
Chapter One

Chapter one

Ten years ago I, Sydney Taylor Sinclair was six and I had the most wonderful mother in the world until she died. Then out of no where my dad started hating me. Let's just say that my life must be a real joy to Jessie Clark. Oh yeah....She's my enemy. I'm all grown up now and I'm living in South Dakota but moving to California. It's not that bad and I'm not sad about leaving my life here. Everything bad happen here like my mother died, my dad started hating me, I got dumped by my boyfriend for a "slut". Besides that my best friend, Xavier is in California. "Sydney! Come on! WE ARE GOING TO LEAVE YOU IF YOU DON'T COME ON!" Jane Yelled from the stairs. "OK! I'M COMING!" I yelled back. I pick up my last box filled with my memories here and started down the stairs. "Come on! Come on!" Jane kept yelling. "Calm your horses. I would go fast but there's like 2,000 stairs to go down!" I smirked. I finally got to the bottom when Jane took the box from me and ran out to the Limo and put in the seat. "For heaven sake, Sydney. Come on. Mom and dad are waiting for us in California." Jane said with a huge smile on her face. I walked over to the limo and got in. As soon as I sat down my ear was ringing because Jane decided to yell,"GO! Charles! GO!" "Ow!" I yelled. "Oh sorry Tay." Tay is my nickname that Jane gave me when we first met. I call her J or Jayne. It's just a step sister thing I guess.

*Jane's pov*
As soon as Sydney sat down I yelled,"GO! Charles! GO!" "Ow!" She yelled. "Oh sorry Tay." That's the nickname for her. Charles began to drive and I stared out the window about two hours. When I looked at Sydney she was dead asleep. "Aw....I have to admit she's cute when she sleeps. I wonder what I look like when I sleep." I thought to myself. Charles came to a stop a couple hours later and he looked up at me. "We are her, Ms. Sinclair." he said with a firm voice. I nod and shake Sydney. She jumped up and hit her head off the ceiling of the Limo.

*Sydney's pov*
I felt someone shaking me and I jumped but I hit my head off the ceiling of the Limo.

"Ow......" I look around.
"Where are we?" I thought to myself.
"We're here, Sydney. We are in California and that's our house." She points to a mansion about 5 stories.

I stretch and we get out of the Limo. Charles drives off and our parents come out of the house to greet us.

"How was your drive?" Mom asked.
"It was fine.Sydney fell asleep though." She smirked and walked inside of the mansion. They hug me and we all follow Jane inside.

"Oh yeah. By the way School starts tomorrow and you guys haven't got your'm giving you guys your own credit cards to go buy whatever you like. They both will have about 1,500 dollars on them." Jane looks at me and I do the same. It was silent until we started jumping up and down screaming.
"Thank you! Thank you guys!" We both yelled as she gave us credit cards. "Mom. Can Sydney and I take a rain check to go shopping?"
"I guess but tomorrow. NO rain checks."
"OK! OK! Whatever you say!" She grabs my wrist and drags me to a lime green dodge viper. "Can we take your car instead of mine? I just don't want to use my gas up."
"Yeah....I guess." She opened the door and started my dodge viper up. I hopped in and she drove off.
We finally got home and surprising I'm still alive. We walked in with about 20 bags between Jane and I we probably had about 120 clothes. Dad walked over to us. He laughed because Jane was burred in bags and so was I. He called for some boy named Jake. A tall boy with dark brown hair with hazel eyes helped Jane and I carry our bags to our rooms.
I heard Jane talking to Jake after he helped us. "Jake! We need you down in the kitchen!" I heard our mom say. I graved Jane by her jacket and pulled her in my room. "You like him."
"NO. I don't...." Her face started turning red.
"Yes. You do."
"No.....I don't." "Come on, Jane. Tell me.... the truth."
"Fine....I like him but if he is our butler I can't like him."
"Why?" "Because it's....." "It's what." "FORBIDDEN!" She stomped off and shut her door.

I closed my door and sat down on my bed. I kept staring at my box filled with memories of South Dakota. Uggg.... If only I left it there...... I picked the box up and took out a pic of Hannah and I. Hannah was my best friend back in South Dakota but sadly I had to leave her. I put the picture on my wall and laid down thinking of tomorrow. "What is school going to be like? There's only one thing that I had to keep from everyone and that secret was that I had to pretend to like my step sister Jane. When I first met Jane She was alright but the day after that we hated each other so our mom said if we didn't pretend we like each she would treat us like we were slaves or worse.Great mom but she hates people fighting.I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep.

Chapter Two

Chapter two

*Sydney's Pov*

I woke up to Jane screaming in my ear. "SYDNEY TAYLOR SINCLAIR! GET YOUR BUTT UP! It's time for school and I need to look my best." "And why should I care?" "Because your my loving sister......" "Step sister and where's mom and dad?" "They went to some dinner party but anyway get up and help me pick my outfit out." "I'm not your little butler to push around, Jane. Go pick your own outfit out." "Grumpy much." She got up and walked out of my room. Geez if I could just kill her right now I would. I threw the covers off of me and walk over to my closet. I grab a leather jacket, a dark blue shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, black all star converse, and my bag. I heard the door down stairs open. Well you might ask how but this mansion is so big every single sound echoes. I get dress and begin walking downstairs. I heard voices coming from the kitchen. When I reached the bottom stair I hear Jane and a girl dressed in a cheerleader outfit giggling. I rolled my eyes and graved my keys off of the dish by the door. I bumped into someone when I opened the door. "Watch it Freak!" The voice in front of me said. "Maybe you should watch who your dealing with before you go around calling them freaks." I looked up to a shocked face.Jane walked in behind me. "Hey. I'll see you at school, sis." Jane said while the cheerleader was gasping like a dumb ass. I walked passed him and unlocked my car. "Yeah. I'll see you there." I got in and drove off. "What was that stupid cheerleader gasping about? Oh well....Not all cheerleaders are stupid but you can tell if one is."

*Jane's pov.*
I walked down stairs in the most beautiful outfit EVEA. I heard the door open and Kate was standing there smiling big like always. "Hey. Guess who's driving us to school?" She said. "Who?" I asked. "Matt Reynolds." She squealed. "Your kidding!" "No." I grab her wrist and pulled her into my kitchen. "So he is at my house and he wants to take us to school." "Yeah. Didn't I just go over that. Anyway yep." We started giggling. I heard Matt yelling so I walked out of the kitchen to see Matt staring at Sydney. That....That bitch. She knows I had a special guy here and now she's trying to take him from me. It's on Step sister. "Hey. I'll see you at school, sis." I said while Kate was gasping like a dumb ass. Sydney walked passed him and unlocked her car. "Yeah. I'll see you there." She got in and drove off. "I'll be waiting for you two in my car." Matt said. "Ok." That's all I could say after what happened. Matt walked out to his car and started it up. "Hey,J did you see what happened. You need to get control of your stupid step sis or she's gonna ruin the relationship between you and Matty." "I know and I will make her life a living hell in a snap of a finger." I smiled evilly and we got in Matt's car. He smiled at me with his beautiful well-known smile and drove off.
*Sydney's pov*
I pulled in a parking spot and all eyes were on me. I have to admit it.It was uncomfortable. I don't know how famous people can handle it nor popular people. Well at my old school it was normal but I have a feeling this school is different. Jane lived here all her life and I lived in South Dakota some what my life. I lived in California for awhile then moved to South Dakota and then I got put in foster care after my mom died. That's why Jane is probably a popular girl from what I can put it. I got out of my dodge viper and locked it. "Dang." A boy said. "Is this your car?" He asked. "Yeah...Why?" "It's awesome. I'm Danny Clark. You are?" Danny Clark huh? wait....he's Jessie's brother.....Great two people to ruin my new life here. I put on a fake smile and said,"I'm Sydney Taylor Sinclair." He's smile became a jerk smile. "Hey, bro." I heard a familiar voice come from behind me. "Hey. It's Tay." I turned to face no other than Jessie. I wonder if I can make her mad by not remembering her. "Ummm.....Do I know you?" I pretend to act like I was clueless. Jessie's face turned pale. I could tell she was about to fall over dead because everyone she used to bully or at least try to make their life a living hell always remembered her. "Jess. Jessie. You know...Jessie Clark." Her smile turned into a Is-she-stupid smile. "Not ringing a bell. Well I better go." I smiled at her and said my goodbyes then walked off.

*Jessie's pov*
I got out of my Limo that my mom rented and my brother was talking way.He was talking to Sydney. I can't believe she even came back. That stupid little head of hers isn't gonna help her be popular here. I smiled and grabbed my bag. "Thank you, George." I said like I meant it. He rolled his eyes and drove off. I walked over behind Sydney and said,"Hey, Bro." "Hey. It's Tay." She turned to face me. "Ummm.....Do I know you?" She said clueless. My face turned pale and I felt rage inside. How can she not remember me?! "Jess. Jessie. You know...Jessie Clark." My smile turned into a Is-she-stupid smile. "Not ringing a bell. Well I better go." She smiled at me and said her goodbyes then walked off.

*Jane's pov*
When we got to school I saw my sister talking to my best friend Jessie. Great now she's stealing my best friend. Kate was a back up friend. Jess was my best friend. I growled and made a fist. Matt looked at me and said,"Are you okay,J?" HE CALLED ME BY J!!!! I screamed inside. "Oh...yea..." "Ok good." He smiled at me and I smiled back. All I've dreamed about was to get together with Matt Reynolds. He was the hottest guy in the whole school and he was really nice to me. When he parked the first bell rung. It just meant school is starting. We all got out and walked inside the school building to the gym. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Sydney's pov*
When I got inside the building I walked down the hall. I was kinda nervous because I haven't seen Xavier in five years or less. Someone touch me on my back and broke my thought. I swung around and hit Xavier with the book I had in my hand. "Xavier? Xavier?! I'm so sorry. That's a habit of mine from South Dakota." "It's alright, Sydney. At longs I get to see ya it doesn't matter." He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Can you tell me where the heck my locker is?" "Yeah sure. What is it?" "27B" "Oh that's right there beside Matt's and Jessie's locker." He points over to locker 27B. Great right beside two I hate the most Matt Reynolds and Jessie Clark. "Thanks." I put all my stuff in my locker and we headed to the gym for a announcement from the principal.
When Xavier and I get to the gym he sees his friends and walk of. Of course like anyone says a hot dude must be popular. Anyway Jessie was up there so was Jane so I knew he was popular. I shrugged and walk over to sit next to random strangers. The principal came out with a mic and said,"Good morning, students. So As you all know I'm your principal, Mrs.Barker and I just want to say I hope this year is good. Football try outs, cheer leading try outs, and any other try outs will be this Friday. The club joining session will be on Thursday. If your new here come to my office to get your Schedule. That is all." She smiled and walked out of the gym doors. For a gym it was huge not normal huge I mean HUGE. I laughed at what I said and began walking to the Principal's office. When I got there a girl came running out of her office crying. I never ever saw that happen before in a school. Oh well not my problem. I walked into her office and sat down in a chair.

"You must be, Sydney Taylor Sinclair. I'm your new Principal and heres your Schedule." She handed me a piece of paper and made a hand gesture that said get out of my office.

I got up and walked out into the hallway. When I looked at my schedule. 1st period- Math like always 2nd period- science ok blah blah blah 6th period-gym. The bell rang and I walked to my first class. The first people I saw were Xavier, Jessie, Matt, and Jane. Of course put me in a class with people I hate. I walked in and the teacher was writing his name on the board.

"Stop and tell us who you are" Wait how in the heck did he even know I walked in. Weird.... I stood in front of class trying to ignore Jane trying to mouth words to me.

"I'm Sydney Sinclair." I smiled at the boys who were shocked and then I sat down beside Xavier because it was the only seat.

By the way the reason why people are shocked is because about five years ago or so I went to their Middle school and I had glasses, frizzy hair, and I was a smarty but I'm still smart. I was bullied by Jessie but she didn't make my life a living hell cause I never let her do that to me and Xavier was there for me.
Then I moved to South Dakota and I got my glasses off. Then my hair started to go smooth and silky. That's when my mother died and my father started hating me but I need to forget the past. Also some were shocked because I was a "Sinclair".
*Xavier's pov*
I can't believe today went that fast. I walked into gym class which was my six period class. The awesome thing was I had it with Sydney. I think this is the only time I can tell Sydney the truth about me and Jess. I've been dating her since 1 month ago. "Hey Xavier" I heard Sydney say and broke my thoughts. "Oh hey." "I heard were playing Dodge ball." "Cool. I can wipe some ass now." "Mhmmmm sure." she smiled. "Ok. Jessie and You." The gym teacher Pointed at Sydney. "You guys are the team captains. Good luck. I'm going to watch my show." The teacher walked off into her office. "Matt, Kate, and Jane." Jessie pointed at each one of them. "Xavier, Danny, and....." A girl with blond hair with a light blue highlight going down her long bangs raised her hand. "Cassie." She said. "And Cassie." She might become Sydney's new friend. As usual Jane got first because she broke a nail and then Danny got out. So it's just me, Sydney, Cassie, Matt, and Jessie. After long hard throw at Matt he got out. Then out of no where Jess got me out so the only one left was Jess and Sydney. "Bring whatever you got loser." I heard Jess say as Sydney hit the ball so hard that it hit Jess and knocked her out. I would of laughed but she's my girl friend so I didn't. Sydney was smiling and looking at me so I had to smile to make her happy. She was my best friend since childhood and I loved her so much I couldn't make her sad but soon I have to.

*Sydney's pov*
I hit the ball so hard that I knocked Jessie out. I was so happy that I was going to burst. The weird part was no one walked over to Jessie to help her. Oh well...I looked at Xavier who was smiling at me and I smiled back. I heard the bell ring and everyone was telling me good game. Today was good for a first day but Xavier was hidden something from me and I could tell. I walked to my locker to get my bag and I shut my locker behind. My phone started to ring and I picked it up " Hey" I said. "Hey good game, Tay." Jane said into the phone. "Yeah. Thanks." "See you at home. I got a ride from Matty so...bye" Bye" I hung up the phone. I got out a apple and started to bite into it when I saw Xavier and Jessie kissing. I dropped my apple and walked off upset that he was keeping it from me all these years.

*Xavier's pov*
As soon as I walk out of the gym. Jess grabs me and starts kissing me. She then drags me to her locker and gets out her bag. "Hey, babe. Are you coming over today?" "I don't know et. It depends if I have practice." "Oh ok." She smiled and pulled me over to the wall and started kissing me. two minutes later I saw a apple roll and hit my foot. Jess stopped kissing me and walked off. "Weird...." I thought.
*Sydney's pov*
When I got home Jane was in the living room on the couch with no other than Jessie and Matt. I wanted to punch her because she probably wanted to keep it from me but I couldn't because she's my best friend's girlfriend. Jessie looked at me and smirked. I ignored her and Jane said,"Hey Tay. Mom and dad will be back in an hour." "Ok whatever." I walked up to my room and sat down on my bed. I forgot to turn my phone back on when I turned it off when I headed to gym. I turned it on and there was about five new text messages. I opened one and it was from Hannah.


Sydney: NO WAY! You can stay with me! SO UR PARENTS AGREED WITH MINE!
Sydney: YAY! NOW u can met my childhood best friend Xavier. :p
Hannah: Yep. Can't wait. u still trying not to lose that bet ur mom made. :3
Sydney: yeah but behind her back we fight so where we don't make her mad or upset.
Hannah: Ur always nice and awesome at the same time :D OK ur mom said to turn off my phone cuz she can't drive with me making happy faces and screaming or something like that ok byezzzzz :D see in a bit
Sydney: Ok byez Hannah ;)

After that I checked another text message that was from my dad. YAY! not he wasn't the best dad ever he hated me remember. I don't know why though. I have to text back though at least. I opened the message and it said,"I made a Arrange marriage for you. Tomorrow you have dinner with your soon to be husband so be nice." Like I said he hates me so it has to be someone I can't stand or someone I tried to kill before. I text back Do you ever give me a break dad?! I'll be nice but I will find a way outta this. I promise you that! I turned my phone and sighed. "Looks like someones having it hard." That voice. "Hannah?!" I set up and Hannah had her bags on my floor. I jumped up and hugged her. "SO...WHO's the hot jerk, the girl obsessing over him, and the girl who's texting Xavier." said Hannah. "The jerk is Matt Reynolds I hate him, The girl obsessing over him is my step sis, and the other girl is Jessie my enemy." "Oh...So tomorrow I'll be joining you. Can you drive me to school?" "Of course! Your my friend." She smiled and put her stuff in the corner and sat down on the other bed in my room.

*Hannah's pov*
When I got to her house I jumped out of the car I mean literally jumped out while it was moving. I ran inside,saw a boy and two girls on the couch but I ignored them, and ran up stairs. I greeted Sydney and soon a later I was on the other bed looking at her closet with all the awesome clothes in it. I smiled big and she looked at me. "Yes you can wear some of them." She said. I smiled and asked,"SO tomorrow Can I met this Xavier guy?" "Umm....I-I don't think so...Maybe some other time. I'm really busy tomorrow." "Ok then."
Jane walked into her room. Matt and Jessie followed her. "What is it?" Sydney said. "Jessie is staying with us tomorrow night so and our parents are going to be outta town for the weakened. They are Friday. Two days with them and three days without them. So I'm having a party and I don't want you to ruin it so keep You and your so called friends up here or could join us." She smiled and walked off. Matt and Jessie followed close behind. "Wow what a sis you have there Sydney?" "I know right." She gave me a cover and a pillow. As soon as She turned the lights off we both passed out.

Chapter Three

*Sydney's pov*
I woke and Hannah was in my closet looking around. "Good morning, Hannah." "Good morning, Sydney." I got up and walked over to her. "I was thinking this Gray jacket with that white shirt and this black blue short shorts with this black necklace.Plus I'll curl my dark brown hair, I'll have white knee socks on and my black high heels. What do you think?" "It's cute. I'm going to wear my leather jacket, my black leopard colorful punk dress that goes to my thighs with my black boots." "Hmm....Good choice." She picks up her outfit and changes. I get mine as well and change. About two minutes later Hannah and I go downstairs to my mom cooking us breakfast. "Your in a good mood today. What happened?" I asked her. "Well....Do you that dinner I went to?" "Yeah. Why?" "Well. She said she'll come over for dinner today so I need you here tonight." "Oh...I can't mom." "Why?" "My dad made a arrange marriage so I have to meet them tonight at dinner... I'm so sorry for taken another rain check but if I don't do this something bad will happen." "I understand." Hannah and I grave a piece of toast and walk to my dodge viper. Hannah's mouth drops open. "This is your car." "Yep." We get in and she looks at me. "What?" I asked. "So Arrange Marriage huh?" "I'll tell all about it later."
I pulled up into a parking spot and all eyes were on Hannah like she was their favorite TV show. We got out and I locked the doors. "I got Gym with you so see you there." "OK Hannah." She walks inside and I follow her. She bumps into Danny. I smile and walk over to my locker. Xavier walks up behind me and says,"I've texted you a million times. Are you avoiding me?" I stand up and look at him. "Why do you care?" "I'm your friend Tay. You know me." "I thought I did." I walk off from him.

*Hannah's pov*
I walk inside and I bump into this boy with dark brown hair with brown eyes.
"HI. I'm Hannah. Also Sydney's other best friend. You are?" "I'm Danny Clark. You must know my sister Jessie from Sydney." "Yeah. I saw her yesterday. Do you know where room 121 is?" "Yeah. I have that class. Just follow me." "Alright." I follow him to room 121. When I got there I saw the boy that use to date in South Dakota but he moved here 1 year ago.
I walked in and the teacher turned to me. "Oh. The new student. GO ahead and introduce yourself." "I'm Hannah Green. Sydney's best friend." "Nice to meet you Hannah." I sat down next to Danny who was talking to my Ex. Oh no. What if he tells Danny that I went out with him or that he wants to go back out? I want a new life not the past.

*Jessie's pov*
I pull Xavier by the shirt to our make out spot and we start kissing but he gots that stupid worried face on. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Somethings wrong with Sydney." "Why do you care?" "She's my friend, Jess. Since childhood." "I know. Sorry. How about you come to her house tomorrow? Jane's having a part and you guys can talk it out." I put a fake smile on. "Really?" "Yep" "Thank you,Jess." He kisses me and walks to class. I follow behind him close.
*Sydney's pov*
I got tackled by Hannah who was freaking out. "Calm down Hannah. What happened?" "Well. DO you that boy I was dating in South Dakota and he moved here?" "Yeah." "Well. I didn't want to date him because I wanted a new life here. I kinda went back out with him and I need your opinion," "If you like him then be with him Hannah." "Thanks." She hugged me and pulled me into the gym. I saw Xavier and Jessie talking which made me even more mad. Hannah stopped in front of Danny and her boyfriend Kyle. "Hi. I'm Sydney." "Hey." He said. All I was thinking was about tonight. Grr...I hate my dad. "OK Class. Today boys play knock out or whatever and girls play valley ball or whatever. My other show is on so bye. She walks to her office and shuts her door. "Wow. Is that all she does?" "Yep" I said. We laughed. "SO....Me. You need to pick your outfit out for tonight. you know.." Yes I do. Don't even mention it." She grabs my wrist and goes to pull me when I hit the wall. "Ow! HANNAH!" Xavier looks at me and smiles but I frown. "Sorry Tay." She drags me off and I see Xavier sigh. Should I forgive me for dating the girl who ruined my life.....
We got outside to my car and Hannah grabs the keys. "Can I Drive?" "Sure." We got in and she starts the car. A hour later we get at my house and go inside. "MOM! DAD! ANYONE HOME!" There was no answer so Hannah and I go upstairs to my closet. We look around. "Hmmm... Those dark purple and black hills with that Halter Neck short dress and a leather jacket." She said. "That's an awesome outfit Hannah. I swear if I didn't know I would be wearing sweat pants and a white stained t-shirt." "Thanks but no you wouldn't you would have a killer style." I smile and put the dress on. "Aw! SO CUTE!" She yelled so loud that it echoed through out the house. "Wow. I was right." I smiled. "Where's the curler?" "Um...under the counter in my bathroom. She walk to the bathroom and got the curler and came back. "Is this it?" "Yep." After I came out of the bathroom I was ready to go. "Make-up. Yeah. Clothes. Yep. Hair. Yup." Hannah smiled at me. "You look pretty, Sydney." "Thanks. What time is it?" "Um...Eight O'clock." "Ok. I have to go now. I'll be back around nine." "Ok Tay."
I was there. My soon to be husband's house. The only thing I hated about being in arrange marriage is the whole thing. You have to marry a person you don't know or love. I sighed as I knocked on the door. Two nice looking parents answered the door. "Oh you must be Ms.Sinclair. Right this way." She showed me the way to the table. A butler pulled my chair out and I sat down. "Let me call my son down." She said in a royal way. "Lucas!" Lucas? I thought he went to my school and she said he was in my class but there is no Lucas in my class. I look down and text to Hannah that I was here. I looked up to see MATT! I couldn't say anything. He was shocked. Hell I'm even more shocked that my dad picked him. Well that's my dad for ya. He ruins life for everyone. I put on a fake smile. I guess Matt got the memo and played along. "Excuse me. I got to take this." "Take what?" "Oh. I put my phone on silent so there would be no irruptions." "Aw. What a nice girl?" I get up and go to a random room and I call my dad.
He picks up and says,"Hello?" "Hey Dad. Love the dude your making me marry." "Really? Darn it. I need to find someone you hate a lot." "YOU ALREADY DID! WHY HIM?! WAIT WHY DO I HAVE TO BE IN A FREAKING ARRANGE MARRIAGE ANYWAY!" I yelled as loud as I could. "To get revenge." "On who." "You." "Why?" "Because your the cause that my wife and your mother is died." "What?!" I yelled and felt warm tears about to go down my face. "HOW COULD YOU DAD? SAY I'M THE ONE THAT DID THAT TO MOM. SHE DIDN'T DESERVE WHAT SHE GOT!." I felt tears run down my face. "YOU DID IT TO HER!" He yelled into the phone. "WHAT'D I DO THAT KILLED HER?!" "The day she died you asked if she could pick you up from school." "Where is this going?" "Just listen. You was looking out of the window when you saw a dress you wanted when you grow up so your mother got out and bought it for you when you turn seventeen. When she got in a truck hit her. The day at the hospital you went to go see her but you tripped over the cord of her oxygen tank and she lost air. That's when she died." "I was six Dad and I never went in mom's room. They wouldn't let me. The only people that was in there was you and your crazy ex wife!" I yelled and talked while I cried. "Sydney-" I cut him off by hanging the phone up. I looked into the mirror and my make up was ruined. I wash my face and removed the messed up make up and went back to dinner. I sat back down. Matt was staring at me like he heard everything which he probably did but his parents didn't. I put another fake smile on and tried to enjoy the dinner but I just wanted to die right now. "Well. Ms. Sinclair. My son told me that Jane is having a party and I'm letting him go if he hangs with you. You two need to get to know each other before the Wedding." "I nod. Finally, the dinner was over and I was about to burst out crying but I held it in. I got in my car and drove off.
When I got home and into my room Hannah was asleep. She probably fell asleep waiting for me. I patted her head and whispered,"Sorry Han." I covered her up and fell asleep crying.

Chapter Four

I woke up and stretched surprising that no one was screaming. I yawned and the bad part was Jake was watching the whole time. "What time is it, Jake?" "About Nine O'clock." "Do we have school?" "Yeah but today Jane said,"Jake. I'm having a party so Sydney and I will be planing the party so no school." "Ah...Thanks Jake." I got up and got dressed. I came out of the bathroom wearing dark blue shirt with my black leather jacket,and my black short shorts. I put on my converse. I walked downstairs and Jane was yelling at a mail man. "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME?! I'M PRETTY RIGHT!" Her make up was running and it looks like she's been eating junk food. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "NO!" she drops to the floor and picks up another donut. "NO Jane put the Donut down!" "Why'd you care?" "I'm your step sis as you say." "Fine." She puts the donut down. "Now what's wrong." "I just found out that Matt is in a Arrange marriage." I gulped and smiled. "There's other guys,J" "Like who!" "Ummm...Jake." "He's our butler." Jake walks by and says,"NO I'm not!." "Then what the heck are you!" "I'm a guest. I've been staying here and I just like helping pretty girls." he smiled at us and walked off. "See." I said. "OK fine."

*Jane's pov*
I woke up in the morning and was so happy I could tell Matt I like him. I smiled but then Katie texted me and said,"OMG! Matt is in a Arrange marriage." I screamed and ran down stairs. I order 3 dozen donuts and argue with the mail man. Thank god Sydney helped me.Three hours later we had the whole has ready. The party is on and I get the chance to get Matt to like me. I smiled and the bell rang. I opened the door. Matt, Jess, Kate, Xavier, Danny, Kyle, Hannah, Cassie, and Jake's friends come in.

* Sydney's pov*
I walk down stairs. Xavier looks at me with a puppy face but I turn around and walk back up stairs. Hannah grabs my arm and drags me back downstairs. I sighed and ignored Xavier. "LET THE PARTY BEGIN!" I heard Jane yell when she turned her stereo on. Xavier walked over to me. "Can I talk to you?" "Sorry but I got a promise or rather something I want to do instead of talking to you." I walk over to Matt. "So....Let's get to know each other." I said to him. Xavier looked at me funny and walked off probably pissed. "So who's your real mom and dad, Sydney?" "Oh. My mom died and my dad hates me but you probably already know that." "Yeah. I kinda heard yesterday." "Well let's talk about something else." "How about you tell how you met Hannah?" " met Hannah when I first moved to South Dakota. She tackled me because she was running to school and wasn't watching where she was going and that's when we became friends." "Wow. Great way to met your best friend." "Yeah." "What about Xavier?" "Oh. When I lived here long time ago It was when I was six. Xavier was in my class and I sat right beside him. Then later on in the hallway I was getting bullied by this Jessie and he then that's when he came in." "Jessie. That Jessie." He pointed to Jessie Clark taking Xavier's hand and dragging him upstairs. "a....yeah." "You should talk to him you know." "What? no.... he's busy." "Come on. Sydney. Go." He makes a gesture that says go now or do I have to force you. "OK. OK. I'm going." I told him as I walk upstairs. I walk to my room to get my phone when I open my door to Jessie and Xavier kissing. "Oh sorry." Xavier looks at me and says,"NO. Um..... Can we please talk?" "I shrug and put on a fake smile. "Sure." He kissed Jessie on the cheek and she walked out. When Xavier wasn't looking she flipped me off but ignored her. I closed the door in her face and sat down beside Xavier. "I'm sorry. If I hurt you, Tay." "I can't be mad at you long and you know that." I smirked and hugged him. "I know." Jessie opened the door and said,"Yay! All is right!" She pretended to care. Jessie walked over to Xavier, sat on his lap, and started kissing him. I made a puking sound and stood up. "If you wanna do that get out of my room." Jessie groaned and dragged Xavier out of my room. I sighed and walked downstairs to Cassie all bored out on the chair while all kinds of people show up. "Cassie! what's wrong?!" I yelled trying to speak over the loud music. "WHAT?!" She yelled back. I grabbed her arm and walked back upstairs to my room. "I said what's wrong?" "Oh. I just can't stand someone here." "Who?" "Well...Matt." "Why?" "I hate him because I like him." "What?" "Yeah but I will never have a chance now since the arrange marriage and Jane." "Umm.. Well trust me the arrange marriage isn't gonna happen." "What?" "I have to tell you something." "Do tell..." "I'm the girl that has arrange marriage with Matt." "Your kidding." "No but I wish I was." "How are you going to get out of it?" "That's easy. Matt confesses who he likes or fake confesses then I say my speech and punch my dad in the face. Wala!" "Great plan but when is this so called marriage." "It's in two days." I sighed. "Oh OK." We walked back down stairs to Jane dancing on the counter, Hannah kissing Kyle, Matt trying to tell girls off, Danny staring at a girl named Tiffany, and Kate trying to find the way throw a maze in a coloring book. Cassie and I laugh our heads off. "I'm going to go talk to some random people." "K." I said. I walk over to Matt and say,"Is my so called Husband trying not to cheat?" I said sarcastically and Kate over heard what I said. "Haha very funny Mrs. Reynolds." We laugh.

*Kate's pov*
I was trying to do a maze in a coloring book when I heard this. "Is my so called Husband trying not to cheat?" Sydney said sarcastically. "Haha very funny Mrs. Reynolds." they laughed. I got up, walked over to Jane, told her about what happened, and she got pissed I mean not a girl kissed him pissed I mean I'm going to kill someone pissed.

*Jane's pov*
Kate told me what I didn't want to hear. I was filled with rage and disappointment. I got off of the counter walked over to Sydney and I slapped her as card as I could. The funny part was it echoed so loud that Xavier and Jess came downstairs and asked what was that sound. I smirked at her as a red hand print left on her face. By now it was silent in my house. "What the hell is wrong with you J?!" I heard Matt yell. "I have a little announcement for all y'all. This bitch took my Matty and now she's getting married to him." I told the whole party. I smiled wide as the girls all around became angry. "And Matt is way out of her range and he will leave all you girls alone no going out with Matty cuz of that bitch right there." I pointed my finger in Sydney's face. "That's enough Jane!" Xavier and Cassie yelled at me. "What? You can't face the truth that your best friend Xavier never told you this or that she's marrying your love." I laughed at the facts.

*Sydney's pov*
By now it was silent in the house. "What the hell is wrong with you J?!" I heard Matt yell. "I have a little announcement for all y'all. This bitch took my Matty and now she's getting married to him." Jane told the whole party. She smiled wide as the girls all around became angry. "And Matt is way out of her range and he will leave all you girls alone no going out with Matty cuz of that bitch right there." She pointed her finger in my face. "That's enough Jane!" Xavier and Cassie yelled at her. "What? You can't face the truth that your best friend Xavier never told you this or that she's marrying your love." She laughed at the facts. Xavier and Cassie both frowned at what she had said and they back away. "Oh look now Tay. No one likes you. Face the facts that a girl like you doesn't deserve any of this!" She looked at me like I was trash. "NO! JANE YOUR WRONG! YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS! Your a Scrawny little bitch that doesn't know how to keep her pants up and you stalk Matt so Don't be talking about yourself like that." I yelled and everyone said,"uhhhh or ahhhhhhh." I smiled and she tried to punch me but she missed. I punched her and she dropped to the floor. "Don't mess with a girl you don't know but live with." I said as I walk pass the crowd. I take more look back and walk upstairs.

*Hannah's pov*
Woah! Go Sydney. "OK. Who ever doesn't live or isn't the friends of Sydney or Jane get out?" Everyone leaves besides Matt, Cassie, Jess, Danny, Kate, and Xavier.
Matt looked like he was going to kill Jane more than helping her. Danny helped Jane because he liked her. "Thank you Danny." Her nose was bleeding a little and Kate freaked out like Justin Bieber was here. Jess was kinda shocked that Sydney did that and it worried her because she's about to do something to her you can tell in her eyes. Jane started crying like she had lost her best friend. Danny, Matt, Jess, Kate, and Cassie fell for it besides me and Xavier. I couldn't believe her after her fake crying. I laughed and everybody looked at me. "What are you laughing at, Hannah?" I heard Danny ask. "At all of you." "Why?" "Because if you believe her your all but pathetic little freaks. Sydney might be marrying Matt but she never planed to shes trying to get outta of it." "My life is harder than hers." Jane said. "Oh really? Please tell me what makes your life so hard, Jane." "I have to pick my outfit out in the morning to improve boys liking me, I have to try to get a boy I like, I have to follow the popular list, and I have to make sure I stay beautiful." "Haha You don't get what hard is do you. Sydney's mother died, her dad hates her, She has to marry a dude she hates no offense Matt, She's falling for someone she can never have, and she has to put up with you." I said to her face. She was shocked but not caring she said,"I will destroy you Hannah green and my step sis to." I laughed and walked upstairs.

Chapter Five

*Sydney's pov*
I woke up on the stairs. "JANE!" I yelled. "What?" She said like she was innocent. I stood up and walked to my room. Hannah fell off of the bed and woke up. "I'm awake!* There was LOSER on her forehead. "Umm... Han..... You might wanna look in the mirror." She got up and walked in the bathroom about 30 seconds she screamed. "What the hell?! I'm going to kill her." She stormed outta my bathroom and I stopped her. "Calm down. We'll get revenge." I said. "OK. Let's just get dressed. When Hannah reached my clothes she gasp. "What is it now?" "She kinda ripped all all your clothes." I shrugged. "We have nothing to wear!" "Yes we do." I walked in my closet and I pushed a button the led to a secret room. We walked into the room and it was filled with clothes. "Wow." "Yeah. So pick anything ya want and change into it. It's time for revenge Han." I said. She grabbed some clothes ran out of the room. I grabbed a black leather jacket with my laced heels and a gray Erin dress with a black bow in the middle. I put them on and walk out of the secret room. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. Hannah followed behind. When we reached the bottom. I saw Jane kissing Kyle in the kitchen. "What the hell? Is that Kyle?" she whispered to me. "Yeah and I'm going to have proof to." I took a picture of them kissing. I walk in the kitchen pretending she's not there and hit here in the shoulder. She pushed Kyle into the fridge and turned to me. "What the heck, Tay?!" "Well maybe you should kept your mouth wear it should be." I snapped and walked off.
When we got to school Hannah was so pissed off she punched the closest person she could find. Poor boy. "Hannah. I'm so sorry about Jane." "It's okay. I'll get a good way to hurt them both." Crap she had that evil face on. "By the way I might be kicked out for three days or something." I sighed as she walked off.

*Hannah's pov.*
I was going to kill that girl for kissing Kyle or him kissing her whatever. They're gonna wish they hadn't kissed. I smiled evilly and walked to my first period class.

*Sydney's pov*
I watched as Hannah walked off into a crowd of people and I sighed. That's Hannah for ya. I saw Jane walk into the school. As she walked passed me I tripped her and Matt caughter her. "Sydney you need to stop being a bitch. It hought I was the jerk not you." He said. "I might be a jerk at least I"m not faking my life." I said as I walk down the hall.
*Hannah's pov*
I walked to the cafeteria and see Kyle smiling like nothing ever happened. I grabbed a milk an dpiad for it. I walked over to Kyle. He turned to me. "Hey......" He said. "HEy." I said as I pourd the milk on his head. "I might of paid for the milk but I think it's more better on you then drinking it." I said as he friends said,"Oh BURN!" or "GO Hannah!" I smiled and left Kyle speechless.

*Kyle's pov*
"Yeah. We started wmaking out for an hour." I said and my friends stare at something behind me. "What?" I asked. I turned around and Hannah was right in fornt of me. "Hey......" I siad. "hey" She said as she poured milk on my head. "I might of paid for the milk but I think it's more better on you then drinking it." She said. My friends said,"Oh Burn! GO HANNAH!" She smiled and left me speechless.

*Matt's pov*
I walked down the hall and seen Jane slap Sydney. I stood where no one could see me and watched them.

*Sydney's pov*
Jane slapped me and I got angry every second I had to stare at her face. "See girls. She's so weak and pathetic." She looks at all her friends and laugh. I roll my eyes and stand there listening. "Is that all you got?" I asked her. She had that stupid thinking look. "NO. No suprise here." I said as I smiled. Jane looked at her friend, Lisa. They both looked at each other then noded. Lisa walks up to me. "What do you want?" I asked. "Me. You. After school in the parking lot." She said. "Bring me all of what you got." I said as I walk off to class. AM I scared?.....No. Am I worried?......Just for Lisa. I smiled and walked into class and sat down.
The bell rang and Hannah ran over to me. SHe said with a worried face,"Are you actaulley going to do this, Sydney?" I noded and said,"Yeah. Don't worry." She smiled and walked outside. I sighed and walk outside to the parking lot. I saw Jane and her crew taking turns kissing Kyle and his friends. I rolled my eyes and walked up to Lisa. She turned to me and laughed. "You really showed up." She said. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" I asked her. "Because everyone knows when I get into a fight I always win." "Well your record is about crash n burn." I said. She threw the first punch and before you knew it she was on the ground groaning and crying. "Sorry. Not my fault that you got into a fight with me. Blame your so called friend. Jane." I said as I got into my car a drove off. I felt sorry that I had to do that but it's a warning to Jane to back off because I don't want to hurt anyone. Oh yeah one more thing my wedding is today. YAY!.......Not. I parked at Matt's house.
"What are you doing here?" He asked me. "I have a plan to get out of this arrange marriage." "Go on." He said. "OK. I have to be in love with someone, Which I am, and YOu have to be in love. Are you in love?" I asked him. "No." he said. "Um....hmmm. Yes. I know who likes you and you can act like you love her." I said. "Who?" He asked. "Cassie." I said.

Chapter Six

Chapter Six

"Cassie? I dunno. It's not like I like her or anything. I do like her but Do you think Jane would mess with her." He said. "Not on my watch Matt." I said. We walked over to Cassie and explained what the plan was. Then Matt and Cassie walked off talking to each other. I smiled as I walked outside to my car. I got in and drove off toward the wedding dresses store. Ugh...I parked my car and Matt's mother grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the building. "Come on Darling. We have dresses to find!" She sounded happy but I am screaming on the inside. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! She made me put on a long wedding dress with a pink ribbon. "Looks pretty." The woman beside me said. "Grr.....No." I said trying to be nice. "I have one that will match your liking's well then..." She said as she pick up a wedding dress with black trims. I put it on and smiled. "Yes." I said and Matt's mom bought the dress. Then she pulled me around stores the whole day. When it was 2:50 p.m She drove me to the wedding. I got dressed and waited for everything to go as plan. I smiled evilly as my step father took me down the isle. "Are you sure about this?" He asked me in a whisper. "I have no choice." I whispered. He nodded and then we reached Matt. He let go of my arm and I stood in front of Matt. All I heard was Blah blah blah and then I heard,"I do." "I do." I said. "Does anyone want to irrupt this wedding to tell their loving for Sydney or Matt?" He asked. Matt and I raised our hands. "Besides you two." He said putting our hands down. Cassie sighed and raised her hand. "You? OK. Tell us." He said. "I'm in love with Matt." She almost fell over saying it. "And I'm in love with Cassie to." Matt admitted. "I'm in love with someone as well." I busted out saying. I slap myself in the face and then sigh. "Who may that be?" The man asked me. I whispered in his ear and he nodded. "This wedding is off!" He yelled to everyone. I saw my dad gasp and begin to walk out the door. I walked up to him and grabbed his arm. "You forgot something." I said. "What?" He asked. "This." I said as I punched him in the face. I ran outside with Matt and Cassie following. "FREEDOM!" I yelled. We all start burst out laughing. We got into Matt's car and drove to my house.

Chapter Seven

Matt pulls up to my drive way and we all get out. "Well guys. Guess I'll see ya tomorrow." I said waving them good bye as they hop back in the car and Matt drives off. I turn around and walk inside my house.
I closed the door behind and yelled,"THANK GOD! I'm FREE!" I smiled as I ran upstairs to my room. I jumped on my bed and looked at the clock. 8:00 p.m. Ugh! Jane should be home any minute. I stood up and walked to my door.
I heard the front door downstairs open and Jane laughing. I rolled my eyes and slammed my door shut. I locked it and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and jumped out of my bed. I got dressed and ran downstairs. Today I'm free but yesterday I was leashed . Sounds funny right. Anyway I have a feeling today is going to be great. It's just a feeling it's not like the worlds going to end because I'm happy right? I bumped into Xavier. To think about it i haven't talked to him in a while. "Hi.." I said making the awkward silence go away. "Hey." He said back. "See you at school."I said as I walked outside.
Weird,I thought. He looked rather depressed.

When I got to School my eyes widen and I was shocked. There right in front of me was Matt and Cassie. Making out. I smiled and ran up to them.

"So you guys going out?" I asked. They jumped from each other and nodded.
"Yeah.." They both said.
"Aw...How cute.." I whispered. I winked at them and walked off smiling. I waled into my first period and sat down in the back. Just then the teacher walked in and laid his clip board on his desk.
"Good morning class. We've got a new student today." He said. Everybody started to gossip. Some of the girls said,"Is it a girl or boy? If it's a girl I hope she's pretty and if a boy hope he's a stud muffin." I laughed at what the girl said and she turned to me.
"You got a problem, freak." She snapped.
"No but do you?" I snapped back.
"Whatever. Your not even pretty so I should stop talking to you."
"I think she's wonderful." A boy voice from the front of class said. All the girls turn to find a boy about 6'4, green eyes, dark brown hair, and a cute accent. I heard all the girls gasp at him. I rolled my eyes and made a quiet chuckle at them.
"Everyone, this is Levi. Treat him nice. Oh...Jessie don't stalk him." He said to the girl from before. she huffed and leaned back.
"Burn." I said.
The boy called 'Levi' walked back and sat next to me.


Texte: This Book is MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3 No stealing now.... Or I will hunt you down Jk but really please don't steal it
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.01.2012

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I Dedicate this book to my Best friends Emily, Kristen, and Toni :) I miss you guys!!!!

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