
Chapter One

I carried out the last box to the truck and sat it down in the back. "Are you ready?" My mom asked. "Yeah. Where are we living again?" I asked. "With one of my old friends. He told me he had two sons your age. Isn't that great, Avery." I put on a fake smile. "Yeah." I said as I walked around to the other side of the truck and hopped in. I shut the truck door and my mom got in. She looked at me and smiled. "Honey, Don't worry everything will be okay." She said. "You just say that because of what happened, Mom." I said. At least she tried to cheer me up. She shut her door and started the truck and started to drive. About three hours later we got there and a guy came out around his 30's. I tried to smile but it turned into a frown. My mom got out and shook his hand. I ignored them and opened my door of the truck. I jumped out and grabbed my skateboard from the back of my seat. "Hey Mom. I'll be back later. I'm going to go look around." I said. "OK but be careful." She said as I rolled my eyes. I put the skateboard down and started to skateboard down the street. I got to a place called Skateboard freedom

. I walked inside and saw boys and few girls my age or older skateboarding. I kinda put a smile on and then a dude bumped into me. "Watch it!." The boy's voice echoed the building. "You watch it!" I looked up to a boy with black hair and blue eyes that had a cold look to them. "Just stay out of my way." He said as he walked out the door and he slammed the door behind him. His friend looked at me. "Sorry about Alexander. Vanessa just pissed him off. Oh yeah I'm Christopher. Just call me Chris. I haven't seen you around." "Oh....I'm new here. I just moved here. I'm Avery Salvatore." I said. "Nice to meet you." He said. "Yep." I said. "I have to go calm down Alex before he does something stupid so catch ya later." Chris said as he walked out the door. I just rolled my eyes and my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pulled it out and opened the message.
Mom: Hey. Come home now. I have a surprise for you. I text back.
Me: OK. I'm comin.......
I put my phone back in my pocket and walked outside. I breathed in air and put my skateboard down. I began skateboarding to the so called Mansion that I lived in. When I got there my mom walked up to me. "What is it?" She pointed to a dodge viper that was lime green and when I looked inside it had a dress. "What is this?" I asked. "Your surprise." She said. "No I mean the dress" "Oh that's what Jack got you for tonight." "Tonight?" "Yeah. Dinner night." "Ok." I said as I got the dress and walked inside. "I would like you to meet Jack." I put on a fake smile and said,"Hi Jack. I'm Avery and I'm looking forward for tonight." A butler walked up to me. "Come with me Ms. Avery to your room." He said. I nodded and he took me to a room with a great view. "Thank you." I said as he walked out of the room I punched the wall. Crap! I cussed for two minutes and put a picture of my mom and me when I was little over the hole in the wall. I grabbed the dress and walked to the bathroom. I sighed as I looked into the mirror. The last time I was wearing a dress........I nearly ruin it. I walked into the hallway and someone bumped into me. "God damn it! Watch where you are-" He stopped talking and I looked up. "No....Not you. Your living here." We said at the same time. I rolled my eyes and said,"Well whatever...." I walked downstairs to my mom yelling into the phone. She hung up and sat down at the table. "Who was that?" I asked as I sat down on the other side of the table. "Your Ex." "Wait. Why did he call?" I asked in a angry tone. "He said to me to tell you that a bitch like you needs to be away from him and some other things." My mom said. I saw Jack, Nick, and the jerk I met earlier twice Alex. I sighed as my mom laughed along with everyone else besides Alex. After awhile the dinner was over. Alex must hate me because he took the remote from me, he bumps into me all the time, he's rude to me, he's always was bossing me around, and he tells me who to hang out with so I began hating him. I insulted him, called him names, bump him back, played pranks on him, called his girl friend a slut, keep calling him a man-whore who plays with girls, and a girlish boy that skateboards. I walked to my room and fell asleep forgetting to lock my door because Alex might do something bad to me for what I did to him. I kinda played a prank on him and he sure didn't like it.

Chapter Two

I got cold water poured on me and I jumped up. "What the hell?!" I yelled. "I warned you." Alex said. "God damn it you asshole." I said as I pushed him out of my room. I took off my wet clothes and walked over to my closet. I put on a black tang top, black ripped skinny jeans, a black and grey striped pattern jacket, and converse. I grabbed my bag and skateboard .I walked out of my room and down stairs to my mom once again on her laptop doing business. I rolled my eyes and walked outside to my car. Alex was talking to his stupid girlfriend. I hopped into my car and drove off.
I made it to my new school. I got out some people were staring at me and others just ignored me. I sighed and walked inside. I bumped into some boy. I looked up he had dark brown curly hair and hazel eyes. "Watch where your going twit." He said as he passed me. Alex walked up to me. "Why was you talking to Kendall?" Alex asked in a anger tone. "None of your business." I snapped at him. "A tip. Don't talk to him." Alex said and walked off. I shrugged and walked to my first period,which is Math. I sat down beside some girl with blond hair,black hair underneath the blond, and She had green eyes. Vanessa walked up to her and knocked her books on the floor. "Opps. Sorry Victoria. I didn't see them." She gave a smirk and sat down right beside Alex. I helped the girl pick her books up. "Hey. I'm Avery." "Victoria." "I know. Vanessa said your name." "Yeah. Wait How do you know her?" She asked. "Alex. I live with them." I said. "You live with Alex and his brother." "Yep." "Cool."
After first period I already made one friend. I exited the room and said goodbye to Victoria. I walked to my second period and of course Alex, Vanessa, Kendall, and Kayla. Kayla is Vanessa's friend. I sat down ignoring eye contact with any of them. I sighed and Thought to myself,"This class is so boring." I got up and walked to the door when the teacher turned to me. "You walk out of that door you will be getting a detention." She said. "So what..." I said. "Make that two detentions." She said. "OK. See ya there." I said as I wlaked off and before I left Alex was smiling. I never saw him smile. Weird..... I walked down the hallway to a relaxing spot and sat down. I sighed and Kendall walked over to me. "Nice going newbie." He said. "Yeah whatever. What do you want?" I asked. "I want you to come to my party tonight." He said. "Sure whatever..." I said. "I'll see you there Newbie." He walked off as soon as the bell rang. I got up and Victoria walked up to me. "Hey. Do you wanna go to a party with me?" I asked her. "Yeah sure." She said. We walked to the Cafeteria. "Oh yeah. Over there is where Alex and his crew sit at so I know you want to avoid him." "Yeah. Thanks." We walked over far from Alex and sat down. "Who's party is it?" She asked me. "Oh Kendall's." I said. Her mouthed dropped open. "What?" I asked. "Only popular people get invited how did you get invited. That came out wrong." "I know what you mean and I don't know." I shrugged as Alex grabbed my arm. He dragged me out of the cafeteria into the hallway. "Did you say you were going to go to Kendall's party?" He sounded angry but why..... "Yeah. Why?" "Because he will get you drunk enough then do it with you then dump you on the curve and never cares what happens to you." "Why do you care?" I asked. "I don't....Just warning you Twit." He walked off. I rolled my eyes.
Before I knew it the day was over. I walked out of my last class and met up with Victoria. "Hey. I'll see you tonight Victoria." I said. "Yep." We walked outside and we said goodbye. I got into my car and drove off.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I got home and walked inside. The second day living here. WOHO!......not. Alex and I don't really get along. Nick and I don't really talk to each other at school. YAY!.......I guess I have to live this way for three years. I sighed and walked inside. I heard laughter and giggling in the kitchen. Alex probably with another slut of his. I walked upstairs and walked into my room. I shut the door behind. "Haha.....I could piss Him and the slut off." I thought to myself. I took off my clothes. I grab a black Valentino strapless dress with black laced heels. I curled my hair and put on my leather jacket and make up on. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and Alex stared at me. "Are you going to that party?" He asked. "Yeah and no one is going to stop me." I said. "You know that's Kendall's party, Avery and you know what will happen if you go." Vanessa looked at me with a cold stare. "Come on baby let's go some where private like upstairs." Vanessa said. Alex nodded and they walked upstairs. I walked outside to my car and hopped in. Alex might boss me off and make me do stuff but he can't stop me going to Kendall's party. He must really hate Kendall." I thought to myself. I started my car and Alex opened the door. He sat down and shut the door back. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Going with you." He said. "OK but whatever I do is my business not yours and your sluts." I said. He nodded and I started off to Kendall's house. "Wait....My sluts. What is that supposed to mean?" He asked me. "Nothing....." I said. "You better not be talking cuz you don't know me." He said. "Huh? Your right how about we hang out tomorrow with your so called friends." I said. "Fine with me." He said. I came to a stop at Kendall's house. We got out and walked inside. "Well....I'm leaving you so bye." I said as I pushed through the crowd of people. I bumped into Kendall. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I said back. "Do you want a drink?" He asked. "Sure." I said. He pulled me out of the crowd and gave me a cup. "Thanks." I said. "No prob." i drunk about ten cups and I was wobbling now. Kendall grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs into the last empty room because the others were occupied at the moment. He shut the door behind and locked it.I Hardly could see because my eye sight was burly. He walked up to me and started kissing my neck. "S...Stop Kendall." I said but he just kept going. I tried pushing him but he came back and pined me down on the bed. I tried to fight but I couldn't when I was drunk. I heard the door kick in and I saw a burly image of a boy with black hair but then I passed out.

Chapter three

I woke with a huge head ache. I looked around and I was in my room. I got up and just remembered that I was supposed of pick Victoria up. I called her cell phone and she picked up. "I'm so sorry Victoria. I had to take care of something last night and forgot to call you." I said. "It's okay. My cousin came in last night from North Dakota so I couldn't go anyway. I have to go bye." Bye." I hung up the phone and laid it down on my bed. I put on short shorts, a white shirt,black short jacket, black converse, and a black sequined triangle scarf. I walked downstairs to Alex and Vanessa on the counter making out. I walk into the kitchen, crabbed a box of cocoa puffs, poured it into a bowl, also poured milk into the bowl, and started eating it. "Oh. I'm sorry I didn't see you guys. Am I irrupting you guys?" I said in a nice bitchy tone. "Yes. Now leave." Vanessa said. "No. Your not." I heard Alex say. "Oh OK. I have plans anyway so I'll leave you two alone." I stood up and Alex stared at me up and down. I rolled my eyes and walk into the living room. I heard stomping go passed me and Vanessa screaming,"YOU NEVER SPEND TIME WITH ME!" I turned around to a not caring Alex. "So you wanted to know me. Let's begin with my hang out." He grabbed his skateboard and walked to the door. "Are you just going to sit there or are you coming?" He asked me. I got up and grabbed my skateboard out of the plant by the door. "Wait. You skateboard." He said. "Yeah. My Ex got me into skateboarding back in New York." I put on a fake smile and tried not to frown. He walked to the street and put his skateboard down. He put his foot on it and I walked over beside him. I dropped my skateboard down and put my foot down. We started down the hill to Skateboard Freedom

. He stopped his skateboard and flipped it up to his hand. I did the same and we walked inside. He waved to a group of scary but hot looking guys. We walked over to them. "Who's the chick, Alex?" A boy with dirty blond hair and brown eyes said. "Oh that's Avery. She's living with me because her mother got a promotion here" Alex said. "Hi. I'm Samuel." The dirty blond said. "That's Zane." Samuel pointed to a boy with black hair and green eyes. "The boy next to him is Zachary. My best friend." Alex said as he pointed to a light brown hair boy with dark brown eyes. "And last Eli." Alex pointed to a boy with black hair, dark brown highlights, and greenish blue eyes. "Hey." I said. They all greeted me and soon after that they were skateboarding. I watched them and had to admit they were good. Kendall walked over to me and sat down next to me. "Hey baby." He put his hand around my waist and I started to feel sick to my stomach. I moved his hand away from me and scudded over. "What's wrong Baby?" He asked me. I stood up. "Let's get two things straight. One I'm not your baby. Two stay the hell away from me." I snapped at him. Alex and his crew turned to us. He stood up in my face. "No one. I mean no one every tells Kendall off." He said in a treating tone. "Well I just did." I said while smiling. Alex walked over to Kendall. "Is this pathetic guy bothering you, Avery?" Alex asked. "No not anymore." I said. Kendall looked pissed. He grabbed his skateboard and walked out of the door. I sighed in relief and sat back down. Zane sat beside me on the left side and Eli on my right. Alex's phone starts ringing so he picks it up. "Hello." He says into the phone. He covers the phone and says,"I have to take this. It's Vanessa." He walked over to a empty corner and started talking again. "So Avery....If you have a board why aren't you skateboarding." Eli asked me. "I guess I'm not in the mood to skateboard." I said as I put my head on Eli's shoulder. Alex walks back over to us and says,"Vanessa wants me to spend time with her tonight so you guys can hang out with Avery." He said. "Did you even tell her yet Alex?" Zachary asked Alex. "No but I guess I have to. The guys are staying with us and you might have to share a room Avery." "Um....OK." I said. WHY?!?!?! Why do I have to share a room with one of the scary but hot kind but dangerous guys ever. I sighed and we all headed home. When we got there Alex nearly freaked out because he was going to be late and Vanessa will torturer him. We all laughed when Alex fell as he made his way to his car. As soon as he drove outta sight we sat down on the couches in the living room. "Who wants to to play truth or dare?" Samuel asked bored out of his mind. We all nodded and sat down. "But there's only one girl and that would be weird having one girl." Zachary said. "Your right. I'll call Jennifer." I heard Nick say as he sat down. "I guess I'll call Victoria." I said as I pulled my phone out. "I'll call my girlfriend Kayla." Zane said. Soon after we called some people over. The door bell rang. I got up and walked to the door. I opened the door. Jennifer, Kayla, Sarah, and last to come in was Victoria. I hugged her and we both sat down. Jennifer sat across from Nick, Sarah sat beside Zachary,and Kayla sat beside Samuel. Kayla had a thing for Samuel even though she was dating Zane. I rolled my eyes and Nick started first. "Zachary. Truth or dare?" He asked Zachary. "Dare." He said. "I dare you to kiss......Samuel." I would of burst out laughing but I have to be nice. Zachary and Samuel looked disgusted but they picked each other on the lips ,and sat back down. Zachary turn! Let's see who the Victim is. "Avery. Truth or dare?" He asked me. DARN IT! TRUTH! NO WAIT! DARE! I DON'T KNOW! "Truth." I said. "How much trouble have you ever been in?" He asked me. "Um.....I went to Juvenile court for doing something I must not tell you guys." I said. "Zane. Truth or dare?" I asked him. "Dare." Zane said. "I dare you to kiss Victoria for two minutes straight. Tongue and all." I smirked as she looked at me with her 'what did you do' face. Zane shrugged and lean in and so didn't Victoria. They began kissing and I looked at Kayla, which was admiring Samuel and not caring that Zane was kissing Victoria. I was pissed now. How could she not be mad?! Unless she's planing to hurt Zane and crush his heart. Two minutes was up and I didn't tell them to stop. When the timer hit three minutes I said,"OK. Stop." They wiped their mouths and sat back down. "That was longer than Two minutes AVERY." She whispered/yelled in my ear. "I know." I smirked. "Avery. "Truth or dare?" Zane asked me. "Dare." I slipped out saying. "I dare you to make out with Samuel." YES! Time to make Kayla mad. ONLY FOR VICTORIA AND ZANE'S SAKE! I stood up and walked over to Samuel and we started to make out. I could see Kayla getting mad real easy and Zane saw the way Kayla was acting. I know he was trying to ignore her but that's his girlfriend how could he ignore her. We stopped making out and I sat back down. "OK. I gotta go." Kayla and Jennifer said at the same time. Jennifer ran out of the house and never gave Nick a goodbye nor a hug. Kayla did the same with Zane. I saw Sarah get up and leave. "Hey. Do you mind if I stay tonight?" Victoria asked me. YES! MAYBE I'll get my own ROOM! SINCE VICTORIA MIGHT OF SAVED ME! "Sure." I said. Alex walked into the house and slammed the door. "OH no...He's pissed." I heard Samuel whisper. I had to enjoy this moment so I started being a bitch. "Your usual happy when you get home after seeing Vanessa. Did you not get laid?" I asked him with a smirk. Zachary tugged on my shirt. "Don't Avery." He whispered into my ear. "No it's alright." I said. "Screw you Avery." Alex said. "You would." I said. "As if you ever would even try you virgin." I heard him mumble under his breath. I felt tears trying to escape but I held them in. I frowned and ran upstairs. "What's with her?" Zachary asked. "Who even knows? Who would even care?" Alex said

&&Alex's POV (NEW POV!!!)&&
"Screw you Avery." I said. "You would." She said. "As if you ever would even try you virgin." I mumbled under my breath. She frowned and ran upstairs. "What's with her?" Zachary asked. "Who even knows? Who would even care?" I said in a harsh tone. "We do because Vanessa goes and pisses you off doesn't give you the right to hurt Avery. Alex" He's right I don't have to hurt Avery over what happened between me and Vanessa. I sighed and nodded. "Your right Zachary. I'll go tell her a apology." I sighed and walked up to her door. I was about to knock but I heard crying coming from within her room. I knocked and the crying stopped. "Avery! Can I talk to you?" I asked. "NO. GO AWAY!" She yelled. "Come on please." I said. "Fine." I heard the door unlock and I walk in. I shut the door behind and sat beside her on the bed. "Sorry. Vanessa pissed me off and I have no right of putting my anger on you Avery." I said. "It's okay. I just over acted." She said. "No Avery. I over did it. Did I make you cry?" He asked me. "Um...NO. Why'd you ask?" She asked me. "I heard you crying." "Oh. I...Well I..." "It's okay. Explain it when you want to Avery." I said. We caught caught each others eyes and stared into each others. I leaned in to kiss her but there was a knock on the door. I snapped out of it and Victoria came in. "Sorry to irrupt you but Nick's pissed off. When I say pissed of I mean in the killer way." Victoria said. "What happened now?" I groaned as we walked downstairs. Nick was held back by Eli, Zachary, Zane, Samuel, and a girl I haven't met yet. "What is going on?" I asked. "Jennifer. She's cheating on Nick with some new boy at school and now Nick wants to kill him." Zachary said as he tried not to loose his grip on Nick. "What new boy?!" Avery almost screamed. "A boy with Black hair and dark blue eyes. He came from New York just like you." Zachary told Avery. "GOD DAMN IT!" She yelled. "Language Avery." I heard Samuel say. "Sorry." Avery said. "Why are you so pissed at the new boy?" I asked Avery. "I'm not!" She lied.

&&Avery's Pov&&
I ran into my room and locked the door behind. I started crying over what Alex said to me. I heard knocking and I stopped crying. "Avery! Can I talk to you?" Alex asked. "NO. GO AWAY!" I yelled. "Come on please." He said. "Fine." I unlocked the door and he walked in. He shut the door behind and sat beside me my bed. "Sorry. Vanessa pissed me off and I have no right of putting my anger on you Avery." Alex said. "It's okay. I just over acted." I said. "No Avery. I over did it. Did I make you cry?" He asked me. "Um...NO. Why'd you ask?" I asked him. "I heard you crying." "Oh. I...Well I..." "It's okay. Explain it when you want to Avery." He said. We caught caught each others eyes and stared into each others. He leaned in to kiss me but there was a knock on the door. We snapped out of it and Victoria came in. "Sorry to irrupt you but Nick's pissed off. When I say pissed of I mean in the killer way." Victoria said. "What happened now?" Alex groaned as we walked downstairs. Nick was held back by Eli, Zachary, Zane, Samuel, and a girl I haven't met yet. "What is going on?" Alex asked. "Jennifer. She's cheating on Nick with some new boy at school and now Nick wants to kill him." Zachary said as he tried not to loose his grip on Nick. "What new boy?!" I almost screamed. "A boy with Black hair and dark blue eyes. He came from New York just like you." Zachary told Avery. "GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled. How could he?! He knew I moved because of him and now he is here to make my life hell all over again. "Language Avery." I heard Samuel say. "Sorry." I said. "Why are you so pissed at the new boy?" Alex asked me. "I'm not!" I lied. "Sure you are." Alex said as he walked over to Nick. "Calm down. Nick." Alex said to Nick who calmed down just a little. Everyone made sure he was calm before letting him go. Nick sat down and put his arm over his eyes as he laid back. UGGG! I Feel the same way Nick. Tyler is here and I have to make sure to make his life hell not the other way around. I sighed as Nick and I suffered from the same boy who is going to ruin our lives. Hey we finally have something in common. Next thing you know Nick finally got over it and had a plan so Did I. "Well be better get a good night sleep for tomorrow." We all nodded. I made my way upstairs with Victoria behind me. "There's no more rooms. Just mine and Zane's." Alex said. "I'll go to Zane's." Victoria kinda grinned and freaked out as she walked into Zane's room. "I guess I'm stuck with you." I said. He walked to his room and I followed. I walked in and he shut the door behind. AH! I have to sleep in the same bed as him! I moaned quietly were he couldn't hear me but I kinda felt a little happy about it inside. I slid under the covers and I felt the other side of the bed weight down. I heard a deep breathe, which meant Alex was asleep. I sighed and Alex put his arms around me. AH! HE'S ASLEEP! HOW CAN HE DOES THIS?! UNLESS HE DREAMS OF.....I laid there awhile. HIS ABS ARE ON ME! THIS IS SO NOT HELPING the fact we almost kissed earlier. I sighed and finally fell asleep.

Chapter Four

I woke up hugging Alex. I screamed,"AH!" I jumped up and Alex woke up. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "Nothing." I quickly looked away as I blushed. "Okay....Well get ready cuz I'm not waiting for you." He warned me and walked into his bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and I walked out of his room to mine. I opened the door and Eli was sleeping on my bed. "Awww... How cute?" I said out loud and then threw my soccer ball at him. He fell off my bed and moaned. "What the....?" He said as he got up. "Oh hey.....Avery." He said as he walked out of my room. I walked in and Victoria followed behind. "Do you got any clothes I can borrow?" Victoria asked me. "Yep. Over there in my closet." I gave a smirk and walked over to my closet with her. I grabbed a white long sleeve shirt that covered my butt, black ripped skinny jeans, a black sequined triangle scarf, my black boots, and about 20 different kinds of bracelets on my right arm. I took out my Straightener and waited for it to heat up. I started straightening my hair and I was done. I unplug the straightener and walked downstairs. Most of the boys drooled over me besides Nick, Zane, and Alex. I rolled my eyes and grabbed an apple. I saw Victoria walk downstairs. She was wearing black short shorts, a white a long shirt that covered her butt, a black jacket, laced heels, and a black sequined triangle scarf like mine. It caught Zane's attention he drooled over her. I laughed and Alex grabbed My wrist and drags me out to his car. We got in and he started the car up. I felt eyes on me and they were Alex's. I looked at him. "What?" I asked. "You look p....Good." He said. Hey you have to at least give him credit for trying to say pretty but I get it having a girlfriend is like a girl having a boyfriend you can't say Hot, Sexy, pretty, beautiful, and not even gorgeous. He started toward. My heart started to race every second we got close to school because of Tyler.
When we got there My heart pounded faster every time I look at people trying not to panic I got out. I started to walk inside when Tyler broke my path. "Oh hey....Avery." he said. "Hey Tyler." I said. "Missed me." He said. I rolled my eyes and said,"In your dreams Tyler." I snapped at him. "In my dreams you surrender." He gave me a smirk which made me want to kill him. I snarled at him and said,"Do us all a favor and slip into something more comfortable like a Coma?" I said. "Harsh much. Who's the Hot shot?" He said as he looked at Alex. "None of your business Tyler. You should go back to your slut." I said. "What happens if I don't?" He asked me. "You'd wished you never meet me again." I said as I hit Tyler's shoulder as I passed by. Alex followed me curious of what just happened. "Avery What just happened back there?" Alex asked me. "Nothing." I said. "Tell me." He demanded. "No." I said angry now. "Avery! Tell me now." He demanded again. I turned around to his face. "NO.You can't make me." I said. "You wanna bet....." He said. "In your dreams." I said. "In my dreams? I win the bet." He smirked. "Fine. I bet you can't make me tell you what happened back there." I said. "If I do you have to do everything I say for a week." He said. "And if you don't you have to run around the house in your boxer every time you come home even when Vanessa there for a week." I smirked. "It's on." Alex said. Vanessa grabbed Alex's hand and dragged him off. I rolled my eyes walked into school. I bump into Chris. "Oh sorry- Hi Chris." I said but he looked bothered. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Umm...Have you seen Nick?" He asked. "NO. Why?" I asked. "I have to tell him that I'd be back staying with him." he said. "ok if I see him. I'll give him the message." I said and he walked off. I bump into Jennifer. "Watch it loser." She said. "I'm shocked you even showed your face here." I said. "Tyler told me all your dirty little secrets so you better watch your back Avery." Jennifer smirked and walked off. I wasn't scared of Jennifer but now I know I would be. Tyler knew every single secret about me and now Jennifer knows them to. Tyler and Jennifer aren't stupid but they are clueless. I knew every single secret about Tyler and One big Secret that could ruin Jennifer's life. I'm not that evil but If they cross the line I'm not the one going down. I walked to first period. Yes Jennifer, Victoria, Alex, Vanessa, and Tyler are in my first period. I sat down beside Victoria and I saw Jennifer shoot a evil look at me but ignored her. I started writing down math notes when a note slid on my desk. I opened it and it was from Jennifer.
Jennifer: Oh yeah I'm getting back together with Nick and you will not tell him I'm dating Tyler because if you do I will tell the whole school. This is your alone warning.

I wrote,"Whatever......" I threw the note at Jennifer and she opened it. She looked at me and smiled. What she smiling about? If she thinks that since she knows my secrets she can control my life shes wrong. The bell rang after two periods passed. It was lunch time. I walked out of the class room and met up with Victoria. "I've been meaning to ask. Who's this cousin of yours?" I asked her. "Oh. Her names Jaycee call her Jay or JD. She's at her locker. Do you want to meet her?" She asked me. "Sure." I said. We walked over to a girl putting away her books. "Hey Jay." Victoria said. She got up. She had Dark brown hair with light brown highlights and greenish grey eyes. She wore black glasses and she was pretty. "Jay this is Avery My best friend. Avery this is Jay." She greeted us to each other. "Hi. It's so nice to meet you." Jay said. "Yeah." I said. We walked to lunch and sat down at the same table we always sat down at. "So Avery....Who's the boys over there staring at you?" Jay asked me. I turned to see Alex and his crew. They were pointing and waving at me. I rolled my eyes and turned to Jay. "That would be Alex's crew and also my friends. I guess I can say that." I shrugged and Kendall sat beside me. He put his arm around my waist and I slammed my pizza on my tray.

&&Jay's pov&& (NEW POV!!!!!)
A boy sat down next to Avery and put his arm around her waist. Who was this guy? Why was Avery mad? Avery slammed her pizza on her tray. I saw Alex and his crew turn to her. They mouthed 'Kendall?' and then 'oh crap.' Avery grabbed his arm and twisted it. He got up and his face told it all. He was pissed. Avery got in his face. "I told you to stay the hell away form me." She snapped at him. "And I said No one tells Kendall off." He snapped back. Avery was about to punch him. A scary but hot looking boy with black hair grabbed her arm. He shake his head no. "Eli. Let me go." Avery demanded. "No Avery. his not worth it." Eli said. Was this Eli dude her boyfriend or something. I couldn't stop staring at him. Man he was cute. I almost drool until he shot a glare at me. I snapped out of it and looked away. He smiled as he walked back over to his table. I blushed and Victoria laughed at me. I punched her in the shoulder and laughed with her.

&&Avery's pov&&
As Kendall stomped off I sat back down. "Sorry about that Jay. That was Kendall A boy you don't want to be around." I said. "It's okay." She smiled. "So...Jay....You like him." Victoria said. "Who?" Jay asked clueless. "Eli." Victoria said. "Psh, No......" She lied. "Your lying." Victoria said. "Psh, No I'm not." she lied again. "You say Psh every time you lie Jay." Victoria said. "OK. I do." Jay said. "I could talk to him for you." i said. "You will." "Yeah. I heard proms coming up to so maybe if you guys get together you can go with each other." I said. "Sounds good." She smiled as she feel in a deep gaze over Eli. The bell rang and it was time for P.E. Victoria, Jaycee, Me, Alex, Eli, Chris, Vanessa, and Zane were in this class together. I bumped into someone like I always do. "Sorry." I said as I looked up to see Chris. "Why do I always bump into you?" I asked him. "I dunno. Maybe Destiny." He joked. "Hmmm....Maybe." I joked along. Chris's girlfriend stared at us and walked up to me. Oh yeah Sarah is Chris's girlfriend. "Hi Avery." She said. ""Hi." I said. "So what you guys laughing about?" She asked jealous. "Nothing." Chris and I said at the same time. Victoria called my name. "Well I'm being called." I said as I walked over to Victoria. "What?" I asked. "Coach said we're playing dodge ball." I nod. YES! time to make Vanessa and Alex cry. If Alex has any emotions. I shrugged and the coach walked out of his office to the middle of the gym. "OK. Two captains. Hmmm... Let's see. Ms. Salvatore and Ms Hughes." She pointed to me and Vanessa. We walked over the coach. I was on his right side and Vanessa on the left. Vanessa picked Alex, Eli, and Jaycee. I picked Victoria, Zane, And Chris. "OK. Four on four today." He yelled. He walked back to his office. I sighed as Vanessa hit the ball and hit flied at me. Chris pushed me out of the way and he got out. "Chris! What the heck?" I yelled. "Hey. I gotta protect the pretty girls." He said. I blushed and Picked up and ball. I hit the ball hard and it got Eli out. Vanessa hit a ball really hard and it was heading for Victoria. Zane pushed her and they fell to the floor. Zane's arms were wrapped around her and they were blushing. They got back up and I hit the ball at Alex. He dodge it and threw one back at me. He missed and I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and Zane got him out. I laughed at him while he sat down. Vanessa threw a ball at me but it end up hitting Victoria. Zane got Jaycee out and Vanessa got Zane out. Just you and me Vanessa. I picked up a ball and she did the same. She pointed to Alex and made a weird face. I finally understood. Wow she's such a idiot. I pointed to Alex to and made a face that looked like I was making out. She dropped her mouth and I threw the ball at her. When it hit her she stomped off. I tried not to laugh. I caught Alex's eye. He was staring at me like I did something wrong. He walked over to me. "Did you point to me making a make out face?" He asked me. "Hey, A girl has to win some how." I said with a smirk. "Yeah by making my girlfriend think I was cheating on her." He said. "Hmmm... I never really liked her so I really don't care." I said. "Aw...Looks like someone is jealous." He said. "Nah..." I said. I flicked him on the head as I walked off over to Chris. Vanessa walked over to Alex and hugged him like I hurt her. "Thanks." I said to Chris. "Your welcome. Wait why am I welcoming you?" "You pushed me out of the way when the Vanessa threw it at me." "Oh no prob." My heart started racing. WHAT THE HECK?! Am I falling for CHRIS?! Hmmm....Well he is cute and he is my type. WHAT AM I SAYING?! I sighed. "What's wrong?" Chris asked me. "Oh nothing." I said. "OK. Well Sarah's waiting for me." I nod as he walks off holding hands with Sarah. WHY CHRIS?! I dunno.... Get over yourself Avery. Your life is playing with you. First you almost kissed Alex and then CHRIS! Why?! Alex broke my thoughts and I jumped. "What?" I asked. "Oh. I'll see you at home with the other guys." He said. "Oh ok." I said.
It was the last period and the bell rang. WOHO! HOME HERE I COME! I just wanted to argue with one of the guys or just be mean to them. I ran into Kendall and jumped five feet back. "AH!" I yelled. My heart raced for a little bit and then I said,"Sorry. Kendall you scared me out of my thoughts." "Yeah whatever...." He groaned. "What's your problem? Your usual trying to grab me or something." I said. "That's the thing Avery. I don't mean to do it. It's just what.....What that bitch wants me to." He said. "Who?" I asked/demanded. "Vanessa." He muttered. "Why would she-" I stopped and grinned. "Oh...." I said. "Thanks Kendall. By the way who do you like?" I asked. "Um... No one." He lied. "Uh-huh sure. Tell me. Please....." I pouted. "Fine. I like Sarah but you know she's dating Chris." "Yeah I know that. Well good luck." I said as I ran outside and road my skateboard home.
I got home to Vanessa and Alex making out like always, Nick talking to Chris, Zachary sleeping on the chair, Victoria trying not to drool over Zane, Kayla obsessing over Samuel, Jaycee trying not to stare at Eli, and that girl from the other day. I put my skateboard down and walked over to her. Oh yeah Victoria stays with us since her mother keep getting drunk and her father quit his job and so doesn't her cousin now. I have my buddies all around now. "Hey. Never met you before. I'm Avery. You are?" I said. "Shayla Parker." She said. "Your Nick and Alex's sister?" I asked. "Yep but half sister not full." She smiled. "Oh." I said. I walked over to Victoria. "Hey V." I said as I sat down on the couch. "Hey." She said. Alex sat beside me and Vanessa sat on his lap. So awkward...... I looked at them and Vanessa saw me. She started making out with Alex again. I turned to Victoria. She nodded and grabbed Jaycee's wrist. "Let's have a party tonight." I heard Nick say. "Yeah sounds good." Alex said. "But first we have to go shopping." Nick said. Alex nodded. "Chris, Alex, Victoria, Avery, and Zane get the decorations. Vanessa, Eli, Jaycee, Samuel, and Kayla get food. Me and Zachary will get the drinks." Nick said.
We all came home with food,drinks, and decorations. We finished decorating and putting the food out. I sat down beside Victoria on the couch. The door bell rang and Alex opened the door. Vanessa lunge herself at Alex as Jennifer did with Nick. I saw the impression on Nick's face. He was mad and surprised at the same time. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of Victoria's water. I got up and the bell rang again. I opened the door. Kendall, his crew, some hippy, a couple strangers, then cheerleaders, the football team, my soccer team, and Tyler. Wait a minute. TYLER! I stopped him. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Joining the party." He said. "No your not." I snapped. "It's a free country Avery." He said. "It's a state not a country." I said and held in the last word I was going to say. He smirked and walked in. I shrugged and closed the door. hehe.....I should be evil. I grabbed a empty wine glass and poured water into it. I walked around for awhile with the wine glass. I pretended to wobble. Kendall walked over to me. "Hey. Avery DO you want to go upstairs?" He asked. I stopped wobbling and looked at him with a angry face. "No Get the point. I never want to be with you KENDALL." I snapped and said yelled Kendall. "Wait your drunk so you don't know what your saying." He chuckled. "No your wrong." I said. I grabbed his cup and poured it on his head. "See. Do you get the picture now?" I asked. He groaned and stomped off. I laughed and bump into Chris. "Oh sorry-" I said as I looked up. "See. We always bump into each other." I said. "Yeah. Have you seen Sarah?" He asked. "Actually no." I said. "Anyway. why are you out here and not in there dancing?" He asked. "I dunno. Well I will be back down after I grab some thing" I said. He nodded and I walked to my door. I opened it to Sarah kissing Tyler. "Opps Hope I didn't irrupt you guys." I said as I tried not to kick both their asses because Sarah is dating Chris and Tyler I just hate him. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my skateboard. I look at Sarah. "Enjoy this while you can soon a later I will tell Chris." I said. "No." She said jumping up out of Tyler's lap. "I mean No I'll tell him to his face and your going to watch." She said as she dragged Tyler downstairs. I followed behind. I walked over to Chris and stood beside him. Sarah walked up to him and said,"Chris. We have nothing here." "Where is this going, Sarah?" He asked. "Um....Don't you see Me and Tyler. We are a couple. We've been together since he first came here." She smiled and kissed Tyler's cheek. Chris walked over to Tyler and punched him. "Tyler!" Sarah yelled. "Can I slap her now?" I asked. "No. She's not worth slapping." He said as he walked off. "You deserve it Tyler." I said with a big grin on my face. I walked back upstairs to my room and shut my door behind. I locked it and laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling. "Haha they are going to have the worst hangover ever." I thought to myself and then Victoria slipped to mine. CRAP! I got up and unlocked my door. I bumped into Alex, Who was drunk and in a bad mood. "Watch it!" He yelled and almost fell over. I grabbed his arm and put it around me. I packed him to his room and laid him down on the bed. He passed out just like that. I closed the door behind me and saw Nick. "Are you Sober?" I asked him. "Yeah. I'm not in the party mood I guess." He said. "And your the on that put this party together." I said. "Yeah. Seems weird." He said. "Have you seen Victoria by any chance?" I asked him. "Umm...She's downstairs dancing on the counter." He said. "Wait...Did you say dancing on a counter?" I asked him. "Yeah." I nod and run downstairs to see Victoria on the counter dancing. I laughed and got her down. "Aw....YOu ruined it A." She said. "Aww...Too bad." I said. I dragged her to my room. "Stay! Just stay Victoria. STAY!." I said/yelled. I walked out of my room and back downstairs to find Jaycee. I found her! She was being carried by Eli. "Hi Eli. Can you put her in my room?" I asked. "Yeah sure." He said as he walked upstairs to my room. He put her down on my bed. I saw Victoria passed out on my bed so I had no where to sleep. I moaned and Eli dragged me to Alex's room. "Sorry Avery but this is the only free room. Zane's room is taken by him, Nick is in his, Chris is more likely punching the wall, Zachary doesn't allow girls in his, Samuel is drunk, which means he will do something to you when he is sleeping like punch you or worse, and Shayla's room it would just be awkward having to sleep with a girl you don't know nothing about." He said. "What about you?" I asked. "Ummm....I can't." He said. "Why?" "NO reason." "Lemme guess you never sleep with a girl or you like someone." He nodded and walked off. I groaned and walked into Alex's room. I walked over to him and moves his body over. I slid under the covers and feel asleep.

Chapter five

&&Avery's DREAM&&
I woke up in a meadow of damp grass. I rose and looked around. The sun was shining more brighter than ever, the birds chirped along making a beautiful melody, the air breeze hit my face ever so lightly, and the smell of flowers in my nose. I felt like I was in heaven until that all changed. The meadow died and turned into dirt with a road, the sun was gone, crows started to Caw, the wind became strong making me sway, and dirt felled the air. I heard shouting behind me. "AVERY!" Someone yelled as soon as the air of dirt disappeared I saw Tyler and his gang coming at me. I felt weakness in my knees. I stood there for awhile until I snapped out of it and began to run. I kept running and running. I stood in front of a cliff. Tyler and his crew was standing right behind me. "TYLER! Stay the hell away from me." I kinda yelled. He shot a smirk at me and said,"Get her." His crew surrounded me and tried to drag me away but I fought back. They got mad so they pushed me and I fell off the cliff. I was about to hit the bottom but I woke up. "TYLER!" I yelled. I was breathing hard and sweating. I looked over to my side and Alex wasn't there. I walked to my room and opened the door. No Jay nor Victoria. I shut my door and locked it. I took a bid breathe and walked over to my closet. I grabbed ripped black skinny jeans, a blood red long sleeve shirt, a black and red laced triangle scarf, and my converse. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I put the clothes on my bed and took off my clothes. I threw them in the hamper and got into the shower. I thought about what happened back in New York. I started crying and sat down in the shower.
[20 minutes later]
I walk downstairs fully dressed feeling fresh. I walked into a kitchen filled with everyone drinking coffee. I laugh and they groan. "Stop. Just don't laugh Avery." Zachary said. I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. I slammed the door shut and they groaned louder. I opened a cabinet with glasses in them. I grabbed a glass, shut the cabinet hard, and laughed. "AVERY! STOP doing that." I heard Victoria finally yell something. I clapped, which made them groan even louder. "Teach you guys by drinking." I chuckled. I poured the milk into my glass and put the milk back in the fridge. I shut the door slowly but they still groaned. I rolled my eyes. "Drama queens." I said as I sipped my glass of milk. "Hey don't even go there. I have something over you." Alex said. "Like what, Man whore." I said. "I'm not a man whore and I know you have something your hiding but not telling us." "Psh Nah....." I said as I took another sip of my milk. I shrugged and heard the doorbell. I heard them groan as I opened the door. A mail man handed me a letter. I closed the door and the letter was for me. I shrugged and sat down on the couch. I read the front of the envelope. "My Ex best friend?" I wondered why she sent me a letter. I opened the letter.
The letter
Dear Avery,
You must hate my guts but I'm very sorry for what I did. It wasn't right of me to go and do that. I was trying to protect you from him because I cared Avery. I cared about you. I was your best friend until I left my mind behind and broke your heart in half. I was the girl who made you leave. The girl that ruined your life. I hope your happy but i know you can't be with Tyler up there trying to tell you what happened. I set Tyler up. I got this costume boy and he dressed up as Tyler. I set it all up Avery. Tyler loved you and I guess I was Jealous. I'm now popular here in New York. I have boys all over me and sluts wish they were me. I'm glad your heart was broken because I wouldn't be like this now. With you here I would always be a dork, nerd, geek, or the low level loser. I hope your life there in Florida is horrible because mine is better than ever.
Love not so much, your old friend Penny.

When I finished reading the letter I started to feel tears run down my face. Victoria sat down beside me. "What's wrong Avery?" She asked me as she wiped the tears away. "Nothing just old memories." I lied and tears run down my face even more. I got up and ran upstairs to my room. I shut the door behind and laid down on my bed.

&&Alex's pov&&
I heard running going upstairs. I groaned and walked into the living room. Damn never will I ever get that drunk again. I can't even remember last night. Victoria looked worried. "What's worrying you Victoria?" I asked. "Avery...." She said. "What's the matter with Avery?" I asked her. "She needs someone to talk to." Victoria said. "I will go talk to her." I said as I held my head as I walked up to her room. I walked into her room. "Sorry for not knocking but my head hurts." I said as I saw her crying into her pillow. I closed the door behind me and sat down beside her. "Are you okay?" I asked Avery. She didn't reply. I laid down beside her and hugged her. "It's okay Avery. Anything that's bothering my dear Avery I will take care of." She laughed at what I said. "What?" I asked. "Dear?" She laughed and her warm breathe hit my neck. It gave me chills down my back and my heart raced. "So what Happened?" She handed me a letter. I read it and looked at Avery. "She's Pathetic Avery. Your more better than she will ever be. Don't listen to a letter from a girl who broke your heart or made you think that. She just hurt herself more than she hurt you." I said. Hey I actually told someone something useful. She smiled and sat up. I wiped her tears away. "At least I say something useful." I said. "Yeah." "Hey What is that suppose to me?" "Nothing." We caught each others eyes and we was about to kiss when a knock at the door irrupted us.

&&Avery's pov&&
We was about to kiss and a knock at the door irrupted us. Thank god. I don't like Alex that way yet gain we almost kissed twice. "Who is it?" I asked. "Vanessa." I sighed in relief but Alex took it wrong. "I'm coming." He said as he looked at me once more than opening the door and kissing Vanessa in front of me. I rolled my eyes. "Get a room you two." I said as I pushed through them to go downstairs. I got to the last step and saw Victoria freaking out. "What's wrong V?" I asked her. "NO. NO. NO. NO. Avery. I did something that I can't take back and it happened last night." She said. "Calm and tell me." I sat down beside her on the couch. "I kiss Zane." She blurted out. "Really?" I said happy and surprised. "Yeah. I just got my memory back and you know the rest." "Does he remember?" I asked. "I dunno. Can you try to ask him with ask him straight?" She asked me. "Yeah." I got up and walked to the kitchen and Zane was sitting on a stool. I sat down on the stool next to him. "I heard the party was awesome. If I was enjoying it." I said. "It was awesome." He admitted. "SO what happened last night if you remember anything?" " I remember somethings but one of them I can't stop thinking about." "Do tell?" "Well......I kissed Victoria and I can't stop thinking about her. I never felt this way with Kayla. I'm worried that Victoria doesn't feel this way." "Zane. Victoria feels the same. She's shy and hard to get but she's your type. I can tell." He smiled and stood up. "You gotta think smart and not.......Alex smart." We laughed and Victoria walked into the kitchen. He straightened up and tried not to stare at Victoria. "I have to go take care of Kayla business and Zane you do yours." I winked at him and walked into the living room.

&& Zane's pov&&
My heart raced as Victoria got closer. She put her hand on my shoulder and my heart nearly jumped out of me. I'm in love with Victoria and I know it. I have to be smart. "Yes?" I said as I looked into her eyes. Man was I freaking out. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "Oh yeah. I'm fine. I have to go." I said and paced out of the kitchen with Avery looking at me disappointed. She told Kayla already who stormed over to me. "HOW COULD YOU?!" She yelled in my face. I shrugged. "I LOVE YOU!" She yelled. "I'm confused here." I said. "You finally broke up with me for a girl that's your type." She said happy. She jumped up and down. Samuel walked downstairs with his hat over his dirty blond hair. She ran over and kissed him. "I fell weird out by that but also happy." I said. Victoria walked into the living room with a confused face. "What's going on? DO you not notice Kayla?" She asked me. "Yeah I notice. She's in love with Samuel and I'm in love with...." I begin to walk out the door to dodge the name but Avery turned me back around. "You." I said. She had a moment of love in her eyes but it turned into cold ice. "Why?" She asked. I took a deep breath. "I love it when you blush, I love it when your eyes sparky when the sun shined in them, when someone makes you made and you punch them in the shoulder, when your happy and smile so big, I love your hair, and I love your face because I can see who you are and then I know who I fell in love with. "Aw....I'm ruining the moment aren't I." Avery said. We both nod. She smiles and kisses me. My whole body felt warm. I love Victoria and no body will never come between us.

&&Alex's pov&&
I walked downstairs to Kayla kissing Samuel and Victoria kissing Zane. What is this kiss a random boy day? I sighed and saw Avery. She looked at me then she looked away. Vanessa hugged me from behind and I turned around. We kissed and she hugged me tighter. "What is it Vanessa?" I asked her. "I have to go home today so I can't stay." She said as she walked out of my arms. I nod and she walks out of the door. Zachary and nick walked into the living room talking about the prank they pulled. "Haha Alex and Avery will never know that we made them sleep with each other twice-" Nick got cut off by Avery. "What?" She said in a anger tone. This is going to be good. "Ummm....Hey Avery." Nick said. "You prank me to sleep with Alex twice." She was pissed off and I'm on her side to. "No.....Yeah." Zachary said. "Pay back is a bitch. Time for revenge boys." She said with a evil sexy smirk. Wait...Did I just say Sexy smirk? They looked scared for the first time. They ran passed me and ran to their rooms. She looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Was you in this..." "No. I'm as mad as you." I said. "Good." She said as she walked passed me with a evil grin. I rolled my eyes and walked to my room.

I walked to my room and shut the door behind. Hehe... I grabbed a box that was underneath my bed and opened it up. Hair dye of all colors was in the box with other stuff. I smiled as I pulled out the black hair dye. Nick always loved his blond hair. I wonder what it looks like black. I walked into the bathroom in Nick room and grabbed a bottle of his shampoo. I poured out all of the shampoo and poured the dye inside the bottle. I closed the cap and put it back were it was. There's one thing I know about Nick. He used his shampoo first then he gets out for about five minutes or longer than gets back in the shower. This Black dye only takes six minutes to dry so.....I have to stall him or something. I walked back to my room and shut my door. I jumped on my bed and fell asleep.

Chapter Six

I woke and got ready fast. I ran to a naked Nick and don't worry he had a towel wrapped around him. "Hey Nick. What are ya doing?" I asked him. "Hey Avery. Just taking a quick break before getting back in the shower." He said. "Cool." I said. "Well I better get back in the shower." He said turning to walk back to his room. "Wait!" I yelled. "What?" He asked. "I heard noises in Alex's room." I lied. I couldn't think of anything but I know one thing Nick hates people having sex in the house. Don't know why but he does. "I'll be back." He said walking toward Alex's room. You have to give me credit I am a good liar. I smiled and looked at the clock on the wall. "One more minute..." I smiled evilly as I saw Nick walking back to me. "He was asleep." Nick said. "Oh maybe I heard him snoring." I lied. "OK. I'm getting back in the shower." He said. "OK." I said. Nick walked back to his room. I laughed and walked downstairs. I bumped into Vanessa and she looked pissed. "Watch where your going." She said as she stomped up stairs. I shrug and sit down on the couch. About 2 minutes later I heard yelling or screaming from upstairs. "AVERY! GET YOUR BUTT UP HERE!" He yelled from the top stair. I got up and walked upstairs. "You called me." I said as I looked at him. I started to laugh. "What is up with your hair?" I asked pretending that I didn't do it. "I dunno What do you think what happen. Since you did it." He said. "No I didn't." I lied. "Yes you did." "Yeah I did it." I said with laughter coming on. "Why my hair? Why not Zachary's?" He asked. "Because You love your hair and Zachary loves his face." I said. He groaned and stomped off. I laughed once more and walked back downstairs. I heard beeping outside so I opened the door to find Tyler's car in front of my house. I walked to it and he rolled down the window. "Hey ya need a ride?"" He asked. "Hey and kinda do but why would I ride with you?" I asked him. "Because we need to talk so hop in." he said as he opened the door. "Fine." I said as I got in and shut the door. He started to drive off. "Look about what happen back in our home town. I hadn't done anything it was your old best friend." He said. "I know." I said. "Wait...How?" He asked me. "She told me." "Who told you?" He asked. "Penny." I muttered. "Oh....You know what I hate the name Penny it's stupid and it takes after a tiny piece of copper." Tyler said. "I like the name Penny but now I just hate one penny. I'm not gonna hate all the people named Penny." I said. We talk all the way there. He parked his truck and we got out. He walked to his first period and I did the same. If your wondering what did happen see it was close to prom, I was dating Tyler, my best friend was Penny, and then that changed. See Penny wasn't my childhood friend. I met her when I first moved there but I knew she would turn on me. She didn't just plan to make Tyler look like the cheater. She planed to take the thrown. I mean win prom queen of course. That was the past I just need to get over that. I have new things to look forward to like my new family, home, school, boys, grades, skateboarding, friends, and college. I sit in my seat in the back to avoid Vanessa and her crew. Anyway I need a prank for Zachary. Well he does love his face. Maybe I could use purple dye on it or maybe some sharpies. Man do I love life.....
I walk inside the house. Ugh! I wish I hadn't. "Y'know Alex has a room." I said making a disgusted look at Vanessa. "This is a room." She said. "Whatever...." I mumble as I walked up to my room and got out my stuff once again. OK Purple dye and Sharpies! I put them on my dresser and lay down on my bed. When it's midnight I'm gonna go into Zachary's room and do my thing but right now I got to be feared by Zachary. I got up and walked downstairs. I smiled evilly at Zachary as I walk by and he nearly fell down stairs as he ran up stairs. FUNNY! I walked into the kitchen and sat down on a stool. Nick walked into the kitchen and the other people in the kitchen chuckled a little. Those people were me, Alex, and Victoria. Nick grabbed an apple from the dish on the counter and walked into the living room. Alex was now on the floor laughing along with Victoria. Vanessa walked into the kitchen and dragged Alex away. I laughed and turned to Victoria. I stopped laughing and leaned against the counter. "So...Victoria..What you and Zane be up to?" i asked her making her blush. "That's none of your business." Zane said as he walked in and kissed Victoria on the head. "Fine..." I let out a breath I was holding. I walked out of the kitchen into the living room and sat down on the couch. I wish I hadn't because Alex and Vanessa was getting it on on the chair. I mean they still had clothes on. I fake gagged and said,"Don't you guys got anything better to do besides try to eat each other." I scrunched my nose as Vanessa took off Alex's shirt. "Okay....That's disturbing." I said as I stood up and walked back into the kitchen. "Whatever you do don't go in the living room." I said. "Why?" Zane asked. "Alex. Vanessa. Trying to swallow each other." I said trying not to laugh but we all was laughing. "Thanks for telling us." Victoria said. "Your welcome." I said as I laughed my way upstairs. I walked into my room and jumped into my bed.

Chapter Seven

My eyes shot open to the cold water hitting my body. I looked up to find Alex hovering over me.

"Alex!" I shouted as I jumped out of bed. He began running away from me. I chased after him and within a minute I grabbed his shirt and yanked it toward me. I fell to the ground and he fell on top of me. Good position, I thought. Note the Sarcasm.
We sat there for awhile until a door open and shut. We stood up quickly and walked off into the kitchen.
"So...*fake cough* When Vanessa coming over?" I asked Alex as Victoria and Zane walked into the kitchen.
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason. Just don't wanna put up with her today. That's all."
"That's all?"
"Well too bad she's coming over." He said as he got his orange juice and walked out of the kitchen into the living room. I made a slight groan and picked up a knife. I walked over to Victoria and put it in her hand.
"Kill me. Kill me right now!"
"Avery!" She screeched.
"Come on. Zane, will you do it?"
"No. Of course I won't." He said. I groaned and zombie walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I walked over to Zane and smirked because I just remembered that I was still wet. I sat down on Zane and gave a chuckle.
"Hey. Come on, Avery. Your still wearing those wet clothes." He whined.
"Aw...too bad. I will get off of you if you cancel with Vanessa." I said in a cute voice.
"Come on."
"Then I will not. Shall not. Could not. Never will not. Move off of your lap until you say the words I want to hear."
"Fine. Now get off of me." I jumped off of him and lightly punch his arm.
"Thanks!" I shouted as I ran back upstairs. I walked to my room and sat down on my bed. I laid back and my phone buzzed. I unlocked it and looked at the text.

Tyler: hey. Can I come over today?
Tyler:K. Be over in a bit

Ok then....Tyler wants to hang out, I thought to myself.

Chapter Eight

I looked up to find a pair of Hazel eyes. I finally realized it was Kendall.

"What are you doing my house?!" I yelled-asked him.
"Shhh..."He said as he covered my mouth with his hand. After a few seconds he pulled his hand off of my mouth and then he shut my door.
"I'll ask you one more time. What or why are you in my house?" I asked him.
"I need your help."
"With what?"
"My sister."
"What about her? Wait...your sister?"
"Yes....I have a sister and she's coming home today for her 16th birthday."
"And your point?"
"I need you to help me pick out a birthday gift."
"Really? because you want the person that hates you pick out a gift for your sister."
"You have a point but please. I'll get on my knees and beg."
"Okay...." He got on his knees and started begging. I smirked and said,"Fine. I'll help you."
He got back up and smiled.
"Now leave before someone catches you in my room." I went to turn around but tripped on my bed and landed on top of Kendall on my bed. just then my door opened and I heard a throat clearing.
I stood up quickly and smiled at no other than Nick.
"It's not what it looks like-" he cut me off by saying sure whatever. breakfast is ready. Then he walked off. I sighed and turned to Kendall.
"You might as well use the front door instead." I said as we walked downstairs. As we reached the door a throat cleared and I turned to see my mother.

"Hi. Mom. When did you get back from where ever you have gone." I said.
"Huh? I leave you here for at least a couple weeks to get along with the guys and i find a new guy in the house." She sounded mad.
"Mom, this isn't-" I said but she cut me off.
"Don't." She said as she walked off.
"Okay..." I said. I turned to Kendall.
"There's the door. You know how to use it." I said and then walked off.
I heard a conversation in the kitchen so I stopped at the corner.

"So your saying when you guys were driving a car just came out of now where and hit the car?" A familiar voice said. That must of been nick who said that.

"Yeah...We got put in a hospital for a couple days and the doctors say that I only got a couple bruises here and there. Nothing serious." Jack said.

"What about Avery's mom?" Alex asked.

"The doctor says she got broken wrist, a few scratches on her arm, some bruises..." He continued to say.

"What else?" Nick asked.

"Well there is one more thing that is worse than all of that." Jack said.

Please tell me my mom is okay, I thought.

"Like what?" Alex asked.

"The doctor said when her head hit the dash board it caused her memory lost and also could caused brain damage but that's not the worse thing. The doctor said soon or later maybe she could die from it. If she's not careful." Jack said. When he said that my heart broke. I felt tears coming on and I knew I had to go now. I needed to go and be alone for awhile. Just somewhere. So with my feet I started running and then I just ran out the door not giving a care if anyone saw me. I just needed to be alone right now.

Chapter Nine


I can't believe Avery's mom could die," I thought. I exited the kitchen and found drips of water leading to the front door, which was opened.
"Oh no. Please...don't tell me...Avery heard....." i whispered as I began to run out the door. Where would Avery go if I was her? Victoria's here......Hmmmm....wait what about Tyler? Maybe he seen her. With that I began to run toward his house.

I finally go to Tyler's house and slowed down. I put my hands on my knees and bent over breathing heavy. I caught my breath and walked up the drive way to the door. I knocked on the door at least twice and a woman about in her mid 30's answered the door. She had black hair with brown eyes. Tyler kinda looked kind alike his mother.
"Hi. How can I help you?" She asked with a big smile on her face. When I was about to say something a voice yelled,"God damn that hurts!" The woman rolled her eyes as she turned to where the voice yelled form.
"Be careful! She's no rug doll!" Tyler's mom yelled.
"Oh...I'm Tracy. Tyler's mom." She said as she held her hand out. I shook it and said,"I'm Alex Parker."
"So what brings you here?" She asked me.
"Oh...Is Avery here?" I asked.
"Yeah. She's in the living room.Why don't you come in?" She asked. I nod and she leads me to the living room. Avery was sitting on the floor while Tyler put gauze around Avery's wrist. I sighed and leaned on the door frame.
"You suck at this. Lemme do it." Avery spat at Tyler as she jerked away from him.
"I suck at it? I'm not the one that punched the wall." He spat right back at her. I chuckled at them and they turned to me.
"What!" They both shouted at me.
"You guys act like brother and sister." I said. Just like My sister and I.
"No we don't!" They both yelled. I laughed at them and sat down next to Avery. She stared at me hardcore. I turned to her and stared at her right back.
"i will never blink!" She yelled.
"And I will never Bli-" I yelled but she flicked me on the head and I blinked.
"HA! GOTCHA!" She yelled. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Next time I will win." I muttered.
"ya right? Anyway what are you doing here?" She asked me.
"You heard it. didn't you?" I asked her. She nodded.
"Do you guys want anything to drink?" Tyler's mom asked as she popped her head in from the kitchen.
"Sure. I want some Juice." Tyler said.
"You and your juice, Tyler." His mom said while rolling her eyes. Avery giggled and said,"Some Juice for me to!"
"And you?" she asked me.
"juice." I said. After a little while she came back in with our drinks and handed them to us. I thanked her and she walked back into the kitchen. Tyler had finished in one gulp and so didn't Avery. I sighed and did to. I really needed to talk with Avery.


It felt awkward. I mean having Alex here because of me. Why would he even come to Tyler's house for me? Why does he care? I sighed in frustration and Alex looked at me.

"You okay, Avery?" He asked as he put his cup on the table.
"Yeah." I said. We both stood up at the same time and looked at each other.
"Umm.....I was just about to go. I have to speak with my dad." Alex had said. He walked out the door and closed it behind.
"Well...Tyler. I'll see you sometime." I said and picked up my jacket. I walked outside and closed the door behind me. i walked down the sidewalk when Alex came out of no where and scared me.
"Ah. Geez. Don't do that...." I said.
"Sorry." He apologized.
"What? Alex Parker apologizing." I said with a hand over my mouth after I said it. he rolled his eyes. I looked around but I didn't see his car.
"Where's your car?" I asked. He sighed and then stopped.
"I ran here." He blurted out.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"Because.....I don't know......really...." He said as he looked at the ground.
"Well?" I asked him.
"Well what?" he asked back.
"Well...carry me." I demanded. He sighed and then got on one knee. I laughed and jumped on his back. He stood up and began walking.

"Alex?" I asked him while I sat my chin on his shoulder.
"Hmm?" He said as he looked at me while walking still.
"Will you be there for me?" I whispered. He smiled at me.
"Of course." He said. I smiled at him and he looked back in front of him.

Something about Alex attracts me. Is it his black hair? His eyes? The way he talks, the way he skate boards, the way he walks, they way he smiles, or is it the way he tries to hid things? I sighed.

Don't fall for him, Av. You got this. Take deep breaths and you'll get him out of your mind, I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I took in air but mostly took in Alex's scent. Dang! He smelt good.
I mentally slapped my self. Do I like Alex??? I can't, Right? I mean he isn't my type at all. He's with Vanessa and he doesn't like old little me.


Avery laid her chin on my shoulder and started breathing heavy. She was asleep and man does she look cute. It looked like she was in deep thought when she closed her eyes. I wonder what goes in that head of hers......

I finally made it to the house and I had laid her down on her bed. I turned to walk out of the door but she grabbed my arm.

"Stay with me, Alex." She said as she verily opened her eyes. I couldn't say 'no' and I couldn't say 'yes', So I just nodded. I slid in the cover beside her and wrapped my arms around her. Her head had laid into my chest and she fell back to sleep.

I don't like Avery. I think....No I know that I'm in love with her. The way she skates, the way she thinks too hard about somethings, her comebacks, her smile, her eyes, her hair, when she sleeps, when she's mad or sad, when shes jealous, and the way she hides her feelings.

Before I knew it my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

Chapter Ten


I woke up with Alex's arms wrapped around me. I stared at his face for awhile. He was so calm and innocent when he's a sleep. All of sudden his eyes open and I jump.

"God, Alex." I said as my heart raced.
"Was you staring at me." He smirked.
" like I would stare at you." I lied.
"Don't you lie to me, Avery Jane Salvatore." He said as he used my full name. Wait...How does he know my middle name?
"How do you know my middle name?" I asked.
"Your mom." he said.
"Ah." I said.
"Where is he?!" I heard Vanessa yell at someone outside of my door.
"Crap..." I muttered. Alex stared at me and sighed.
"Moment ruined?" He asked. I nod and jump out of his arms as my door opens. I manage to stand up as the door revealed Vanessa. She smiled and jumped on my bed on top of Alex. I cleared my throat and made a loud noise.
"Do you mind?! We're trying to make out." Vanessa said.
"Get out." I mumbled.
"What did you say?" She asked me with a threatening look.
"I said. GET OUT." I said once again. I pointed to the door. She shot me a death glare and looked back at Alex.
"No." She snapped.
"Well you just picked the hard way." I said. I walked over to her and grabbed her by her tang top. I pulled her off of Alex and dragged her out of my room. I threw her on the floor and slammed my door in her face. I turn around to a smirking Alex.

"Someone is jelly!" He teased me.
"No. I'm not. She was trying to make out with you on my bed." I told him.
"You sound so jealous." he said smirking still.
"It's my room. I don't want Vanessa getting her disease on my bed." I said. He put his hand on his chest and fake gasped.
"Are you calling my girlfriend a disease? Does that make me a disease then?!" He asked like he was interested.
"Well...that depends. You kiss her. SO......YEAH." I said. He fake gasped again and laughed. I chuckled and sighed.
"Sorry about that." I apologized.
"It's okay. She kinda did deserve it." He said. I faked gasp and flopped down on my bed beside him.
"Is Alex Parker agreeing with me?" I asked. He pushed my arm playfully and smiled.
"For once." He said.
"Vanessa has been clingy to you a lot lately. Do you think she's hiding something?" I blurted out. Alex turned to me and started to think.
"Your right. She has been way too clingy to me. Maybe something is up." He said.
"Your Nancy Drew and I'll be Roxie Hunter." I said as I jumped up and got into ninja form.
"But I don't want to be a girl..." He pouted.
"I'm a girl to." I pointed out.
"Well...I don't know. You might be a she-man." he said as he raised his eye brows.
"I'm not and I think you know that." I smirked at him. Alex stands up and walks over to me as I realized I'm still in my ninja form. He pats me on the back and chuckles.
"I know." He says before he walks out my door. I fake gasp and said,"How?! Are you a perv, Alex?!" I heard him laugh and yell,"No, I'm just a guy and I know."


Texte: If you take my book. I will hunt you down XP JK
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2012

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