
Chapter 1

I threw the Vase of roses at the wall, which Damien Recce was standing right next to where I had thrown them. "You mentally deranged Girl!" He yelled at me. I balled my hand into a fist and snorted. "Take that back." I threaten him.

"No." He said.

"Fine. You horrible actor." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Yes, he is an actor and I have to live with him. He isn't one of those kind actors you expected him to be. Well, he is kind but not to me. Only to the girls on set or the girls walking by him on the sidewalk. He hates my guts and I hate his. That's how it is.
Anyway I'm Shyla Dawn Davidson and my mother passed away two years ago. Although my father is still alive, he is always busy with work and can't afford the bills. That's why I live with this jerk.

I'm seventeen, I have dirty blonde hair with brown eyes, and I'm 5'8. Damien Recce A.K.A Mr. Jerk face is six inches taller than me, he has dark brown hair, and piercing green eyes that all the girls fall for besides me of course.

Umm...Let's see what else do I have to describe. Oh, yeah. I have to live in his stupid mansion, which is five stories. He has a maid named Piper, a butler named George, and other people I don't give heck about. Enough about that and let's get back to reality.

"Horrible? I have you know I was voted best actor of the year." Damien pointed out to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Er-you sure they counted the votes right." I blurted out.

"You're just jealous of how hot I am." He smirked. My cheeks began to burn and I felt like punching him in the face.

Before I could say a comeback Piper grabbed Damien's ear and pulled him over to me.

"Ow, Ow, Piper!" He yelled in pain.

"Apologize." Piper demanded.

"No." He said.

"Now." She demanded and tugged harder on his ear.

"OK, OK! I'm Sorry, Shyla!" He yelled. I groaned and uncrossed my arms from my chest.

"Apology accepted." I said. Piper had let go of Damien's ear and they walked out of my room.

I jumped on my bed face forward into my pillow, holding it tightly, and screamed,"I HATE YOU DAMIEN RECCE!" I let go of the pillow and sat up.

I sighed as there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said. George walked in and handed me some Advil and a glass of water.

The only one that gets me that lives in the mansion is George. He is like my best friend in the mansion and my real best friends are Katrina and Jayson. For short, Kat and Jay.

"Thank you, George." I said with a dry throat. I popped in some Advil and then gulped down the water. He smiled at me and nodded.

"How do you always get me, George?" I asked him setting the now empty glass on the night stand beside me.

"I have three kids back home. One is eighteen, the other is fifteen, and then the youngest is thirteen." He said. "Oh. Why are you here instead of being with them?" I asked him.

"Well, my family was low on cash, so I came here to save money and return home with the money for my family." he said.

"Oh, I hope you can return to them soon." I said as he picked up my empty glass up.

"I do to." He whispered as he slowly walked out and closed the door behind him.

I feel sorry for him. There is two reasons. 1) He has two work for Damien and 2) he has to work until he earns enough money to go back home. I pulled out my phone as I laid back. It was 9 o'clock exactly. I put my phone down on the dresser and turned off the light. I lifted the covers and slid under them. I had School tomorrow and I needed the sleep. I closed my eyes and soon the darkness gulped me.

Chapter 2

Chapter Two

Loud beeping noise filled my ear as I woke up from my sleep. It was time to get up. I opened my eyes and threw the covers off of me. I stood up, stretched, and then a yawn came out. Piper walked in and handed me some clothes that Claire probably picked out. Claire was Damien's personal stylist.

I sighed as I put on the clothes. A grey punk dress that was thigh high with a black belt, and grey laced heels. I curled my hair and added make up. I grabbed my leather bag and walked downstairs. I heard giggling from the Living room.

'Please don't be Jenna. Please don't be Jenna.' I thought to myself.

I walked into the living room and groaned. It was Jenna. Jenna was this girl who hated me because I live with Damien, she thinks of Damien as a shortcut to popularity, and for the last thing she uses him often.

You may be thinking: Why do you care?, How do you know?, and Does that mean you like him?. Let me answer those questions.

I don't care, girls gossip, and no I still hate him a lot. I rolled my eyes and walked outside. George drives me to school and I'm thankful for that. A limo pulled beside me and George got out. He walked over to me and opened the door. I got in and he shut it as he walked back over to the driver side.
He got back in and shut his door. He started toward school. When we got there everybody was staring at the limo. The limo came to a stop and I got out. I walked into school and got tackled by Kat. I was flat on my back. I groaned and sat up. Jay reached out his hands to us and helped us up.

"Thanks Jay." I said. Kat was jumping up and down now.

"I heard that Damien is playing in that new bad boy vampire movie!" She yelled so loud it echoed throughout the whole school.

"Calm down!" I yelled at her making her stop jumping up and down. "Yes He's playing in that movie." I said. She giggled and ran off down the hall.

"That's one weird girl." Jay said.

"I agree." I growled when I saw Damien and Jenna walk in through the doors. It's weird how the popular people always have their hair flowing in the air and the slow motion crap. Yep that's what is happen right now as I speak. I rolled my eyes as all the girls in the hall push me and Jay over while they scream Damien.

"UGH! Just one day without the Popular crap!" I yelled and stomped off to my first period. Jay and Kat had the same period as me for first so I can pass notes with them. I sat down in the back. Kat and Jay sat on both sides of me.

I got out my notebook and teared two pieces of paper out. I wrote down I can't believe his hanging out with Jenna. I folded the paper up and slid it onto Kat's desk. She slowly unfolded the paper where no sound was made. She started writing down something then she put it on my desk. I opened it slowly and read the note.

Sounds like someones jealous I made a disgusted face at Kat and she smirked.

I wrote down Nah..I just hate Jenna and if they go out I have to see her at Damien's house cuz I live there I threw the note on Kat's desk and there was a note on my desk from Jay.

I opened and read. Don't leave me out I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I wrote down

Fine...What about Mary? You like her right?I put the note on his desk and Kat already put the note on my desk. I opened it and chuckled a little not loud enough that the teacher could hear though.

Kat wrote down That's just a excuse to cover that you like him I chuckled because it wasn't true. I hated Damien. No wait I hated Damien's guts. That's how it was. I opened the note from Jay and read.

Yeah I like her but she's a challenge I wrote down How is she a Challenge? I threw the note on his desk and looked at the clock.

Just one more minute. Jay threw the note and it hit me on the head. I opened it and smiled wide. He wrote She's always looking at me one day and then she ignores me the next. Plus she hangs out with 'Jenna' the girl you hate and that would just give Jenna the chance to mess with you so.....Yep It's a challenge

The bell rang. I got up and walked out of the class room. Jay and Kat followed me. We put our stuff in our lockers and met up over by the cafeteria.

"Hey." Kat said as we made our way in line.

"Hey." I said. We got our trays and sat down at the tables that are outside. I just love the tables outside. So Quiet..So peaceful..So not gonna see Damien's face. Oh, look there's Damien. DAMIEN! Come on god! What did I do to you?!

"Ugh..." I mumbled. "What?" Kat asked but then she looked at what I was staring at. "Oh....." She said. Damien walked up to the table and looked down at me.

"Kat. Jay." He said looking at them.

"Damien." Kat and Jay said at the same time.

"What'd you want?" I asked Damien.

"I need to talk to you now." He demanded.

"Fine...." I got up and walked over to an empty table. I sat down and Damien sat down across of me.

"So what?"

"OK. My premiere is coming up." He started.

"SO what about it?" I asked him. "You have to come with me and pretend to be my date." He said.

"No...I will not." I said mad now.

"Actual you do have to." He said. "No I don't." I said. "Your father said you have to." He pointed out.

"UH! I hate you just remember that!" I yelled at him while walked off to go find Jay and Kat.

I walked around the whole school building and then it popped in my head. They're on the roof. I walk to the roof and see them talking. I walk over to them and join in.

"So what did Mr. Pop star want?" Jay asked. "I have to go to a premiere with him." I groaned.

"That's good." Kat said. "I have to pretend to be his girl friend." I groaned louder.

"Oh..that's bad.." Kat said trying to make me happy.

"Hey you could make him look embarrassed." Jay suggested.

"How?" I asked.

"You are his fake girlfriend." He said.

"Oh...I see now. Hehe." I smiled evilly.

Chapter 3

I paced back and forth in a strange make up room or whatever because Damien told me to wait here and let his fashion person do her magic on me. I really hate him. I mean who would make a girl be his so called 'fake' girl friend for a stupid preview of that stupid vampire or whatever movie. Well I sure dang didn't sign up for it.
The door opened and a tall woman walked in. She closed the door and smiled at me. She grabbed my arm and put me in one of those movable chairs. I narrowed my eyes in the mirror. I didn't no what he was thinking I look perfectly fine.

"Oh honey. you need work." The woman blurted out.

"What ya talking about, Crazy lady? I look fine." I snapped at her.

"My name is Marianne but call me Mary. Anyway don't you see your hair is a mess, your eyes look dull, your clothes don't show your figure, and your attitude is just....horrible." She said with a disgusted look.

"So you want me to be like you?" I asked as I rose my eye brows.

"Yeah." She said.

"With my cleavage hanging out because of that slutty shirt your wearing,my natural beautiful face being covered with that so called make up, those high heels that could make my feet sore everyday I wear them, that tight skirt that almost reveals your button, my nature hair color being destroyed by dye, and most of all acting dumb so were people would like me?" I snapped at her.

I chuckled at her expression. It was in a shape of a 'O' and her eyes in a shape of 'O'. She didn't say anything. She left without a word and then about five minutes later I heard loud footsteps coming toward the door. i sighed as The door swung open and then slammed close. It was Damien with one of those I'm-gonna-kill-you looks.

"I hope your happy!" He snapped.

"Actual I am." I smirked at him. He walked up to me and stared at me.

"What is your prob?" I snapped at him.

"You made Mary quit." He said but this time a little more calm.

"She was a slut anyway." I muttered.

"Yeah. Wait...No. Anyway just get ready. If your not reasonable when you come to the limo then I'll hire someone who will force you to get reasonable." He said and then walked out of the door.

"Oh And I hate you!" I shouted.

I stood up and walked over to the walk in closet. I pushed the doors in and looked in. It was huge. I walked in and looked around. I started at the first rack. I picked up a long golden yellow dress.

"EW, Next!" I yelled as I threw the dress on the floor.

I got the second dress. It was too short and it was a pink color. I hate pink. I threw the dress on the floor and picked up the next dress. It was reasonable but too slutty. I threw it on the floor to.

After a long time of throwing dresses on the floor I finally found something reasonable. Even though it was the last dress in the closet and I had thrown all the other dresses into a big pile. The dress wasn't long nor short it was in the middle. It was a silky red cock tail dress with a black bow in the middle. I put it on and curled my hair. Sadly I added make up and black high heels. I hated this me. I looked great but I hated it all. I sighed and walked outside to the limo. The guy got out to open my door but ?I had already got in. he sighed and got back into his seat. I looked over at Damien with his eyes staring at me.

"What?!" I snapped.

"You look-" he began but I cut him off.

"bad? Ugly? Stupid?" I said.

"Beautiful." He whispered.

I felt my cheeks go hot and I turned to look out the window. I heard him chuckle and tell the driver to go. I watched the scenes of outside the window disappear one by one. It was replaced by a red carpet and many flashes from cameras. I rolled my eyes as a guy opened the door and helped me out.
My eyes were blinded by white flashes. I couldn't see anything but white. Someone grabbed my arm and helped me. The person had took me inside I then realized it was Damien. My vision returned to normal and I huffed.

"How can you stand it?" I asked him.

"I got used to it." He said.

"What do you mean the lead female quit?!" I heard a guy scream at a woman with black short hair and glasses.

"S-sir, she...." The woman began but the guy cut her off.

"Your fired!" He yelled. She cried and ran off.

"What a-" I said but the guy had walked over to us.

"Damien!" He said.

"Director." Damien said.

"who's this?" The director asked, curious.

"Shyla." He replied.

"Shyla...Hmm? Shyla, You are hired." He said.

"Thanks. wait..Hired???" I nearly shouted in surprise.

"Yeah. For the part in the movie." He said. My head pounded and I felt pain in my chest.

"I can't-" I said but he cut me off.

"No buts or no excuses. Just be here tomorrow." He said and then walked off.

"What just happened?" I asked Damien.

"You've just been hired." He said, shocked.

"But I don't even want to." I whined.

"You don't got a choice." He said and then walked off. I stomped my foot and huffed.

I think I just died because I've been sent to hell.

Why? Working with Damien.

It sure can be called that, right? I think I have to-No, I'm going to get forced to kiss Damien. Not once but plenty of times.


Texte: Copyright Amber M. No copying or stealing my book but DO ENJOY :)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2012

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