board.

"Of course!" Serene chirped as she leaned against the counter towards me knocking me out of my thoughts. I turned my gaze towards her and cocked an eyebrow.

"Excuse me? What?" I asked, annoyed at her chirpiness. 

"I mean, obviously you would buy ice cream. No wonder you're so plump." Serene tilted her head  to the side and chuckled. My hands clenched into fist at my sides and if it wasn't for Lucia clearing her throat, I would have got us all kicked out.

"Unless you want me to complain to your stressed out boss," Lucia stared at Serene and nodded her head towards her boss, "then I advise you to take my order of mint ice cream." 

Serene placed her hand on her hip and smirked at Lucia. "Even if you did, I wouldn't get fired," Serene stuck her head high in the air, "besides I don't like you."

Lucia placed both her hands on the counter and stared at Serene with hatred.

"I will climb over this counter and pull every fake extensions from your head unless you give me my damn mint ice cream, Serene."  Lucia hissed.

Serene opened her mouth to insult Lucia but a deep voice cut her off.

"Serene, your shift is over. Go call Melody and have her to take these costumers' orders." Serene nodded and stalked off into a door that led into the employee lounge. 

After a couple minutes, a tall blond haired girl walked up to us with a notepad and pen. She smiled at us and said,"What will you have?" 

"MINT ICE CREAM!" Lucia screeched in joy and when I looked into her eyes, I could swear they sparkled more than Edward in Twilight. If that was even possible.

"-Right, Iz?" Lucia finished and I snapped my head towards her in confusion.

"Huh?" I muttered.


"Never mind." Lucia huffed and skipped off down the aisle to an empty booth. I turned to the blond employee and smiled.


"Double chocolate chip ice cream." I told her. She wrote it down on her notepad and walked off into the kitchen. I spun on my heel and walked to the booth that everyone sat down at. I flopped down beside Lucia who happily drummed her fingers on the red table while humming a familiar tune in her head. I brought my hand to my face and leaned my elbow on the table to get comfortable while waiting.


     Double chocolate chip was my childhood favorite. It was vanilla ice cream swirled with a bunch of chocolate chips and even more chocolate chips. Obviously, I loved chocolate as much as Gir loved Tacos.

Uh, no. Gir loved cupcakes.

Gir loved everything or what not.

Oh, well.

"Here you are." An employee slid a tray onto our table. She smiled at us and then walked off.


     Lucia grabbed her mint ice cream and stabbed her spoon into it. In a matter of minutes, she had devoured the ice cream and nothing was left, but a little bit of melted mint ice cream. That's when everyone at our table stop gawking at her and started eating their own ice cream. I, myself, started eating mine. 

Well, that's until Colt's face appeared  out of no where making me choke on the chocolate chips as I swallowed them down.


"Dammit, Colt!" I hissed at him as he moved away from me and smiled goofy at me.

"Awwah, I love you to." Colt told me as he pushed me over and sat down.

"Don't make meh shove my perfectly good ice cream on your stupid face." I warned Colt.  He responded by rolling his eyes and stealing my plastic spoon from my hand. He scooped a spoonful of my ice cream and shoved it in his mouth. I gasped and quickly grabbed my spoon from his hand.

"Why the hell are you here anyway?" I spat at Colt as I wiped my spoon off with a paper towel that I had got from the table. 

"Buying ice cream with Holden, Diego, and Tyson." Colt told me. I narrowed my eyes at him and spotted a huffing Diego out of the corner of my eye. He crossed his arms and glared at Holden who stood in front of the counter. 

He was talking to the blond employee.

R and R. Reverse and Rephrase. 

He was attempting to flirt with the blond employee.


     I adverted my gaze to Tyson who leaned against the wall beside the employee lounge door. His hands were pushed into his coat pockets, his dark hair messed up in a boyish way, and he seemed to be in deep thought. I stared at him for awhile until the employee lounge door opened and Serene exited out of it. Her head turned towards Tyson and the next thing that happen made my stomach lurch. I turned my head to avoid their make out session and mentally puked in my mind.      

     A fit of laughter pushed me out of my thoughts and I snapped my head to the owner. It was Diego. He was staring down at me while hunched over laughing. I rolled my eyes at him and Lucia slid down to make room for Holden. Holden flopped down in between Lucia and I. Diego stopped laughing and sat down on the other side beside Garrett.

"Still wearing pink." Diego chuckled. I glared at him and shoved a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

I swallowed and hissed,"Where are the damn clothes, Diego?"

Diego shrugged and leaned back. "I don't know. Here, there. Mostly everywhere." 

     Without thinking I slung my hand that was holding my ice cream towards Diego and ended up throwing it at his face. Unfortunately, Diego had ducked down under the table and my ice cream had smashed onto the booth behind us. I muttered a few curse words under my breath as Tyson appeared beside our booth and snickered at me. 

     The manger was talking to Serene over by the employee door where Tyson must have left her there to talk to her boss, which caused an evil grin upon my face. I gasped very loudly in a dramatic tone and stared at Tyson like I was surprised. 

"Tyson!" I hissed at him as Istood up and slammed my hands down onto the table. Tyson's eyes narrowed and he looked confused for a few seconds until he realized what I was about to do. 

"Izzy, don't you even-" Tyson began but I cut him off by saying,"Why in the world did you throw my wonderful, delicious, yummy, good, great, creamy, chocolate chip ice cream on the clean booth beside us?! How dare you just go around doing such things? YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!" 

     I mentally did a victory dance when I noticed I had gotten both Serene's and her boss's attention. I had to practically climb over Colt to get out of the booth and storm out of the front door dramatically.  Knowing if I look back I would catch Tyson death glaring at me as Serene's boss charged him for the ice cream and the mess caused. Oh, also a lecture about taking young and beautiful girl's ice cream to throw it at clean booths for no apparent reasons. Not counting I didn't do it because she did excuse. Well, it wasn't really an excuse because I actually did do it. 


I skipped off down the parking lot towards Dex's mustang but stopped short when my eyes caught something. 


Something I never wanted to see.

Ever again.





Texte: Copyright Amber Marie. Don't copy whatso ever.....or if u just want to save one of the funny moments than go a head but ONLY if u want to treasure it. THANKS. :D
Bildmaterialien: or OTHER PLACES :D
Lektorat: me, myself, and I.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.05.2012

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